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Showing 28,601 through 28,625 of 82,403 results

God Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents God

by Eric L. Johnson Douglas S. Huffman

God Never Changes Or does he? God has been getting a makeover of late, a "reinvention" that has incited debate and troubled scholars and laypeople alike. Modern theological sectors as diverse as radical feminism and the new “open theism” movement are attacking the classical Christian view of God and vigorously promoting their own images of Divinity. God Under Fire refutes the claim that major attributes of the God of historic Christianity are false and outdated. This book responds to some increasingly popular alternate theologies and the ways in which they cast classical Christian theism in a negative light. Featuring an impressive cast of world-class biblical scholars, philosophers, and apologists, God Under Fire begins by addressing the question, “Should the God of Historic Christianity Be Replaced?” From there, it explores issues as old as time and as new as the inquest into the “openness of God.” How, for instance, does God risk, relate, emote, and change? Does he do these things, and if so, why? These and other questions are investigated with clarity, bringing serious scholarship into popular reach. Above all, this collection of essays focuses on the nature of God as presented in the Scriptures and as Christians have believed for centuries. God Under Fire builds a solid and appealing case for the God of classical Christian theism, who in recent years—as through the centuries—has been the God under fire.

God Underneath

by Edward L. Beck

A delightfully different approach to religion and spirituality, this collection of engaging personal tales transcends specific doctrines to reveal the presence of God in everyday life. Father Edward L. Beck spins tales like a master, presenting with candor and a touch of irreverence incidents and events that will resonate with readers. Exploring such universal themes and concerns as friendship, sexuality, illness, alcoholism, loss, and death, the vignettes and stories in this collection are animated...

God van Abraham,Isaak en Jakob

by josepha van den Brink Gabriel Agbo

God van Abraham,Isaak en Jakob . Een geweldig boek over Godsverbonds beloften falen niet. Dit boek is geschreven om je te helpen bereiken al God's beloftes voor jouw leven. Het is een voorzichtig uitgewerkte studie, met persoonlijke getuigenissen over de mogelijkheid en bereidwilligheid van god om zijn woorden tot stand te brengen voor ons. Hij zegt dat hij elk woord niet ledig terug laat keren. Hier kijken we critisch naar de dynamische en goddelijke belofte; hoe die tot stand kwam, gegroeid en onderhouden en tot vruchtbaarheid kwam. Elke verbonds belofte heeft zijn begin,tijdsbepaling en condities. we moeten dit altijd weten om instaat te zijn om perfect en comfortabel in te toetsen God's wil voorons leven. Inderdaad alle dingen zijn mogelijk met God.

God van Abraham, Isak en Jakob

by Gabriel Agbo Mignionette Fair

God se verbondsbeloftes stel nooit teleur nie. Hierdie boek sal jou help om al God se beloftes vir jou lewe te bereik. Dit is ʼn omvattende studie met persoonlike getuienisse oor die vermoë en gewilligheid van God om al Sy woorde rakend ons uit te voer. Hy het gesê Hy waak oor Sy woorde om hulle te laatgeskied. In hierdie boekkyk ons krities na die dinamika van ʼn goddelike belofte en hoe dit tot stand kom, in stand gehou en versorg word tot verwerkliking. Elke verbondsbelofte het ʼn begin, tydsberekening en voorwaardes. Ons moet dit altyd onthou om in staat te wees om perfek en gemaklik by God se wil vir ons lewens in te skakel. Inderdaad, by God is alles moontlik!

The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture

by Darrel W. Ray

The author explores this and much more in his book The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture. This second-generation book takes the reader several steps beyond previous offerings and into the realm of the personal and emotional mechanisms that affect anyone who lives in a culture steeped in religion.

God vs. Gay? The Religious Case for Equality

by Jay Michaelson

Does the Bible prohibit homosexuality? No, says Bible scholar and activist Jay Michaelson. But not only that: Michaelson also shows that the vast majority of our shared religious traditions support the full equality and dignity of LGBT people. In this accessible, passionate, and provocative book, Michaelson argues for equality, not despite religion but because of it.From the Hardcover families will strengthen, not threaten, the values religious people hold dear. This is an important book for anyone who has wrestled with questions of religion and homosexuality: parents and pastors, believers and skeptics, advocates of "gay rights" and opponents of them. Whatever your views on religion and sexual diversity, God vs. Gay is a plea for a more compassionate, informed conversation--and a first step toward creating one.From the Hardcover edition.

God vs. Money: Winning Strategies in the Combat Zone

by J. Clif Christopher

God and Money both make a lot of promises. God keeps all of God's promises, while Money keeps none. However, Money has better advertising, and we keep falling for it. Here's how to turn that trend around in your life and in the lives of those you lead. Chapters include: 1. The Realities of the Situation 2. The Preacher Must Be the Leader 3. A Theology of Giving – Why We Do It 4. Preach It 5. Competing Is Not a Dirty Word 6. Start Now and Don’t Quit 7. You Have to Have a Budget 8. Basic Fundraising Principles 9. Making the Ask 10. Big Money - Capital Campaigns 11. Succeeding in a Capital Campaign 12. Easy Money – Planned Giving 13. Building, Banking and Bonds

God vs. Money Participant Guide: Winning Strategies in the Combat Zone

by J. Clif Christopher

The God vs. Money Participant Guide and DVD (ISBN 9781501891571) provide a process for applying key principles from the main book, God vs. Money (ISBN 9781501868115), in the participant’s own ministry context. This study is for leaders in churches and other ministry settings who have responsibility for capital campaigns, budgets, stewardship, planned giving, and other financial concerns. The typical study groups include finance committees, stewardship teams, foundation boards, and finance-related staff teams. The study is also recommended for continuing education of pastors and other church leaders. A copy of the main book (God vs. Money, ISBN 9781501868115) is required for each participant and a copy of the DVD (ISBN 9781501891571) is required for each group. Prior to each group session, participants should read a section of the book. Sessions start with a 7-10 minute video featuring Clif Christopher. Using the Guide, participants completes a variety of activities focused on application of key points from the prescribed reading. This may include discussion questions, personal reflection, group problem-solving activities, and other actions. The Guide serves as a workbook, giving each participant a place to record their thoughts and insights from the group, and to plan next steps.

God Walk: Moving at the Speed of Your Soul

by Mark Buchanan

Drawing on Jesus's example of walking, bestselling author Mark Buchanan explores one of the oldest spiritual practices of our faith. What happens when we literally walk out our Christian life? We discover the joy of traveling at the speed of our soul. We often act as if faith is only about the mind. But what about our bodies? What does our physical being have to do with our spiritual life? When the Bible exhorts us to walk in the light, or walk by faith, or walk in truth, it means these things literally as much as figuratively. The Christian faith always involves walking out, as again and again we find the holy in the ordinary. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, and then he was off. The most obvious thing about Jesus's method of discipleship, in fact, is that he walked and invited others to walk with him. Jesus is always "on the way," "arriving," "leaving," "approaching," "coming upon." It's in the walking that his disciples are taught, formed, tested, empowered, and released. Part theology, part history, part field guide, God Walk explores walking as spiritual formation, walking as healing, walking as exercise, walking as prayer, walking as pilgrimage, suffering, friendship, and attentiveness. It is a book about being alongside the God who, incarnate in Jesus, turns to us as he passes by--always on foot--and says simply, "Come, follow me."With practical insight and biblical reflections told in his distinct voice, Buchanan provides specific walking exercises so you can immediately implement the practice of going "God speed." Whether you are walking around the neighborhood or hiking in the mountains, walking offers the potential to awaken your life with Christ as it revives body and soul.

God Wants a Powerful People

by Sheri Dew

This book introduces God's need for a powerful people. True disciples of Christ must be powerful enough to perform God's work when called upon. This book empowers us through our mortal experience.

God Wants You Happy: From Self-Help to God's Help

by Jonathan Morris

"Inviting, accessible and personal. . . . A reminder of an overlooked truth: faith leads to joy." —James Martin, SJ, author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) EverythingFox News analyst Father Jonathan Morris challenges the wisdom espoused by New Age self-help experts with the time-tested counsel found in the Bible. Readers who may have sought solace in popular self-help books like Eckart Tolle’s A New Earth, Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, or Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success will be enthralled by Morris’s moving argument about the enduring spiritual succor awaiting in Scripture.

God Was Here and I Was Out to Lunch

by James W. Moore

Explores how, due to our rigid preoccupation with our busy-ness and routines, we fail to sense or appreciate the presence of God all around us; consequently, we miss out on the chance to tap in to common sense, we miss out on the chance to love God and others, and we miss out on the chance to connect with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. In fifteen chapters, Moore highlights hallmarks of the Christian faith that are essential and life-giving for all persons, and which can be ours if only we will learn to recognize God's majesty when it is near and open our lives to the change God offers. 15 chapters with a study guide. Appropriate for individual or group use.

God Was Not in the Fire: The Search for a Spiritual Judaism

by Daniel Gordis

Contemporary Jews seeking a path toward spirituality and a renewal of faith will find it in this fresh look at the traditional rituals, prayers, celebrations, and ethical teachings of Judaism. "This book makes its case for returning to one's Jewish roots, for exploring the various paths to God, and living a fuller, richer life".--Sandra Rosenthal Berliner, "The Philadelphia Inquirer".

God Watches Over Me Bible, NIrV

by Zonderkidz

God Is Always With You! When you’re facing your biggest fears, turn to this Bible. Using the easy-to-read NIrV translation, the God Watches Over Me Bible highlights key Scripture verses that will encourage you to remember that God is always with you, no matter where you are or what your fears might be. Features include: • Cool glow in the dark cover • Complete text of the Bible in the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV), the stepping stone to the NIV • 8 color pages highlight verses of courage and comfort • Dictionary to help with unfamiliar words in the Bible • List of great Bible stories

The God We Never Knew

by Marcus J. Borg

How to have faith--or even think about God--without having to stifle modern rational thought is one of the most vital challenges facing many of us today. Marcus J. Borg, author of the bestselling Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, traces his personal spiritual journey to the discovery of an authentic yet fully contemporary understanding of God. In a compelling, readable way, he leads us from the distant, authoritarian God of our childhood to an equally powerful, dynamic adult image of God--"the beyond in our midst," the life spirit that is within us and all around us--that reconciles faith with science, history, critical thinking, and religious pluralism.of biblical texts and of God's true nature--and challenges readers to a new way of thinking about God. He opens a practical discussion about how to base a relationship with the divine both immanent and transcendant, here and now, always and everywhere. Arguing that the authentic Judeo-Christian tradition is that God's being includes the whole world, Borg persuasively shows how this understanding accounts for the whole variety of human religious experience. Ultimately, he introduces readers to a way of thinking about God who is "right here" all around them, rather than distant and remote. This understanding is more intellectually and spiritually satisfying and allows readers to reclaim a stronger sense of God's presence.

The God We Never Knew

by Marcus J. Borg

Answering the many "spiritual" questions left unaddressed by such popular historical bestsellers as A History of God and God: A Biography, renowned author Marcus Borg reveals how to embrace an authentic contemporary faith that reconciles God with science, critical thinking and religious pluralism. How to have faith--how to even think about God--without having to stifle modern rationality is one of the most vital challenges facing contemporary religion. In providing a much-needed solution to the problem of how to have a fully authentic yet fully contemporary understanding of God, Borg--author of the bestselling Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time--traces his personal journey. He leads readers from the all-powerful and authoritarian God of his (and their) childhood and traditional faith to an equally powerful but dynamic image of God that is relevant to contemporary seekers and more biblical and spiritually authentic. Borg shows how the modern crisis of faith is itself rooted in delusion--misinterpretation of biblical texts and of God's true nature--and challenges readers to a new way of thinking about God. He opens a practical discussion about how to base a relationship with the divine both immanent and transcendant, here and now, always and everywhere. Arguing that the authentic Judeo-Christian tradition is that God's being includes the whole world, Borg persuasively shows how this understanding accounts for the whole variety of human religious experience. Ultimately, he introduces readers to a way of thinking about God who is "right here" all around them, rather than distant and remote. This understanding is more intellectually and spiritually satisfying and allows readers to reclaim a stronger sense of God's presence.

The God We Worship: An Exploration of Liturgical Theology (Kantzer Lectures in Revealed Theology (KLRT))

by Nicholas Wolterstorff

In The God We Worship Nicholas Wolterstorff takes a ground-up approach to liturgical theology, examining the oft-hidden implications of traditional elements of liturgy. Given that “no liturgy has ever been composed from scratch,” Wolterstorff argues that the assumptions taken into worship are key to perceiving the real depths of historical Christianity’s understanding of God.Across the liturgies of the Orthodox, Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Reformed churches, Wolterstorff highlights theologically neglected elements of God, such as an implicit liturgical understanding of God as listener. A dissection of liturgy is not only interesting, Wolterstorff argues, but crucial for reconciling differences between the God studied by theologians and the God worshiped by churchgoers on Sunday.

God Wears Lipstick

by Karen Berg

For millennia, women were literally forbidden to study the spiritual science known as Kabbalah. Karen Berg broke all barriers with this book by revealing what was once taboo - Kabbalah for women. She provides the methodology to unleash every woman's Kabbalistic power and shows how this ancient wisdom gives tangible solutions to the problems women face today. Readers discover how to attract the perfect mate, improve their sex lives, realize their highest potential, make any relationship stronger, and much more.

God Went to Beauty School

by Cynthia Rylant

A deeply compelling collection of poems about God and our everyday world from a Newbery medalist. Cynthia Rylant takes teens on an invigorating spiritual journey as she explores what God's life on Earth might be like. Rylant's reflective and often humorous verse follows God as he tries out human activities such as getting a dog, writing a fan letter, and making spaghetti. God Went to Beauty School combines the awesome with the everyday in an accessible, thought-provoking, and intelligent manner.

God, Where Are You?

by Benjamin Kisoni

Benjamin Kisoni was young, gifted, university educated and confident that he would make his mark as a Christian leader in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. But civil war robbed him and his wife and children of all they possessed. On returning to their home town, they found that living by Christian principles brought them abuse rather than praise. When they eventually managed to struggle to their feet, they were brought down again by the assassination of Benjamin’s younger brother, the struggle for justice, and the growing awareness that Benjamin too was a marked man. For the safety of his family, he had to flee the DRC and see refugee status in the USA. A devoted believer, he brought each situation to the Lord, sometimes in grief, sometimes in anger. In this book he recounts what he learnt about God and himself on this long journey.

God Whispers: Learning to Hear His Voice

by Margaret Feinberg

The majority of Americans pray, but how many recognize when God has answered? In the bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the quiet nudges, the subtle answers and the little ways in which the Creator responds. God Whispers isn't as much about how to pray as it is about how to listen. Author Margaret Feinberg challenges readers to live with a tender heart as well as open eyes and ears to the countless ways in which God speaks to us today.

The God Who Acts in History: The Significance of Sinai

by Craig S. Bartholomew

Did the decisive event in the history of Israel even happen?The Bible presents a living God who speaks and acts, and whose speaking and acting is fundamental to his revelation of himself. God&’s action in history may seem obvious to many Christians, but modern philosophy has problematized the idea. Today, many theologians often use the Bible to speak of God while, at best, remaining agnostic about whether he has in fact acted in history. Historical revelation is central to both Jewish and Christian theology. Two major events in the Bible showcase divine agency: the revelation at Sinai in Exodus and the incarnation of Jesus in the gospels. Surprisingly, there is a lack of serious theological reflection on Sinai by both Jewish and Christian scholars, and those who do engage the subject often oscillate about the historicity of what occurred there. Craig Bartholomew explores how the early church understood divine action, looks at the philosophers who derided the idea, and finally shows that the reasons for doubting the historicity of Sinai are not persuasive. The God Who Acts in History provides compelling reasons for affirming that God has acted and continues to act in history.

The God Who Acts in History: The Significance of Sinai

by Craig S. Bartholomew

Did the decisive event in the history of Israel even happen?The Bible presents a living God who speaks and acts, and whose speaking and acting is fundamental to his revelation of himself. God&’s action in history may seem obvious to many Christians, but modern philosophy has problematized the idea. Today, many theologians often use the Bible to speak of God while, at best, remaining agnostic about whether he has in fact acted in history. Historical revelation is central to both Jewish and Christian theology. Two major events in the Bible showcase divine agency: the revelation at Sinai in Exodus and the incarnation of Jesus in the gospels. Surprisingly, there is a lack of serious theological reflection on Sinai by both Jewish and Christian scholars, and those who do engage the subject often oscillate about the historicity of what occurred there. Craig Bartholomew explores how the early church understood divine action, looks at the philosophers who derided the idea, and finally shows that the reasons for doubting the historicity of Sinai are not persuasive. The God Who Acts in History provides compelling reasons for affirming that God has acted and continues to act in history.

The God Who Answers by Fire: A Jewish Saga

by June Volk

Rarely does a book come along with a story that God can and does answer-and is believable. Rarer still a story that is convincing. In June Volk's The God Who Answers By Fire, it is God who answers not by a fire that consumes but by fire that refines! Raised in New York City, living in affluent Connecticut, she and her family suddenly uprooted and moved to rural northern Minnesota, where the refining fire was required sometimes daily, sometimes hourly -- sometimes minute-by-minute. Her story is simple, funny, serious, heart-breaking, profound, and uplifting. The refining was steady, nurturing a flame that burned from within. It's one of a kind. By her life story and teaching, she exemplifies the ideal Messianic-Jew that other people can use as their model as they struggle with their lives and faiths. Finally, the author, by writing her story, reinforces the idea that it is completely acceptable for Jewish people to accept Yeshua (Jesus) as their Jewish Messiah and still maintain their Jewish identity. June Volk longs for the day when all of the Jewish people come to faith in Yeshua and practice a life full of faith and love.

God, Who Are You Anyway?: I Am Bigger than You Think

by Bill Bright Brad Bright

We can trace all our human problems to our view of God. In one of his greatest contributions to the Body of Christ, Bill Bright addresses questions that Christians of all paths ask. These questions include:Do your experiences shape how you see God? or Does your view of God shape how you see your experiences?Do you experience daily the joy and peace Jesus promised all his followers? or Are you stuck on an emotional rollercoaster driven by today&’s events?&” God, Who Are You Anyway teaches Christians how to deepen their view of God. Readers learn to see problems as opportunities to see God work.

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