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God's High Calling for Women
by John MacArthurThe subject of women in the church is both important and controversial—John MacArthur is not afraid of either. In this revised work, MacArthur examines what the Bible teaches in I Timothy 2:9-15. He discusses topics ranging from the attitude and appearance of women to their role in and contribution to the church.God&’s High Calling for Women can be used alongside or apart from the audio series available from Grace to You in either a personal or group study.Unique features:-Corresponds with the audio message series available from Grace to You-Features revised content and study questions-For personal or group study use
God's Imagery: Interpreting Scripture's Symbols, Parables, & Word Pictures (Bible Discovery Series)
by Joel C SeifertWhat are symbols in Scripture? What are parables in the Bible?The Bible is full of symbols, metaphors, figurative language, and stories, so how are you supposed to interpret God’s Word? What is meant to be taken figuratively and what is supposed to be understood literally?In God’s Imagery, you’ll learn about the principles of biblical interpretation and how to decipher scriptural language. As you grow in confidence and understanding of the symbols in God’s Word, you will grow in faith and knowledge of God’s saving grace.This book is part of the Bible Discovery Series, which provides you with background resources to help you unearth and understand the Bible’s greater meaning for your life today!
Gods in Everyman: Archetypes That Shape Men's Lives
by Jean Shinoda BolenIn this challenging and enlightening companion volume to the bestselling Goddesses in Everywoman, Jean Shinoda Bolen turns her attention to the powerful inner patterns--or archetypes--that shape men's personalities, careers, and personal relationships. Viewing these archtypes as the inner counterparts of the outer world of cultural stereotypes, she demonstrates how men an women can gain an nvaluable sense of wholeness and integration when what they do is consistent with who they are. Dr. Bolen introduces these patterns in the guise of eight archetypal gods, or personality types, with whom the reader will identify. From the authoritarian power-seeking gods (Zeus, Poseidon) to the gods of creativity (Apollo, Hephaestus) to the sensual Dionysus, Dr. Bolen shows men how to identify their ruling gods, how to decide which to cultivate and which to overcome, and how to tap thepwer of these enduring archetypes in order to enrich and strengthen their lives. She also stresses the importance of understanding which gods you are attracted to and which are compatible with your expectations, uncovers the origins of the often-difficult father-son relationship, and explores society's deep conflict between nurturing behavior and the need to foster masculinity.In Gods in Everyman Dr. Bolen presents us with a compassionate and lucid male psychology that will help all men and women to better understand themselves and their relationships with their fathers, their sons, their brothers, and their lovers.
Gods in the Bazaar: The Economies of Indian Calendar Art
by Kajri JainGods in the Bazaar is a fascinating account of the printed images known in India as "calendar art" or "bazaar art," the color-saturated, mass-produced pictures often used on calendars and in advertisements, featuring deities and other religious themes as well as nationalist leaders, alluring women, movie stars, chubby babies, and landscapes. Calendar art appears in all manner of contexts in India: in chic elite living rooms, middle-class kitchens, urban slums, village huts; hung on walls, stuck on scooters and computers, propped up on machines, affixed to dashboards, tucked into wallets and lockets. In this beautifully illustrated book, Kajri Jain examines the power that calendar art wields in Indian mass culture, arguing that its meanings derive as much from the production and circulation of the images as from their visual features. Jain draws on interviews with artists, printers, publishers, and consumers as well as analyses of the prints themselves to trace the economies--of art, commerce, religion, and desire--within which calendar images and ideas about them are formulated. For Jain, an analysis of the bazaar, or vernacular commercial arena, is crucial to understanding not only the calendar art that circulates within the bazaar but also India's postcolonial modernity and the ways that its mass culture has developed in close connection with a religiously inflected nationalism. The bazaar is characterized by the coexistence of seemingly incompatible elements: bourgeois-liberal and neoliberal modernism on the one hand, and vernacular discourses and practices on the other. Jain argues that from the colonial era to the present, capitalist expansion has depended on the maintenance of these multiple coexisting realms: the sacred, the commercial, and the artistic; the official and the vernacular.
God's Inerrant Word: An International Symposium on the Trustworthiness of Scripture
by John Warwick MontgomeryEditor John Warwick Montgomery (b. 1931) is one of the major philosophical apologists of the 20th century. He is also a trained lawyer, which influenced his "historical/legal" approach to Christian apologetics. He is perhaps best known as a writer for his books History and Christianity, How Do We Know There is a God?, Faith Founded on Fact, Evidence for Faith, Where is History Going?, The Shape of the Past, The Quest for Noah's Ark, as well as for his debates with the infamous atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair (1967); with Joseph Fletcher [reprinted in Situation Ethics: True or False); with "Death of God" theologian Thomas Altizer [reprinted in The Suicide of Christian Theology].R.C. Sproul wrote in the Foreword to this 1974 book, "The essays in this book were written as research articles for delivery at the Conferece on the Inspiration and Authority of Scripture... in the fall of 19763. The Conference was sponsored by the Ligonier Valley Study Center, a facility developed to make the resources of Christian scholarship available to today's laymen and pastors... The eleven essays comprising the text of this book were all publicly delivered at the Ligonier Conference." (Pg. 9) Essays are included by authors such as Montgomery; J.I. Packer; John Gerstner; Clark Pinnock; John Frame; Sproul, etc.Montgomery states in his own Introduction that "The Ligonier Conference ... [was] designed specifically to serve as an adrenal injection for the faint-of-heart who question the place of inerrancy in historic Christian theology or doubt that modern research is compatible with an errorless Bible. The essayists may differ from each other in a number of respects... [but] they hold in common the historic Christian confidence in an entirely trustworthy Bible. They would impart that confidence to the readers of this volume..." (Pg. 14)Montgomery states in his first essay, "Embedded in the liberal evangelical's attempt to preserve an infallible Bible in spite of errors is a further and even more serious fallacy. We invariably find that the 'non-revelational areas' are the areas of 'science and history'---the areas of prime testability... The result---if one carries this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion---is ... Where the Bible errs, it is non-revelatory; when it is capable of being tested ... it is precariously revelatory---revelatory only until proven wrong; and where it cannot be tested it always remains revelatory and inerrant!... This is just like believers in sea serpents claiming that they appear only when no scientists are present." (Pg. 31-32)Pinnock observes, "If we say, as Vatican II does, that inspiration guarantees only those truths necessary for salvation, the question arises, how much we need to know to be saved. The way is open for someone to come along wth the opinion that he need know very little. Very little, then, is inerrantly taught in Scripture." (Pg. 150)Sproul says in an essay, "Jesus' understanding of the ... Old Testament Scriptures ... casts a shadow over his own sinlessness---Jesus does not have to be omniscient to be infallible. But he must be infallible to be sinless. That is to say, if Jesus, claiming to be sent from God and invoking the authority of God in his teaching errs in that teaching, he is guilty of sin. The one who claims to be the truth cannot err and be consistent with that claim. Anyone claiming absolute authority in his teaching must be abolutely trustworthy in what he teaches in order to merit absolute authority. In light of his claims, Jesus cannot plead 'invincible ignorance' as an excuse for error." (Pg. 253)These essays will be of great interest to any Christians studying the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.-- by Steven H. Propp Top 100 Reviewer
God's Inhabited World (God's World Science Series)
by Lester ShowalterGods Inhabited World Science Gr.6
God's Inspirational Promises
by Max LucadoWherever you are in life, wherever you are in the world, God's promises remind you that He is always near.God wants us to know He is in the midst of wherever we are, whatever we're doing. And He does this by speaking directly to us through His Word. The Bible was written to each of our needs, our hopes, and our dreams. With over 1.2 million copies sold, God's Inspirational Promises is a classic seller now with a brand-new, updated look. The compilation of verses speak specifically to topics we all relate to: living in a lost world, strong personal relationships, wisdom, guidance, worry, grace, and many more. Heartwarming writings from Max's bestselling works accompany each selection of Scripture.
God's Inspiring World: Science 4 (God's World Science Ser.)
by Lester Miller Barbara Schlabach Naomi Eicher Lapp Jonathan ShowalterAlso included are helpful suggestions for extra activities. Other lesson helps, such as the lesson guide and suggestions for class projects, are placed below the reduced pages. Copies of the tests with answers are included too.
God's Internationalists: World Vision and the Age of Evangelical Humanitarianism (Haney Foundation Series)
by David P. KingOver the past seventy years, World Vision has grown from a small missionary agency to the largest Christian humanitarian organization in the world, with 40,000 employees, offices in nearly one hundred countries, and an annual budget of over $2 billion. While founder Bob Pierce was an evangelist with street smarts, the most recent World Vision U.S. presidents move with ease between megachurches, the boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies, and the corridors of Capitol Hill. Though the organization has remained decidedly Christian, it has earned the reputation as an elite international nongovernmental organization managed efficiently by professional experts fluent in the language of both marketing and development.God's Internationalists is the first comprehensive study of World Vision—or any such religious humanitarian agency. In chronicling the organization's transformation from 1950 to the present, David P. King approaches World Vision as a lens through which to explore shifts within post-World War II American evangelicalism as well as the complexities of faith-based humanitarianism. Chronicling the evolution of World Vision's practices, theology, rhetoric, and organizational structure, King demonstrates how the organization rearticulated and retained its Christian identity even as it expanded beyond a narrow American evangelical subculture. King's pairing of American evangelicals' interactions abroad with their own evolving identity at home reframes the traditional narrative of modern American evangelicalism while also providing the historical context for the current explosion of evangelical interest in global social engagement. By examining these patterns of change, God's Internationalists offers a distinctive angle on the history of religious humanitarianism.
God's Joyful Surprise: Finding Yourself Loved
by Sue Monk KiddThe bestselling author's inspiring account of her spiritual journey into discovering the love of God."Beautifully written . . . the message and challenge of the book is profound. . . . This book will awaken your longing and set you off on your own spiritual journey."—Today's Christian Woman"A joy to read from beginning to end."—Virtue Magazine Sue Monk Kidd explores the thrilling possibilities of God's everlasting love. God's Joyful Surprise makes an important statement about devotion to God rather than activity. Strands of humor and warmth woven throughout make it a joy to read from beginning to end.
God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World
by Cullen Murphy&“From Torquemada to Guantánamo and beyond, Cullen Murphy finds the &‘inquisitorial impulse&’ alive, and only too well, in our world&” (Jane Mayer, author of Dark Money). Established by the Catholic Church in 1231, the Inquisition continued in one form or another for almost seven hundred years. Though associated with the persecution of heretics and Jews—and with burning at the stake—its targets were more numerous, its techniques were more ambitious, and its effect on history has been greater than many understand. The Inquisition pioneered surveillance, censorship, and &“scientific&” interrogation. As time went on, its methods and mindset spread far beyond the Church to become tools of secular persecution. Traveling from freshly opened Vatican archives to the detention camps of Guantánamo to the filing cabinets of the Third Reich, the author of Are We Rome? &“masterfully traces the social, legal and political evolution of the Inquisition and the inquisitorial process from its origins in late medieval Christian France to its eerily familiar, secular cousin in the modern world&” (San Francisco Chronicle). &“God&’s Jury is a reminder, and we need to be constantly reminded, that the most dangerous people in the world are the righteous, and when they wield real power, look out. . . . Murphy wears his erudition lightly, writes with quiet wit, and has a delightful way of seeing the past in the present.&” —Mark Bowden, author of Hue 1968 &“Beautifully written, very smart, and devilishly engaging.&” —The Boston Globe
Gods & Kings (Chronicles of the Kings, Book #1)
by Lynn AustinHE WAS BORN TO RULE THE PEOPLE OF GOD...BUT YAHWEH IS ONLY A VAGUE, POWERLESS MEMORY IN THE MINDS OF HIS PEOPLE. Though born the second son of King Ahaz, Hezekiah is not protected from his father's perverted attempts to gain the favor of the idol Molech. Terrified and powerless at the foot of Molech's altar, Hezekiah encounters for the first time the one true God of his royal ancestry, Yahweh. But his journey to the Holy One is riddled by influence from an assortment of men: Zechariah, a grandfather of noble standing who has fallen into drunkenness; Uriah, the High Priest whose lust for power forces him to gamble the faith he proclaims; and Shebna, the Egyptian intellectual who guides Hezekiah's instruction. For the two women who love Hezekiah, the meaning of love-and its sacrificial essence-will direct the course of their lives and help shape the young prince's future.
God's Lamp, Man's Light: Mysteries Of The Menorah
by John D. GarrGod's Lamp, Man's Light is an in-depth analysis of one of the most intriguing images in the entire Bible--the menorah. It is the only Jewish or Christian symbol that was designed by God himself, and he gave it to his people as a demonstration of the light of his Word that illuminates the path of those who open their hearts to him. God's Lamp, Man's Light presents vivid images of a rich biblically Hebraic tradition, including: Man's Soul: God's Torah, The Tree of Lifht and Life, Dedication Produces Light; Jesus, the Light of the Word, and Menorah Mystery Numbers. God's Lamp, Man's Light will help you understand the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. As you recognize the historical and spiritual truths represented by the symbols of the Hebrew Scriptures, your life and the lives of your family and community will enriched immeasurably.
God's Last Call to America: Pray America Pray
by Grace MwirukiHOW PRAYER CAN SAVE OUR NATION Mass murders. Moral decay. Terrorism. All you have to do is watch the news to know that we need the Lord&’s intervention now more than ever. Scripture states that the &“effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much&” (James 5:16) and author Grace Mwiruki not only knows that verse, she lives it. A powerhouse intercessor, Grace has seen God move mightily in her native Tanzania and here at home. In God&’s Last Call To America, you will learn how to pray effectively according to God&’s will as found in His Word. You&’ll also discover: · Why our prayers may be hindered · How the early Church experienced God&’s miracles and how present day Christians can regain that power · Why we should continue to pray for America despite spiritual warfare and opposition · What we can learn from the Israelites disobedience to God and more This essential guide to prayer challenges Christians to pray effectively so God can not only heal our land, but He can heal us too.
God’s Last Word to Man: Studies in Hebrews
by G. Campbell MorganGod’s Last Word to Man, which was first published in 1936, is a book by leading English Bible scholar, Rev. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan. It is based on the opening words of Hebrews and illustrates a thorough unfolding of his firm belief that “God has spoken through His Son. God has given Him […] to be ‘A Leader and Commander to the people.’ Therefore let us ‘take heed.’”“Through Him God has spoken to man, and He has nothing more to say. There is no need for more. There is need that we should understand what He said in the Son more perfectly, and so grow up into Him in all things in knowledge and experience.”—Rev. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan
God’s Law and Order: The Politics Of Punishment In Evangelical America
by Aaron GriffithAn incisive look at how evangelical Christians shaped—and were shaped by—the American criminal justice system.America incarcerates on a massive scale. Despite recent reforms, the United States locks up large numbers of people—disproportionately poor and nonwhite—for long periods and offers little opportunity for restoration. Aaron Griffith reveals a key component in the origins of American mass incarceration: evangelical Christianity.Evangelicals in the postwar era made crime concern a major religious issue and found new platforms for shaping public life through punitive politics. Religious leaders like Billy Graham and David Wilkerson mobilized fears of lawbreaking and concern for offenders to sharpen appeals for Christian conversion, setting the stage for evangelicals who began advocating tough-on-crime politics in the 1960s. Building on religious campaigns for public safety earlier in the twentieth century, some preachers and politicians pushed for “law and order,” urging support for harsh sentences and expanded policing. Other evangelicals saw crime as a missionary opportunity, launching innovative ministries that reshaped the practice of religion in prisons. From the 1980s on, evangelicals were instrumental in popularizing criminal justice reform, making it a central cause in the compassionate conservative movement. At every stage in their work, evangelicals framed their efforts as colorblind, which only masked racial inequality in incarceration and delayed real change.Today evangelicals play an ambiguous role in reform, pressing for reduced imprisonment while backing law-and-order politicians. God’s Law and Order shows that we cannot understand the criminal justice system without accounting for evangelicalism’s impact on its historical development.
God's Law Guides Us: Parish Edition (We Believe, Grade #4)
by Gerard F. Baumbach Carole M. EipersThe Sadlier We Believe Program was developed by nationally recognized experts in catechesis, curriculum, and child development. These teachers of the faith and practitioners helped us to frame every lesson to be age-appropriate and appealing. In addition, a team including respected catechetical, liturgical, pastoral, and theological experts shared their insights and inspired the development of the program.
God's Leading Lady
by T. D. JakesBishop T.D. Jakes, the #1 bestselling author of The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord, offers women a plan for taking charge of their lives--and starring in the unique role God has chosen them to play in the world. Providing the inspiration and the tools women need to face life's challenges, he teaches them how to: Triumph in the face of adversity Recognize the Lord's calling Create a godly and successful legacy--that will inspire and influence generations to come
God's Lent Child: Women Who Found the Grace to Accept What They Must Live Without
by Dejah FieldsGod&’s Lent Child is a unique compilation of seven women&’s compelling stories; they have either lost or nearly lost a child or have a special child. Their real-life experiences bring hope, healing, and reassurance that in the most horrific life-shattering moment, you are never alone.
God's Library
by Greg ClarkeIf you have called someone the apple of your eye, a lily among thorns or the salt of the earth, you have been quoting the Bible. But did you know it? The Bible is the bestselling book of all time. It has changed the course of nations, inspired many of the world's great works of art, culture, philanthropy and architecture. But how many people today know what it says? God's Library is designed to persuade the sceptical reader just how essential it is to be educated in the Bible. It also introduces you to the kind of literature that is found in the Good Book, when it was written and for what purposes. It also tries to answer the question why the Bible has had such an enormous influence on individuals and societies for over two thousand years. Greg Clarke is the CEO of Bible Society Australia and teaches at the University of Sydney and Macquarie University.
God's Library: The Archaeology of the Earliest Christian Manuscripts
by Brent NongbriA provocative book from a highly original scholar, challenging much of what we know about early Christian manuscripts In this bold and groundbreaking book, Brent Nongbri provides an up-to-date introduction to the major collections of early Christian manuscripts and demonstrates that much of what we thought we knew about these books and fragments is mistaken. While biblical scholars have expended much effort in their study of the texts contained within our earliest Christian manuscripts, there has been a surprising lack of interest in thinking about these books as material objects with individual, unique histories. We have too often ignored the ways that the antiquities market obscures our knowledge of the origins of these manuscripts. Through painstaking archival research and detailed studies of our most important collections of early Christian manuscripts, Nongbri vividly shows how the earliest Christian books are more than just carriers of texts or samples of handwriting. They are three-dimensional archaeological artifacts with fascinating stories to tell, if we’re willing to listen.
God's Little Astronomer (God's Little Explorers)
by Tina ChoBlast off to space and discover how every part of the universe—the planets, the stars, asteroids, meteoroids, and more—display God&’s glory, creativity, and, most important, his love for you and me!&“An informative and inspirational bridge between science and religion for Christian households&”—Kirkus ReviewsIn God's Little Astronomer, author and educator Tina Cho invites young readers to blast off to see God&’s creation in the heavens. From the sun, moon, stars, constellations, and comets, this out-of-this-world introduction to space will teach budding astronomers new words, facts, and concepts, while also encouraging them to see God throughout the universe, and reinforcing the message that the same God loves them too.Each page includes fact-filled sidebars plus an accompanying Bible verse, making God's Little Astronomer the perfect combination of faith and science for budding scientists.
God's Little Book of Guarantees for Marriage (God's Little Book of Guarantees)
by Heather KoppA husband and wife make precious and challenging promises to each other when they marry. Now couples can discover how God's promises can help them fulfill the vows they spoke on their wedding day. This contemporary collection of guarantees taken from God's Word -- covering fidelity, love, unity, finances, forgiveness, and more -- assures them of His personal commitment to help them guard and nurture their love relationship. Promises from God are organized topically and personalized in God's voice to speak directly to a husband or wife's heart.guarantee\gar-en-'tē\ n 1: a pledge, something given as security 2: the protection of a right afforded by legal provision. God. Man. Woman. ...a three-party agreement built to last. --An Unlimited Partnership-- The fine print of these lifetime Warranty Notes sets forth God's eternal covenant with husbands and wives and assures His unfailing commitment to your future together. Find key promises on finances, fidelity, forgiveness, faith, and more. Carry them. Share them. Build on them securely. Signed, sealed, delivered--they're yours! From the Trade Paperback edition.
God's Little Book of Guarantees for Moms (God's Little Book of Guarantees)
by Heather KoppMoms know that raising children is both a wonderful privilege and a daunting challenge. This contemporary collection of guarantees taken from God's Word encourages discouraged mothers, assuring them that He is intimately involved in their lives and the lives of their children. Key Scriptures address important issues such as discipline, patience, wisdom, self-renewal, and trusting God with kids. No matter what difficulties or confusion moms may face, they can always turn to God's unchanging promises for sure help and comfort. guarantee\gar-en-'tē\n1:a pledge, something given as security2:the protection of a right afforded by legal provision. Certificate of Motherhood It's official. You're a Mom . But what guarantees that you can meet the daunting challenges of family life unfolding just ahead?Plenty! -A Sacred Trust- In the fine print of these enduringWarranty Notesis your spiritual insurance policy for motherhood. Discover God's promise of partnership and flush benefits package for those who parent. Carry it. Share it. Build on it securely. Signed, sealed, delivered-it's yours!
God's Little Book of Guarantees - OH (God's Little Book of Guarantees)
by Heather KoppThis little gift book delivers personalized promises from Scripture rephrased as direct "guarantees" from God to the reader. Key verses addressing important areas of life -- finances, marriage, ministry, healing, eternal life, and more -- are organized topically and indexed so seekers can easily find promises to meet their very specific needs. Each page offers one resounding guarantee, complete with "warranty notes" describing the conditions of the promise and a short prayer helping the reader "stake your claim!" The promises of God have never been easier to find or simpler to receiveguarantee\gar-en-'tē\ n 1: a pledge, something given as security 2: the protection of a right afforded by legal provision. God's Word Is His Promise ...and His promise is His guarantee. --A Binding Contract-- This contemporary collection of God's eternal promises defines His terms of agreement and sets forth His benefit package in key areas of daily living. In the fine print of these unchanging Warranty Notes is your spiritual insurance policy for abundant living--yesterday, today, and forever. Carry them. Share them. Build on them securely. Signed, sealed, delivered--they're yours! From the Trade Paperback edition.