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Het is niet de bedoeling dat je de Geheimen van de Joden kent

by Bernard Levine L. N.

Wist je dat Joden op de sabbat geen wc-papier mogen scheuren? Waarom kunnen joodse vrouwen geen Bijbel lezen? Heb je gehoord dat er een speciale Coca-Cola is gemaakt speciaal voor Joden? Wat is de achternaam van Jezus? Welke letter van het alfabet staat ondersteboven in de Bijbel? Waarom eten joden geen kaas-burgers? Wat is er zo anders aan Joodse geslachtsgemeenschap? Waarom dragen joodse vrouwen pruiken? Is er een speciaal gebed dat de Joden zeggen voordat ze naar het toilet gaan? Het grootste deel van het Oude Testament wordt niet bestudeerd door Joden ... waarom? Wist je dat Joden hun eigen soort spek hebben? Waarom mogen Joodse vrouwen mannen niet hun ellebogen of knieën laten zien? Wat is Gods naam die in de meeste Bijbels is weggelaten? Kan een Jood een tatoeage hebben? Wanneer slapen Joden buiten? Is het waar dat er geen scheldwoorden zijn in het Hebreeuws? Hoe moet je een jood over Jezus Christus vertellen? Waarom kunnen Joden hun eigen woorden niet reciteren en gebruiken als ze bidden? Je zult absoluut verrast zijn, misschien zelfs geschrokken als je ontdekt wat er echt gebeurt in de Joodse wereld.

Het jy gehoor daar gaan pryse in die hemel uitgehandig word?

by Bernard Levine

As God al die glorie wat op ons wag aan ons bekend moet maak, sal dit ons verstand te bowe gaan.  Watter pryse sal jy in die hemel ontvang?  Gaan jy 'n prys ontvang?  As jy die Here Jesus getrou gedien het, sal hierdie 'n tyd van groot lofprysing wees omdat jy wonderlike belonings sal ontvang. 

Het Leven in Annwn: Het Verhaal van Willy’s Leven In de Hemel (Annwn #2)

by Owen Jones

Het Leven in Annwn Het Verhaal van Willy’s Leven In de Hemel Het Leven in Annwn vervolgt precies waar Een Nacht in Annwn ophield. Willy is overgegaan en hij is eindelijk bij de voruw die hij een decennium of meer heeft gemist, zijn geliefde Sarah. Maar meteen van het begin is het leven in Annwn, het oeroude Welshe woord voor de Hemel, niet wat hij had verwacht gedurende zowat zijn hele leven op Aarde, of De Oppervlakte, zoals zij het noemt, daar Annwn ondergronds is. Zijn eerste verrassing komt wanneer Sarah hem naar een herberg brengt om bij te komen van de beproeving van zijn begrafenis, maar daar houdt het niet op. Elke ‘dag’ brengt nieuwe verrassingen, tot dat wat mysterieus De Blokkering wordt genoemd, wegvalt en hij het Leven Na de Dood ervaart zoals het echt is. Het Leven in Annwn is een varrassing op zichzelf, maar het is ook een komische kijk op een alternatieve werkelijkheid die wel eens dichter bij De Waarheid zou kunnen liggen dan wat u ooit hebt gelezen! Het Leven in Annwn moet je lezen, want het zou de manier waarop u de dingen bekijkt voor atijd kunnen veranderen.

Het verbreken van een generatievloek: Claim je vrijheid!

by Gabriel Agbo Teresa Jong

Dit boek zal u de ogen openen voor de gevolgen van alle daden die onze Lotsbestemming bepaalt, zelfs die van onze kinderen en onze ongeboren kinderen. Het onderwerp van vloeken is lang genegeerd en we vonden het nodig om het hier te aan de orde te stellen. We zullen beginnen met in de Schriften te duiken om te kijken wat God te zeggen heeft over vloeken, hoe ze werken en hoe we vrij van ze kunnen komen. Generatievloeken zijn zo belangrijk dat God ze in de Tien Geboden heeft laten opnemen. Zo vele mensen zijn gebonden door de Vijand met ondefinieerbare en ongeziene middelen. In deze studie zullen we leren hoe we die ketenen kunnen verbreken die oorspronkelijk bij de Vijand vandaan komen. We zullen dieper onderzoek doen naar gebieden zoals afgoderij (inclusief Halloween), immoreel gedrag, verraad, stelen, moorden, etc. Ik geloof dat als u dit boek leest en de waarheid ervan onderzoekt, dat u dan de neiging zult krijgen om uzelf te onderzoeken en moeite zal gaan doen om een heilig leven te gaan lijden. Is het niet voor uzelf, dan wel voor uw kinderen en de generaties die nog zullen moeten komen. Ik wil u vragen om dit te lezen met een open hart. Dat God u mag zegenen tijdens het lezen en dat uw begrip zich mag opscherpen tot wat er werkelijk om u heen gaande is.

Het Wederzijds Onbegrip: Een Spirituele Gids, Een Spooktijger en Een Beangstigende Moeder! (De Megan Reeks #1)

by Owen Jones Corentin Colangelo

Megan is een jong meisje van twaalf. Verlegen, maar met een open geest ... Verkent ze de wereld om haar heen op een manier, waarvan anderen zelfs niet kunnen dromen dat het mogelijk is. Laat jou leiden door Megan en haar Spirituele Gids, genaamd Witte Veder, die haar met een frisse blik de spirituele wereld zal laten kennismaken. Welke invloed heeft zij op de spirituele wereld en hoe beïnvloedt het haar? Je zal het snel weten bij het openslaan van het boek. Veel leesplezier!

Hex Your Ex: And 100+ Other Spells to Right Wrongs and Banish Bad Luck for Good

by Adams Media

100 edgy spells and rituals to help you get what you want—whether it’s money, love, revenge, happiness, or whatever else your heart desires. It’s time to get what you want on your own terms. From making more money, righting wrongs, getting revenge, and finding much-deserved happiness, the magick in Hex Your Ex can help you accomplish everything you want—your way. Learn how to practice magick safely and properly, and use what you’ve learned to better yourself and your life. With over 100 spells, rituals, and hexes, such as a magick balm to heal a broken heart, a spell to stop a cheating lover, a potion for quick cash, a freedom from fear ritual, and even a spell for sweet dreams—plus many more! Each spell, charm, or ritual is specially created to help you achieve your goals, no matter what they may be. With tips on when to cast each spell, what kind of props to use to make spells extra potent, and more, you’ll be living the life of your dreams faster than you can say Abracadabra!

Hexing the Patriarchy: 26 Potions, Spells, and Magical Elixirs to Embolden the Resistance

by Ariel Gore

A magical guide to subverting manboy power, one spell at a timeSkeptics might think witchcraft is nothing more than a fad, but make no mistake: modern witches aren't playing around. Today's wizarding women are raising hell, exorcising haters, and revving up to fight fire with a fierce inferno of magical outrage.Magic has always been a weapon of the disenfranchised, and in Hexing the Patriarchy, author Ariel Gore offers a playbook for the feminist uprising. Full of incantations, enchantments, rituals, and witchy wisdom designed protect women and bring down The Man, readers will learn how to . . . Make salt scrubs to wash away patriarchal bullshitMix potions to run abusive liars out of townUse their bare hands and feet to vanquish bro cultureConjure dead relatives to help smash the system. . . and more. From summoning Ancestors to leveraging the Zodiac, these twenty-six alphabetically inspired spells are ready-made recipes for toppling the patriarchy with a dangerously divine, they-never-saw-it-coming power.

Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing

by Emily Lynn Paulson

She signed up for the sisterhood, free cars, and the promise of a successful business of her own. Instead, she ended up with an addiction, broken friendships, and the rubble of a toppled pyramid . . . scheme.HEY, HUN: SALES SISTERHOOD, SUPREMACY, AND THE OTHER LIES BEHIND MULTILEVEL MARKETING is the eye-opening, funny, and dangerous personal story of author Emily Lynn Paulson rising to the top of the pyramid in the multilevel marketing (MLM) world, only to recognize that its culture and business practices went beyond a trendy marketing scheme and into the heart of white supremacy in America. A significant polemic on how MLMs operate, HEY, HUN expertly lays out their role in the cultural epidemic of isolation and the cult-like ideologies that course through their trainings, marketing, and one-on-one interactions. Equally entertaining and smart, Paulson&’s first-person accounts, acerbic wit, and biting commentary will leave you with a new perspective on those &“Hey Hun&” messages flooding your inbox. &“This book is a must-read for all women, especially those struggling with the deep ache to belong, be successful, or feel their self-worth. HEY, HUN is at once a cautionary tale, an educational service, and a vulnerable memoir. It&’s essential reading for anyone considering joining, trying to escape, or healing from the toxic, culty structure that is MLM.&” — Sarah Edmondson, actress, host of A Little Bit Culty podcast, author of Scarred: The True Story of How I Escaped NXIVM, the Cult That Bound My Life &“Emily&’s experience is so raw, honest, and relatable that HEY, HUN should be required reading for anyone involved with MLM—past, present, or future.&” — Roberta Blevins, anti-MLM adovcate, host of the Life After MLM podcast, and star of the LulaRich documentary

Hey, Jesus, It’s Me: I Have Questions, Comments, and Concerns

by Ellen Skrmetti

Instagram star and comedian Ellen Skrmetti shares stories behind her wildly popular &“Hey Jesus, It&’s Me&” sketches of a middle-aged, southern-woman's opinions on mamas, menopause, and menus--and on giving the Lord a bit of advice about those unspoken prayer requests. As a young girl, Ellen Skrmetti loved performing. She starred in plays, sang in the church choir, and even competed in the Miss Mississippi pageant. But backstage at the pageant, she was gripped by severe stage fright and made a deal with God: If you help me get through this, I will never, ever get onstage again. After successfully hitting the high note in &“Adelaide&’s Lament&” from the musical Guys and Dolls, she packed up her drama clothes for good—or so she thought. When the pandemic hit, Ellen longed to bring a little joy to the dark struggles the world was facing. She thought about all of times she&’d asked Jesus to walk with her through pain and heartache—and how often He&’d laughed with or comforted her, even during her blazing hot flashes. So she decided to share that message with others, in 30-second videos on Instagram that quickly went viral. Holding a remote control in her hand, Ellen "calls" Jesus with comments and questions, including asking Him not to make her an advance maternal age mama (again) and if He could bless the nourishment of her food to someone else&’s body. She also asks for advice when her best friend&’s ex-husband&’s new wife shows up in the next pew, or what nursing home plans to make when she's eight years past your first geriatric pregnancy. From a pageant queen with stage fright, to viral videos, to her growing popularity as a stand-up comedian with sold-out performances, Ellen&’s humor is rooted in southern charm and culture. Her relatable stories in Hey Jesus, It&’s Me will bring levity to our lives, or at least some validation that we&’re not the only ones asking if we can ghost our relatives in heaven.

Hey, Preach... You're Coming Through!

by David Wilkerson

Certainly nothing could hit harder and deeper than this shocking report on what is happening to American youth today. Dave Wilkerson is on the scene: he has talked with kids in bad trouble, youth on our college campuses, the Flower Children, the junkies and the hippies, and his words ring with truth and authority. Marijuana, LSD, illicit sex, the runaways, drop-outs--these are the alarming subjects that Dave Wilkerson knows so well. He knows, too, their tragic harvest in terms of ruined human life, heartache and suffering. No longer confined to the slums and tenement districts, to the poor, illiterate and homeless, these frightening concerns are now reaching into suburbia's affluent homes and grimly invading the lives of the top students on our high school and college campuses, the children of society's elite.

Hey! That's Not What The Bible Says!

by Bill Ross

Hey, That's Not What the Bible Says! That's what Bill heard back from a group of young children when he shared some sketches he had done for children's church. Those drawings were the basis for this unique and very creative look into some of the Bible's most popular stories including the Garden of Eden, Moses and the burning bush, and Jesus' birth. 10 stories in all are told in cartoonish fashion with a familiar group of kids always popping up to remind us...That's Not What the Bible Says! The complete stories from the Bible are included along with each story as references for families to spend family time reading together.

Hey, You're Not the Easter Bunny!

by Ethan T. Berlin

When the Easter Bunny needs a last-minute substitution, an unlikely hero steps in. Will anyone notice that the Easter Bunny ostrich?!The Easter Bunny is hard at work hiding eggs for an Easer Egg Hunt. But when he needs to dash back to Easter Island to get more eggs, an unlikely hero—an ostrich!—has to put on the bunny ears. She hops into the yard with basket in tow, and is met by a little girl who is eager to start the hunt for eggs. Will this ostrich be able to save Easter? Or will this little girl realize… “Hey! You’re NOT the Easter Bunny!”Readers of all ages are sure to laugh out loud to this hilarious Easter story, and will love being in on the joke as this ostrich does her best to convince everyone that she's the Easter Bunny, from hopping on a trampoline to laying her own eggs. Full of jokes and charm, this book is perfect for fans of How to Catch the Easter Bunny. Don't miss this irresistible addition to your Easter book collection that you'll love reading year after year.

Hezbollah: A History of the "Party of God"

by Dominique Avon Anais-Trissa Khatchadourian

For thirty years, Hezbollah has played a pivotal role in Lebanese and global politics. That visibility has invited Hezbollah’s lionization and vilification by outside observers, and at the same time has prevented a clear-eyed view of Hezbollah’s place in the history of the Middle East and its future course of action. Dominique Avon and Anaïs-Trissa Khatchadourian provide here a nonpartisan account which offers insights into Hezbollah that Western media have missed or misunderstood. Now part of the Lebanese government, Hezbollah nevertheless remains in tension with both the transnational Shiite community and a religiously diverse Lebanon. Calling for an Islamic regime would risk losing critical allies at home, but at the same time Hezbollah’s leaders cannot say that a liberal regime is the solution for the future. Consequently, they use the ambiguous expression “civil but believer state. ” What happens when an organization founded as a voice of “revolution” and then “resistance” occupies a position of power, yet witnesses the collapse of its close ally, Syria? How will Hezbollah’s voice evolve as the party struggles to reconcile its regional obligations with its religious beliefs? The authors’ analyses of these key questions-buttressed by their clear English translations of foundational documents, including Hezbollah’s open letter of 1985 and its 2009 charter, and an in-depth glossary of key theological and political terms used by the party’s leaders-make Hezbollah an invaluable resource for all readers interested in the future of this volatile force.

Hezbollah: The Story of the Party of God

by Eitan Azani

An exploration of the Hezbollah movement from a multidisciplinary, comprehensive, historical, and systematic perspective, this book explains how it has evolved since its inception in the early 1980s to the present. The author argues that the Hezbollah movement is a product of the environment in which it operates and of the interactions as well as of the reciprocal relations between the players surrounding it. The 2008 model of Hezbollah is one of a pragmatic terrorist organization that is far more dangerous than that of the revolutionary Hezbollah of the eighties. In fact, the movement hasn't abandoned its goals, but changed their pace of application. "

Hezbollah, Islamist Politics, And International Society

by Filippo Dionigi

How do the norms of the liberal international order influence the activity of Islamist movements? This book assesses the extent to which Islamist groups, which have traditionally attempted to shield their communities from 'external' moral conceptions, have been influenced by the principles that regulate international society. Through an analysis of Lebanon's Hezbollah, Filippo Dionigi concludes that international norms are significant factors changing Islamist politics. We are still far from an accomplished resolve of the tension between Islamist communitarianism and liberal normative views, but a precarious equilibrium may emerge whereby Islamists are persuaded to rethink the idea of an allegedly 'authentic' Islamic morality as opposed to the legitimacy of international norms.

Hi, I'm an Atheist!: What That Means and How to Talk About It with Others

by David G. McAfee

The essential guide to coming out as a non-believerDavid G. McAfee was raised in a conservative American Christian household. So when he stopped believing in God—any god—his family was shocked. He quickly realized that atheists are misunderstood, frequently thought of as Satan worshippers and anarchists. Thus started McAfee's journey to his true self, and crusade to tell others—especially those who are devoutly religious—what atheism really is, what he believes in, and why atheists should not be feared.In Hi, I'm an Atheist!, McAfee looks at what an atheist believes and how to “come out” as an atheist to your friends, family, and co-workers, offering sound advice on overcoming the difficult moments in any “coming out” conversation. Including a resource guide both for people just coming to atheism and people who have been atheists for years as well as an interview with Rebecca Vitsmun, the woman made famous for coming out as an atheist live on CNN, Hi I’m an Atheist! is a smart, sensitive, and realistic guide to living one’s life positively and honestly without the need for a belief in God.

Hi, My Name Is Jack: One Man's Story of the Tumultuous Road to Sobriety and a Changed Life

by Jack Watts

In this grippingly honest narrative about one man's journey from addiction and self-destruction to recovery and a changed life, readers will be dismayed at the hurtful patterns of his two alcoholic parents and how they scarred and shaped the outcome of their three sons forever. Watts openly talks of his multiple failed marriages, strained relationships with his children, overwhelming business losses, and the self-loathing and guilt that plagued him for years.In spite of all of this, Jack held on to the conviction he made more than fifteen years ago never to drink again. Gradually learning to make better choices, he discovered how to move past deeply engraved dysfunctions and become a productive, loving adult. Included are accounts of his efforts to live out the twelve steps in restoring relationships with family members and confronting the offender who molested his three daughters.A story like this is one that continues throughout a lifetime. The glimpses shared in these pages will inspire readers to be honest about their own demons and provide hope for a fulfilled and joyful life beyond the shackles of addiction.

Hi, My Name Is Jack

by Jack Watts

In this grippingly honest narrative about one man's journey from addiction and self-destruction to recovery and a changed life, readers will be dismayed at the hurtful patterns of his two alcoholic parents and how they scarred and shaped the outcome of their three sons forever. Watts openly talks of his multiple failed marriages, strained relationships with his children, overwhelming business losses, and the self-loathing and guilt that plagued him for years.In spite of all of this, Jack held on to the conviction he made more than fifteen years ago never to drink again. Gradually learning to make better choices, he discovered how to move past deeply engraved dysfunctions and become a productive, loving adult. Included are accounts of his efforts to live out the twelve steps in restoring relationships with family members and confronting the offender who molested his three daughters.A story like this is one that continues throughout a lifetime. The glimpses shared in these pages will inspire readers to be honest about their own demons and provide hope for a fulfilled and joyful life beyond the shackles of addiction.

A Hickory Ridge Christmas

by Dana Corbit

A minister's daughter and unwed teen mother: five years ago Hannah Woods had been the talk of Hickory Ridge. Her little girl was the light of her life, though Hannah was unable to forgive the one who'd loved her-and then left. Todd McBride had left town a boy and returned a man with a quest: To find the woman he still adored and ask for a second chance. But Hannah's secret-a child he'd never known about-threw his plans into a tailspin. With Christmas rapidly approaching, it seemed the time for love and forgiveness was at hand. . . .

The Hidden

by Mary Chamberlain

Her heart died in the war – can she breathe new life into it? Dora Simon and Joe O’Cleary live in separate countries, accepting of their twilight years. But their monochrome worlds are abruptly upended by the arrival of Barbara Hummel, who is determined to identify the mysterious woman whose photograph she has found among her mother’s possessions.Forced to confront a time they thought buried in the past, Dora and Joe’s lives unravel – and entwine. For, trapped on the Channel Islands under the German occupation in the Second World War, Dora, a Jewish refugee, had concealed her identity; while Joe, a Catholic priest, kept quite another secret...This is a story of love and betrayal, shame and survival. But can a speck of light diffuse the darkest shadows of war?

Hidden: Reflections on Gay Life, AIDS, and Spiritual Desire

by Richard Giannone

Hidden—Richard Giannone’s searingly honest, richly insightful memoir—eloquently captures the author’s transformation from a solitary gay academic to a dedicated caregiver as well as a sexually and spiritually committed man. Always alone, always fearful, he initially resisted the duty to look after his dying female relatives. But his mother’s fall into dementia changed all that. Her vulnerability opened this middle-aged man to the love of another man, a former priest and Jersey boy like himself. Together the two men saw the old woman to her death and did the same for Giannone’s sister. In Hidden Giannone uncovers how, ultimately, these experiences moved him closer to participating in the vitality he believed pulsed in the world but had always eluded him. The mothering life of this gay partnership evolved alongside the AIDS crisis and within and against Italian American culture that reflected the Catholic Church’s discountenancing of homosexual love. Giannone vividly weaves his reflections on gay life in Greenwich Village and his spiritual journey as a gay man and Catholic into his experience of caring for the women of his family. In Hidden Giannone recounts a gripping religious conversion, drawing on the wisdom of the ancient desert mothers and fathers of Egypt and Palestine. Because he was raised a Catholic, the shift is not from nothing to something. Rather, it is away from the modeling power of institutional Christianity to the tempering influence of homosexuality on the Gospel. Gay or straight, so long as we remain hidden from ourselves, the true God remains hidden from us.

Hidden (Sisters of the Heart #1)

by Shelley Shepard Gray

A young woman finds safety, acceptance, and love in Amish country in New York Times bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray’s Hidden.When Anna decides it’s time to leave her abusive boyfriend, she doesn’t know where to turn. Rob has completely won over her parents, and the entire community, with his good looks and smooth charm. Only Anna has seen his dark side.Desperate, she runs to the only place she’s ever felt completely safe—the Amish Brenneman Bed and Breakfast, where Anna met life-long friend Katie Brenneman. The family welcomes her in, and with few questions asked allows her to stay, dressed in Plain clothing, and help around the inn.Katie’s older brother Henry is the only one who doesn’t take too kindly to the intrusion. He tries to ignore Anna, knowing no good would ever come from caring for an Englisher like her. But as he gets to know Anna, he discovers her good heart and is surprised with her readiness to accept their lifestyle.The more time Anna spends with the Amish, the more she feels she’s found a true home. But how can she deny the life she left behind? And will her chance for happiness be stolen away by the man from her past?“A touching love story with a riveting portrayal of the Amish way of life. Shelley Shepard Gray has created a romance readers will root for.” —Tracey Bateman, author of The Nanny Proposal

Hidden Addictions: A Pastoral Response to the Abuse of Legal Drugs

by Richard L Dayringer Bridget C Mc Keever

In Hidden Addictions: A Pastoral Response to the Abuse of Legal Drugs, you’ll find that beneath the gruesome, more public face of illegal drug abuse lies another less hideous, but just as destructive, layer of addiction--the addiction to prescribed drugs. In this revealing study, you’ll learn how you can confront the hidden malady of legal drug dependency in individuals and ultimately break its chokehold on a world already ravaged by complacency and social-systemic dysfunction.The only book of its kind, Hidden Addictions is a concise, readable pastoral perspective on the creeping epidemic of legal drug abuse. Its illuminating case vignettes show you the social roots of addiction and give you the spiritual and religious resources necessary to put you and your loved ones on the road to holistic recovery. Specifically, you’ll read about: groups most at risk--girls, young women, and older women types of drugs, including tranquilizers, sedatives, antidepressants, and painkillers over-the-counter drugs and look-alike drugs women and the pharmaceutical industry recovery methods, including detoxification, family therapy, and couple counseling spiritual resources and systemic reformIn a society already addicted to power, pleasure, and possession, you don’t always see the “warning buttons” being pushed. But this book shows that you can turn back the quiet tide of spiritual sickness and psychochemical dependency that’s sweeping the globe. So whether you’re a pastor whose congregation is suffering, a social worker administering to addicted clientele, or a campus minister, Hidden Addictions will give you the pragmatism and awareness you need to heal the wounded soul.

Hidden Amish Secrets

by Debby Giusti

Her temporary Amish homecomingcould get her killed.Julianne Graber left her Amish life behind after a family tragedy, but now she’s back to sell the family home—and someone’s dead set on getting rid of her. With her neighbor William Lavy by her side, Julianne must uncover dangerous secrets to make sense of the past and present. Can she find justice for her family—and a future with Will—before the killer hits his target?USA TODAY Bestselling Author Debby GiustiFrom Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

Hidden Amish Target (Amish Country Justice #16)

by Dana R. Lynn

She&’s an accidental witness. Now she&’s running for her life… Witnessing a murder puts a target on Molly Schultz&’s back, and now she&’s on the run from a gunman dead set on silencing her. She turns to family friend Zeke Bender for help, but when Molly&’s identity and location are exposed, they&’re left with a criminal among her Amish community. Can Zeke safeguard Molly long enough to catch the culprit—or will they fall prey to their merciless hunter?From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.Amish Country Justice Book 1: Plain TargetBook 2: Plain RetributionBook 3: Amish Christmas AbductionBook 4: Amish Country AmbushBook 5: Amish Christmas EmergencyBook 6: Guarding the Amish MidwifeBook 7: Hidden in Amish CountryBook 8: Plain RefugeBook 9: Deadly Amish ReunionBook 10: Amish Country ThreatsBook 11: Covert Amish InvestigationBook 12: Amish Christmas EscapeBook 13: Amish Cradle ConspiracyBook 14: Her Secret Amish PastBook 15: Crime Scene WitnessBook 16: Hidden Amish TargetBook 17: Hunted at Christmas

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