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The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg: A Study in the Sociology of Religion

by Solomon Poll

The Hasidim of the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn separate themselves not only from non-Jews and unreligious Jews but also from religious Orthodox Jews whose religious ideology, intensity, and frequency of traditional religious behavior do not meet Hasidic standards. These Hasidim create a sociological wall between themselves and other Jews whom they do not consider traditionally religious. This being the case, how is it the Hasidim are able to survive, indeed thrive, well into the twenty-first century while maintaining their social isolation and avoiding assimilation into the American culture, especially living amongst the cultural and ethnic diversity and temptations of New York City? The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg explores and explains this sociological phenomenon.Poll explains some main tenets on the which the Hasidim of Williamsburg have come to rely: making secular activities sacred; incorporating modern devices into their lives to promote and advance their own religious observance; separating themselves, using daily activities including the clothes they wear, the food they eat, the places they gather, and even the language they speak among themselves; and by incorporating American values into their lives while simultaneously casting aspersions on and demonizing all those who do not follow their exact way of life.Until now the Hasidim have successfully achieved social isolation while also continuing to thrive as a group. They have created a well-functioning community with social controls and little or no deviation. However, as the outside society continues to advance and the Hasidim, themselves, further incorporate the very American ideals of hard work, economic success, progress, prosperity, and profit into their own community value system, will their social controls remain effective or become weakened?

Hasidism: A New History

by David Biale Arthur Green Moshe Rosman David Assaf Samuel Heilman Benjamin Brown Uriel Gellman Gadi Sagiv Marcin Wodziński

The first comprehensive history of the pietistic movement that shaped modern JudaismThis is the first comprehensive history of the pietistic movement that shaped modern Judaism. The book’s unique blend of intellectual, religious, and social history offers perspectives on the movement’s leaders as well as its followers, and demonstrates that, far from being a throwback to the Middle Ages, Hasidism is a product of modernity that forged its identity as a radical alternative to the secular world.Hasidism originated in southeastern Poland, in mystical circles centered on the figure of Israel Ba'al Shem Tov, but it was only after his death in 1760 that a movement began to spread. Challenging the notion that Hasidism ceased to be a creative movement after the eighteenth century, this book argues that its first golden age was in the nineteenth century, when it conquered new territory, won a mass following, and became a mainstay of Jewish Orthodoxy. World War I, the Russian Revolution, and the Holocaust decimated eastern European Hasidism. But following World War II, the movement enjoyed a second golden age, growing exponentially. Today, it is witnessing a remarkable renaissance in Israel, the United States, and other countries around the world.Written by an international team of scholars, Hasidism is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand this vibrant and influential modern Jewish movement.


by Martin Buber

Famous Zionist philosopher Martin Buber introduces the Western audience in his modern masterpiece. This book is a result of forty years of study, and Buber interprets the ideas and motives that underlie the great Jewish religious movement of Hasidism and its creator, Baal-Shem. Buber's interpretation of Hasidic stories and teachings influenced the revival of it's practices in a new generation to turn to Hasidic teachings, and his collection Hasidism continues to affect Jewish scholarship worldwide. With his lasting work in both Hasidism and Zionism, Buber imagined a renewal in the Jewish faith, and his philosophies and idealisms enrich the pages of this book, making it a must-read for any Jewish or religious scholar.

Hasidism: According To The Teachings Of Hasidism (Routledge Classics Ser.)

by Martin Buber

Famous Zionist philosopher Martin Buber introduces the Western audience in his modern masterpiece. This book is a result of forty years of study, and Buber interprets the ideas and motives that underlie the great Jewish religious movement of Hasidism and its creator, Baal-Shem. Buber&’s interpretation of Hasidic stories and teachings influenced the revival of it&’s practices in a new generation to turn to Hasidic teachings, and his collection Hasidism continues to affect Jewish scholarship worldwide. With his lasting work in both Hasidism and Zionism, Buber imagined a renewal in the Jewish faith, and his philosophies and idealisms enrich the pages of this book, making it a must-read for any Jewish or religious scholar.


by Martin Buber

The popular communal mysticism known as Hasidism transformed religious thought and practice among East European Jews during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Martin Buber, the greatest Jewish philosopher and religious thinker of the mid-twentieth century, single-handedly transformed Hasidism from an all-but-forgotten trend into one of the great spiritual movements of the modern world. This collection features some of Professor Buber's most important essays--profound yet simple meditations that constitute an incomparable distillation of Hasidic wisdom.

Hasidism and Modern Man

by Martin Buber Maurice Friedman David Biale

Hasidism, a controversial, mystical-religious movement of Eastern European origin, has posed a serious challenge to mainstream Judaism from its earliest beginnings in the middle of the eighteenth century. Decimated by the Holocaust, it has risen like a phoenix from the ashes and has reconstituted itself as a major force in the world of ultra-Orthodox Judaism. Philosopher Martin Buber found inspiration in its original tenets and devoted much of his career to making its insights known to a wide readership. First published in 1958, Hasidism and Modern Man examines the life and religious experiences of Hasidic Jews, as well as Buber's personal response to them. From the autobiographical "My Way to Hasidism," to "Hasidism and Modern Man," and "Love of God and Love of Neighbor," the essays span nearly half a century and reflect the evolution of Buber's religious philosophy in relation to the Hasidic movement. Hasidism and Modern Man remains prescient in its portrayal of a spiritual movement that brings God down to earth and makes possible a modern philosophy in which the human being becomes sacred.

Hasidism, Haskalah, Zionism: Chapters in Literary Politics (Jewish Culture and Contexts)

by Hannan Hever

Hasidism, Haskalah, Zionism reveals how political and literary dialogues and conflicts between the Hebrew literature of the Hasidism, the Jewish Enlightenment, and Zionism interacted with each other in the nineteenth century. Hannan Hever uses postcolonial theories and theories of nationality to analyze how Jews used literature to make sense of hostility directed toward Jews from their European “host” countries and to set forth their own ideas and preferences regarding their status, control, and treatment. In doing so, Hever theorizes the Enlightenment’s intellectual aims and cultural influences, tracking how the models of integration crucial to Haskalah gave way to Jewish nationalism in the twentieth century.The readings in this book are theoretically informed, setting forward novel claims based on detailed textual analyses of hasidic tales, Haskalah satires, and Zionist narratives. Thus, this book tackles a major interpretative problem visible at the core of modern Hebrew literature—its radical difficulty in distinguishing between the theological components of modern Jewish discourse and its national identity.

Hasidism Incarnate: Hasidism, Christianity, and the Construction of Modern Judaism

by Shaul Magid

Hasidism Incarnate contends that much of modern Judaism in the West developed in reaction to Christianity and in defense of Judaism as a unique tradition. Ironically enough, this occurred even as modern Judaism increasingly dovetailed with Christianity with regard to its ethos, aesthetics, and attitude toward ritual and faith. Shaul Magid argues that the Hasidic movement in Eastern Europe constitutes an alternative "modernity," one that opens a new window on Jewish theological history. Unlike Judaism in German lands, Hasidism did not develop under a "Christian gaze" and had no need to be apologetic of its positions. Unburdened by an apologetic agenda (at least toward Christianity), it offered a particular reading of medieval Jewish Kabbalah filtered through a focus on the charismatic leader that resulted in a religious worldview that has much in common with Christianity. It is not that Hasidic masters knew about Christianity; rather, the basic tenets of Christianity remained present, albeit often in veiled form, in much kabbalistic teaching that Hasidism took up in its portrayal of the charismatic figure of the zaddik, whom it often described in supernatural terms.

Hasidism, Suffering, and Renewal: The Prewar and Holocaust Legacy of Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira (SUNY series in Contemporary Jewish Thought)

by Don Seeman; Daniel Reiser; Ariel Evan Mayse

Kalonymus Kalman Shapira (1889–1943) was a remarkable Hasidic mystic, leader, and educator. He confronted the secularization and dislocation of Polish Jews after World War I, the failure of the traditional educational system, and the devastation of the Holocaust, in which he lost all his close family and eventually his own life. Thanks to a new critical edition of his Warsaw Ghetto sermons, scholars have begun to reassess the relationship between Shapira's literary and educational attainments, his prewar mysticism, and his Holocaust experience, and to reexamine the question of faith—or its collapse—in the Warsaw Ghetto. This interdisciplinary volume, the first such work devoted to a twentieth-century Hasidic leader, integrates social and intellectual history along with theological, literary, and anthropological analyses of Shapira's legacy. It raises theoretical and methodological questions related to the study of Jewish thought and mysticism, but also contributes to contemporary conversations about topics such as spiritual renewal and radical religious experience, the literature of suffering, and perhaps most pressingly, the question of faith and meaning—or their rupture—in the wake of genocide.

Hasta el cielo (Orient Express Ser.)

by Joan Brady

A veces, alguien muy especial parece para enseñarnos que el camino de la felicidad pasa por la ternura y el humor... En las circunstancias más inesperadas, Heather vive un encuentro que cambiará el rumbo de su vida. Aunque ella no lo sepa, a otras mujeres ya les ha pasado lo mismo. Un hombre muy singular le descubrirá todas las cosas que se ha empeñado en mantener a oscuras en un rincón de su memoria, arrojando sobre ella la luz de la ternura. Se llama Joe, lleva chupa de cuero y monta una deslumbrante Harley. Cuando habla, brilla en sus ojos una sabiduría divina. Al principio, Heather teme dejarse llevar, pero a medida que pasa el tiempo y aprende a amarse a sí misma, se va acercando a la única verdad importante: la felicidad no es un derecho sino una obligación. Y no existen reglas universales, sino que cada uno tiene que encontrar su propio camino. Con su mágica novela Dios vuelve en una Harley, Joan Brady tocó el corazón de multitud de lectores en todo el planeta. En Hasta el cielo, conjura la misma magia en otra búsqueda inolvidable.

Hasta el final: Porque rendirse no es una opción

by Adolfo A. Aguero

¿Cuál es mi propósito? ?¿Qué debo hacer con mi vida? ?¿Qué me detiene de alcanzar mis metas? Si te has hecho alguna de estas preguntas, en Hasta el final encontrarás las respuestas. Este es un libro que te motivará a enfocarte en tus metas y a jamás darte por vencido hasta alcanzarlas. El autor Adolfo Agüero Esgaib te recuerda de una manera práctica que Jesús te acompaña en la carrera de la vida al asegurarte: “Yo estoy con vosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo” (Mateo 28:20). Hasta el final te inspirará a: · A creer en las visiones que Dios te ha dado · Dar los pasos para hacer realidad tus sueños · Ver el trabajo como una adoración a Dios · Tener iniciativa y perseverar · Guiarte por la sabiduría de Dios, ¡y mucho más! “Este libro nació con la intención de darte consejos que te animen a no abandonar lo que Dios puso en tu corazón; que te ayuden a continuar a pesar de las dificultades y llegar hasta el final”. —Adolfo Agüero Esgaib

Hasta el último suspiro / Until The Last Sigh: Encontrar su propósito en la Tierra le ayudará a sacarle el máximo a sus días en ella

by Edwin Castro

¿Para qué existo? ¿Alguna vez se ha hecho esta pregunta? Todos nosotros luchamos por conocer nuestro propósito en la vida, pero muchas veces nos conformamos con vivir a medias. ¡Qué diferente sería si viviéramos cada segundo enfocados en aquello por lo que fuimos creados! En su libro Hasta el último suspiro Edwin Castro comparte los principios de vida que le ayudarán a identificar su propósito en la Tierra y a dejar a un lado aquello a lo que no ha sido llamado. Usted será animado a: ¡Identificar el tercer día más importante de su existencia Encontrar su propósito Poner en marcha su plan de vida ¡y mucho más! El día en el que usted nació fue un día histórico, lo crea o no. Descubra el porqué.

Hasta la unidad

by Francis Chan

La unidad de la iglesia no es algo opcional. Aunque los cristianos valoran la teología y aprecian la santidad, muchos de ellos no quieren nada que ver con la unidad de la Iglesia. Sin embargo, Dios tiene alta estima por las tres cosas. Por tanto, debe haber una manera de terminar con las divisiones que entristecen al Espíritu Santo sin sacrificar la verdad ni abrazar el pecado. En medio de un mundo que se fragmenta en sus conflictos, la Novia de Cristo debe promover el amor hasta que alcancemos la integridad de la unidad que trae avivamiento. Hasta la unidad nos muestra que: • A Dios le aflige la división en la Iglesia, por eso no podemos permanecer indiferentes • La unidad requiere un nivel de humildad que solo posibilita el Espíritu • El poder y el testimonio de la Iglesia dependen de nuestra unidad • La unidad tiene un costo, pero implica una gran bendición Que Dios levante un ejército de personas llenas del Espíritu Santo en todas las denominaciones, deseosas de luchar por la unidad con toda humildad y mansedumbre.

Hasta que el cielo invada la tierra: Principios poderosos para la oración intercesora

by Cindy Trimm

Cómo cambiar el mundo a través de la oración de intercesión Como regla general, subestimamos el poder de nuestras oraciones por los demás. Intercesión tiene ramificaciones contemporáneas, generacionales y eternas. La anatomía de la intercesión mostrará la vida de grandes intercesores, desde Abraham y Moisés hasta David "Praying" Hyde, Howells Rees, y John G. Lake. Desde sus puntos de vistas veremos enseñanzas y principios sobre la importancia y el impacto de la oración de intercesión desde una perspectiva práctica. Jesús vivió para inteceder por nosotros (Hebreo 7:25). Es el poder fundamental de lograr un cambio espiritual en nuestro mundo físico. Es el trabajo de cada creyente. Es la clave para la expansión del reino de Dios.

Hasta que la Muerte los Separe: Una Historia de Fe, Esperanza y Amor

by Jeff Coulter Natalia Gabriela Casas Pérez Suzanne Coulter

"...para el tiempo en que los signos vitales de Jeff estaban deteriorándose, él comenzó a orar y hacer las paces con Dios. Llamó a Kirsten y oró con ella y le dijo que fuera conmigo. Luego oró conmigo y me dijo "Ve con tu hija". Sabía que se estaba rindiendo y quería que estuviera con Kirsten para poder dar su último aliento. Lo miré directo a los ojos y le dije, "¡no te atrevas a dejarme! ¡Sigue luchando por mí! ¡Yo te amo!" Entonces comenzó a hablar en lenguas y la enfermera me preguntó si él hablaba en otro idioma. Le dije que estaba orando en lenguas. Ella se quedó callada y siguió con lo que estaba haciendo..."

Hasta que ruja el León: Firmes en la batalla por la verdad

by Miguel Núñez

En Hasta que ruja el León, el Dr. Miguel Núñez proporciona un análisis bíblico, teológico y práctico de un tema clave para todo creyente: la guerra espiritual. Cada día se libra una batalla en nuestro interior por el dominio de nuestra mente. Dios quiere que le amemos con todo nuestro corazón, alma, fuerza y mente, mientras que Satanás quiere nuestra mente porque sabe que si la conquista, habrá conquistado nuestro estilo de vida. Este tira y afloja afecta cómo percibimos el mundo que nos rodea, nuestro ministerio, nuestra salud mental, nuestras relaciones y, lo que es más importante, nuestra relación con Dios.En Hasta que ruja el León, el Dr. Miguel Núñez desvela uno de los temas más incomprendidos y malinterpretados del cristianismo. Utilizando varios ejemplos clave de las Escrituras, desde el Génesis hasta el Apocalipsis, este libro proporciona un análisis bíblico, teológico y práctico para entender...Qué es la guerra espiritualCómo se entiendeCómo combatirlaEn definitiva, se te retará a ver que la única arma ofensiva de la armadura de Dios es la espada del Espíritu, que es la Palabra de Dios.Ha llegado el momento de vestir la armadura de Dios, mantenerte firme y asegurarte la victoria sobre el continuo asalto de Satanás en tu vida. Solo nos queda mantenernos firmes en la verdad, hasta que el León de la tribu de Judá ruja y lleve a cabo el juicio final de Satanás y todos sus aliados.Not Until the Lion RoarsIn Not Until the Lion Roars, Dr. Miguel Nuñez provides a biblical, theological, and practical analysis of a key topic that is of key importance to every believer: spiritual warfare. Gain a more complete understanding of what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare and how and where this war is being waged so that you can fight back based on the Truth: The Word of God.Every single day a battle is being waged within us for mastery of our mind. God wants us to love Him with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, while Satan wants our mind because he knows that if he conquers it, he will have conquered our lifestyle. This tug of war affects how we perceive the world around us, our ministry, mental health, relationships, and, most importantly, our relationship with God.In Not Until the Lion Roars, Dr. Miguel Nuñez uncovers one of the most widely misunderstood and misinterpreted topics in Christianity. Using several key examples from Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, this book provides a biblical, theological, and practical analysis for understanding...What spiritual warfare isHow it is understoodHow to fight itUltimately, you will be challenged to see that the only offensive weapon in the armor of God is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.It is time to wear the armor of God, stand firm, and secure victory over Satan&’s on-going assault in your life. It only remains for us to stand firm in the truth, until the Lion of the tribe of Judah roars and brings about the final judgment of Satan and all his allies.

A Hasty Betrothal

by Jessica Nelson

A Practical Proposal Though Lady Elizabeth Wayland would rather spend her days with her beloved books than an uncaring spouse, scandal forces her to find a match posthaste. To escape the scoundrel who almost ruined her, Elizabeth accepts an unconventional proposal from a childhood friend. But when she finds herself falling for her husband-to-be, will she be able to convince him to return her love? Widowed cotton mill owner Miles Hawthorne vowed to never marry again-until Elizabeth's reputation is on the line. Their betrothal begins as a simple favor. As he spends more time with his fiancée, though, Miles finds that there's more to her than he ever saw before. And Elizabeth just might be the only woman who can slip into his heart.

Hasty Retreat (A Mother Lavinia Grey Mystery #4)

by Kate Gallison

Though relieved to take a much needed respite from her duties at St. Bede's Episcopal Church, Mother Vinnie finds that parish politics have followed her on a weekend retreat to the Monastery of St. Hugh in upstate New York. Led by Brother Basil, a devout and erudite monk, the retreat takes a bad turn when Father Rupert Bingley, Mother Vinnie's archnemesis, shows up at St. Hugh accompanied by a pompous politico, a wiggly blonde, and an assortment of other charming oddballs. From there, things only get worse. Poor Brother Basil is found murdered, and questions need to be answered posthaste: Who on the retreat was guarding a deadly secret? How did the elderly monk's presence threaten to reveal that secret? And where would the killer strike next? Watch as the mother of all sleuths unravels this unholy mystery.

The Hat Box: Putting on the Mind of Christ

by Patsy Clairmont

There's nothing like a new hat to accentuate an ensemble. And there's nothing like "putting on" the mind of Christ to transform your life. Women of Faith speaker and best-selling author Patsy Clairmont invites readers to don their "thinking caps" and consider... "Consider the lilies..." in a garden hat."Consider the heavens..." in an artist's beret."Consider what great things he has done for you..." in a party hatUsing a variety of Bible verses beginning with this thoughtful verb, Patsy draws parallels to diverse styles of hats. The compact format and two-color fanciful artwork make The Hat Box an ideal gift. Patsy's playful approach yields a powerful truth that we can indeed have the mind of Christ if we are willing to consider the truths He has given in His Word.

Hate: The Rising Tide of Anti-Semitism in France (and What It Means for Us)

by Marc Weitzmann

“All those who care about France, Jews, East-West relations, and, indeed, our entire modern culture, must read this book.” —Tom Reiss, Pulitzer Prize–winning authorWhat is the connection between a rise in the number of random attacks against Jews on the streets of France and strategically planned terrorist acts targeting the French population at large? Before the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, the Bataclan night club, and others made international headlines, Marc Weitzmann had noticed a surge of seemingly random acts of violence against the Jews of France. His disturbing and eye-opening new book, Hate, proposes that both the small-scale and large-scale acts of violence have their roots in not one, but two very specific forms of populism: an extreme and violent ethos of hate spread among the Muslim post-colonial suburban developments on the one hand, and the deeply-rooted French ultra-conservatism of the far right. Weitzmann’s shrewd on-the-ground reporting is woven throughout with the history surrounding the legacies of the French Revolution, the Holocaust, and Gaulist “Arab-French policy.”Hate is a chilling and important account that shows how the rebirth of French Anti-Semitism relates to the new global terror wave, revealing France to be a veritable localized laboratory for a global phenomenon.“[An] excellent and chilling report-cum-memoir about one of the most unsettling phenomena in contemporary Europe.” —The Wall Street Journal“[Hate has] an often illuminating intensity as it grapples with an unresolved French and European quandary . . . Cleareyed.” —The New York Times Book Review “Weitzmann’s absorbing reckoning carries urgent lessons and warnings for us all.” —Philip Gourevitch, New York Times-bestselling author

Hate is the Sin: Putting Faces on the Debate over Human Sexuality

by John S. Munday

Arguments based in doctrine and scripture over the inclusion of homosexual people within Christian congregations and sacraments have done little to persuade the faithful on either side of this debate. Hate is the Sin: Putting Faces on the Debate over Human Sexuality approaches this divisive subject through portraits of the faith of gay and lesbian persons, presents both sides of the controversy, revealing how preformed opinions shape widely divergent interpretations of biblical and theological issues. Included are the true stories of Mary Albing, serving as a pastor while in a lesbian relationship; Jay Wiesner, whose congregation defied the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America by ordaining and installing him in an Extraordinary Candidacy Project ceremony; David Glesne, who sought to heal relationships with gays and lesbians and yet deny them ordination and cohabitation; and other accounts of the ways that many congregations have struggled to welcome homosexual people and to realize the Christian message within their own churches. Hate is the Sin: Putting Faces on the Debate over Human Sexuality is an insightful and detailed account of this contemporary debate and required reading for any person hoping to understand Christianity and the spiritual lives of contemporary Christian people.

Hatha Yoga con sentido común: consejos olvidados

by Alicia L. Alonso Apo Halmyris

El yoga moderno y occidental debe analizarse en sus propios términos. ¿Las reglas clásicas, ya abandonadas, de Asana y prANAyAma resultan exóticas hoy en día? Kundalini parece dormir en su nido atemporal. Pero, cuidado: "la madera podrida no se puede tallar" (Confucio).

The Hathor Material: Messages from an Ascended Civilization

by Tom Kenyon Virginia Essene

The material you are about to read comes from a most unusual source-- a group of interdimensional beings known collectively as the Hathors. These beings claim to exist in the fourth dimension of our Universe. They are our elder brothers and sisters in consciousness, and they have been involved with mankind for millennia.

Hating Women: America's Hostile Campaign Against the Fairer Sex

by Shmuley Boteach

From the author of the internationally bestselling Kosher Sex. A wake-up call about the growing trend of misogyny in our culture-as evidenced by the flood of reality TV shows, ads, and lyrics that portray women as brainless bimbos, or worse Shmuley Boteach, the social commentator and outspoken relationship guru, shares his grave concerns about our society's growing contempt for women. Turn on the television: Reality TV shows such as The Bachelor, For Love or Money, and Average Joe boost their ratings by showing attractive women in competition for one man, one man's money, or both. On a "quest for true love," these women quickly devolve into a pit of vipers-and millions of Americans tune in each week for more. During commercial breaks, women are objectified to sell beer, cars, and every other product under the sun. Flip on the radio: Women are bitches, hos, and gold diggers, at least if you listen to the rap lyrics pumping out into our mass consciousness. And female pop stars like Britney and Madonna, says Boteach, have pushed the envelope past provocative and into the downright pornographic. 'Tween girls across the country follow their lead, and standards for how women should be treated plummet.Perhaps one of the most troubling aspects of this trend, he says, is women's complicity in their own degradation. Either they've become resigned to base stereotypes, or worse, they've bought into these mass market values (hence the deluge of shows like The Swan and Extreme Makeover, on which female contestants insist they need a new nose, teeth, or boobs to feel a positive sense of self-esteem). "There are strong consequences," writes Boteach, "in a world where men have no respect for women and women have no respect for themselves." Greedy gold diggers, brainless bimbos, publicity prostitutes, and backstabbing bitches-are these the stereotypes we want our sons and daughters bombarded by as they grow up? Hating Women offers a vision of how we can correct this downward spiral-along with a strong argument for why we absolutely must.

The Hatmaker's Heart: A Novel

by Carla Stewart

For Nell Marchwold, bliss is seeing the transformation when someone gets a glimpse in the mirror while wearing one of her creations and feels beautiful. Nell has always strived to create hats that bring out a woman's best qualities. She knows she's fortunate to have landed a job as an apprentice designer at the prominent Oscar Fields Millinery in New York City. Yet when Nell's fresh designs begin to catch on, her boss holds her back from the limelight, claiming the stutter she's had since childhood reflects poorly on her and his salon. But it seems Nell's gift won't be hidden by Oscar's efforts. Soon an up-and-coming fashion designer is seeking her out as a partner of his 1922 collection. The publicity leads to an opportunity for Nell to make hats in London for a royal wedding. There, she sees her childhood friend, Quentin, and an unexpected spark kindles between them. But thanks to her success, Oscar is determined to keep her. As her heart tugs in two directions, Nell must decide what she is willing to sacrifice for her dream, and what her dream truly is.

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