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Gershom Scholem and the Mystical Dimension of Jewish History (Modern Jewish Masters #4)

by Joseph Dan

"An excellent overview of the history of Jewish mysticism from its early beginnings to contemporary Hasidism...scholarly and complex."—Library Journal "An excellent work, clear and solidly documented by Joseph Dan on Gershom Scholem and on his work."—Notes Bibliographiques "An excellent guide to Scholem's work."—Christian Century

Gershom Scholem and the Mystical Dimension of Jewish History (Modern Jewish Masters)

by Joseph Dan

"An excellent overview of the history of Jewish mysticism from its early beginnings to contemporary Hasidism...scholarly and complex."—Library Journal "An excellent work, clear and solidly documented by Joseph Dan on Gershom Scholem and on his work."—Notes Bibliographiques "An excellent guide to Scholem's work."—Christian Century

Gertrude Weil: Jewish Progressive in the New South

by Leonard Rogoff

It is so obvious that to treat people equally is the right thing to do," wrote Gertrude Weil (1879–1971). In the first-ever biography of Weil, Leonard Rogoff tells the story of a modest southern Jewish woman who, while famously private, fought publicly and passionately for the progressive causes of her age. Born to a prominent family in Goldsboro, North Carolina, Weil never married and there remained ensconced--in many ways a proper southern lady--for nearly a century. From her hometown, she fought for women's suffrage, founded her state's League of Women Voters, pushed for labor reform and social welfare, and advocated for world peace. Weil made national headlines during an election in 1922 when, casting her vote, she spotted and ripped up a stack of illegally marked ballots. She campaigned against lynching, convened a biracial council in her home, and in her eighties desegregated a swimming pool by diving in headfirst. Rogoff also highlights Weil's place in the broader Jewish American experience. Whether attempting to promote the causes of southern Jewry, save her European family members from the Holocaust, or support the creation of a Jewish state, Weil fought for systemic change, all the while insisting that she had not done much beyond the ordinary duty of any citizen.

Gesar: Tantric Practices of the Tibetan Warrior King

by Jamgon Mipham

Gesar of Ling is well known in Tibetan history, literature, and folklore. But, for Buddhist practitioners, he is an enlightened tantric protector and deity—an emanation of Padmasambhava. Engaging in Gesar practice is meant to generate positive circumstances and increase one&’s experiences and realization in Buddhist practice.Gesar of Ling is widely known as the hero of Tibet&’s national oral epic, considered the longest epic in the world. But he is also the focus of Buddhist practices in which his enlightened form, known as King Gesar the Jewel, becomes one of the numerous spiritual methods offered by Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism to progress toward buddhahood. This work contains the complete selection of practice texts compiled by the early modern Tibetan polymath Jamgon Mipham and included in his Collected Works. Gesar personifies the ideal of the spiritual warrior, who tames negative forces which obstruct the Buddhist path. The practices presented here detail poetic imagery of offerings and their recipients, including Gesar, his court, and the spirits who dwell in his personal belongings. Vajrayana practices such as these are considered mind treasures, meaning rather than being composed, they appeared fully formed as a transmission with the mind of a Vajrayana master.The practices in this book are meant to be done only by those who have received Gesar Dorje Tsegyal empowerment or &“entrustment with his life force,&” the reading transmission of the practice, and the associated instructions from a qualified master.

Geschlechterverhältnisse: Pierre Bourdieus visuelle Soziologie

by Franz Schultheis Charlotte Hüser Stephan Egger

Mit seinem Werk „Die männliche Herrschaft“ und dessen schonungslosem Blick auf die anthropologischen Grundlagen und die historische Beharrungskraft des Machtungleichgewichts zwischen den Geschlechtern löste Pierre Bourdieu in den 1990er Jahren eine starke Resonanz und kontroverse Debatten im Feld der Gender-Forschung aus. Wenig Beachtung fand dabei die Frage, woraus sich dieser radikale Blick Bourdieus denn eigentlich nährte und von welchen konkreten empirischen Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen her er seine theoretischen Perspektiven entwickelte. Seit Bourdieus ersten Gehversuchen als junger Feldforscher im kolonialen Algerien (1957-1961) beschäftigte er sich mit dem Thema Geschlechterverhältnisse, und dies gerade auf eine sehr anschauliche Weise in Form dichter ethnographischer Beobachtungen basierend auf dem Blick durch das Objektiv seiner Kamera. In hunderten von fotografischen Aufnahmen dokumentierte Bourdieu das alltägliche Verhalten von Frauen und Männern – bei der Arbeit, bei alltäglichen Verrichtungen aller Art ob im privaten oder öffentlichen Raum – und interessierte sich insbesondere für die hierbei jeweils an den Tag gelegte geschlechtsspezifische „Haltung“ im doppelten Sinne des Wortes, d.h. körperliche Hexis auf der einen und Ethos auf der anderen Seite.Dies wird in diesem Band durch eine systematische Bild-Text-Kombination vor Augen geführt. Die hier präsentierte fotografische Soziologie der Geschlechterverhältnisse in Algerien, auf die sich Bourdieu beim Verfassen seiner Studie „Die männliche Herrschaft“ maßgeblich stützte, kann zugleich als Kristallisationskern für die spätere Entwicklung seiner Habitus-Theorie angesehen werden.

Gesellschaftliche Ausgangsbedingungen für Radikalisierung und Co-Radikalisierung (Politik und Religion)

by Susanne Pickel Gert Pickel Oliver Decker Immo Fritsche Michael Kiefer Frank M. Lütze Riem Spielhaus Haci-Halil Uslucan

Spätestens mit den Debatten zu einer zunehmenden Polarisierung der deutschen und anderer europäischer Gesellschaften rückt die Frage nach Prozessen der Radikalisierung in den Blick. Neben individuellen Radikalisierungen sind es vor allem gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen, die für die Radikalisierung, manchmal sogar ganzer Gruppen, verantwortlich zeichnen. Im vorliegenden Buch werden unter Einbezug unterschiedlicher Perspektiven Prozesse der Radikalisierung und damit verbundenen Co-Radikalisierung auf rechtsextremer und muslimischer Seite untersucht und diskutiert.

Gesture and Power: Religion, Nationalism, and Everyday Performance in Congo

by Yolanda Covington-Ward

In Gesture and Power Yolanda Covington-Ward examines the everyday embodied practices and performances of the BisiKongo people of the Lower Congo to show how their gestures, dances, and spirituality are critical in mobilizing social and political action. Conceiving of the body as the center of analysis, a catalyst for social action, and as a conduit for the social construction of reality, Covington-Ward focuses on specific flash points in the last ninety years of Congo's troubled history, when embodied performance was used to stake political claims, foster dissent, and enforce power. In the 1920s Simon Kimbangu started a Christian prophetic movement based on spirit-induced trembling, which swept through the Lower Congo, subverting Belgian colonial authority. Following independence, dictator Mobutu Sese Seko required citizens to dance and sing nationalist songs daily as a means of maintaining political control. More recently, embodied performance has again stoked reform, as nationalist groups such as Bundu dia Kongo advocate for a return to precolonial religious practices and non-Western gestures such as traditional greetings. In exploring these embodied expressions of Congolese agency, Covington-Ward provides a framework for understanding how embodied practices transmit social values, identities, and cultural history throughout Africa and the diaspora.

Gesture of Awareness: A Radical Approach to Time, Space, and Movement

by Charles Genoud

From a major mind of Buddhism today comes this unique philosophical work, which hearkens back to the classical verse-form, but in a modern voice that speaks directly to the twenty-first century reader and practitioner. Gesture of Awareness involves a fascinating philosophical exploration of time, space, and movement but at the same time is a manual for an embodied "practice of exploration." Genoud is very well known to the leading lights of Buddhism today. He and his work are continuingly praised for their invention and importance. Well-versed in French and continental philosophies, as well as Eastern thought, he has produced a work that will be welcomed as a Buddhist book and a noteworthy contribution to the larger philosophical community.

Gesù Cristo è la mia guardia del corpo

by Fernando Figueroa

Ciò che puoi imparare da un esperto della sicurezza a proposito della protezione divina di Dio. Abbiamo assistito a un aumento della violenza nel mondo - incidenti terroristici, disordini, atti di aggressione, violenza domestica, sparatorie sulle masse, violenza tra bande, rapimenti e attentati. Questo libro è stato scritto per te di modo che tu possa "non aver paura" e riposare rassicurato nella DIVINA PROTEZIONE di Dio. Il pubblico principale per questo libro consiste di coloro che operano nei campi della sicurezza e della polizia, per far loro sapere che mentre stanno proteggendo gli altri, Gesù è là a proteggerli. Questo libro può essere letto anche da chi non è agente di protezione. Mentre leggerai, giungerai a comprendere che Dio è la tua personale guardia del corpo.

The Get-Ahead Christmas Cook: The indispensable companion for effortless festive entertaining

by Jane Lovett

'There is no-one whose recipes I trust more' India Knight'The ultimate stress-busting guide for the festive period' Appetite Magazine Get ahead of the festive frenzy with The Get-Ahead Christmas Cook!Christmas is coming, but how does it always manage to take us by surprise? The Get-Ahead Christmas Cook is the ultimate stress-busting guide for the festive period, with failsafe recipes that can be prepared and often made ahead, along with hints, tips and menus for the big day and beyond. Along with the classics, this book contains many original and delicious new recipes. Everything is covered, from canapés for Christmas drinks parties to hassle-free ideas for all kinds of seasonal entertaining, as well as foolproof recipes for the big day itself, including vegetarian and vegan alternatives. There are also lots of creative tricks for using up leftovers, plus - if you have any room left - indulgent baking and sweet treats.Whether you are an absolute novice or a seasoned pro, The Get-Ahead Christmas Cook will soon become your essential Christmas companion.

Get Cozy, Josey!

by Susan May Warren

How do you get cozy when your new "home" is a frozen tundra? Josey's dreams of small-town Minnesota bliss melt away when her hubby's relocated to a Siberian village. No indoor plumbing. . . or junk food! But this feisty former missionary knows how to multitask: juggling toddler twins, empowering local housewives, spreading God's word--no worries, Josey. It's finding time alone with the man of her dreams that will take some real work!

Get 'Em Talking: 104 Discussion Starters for Youth Groups

by Mike Yaconelli Scott Koenigsaecher

Does your youth group suffer from the "silent complex"? Need help to get them talking about what's really important? Would you like to be a more effective discussion leader? Then look no further! Get 'Em Talking gives you 104 field-tested ideas that will get your kids talking about topics like . . . Rock Music - Dating - Serving God - Death - Friendship - Peer Pressure - Anger - Drugs and Alcohol - Gossip - Family - Parents - The Church - Values - Faith - Cheating - Jesus . . . and many more! Get 'Em Talking is the perfect resource for anyone who leads discussions. You'll glean the insights of two of the nation's most experienced youth professionals on what makes discussion groups tick, how to get a good discussion started, what to do when problems hit, and much more. Learn How to Effectively Use Discussion Techniques Like: - No-risk Discussions - Rug Discussions - "If" Surveys - Yarn-Sharing Experiences - Relay Discussions - Tape Talk - Groupers - Continuum Discussions -- Get 'Em Talking will quickly become an indispensable part of your youth ministry resource library. Whenever you need a great discussion-starting idea, just reach for Get 'Em Talking!

Get in the Ark: Finding Safety in the Coming Judgment

by Steve Farrar

Steve Farrar says, "If you want to know what is going to happen in the future then you have to look back to the past." His recommended reading list for understanding the future through the past? The biblical prophets. Through his own study of the prophets, Farrar is convinced that America is on the brink of judgment. He says, "The problem with America is not the unbelieving world. The problem with America is the people of God. Our gospel is cancelled by the way we live." With Get In The Ark, Farrar gives Christians the tools they need to victoriously face the coming judgment.

Get in the Game: Nothing Missing: You Have Everything Needed to Succeed

by Kevin Atlas

Be inspired by the story of Kevin Atlas (formerly Laue), whose faith and perseverance helped him become an NCAA Division I basketball player, despite being born with only one arm.Even before entering the world, Kevin Atlas was a fighter. He should have died in childbirth, as the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice, but he survived because his left arm was in the middle of it, allowing blood to flow to his brain. But since circulation was cut off in that arm, he was born with his left arm ending just below his elbow. GET IN THE GAME is Kevin's story of transformation: Moving from anger to joy. From embarrassment to confidence. From the sidelines and wishing his life was different to getting in the game and showing who he is. Kevin's arduous journey to earning a scholarship to Manhattan College in New York City and becoming the first NCAA Division I basketball player missing a limb has given him keen insights to help anyone who feels trapped and defeated by less-than-perfect circumstances, whether physical, mental, or environmental. Kevin doesn't encourage readers to simply accept and live with their challenges, hurts, and losses. He spurs them on to believe any weakness can, in reality, become the one thing that propels them to achieve their greatest potential. As Kevin has learned throughout his life, you can't win if you don't get in the game!

Get in the Game: A Spiritual Workout For Athletes

by Tony Evans Jonathan Evans

A competitive athlete trains for one thing- the game. Having the skills and knowing how to play aren't enough- you need to perform when it matters. Yet so many of those same athletes live in a spiritual offseason. They have faith. They know the Word. But they sit back and watch others take the lead. Get in the Game encourages athletes to transfer their drive and determination to the spiritual realm and shows that there is far more than a game on the line.

Get in the Game: A Spiritual Workout For Athletes

by Tony Evans Jonathan Evans

A competitive athlete trains for one thing- the game. Having the skills and knowing how to play aren't enough- you need to perform when it matters. Yet so many of those same athletes live in a spiritual offseason. They have faith. They know the Word. But they sit back and watch others take the lead. Get in the Game encourages athletes to transfer their drive and determination to the spiritual realm and shows that there is far more than a game on the line.

Get in the Game: Basics of Christian Service (The Basics)

by Clayton Oliphint Mary Brooke Casad

What is true Christian discipleship? Living in Christ brings us joy and fulfillment, but what are we called to do? Get in the Game, a book and 4-week study, teaches the basics of Christian discipleship and explores how we are called to serve others through Christian service when we follow the example of Jesus. Part of The Basics Series, the book helps individuals and group members discover the joyful service that results when faith is put into action. A Leader Guide, which includes everything a group leader needs to plan and facilitate the 4-session study, is also available. "Wow! This book is a life changer. It will inspire you to get off the sideline, get in the game, and put your faith into action." -Larry Fedora, Head Football Coach, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Combines solid theology, practical applications, and relevant reflections to help new and seasoned Christians grow in their faith through service. --Matt Miofsky, Lead Pastor, The Gathering United Methodist Church, St. Louis, Missouri

Get in the Game Leader Guide: Basics of Christian Service (The Basics)

by Clayton Oliphint Mary Brooke Casad

Living in Christ brings us joy and fulfillment. But true Christian discipleship involves more. Following the example of Jesus, we are called to serve others through Christian service. In this book and 4-week study, readers will discover the joyful service that results when faith is put into action. This Leader Guide includes everything a group leader needs to plan and facilitate the four sessions, helping participants to explore what they have read and to discuss the reading with the group. The guide walks leaders through the study format and provides options for tailoring sessions to the time-frame and style of each group. Get in the Game is part of The Basics Series.

Get Lost: Your Guide to Finding True Love

by Dannah Gresh

Have you ever ditched a friend for a guy? Filled your journal with more thoughts about guys than God? Found yourself jealous because that other girl gets all the dates? Maybe it's time to get lost--in God. Discover how to get so lost in God that a guy has to seek Him to find you. Dannah Gresh traces God's language of love through Scripture to help you pursue your heart's deepest desires and seek love the way God designed it to be. Because once you identify your true longings and let God answer them, you'll know just how to respond when romantic love comes along. With a guided ten-day Love Feast Challenge, Get Lost will help you see for yourself how getting lost in God opens the door to lifelong fulfillment.

Get Me to the Ark on Time

by Cuyler Black

When Noah loads the ark and God shuts the door, the animals make fun of the giraffes’ long necks. But, in the end, their necks help them become the heroes of the day.

Get Off Your Knees & Pray: A Woman's Guide to Life-Changing Prayer

by Sheila Walsh

Having trouble talking to God? You’re not alone.We know we can talk to God, but it just sounds so important, so intimidating, so religious. We assume that only the very spiritual talk to him or hear from him directly. But author Sheila Walsh says, "Every sound we utter, every thank you we say, every tear we cry in God's presence is prayer."Get Off Your Knees and Pray is a real woman's guide to real prayer?from understanding the biblical basis for prayer to cultivating a vital personal relationship with God. It is the perfect blend of practical advice, personal stories, and biblical truth to encourage and help you achieve greater intimacy with God through prayer. Prayer is not just a few sentences we say while on our knees. It is living out our ongoing, every-moment commitment to God."Sheila steers us away from prayer as formula (say the right things the right way and God responds) and toward prayer as picture?a picture of God's desired relationship. Talking. Listening. Trusting. Living. This volume, warm and witty like its author, deserves a spot on every reading calendar." ?Max Lucado, best-selling author and minister"No matter what kind of difficulty you have about prayer, this book will help. Sheila has experienced all of them, and she will take you through them to where God has taken her: straight into His very real and accepting Presence." ?Dr. Henry Cloud, speaker and coauthor of Boundaries

Get On With Living

by Simon Schrock

Are you ready to risk living by your own directions and convictions instead of imitating someone else's? Be obedient to God and the call He has on your life and get started! When dealing with negativism or any other "hang-up", people searching for direction and purpose in life are often frustrated by the over-whelming amount of available advice. Instead of facing the real issues of life and becoming persons of deep simplicity, individuals get sidetracked into the complexities of imitating someone else's ideas. Instead of apologizing for and defending yourself, let Get On with Living challenge you into action and faithfulness to the vision God has given you. Here is solid advice on how to stop "fussing" and start "building".

Get on Your Knee Replacements and Pray!: If You're Not Dead, You're Not Done

by Kris Kandel Schwambach Karen Kandel Kizlin Kathie Kandel Poe Linda Kandel Mason

Blending humor and faith, the four Kandel sisters encourage senior adults to be mission focused and never let age block opportunities to serve and minister to others.With wry humor, they inspire you to investigate possibilities for your next assignment from God. If you have retired or are considering retirement, you will chuckle as they motivate you to look into new opportunities to serve God with that unhinged schedule, wisdom gained from experience, and perhaps even some discretionary income.Cheerleaders encouraging the no-longer-young to stay in the game, the Kandels let you laugh out loud at their own real-life mishaps. They prove that age isn't years, it is mind-set, and they offer a lighthearted challenge to seek new ways to serve God.Do not let your number of birthdays stand in the way of your eternal impact. The big music for intentional, mission-focused living can begin even when you are well advanced in years.

Get Out of Mind Jail: Create Your New Life With Purpose

by Reverend Nicholas Barrett

Get Out of Mind Jail is written for those who are absolutely committed to create a better life for themselves and those around them. Its ideal reader implicitly understands that you create your life and influence your destiny by what you focus your eyes and ears on. Its readers may not have yet embarked on a transformation journey, but they&’re weary from life&’s constant challenges and are curious for new methods.

Get Out of That Pit: Straight Talk about God's Deliverance from a Former Pit-Dweller

by Beth Moore

Beth Moore wants readers to know if God could lift her out of the pit, He can get ANYONE out! She admits she wasn't just a visitor; this former pit-dweller had to be delivered from acres of life-accumulated dirt, bone-chilling darkness, spirit-deadening anger, heart-breaking desperation and mind-numbing confusion. The permanent lessons she learned in her desperation-shared in this very personal book-are lessons of hope for all of us. While she deeply empathizes with the hows and whys of life in the "pit," she continually points readers to the deliverance that awaits. Deliverance is for everyone, she proclaims-no matter how you got stuck, no matter how long you've been down, whether you think you deserve it or not. And in her straight-talking but loving style, she reminds readers that deliverance can begin for them this very day.

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