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God's Promises That Keep Us

by J. Ellsworth Kalas

"In the case of this book, I can tell you not only when it came to birth but also where. It was in a quite modest kitchen at 1506 Center Street in Sioux City, Iowa, over a period of years in the late 1930s. On a shelf in that kitchen, just above the stove, was a box of cards, each measuring roughly one by three inches, each one containing a verse from the Bible. The box was popularly referred to as "precious promises." I don't know if that was the name the publisher gave to the collection or if it was the title earnest Christians had given to such verses long before an enterprising publisher organized a specific collection into printed form; I only know how sacred and beloved the box was to my mother and to untold thousands of other persons at that time. The verses covered a wide area of biblical teaching. Many had a quality of admonition and instruction, but the overall mood was one of encouragement. Those who kept such a box in easy reach were sustained by the contents. Some verses took on such personal significance that they were laid aside on top of the box or beside it, to be looked at more often. Mind you, the owner of the box knew such verses by heart, but there was a peculiar strength in looking at the printed form and holding it in one's hand. And I might add that by the time she took her "promise for the day" she would already have prayed on her knees and have read a longer portion from the Bible. I revered those promises because they meant so much to my parents, especially my mother, and because on several occasions I had seen how uniquely appropriate a particular verse proved to be at a particular time. That Center Street box has now been lost for half a century or more, so I can't promise that the verses I embrace in this book were all in that box. The Bible verses I've included in this book are verses that have blessed me over the years, and I dare to believe that some or all of them will give a lift or a thought to you. Some have become significant to me in times of pain, some in joy. When you read this book, I'm very sure you will think of a verse that is priceless to you, and you'll wonder why it's not in this book. The verse may mean so much to you that perhaps you will reprimand me, even if kindly, for not including it. If you do, I'll understand. I'll just know that, whether or not you've ever seen a box of precious promises, you have discovered that there are promises that keep us. And I will thank God with you that you have found it to be so." (J. Ellsworth Kalas, adapted from the foreword) This book will contain a discussion guide.

God's Property: Islam, Charity, and the Modern State (Islamic Humanities #3)

by Nada Moumtaz

A free open access ebook is available upon publication. Learn more at to the twentieth century, Islamic charitable endowments provided the material foundation of the Muslim world. In Lebanon, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the imposition of French colonial rule, many of these endowments reverted to private property circulating in the marketplace. In contemporary Beirut, however, charitable endowments have resurfaced as mosques, Islamic centers, and nonprofit organizations. A historical anthropology in dialogue with Islamic law, God's Property demonstrates how these endowments have been drawn into secular logics—no longer the property of God but of the Muslim community—and shaped by the modern state and modern understandings of charity and property. Although these transformations have produced new kinds of loyalties and new ways of being in society, Moumtaz’s ethnography reveals the furtive persistence of endowment practices that perpetuate older ways of thinking of one’s self and one’s responsibilities toward family and state.

God's Protected World: Science 3 (God's World Science)

by Lester Miller Naomi Lapp

This is the Student Edition from a set of 3rd grade science books by the Rod and Staff Publishers Inc. It has 7 units focusing on water, states of matter, seasons, temperature, humans, animals, and stewardship.

Gods Providence: He Cares for You (People's Bible Teachings)

by Mark J Lenz

Does Jesus care about me?If you’ve ever asked yourself that question, first and foremost, the resounding answer in God’s Word is YES!But sometimes what we see and experience in life leads us to question whether God really cares about us and is taking providing for our needs. So, we seek success, ownership of our accomplishments, and comfort from things we can control in an effort to avoid worry and distress.Regardless of what life looks like for you, God’s Providence will assure you that God is always looking out for you. God is there for you. His Providence, as recorded in Scripture, is all the comfort you really need.Through this book, you will be assured that God cares for you by supporting, providing, protecting, directing, and governing everything that happens in your life.The People’s Bible Teachings is a series of books on all the main teachings of the Bible. Following the pattern set by The People’s Bible series, these books are written for all Christians in an easy-to-read manner. The authors of The People’s Bible are all pastors and professors who have had years of experience teaching others about the Bible.

God's Provision For Healing Course: BS112 Student Workbook

by Robin Dinnanauth

In this course you will be given a miracle seed from God's Word. It is the seed of faith concerning healing. Just as you cannot explain how a natural seed germinates and grows, you cannot explain everything about the subject of healing. But if you nourish the seed that has been planted in your should and spirit, it will bring forth life.

God's Purpose For You: Answer life's five key questions

by Fuchsia Pickett

UNVEIL GOD'S ETERNAL PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE! Dr. Fuchsia Pickett wants you to grab hold of this one concept: God has a need to be loved, and you could be the solution. In this impacting life message she shows you the heart of God and how to recognize His purpose for creating you. Everything that He has done, what He is doing now, as well as what He is going to do in your future, has a purpose. Are you playing the part that He created for you? To fulfill your purpose in life, you must first understand and answer soul-searching questions such as: * Who made me? * Who is God? * What is the purpose for my life? * How can I fulfill my destiny? * After this life, then what?

God's Pursuit of Man: Tozer's Profound Prequel to The Pursuit of God

by A. W. Tozer

Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side […] a conquest of the Most High God. – A. W. TozerWith words like these, Tozer shakes the soul. He crumbles the lies we believe and calls us to the more sure way. In these pages, Tozer says what it means to truly be saved. It is not merely to assent to Jesus and go on our same old way, but to be conquered by the Almighty God and invaded by His Spirit. A saved person is a transformed person. Let Tozer upend you in this moving prequel to The Pursuit of God. And being upended, may you be found standing upright in an upside-down world.

God's Pursuit of Man: Tozer's Profound Prequel to The Pursuit of God

by A. W. Tozer

Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side […] a conquest of the Most High God. – A. W. TozerWith words like these, Tozer shakes the soul. He crumbles the lies we believe and calls us to the more sure way. In these pages, Tozer says what it means to truly be saved. It is not merely to assent to Jesus and go on our same old way, but to be conquered by the Almighty God and invaded by His Spirit. A saved person is a transformed person. Let Tozer upend you in this moving prequel to The Pursuit of God. And being upended, may you be found standing upright in an upside-down world.

God's Resistance: Mobilizing Faith to Defend Immigrants

by Brad Christerson Alexia Salvatierra Robert Chao Romero Nancy Wang Yuen

Explores the power of faith to drive resistance to anti-immigration policies in the United StatesGod’s Resistance chronicles the work of faith-based activists who have mobilized to counter the effectsof mass detention and deportation. Focusing on Southern California, home to a large undocumentedpopulation, the authors examine which strategies have been most effective, as well as the obstacles that faith presents to organizing effectively. In-depth interviews with over forty activists, leaders ofcongregations, lay participants, and immigrants allow us to hear at first hand the challenges andoccasional triumphs of this work.The authors show how faith-based organizations have a distinctive set of advantages to leverage insocial movements that are often overlooked and underappreciated by secular activist organizations, but they also face particular challenges that can hinder their effectiveness. The volume offers insights into how these advantages can be maximized, and how the obstacles can be overcome. The powerfultestimony from asylum seekers and detained immigrants found in these pages, along with the concreteexamples of effective strategies, are indispensable for anyone invested in the fight to recognize thehumanity of one of the nation’s most vulnerable populations.

God's Right Hand: How Jerry Falwell Made God a Republican and Baptized the American Right

by Michael Sean Winters

An acclaimed reporter presents the first major biography of the legendary, and divisive, conservative pastor who reshaped the landscape of American politics—Jerry Falwell. At a time when the Tea Party movement is dominating much of America's social and political discourse, the story of Falwell's Moral Majority will resonate strongly. Indeed, Falwell’s language may sound familiar to anyone who has heard recent speeches by figures like Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, or Michelle Bachmann.

God's Righteousness and Justice in the Old Testament

by Jože Krašovec

A semantic study of God&’s righteousness and justice in the Hebrew Bible that draws exegetical, theological, and philosophical conclusions about the character of God and God&’s relationship with humanity. God&’s work of creation and salvation for the good of Israel, humanity, and the world manifests the nature of God&’s being. Thus, if we can understand God&’s characteristics of righteousness and justice, we can better understand God. In the Hebrew Bible, these aspects of God are not expressed by abstract concepts but by semantic elements within literary structures. From this premise, Jože Krašovec undertakes the present study to put semantics into dialogue with exegesis and theology to illuminate exactly how God&’s righteousness and justice in the Old Testament should be understood. In the first part of the book, Krašovec analyzes occurrences of the Hebrew root ṣdq (meaning righteous) and other synonyms, working systematically through the entire Old Testament canon. In the second part, he builds off this lexical study with a more broadly exegetical, theological, and philosophical exploration of guilt, punishment, mercy, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Krašovec concludes, among other things, that the biblical writers use &“righteousness&” as an expression of God&’s affection for faithful people, especially those in distress because of persecution. God&’s righteousness therefore exists in the Hebrew Bible in relation to the righteousness of human individuals and communities. Justice—whether in the form of forgiveness for the penitent or punishment for those who have hardened their hearts against God—is always carried out with the goal of building better community among God&’s people.

God's Road Map for Grads

by David Bordon Tom Winters

Graduates stand at a happy but potentially dangerous crossroads: they leave their teen years behind and begin to form their futures. Countless voices advise them on what values to embrace, what lifestyles to emulate, what roads to travel. Its all too easy to choose the slippery slope of compromise. The Gods Road Map series provides readers with biblical direction and ready encouragement for whatever challenges they face. GODS ROAD MAP FOR GRADS is full of time-tested truths that will spark godly journeys into life, making readers confident and excited about what lies ahead.

God's Road Map for Life

by David Bordon Tom Winters

Readers will discover Biblical insight, godly counsel, and practical instruction for living a purposeful and happy life in this A-to-Z guide on over 75 life topics.

God's Road Map For Moms

by David Bordon

A book of Biblical-based support and direction for mothers.

God's Road Map for Women

by David Bordon

Biblical-based guidance and support for women.

God's Rx for Depression and Anxiety: Biblical Wisdom Confirmed by Science

by James P. Gills

What is God&’s Rx for your depression and anxiety? This book will help you apply biblical truth to one of your greatest needs while providing a path to hope and healing.Your life can be free from depression and anxiety and filled instead with continuous joy! He who set the universe in place can set your life in peace and joy. Do you want your depression and anxiety to be conquered by the love of God, your creator? James P. Gills, MD, points the way as he takes you on a remarkable and profound journey to discover how to surrender every care, concern, and anxious thought to Him; believe and receive His promises for your life; and adjust your spiritual eyesight and see the moments in your day through an eternal view, rather than what momentarily troubles you. Get ready to:Encounter a new, trusting relationship with God by giving Him your mental health.Experience His peace, power, and presence, no matter how depressing the circumstances might be.Find new levels of profound joy.Be set free by the love of God. Join Dr. Gills on the journey of a lifetime, one that will lead to new levels of true freedom and more joy that cannot be taken from you. Discover God&’s Rx for Depression and Anxiety.FEATURES AND BENEFITSThis book will help people apply biblical truth to one of the most common emotional health issues in the country, while providing a path to hope and healing.The book concludes with a list of scriptures pertaining to the topic (anxiety, sadness, emotions, health, joy, hope, etc.).Other titles in God's Rx Series: God's Rx for Fear and WorryGod's Rx for Health and WholenessGod's Rx for Inner Healing

God's Rx for Fear and Worry: Biblical Wisdom Confirmed by Science

by James P. Gills

What is God&’s Rx for your fear and worry? Jesus gives you a clear command about worry: don&’t do it! He wouldn&’t have commanded you not to fear and worry so many times if it were impossible. Yet worry and fear are most people&’s first reactions to circumstance. This reaction can seem unstoppable. But there is a cure—being thankful. Stress, fear, and worry all contribute to illness and disrupt the effectiveness of healing. Peace can be found when you:Let go of fearTrade worry for calmThank God for your relationship with HimTrust Him to handle everything in your life, both now and in the futureGod is sovereign. He promises to never leave you or forsake you. In these pages, you will examine your fears and worries and discover how a thankful heart is indeed God&’s Rx for Fear and Worry.FEATURES AND BENEFITSThis book helps people apply biblical truth to one of their greatest concerns while providing a path to hope and healing.The book concludes with a list of scriptures pertaining to the topic (fear, worry, healing, peace, joy, hope, etc.).Other titles in God's Rx Series: God's Rx for Depression and AnxietyGod's Rx for Health and WholenessGod's Rx for Inner Healing

God's Rx for Health and Wholeness: Biblical Wisdom Confirmed by Science

by James P. Gills

What is God&’s Rx for your health and wholeness? We live in a culture that is inundated with blogs, social media postings, books, gimmicks, gadgets, fads, and infomercials—all aimed at diet, fitness, and well-being. While there are no magic formulas, God&’s Word gives you the wisdom and insight to know you need to make healthy choices that restore health and wholeness in:BodyMindSpiritAll other advice you seek needs to fall behind God. God&’s Rx for Health and Wholeness is making wise decisions in every area of your life while in awe of God&’s wonderful creation—your body—and respecting it as His handiwork, protecting it as its steward, and remaining faithfully thankful for it. This book will help you apply biblical truth to one of your greatest needs while providing a path to hope and healing.FEATURES AND BENEFITSA list of scriptures pertaining to fear, worry, anxiety, healing, health, wholeness, gratitude, peace, joy, hope, and moreOther titles in God's Rx Series: God's Rx for Fear and WorryGod's Rx for Depression and AnxietyGod's Rx for Inner Healing

God's Rx for Inner Healing: Biblical Wisdom Confirmed by Science

by James P. Gills

What is God&’s Rx for your inner healing?Inner healing is the healing of the mind and spirit. But what is God&’s Rx for your inner healing?God&’s Word tells us that we need to be transformed and aligned through Christ in order to be the recipient of all that He is. Alignment with Him is the path toward healing.Discover how to remove the roadblocks to inner healing such as:PrideEnvyJealousyFearRemove these roadblocks and find freedom by renewing your heart and mind through forgiveness, prayer, and fellowship with others. Join James Gills, MD, to discover that spiritual alignment is indeed God&’s Rx for Inner Healing.FEATURES AND BENEFITS:A list of scriptures pertaining to fear, worry, anxiety, healing, health, wholeness, gratitude, peace, joy, hope, and moreOther titles in God's Rx Series: God's Rx for Fear and WorryGod's Rx for Health and WholenessGod's Rx for Depression and Anxiety

God's Saving Grace: A Pauline Theology

by Frank J. Matera

Distinguished biblical scholar Frank Matera here views the theology of the Pauline letters through the lens of the saving grace that Paul experienced at his call and conversion. Focusing on Christology, soteriology, theology, anthropology, ecclesiology, ethics, and eschatology, Matera explores both the unity and the diversity of the thirteen Pauline letters.Written in a clear and coherent style, God's Saving Grace presents students, professors, and pastors with a comprehensive yet concise and accessible overview of the theology found in the entire corpus of Paul's letters.

God's Scarlet Fury (The Dark Ages Saga of Tristan de Saint-Germain #Vol. 4)

by Robert E. Hirsch

A bishop&’s vows are tested by the epic eleventh-century battle between East and West, in this compelling novel of the Crusades. It is the year 1097. The violent warrior class of Western Europe is marching against the Islamic Seljuk Empire to recapture Jerusalem at the plea of Pope Urban II, igniting a searing inferno of war, betrayal, and intrigue as two worlds collide—East against West, Christians against Muslims. Caught in this vicious conflict, Bishop Tristan de Saint-Germain strives to balance religious vows, loyalty to the pope, and his life-long love for Mala the Romani, the beautiful girl he met as a child just before entering the monastery of the Black Monks in France. Tested by separations, the death of their firstborn child, the threat of eternal damnation, and now annihilation, Tristan and Mala struggle against the raging tides of cultural and religious intolerance to remain together in an age of inflexible Catholic doctrine and holy war. Finding support in Queen Irene and Emperor Alexius of Byzantium, they are challenged by Archbishop Adhémar of Le Puy, rigid moralist and leader of the First Holy Crusade; Tafur, the perverse &“Beggar King&”; and Lord Desmond DuLac, hated specter of the Saint-Germain family past. Time alone shall direct the outcome as humanity awakens the wrathful hand of God&’s scarlet fury

God's Secret Agents: The Story of a Deadly Game of Cat and Mouse between Priests and Government Spies, in which Queen Elizabeth and Her Ministers Fought to Defend the State, and English Catholics Fought to Defend Their Souls

by Alice Hogge

One evening in 1588, just weeks after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, two young men landed in secret on a beach in Norfolk, England. They were Jesuit priests, Englishmen, and their aim was to achieve by force of argument what the Armada had failed to do by force of arms: return England to the Catholic Church.Eighteen years later their mission would be shattered by the actions of the Gunpowder Plotters -- a small group of terrorists who famously tried to destroy the Houses of Parliament -- for the Jesuits were accused of having designed "that most horrid and hellish conspiracy."Alice Hogge follows "God's secret agents" from their schooling on the Continent, through their perilous return journeys and lonely lives in hiding, to, ultimately, the gallows. She offers a remarkable true account of faith, duty, intolerance, and martyrdom -- the unforgettable story of men who would die for a cause undone by men who would kill for it.

God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible (P. S. Series)

by Adam Nicolson

Nicolson describes the group of black-gowned individuals who compared Bible translations and argued fine details between 1604 and 1611 to create the Bible we know today.

God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible

by Adam Nicolson

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK“This scrupulously elegant account of the creation of what four centuries of history has confirmed is the finest English-language work of all time, is entirely true to its subject: Adam Nicolson’s lapidary prose is masterly, his measured account both as readable as the curious demand and as dignified as the story deserves.” — Simon Winchester, author of KrakatoaIn God's Secretaries, Adam Nicolson gives a fascinating and dramatic account of the era of the King James Bible and its translation, immersing us in an age whose greatest monument is not a painting or a building but a book.A network of complex currents flowed across Jacobean England. This was the England of Shakespeare, Jonson, and Bacon; the era of the Gunpowder Plot and the worst outbreak of the plague. Jacobean England was both more godly and less godly than the country had ever been, and the entire culture was drawn taut between these polarities. This was the world that created the King James Bible. It is the greatest work of English prose ever written, and it is no coincidence that the translation was made at the moment "Englishness," specifically the English language itself, had come into its first passionate maturity. The English of Jacobean England has a more encompassing idea of its own scope than any form of the language before or since. It drips with potency and sensitivity. The age, with all its conflicts, explains the book.This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including author interviews, recommended reading, and more.

God's Shalom Project: An Engaging Look At The Bible's Sweeping Store

by Bernhard Ott

The author sees God as a gracious parent, intent on a restored relationship with humans. It is that ongoing effort which Ott calls the Shalom Project. Ott believes that "God wants a Shalom people," a community of the faithful who together love God and each other, and then live in the world within that strength.

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