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Gané todo y no gané nada: ¿Qué harías si tuvieras todo lo que quisieras?

by Danilo H. Gomes

Esta es la historia de un joven nerd excluido de la sociedad que recibe una gran oportunidad de cambiar su vida. En este libro veremos como la ambición, la fama y el poder son capaces de cegar nuestra mente y alejarnos de Dios. Pero todo lo que fácil viene, fácil se va, veremos como la suerte de este joven vuelve a cambiar tras otro gran acontecimiento...


by Namita Anand

Stories about the Hindu religious god Ganesha,

Ganesha Goes to Lunch: Classics From Mystic India

by Kamla K. Kapur

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Ganesha's Great Race

by Sanjay Patel Emily Haynes

The sweets-loving elephant Ganesha and his mouse companion are back! And this time you'll meet Ganesha's family, too, as they race around the world in this adorable companion to the bestselling Ganesha's Sweet Tooth.From the creator of the Oscar-nominated Pixar short Sanjay's Super Team and Netflix's Ghee Happy!In Sanjay Patel's world, the bold, bright colors of India leap off the page and screen. Ganesha's Sweet Tooth introduced a fresh and funny picture book retelling of how Ganesha came to help write the epic poem of Hindu literature, the Mahabharata. Now Ganesha is back in a delightful new adventure!When his brother Kartikeya challenges him to a race around the world, Ganesha knows he cannot win with speed. He may not be as fast as Kartikeya, but clever Ganesha knows that every problem has more than one solution! A celebration of the dynamic bond between siblings and a loving tribute to family, Ganesha’s Great Race is the story of their most famous contest and will delight readers with a tale of muscles, mangoes, and the meaning of the world.DIVERSE CHILDRENS BOOKS: Featuring lovable characters and a light narrative, this book provides a fresh and accessible way for families who practice Hinduism to see themselves and celebrate, and for other children to learn about religions and cultures that are different from their own.NOTABLE CREATOR: Sanjay Patel produced a short based on his life, Sanjay's Super Team, with Pixar, as well as Netflix's Ghee Happy, a series featuring the Hindu gods as toddlers. His brand, Ghee Happy, has reached an eager audience with two books, museum exhibitions, and merchandise. He is also the author of the popular picture book Ramayana, a twenty-first-century retelling of a classic 2500-year-old story.VIBRANT & GIFTABLE: With dynamic illustrations, this story of family has a heartwarming message that makes a perfect gift for Mother's Day, Father's Day, or anytime you want to show appreciation for your family!CULTURAL PICTURE BOOKS: As educators focus on ways to incorporate religious literacy into their teaching, Patel's vibrant books offer an outstanding resource for introducing conversations about different cultures and faiths into the classroom through fun and relatable narratives.Perfect for:Parents, grandparents, teachers, and librariansReaders who love Hindu gods and goddesses, Indian mythology, and adventure talesEducational material for classroom or homeschool curriculumAnyone looking for children's literature featuring Indian mythologyGift giving for Diwali, birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or any special occasionFans of Ganesha's Sweet Tooth, Pixar's Sanjay's Super Team, and Netflix's Ghee Happy

Gangs and Spirituality: Global Perspectives

by Ross Deuchar

This book examines the role of religion and spirituality in desistance from crime and disengagement from gangs. Drawing upon in-depth interviews with male gang members and offenders as well as insights gathered from pastors, chaplains, coaches and personal mentors, the testimonials span three continents, focusing on the USA, Scotland, Denmark and Hong Kong. This volume offers unique empirical findings about the role that religion and spirituality can play in enabling some male gang members and offenders to transition into a new social sphere characterised by the presence of substitute forms of brotherhood and trust, and alternative forms of masculine status. The author presents critical insights into the potential relationship between religious and spiritual participation and the emergence of coping strategies to deal with the ‘stigmata’ that gang masculinity leaves behind. With its wide-ranging and multi-perspective approach, this book will be essential reading for students and scholars of gang culture, masculinity and spirituality, as well as policy makers and practitioners.

Gangster Nation: A Novel (Gangsterland #2)

by Tod Goldberg

"Sal Cupertine is back—and better than ever. I love this guy." —Lee Child"Gangster Nation is a razor. It will slice you open and reveal your insides. And like the best of Tod Goldberg's work, it'll show you everything you are at your core." —Brad Meltzer, New York Times bestselling author of The President's ShadowIt's been two years since the events of Gangsterland, when legendary Chicago hitman Sal Cupertine disappeared into the guise of Vegas Rabbi David Cohen. It’s September of 2001 and for David, everything is coming up gold: Temple membership is on the rise, the new private school is raking it in, and the mortuary and cemetery—where Cohen has been laundering bodies for the mob—is minting cash. But Sal wants out. He’s got money stashed in safe–deposit boxes all over the city. He’s looking at places to escape to, Mexico or maybe Argentina. He only needs to make it through the High Holidays, and he’ll have enough money to slip away, grab his wife and kid, and start fresh.Across the country, former FBI agent Matthew Drew is now running security for an Indian Casino outside of Milwaukee, spending his off–time stalking members of The Family, looking for vengeance for the murder of his former partner. So when Sal’s cousin stumbles into the casino one night, Matthew takes the law into his own hands—again—touching off a series of events that will have Rabbi Cohen running for his life, trapped in Las Vegas, with the law, society, and the post–9/11 world closing in around him.Gangster Nation is a thrilling follow–up to Gangsterland, an unexpected, page–turning examination of the seedy foundations of American life. With the wit and gritty glamor that defines his writing, Goldberg traces how the things we most value in our lives—home, health, even our spiritual lives—have been built on the enterprises of criminals.

Gangster Prayer: Relentlessly Pursuing God with Passion and Great Expectation

by Autumn Miles

Change your life and become an inspiring, passionate praying warrior who proclaims God's Word with this refreshingly honest guide to strengthening your faith.If you want positive results from prayer, you first need to pray! But so many people who say they believe in the power of prayer actually pray very little . . . or not at all. It's time to get serious about prayer. Autumn Miles says that we must stop being prayer wimps and instead be transformed into "prayer gangsters"--people who are passionate about their faith and loyalty to God.Autumn believes that God wants to give us so much more than what we've been settling for. It's time our prayer life, which has been mediocre at best, becomes something that is:Fervent,intentional,and highly expectant. Gangster Prayer won't teach you how to pray. Instead, it will help reveal the heart behind a believing prayer and put the focus back on who we are praying to instead of on what we are praying for. With a changed perspective and objective, we can finally see the results from prayer we've been longing for--not just answers but a changed life.

Gangsters Don't Die: A Novel (Gangsterland #3)

by Tod Goldberg

Reading the West Book Awards NomineeThe &“gloriously original&” (The New York Times) and critically acclaimed crime series starring a Chicago hitman hiding out as a rabbi in the desert suburbs of Las Vegas comes to its thrilling conclusionMafia hit-man-turned-rabbi Sal Cupertine is ready to get out of the life. But it&’s not going to be easy. His once-brilliant plan to pass himself off as Rabbi David Cohen is unraveling. Enemies on both sides of the law are hot on his trail. His wife and son are unreachable in witness protection and are probably in danger. In order to find his family, get out of the desert alive, and salvage his long-sought-after happy ending, Sal is going to have to confront some very bad people from his past.Native American kingpin Peaches Pocotillo has wrested control of Chicago&’s mob family while expanding his criminal empire in the west, and now seeks to settle an old score with Sal. These two antiheroes have a history that stretches back decades, and the blood feud between Peaches and Sal will lead them to a violent showdown deep in the heart of the low desert.As complications cast old revelations in a new light, including one that stretches back to the long-ago death of Sal&’s infamous gangster father Dark Billy Cupertine, Sal must team up with some unlikely allies—and confront the reality of who he has become—in this stunning conclusion to the popular and critically acclaimed Gangsterland trilogy.

Ganhando Liberdade dos Vícios Sexuais: Se Libertando da Pornografia e das Prostitutas

by Matthew Robert Payne

Você é viciado em pornografia ou em prostitutas? Quando você é pego no vício, você encara uma triste, solitária, e difícil jornada. O caminho para a liberdade nem sempre é claro, e você pode lutar para achar pessoas que possam te ajudar. Neste livro sincero, Matthew compartilha seu coração depois de vencer um vício de trinta e seis anos de pornografia e vinte e cinco anos de prostitutas. Você irá apreciar sua vulnerabilidade e seu discernimento enquanto ele ajuda você na sua própria jornada para a liberdade. Neste livro você aprenderá a importância da: •Teologia correta •Sua identidade em Cristo •A importância do arrependimento •A necessidade de cura interior e libertação e •Um forte entendimento da graça de Deus. Embora este livro não seja um tratamento intensivo do assunto e embora Matthew não seja um prossional médico, ele relata histórias de suas próprias experiências. E mais importante, Matthew compartilha o poder de Jesus para vencer a batalha definitiva contra a pornografia.

The Gaon of Vilna: The Man and His Image

by Immanuel Etkes

The Gaon of Vilna (Rabbi Elijah ben Soloman Zalman, 1720-1797) is considered by many one of the leading intellectual and spiritual leaders of Talmudic study in the 18th century. This book is about him.

The Gap Decade: When You're Technically an Adult but Really Don't Feel Like It Yet

by Katie Schnack

"A gap decade isn't a cute whim of a decision to take a pause and travel to Italy for a few months. Nah. A gap decade is a cluster of challenging, transitional years that the universe just dumps in your lap. And my lap. And pretty much everyone's lap. It's that twilight zone between 'young person' and 'full-blown adult' that sort of washes in, bringing with it a bit of chaos, growth, and self-discovery. It is a few years of flailing around, trying to figure out what the heck is happening as you move from not old to kinda old. From young adult to adult adult." The gap decade is that sometimes difficult transitional season young adults face in their twenties and early thirties. In this quirky and honest chronicle, Katie Schnack names the awkward realities of living in that gap between adolescence and adulthood. She and her husband go on an unpredictable journey through a decade of never-ending transitions as they make multiple moves across five states, face job interviews and tax returns, and go through anxiety, loss, pregnancy, and countless episodes of The Office.* Along the way, Schnack explores the common experiences of these young adulting years: The uncertainty of waiting when you're stuck and don't know what steps to take. Learning to trust in God's provision when you are broke like a joke. Admitting your need for help when panic attacks strike. And discovering a life full of grace and joys that can't be ordered via two-day delivery. *Katie has binged all nine seasons of The Office—four times. Don't do the math about how many hours of TV that is. She doesn't want to know.

The Garb of Being: Embodiment and the Pursuit of Holiness in Late Ancient Christianity (Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought)

by Georgia Frank, Susan R. Holman, and Andrew S. Jacobs

This collection explores how the body became a touchstone for late antique religious practice and imagination. When we read the stories and testimonies of late ancient Christians, what different types of bodies stand before us? How do we understand the range of bodily experiences—solitary and social, private and public—that clothed ancient Christians? How can bodily experience help us explore matters of gender, religious identity, class, and ethnicity? The Garb of Being investigates these questions through stories from the Eastern Christian world of antiquity: monks and martyrs, families and congregations, and textual bodies.Contributors include S. Abrams Rebillard, T. Arentzen, S. P. Brock, R. S. Falcasantos , C. M. Furey, S. H. Griffith, R. Krawiec, B. McNary-Zak, J.-N. Mellon Saint-Laurent, C. T. Schroeder, A. P. Urbano, F. M. Young

The Garden

by Carol Matas

After leading a group of Jewish refugees to Israel after World War II, sixteen-year-old Ruth joins the Haganah, the Jewish Army, and helps her people fight to keep the land granted to them by the United Nations.

The Garden: A Parable

by Geshe Michael Roach

WithThe Garden, centuries of Tibetan Buddhist wisdom are brought to life for readers by one of its greatest Western teachers, Michael Roach. Through a parable in which a young man is brought into a mystical garden by a beautiful embodiment of Wisdom, Roach presents the pantheon of great Tibetan teachers. The nameless seeker lured to the garden meets the dominant historical figures who have contributed fundamental teachings to Tibetan Buddhism, such as Tsong Khapa, the first Dalai Lama, and Master Kamalashila. Unique among works of Buddhism now available,The Gardenis destined to become a classic for its lucid revelation of the secrets of the Tibetan tradition and for the wisdom Geshe Michael Roach evokes.

The Garden and the Fire: Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture

by Nerina Rustomji

Islamic conceptions of heaven and hell began in the seventh century as an early doctrinal innovation, but by the twelfth century, these notions had evolved into a highly formalized ideal of perfection. In tracking this transformation, Nerina Rustomji reveals the distinct material culture and aesthetic vocabulary Muslims developed to understand heaven and hell and identifies the communities and strategies of defense that took shape around the promise of a future world.Ideas of the afterworld profoundly influenced daily behaviors in Islamic society and gave rise to a code of ethics that encouraged abstinence from sumptuous objects, such as silver vessels and silk, so they could be appreciated later in heaven. Rustomji conducts a meticulous study of texts and images and carefully connects the landscape and social dynamics of the afterworld with earthly models and expectations. Male servants and female companions become otherworldly objects in the afterlife, and stories of rewards and punishment helped preachers promote religious reform. By employing material culture as a method of historical inquiry, Rustomji points to the reflections, discussions, and constructions that actively influenced Muslims' picture of the afterworld, culminating in a distinct religious aesthetic.

The Garden and the Fire: Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture

by Nerina Rustomji

Islamic conceptions of heaven and hell began in the seventh century as an early doctrinal innovation, but by the twelfth century, these notions had evolved into a highly formalized ideal of perfection. In tracking this transformation, Nerina Rustomji reveals the distinct material culture and aesthetic vocabulary Muslims developed to understand heaven and hell and identifies the communities and strategies of defense that took shape around the promise of a future world.

The Garden at the Edge of Beyond (The Beyond Trilogy #1)

by Michael Phillips

A journey into a realm beyond imagination gives one man a glimpse into his own spirituality through messages of faith, hope, and love. A man lies down for a normal night of sleep and inexplicably awakens to find himself in a surreal garden bursting with fantastic aromas and colors.A succession of “tour guides’ come and go, helping him to interpret the landscape’s fragrant messages, each one a clue on the journey to discover his true self, and, ultimately, the Creator of the Country Beyond.“One night, a 48-year-old man undergoes a truly odd experience. He awakens in a strange world, where he is able to discuss theology with such entities as a Scotsman and an Englishman, meant to be the well-known Christian theologians George MacDonald and C.S. Lewis . . . Phillips brings off this unexpected premise surprisingly well . . . a wonderful starting point for some great debate.” —Library Journal

Garden Blessings: Prose, Poems and Prayers Celebrating the Love of Gardening

by June Cotner

Garden Blessings is an eloquent tribute to the wonders of the garden, a place where our souls are nourished and memories grown. June Cotner is a legend in the world of gift books with her inspirational books that have sold nearly one million copies. Her books comprise a balance of about 20 percent classic and famous writers and 80 percent lesser-known, award-winning writers, which results in discovering many selections not found anywhere else. Ranging from childhood memories of planting and harvesting to celebrations of the changing seasons to contemplation on the joyful art of gardening, Garden Blessings is a moving collection of poems, prayers, and reflections that remind us of what really matters--making and sharing memories. Our gardens grow us and this collection of readings takes us down a path of pleasure. The overriding intention of Garden Blessings is to provide a heartwarming, spiritually-focused collection of uplifting prayers, prose, and poems that share a common joy and appreciation for the love of gardening and the many blessings that gardens bring to our lives. June Cotner, a #1 inspirational author, has gathered a bounty of garden blessings here, offering gems of wisdom that remind the reader and gardener in all of us just how much we learn from our gardens.

Garden Blessings

by June Cotner

Garden Blessings is an eloquent tribute to the wonders of the garden, a place where our souls are nourished and memories grown. June Cotner is a legend in the world of gift books with her inspirational books that have sold nearly one million copies. Her books comprise a balance of about 20 percent classic and famous writers and 80 percent lesser-known, award-winning writers, which results in discovering many selections not found anywhere else. Ranging from childhood memories of planting and harvesting to celebrations of the changing seasons to contemplation on the joyful art of gardening, Garden Blessings is a moving collection of poems, prayers, and reflections that remind us of what really matters-making and sharing memories.Our gardens grow us and this collection of readings takes us down a path of pleasure. The overriding intention of Garden Blessings is to provide a heartwarming, spiritually-focused collection of uplifting prayers, prose, and poems that share a common joy and appreciation for the love of gardening and the many blessings that gardens bring to our lives. June Cotner, a #1 inspirational author, has gathered a bounty of garden blessings here, offering gems of wisdom that remind the reader and gardener in all of us just how much we learn from our gardens.

Garden City: Work, Rest, and the Art of Being Human.

by John Mark Comer

You’ve heard people say “Who you are matters more than what you do”. Does the Bible really teach that? In Garden City, popular pastor and speaker John Mark Comer gives a fresh take on our calling and our purpose, with a surprisingly counter-culture take. Through his creative and conversational style, Comer takes a good look at Genesis and the story of a man, a woman, and a garden. He unpacks God’s creation and his original intent for how we are meant to spend our time. Here, you’ll find answers to questions like “Does God care where I work?” “What about what I do with my free time or how much rest I get?” “Does he have a clear direction for me?” Practical and theologically rich, Garden City speaks to twenty and thirty-somethings who are figuring out next steps and direction in their lives. Garden City is the Purpose Driven Life for the next generation—the book that helps us answer why we are here and what should we do about it.

The Garden Gate

by Christa J. Kinde

The Pomeroys pull together in the aftermath of the storm that shook West Edinton—and Prissie’s faith—to its very foundations. Letting go proves difficult, and holding on takes all of her courage. With the encouragement of a brother who’s in on her secret, Prissie finds her feet. With the help of the bane who’s now a brother, she takes a stand. As spring comes to the orchard, a cryptic remark from Abner hints at West Edinton’s long-kept secret. A beloved aunt returns from overseas. A faded angel takes up residence atop the Pomeroys’ refrigerator. A treasured friend must say goodbye. While ranks of the Faithful rally to defend what’s most precious, Prissie discovers that angels aren’t the only ones who are Sent.

The Garden Girls (FBI: Strange Crimes Unit #3)

by Jessica R. Patch

"A perfect storm of thrilling suspense and intricate plot twists that will leave readers breathless!&” --Nancy Mehl, author of the Ryland & St. Clair seriesOn a remote Outer Banks island, a serial killer collects his prized specimens. And to stop him, an FBI agent must confront his own twisted past. FBI agent Tiberius Granger has seen his share of darkness. But a new case sets him on edge. It&’s not just the macabre way both victims—found posed in front of lighthouses—are tattooed with flowers that match their names. There&’s also the unsettling connection to the woman Ty once loved and to the shadowy cult they both risked everything to escape. Bexley Hemmingway&’s sister has gone missing, and she&’ll do anything to find her—including teaming up with Ty. That may prove a mistake, and not just because Ty doesn&’t know he&’s the father of her teenaged son. It seems the killer is taunting Ty, drawing everyone close to him into deeper danger.As the slashing winds and rain of a deadly hurricane approach the coast of North Carolina, the search leads Ty and Bex to an island that hides a grisly secret. But in his quest for the truth, Ty has ignored the fact that this time, he&’s not just the hunter. Every move has been orchestrated by a killer into a perfect storm of terror, and they will need all their skills to survive…More chilling novels from Jessica R. Patch: Her Darkest Secret A Cry in the Dark

Garden of Dreams (Full Circle/circle Of Friends Ser.)

by Leslie Gould

The story of loyal friendship, a passion for gardening and art, a love of family, and deep faith in God, "Garden of Dreams" illustrates that faithful readers can go where He leads.

The Garden of God: Toward a Human Ecology

by Pope Benedict XVI

In this collection of his writings, Pope Benedict XVI speak to the important relationships between the environment, Catholic social teaching, and theology. During his papacy, Pope Benedict XVI repeatedly drew attention to the environment. He spoke of preserving it, such as his address concerning the Amazon rainforest and his letter regarding the Arctic, and of distributing its vital resources—such as water—more equitably. Benedict led by example when the Vatican became the first carbon-neutral country in the world. This book collects Benedict&’s many audiences, addresses, letters, and homilies on a wide range of topics dealing with the world about us. The major themes and connections he explores include creation and the natural world; the environment, science, and technology; and hunger, poverty, and the earth&’s resources. In these pages, Benedict insists that if we truly desire peace, we must consciously nurture all of creation. He speaks in favor of alternative energy while speaking out against the spread of nuclear weapons and threats to biodiversity. He urges sustainable development, equitable distribution of food and water, and an end to hunger. In summation, Benedict argues that our love of God should cause us to protect the environment, and that in turn, our heightened appreciation of the natural world will draw us closer to God.

Garden of Madness

by Tracy L. Higley

The untold story of King Nebuchadnezzar's daughterFor seven years the Babylonian princess Tiamat has waited for the mad king Nebuchadnezzar to return to his family and to his kingdom. Driven from his throne to live as a beast, he prowls his luxurious Hanging Gardens, secreted away from the world.Since her treaty marriage at a young age, Tia has lived an opulent yet oppressive life in the palace. But her husband has since died and she relishes her newfound independence. When a nobleman is found murdered in the palace, Tia must discover who is responsible for the macabre death, even if her own freedom is threatened.As the queen plans to wed Tia to yet another prince, the powerful mage Shadir plots to expose the family's secret and set his own man on the throne. Tia enlists the help of a reluctant Jewish captive, her late husband's brother Pedaiah, who challenges her notions of the gods even as he opens her heart to both truth and love.In a time when few gave their hearts to Yahweh, Tia must decide if she is willing to risk everything--her possessions, her gods, and her very life--for the Israelites' one God. Madness, sorcery, and sinister plots mingle like an alchemist's deadly potion as Tia chooses whether to risk all to save the kingdom--and her family."The biblical story of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar's seven years as a madman, found in the Old Testament Book of Daniel, deepens and broadens thanks to veteran author Higley's historical research and vivid imagination . . . Readers will find much to enjoy here: fine writing, suspense, mystery, faith, love, and a new look at an old story." --Publishers Weekly"Higley gives readers a dose of biblical history set in King Nebuchadnezzar's palatial gardens and a character like no other in Tiamat, devoted daughter of a king gone mad. The author's insights into a woman's inner strength as she searches for the one true God will leave readers rejoicing."--Romantic Times TOP PICK "Her story will appeal not just to readers of historical fiction but also to those with an interest in biblical history." --Booklist

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