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Hard Evidence

by Roxanne Rustand

COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARESomeone was lurking in the woods behind the isolated old cabins Janna McAllister was fixing up. Who was he? And what could he want with a single mother who hadn't set foot in Wyoming in years? Janna was suddenly grateful for her unexpected new lodgers: deputy sheriff Michael Robertson and his teenaged son. The strong, silent type, Michael made her feel safe--especially when human remains were found on the property. The cold case threatened to remain unsolved. Until Janna unwittingly found a clue that would tempt a killer to come out of the woodwork.

The Hard Good: Showing Up for God to Work in You When You Want to Shut Down

by Lisa Whittle

Learn how to see the good, again, even after hard times.What does it feel like to come back from something hard, to be able to hope again? Hard things are a part of life. Yet they don&’t have to have the final word. They can become the keys to our greatest usability in the kingdom of God—that is, if we let God make good of them, rather than running away and refusing the growth we truly crave.If we&’re weary of being bossed by our emotions, the hard good can help bring a new way of living with healthy, managed emotions. Where we were once stuck in a place of what if, the transformational process God takes us through provides a compelling shift of perspective to what is. It is the way we not only come back from hard things but also emerge with a richer life.In The Hard Good Lisa Whittle guides us on a powerful path to progress as we learn to:accept things we wish were different,apologize and forgive first,cheer for someone who gets what we want,open our hearts again when we&’ve been hurt,find joy in the waiting,and show up when we want to shut down.Written for those who desperately want to move forward, The Hard Good gives voice to the hard places we all have lived and Lisa&’s clear directions as to where to go next.Your hard place is never too hard for God. Allow it to change you, help you, and ready you for the greatest comeback you have ever known.

The Hard Good Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Showing Up When You Want to Shut Down

by Lisa Whittle

The Hard Good shows why the divine road that leads to God's perfect plan for our lives is often paved with difficulties.This Study Guide includes:Individual access to 6 streaming video sessionsDiscussion and reflection questions with video notesPersonal study between sessionsLeader&’s GuideAt our very core is the desire to be God's woman or man—faithful, having fulfilled the potential God created in us. To reach that point, sometimes we have to endure hard things, things God has designed for good, to supernaturally shape us into the people he wants us to be. When we choose to accept the "hard good," we discover our life's purpose, and he promises to give us the joy and passion as our deepest longing is fulfilled.The hard good is a powerful path to growth, as you learn toaccept things you wish were differentapologize and forgive firstcome clean (repentance)give up the now for the beststay in the journeycheer for someone who has what you wantopen your heart, even when it's been hurttell yourself noThe Hard Good Study Guide is a six-session video Bible study based in 1 Samuel. It will help you discover a practical roadmap to help you find God's true purpose for your life—a study in becoming the person God uniquely created you to be. With counsel from Scripture, which speaks into relevant and universal issues that touch each one of us, The Hard Good inspires and motivates you to discover the growth you have long desired as you search for your purpose in God's perfect plan.

Hard, Hard Religion: Interracial Faith in the Poor South (New Directions in Southern Studies)

by John Hayes

In his captivating study of faith and class, John Hayes examines the ways folk religion in the early twentieth century allowed the South's poor--both white and black--to listen, borrow, and learn from each other about what it meant to live as Christians in a world of severe struggle. Beneath the well-documented religious forms of the New South, people caught in the region's poverty crafted a distinct folk Christianity that spoke from the margins of capitalist development, giving voice to modern phenomena like alienation and disenchantment. Through haunting songs of death, mystical tales of conversion, grassroots sacramental displays, and an ethic of neighborliness, impoverished folk Christians looked for the sacred in their midst and affirmed the value of this life in this world. From Tom Watson and W. E. B. Du Bois over a century ago to political commentators today, many have ruminated on how, despite material commonalities, the poor of the South have been perennially divided by racism. Through his excavation of a folk Christianity of the poor, which fused strands of African and European tradition into a new synthesis, John Hayes recovers a historically contingent moment of interracial exchange generated in hardship.

Hard Questions, Heart Answers

by Bernice A. King

Bernice King, the youngest daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr. , and Coretta Scott King, is an ordained minister, an attorney, and one of this country's most admired speakers. As this remarkable collection of her sermons and speeches makes clear, she shares with her father a rare gift for oratory and the wisdom and compassion to inspire others. The collection begins with words designed to "disturb the comfortable. " Tackling such controversial subjects as our disaffected youth, gun control, and the death penalty, King paints a compelling picture of the spiritual decay and deep-seated racism that infects our society. In the second part of the book, a selection of sermons focusing on "comforting the disturbed," King's belief in the power of faith to restore our communities, morally and spiritually, rings forth. The church, she asserts, must return to its helping and healing mission, and each of us, looking into our hearts, must put aside our differences and remember that each human life is precious.

Hard Sayings Left Behind by Vatican II: Stumbling Blocks for Ecumenism, Interfaith Dialogue and Church-World Relations (Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue)

by Peter De Mey Judith Gruber

This project offers an original contribution to the interpretation of the documents of the Second Vatican Council that constitute the most authoritative doctrinal teaching within the Catholic Church. The chapters in this volume, published during the 60th anniversary of the Council (2022-2025), discuss three types of stumbling blocks: ‘Stumbling Blocks for Ecumenism’, ‘Stumbling Blocks for Interfaith Dialogue,’ and ‘Stumbling Blocks for Church-world Relations’. Eight specialists of ecclesiology, comparative theology, intercultural theology, and theological ethics have each written chapters on a selected line of Vatican II that constitutes a ‘stumbling block’ or ‘hard saying’ for believers and theologians today. The views expressed in these chapters have been discussed in three response essays. The stumbling blocks have been selected from Lumen Gentium, Unitatis Redintegratio, Nostra Aetate, and Gaudium et Spes. The selected lines discuss the difficulties the Catholic Church has with atheism and with the Eucharist as celebrated by Protestant ministers; how appreciation of other churches and religions goes hand in hand with defending the need of mission; and why the Council assigns different roles to priests and laity, making a distinction between the holiness of the Church and the sinfulness of its believers.

Hard Sayings Of Jesus: Embracing His Words of Life (Bible Discovery Series)

by Joel C Seifert

What did Jesus mean when he said…? Why did Jesus say…?Many people in Jesus’ day found certain things he said to be confusing or challenging. Perhaps you’ve run into some of these statements as well. While some of Jesus’ words are indeed hard, understanding them is well worth the struggle!Whether you are new to the faith or have been a Christian your whole life, Hard Sayings of Jesus will clear up the confusion around difficult or controversial statements that Jesus made during his earthly ministry. It will also help you see what such words mean for you today.This book will help you understand and embrace all your Savior’s words of life!

Hard Times Come Again No More: Suffering and Hope

by Alex Joyner

Stephen Foster, Job, the Canaanite woman--what do they have in common, and what can we learn from them? Pastor and storyteller Alex Joyner takes us deep into the lives of these three people, exploring anger, audacity, hope, and joy. Through it all, he poses the question: Why do we suffer? Hard Times Come Again No More is a six-week study that affirms the goodness of God, the reality of evil, and the wonder and tragedy of living in hard times. Alex Joyner is the author of Restless Hearts: Where Do I Go Now, God? and writes for the popular FaithLink adult studies and the online magazine Catapult. A published poet and photographer, he has served as campus minister at the University of Virginia and is now pastor of Franktown United Methodist Church on Virginia's Eastern Shore.

Hard Times Sermons On Hope: Sermons On Hope

by Donna Schaper

One of the volumes of the popular Protestant Pulpit Exchange series, this volume focuses on the ways in which preachers can make use of Biblical passages to help listeners deal with hard times in their lives. This universal issue is addressed in compassionate and helpful ways in this collection of sermons.

Hard to Be a Saint in the City: The Spiritual Vision of the Beats

by Robert Inchausti

An exploration of Beat spirituality--seen through excerpts from the writings of the seminal writers of Beat Generation themselves.It’s been said that Jack Kerouac made it cool to be a thinking person seeking a spiritual experience. And there is no doubt that the writers he knew and inspired—iconic figures like Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, Gary Snyder, and Michael McClure—were thinkers seeking exactly that. In this re-claiming of their vision, Robert Inchausti explores the Beat canon to reveal that the movement was at heart a spiritual one. It goes deeper than the Buddhism with which many of the key figures became identified. It’s about their shared perception of an existence in which the Divine reveals itself in the ordinary. Theirs is a spirituality where real life triumphs over airy ideals and personal authenticity becomes both the content and the vehicle for a kind of refurbished American Transcendentalism.

Hard to Believe: The High Cost and Infinite Value of Following Jesus

by John Macarthur

Popular perception of Jesus Christ is that of a tempered, genteel man who walked the earth, offering nuggets of wisdom to His followers. But what we sometimes fail to recognize is that although Jesus Christ offered a message of forgiveness, He also spoke challenging, demanding words about what being a follower of Christ requires. In contrast to the superficiality of much modern Christian teaching, Dr. John MacArthur serves up the unvarnished truth of what Christ taught and lived. In simple, compelling terms, he spells out what is required of those who would follow Him. Going beyond Jesus' life to include the crucifixion and resurrection, MacArthur shows readers that Jesus modeled the commitment and loving obedience He requires of us by making the ultimate sacrifice for humankind.

Hard to Believe Workbook

by John Macarthur

There is no user-friendly, seeker-sensitive Gospel.There is only the truth.Let John MacArthur personally guide you deeper into the biblical truths of Hard to Believe-truths that triumph over the world's false view of Christianity.In this workbook, pastor, teacher, and best-selling author John MacArthur takes you step by step through each main idea of his insightful and sometimes shocking new book, Hard to Believe.These interactive lessons reaffirm that watered-down Christianity is really no Christianity at all, and that true faith must be defended in a cynical yet tolerant world regardless of the cost. Jesus instructs would-be Christians to deny themselves, take up their crosses daily, and follow Him. It is a tremendous journey filled with pain and sacrifice, but one that ultimately leads to a joy beyond measure-because the reward is eternal life.The Hard to Believe Workbook includes a six-part study guide for every chapter plus special features, including key quotations from the book; daily prayers, Bible readings, and study questions; notes and answers for discussion leaders; and much more.Short of having Pastor MacArthur in your living room or Bible study class, the Hard to Believe Workbook is the best way possible to fully experience his life-changing insights into the high cost and infinite value of following Jesus.

Hard To Dance With the Devil On Your Back

by Ray Buckley

In every culture and time, persons of faith, of all ages, have summoned trials and tribulations to find the endurance and strength to "dance." They have danced with the weight of the world upon their shoulders, sustained by God and others dancing near them. Hard to Dance With the Devil On Your Back is a seven-session Lenten study that looks at the transcendent struggle in the lives of believers, while helping us to enter the continually crumbling world surrounding Jesus and the disciples in the days preceding Jesus. Appropriate for both group and individual use, the study provides one lesson for each week in Lent. Each lesson includes a Scripture reference, a brief reading, questions for reflection or discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the coming week.

Hard Winter at Broken Arrow Crossing

by Stephen A. Bly

Written in the tradition of Zane Grey and Louis L'Amour, Hard Winter at Broken Arrow Crossing recreates the tumultuous Old West where good battles evil. The conflicts that Bly's hero, Stuart Brannon, faces are surprisingly modern: Why do bad things happen to good people? How involved should a person get in another's conflicts?

Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies and the Truth About Reality

by Brad Warner

This is not your typical Zen book. Brad Warner, a young punk who grew up to be a Zen master, spares no one. This bold new approach to the "Why?" of Zen Buddhism is as strongly grounded in the tradition of Zen as it is utterly revolutionary. Warner's voice is hilarious, and he calls on the wisdom of everyone from punk and pop culture icons to the Buddha himself to make sure his points come through loud and clear. As it prods readers to question everything, Hardcore Zen is both an approach and a departure, leaving behind the soft and lyrical for the gritty and stark perspective of a new generation. The subtitle says it all: there has never been a book like this.

The Hardest Peace

by Kara Tippetts

Kara Tippetts knows the ordinary days of mothering four kids, the joy of watching her children grow ... and the devestating reality of stage-four cancer. In The Hardest Peace, Kara doesn't offer answers for when living is hard, but she asks us to join her in moving away from fear and control and toward peace and grace. Most of all, she draws us back to the God who is with us, in the mundane and the suffering, and who shapes even our pain into beauty.

The Hardest Problem: God, Evil and Suffering

by Rupert Shortt

How can a supposedly all-powerful and all-loving God permit evil and suffering on a grand scale?The question has assailed people across cultures at least as far back as the biblical Book of Job. To sceptics, it forms clinching evidence that all talk of providence is childish -- or even a dangerous delusion. Writing clearly and concisely but avoiding simplistic answers, Rupert Shortt argues that belief in a divine Creator is intellectually robust, despite apparent signs to the contrary. Having cleared the ground, he goes on to show how a Christian understanding, in particular, points the way forward through terrain where raw feelings, intellectual inquiry and the toughest trials of the spirit often overlap.The Hardest Problem takes its place alongside the work of C. S. Lewis as an essential guide to one of life's deepest dilemmas for a new generation of readers.

The Hardest Problem: God, Evil and Suffering

by Rupert Shortt

How can a supposedly all-powerful and all-loving God permit evil and suffering on a grand scale?The question has assailed people across cultures at least as far back as the biblical Book of Job. To sceptics, it forms clinching evidence that all talk of providence is childish -- or even a dangerous delusion. Writing clearly and concisely but avoiding simplistic answers, Rupert Shortt argues that belief in a divine Creator is intellectually robust, despite apparent signs to the contrary. Having cleared the ground, he goes on to show how a Christian understanding, in particular, points the way forward through terrain where raw feeling, intellectual inquiry and the toughest trials of the spirit often overlap.The Hardest Problem takes its place alongside the work of C. S. Lewis as an essential guide to one of life's deepest dilemmas for a new generation of readers.

The Hardest Sermons You'll Ever Have to Preach: Help from Trusted Preachers for Tragic Times

by Bryan Chapell

Cancer. Suicide. The death of a child. As much as we wish we could avoid tragedies like these, eventually they will strike your church community. When they do, pastors must be ready to offer help by communicating the life-changing message of the gospel in a way that offers hope, truth, and encouragement during these difficult circumstances. Those asked to preach in the midst of tragedy know the anxiety of trying to say appropriate things from God’s Word that will comfort and strengthen God’s people when emotions and faith are stretched thin. This indispensable resource helps pastors prepare sermons in the face of tragedies by providing suggestions for how to approach different kinds of tragedy, as well as insight into how to handle the theological challenges of human suffering. Each topic provides a specific description of the context of the tragedy, the key concerns that need to be addressed in the message, and an outline of the approach taken in the sample sermon that follows. Topics addressed include: abortion; abuse; responding to national and community tragedies; the death of a child; death due to cancer and prolonged sickness; death due to drunk driving; drug abuse; and suicide. Bryan Chapell, author of Christ-Centered Preaching, has gathered together messages from some of today’s most trusted Christian leaders including: John Piper, Tim Keller, Michael Horton, Jack Collins, Dan Doriani, Jerram Barrs, Mike Khandjian, Robert Rayburn, Wilson Benton, Bob Flayhart, and George Robertson. Each chapter provides you with the resources you need to communicate the life-giving hope of the gospel in the midst of tragedy. In addition, the appendices provide further suggestions of biblical texts for addressing various subjects as well as guidance for conducting funerals.

The Hardest Thing to Do (Hawk and the Dove #4)

by Penelope Wilcock

A leader is making his way home. A priory has been torched. And now an enemy is knocking at the door. Prior William has caused a lot of pain in his time and is known for being an evil man. So when his own priory is burned to the ground and he seeks refuge with the brothers of St. Alcuin, everyone is quite uncomfortably surprised. The newly installed Abbot John faces the first challenge of his leadership as the brothers debate about mercy and justice, revealing their innermost thoughts and fears in coming face-to-face with a real enemy. After all, is it not positively ludicrous to invite a wolf in to live with the sheep? Yet, where is the beauty of the gospel without the risk of its grace? Penelope Wilcock takes us on an imaginative journey into a world rife with hostility and pain, exploring the complexities of grace, the difficulties of forgiveness, and the cautions of building trust. Her intimate knowledge of the human spirit will challenge our very own prejudices as we, along with her characters, are forced to ask ourselves, "What is the hardest thing to do, and will anyone actually do it?"

Hardwired: Finding the God You Already Know

by James Miller

There is a vast Christian audience that longs for clear explanations in their "case for God" that gives them reason, confidence, and the language to effectively communicate their belief. Hardwired is that book, that confidence, that accessible wisdom and that language! Christian apologetics remains a popular and widely-read genre, with works like The Case for Christ selling millions of copies and Reasonable Faith making inroads into academic discussion. However, those works often rely on scholars to give them a confusing new language for their own faith. Hardwired is altogether different. Miller begins with the language of our own lives: seekers / questioners / "Nones" and "Somes" who need only to examine their lives, their human existence, to find God. Like a baseball player who has delved into physics while simply trying to get on base, humanity has inferred God's existence from daily life. Building on the biblical principle that God's existence is plain in what He has made, Hardwired makes the case for our natural lives giving us a language for God's existence. Filled with humor, metaphor, and whimsy, Hardwired will empower the layperson to find God without a Ph.D. It's readable and fun, even as it rests on a credible, scholarly foundation.

Hardwired to Heaven

by Joan Cerio

What kind of life do you desire? What do you want to be, to achieve, to become?You already know that your thoughts create your reality. But what creates the thoughts that create that reality? Not your mind; not your brain; not your will - it's your heart.Your heart is the key to all you wish to create, to all you would every aspect of your heart's desire. And Doorway to the Divine is the key that unlocks not only the mysteries of the heart, but its magic as well.Let this engaging, informative and surprising journey into the quantum physics, biology, and metaphysics of consciousness, creative energy, and the heart introduce you to the sacred coordinate within your heart and show you how you can access its energy to live your heart's desire."Once freed, the heart knows no limits. It creates unceasingly, doing the bidding of your god self. The phrase 'As I think, so I am,' is true, but only after your thoughts pass through your sacred coordinate - your doorway to the divine."

Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence

by Rick Hanson

Why is it easier to ruminate over hurt feelings than it is to bask in the warmth of being appreciated? Because your brain evolved to learn quickly from bad experiences but slowly from the good ones. You can change this. Hardwiring Happiness lays out a simple method that uses the hidden power of everyday experiences to build new neural structures full of happiness, love, confidence, and peace. Dr. Hanson's four steps build strengths into your brain-- balancing its ancient negativity bias--making contentment and a powerful sense of resilience the new normal. In mere minutes each day, we can transform our brains into refuges and power centers of calm and happiness.From the Hardcover edition.

Hare Krishna in the Twenty-First Century (Elements in New Religious Movements)

by Angela R. Burt

Hare Krishna Transformed (New and Alternative Religions #1)

by null E. Burke Rochford

Most widely known for its adherents chanting “Hare Krishna” and distributing religious literature on the streets of American cities, the Hare Krishna movement was founded in New York City in 1965 by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Formally known as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, or ISKCON, it is based on the Hindu Vedic scriptures and is a Western outgrowth of a popular yoga tradition which began in the 16th century.In its first generation ISKCON actively deterred marriage and the nuclear family, denigrated women, and viewed the raising of children as a distraction from devotees' spiritual responsibilities. Yet since the death of its founder in 1977, there has been a growing women’s rights movement and also a highly publicized child abuse scandal. Most strikingly, this movement has transformed into one that now embraces the nuclear family and is more accepting of both women and children, steps taken out of necessity to sustain itself as a religious movement into the next generation. At the same time, it is now struggling to contend with the consequences of its recent outreach into the India-born American Hindu community.Based on three decades of in-depth research and participant observation, Hare Krishna Transformed explores dramatic changes in this new religious movement over the course of two generations from its founding.

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