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Government Surveillance of Religious Expression: Mormons, Quakers, and Muslims in the United States (Routledge Studies in Religion)
by Kathryn MontalbanoRecent revelations about government surveillance of citizens have led to questions about whether there should be better defined boundaries around privacy. Should government officials have the right to specifically target certain groups for extended surveillance? United States municipal, territorial, and federal agencies have investigated religious groups since the nineteenth century. While critics of contemporary mass surveillance tend to invoke the infringement of privacy, the mutual protection of religion and public expression by the First Amendment positions them, along with religious expression, comfortably within in the public sphere.This book analyzes government monitoring of Mormons of the Territory of Utah in the 1870s and 1880s for polygamy, Quakers of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) from the 1940s to the 1960s for communist infiltration, and Muslims of Brooklyn, New York, from 2002 to 2013 for suspected terrorism. Government agencies in these case studies attempted to understand how their religious beliefs might shape their actions in the public sphere. It follows that government agents did not just observe these communities, but they probed precisely what constituted religion itself alongside shifting legal and political definitions relative to their respective time periods. Together, these case studies form a new framework for discussions of the historical and contemporary monitoring of religion. They show that government surveillance is less predictable and monolithic than we might assume. Therefore, this book will be of great interest to scholars of United States religion, history, and politics, as well as surveillance and communication studies.
A Gown of Spanish Lace (Women of the West #11)
by Janette OkeA heritage so very different from her own, but one profound connection... Ariana loves her life-her parents, her little town, her job as the town's schoolteacher; her students. But one evening after classes are done and she prepares to hurry home before a blizzard hits, her whole life changes in an instant. The two rough-looking men who abduct her and take her far from home and family make no response to her frantic questions-"Why me? What are you going to do? Where are you taking me?" Held hostage in a camp of bandits, Ariana's emotions swing between terror and boredom as days stretch into weeks. And then the boss's son appears in the doorway of her cabin. Does this mean she will never see her mother and father again, the two who had so lovingly adopted her as an infant and raised her as their own? Will she ever wear the wedding dress so carefully saved for her-her one link with her birth parents, now long dead?
Goy Crazy
by Melissa SchorrA hilarious novel about falling for the wrong goy. Rachel Lowenstein can't help it. She's got a massive crush on a goy: Luke Christensen, the gorgeous star of the basketball team at St. Joseph's prep.
A Goy Who Speaks Yiddish: Christians and the Jewish Language in Early Modern Germany
by Aya ElyadaThis book explores the unique phenomenon of Christian engagement with Yiddish language and literature from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century. By exploring the motivations for Christian interest in Yiddish, and the differing ways in which Yiddish was discussed and treated in Christian texts,A Goy Who Speaks Yiddishaddresses a wide array of issues, most notably Christian Hebraism, Protestant theology, early modern Yiddish culture, and the social and cultural history of language in early modern Europe. Elyada's analysis of a wide range of philological and theological works, as well as textbooks, dictionaries, ethnographical writings, and translations, demonstrates that Christian Yiddishism had implications beyond its purely linguistic and philological dimensions. Indeed, Christian texts on Yiddish reveal not only the ways in which Christians perceived and defined Jews and Judaism, but also, in a contrasting vein, how they viewed their own language, religion, and culture.
Goyhood: A Novel
by Reuven FentonReuven Fenton's novel Goyhood is a brilliant debut about a devoutly Orthodox Jewish man who discovers in middle age that he's not, in fact, Jewish, and embarks on a remarkable road trip to come to grips with his fate; it's Chaim Potok's The Chosen meets Planes,Trains and Automobiles.Funny, poignant, and revelatory while plumbing the emotional depths of the relationship between estranged brothers, Goyhood examines what happens when one becomes unmoored from a comfortable, spiritual existence and must decide whether coincidence is in fact destiny. When Mayer (née Marty) Belkin fled small town Georgia for Brooklyn nearly thirty years ago, he thought he'd left his wasted youth behind. Now he's a Talmud scholar married into one of the greatest rabbinical families in the world - a dirt poor country boy reinvented in the image of God. But his mother's untimely death brings a shocking revelation: Mayer and his ne'er-do-well twin brother David aren't, in fact, Jewish. Traumatized and spiritually bereft, Mayer's only recourse is to convert to Judaism. But the earliest date he can get is a week from now. What are two estranged brothers to do in the interim? So begins the Belkins' Rumspringa through America's Deep South with Mom's ashes in tow, plus two tagalongs: an insightful Instagram influencer named Charlayne Valentine and Popeye, a one-eyed dog. As the crew gets tangled up in a series of increasingly surreal adventures, Mayer grapples with a God who betrayed him and an emotionally withdrawn wife in Brooklyn who has yet to learn her husband is a counterfeit Jew.
El gozo del amor comprometido: Tomo 1
by Gary SmalleyEste manual de instrucciones para los hombres deja claras las distinciones entre los sexos y da una perspectiva refrescante sobre cómo construir un matrimonio más fuerte.Gary Smalley explica las necesidades más profundas de la mujer, le muestra al hombre cómo satisfacerlas, y provee diez pasos simples para fortalecer cualquier matrimonio. Ayuda a los hombres a entender cómo responder a las emociones de la mujer tanto como hacerla sentir importante. Smalley emplea ilustraciones chistosas a la vez que conmovedoras de su propia vida, además de estudios de caso y ejemplos bíblicos, para diseñar un plano para un mejor matrimonio.
El gozo del amor comprometido: Tomo 2
by Gary SmalleyLos matrimonios satisfactorios no suceden por casualidad, sino que son edificados sobre principios comprobados y esenciales para el desarrollo de cualquier relación cordial y amorosa. El gozo del amor comprometido es un excelente libro que te ayudará a conocer a tu esposo y te dará un fundamento para construir un matrimonio mejor.Cada capítulo está basado en prioridades que son de importancia para la mujer, como:-Cómo incrementar el deseo de tu esposo de pasar más tiempo contigo.-Cómo aumentar el anhelo de tu esposo por escucharte con toda su atención y en forma constante. -Cómo aumentar la sensibilidad de tu esposo.Estos son sólo algunos de los puntos que trata este libro y que te ayudarán a tener una relación más sólida y satisfactoria en tu matrimonio.
El gozo del senor ¿ mi fortaleza?
by Dr Pensacola H. JeffersonEn ocasiones en una situación de tristeza o dificultad, olvidamos de lo que Dios quiere para nuestras vidas según está escrito en su palabra, o nos olvidamos del plan de Dios para nuestra vida, pero independiente de lo triste que nos encontremos, debemos creer en su palabra, esforzarnos, y ser valiente y proclamar que: "El gozo del Señor es vuestra fuerza". (Nehemías 8:10) A través de las paginas de este libro la autora nos detalla sobre la importancia del gozo, de cómo estar gozosos en Dios nos hace fuertes, y nadie podrá detenernos. La gente experimenta muchas emociones cuando ellos oyen las "buenas nuevas" del evangelio. Esta respuesta es llamada "el gozo del señor" que surge del corazón y que proviene de estar "en" Cristo, que para algunos, representa las gratificaciones que nos da la vida, para otros, es poseer las bendiciones presentes de una vida en Cristo y la esperanza de futuras bendiciones de vida eterna. "... La dádiva de Dios es vida eterna a través de Jesucristo". (Romanos 6:23) que incluye la posesión gratuita de Dios de la salvación, y compartir las riquezas de la gloria de Dios, que es Cristo, el Espíritu que mora en uno. Algunos creyentes están gozosos por la bendición de tener una relación correcta y de pacto con Dios, o por la oportunidad de conocer a Dios, ser un espíritu con él, y estar en su presencia. Otros creyentes están felices de entender y ser conscientes de que Dios es la fuente y objeto del verdadero gozo. El gozo dado por Dios siempre está disponible, pero es una elección. Tiene un origen sobrenatural y es un fruto y una señal del Espíritu que mora en uno. El gozo dado por Dios no borra ni elimina las pruebas y tribulaciones, el gozo que mora en uno es una fuente de satisfacción que fortalece nuestro andar en el Señor. Así que no importa por lo que esté pasando, o por cuanto tiempo, o cómo se sienta al estarlo pasando, de
Gozo desafiante: Aferrarse a la esperanza, la belleza y la vida en un mundo que sufre
by Stasi EldredgeEstamos llamados a “estar siempre gozosos” (1 Ts. 5.16). ¿Qué significa esto, y cómo puede ser posible?Todos gastamos mucha energía buscando la felicidad, pero no somos capaces de aferrarnos a ella. Cosas suceden en la vida real, y nuestras circunstancias nos llevan por un viaje de altas y bajas. Entonces, el llamado que nos hace la Biblia a "estar siempre gozosos" parece una locura, y fuera de alcance. Pero no tiene que ser así.Debemos tener gozo, un gozo tan grande que desafíe a este mundo caído. Este gozo no es simplemente felicidad con esteroides; es la seguridad inquebrantable de que el dolor y la pérdida no tienen la última palabra. Es la firme determinación que se manifiesta en cualquier situación para interpretar tanto la bondad como el dolor a la luz de las Escrituras.En Gozo desafiante, Stasi Eldredge, con valentía, sinceridad y vulnerabilidad nos invita a un lugar más allá de la tristeza o la felicidad. Nos muestra cómo mantener una postura desafiante que no niega ni resta importancia a nuestro dolor, sino que se atreve a vivir con una esperanza inquebrantable.
GPS: Guía para solteros.
by Camilo J Vargas Leyla V Vera¿Con quién me casaré? Quizá te hayas hecho esta pregunta una y otra vez. Sin embargo, más importante aún es preguntarte cuánta preparación tienes mientras navegas por esta temporada de soltería, para tomar la decisión más importante de tu vida. En su libro GPS Camilo Vargas y Leyla Vera muestran principios de vida que te ayudarán a identificar tus fortalezas y corregir aquellas áreas que todavía están débiles dejando a un lado el misticismo y las controversias sobre el tema. Los autores comparten el mapa de Dios antes, durante y después de la soltería, y enseñan:Cómo prepararte para una relación matrimonial saludable y duraderaQué hacer para dejar las malas experiencias del pasado atrásDónde encontrar el verdadero amor¡Y mucho más!
Grab, Gather, Grow: Multiply Community Groups in Your Church (Grab, Gather, Grow)
by Jennifer Cowart Jim CowartJim and Jen Cowart, authors of Start This, Stop That, offer a fresh strategy for developing community groups for your whole church and beyond. Harvest Church (www.harvestchurch4u.org), a young United Methodist congregation twenty miles southwest of Macon, met for seven years (on Sundays) on the move in a rented theatre. They learned about adaptive systems, digital tools, and flexible overhead. Since building a multipurpose facility on 43 acres near Warner Robins, Georgia in 2007, Harvest Church applied what they learned about mobility and sustained rapid growth to 2700 in worship attendance, with seven weekend services. They dispensed with a typical education wing (at significant cost savings) and classrooms in favor of four multipurpose rooms. They adapted a community groups strategy, which meets primarily in homes. Over 18 months they have expanded from 76 community groups to over 250 community groups. In this leadership book, Jen and Jim offer a five-part method for transforming a congregation through launching community groups. Community groups become a multiplication strategy because they nurture an urgent expectation outside the congregation to share the good news with persons not yet professing faith, while creating a well defined path for growth in discipleship. The book will include the following themes: Group Explosion - New Strategy for 100% plus group participation Overcoming Obstacles - Structuring for Maximum Growth vs Control - Crowd to Core Group Growth The Power of the Pulpit - This system is driven from the stage Living the 5 through Group Life - How the CG lives into Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, Evangelism, and Worship Creating Infrastructure for Facilitators
Grace: Quotes and Passages for Heart, Mind, and Soul
by B. C. Aronson"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."--Maya Angelou. "Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace."--May Sarton. This treasury of quotes and passages on leading a centered, purposeful, and spiritual life offers the advice and observations of leaders from all walks of life. Included are Ghandi, Lao-Tzu, Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, and hundreds of other unique and inspiring voices on subjects like compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and purpose.
Grace: On the Journey to God
by Michael CaseyThis is a beautiful book instructing the reader how to live both the monastic and lay Christian life. The chapters are relatively short and cover all aspects of everyday life. As the name implies, the material in the chapters is related to the concept of grace. The author proves and elaborates upon his ideas by providing extensive endnotes. Even though this book is geared toward Catholic Christians, he emphasized that Christians of all denominations will enjoy and profit from reading this book.
Grace: On the Journey to God
by Michael CaseyBenedictine monastic spirituality has emerged as an antidote to the spiritual and cultural challenges facing people of faith today. In this book, the author focuses specifically on GRACE, and the benevolence of God as it expresses itself in many different ways along our spiritual journey. What is a person likely to experience when beginning to give up him or herself conscientiously to the spiritual journey? In this beautiful guide, gradually, we come to realize that everything that happens in our lives is somehow the gift of our loving Father. Every journey is ultimately individual. As Casey explains, what you hear within your own spirit is more significant than what he can say. But his aim is to help you listen to the voice of God in your heart.
Grace: The Glorious Theme Of Spiritual Salvation In Christ The Savior
by Lewis Sperry ChaferDo you realize that grace is the very heart of Christianity and is almost unrecognized as such, even by Christians? Startling indeed, but only because Christianity is so generally treated as being merely an ethical system. Probably no book has appeared which more comprehensively states the glories of divine grace with their exact relation to everday life. In Grace Lewis Sperry Chafer clearly presents the fundamental distinctions between the principles of law and grace.
Grace: The Glorious Theme Of Spiritual Salvation In Christ The Savior
by Lewis Sperry ChaferDo you realize that grace is the very heart of Christianity and is almost unrecognized as such, even by Christians? Startling indeed, but only because Christianity is so generally treated as being merely an ethical system. Probably no book has appeared which more comprehensively states the glories of divine grace with their exact relation to everday life. In Grace Lewis Sperry Chafer clearly presents the fundamental distinctions between the principles of law and grace.
Grace: A Novel (The\walk Ser. #3)
by Richard Paul EvansOriginally titled Grace, this award-winning novel gets a brand-new look in this beautiful repackage. From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Christmas Box and The Mistletoe Promise comes a novel filled with hope and redemption about two teens who turn to each other to find trust and love.If only I could stay with you forever. I would. Eric is having a hard time adjusting to his family’s move from California to Utah. Then he meets Grace—his classmate and a runaway—dumpster diving behind the burger joint where he works. Eric decides the only thing to do is to hide Grace in the clubhouse in his backyard. With the adults concerned about the looming Cuban Missile Crisis and his father recovering from an immune disorder, Eric grows closer to Grace but can their new relationship survive the harsh realities of life? In this poignant, sensitive, and realistic narrative, Richard Paul Evans shares Grace’s heartbreaking predicament and Eric’s realization that everything is not as simple as it might appear.
Grace: A Christmas Sisters Of The Heart Novel (Christmas Sisters of the Heart #4)
by Shelley Shepard GrayTwo unexpected visitors change Yuletide plans at a country bed and breakfast in this Amish romance by a New York Times–bestselling author.It’s Christmastime at the Brenneman Bed and Breakfast, and everyone is excited about closing for the holidays. But when two unexpected visitors appear seeking shelter, the family’s commitment to hospitality is tested. First Levi arrives, sullen and angry . . . but insisting on staying for five days. Next Melody shows up. She’s almost nine months pregnant, but won’t say a word about why she traveled all the way from Kentucky by herself. As the two strangers settle in, the Brennemans try to make the best of an uncomfortable situation, except for Katie, who knows a thing or two about keeping secrets. She is determined to learn the truth about these two strangers . . . all while keeping her own secret safely hidden away.All is revealed when a snowstorm traps them at the inn.Includes discussion questions and Amish recipes.
Grace: The Remarkable Life of Grace Grattan Guinness
by Michele GuinnessPreparing for her husband's retirement from his parish, Michele Guinness, author of The Guinness Legend, decided to clear out the attic and in doing so rediscovered a trunk of letters, diaries, journals and notebooks, over one hundred years old, belonging to Grace Guinness, Peter's grandmother.Most famous for her unconventional marriage to renowned speaker and evangelist Henry Grattan Guinness, Grace's journals reveal an extraordinary woman who in many ways was before her time: a rebel against the constraints of her narrow religious upbringing, unconventional in her choice of husband, defiant of a society that frowned on a well-bred single mother going out to work, a businesswoman who ran her own hotel, and an early feminist who believed in birth control.She worked until she was in her seventies, read The Times every day, got through at least one book a week and could comment eruditely on politics, science, philosophy, theology, music and literature... This was a woman who wrote in a frank and sometimes risqué way about her life, love, hopes and fears, and encouraged others to break some of the taboos of their generation.In Grace, Michele Guinness weaves together the revealing contents of Grace's own words with her own to create a unique and inspiring interpretation of this remarkable woman's life and times.
Grace: The Remarkable Life of Grace Grattan Guinness
by Michele GuinnessPreparing for her husband's retirement from his parish, Michele Guinness, author of The Guinness Legend, decided to clear out the attic and in doing so rediscovered a trunk of letters, diaries, journals and notebooks, over one hundred years old, belonging to Grace Guinness, Peter's grandmother.Most famous for her unconventional marriage to renowned speaker and evangelist Henry Grattan Guinness, Grace's journals reveal an extraordinary woman who in many ways was before her time: a rebel against the constraints of her narrow religious upbringing, unconventional in her choice of husband, defiant of a society that frowned on a well-bred single mother going out to work, a businesswoman who ran her own hotel, and an early feminist who believed in birth control.She worked until she was in her seventies, read The Times every day, got through at least one book a week and could comment eruditely on politics, science, philosophy, theology, music and literature... This was a woman who wrote in a frank and sometimes risqué way about her life, love, hopes and fears, and encouraged others to break some of the taboos of their generation.In Grace, Michele Guinness weaves together the revealing contents of Grace's own words with her own to create a unique and inspiring interpretation of this remarkable woman's life and times.
Grace: You Can't Buy It. You Don't Deserve It. You Can't Live Without It.
by R.T. KendallYou don't deserve it. You can't buy it. You can't live without it.Many believers wrestle with grace and with the notion of doing better or trying harder in living the Christian life. Best-selling author R. T. Kendall explains that you are totally acceptable to God through faith in Christ. You are justified freely as a gift. You are a winner before you start. You are accepted before you have done anything.Discover how God&’s grace covers failure and sin, and justifies you freely as a gift. Within these pages, you will be encouraged as you find new freedom, revelation, and joy in this in-depth study of the Ten Commandments.Some of the life lessons that Kendall shares in this message include:• What a glorious goal God has for each of His children• How to view this world as a temporary place• Why it is important not to put down deep roots in this culture• When to say no to the pressures of this world• Why being good isn&’t enough to get you into heavenGod has a particular and personal delight in you. He will always love and cherish you.
Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine
by Max LucadoGrace.We talk asthough we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a gracenote. We describe an actress as gracious,a dancer as graceful. We use the wordfor hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though weknow what grace means.But do wereally understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies aphrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demandsa response. When asked, "Do you believe in grace?" who could say no?Max Lucadoasks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace?Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by thenape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace? God's gracehas a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide,turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. Frominsecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. Fromafraid to die to ready to fly. Grace isthe voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let's makecertain grace gets you. Endorsements for GRACE:"God's grace--His unconditionally loving, unmerited favor--issometimes difficult for people to grasp, even though each one of us is indesperate need of it. But in Max Lucado's new book, GRACE, it is completely embraceable and understandable. ThroughLucado's characteristic narrative style and profound biblical understanding, welearn that God's grace is truly much more than we deserve and greater than weimagine. " --Dr. Charles F. Stanley "Max Lucado has blended his creative writing style withhonesty about how he has experienced God's grace, mercy and forgiveness in hisown times of failure and despair. Youwill find comfort as Max shines the light of the Word of God revealing thatJesus Christ is truly the only hope that brings everlasting peace." --Franklin Graham,President and CEO, Samaritan's Purse, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association"Reading Max Lucado on grace is like hearing Warren Buffetton money or Julia Child on food--it's a subject he spent a lifetime falling inlove with." --John Ortberg, pastor and author, Menlo Park PresbyterianChurch "Few writers are better than Max Lucado, no subject isbetter than God's grace." --Randy Alcorn, author of Heaven and If God is Good"Max gives us encouragement, hope and a needed reminderthat the grace we all possess as followers of Jesus should empower us to movemountains, vs simply settling for pushing wimpy molehills." --Brad Lomenick, President and Executive Director, Catalyst"Max offers up a biblical vision of God's grace that comesdrenched in sweat and with a set of six-pack abs; a life-defining newness andrelationship-refining kindness straight from the heart of God." --Tim Kimmel, author of GraceBased Parenting"Some writers aim for the mind, others for the heartand a small number for the soul. With his latest book, 'Grace,' Max Lucado hitsthe trifecta, touching on all three." -- Cal Thomas, Syndicated and USA Today Columnist and Fox News Contributor"If you love the writings of Max Lucado, this will probablybecome your favorite." -- Stephen Arterburn, Founder and Chairman of New LifeMinistries, host of "New Life Live!" and best selling author"I can think of no more needed message for weary peopleeverywhere, and no better writer than Max Lucado to paint so gloriously thehope that "Christ in you" affords." --Louie Giglio, creator of Passion Conferences and pastor,Passion City Church
Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine
by Max LucadoGRACE We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no? Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace? God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.
Grace: An Invitation to a Way of Life (Pursuing Spiritual Transformation)
by John Ortberg Laurie Pederson Judson PolingMany Christians have an easier time being saved by grace than they do living in grace every day. But grace is at the center of the life God calls us to--and reflects the heart of the One who calls.These studies in Grace will help you make the connection between grace as a remote biblical concept and grace as a lifestyle--a reality you experience day in, day out. Through an unfolding study of Psalm 23, you’ll learn how God--our Good Shepherd--is for you, how he longs to walk with you through temptation, sorrow, and even deep regret. You’ll discover God’s desire to make his joy your joy. Throughout, you’ll learn how enduring, powerful, and life-affirming God’s work in your life can be—and rediscover why it’s called amazing grace.Leader’s guide included!Grace group sessions are:Living in GraceGrace for RegretsSustaining GraceDelighting in GraceA Legacy of GraceGrace ForeverGrace to Share
Grace: Uncovered, Unfiltered, Undeserved
by Rod ParsleyFrom New York Times best selling author of Culturally Incorrect and The Finale: One World, One Ruler, One ReignSEEK TRUTH IN A GENERATION GIVEN TO EXTREMES TODAY&’S CHURCH IS TORN in their understanding of God&’s grace. Some churches measure holiness by the length of hems, cuffs, and other manmade regulations. Other churches use God&’s grace as a license to disregard the Bible&’s teachings on holy living and, consequently, live a life of rebellion. Neither extreme is biblical. It&’s true that Christians are freed from the rule of law. Yet it is also true that the law is a revelation of God&’s will. How can we lead godly lives and also avoid turning moral absolutes into a legalistic system for salvation? In Grace, Rod Parsley uncovers the tension surrounding conversations about grace so that you can:Gain a biblical foundation of God&’s true intention for law and graceLive more powerfully by avoiding destructive extremesAdopt principles for Christian living that come from Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit in your heartUnderstand moments in church history when these issues threatened to destroy the faith, formed new doctrines and denominations, and more We aren&’t trying to win a debate. We aren&’t talking about what we are free to do and what we are free not to do. We are all undeserving. Uncovering the truth about grace means preparing yourself for the presence of God around you. Learn how to govern your ways so the glory of God may reside within you.