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The Gospels of Mary

by Esther A. De Boer Marvin Meyer

Mary Magdalene, Jesus's Closest Disciple Marvin Meyer, one of the foremost scholars of the Gnostic Gospels: translates and introduces the Gnostic and New Testament texts that together reveal the story and importance of Mary Magdalene includes new translations of the Gospels of Mary, Thomas, Philip, and related texts about Mary Magdalene discloses, with Esther A. De Boer, the long-suppressed story of Mary's vital role in the life of Jesus and in the formative period after his crucifixion presents as authentically as possible the real Mary Magdalene

The Gospels of Mary

by Marvin W. Meyer Esther A. De Boer

Mary Magdalene, Jesus's Closest DiscipleMarvin Meyer, one of the foremost scholars of the Gnostic Gospels:translates and introduces the Gnostic and New Testament texts that together reveal the story and importance of Mary Magdaleneincludes new translations of the Gospels of Mary, Thomas, Philip, and related texts about Mary Magdalenediscloses, with Esther A. De Boer, the long-suppressed story of Mary's vital role in the life of Jesus and in the formative period after his crucifixionpresents as authentically as possible the real Mary Magdalene

Gospels Side by Side

by Rose Publishing

The Bible gives us four biographers for Jesus' life: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Gospels Side-by-Side presents Jesus from four different points of view and shows how their views unite to flesh out an awesome portrait of God. The Gospels Side-by-Side includes concise charts that illustrate why there are four Gospels instead of just one, why three Gospels are similar, but the fourth is very different, how the Gospels complement - not contradict - each other, why most of Christ's story focuses on his last week; and more.Contents The Gospels Side-by-Side:• Chart showing the point of view, symbol, and audience for each Gospel. It also shows what aspect of Jesus was emphasized depending on whether the audience was Jewish, Greek-speaking, or distinctly non-Jewish (Messiah, Authority/Power over man and nature, Ideal/perfect, Word of God).• Harmony of the Gospels showing where each story appears in the four Gospels.• The importance of Jesus' last week and how it is treated in each Gospel.• Two charts: Jesus' miracles and parables in each Gospel.• Differences between modern and ancient biographies and what they emphasize in a person's history.• Where Jesus Walked - tracking his location in the Gospels.• Map of Jesus' Travels with red lines showing modern-day cities and countries. • What the four Passovers mentioned in the Gospels tell us about the length of Jesus' ministry.• Comparison chart of the Book of John with the three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark & Luke)The Gospels Side-by-Side is a handy guide for anyone studying the New Testament, Life of Christ, or learning about Bible study.

The Gospels with Mike and Andy (New International Version)

by New International Version

Listen to the revolutionary story of Jesus.His life, death and resurrection.Witness the outbreak of the Kingdom of Godthrough parables, miracles andstories of hope.This recording of the Gospels by Soul Survivor leaders Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft brings the Bible to life and makes it easy to access, whether you're on the bus, travelling the world, or listening together in a youth or cell group. Mike reads the Gospels of Mark and John, and Matthew and Luke are read by Andy.Around 30,000 young people attend Soul Survivor events each summer, gathering to worship God and pray for each other. Our heart is to see young people capture a vision of Jesus, and be inspired and equipped to live for him in every area of their lives. The NIV is the world's most popular Bible in modern English, and is widely regarded as the most readable and accurate translation available.(P)2014 Hodder & Stoughton

Got It Going On (Beta Gamma Pi Series #4)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

In a sorority, reputation is everything, and Cassidy Cross has a lot to prove. . . Even though Cassidy Cross is captain of the dance squad and gets good grades, it's her boy-crazy rep that makes her stand out on campus?and not in a good way. Hoping for a fresh start, she decides to pledge Beta Gamma Pi. But the sisters are determined to make Cassidy earn her letters. It's rough going--until her pledge sister, Isha, convinces her she's just got to find her faith. For the first time, Cassidy starts looking within her heart--and discovers some long-hidden secrets from her past that will teach her the true meaning of forgiveness, friendship, and what it really means to have it going on. . .

Gothic Arches, Latin Crosses

by Ryan K. Smith

Crosses, candles, choir vestments, sanctuary flowers, and stained glass are common church features found in nearly all mainline denominations of American Christianity today. Most Protestant churchgoers would be surprised to learn, however, that at one time these elements were viewed with suspicion as foreign implements associated strictly with the Roman Catholic Church. Blending history with the study of material culture, Ryan K. Smith sheds light on the ironic convergence of anti-Catholicism and the Gothic Revival movement in nineteenth-century America.Smith finds the source for both movements in the sudden rise of Roman Catholicism after 1820, when it began to grow from a tiny minority into the country's largest single religious body. Its growth triggered a corresponding rise in anti-Catholic activities, as activists representing every major Protestant denomination attacked "popery" through the pulpit, the press, and politics. At the same time, Catholic worship increasingly attracted young, genteel observers around the country. Its art and its tangible access to the sacred meshed well with the era's romanticism and market-based materialism.Smith argues that these tensions led Protestant churches to break with tradition and adopt recognizably Latin art. He shows how architectural and artistic features became tools through which Protestants adapted to America's new commercialization while simultaneously defusing the potent Catholic "threat." The results presented a colorful new religious landscape, but they also illustrated the durability of traditional religious boundaries.

The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral

by null Robert A. Scott

The great Gothic cathedrals of Europe are among the most astonishing achievements of Western culture. Evoking feelings of awe and humility, they make us want to understand what inspired the people who had the audacity to build them. This engrossing book surveys an era that has fired the historical imagination for centuries. In it Robert A. Scott explores why medieval people built Gothic cathedrals, how they built them, what conception of the divine lay behind their creation, and how religious and secular leaders used cathedrals for social and political purposes. As a traveler’s companion or a rich source of knowledge for the armchair enthusiast, The Gothic Enterprise helps us understand how ordinary people managed such tremendous feats of physical and creative energy at a time when technology was rudimentary, famine and disease were rampant, the climate was often harsh, and communal life was unstable and incessantly violent.While most books about Gothic cathedrals focus on a particular building or on the cathedrals of a specific region, The Gothic Enterprise considers the idea of the cathedral as a humanly created space. Scott discusses why an impoverished people would commit so many social and personal resources to building something so physically stupendous and what this says about their ideas of the sacred, especially the vital role they ascribed to the divine as a protector against the dangers of everyday life.Scott’s narrative offers a wealth of fascinating details concerning daily life during medieval times. The author describes the difficulties master-builders faced in scheduling construction that wouldn’t be completed during their own lifetimes, how they managed without adequate numeric systems or paper on which to make detailed drawings, and how climate, natural disasters, wars, variations in the hours of daylight throughout the year, and the celebration of holy days affected the pace and timing of work. Scott also explains such things as the role of relics, the quarrying and transporting of stone, and the incessant conflict cathedral-building projects caused within their communities. Finally, by drawing comparisons between Gothic cathedrals and other monumental building projects, such as Stonehenge, Scott expands our understanding of the human impulses that shape our landscape.

The Gothic Enterprise: A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral

by Robert A. Scott

The great Gothic cathedrals of Europe are among the most astonishing achievements of Western culture. Evoking feelings of awe and humility, they make us want to understand what inspired the people who had the audacity to build them. This engrossing book surveys an era that has fired the historical imagination for centuries. In it Robert A. Scott explores why medieval people built Gothic cathedrals, how they built them, what conception of the divine lay behind their creation, and how religious and secular leaders used cathedrals for social and political purposes. As a traveler's companion or a rich source of knowledge for the armchair enthusiast, The Gothic Enterprise helps us understand how ordinary people managed such tremendous feats of physical and creative energy at a time when technology was rudimentary, famine and disease were rampant, the climate was often harsh, and communal life was unstable and incessantly violent. While most books about Gothic cathedrals focus on a particular building or on the cathedrals of a specific region, The Gothic Enterprise considers the idea of the cathedral as a humanly created space. Scott discusses why an impoverished people would commit so many social and personal resources to building something so physically stupendous and what this says about their ideas of the sacred, especially the vital role they ascribed to the divine as a protector against the dangers of everyday life. Scott's narrative offers a wealth of fascinating details concerning daily life during medieval times. The author describes the difficulties master-builders faced in scheduling construction that wouldn't be completed during their own lifetimes, how they managed without adequate numeric systems or paper on which to make detailed drawings, and how climate, natural disasters, wars, variations in the hours of daylight throughout the year, and the celebration of holy days affected the pace and timing of work. Scott also explains such things as the role of relics, the quarrying and transporting of stone, and the incessant conflict cathedral-building projects caused within their communities. Finally, by drawing comparisons between Gothic cathedrals and other monumental building projects, such as Stonehenge, Scott expands our understanding of the human impulses that shape our landscape.

A Gothic Sermon: Making a Contract with the Mother of God, Saint Mary of Amiens

by Stephen Murray

"In this work, Stephen Murray seizes a rare opportunity to explore the relationship between verbal and visual culture by presenting a sermon that may have been preached during the second half of the thirteenth century in or near the cathedral of Notre-Dame of Amiens, whose sculptural program was completed at about the same time. In addition to providing a complete transcription and translation of the text, Murray examines the historical context of the sermon and draws comparisons between its underlying structure and the structure of the cathedral's Gothic portals. He also points out parallels between the rhetorical tools used in the sermon and the stylistic and compositional tools used in the sculpture. In both sermon and cathedral he finds a powerful motivational mechanism that invites the repentant sinner to enter into a new contract with the Virgin Mary. "--BOOK JACKET. Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Gothic Tourism: Constructing Haunted England (Palgrave Gothic)

by Emma McEvoy

From Strawberry Hill to The Dungeons, Alnwick Castle to Barnageddon, Gothic tourism is a fascinating, and sometimes controversial, area. This lively study considers Gothic tourism's aesthetics and origins, as well as its relationship with literature, film, folklore, heritage management, arts programming and the 'edutainment' business.

Gott als Vernunft

by Vittorio Hösle

Gott als Vernunft bietet einen Überblick über zentrale religionsphilosophische Fragestellungen auf der Grundlage des objektiven Idealismus. Gott erscheint in dieser Perspektive nicht als externe Autorität, die sich durch Willkürakte und Wunder offenbart, sondern als der Kern aller Vernunftansprüche, die weder naturalistisch noch konstruktivistisch reduziert werden können. In facettenreichen Texten werden einerseits direkt religionsphilosophische Themen wie der Gnadenbegriff, die Trinitätslehre, das Theodizeeproblem, das Problem der richtigen Bibeldeutung oder die Natur interreligiösen Dialoge von der Warte einer Vernunftreligion aus abgehandelt, andererseits die Konsequenzen einer religiösen Deutung der Wirklichkeit für das Teleologie-, das Freiheits-, das Leib-Seele-Problem, den Geistbegriff und das historische Auftreten des Atheismus untersucht.

Gott im liberalen Christentum: Vom gnädigen Gott der Reformation zum Posttheismus des 21. Jahrhunderts

by Kurt Bangert

Dieses Buch bietet in einer durchweg verständlichen Weise einen Gang durch 500 Jahre Theologiegeschichte, von 1520 bis 2020, mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf der Wandlung der Gottesvorstellungen, die anhand der einflussreichsten Philosophen und Theologen exemplifiziert werden. Dabei werden nicht nur die historischen Kontexte der jeweiligen Protagonisten beleuchtet, sondern auch deren Biographien. Ihre theologischen Vorstellungen werden u.a. auch anhand von aussagefähigen Originalzitaten veranschaulicht. Es werden auch das Verhältnis zu anderen Religionen u. das Verhältnis zu den Naturwissenschaften beleuchtet. Das Buch endet mit einem Ausblick auf die zukünftige Theologie.Der AutorKurt Bangert war Forschungsleiter und Research Advisor am World Vision Institut für Forschung und Innovation in Friedrichsdorf. Der Theologe ist Autor zahlreicher Artikel und Bücher sowie Schriftleiter der theologischen Zeitschrift Freies Christentum.

Gott in Serie: Theologische Rezeption populärer Narrationen (pop.religion: lebensstil – kultur – theologie)

by Simon Eckhardt Hans-Martin Gutmann Julian Sengelmann Anna Lena Veit

Der Sammelband beschäftigt sich mit Serien als festem Bestandteil gegenwärtiger Popkultur, die Erzählmuster bekannter Hollywoodformate ablösen. In den Großerzählungen der Serienlandschaft werden religiöse Themen explizit und implizit verhandelt und zum handlungstragenden Element.

Gott will uns nur von ganzem Herzen lächeln sehen

by Dr Adrian Salama

Was will Gott von uns? Diese Frage ist eine der Unbekannten, die ich während meiner therapeutischen Sitzungen am meisten gehört habe. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bin ich auf der Suche nach einer Antwort, die nicht nur meinen Patienten hilft, sondern mir auch hilft, die spirituelle Krise zu verstehen, die die Welt erlebt. Spiritualität? Während meiner Ausbildung zum Gestaltpsychotherapeuten habe ich menschliche Entwicklung, Theologie und Philosophie studiert. Die orientalische Vision von Männern und Frauen half mir, meine Augen zu öffnen, damit ich viele der Unbekannten, mit denen ich jahrelang lebte, verstehen konnte. Heute kann ich Ihnen von einer Gestalt-Spiritualität als Amalgam erzählen, die einem bewussteren Leben mit einer Vision der Einheit und nicht des Ego mehr Bedeutung verleiht. Was können Sie von diesem Buch erwarten? Verbinde dich wieder mit deiner Spiritualität Verstehe das: Wir sind alle wichtig Vergib dir selbst und vergib

Gotta Have It!

by Gregory L. Jantz

Gotta Have It! is every grown-up's guide for taming the inner two-year-old. Too many people spend so much time trying to get what they want that they have no energy left to get what they need. Dr. Gregg Jantz calls this phenomenon excessity--when excess becomes a "necessity." Excessities--whether they are activities, behaviors, or objects--promise protection in a difficult world. Yet they never satisfy. In Gotta Have It!, readers are invited to discover the truth about themselves that is hiding behind their secret desires. With real-life stories and guided sections for self-reflection, Gotta Have It will help readers see life as never before--and delight in the way God longs to fulfill true needs.

Governance and Multiculturalism: The White Elephant of Social Construction and Cultural Identities

by Catherine Koerner Soma Pillay

A key intervention in the growing critical literature on race, this volume examines the social construction of race in contemporary Australia through the lenses of Indigenous sovereignty, nationhood, and whiteness. Informed by insights from white Australians in rural contexts, Koerner and Pillay attempt to answer how race shapes those who identify as white Australian; how those who self-identify thusly relate to the nation, multiculturalism, and Indigenous Sovereignties; and how white Australians understand and experience their own racialized position and its privilege. This “insider perspective” on the continuing construction of whiteness in Australia is analyzed and challenged through Indigenous Sovereign theoretical standpoints and voices. Ultimately, this investigation of the social construction of race not only extends conceptualizations of multiculturalism, but also informs governance policy in the light of changing national identity.

Governance, Institutional Change and Regional Development (Routledge Revivals)

by Mike Danson Henrik Halkier Greta Cameron

This title was first published in 2000: This volume addresses the prominent role given to institution-building, institutional change and governance in the regional development strategies and policies. The establishment of the Scottish Parliament, Welsh and Northern Ireland Assemblies, and the arrival of regional development agencies in England highlighted the need to put the initiatives into some context, drawing on experience from across Europe on the critical factors in the determination of the potential and success of regions. Central to the discussions presented here by a group of European experts are the question of governance - how does an ongoing process of institution-building affect the ways in which regions and localities are governed, including questions of democracy, participation, regional self-determination, public-private partnerships, networks and accountability; and the consequences of new modes of governance and institutional change for regional development strategies and policies, particularly in the context of large-scale industrial restructuring and city-region and urban regeneration.

The Governess of Highland Hall: A Novel (Edwardian Brides #1)

by Carrie Turansky

Worlds lie between the marketplaces of India and the halls of a magnificent country estate like Highland Hall. Will Julia be able to find her place when a governess is neither upstairs family nor downstairs help? Missionary Julia Foster loves working alongside her parents, ministering and caring for young girls in India. But when the family must return to England due to illness, she readily accepts the burden for her parents' financial support. Taking on a job at Highland Hall as governess, she quickly finds that teaching her four privileged, ill-mannered charges at a grand estate is more challenging than expected, and she isn't sure what to make of the estate's preoccupied master, Sir William Ramsey. Widowed and left to care for his two young children and his deceased cousin Randolph's two teenage girls, William is consumed with saving the estate from the financial ruin. The last thing he needs is any distraction coming from the kindhearted-yet-determined governess who seems to be quietly transforming his household with her persuasive personality, vibrant prayer life, and strong faith. While both are tending past wounds and guarding fragile secrets, Julia and William are determined to do what it takes to save their families--common ground that proves fertile for unexpected feelings. But will William choose Julia's steadfast heart and faith over the wealth and power he needs to secure Highland Hall's future?

The Governess of Penwythe Hall: The Governess Of Penwythe Hall, The Thief Of Lanwyn Manor, The Light At Wyndcliff (The Cornwall Novels #1)

by Sarah E. Ladd

Launching a brand-new series, beloved Regency author Sarah E. Ladd shares the tale of a governess who would risk anything to protect five recently orphaned children—even if it means returning to Cornwall.“Absolutely captivating! Once I started reading, I couldn’t put down The Governess of Penwythe Hall. This blend of Jane Eyre, Jane Austen, and Jamaica Inn has it all. Intrigue. Danger. Poignant moments. And best of all a sweet, sweet love story. This is by far my favorite Sarah Ladd book. Don’t hesitate to snatch up this title!” —Michelle Griep, Christy Award–winning author of the Once Upon a Dickens Christmas seriesCornwall was in her blood, and Delia feared she’d never escape its hold.Cornwall, England, 1811Blamed for her husband’s death, Cordelia Greythorne fled Cornwall and accepted a governess position to begin a new life. Years later her employer’s unexpected death and his last request for her to watch over his five children force her to reevaluate. She can’t abandon the children now that they’ve lost both parents, but their new guardian lives at the timeworn Penwythe Hall . . . back on the Cornish coast she’s tried desperately to forget.Jac Twethewey is determined to revive Penwythe Hall’s once-flourishing apple orchards, and he’ll stop at nothing to see his struggling estate profitable again. He hasn’t heard from his brother in years, so when his nieces, nephews, and their governess arrive unannounced, he battles both grief at his brother’s death and bewilderment over this sudden responsibility. Jac’s priorities shift as the children take up residence in the ancient halls, but their secretive governess—and the mystery shrouding her past—proves to be a disruption to his carefully laid plans.Rich with family secrets, lingering danger, and the captivating allure of new love, this first book in the Cornwall series introduces us to the Twethewey family and their search for peace, justice, and love on the Cornish coast.“Brimming with dangerous secrets, rich characters, and the hauntingly beautiful descriptions Sarah Ladd handles so well, 1800s Cornwall is brought vividly to life in this well-crafted tale that kept me glued to the pages. What a brilliant start to a new series!” —Abigail Wilson, author of In the Shadow of Croft Towers“The Governess of Penwythe Hall is a delightful and emotionally gripping tale that will tick all the boxes for any Regency lover: romance, history, and enough unpredictable intrigue to keep you up past your bedtime.” —Kristi Ann Hunter, author of A Defense of Honor“Lovers of sweet and Christian romance alike will fall in love with Delia’s strength amid the haunting backdrop of her tragic past and the Cornish coast. Throw in a handsome leading man willing to turn his life upside down for the children in Delia’s charge, and you have a story you can’t put down.” —Josi S. Kilpack, Whiney Award–winning author of the Mayfield Family series

The Governess's Dilemma

by Pamela Griffin

MYRNA McBRIDE IS HEADING TOWARD HER FUTURE When her train derails in Hillsdale, Michigan, a wealthy stranger offers her shelter-and a position in his household. Grateful yet wary of the mysterious man, Myrna must guard her secrets-and her heart. Returning home upon his brother's death, Dalton Freed is now heir to a grand estate and guardian to his niece. Dalton desperately needs Myrna's help. But even as he looks forward to seeing the beautiful governess each day, he suspects she's keeping secrets. Can she ever earn Dalton's trust and bring light and laughter back to his life?

Governing Future Emergencies: Lived Relations to Risk in the UK Fire and Rescue Service

by Nathaniel O'Grady

The 21st century has born witness to myriad changes in the way the world is secured from the many emergencies that continually threaten to disrupt it. This book concentrates on two such changes. First, it takes stock of the ever-increasing development and diversification of data and digital technologies that security organisations have at their disposal. Secondly, it examines how these digital devices have fostered a new direction in which security agencies primarily conceive of emergencies as so many risks of the future. Emergency governance has undergone what might be called an anticipatory turn here, with digitally rendered and imagined scenes of future contingency becoming cause and justification for intervention in the here and now. Rather than scrutinising this turn at its most spectacular heights in the domains, for instance, of warfare or counter-terrorism, the book explores the facilitation of risk governance through digital technologies in a more quotidian incarnation; namely by tracing the steps that the United Kingdom’s Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) take to govern fire emergencies whose potential has been identified but have yet to unfold. Delving into the FRS, the book maps out a digital infrastructure that includes various software, institutional processes, multiple forms of risk calculation but also human beings, relations and consciousness and an array of material spaces in which these things exist. Accentuated here is how these components assemble to produce projections of future emergencies on a number of sensorial registers. This infrastructure is shown, in turn, to inform and shape a catalogue of refined modes of action through which interventions on future emergencies are made in the present. Engaging in depth with this infrastructure, the FRS provides an understanding of risk as a lived relation, risk as an organisational ethos whose liveliness is founded upon and reverberates through the relations existing between those people and things operating in the FRS to make sense of potential fire emergencies. Using the concept of lived relation as a foundation, the book develops a critical understanding of anticipatory governance by grasping its resonance with issues emanating in the wider field of security, showing how security figures as a set of practices that rely upon and cultivates affective conditions, that enrols the force of elements like fire into its institutional arrangement, that draw on an array of knowledges to exercise power and, in the process, that instantiate new forms of subjectivity.

Governing Islam Abroad: Turkish And Moroccan Muslims In Western Europe (The\sciences Po Series In International Relations And Political Economy Ser.)

by Benjamin Bruce

From sending imams abroad to financing mosques and Islamic associations, home states play a key role in governing Islam in Western Europe. Drawing on over one hundred interviews and years of fieldwork, this book employs a comparative perspective that analyzes the foreign religious activities of the two home states with the largest diaspora populations in Europe: Turkey and Morocco. The research shows how these states use religion to promote ties with their citizens and their descendants abroad while also seeking to maintain control over the forms of Islam that develop within the diaspora. The author identifies and explains the internal and foreign political interests that have motivated state actors on both sides of the Mediterranean, ultimately arguing that interstate cooperation in religious affairs has and will continue to have a structural influence on the evolution of Islam in Western Europe.

Governing Spirits

by Reinaldo L. Román

Freedom of religion did not come easily to Cuba or Puerto Rico. Only after the arrival of American troops during the Spanish-American War were non-Catholics permitted to practice their religions openly and to proselytize. When government efforts to ensure freedom of worship began, reformers on both islands rejoiced, believing that an era of regeneration and modernization was upon them. But as new laws went into effect, critics voiced their dismay at the rise of popular religions. Reinaldo L. Roman explores the changing relationship between regulators and practitioners in neocolonial Cuba and Puerto Rico.Spiritism, Santeria, and other African-derived traditions were typically characterized in sensational fashion by the popular press as "a plague of superstition." Examining seven episodes between 1898 and the Cuban Revolution when the public demanded official actions against "misbelief," Roman finds that when outbreaks of superstition were debated, matters of citizenship were usually at stake. He links the circulation of spectacular charges of witchcraft and miracle-making to anxieties surrounding newly expanded citizenries that included people of color. Governing Spirits also contributes to the understanding of vernacular religions by moving beyond questions of national or traditional origins to illuminate how boundaries among hybrid practices evolved in a process of historical contingencies.

Government and Christianity: A Sermon for the Times

by Joseph Augustus Seiss

Government and Christianity: A Sermon for the Times by Joseph Augustus Seiss is a thought-provoking and timely discourse on the relationship between civil authority and Christian faith. Delivered during a period of political and social upheaval in the 19th century, Seiss offers a compelling argument for the compatibility of governance and Christianity, emphasizing the role of faith in fostering justice, order, and moral responsibility within society.Seiss contends that effective governance must be rooted in divine principles, asserting that Christianity provides the ethical foundation necessary for laws and institutions to serve the common good. Through scriptural references and theological insights, he examines how Christian values—such as justice, mercy, and personal accountability—should inform both the actions of rulers and the behavior of citizens. He also addresses the dangers of secularism and the need for moral guidance in public life.The sermon speaks to the responsibilities of both leaders and the governed, urging individuals to align their civic duties with their religious convictions. Seiss emphasizes that true liberty is only sustainable when grounded in the principles of righteousness, warning that neglecting Christian ethics can lead to societal decay. His message resonates with those concerned about the balance between faith and politics, offering a vision for how Christianity can positively shape public policy and governance.Government and Christianity remains relevant for readers interested in the intersection of religion and politics, offering valuable insights into the role of faith in public life. Seiss’s sermon challenges modern audiences to reflect on how personal beliefs can influence civic responsibility, inspiring both leaders and citizens to pursue justice and truth within their communities. This work serves as a call to action for those seeking to integrate faith with public service and governance.

A Government as Good as Its People

by Jimmy Carter

"This volume presents sixty-two of the best and most notable public statements made by Jimmy Carter on his way to becoming president of the United States. Included are formal speeches on specific issues, such as "Pardon Yes, Amnesty, No" delivered in Seattle, Washington, August 24, 1976; news conferences like the one on "Ethnic Purity" conducted for the American Society of Newspaper Editors in Washington, D.C., April 13, 1976; informal remarks made to political gatherings; interviews (including the controversial Playboy interview from November 1976); and excerpts from the debates with President Ford." "Available again in paperback, this sampling of President Carter's philosophy is extremely readable. Carter's public pronouncements address the major concerns of our time - crime, taxes, technology, poverty, nuclear energy, world order, foreign policy, urban sprawl, human rights, the American family - and collectively stand as a testament to his deeply held conviction that we still can, and must, have "a government as good as its people.""--BOOK JACKET. Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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