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Guided: Reclaiming the Intuitive Voice of Your Soul

by Hans Christian King Michael Bernard Beckwith

Access your intuition and explore your true divine, timeless nature with the science-based teachings of Hans King, "one of the top five psychics in the country" (Miami Herald).Award-winning psychic Hans King provides a clear and thorough path for connecting to the invisible side of life in Guided. Based on the author's sixty years of direct voice medium work, it includes step-by-step practices for quieting the mind and creating a clear channel for spiritual communication, allowing you to discover, activate, trust, and follow your own eternal voice while uncovering your soul's greatest purpose and passion. Filled with fascinating stories and real-life testimonials from those who have communicated with the spirit world and experienced spiritual awakenings through King's teaching, King clearly explains how to accurately find the answers you are searching for and actualize them in your life. For those who experience an inner urge to explore life's bewildering, paradoxical mysteries, and deepest sensitivities, and want to step inside themselves and discover that their individual existence is for a purpose--and learn how to intuitively, victoriously fulfill it--Guided is the ultimate guide.

Guided Buddhist Meditations: Essential Practices on the Stages of the Path

by Thubten Chodron

A new edition of a Buddhist classic, an accessible introduction to the stages of the path (lamrim)--including 14 hours of downloadable audio meditations.The Stages of the Path, or lamrim, presentation of Buddhist teachings (a step-by-step method to tame the mind) is a core topic of Buddhist study. The lamrim meditations remind us that the process of transforming the mind, unlike so much of our frantic modern society, is a slow and thoughtful one. Best-selling author and Buddhist teacher Thubten Chodron here provides clear explanations of the stages of the path, as well as an accompanying downloadable audio program containing over fourteen hours of guided meditations on each of the topics covered in the text. Chodron discusses how to establish a daily practice and presents the meditations in detail, followed by advice for newcomers, instructions for working with distractions, antidotes to mental afflictions, and suggestions on how to deepen Dharma practice. Each practitioner will find meaning and insight according to their own skill level.

The Guided Journey: Finding Faith, Purpose, and Joy in Life

by Mike G. Lee

For those who feel frustrated, bored, or unfulfilled, The Guided Journey reveals how to let go of engineering this life to discover the true, individual purpose they were created for.The majority of people today admit hating their job. Even as the United States experiences the lowest unemployment rate in modern history, people struggle to find a career and job satisfaction. Rather than encouraging those experiencing this frustration to continue running away from the problem, business consultant Mike Lee reveals a proven, ten-step process for people to discover their God-given purpose and set a new course for their life. With transparency about Mike&’s own unexpected twists and turns, The Guided Journey includes true stories from Mike&’s life at each step, explaining the struggles of trying to juggle and balance life as a husband, father of three, consultant, entrepreneur, and a person of faith. Mike walks with readers through these steps to show them how they can also refocus their vision and priorities for both career and family life while rediscovering meaning and joy along the way.

Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings

by Stephen Levine

The culmination of nearly two decades of personal and professional explorations, this book offers readers a unique source book comprised solely of guided meditations, new and familiar, for the deeper healing of spirit, mind, and body.

Guided to Wisdom

by Susan D'Agostino

In her new book Susan D'Agostino, emotional healer and internationally accredited Healer of the Journey Work, uses her own journey to demonstrate the power within all of us to overcome the many challenges of life, not by looking for outside help but rather looking inward at our true selves. Diagnosed with cancer, Susan understood intuitively that invasive medical techniques wouldn't save her, and she turned inward to confront and overcome a lifetime of emotional damage. With guidance and grace, Susan unlocked her own inner power and resolved not only the cancer, but her life-long battle with depression, and a failing marriage. Today she is 10-years cancer free, happy and very much in love. Guided to Wisdom is not just her story, but an honest, deeply personal guidebook to help others discover their own potential.

A Guided Tour of Hell: A Graphic Memoir

by Pema Namdol Thaye Samuel Bercholz

Take a trip through the realms of hell with a man whose temporary visitor's pass gave him a horrifying--and enlightening--preview of its torments. This true account of Sam Bercholz's near-death experience has more in common with Dante's Inferno than it does with any of the popular feel-good stories of what happens when we die. In the aftermath of heart surgery, Sam, a longtime Buddhist practitioner and teacher, is surprised to find himself in the lowest realms of karmic rebirth, where he is sent to gain insight into human suffering. Under the guidance of a luminous being, Sam's encounters with a series of hell-beings trapped in repetitious rounds of misery and delusion reveal to him how an individual's own habits of fiery hatred and icy disdain, of grasping desire and nihilistic ennui, are the source of horrific agonies that pound consciousness for seemingly endless cycles of time. Comforted by the compassion of a winged goddess and sustained by the kindness of his Buddhist teachers, Sam eventually emerges from his ordeal with renewed faith that even the worst hell contains the seed of wakefulness. His story is offered, along with the modernist illustrations of a master of Tibetan sacred arts, in order to share what can be learned about awakening from our own self-created hells and helping others to find relief and liberation from theirs.

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 (Set of #26)

by General Board Of Discipleship

The Guidelines booklets, one for each ministry area, are tools that enable you to help get new lay leaders off to a good start. Each booklet includes the basic "job description" for the leader as well as practical "how-to" information important to implementing ministry effectively. Brief and to the point for the busy, but spirit-led leader, these Guidelines take some of the unknown out of leading these ministry areas. One booklet for each title makes up this set of 26 Guidelines, perfect for making them available to all church members. The twenty-six Guidelines, one for each ministry area, cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, and Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Adult Ministries

by General Board Of Discipleship

The adult ministry life span is the greatest and most diverse of any age level because it can encompass seven (or more) decades. An adult ministry that includes all adults encourages people to grow and mature in faith so they may be vital disciples for a lifetime. Your congregation will have decided what kind of structure is needed to plan for adult faith formation and discipleship. Your position title may be Coordinator of Adult Ministries, Team Leader for Adult Discipleship, Coordinator of Singles Ministries, or some other title indicating that you are a leader in adult ministries. Your role is to keep the big picture of adult faith formation and discipleship in view and to help develop a comprehensive strategy that is appropriate for your congregation's context. Regardless of your title, church size, or structure this Guideline is designed to help equip you in leading adult ministries in your congregation. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Advocates for Inclusiveness

by General Com on Status Role Of Women

Your task as an advocate for inclusiveness - and as coordinator of your ministry group - is to help every ministry, committee, and aspect of your church to be intentional about the full and equal participation of women and racial and ethnic persons in the life of the church. As you advocate for an inclusive church, you are helping the church to reflect the fullness of the ministry of Christ. This Guideline is designed to help equip you in leading this ministry group in your congregation. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Children’s Ministries

by General Board Of Discipleship

You have answered the call to serve as a minister to children. Calls come in a variety of ways, yet here you are. Whether your ministry touches three children in a small congregation, three hundred children in a large congregation, or the children who live in the community where you serve, you have been invited to gather dedicated adults and scripturally sound resources to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This booklet concentrates of the basics of ministry that help children grow in faith. It is the beginning point for organizing for ministry and is designed to help congregations use their own gifts to respond to God's call to care for the children, on Sunday morning, through the week and for special events. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Christian Education

by General Board Of Discipleship

Christian education and formation is a crucial building block for our growth as healthy, mature Christians. There are a number of different small group settings in which Christian formation occurs. Through Christian education, we invite people and communities of faith to be transformed as they are inspired and challenged. As a leader in the ministry of Christian education, you have a vital role to play in the faith development of other members of your congregation. This Guideline is designed to help equip you in leading this ministry group in your congregation. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Church and Society

by General Board Of Church Society

You are the leaders of your church's involvement in social issues. As such, you will help your church members respond to social issues through education, making connection, and advocating for and responding to the needs of people around you and in the rest of God's world. This Guideline is designed to help equip you in leading this ministry group in your congregation. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Church Council

by General Board Of Discipleship

The church council exists to create and supervise the strategic plan for your local congregation fulfills its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ. This twofold function includes both leadership and management. This Guideline is designed to help equip you and your ministry team to navigate these two functions. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Pastor-Parish Relations and Small Membership Church, the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees, and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, and Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Church Historian

by General Commission on Archives History

You have been asked to be your church's historian, or you have just found a box of old records. What do you keep? How do you store the materials? How do you preserve them? What good is all this? As part of celebrating you church's anniversary, you want to write a history of your church. How do you start? Some of your church's leaders are aging. You want to record their memories. How do you prepare to interview them and what do you ask? This booklet offers some answers and suggested ways to get more help. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Communications

by General Commissions on Communications

Local church communication is a ministry that shares the church's story in ways that move people toward becoming disciples of Christ. You are part of a leadership team that brings to life your church's vision and mission. Your role is to be a storyteller and connector, employing communications' practices and tools to share the story of the church in a planned, compelling, accessible way. Your goal is to develop a reliable process for telling and hearing the story in which everyone can participate. This guideline is designed to help you meet this goal. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Evangelism

by General Board Of Discipleship

Evangelism is vital to the disciple-making process because it is a primary ministry of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Evangelism is more than just one individual talking about faith; it is a ministry of the whole church that develops a church "lifestyle" of welcome, invitation, and support. This Guideline is designed to help equip you in leading this ministry group in your congregation. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Family Ministries

by General Board Of Discipleship

The family is the primary center of faith formation, especially for children. Our affirmation for families asserts that families of all sizes and configurations are communities of commitment whose goal is human growth and faith development. You job is to work with other leaders in the congregation to plan and implement ministry in order to fulfill the church's mission of helping all persons become disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Also, you address the needs of the families in your church and community so that all may grow in the Christian faith. This Guideline is designed to help equip you in leading this ministry group in your congregation. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Finance

by General Board Of Discipleship

The goal of the ministry of finance is to fund ministries that nurture persons in their faith. The finance system in the congregation will raise, manage, and disperse the funds of the congregation that help realize the mission and vision of the church. This Guideline is designed to help equip you in leading this ministry group in your congregation/ This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Trustees, and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Higher Education and Campus Ministry

by General Board Of Higher Educ

This ministry area is responsible for interpreting and recommending to the church council ways for implementing the church's mission in higher education and campus ministry. This team is on the "front line" in the important work of identifying and developing the leadership for the church and for the world. This Guideline is a how-to plan that leads you through the biblical, theological, and practical aspects of your church's ministry in higher education. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Korean Ministries

by Cokesbury

Written completely in Korean, this book gives guidance designed to support the ministries of The Korean United Methodist Church.

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Lay Leader/Lay Member

by General Board Of Discipleship

The Lay Leader and Lay Member to Annual Conference are key roles in linking the vision and plan of the congregation with the ministry of the Annual conference and in nurturing cooperation and coordination of the pastor and congregation in leadership. These two roles are complementary, yet there are responsibilities unique to each role. The greatest distinction is the connections they forge with and on behalf of the congregation. The lay leader has a primary focus in linking the local church and community. The lay member of annual conference has a primary focus in linking the local church to the connectional United Methodist Church and God's worldwide church. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Men’s Ministries

by General Commission on Un Meth Men

Families, congregations, and the world need men who are growing spiritually and leaders who serve as men's ministry partners to reach men within and beyond the denomination. The guideline is designed to help lay and clergy leaders reach men for Christ. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, and Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Ministries with Young People

by General Board Of Discipleship

You have been called to ministry with young people--those journeying through adolescence and those emerging from their teenage years to find themselves navigating the unpredictable and full-of-firsts years of their twenties and thirties. This sacred and exciting leadership role comes with dozens of challenges to be addressed, countless opportunities to touch lives, and a myriad of blessings that you might never anticipate. Your position as a leader with young people is the basis for building relationships and leading by example. This Guideline, formerly called Young Peoples Ministries, covers an introduction to the ministry of a youth or young adult coordinator and is designed to help implement and guide the work of the ministry area. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, and Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Mission

by General Board Global Ministries

Depending on how a congregation is organized, the ministry area may be called global ministries, mission or outreach ministries. The role of this ministry area is to develop a continuous, year-round program of mission education. Leadership of this ministry area identifies the needs of the community, country, and world and engages the congregation in mission opportunities that seek to address these needs. It also seeks to expand your congregation's mission and benevolence budget and ensure that your congregation is provided every opportunity to participate financially in God's mission through the church. This guideline is designed to help implement the work of the ministry area. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, and Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016 - Nominations and Leadership Development

by General Board Of Discipleship

The heart of local church ministry is in its lay leadership. Identifying, developing, deploying, and evaluating Christian spiritual leaders who serve from their strengths and gifts is a key to the life and vitality of the congregation. This guideline is designed to help implement the work of the ministry area, which is formerly known as Committee on Lay Leadership. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas including Church Council and Small Membership Church; the administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness including Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, and Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. To see a full list of Guidelines, search by typing keywords: "Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2013-2016," and click "search".

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