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The Heart of Christmas: A Devotional for the Season
by Hank HanegraaffHave Yourself a Historical and Inspirational Christmas!Let the Christ of Christmas prepare your heart for the celebration of His birth through a devotional journey beginning December 1st and climaxing Christmas day. Each of the twenty-five devotions includes a Scripture reading, carol, and questions for meditation and discussion. The acronym C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S (Christ, History, Resurrection, Incarnation, Santa Claus, Traditions, Miracles, Advent, Salvation) is used to focus on who Christ is and why He came.
The Heart of Communication: How to really connect with an audience
by Rob ParsonsThe ability to connect with an audience is an essential element of public speaking. While an effective presentation can have all the elements of good pace, pitch and body language, it can still leave an audience unaffected or unmoved. Rob Parson believes even the most proficient speakers can enhance their public speaking by focusing on the heart of communication: connection.For the first time, Rob Parsons shares his insights from over fifty years of experience. He unpacks methods that will help any public speaker - from how to prepare well and utilise the power of story, to giving top tips on avoiding common distractions. Readers will come away with a better grasp on public speaking - not only how to speak to the head, but to the heart.Having spoken to over a million people around the world, from multinational organisations to church congregations, Rob has fine-tuned approaches that can help anyone wanting to grow in this area.
The Heart of Compassion: A Practical Approach to a Meaningful Life
by Dalai LamaThis book carefully balances philosophical concepts with a very practical, day-by-day approach to living a spiritual life. Anyone reading this book will come away richer for the experience, regardless of your own spiritual or religious background. Of special note is his clear integration of the teachings of Jesus into his overall world view, showing how all teachings can find their harmony in the ultimate spiritual oneness and truth that underlies them all.
The Heart of Compassion: The Thirty-seven Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva
by Matthieu Ricard Dilgo Khyentse Padmakara Translation GroupWhat would be the practical implications of caring more about others than about yourself? This is the radical theme of this extraordinary set of instructions, a training manual composed in the fourteenth century by the Buddhist hermit Ngulchu Thogme, here explained in detail by one of the great Tibetan Buddhist masters of the twentieth century, Dilgo Khyentse. In the Mahayana tradition, those who have the courage to undertake the profound change of attitude required to develop true compassion are called bodhisattvas. Their great resolve--to consider others' needs as paramount, and thus to attain enlightenment for the sake of all living creatures--carries them beyond the limits imposed by the illusions of "I" and "mine," culminating in the direct realization of reality, transcending dualistic notions of self and other. This classic text presents ways that we can work with our own hearts and minds, starting wherever we find ourselves now, to unravel our small-minded preoccupations and discover our own potential for compassion, love, and wisdom. Many generations of Buddhist practitioners have been inspired by these teachings, and the great masters of all traditions have written numerous commentaries. Dilgo Khyentse's commentary is probably his most extensive recorded teaching on Mahayana practice.For more information about the author, Dilgo Khyentse, visit his website at www.shechen.org.
The Heart of Couple Therapy: Knowing What to Do and How to Do It
by Ellen F. Wachtel Paul L. WachtelGrounded in a deep understanding of what makes intimate relationships succeed, this book provides concrete guidelines for addressing the complexities of real-world clinical practice with couples. Leading couple therapist Ellen Wachtel describes the principles of therapeutic intervention that motivate couples to alter entrenched patterns, build on strengths, and navigate the "legacy" issues that each person brings to the relationship. She illuminates the often unrecognized choices that therapists face throughout the session and deftly explicates their implications. The epilogue by Paul Wachtel situates the author's pragmatic approach in the broader context of contemporary psychotherapy theory and research.
Heart of Courage (Viking Quest Series #4)
by Lois Walfrid JohnsonWhen Bree learns that her brother, Devin, her sister, Keely, and her friend, Lil, will set out for Ireland, she longs to go with them. Instead, Mikkel asks her to be a cook for voyage to Greenland. Somehow her excellent food becomes inedible and the Vikings think she's trying to sabotage their voyage. Join Bree and Devin for more adventures in this fourth installment of the Viking Quest series.
Heart of Courage (Viking Quest Series #4)
by Lois Walfrid JohnsonWhen Bree learns that her brother, Devin, her sister, Keely, and her friend, Lil, will set out for Ireland, she longs to go with them. Instead, Mikkel asks her to be a cook for voyage to Greenland. Somehow her excellent food becomes inedible and the Vikings think she's trying to sabotage their voyage. Join Bree and Devin for more adventures in this fourth installment of the Viking Quest series.
The Heart of Faith: Reflections on Key Chapters of the Bible
by Norman BergerIf you're looking for a way to grow in faith and grow in Christ, this book is for you. Is your faith feeling faint? Are you looking to get back into God's Word but don't know where to start? Specific sections of Scripture have been held dear by believers over countless generations, and it's in this "heart" of the Bible that you can refresh your faith! The Heart of Faith contains reflections and devotions on favorite chapters from the Bible and focuses on these core concepts of Christianity: Forgiveness of sins Jesus' earthly ministry Jesus' death and resurrection Salvation for all who believe In this devotional book, you'll explore these life-giving themes as found in Psalm 51, Mark 15, Luke 2, and other parts of the gospels. You'll also be encouraged to put your faith into action through helpful personal application sections. Read these precious passages and let The Heart of Faith transform your understanding of what it means to follow Jesus!
The Heart of Female Same-Sex Attraction: A Comprehensive Counseling Resource
by Janelle HallmanThe fruit of years of training, research and counseling experience, Janelle Hallman has drawn together a comprehensive resource for those who are interested in understanding and counseling women in conflict with same sex attraction. In this ground-breaking work, Hallman sets forth the unique dimensions of struggle that women experience through the presentation of research, interviews and clinical experience. This is an indispensable guide for understanding and a manual for counseling adult women seeking to "mature in giving and receiving love in all of [their] relationships, and no longer be restricted by destructive relational patterns. "From the AuthorWhy did you decide to write The Heart of Female Same-Sex Attraction? Janelle Hallman: Because I found myself deeply involved in the lives of many Christian friends who had same-sex attraction, during the late eighties and early nineties I devoured just about every book out there on homosexuality and gender. However, almost everything I could find was for and about men. I could see that much of the material didn't apply to women. Neither was there a clinical book that was understandable for the average counselor who hadn't been trained in psychoanalytic literature. We (my friends and I) wanted to gain a deeper psychological and theological understanding related to people_s diverse experience of sexual attractions and sexual and gender identities. I knew that when I started my counseling practice in the mid-nineties, which was primarily focused on women with same-sex attraction, I would basically have to "learn as I went," or in other words, invite my clients to teach me. There simply was no published framework from which to practice. Even back then I thought that it might be a possibility that I would be the one to write a book. I knew I loved research and certainly teaching and was therefore able to condense complicated material and organize it in a way that people could understand. But I set this thought aside so that I could focus on simply learning how to counsel women with same-sex attraction. After contacting all of the other female therapists and a few male therapists specializing in this field, it was determined that no one else wanted to undertake the ultimate task of developing a manuscript, but many said they would support my efforts. So in 2004, I began the process by interviewing over fifty sexual minority women, 10 or so mothers of lesbian daughters, and several somewhat seasoned professionals who also regularly worked with faith-based sexual minority individuals. I then started mapping out an outline for the book. The Heart of Female Same-Sex Attraction is especially important not only because nothing else exists for clinicians or for pastoral counselors in helping Christian women with same-sex attraction, but also because these women struggle with trust. Many have been wounded and retraumatized by insensitive or ill-informed counselors and pastors. I have a great passion to protect these women by educating their helpers. Hopefully, the misunderstandings and presumptions on the part of helpers and caretakers will begin to be eliminated due to this publication.
Heart of Forgiveness: A Practical Path to Healing
by Madeline Ko-I BastisMadeline Ko-i Bastis is a Buddhist chaplain. She works with cancer, AIDS, psychiatric, and Alzheimer's patients, with battered women, caregivers, inmates, with people with addictions, as well as so-called normal people. In her work she has found that the most difficult thing for people to do is to grant forgiveness. Some people cannot ask for forgiveness, others cannot forgive one another. And some don't realize how harsh they are to themselves when they cannot forgive the one person they have to live with daily - themselves.Heart of Forgiveness helps readers reflect on what forgiveness really means and how it can heal their lives and relationships. Ko-i Bastis explores the difficult emotions that keep us from forgiving and offers tools to help us overcome them.The three parts of Heart of Forgiveness mirror the phrases of the Buddhist Forgiveness practice:For all the harm I have done to others, knowingly or unknowingly, forgive me.For all the harm others have done to me, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive you as much as I can.For all the harm I have done myself, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive myself.Each section includes stories of forgiveness, a meditation, guided imagery, and other exercises to help understand forgiveness and letting go.
Heart of Glass
by Diane NobleFilled with warmth and tender insights, Heart of Glass follows the unforgettable Fairwyn March from young adulthood through midlife during the final decades of the nineteenth century.A free-spirited beauty whose life brims with mountain lore and dulcimer music, Fairwyn disastrously loses her heart to the ambitions of a man who wants only to change her. Determined to be everything her husband wants, she gives up the core of herself. Then one day, she discovers a secret that shatters her world. Sending herself into self-imposed exile, Fairwyn allows her family to believe her dead. Her journey takes her across the continent-and into the landscape of her heart. In the most unlikely of places-California's decaying Mission San Juan Capistrano-she meets another exile in need of healing. Bound together in tender friendship, they also discover hope in God's promise of love without condition. A spellbinding journey into the human heart.From the Trade Paperback edition.
The Heart of God
by Rabindranath Tagore Herbert F. VetterAwarded the Noble Prize for Literature in 1913, Rabindranath Tagore (1861-- 1941) is considered the most important poet of modern-day India. He was also a distinguished author, educator, social reformer, and philosopher. Today, Tagore along with Mahatma Gandhi are prized as the foremost intellectual and spiritual advocates of India's liberation from imperial rule.This inspiring collection of Tagore's poetry represent his "simple prayers of common life." Each of the seventy-seven prayers is an eloquent affirmation of the divine in the face of both joy and sorrow. Like the Psalms of David, they transcend time and speak directly to the human heart.
The Heart of God
by Herbert F. Vetter Rabindranath TagoreAwarded the Noble Prize for Literature in 1913, Rabindranath Tagore (1861-- 1941) is considered the most important poet of modern-day India. He was also a distinguished author, educator, social reformer, and philosopher. Today, Tagore along with Mahatma Gandhi are prized as the foremost intellectual and spiritual advocates of India's liberation from imperial rule.This inspiring collection of Tagore's poetry represent his "simple prayers of common life." Each of the seventy-seven prayers is an eloquent affirmation of the divine in the face of both joy and sorrow. Like the Psalms of David, they transcend time and speak directly to the human heart.The spirit of this collection may be best symbolized by a single sentence by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the renowned philosopher and statesman who served as president of India: "Rabindranath Tagore was one of the few representatives of the universal person to whom the future of the world belongs."
Heart of Gold
by Robin HatcherThe truest treasure is found deep in the heart.Back in her beloved Virginia, Shannon Adair loved nursing injured soldiers back to health. But in Grand Coeur, Idaho--the rough-and-tumble place where her father has been called to lead the church--she's not sure where she fits in. Then a critically ill woman arrives, and Shannon knows her place at last: to care for this dear woman and ease her pain.Matthew Dubois is the fastest and most reliable stagecoach driver on Wells Fargo's payroll. But his widowed sister is dying and he's about to inherit his young nephew. So he takes a job at the Wells Fargo express office in Grand Coeur until he can find the one thing he needs to get back to driving: a wife to care for the boy.What neither of them knows is that God is at work behind the scenes--and is lovingly bringing them together to discover the true desires of their hearts.
The Heart of Grace (The Brothers' Bond #3)
by Linda GoodnightA war photographer returns home to fight for the marriage he left behind in the New York Times–bestselling author’s inspiring Christian romance.It took serious injuries from a roadside bomb to bring war photographer Drew Michaels back to his estranged wife, Larissa. His need for adventure had ultimately pushed Larissa toward the warm embrace of the church . . . and away from him. But now, being back in such close quarters with his first—and only—love, was stirring up feelings of peace and comfort that Drew had suppressed long ago. Yet the secrets he carries with him could once again tear him away from the woman to whom he’d uttered the words “I do.”
The Heart of Islam: Enduring Values for Humanity
by Seyyed Hossein NasrAs the specter of religious extremism has become a fact of life today, the temptation is great to allow the evil actions and perspectives of a minority to represent an entire tradition. In the case of Islam, there has been much recent confusion in the Western world centered on distorted portrayals of its core values. Born of ignorance, such confusion feeds the very problem at hand. In The Heart of Islam one of the great intellectual figures in Islamic history offers a timely presentation of the core spiritual and social values of Islam: peace, compassion, social justice, and respect for the other. Seizing this unique moment in history to reflect on the essence of his tradition, Seyyed Hossein Nasr seeks to "open a spiritual and intellectual space for mutual understanding." Exploring Islamic values in scripture, traditional sources, and history, he also shows their clear counterparts in the Jewish and Christian traditions, revealing the common ground of the Abrahamic faiths. Nasr challenges members of the world's civilizations to stop demonizing others while identifying themselves with pure goodness and to turn instead to a deeper understanding of those shared values that can solve the acute problems facing humanity today. "Muslims must ask themselves what went wrong within their own societies," he writes, "but the West must also pose the same question about itself . . . whether we are Muslims, Jews, Christians, or even secularists, whether we live in the Islamic world or in the West, we are in need of meaning in our lives, of ethical norms to guide our actions, of a vision that would allow us to live at peace with each other and with the rest of God's creation." Such help, he believes, lies at the heart of every religion and can lead the followers of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as well as other religious and spiritual traditions to a new future of mutual respect and common global purpose. The Heart of Islam is a landmark presentation of enduring value that offers hope to humanity, and a compelling portrait of the beauty and appeal of the faith of 1.2 billion people.
The Heart of Jesus: Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska and Saint Pope John Paul II
by Paraclete PressThis little book of inspiration is for those devoted to the saints, and anyone seeking meaning in life. St. Maria Faustina Kowalska and St. Pope John Paul II have improved the lives of millions: Catholics, Protestants, non-believers, students, priests, parents, perhaps even you. This compendium of their teachings is to carry you wherever you go.
The Heart of Krishna
by Swami B. P. PuriA spiritual guide that cautions against those who offend devotees of Krishna and who perform religious practices and chant the Holy Name without devotion.In The Heart of Krishna, Swami B. P. Puri calls upon those sincerely pursuing the path of bhakti yoga to be cautious in their dealings with devotees, especially those that are the pure devotees of the Lord. In so doing, Swami B. P. Puri reveals the secrets of this devotional tradition through his expert analysis of the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Sri Radha, Krishna, and their associates. “One who commits offenses to a Vaishnava becomes incapable of rendering pure devotion because he is committing offenses to the Holy Name. Although it may appear that such an offender is still being shown favor by the Lord as he continues to make a show of chanting without difficulty, the Lord is in fact very displeased with him because of his antagonism toward devotees.” —Srila Prabhupada
Heart of Lies: A Novel (Irish Angel Series #2)
by Jill Marie LandisRaised in a tribe of street urchins, Maddie Grande was taught to be a thief and beggar on the streets of New Orleans. But Maddie doesn’t know her real name or where she came from. Raised by Dexter Grande, Maddie and her twin “brothers” have recently left New Orleans and moved to the bayou. The twins are rarely there, but Maddie has come to love the swamp. She has learned to fish and trap and sell pelts at the local mercantile. Maddie longs to change her life but knows that her brothers will never give up their lawless ways. When they kidnap the daughter of a wealthy carpetbagger, the twins force Maddie to hide the precocious eight-year-old while they return to New Orleans to wait for notice of a reward. Pinkerton agent Tom Abbott is assigned to the kidnapping case in which Maddie has become an accomplice. In a journey that takes them to Baton Rouge, a mutual attraction becomes evident, but Tom and Maddie cannot trust each other. Will Maddie ever discover who she is? Will her real family ever find her? Will Maddie and Tom listen to their hearts? Or will they choose honor over love?
Heart Of A Lion (Lions Of Judah, Book #1)
by Gilbert MorrisYoung Noah has found life good and wholesome ... until he steps outside his village and discovers a world of temptation. Drawn by a beautiful woman yet repulsed by the pagan practices of her tribe's dark worship, his inner struggle keeps him in torment. Noah strains to hear the voice of God-through the warnings of a prophet, through the kind teachings of his grandfather Methuselah, through the loving concern of his family, and ultimately through personal confrontation. The message he receives is terrifying. Will he find the courage to obey? Opposition intensifies to the call he has received, and a precious medallion handed down from ancient times reminds him of who he is ... a man with a HEART OF A LION.
The Heart of Love: Obeying God's Two Great Commandments
by Ted Rivera“A marvel of succinctness, this presentation is one of the best I have seen for initial direction in the faith once delivered to the Fathers.” —Dr. Paige Patterson Ted Rivera unpacks the mystery of God’s will with a simple yet profound look at what Jesus called the two greatest commandments: loving God and loving others. Filled with examples drawn from everyday life, Rivera’s book is practical and wise, a welcome primer for any student of the Bible wanting to deepen their understanding of how to follow Jesus rightly. In the end, Rivera concludes, Jesus isn’t looking merely for consistency in obedience but for obedience in love. Indeed, all our good deeds “are utterly worthless if they are disconnected from a heart that beats not only with love for our God, but also with love for our fellow human beings.” The Heart of Love urges readers toward a deepened faith and a greater imitation of the God who is love.
The Heart of Man
by Gerald Vann"The Heart of Man" gives a vision of man--his nature, aspirations, and problems. Vann considers man as lover and maker, expressed in simple language with insight and compassion.<P> First he considers the heart of the individual man which longs to become one with the universe about and beyond him, and shows how only through love and reverence can man achieve this unity. Then Father Vann discusses man as maker of art, of the family, of the world, and of the Church, and comments on education and labor.
The Heart of Man's Destiny: Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Early Reformation Thought (Psychoanalytic Explorations)
by Herman WesterinkCan Luther's writings inform us on the fundamental questions of Freudian psychoanalysis? Does an intellectual filiation between early Reformation thought and psychoanalysis exist? Does Lacanian psychoanalysis offer an instrument for analysing theological writings? In The Heart of Man's Destiny, Herman Westerink offers a new reading of Lacan's seventh seminar, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis. Working from an innovative perspective, this book explores the close relationship between Freudian psychoanalysis and the ideas of the early Reformation. Lacan claimed that to be unaware of the connection between Freud and early Reformation constituted a fundamental misunderstanding of the kind of problems psychoanalysis addresses. Westerink carefully explores these problems and shows that Lacanian psychoanalysis, with its emphasis on desire and law, transgression, and symbolization, draws on fundamental ideas first formulated in the writings of Luther and Calvin. By relating psychoanalysis to early Reformation thought, Westerink not only shows Lacan's writings in a completely new light, but also makes possible an innovative reading of early modern theology itself. The Heart of Man's Destiny breaks new ground by providing both a controversial as well as a fresh perspective on both Luther and Calvin, and on Freudo-Lacanian psychoanalysis. This valuable contribution to the complex character of psychoanalysis will be of interest to analysts and psychotherapists, as well academics and postgraduates with an interest in theology, philosophy and ethics.
Heart Of Matter
by Pierre Teilhard De ChardinThe final volume of Teilhard's collected essays, containing two texts of key importance published for the first time: "The Heart of Matter" and "The Christic." Foreword by N. M. Wildiers; Index. Translated by René Hague. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book
The Heart of Memory: A Novel
by Alison StrobelWhen beloved Christian writer and speaker Savannah Trover becomes gravely ill, she has to face the sham that her faith has become. Days before her heart transplant, she vows to change her ways and she renews her relationship with Christ. But when she awakens from the surgery, Savannah discovers that her faith has left her completely. Savannah’s husband, Shaun, is concerned about his wife's odd behavior—and even more concerned about the secret he’s keeping from her. If she doesn't bring down their ministry, then he might, losing his family in the process. A stranger may hold the answer to Savannah's recovery, but is Savannah strong enough to return to her old way of life? Can Shaun right his wrongs before word gets out? And do either one of them remember how to be who they once were—or who they want to be? In this latest relational drama from Alison Strobel, readers will explore the difference between emotional faith and life-giving truth as Savannah wonders if she can ever trust her heart again.