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From This Life to the Next: Everything You Want to Know About Heaven
by Judson CornwallUnfortunately heaven has become more of an enigma than an anticipated destination. Although you may have seen many depictions of glorious heavenly scenes in movies and heard awe-inspiring testimonials of near- and after-death experiences, you may still be apprehensive about the afterlife.Heaven is no longer a mystery Culled from Cornwall&’s extraordinary teachings over years of ministry, From this Life to the Next challenges many preconceived ideas about heaven. It claims that the moment of stepping from this life into the next should not be one we dread or fear because Jesus said that He would be there to meet us, and His presence will be our joy. Your pressing questions about heaven will be answered such as:Is heaven a real place?What is heaven like?Where is heaven, and how do we get there?What will my body look like?Will I recognize loved ones?REMOVE THE FEAR OF DEATH and the afterlife and rekindle the excitement to one day meet Jesus and dwell in His presence for eternity.
From This Moment: A Novel
by Kim Vogel SawyerA lost ring brings together two wounded souls—a youth minister haunted by the past and a spunky church custodian—in this heartwarming romance from the bestselling author of The Librarian of Boone&’s Hollow. &“Kim Vogel Sawyer is an amazing storyteller who crafts each of her stories with page-turning excitement and rich character development.&”—Tracie Peterson, bestselling author of the Golden Gate Secrets seriesGrowing up in the foster care system, Jase Edgar always dreamed of one day starting his own family. But his fiancée's untimely death shattered his plans. Moving to Kansas and serving as a youth minister should be a fresh start, but he can't seem to set aside his doubts about God's goodness long enough to embrace his new life. Newly-appointed church custodian, Lori Fowler is battling her own challenges. Her strained relationship with her father and her struggles with overeating convince her she's not worthy enough for love. When an Amish weaver enlists their help locating the owner of a ring found among the donated clothing she uses as fabric, Jase and Lori find themselves drawn to each other. But will they be able to release the past and move forward from this moment into a joyful future?
From Times Square to Timbuktu: The Post-Christian West Meets the Non-Western Church
by Wesley Granberg-MichaelsonIn the last century, amazingly, world Christianity's center of gravity has effectively moved from Europe to a point near Timbuktu in Africa. Never in the history of Christianity has there been such a rapid and dramatic shift in where Christians are located in the world.Wesley Granberg-Michaelson explores the consequences of this shift for congregations in North America, specifically for the efforts to build Christian unity in the face of new and challenging divisions. Centers of religious power, money, and theological capital remain entrenched in the global, secularized North while the Christian majority thrives and rapidly grows in the global South. World Christianity's most decisive twenty-first-century challenge, Granberg-Michaelson argues, is to build meaningful bridges between faithful churches in the global North and the spiritually exuberant churches of the global South.Watch the trailer:
From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research
by Michael KibbeWhile courses in Bible and theology typically require research papers, particularly at the graduate level, very few include training in research. Professors have two options: use valuable class time to teach students as much as they can, or lower their standards with the understanding that students cannot be expected to complete tasks for which they have never been prepared. From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research offers a third option. This affordable and accessible tool walks students through the process, focusing on five steps: finding direction, gathering sources, understanding issues, entering discussion and establishing a position. Its goal is to take students directly from a research assignment to a research argument―in other words, from topic to thesis.
From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research
by Michael KibbeWhile courses in Bible and theology typically require research papers, particularly at the graduate level, very few include training in research. Professors have two options: use valuable class time to teach students as much as they can, or lower their standards with the understanding that students cannot be expected to complete tasks for which they have never been prepared. From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research offers a third option. This affordable and accessible tool walks students through the process, focusing on five steps: finding direction, gathering sources, understanding issues, entering discussion and establishing a position. Its goal is to take students directly from a research assignment to a research argument—in other words, from topic to thesis.
From Victims to Suspects: Muslim Women Since 9/11
by Shakira HusseinDrawing on interviews and examples from across the globe, this book tackles the shifting narratives surrounding Muslim women Once regarded as passive victims waiting to be rescued, Muslim women are now widely regarded as arbiters of "terror" and a potential threat to be kept under control. Drawing on interviews and examples from around the world including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Europe, and North America, Shakira Hussein shows how this shift in attitude has taken place and how it impacts feminism, multiculturalism, race, and religion on a global scale. She argues that alongside the fear of Islamic terrorism is a growing fear of Islam as a cultural hazard that is undermining Western society from within. Muslim women, the transmitters of cultural practices, are frequently seen to play a key role in this. Hussein’s work makes for a compelling read, offering a unique perspective on what it means to be a Muslim woman post-9/11.
From Violence to Wholeness: A Ten-Part Process in the Spirituality and Practice of Active Nonviolence
by Ken Butigan Patricia BrunoThis is the workbook to accompany a ten-part "process" on nonviolence, designed by the Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service. The book can be used by both group leaders and participants. The program comes from a Christian framework, but emphasizes respect for all people and religions. Each session includes a series of exercises and topics for discussion designed to deepen participants' thinking about the violence in the world - both global and personal - and nonviolent alternatives. Suplemental readings include work by Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., St. Francis of Assissi, and the feminist antinuclear activist Shelley Douglas, among others.
From Viracocha to the Virgin of Copacabana: Representation of the Sacred at Lake Titicaca
by Verónica Salles-ReeseSurrounded by the peaks of the Andean cordillera, the deep blue waters of Lake Titicaca have long provided refreshment and nourishment to the people who live along its shores. From prehistoric times, the Andean peoples have held Titicaca to be a sacred place, the source from which all life originated and the site where the divine manifests its presence. <P><P> In this interdisciplinary study, Verónica Salles-Reese explores how Andean myths of cosmic and ethnic origins centered on Lake Titicaca evolved from pre-Inca times to the enthronement of the Virgin of Copaca-bana in 1583. She begins by describing the myths of the Kolla (pre-Inca) people and shows how their Inca conquerors attempted to establish legitimacy by reconciling their myths of cosmic and ethnic origin with the Kolla myths. She also shows how a similar pattern occurred when the Inca were conquered in turn by the Spanish.
From Weakness to Strength: 8 Vulnerabilities That Can Bring Out the Best in Your Leadership
by Scott Sauls Joni Eareckson Tada Scotty SmithIn this honest book, pastor and author Scott Sauls exposes the real struggles that Christian leaders and pastors regularly face. Sauls shares his own stories and those of other leaders from Scripture and throughout history to remind us that we are human, we are sinners, and we need Jesus to help us thrive as people and leaders. For Christian leaders—both inside and outside of the church—weaknesses that are left unchecked can lead to a downfall that is both public and painful. They want to lead with character and live like Jesus, but ambition, isolation, criticism, envy, anticlimax, opposition, restlessness, and insecurity can get in the way. From Weakness to Strength provides leaders with tools to draw near to Jesus and stay encouraged and hopeful, even (and especially) when sin and struggle get in the way.
From Whom No Secrets Are Hid: Introducing the Psalms
by Walter BrueggemannThe Psalms express the most elemental human emotions, representing situations in which people are most vulnerable, ecstatic, or driven to the extremities of life and faith. Many people may be familiar with a few Psalms, or sing them as part of worship. Here highly respected author Walter Brueggemann offers readers an additional use for the Psalms: as scripted prayers we perform to help us reveal ourselves to God.
From Widows to Warriors: Women's Stories From The Old Testament
by Lynn Japinga<p>For too long the women of the Bible have been depicted in one-dimensional terms. On one side are saints, such as Mary, while on the other are "bad girls," such as Eve and Jezebel. Just as often, the female characters of the Bible are simply ignored. However, the women of the Bible are complex, multidimensional individuals whose lives are inspiring, funny, and tragic in ways too many of us never hear.</p><p>In this first of two volumes, Lynn Japinga acquaints us with the women of the Old Testament. From flawed heroes like Ruth and Rahab to fierce fighters like Deborah and Jael to tragic characters like Jephthah's daughter and the unnamed concubine of the book of Judges, readers will encounter a wealth of foremothers in the faith in all their messy, yet redeemable, humanity. This Bible study introduces and retells every female character who contributes to one or more Old Testament stories, diving deeply into what each woman's story means for us today with questions for reflection and discussion.</p>
From Wilderness to Wonders: Embracing the Power of Process
by Katherine RuonalaAre you praying for a loved one to be saved? Are you anticipating the fruition of a dream or desire? In those times when you are waiting for the fulfillment of a promise, it is vital to seek understanding of God&’s divinely orchestrated purpose. From Wilderness to Wonders examines the journey—the one that takes believers through wilderness seasons full of tests and trials—and emphasizes the importance of enduring the process. By examining the lives of some of God&’s great deliverers (e.g., Moses, David, and Joseph) and the processes He brought them through, you will be encouraged like never before to stand in faith for all God has promised you. Learn applicable strategies for:Cooperating with God in difficult seasonsMaintaining joy during wilderness seasonsMaximizing spiritual growth during these timesAnd much more! The heart of God is for you to find joy, rest, peace, and strength in whatever season you may be experiencing. You can find solace in the knowledge that God is for you, believes in you, and is making all things work together for your good. In that process He is transforming you and equipping you for His purpose.
From World Religions to Axial Civilizations and Beyond (SUNY series, Pangaea II: Global/Local Studies)
by Saïd Amir Arjomand Stephen KalbergThe post–World War II idea of the Axial Age by Karl Jaspers, and as elaborated into the sociology of axial civilizations by S. N. Eisenstadt in the later twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, continues to be the subject of intense scholarly debate. Examples of this can be found in recent works of Hans Joas and Jürgen Habermas. In From World Religions to Axial Civilizations and Beyond, an internationally distinguished group of scholars discuss, advance, and criticize the Jaspers-Eisenstadt thesis, and go beyond it by bringing in the critical influence of Max Weber's sociology of world religions and by exploring intercivilizational encounters in key world regions. The essays within this volume are of unusual interest for their original analysis of relatively neglected civilizational zones, especially Islam and the Islamicate civilization and the Byzantine civilization, and its continuation in Orthodox Russia.
From Yahweh to Yahoo!: The Religious Roots of the Secular Press
by Doug UnderwoodThis wide-ranging study--hailed by American Journalism as one of the year's best books--provides a fresh and surprising view of the religious impulses at work in the typical newsroom by delving into the largely unexamined parallels between religion and journalism, from the "media" of antiquity to the electronic idolatry of the Internet. Focusing on how the history of religion in the United States has been entwined with the growth of the media, Doug Underwood argues that American journalists are rooted in the nation's moral and religious heritage and operate, in important ways, as personifications of the old religious virtues.
From Zero to Zen: Secret Keys to Nurturing Your Numbers and Finding Financial Flow
by Liz LajoieAre you frustrated with your finances and ready for a painless solution? Is your coaching or creative business ramping up, but your bookkeeping gets you down? Do you cringe when you have to deal with your finances, and wish it could just be easy? From Zero to Zen shows you how to manage your money so your business is fabulously successful. When you dig into your books and learn exactly what to do and when, you&’ll take your business to a whole new level.This book is for motivated coaches and creative professionals who want to help people and make money.
Front Porch Princess
by Kathryn SpringerDREAMS ARE LIKE CLOUDS--THEY CHANGE SHAPE OVER TIMEAt least, that's what my daughter's last summer before college has taught me. See, living in Pritchett, Wisconsin, was not my dream--I'd wanted to be a model or an actress, living an exciting life in a big city. Instead, I fell for a farmer and wound up a mother before our first wedding anniversary! Not that I don't love being Sam's wife or Bree's mom--because I do. Well, now Bree has entered me into a Christian beauty pageant, and I'm being treated like Pritchett's pride and joy. So I'm preparing to be a "Proverbs 31 Woman," dealing with my best friend's newly uncovered secrets and watching my daughter follow in my footsteps by falling for a local boy--all while being treated as princess of my own front porch!
Front Porch Tales: Warm Hearted Stories of Family, Faith, Laughter and Love
by Philip Gulley“Part Mark Twain, part Garrison Keillor, Philip Gulley is a breath of fresh air in an over-sophisticated and often jaded world.” —Gloria Gaither, singer and songwriterMaster storyteller Philip Gulley shares tender and hilarious real-life moments that capture the important truths of everyday life.When Philip Gulley began writing newsletter essays for the twelve members of his Quaker meeting in Indiana, he had no idea one of them would find its way to radio commentator Paul Harvey Jr. and be read on the air to twenty-four million people. Fourteen books later, with more than a million books in print, Gulley still entertains as well as inspires from his small-town front porch.“Perhaps more things were resolved on America’s front porches than in any other place, and yet so few are being used today. With this delightful collection of stories, told in a warm and easy style, Philip Gulley invites us to sit again on the front porch—a place of hearth, home, and folks we’ve known.” —Gary Smalley, bestselling author and family relationship expert“The tales Philip Gulley unveils are tender and humorous . . . filled with sudden, unexpected, lump-in-the-throat poignancy.” —Paul Harvey, Jr., American radio broadcaster
Frontier Constitutions: Christianity and Colonial Empire in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines
by John D. BlancoA study of the cultural transformations arrived at by Spanish colonists, native-born creoles, mestizos (Chinese and Spanish), and indigenous colonial subjects in the Philippines during the crisis of colonial hegemony in the nineteenth century and the social anomie that resulted from this crisis in law and politics.
Frontier Courtship
by Valerie HansenA Journey of Hope... She had made a solemn promise to see her younger sister to safety in California. But the endless journey across the frontier was proving to be a heartbreaking test of courage and endurance for Faith Beal. All she had to sustain her was her steadfast belief in a loving God-and the guiding hand of a stranger who truly seemed heaven-sent. ...and Love Connell McClain was her selfless guardian as their wagon train slowly made its way West. And as they shared the dangers of the trail-and the closeness of a covered wagon-Faith felt the first tender stirrings of love for this rough-hewn yet caring man. But would the secrets that seemed to haunt him threaten their growing feelings for one another?
Frontier Courtship & Hideaway Home: Frontier Courtship\Hideaway Home
by Valerie Hansen Hannah AlexanderTheir faith—and love—will be tested.Frontier CourtshipFaith Beal had made a solemn promise to see her younger sister to safety in California. All she had to sustain her on the difficult journey was her steadfast belief in God—and the guiding hand of a kind stranger, Connell McClain. As they shared the dangers of the trail, Faith was drawn to this rough-hewn yet caring man. But would his secrets threaten their love?Hideaway HomeSoldier Red Meyers looked forward to the day he could return to his sweetheart, Bertie Moennig, in Hideaway, Missouri. But his dreams were shattered when he was wounded in the last stages of World War II. Then a tragedy on the home front brought the couple together, and a dangerous mystery threatened both their lives. Now Red must summon the faith and courage to protect the woman he’d never stopped loving.
Frontier Engagement
by Regina ScottSchool Bells and Wedding Bells James Wallin's family is depending on him to find a schoolteacher for their frontier town. Alexandrina Fosgrave seems to be exactly what he needs to help fulfill his father's dream of building a new community.<P><P> If only James could convince her to accept the position. Alexandrina has traveled west to seek a fresh start, not to find a groom. But after she's stranded in the wilderness with James, he offers her his hand in marriage to protect her reputation. Both are afraid to fall in love, but maybe an engagement of convenience could make them reconsider... Frontier Bachelors: Bold, rugged-and bound to be grooms.
Frontier Father (A Cowboy for Every Mood)
by Dorothy ClarkThe harsh life of the Oregon Territory took Mitchel Banning's wife from him, but it hasn't touched his faith. The widower still dreams of building his mission into a shining light on the frontier-for himself and his daughter, Hope. But the work is too much for one man to handle. Could a Philadelphia lady be the answer to his prayers?After losing her family, Anne Sims's only wish is to keep busy-and guard her affections closely. Anne devotes her energy to Mitchel Banning's mission...but she keeps her distance from Mitchel and Hope. Only Mitchel can show her the joy of a second chance-a new beginning and a new family, together.
Frontier Matchmaker Bride: Frontier Matchmaker Bride The Amish Nanny's Sweetheart Accidental Family Husband By Arrangement (Frontier Bachelors Ser. #8)
by Regina ScottThe Lawman Meets His MatchSuccessful Seattle matchmaker Beth Wallin has her most challenging assignment yet—find Deputy Hart McCormick a bride. Beth’s still smarting after the handsome lawman spurned her affections a year ago. But if she finds Hart a wife, Beth will gain favor with the city’s most influential women…and perhaps free her own heart, as well.Marriage is the last thing on the deputy’s mind. After tragically losing his sweetheart, he vowed never to love again. But as sweet, spunky Beth introduces him to potential fiancées, Hart finally feels a spark…for her! The stubborn bachelor will be Beth’s first matchmaking miss, unless they can both admit that she just might be his perfect match.
Frontier Secrets
by Anna ZoggA woman seeking a new future.A cowboy with a shadowed past.Untamed Wyoming is nothing like polished, restrictive Chicago—that’s why Ellie Marshall likes it. On her uncle’s ranch, she’s free. Free to practice her calling in medicine. Free to finally connect with her uncle. Free to explore her feelings for mysterious cowboy Rhett Callaway. In this strange place, Rhett is her constant—the one she trusts to help and protect her…especially when sinister machinations on the ranch come to light. But will Rhett’s murky past drive him away just when Ellie needs him most?
Frontier Want Ad Bride
by Lyn CoteBride by Mail Mail-order bride Judith Jones has barely arrived in Pepin, Wisconsin, before she's whisked away to prepare for her wedding to Asa Brant. Though something about Asa seems so familiar, how do two strangers become husband and wife? Especially when Judith senses Asa's hidden sorrow. His kindness in helping two young orphans could win her heart...if only he'd open up to her. Determined to start over after four years of brutal war, Asa moved away and sent for a mail-order bride. He had no idea the woman answering his ad would be the sister of his former soldier in arms. The less he reveals, the fewer painful memories there are to confront. But Judith's compassion-and two loving children-might just show them the path to true happiness...