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The Heart of the Bible: Volume One: The Literature of the Hebrew People (Sir Halley Stewart Trust: Publications)

by Jeannie B. Thomson Davies

Originally published in 1933, from the preface: “The aim of this particular venture is to present the writings now collected in the volume called the Bible in an order approaching that in which they came into being. The hope is that a considerable amount of both the Old and New Testaments may be read in a fresh setting, so that questions about inconsistencies in the Bible, or about its varying levels of morality, or about its uneven value for religious education can no longer be fired as poison darts to attack its life and influence…. This is an attempt to combine reading the Bible with learning to understand it.” Of particular relevance to those interested in religious studies, today it can be read in its historical context.This book is a re-issue originally published in 1933. The language used and views portrayed are a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.

The Heart of the Bible: Volume Two: The Literature of the Jewish People (Sir Halley Stewart Trust: Publications)

by Jeannie B. Thomson Davies

Originally published in 1933, from the preface in volume one: “The aim of this particular venture is to present the writings now collected in the volume called the Bible in an order approaching that in which they came into being. The hope is that a considerable amount of both the Old and New Testaments may be read in a fresh setting, so that questions about inconsistencies in the Bible, or about its varying levels of morality, or about its uneven value for religious education can no longer be fired as poison darts to attack its life and influence…. This is an attempt to combine reading the Bible with learning to understand it.” Of particular relevance to those interested in religious studies, today it can be read in its historical context.This book is a re-issue originally published in 1933. The language used and views portrayed are a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.

The Heart of the Buddha

by Chogyam Trungpa

In The Heart of the Buddha, the Tibetan meditation master Chögyam Trungpa presents the basic teachings of Buddhism as they relate to everyday life. The book is divided into three parts. In "Personal Journey," the author discusses the open, inquisitive, and good-humored qualities of the "heart of the Buddha," an "enlightened gene" that everyone possesses. In "Stages on the Path," he presents the three vehicles--Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana--that carry the Buddhist practitioner toward enlightenment. In "Working with Others," he describes the direct application of Buddhist teachings to topics as varied as relationships, drinking, children, and money. The Heart of the Buddha reflects Trungpa's great appreciation for Western culture and deep understanding of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, which enabled him to teach Westerners in an effective, contemporary way.

The Heart of the Buddha

by Chogyam Trungpa

In The Heart of the Buddha, the Tibetan meditation master Chögyam Trungpa presents the basic teachings of Buddhism as they relate to everyday life. The book is divided into three parts. In "Personal Journey," the author discusses the open, inquisitive, and good-humored qualities of the "heart of the Buddha," an "enlightened gene" that everyone possesses. In "Stages on the Path," he presents the three vehicles--Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana--that carry the Buddhist practitioner toward enlightenment. In "Working with Others," he describes the direct application of Buddhist teachings to topics as varied as relationships, drinking, children, and money. The Heart of the Buddha reflects Trungpa's great appreciation for Western culture and deep understanding of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, which enabled him to teach Westerners in an effective, contemporary way.

The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: The Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, and Other Basic Buddhist Teachings

by Thich Nhat Hanh

In The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching, Thich Nhat Hanh introduces us to the core teachings of Buddhism and shows us that the Buddha's teachings are accessible and applicable to our daily lives. With poetry and clarity, Nhat Hanh imparts comforting wisdom about the nature of suffering and its role in creating compassion, love, and joy--all qualities of enlightenment. Covering such significant teachings as the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, the Three Doors of Liberation, the Three Dharma Seals, and the Seven Factors of Awakening, The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching is a radiant beacon on Buddhist thought for the initiated and uninitiated alike.

The Heart of the Chronicles of Narnia: Knowing God Here by Finding Him There

by Thomas Williams

In addition to being one of the best-loved books of all time, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is sure to set box-office records when it releases in theatres Christmas 2005. Distributed by Disney, directed by Andrew Adamson (director of Shrek), with special effects by the WETA Workshop (The Lord of the Rings), and backed by a $150 million dollar budget, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe will draw millions of eager viewers, Christian and non-Christian alike. After viewing the movie, Christians and Lewis fans will excitedly walk away with a renewed enthusiasm for this classic installment of The Chronicles of Narnia.Using exciting biblical parallels, this companion book will lead readers into a deeper understanding of Christ and will help them discover how these tales by C. S. Lewis beautifully expose a dynamic, joyful, loving God who wants his creatures to experience deep joy and delight.

The Heart of the Church: The Gospel's History, Message, and Meaning

by Joe Thorn

What does the church believe? Every church has a driving confession, but what is the confession of a true and biblical church? The Heart of the Church answers with the gospel. It explains the story of the gospel, its basic doctrines, and God&’s work in salvation. Fresh yet consistent with classic expressions, it helps churches reclaim their essential identity and return from distracting pursuits. Useful for training in membership classes, discipleship groups, and elder boards—and even for devotional reading—The Heart of the Church is at once theological, practical, and experiential. Readers will not simply be informed, but led to believe in, rejoice in, and be transformed by the truth of God for His gathered people.Without the gospel, the church does not exist. This book is Thorn&’s full and detailed exploration of the message that is indispensable to the church&’s life and identity. For any church lacking power, any Christian feeling dry, or any person seeking truth, The Heart of the Church brings relief, direction, and light, leading to worship.

The Heart of the Church: The Gospel's History, Message, and Meaning

by Joe Thorn

What does the church believe? Every church has a driving confession, but what is the confession of a true and biblical church? The Heart of the Church answers with the gospel. It explains the story of the gospel, its basic doctrines, and God&’s work in salvation. Fresh yet consistent with classic expressions, it helps churches reclaim their essential identity and return from distracting pursuits. Useful for training in membership classes, discipleship groups, and elder boards—and even for devotional reading—The Heart of the Church is at once theological, practical, and experiential. Readers will not simply be informed, but led to believe in, rejoice in, and be transformed by the truth of God for His gathered people.Without the gospel, the church does not exist. This book is Thorn&’s full and detailed exploration of the message that is indispensable to the church&’s life and identity. For any church lacking power, any Christian feeling dry, or any person seeking truth, The Heart of the Church brings relief, direction, and light, leading to worship.

Heart of the Enlightened

by Anthony De Mello

"Said the river to the seeker: 'Does one really have to fret about enlightenment? No matter which way I turn, I'm homeward bound.'" --Anthony de MelloWe are like bears pacing in a cage, Anthony de Mello says. Even if the cage is removed, we keep pacing in the same timid limits. We are afraid to get out. And we think that the only way out is by endless striving and thinking. But this profound healer and spiritual master shows us another way. The Heart of the Enlightened, the sequel to the highly successful Taking Flight, contains more than two hundred of de Mello's favorite stories. Whether Buddhist tales, Hindu fables, Islamic sayings, or Christian parables, the stories de Mello has chosen are sure to seep through to the heart. They touch on relationships, human nature, service, spirituality, and enlightenment. These are stories to be read slowly and savored. They are the key to liberating us from all that would pen us in.

Heart of the Family

by Margaret Daley

A Christmas ConundrumWomen, Dr. Jacob Hartman knew, were a mystery. Take the first time he met social worker Hannah Smith at the Stone Refuge home for foster children. The woman stared him down as if he'd come at her with castor oil. Why? His past was full of heavy-duty heartache, but he was positive they'd never met. And as a former foster child himself, Jacob was deeply touched by how much she cared about the kids at the home, how loving she was--to everyone but him. Which was where, he figured, the mistletoe came in!

Heart of the Family (Love Inspired #425)

by Margaret Daley

Hannah Smith has a reason for disliking Dr. Jacob Hartman, the doctor for Stones Refuge Home For Children, but he can't discover what it could be. After all, he's never met her before. He doesn't know Hannah has memories that link her past to his; though she's attracted to him, she can't force herself to tell him the truth. Two people who have been hurt learn to trust and love again, in spite of themselves.

Heart of the Family: A Baby For The Rancher Wrangling The Cowboy's Heart The Lawman's Surprise Family (Fostered By Love Ser. #2)

by Margaret Daley

Savor again this classic tale about creating family where you find it, from top selling author Margaret Daley.Women, Dr. Jacob Hartman knows, are a mystery. Take the first time he meets social worker Hannah Smith at the Stone Refuge home for foster children. The woman stares him down as if he’d come at her with castor oil. Why? His past is full of heavy-duty heartache, but he is positive they’ve never met. As a former foster child himself, Jacob is deeply touched by how much she cares about the kids at the home, how loving she is—to everyone but him. Can he convince Hannah to give him a second chance? Originally published 2007

The Heart of the Great Mother: Spiritual Initiation, Creativity, and Rebirth

by Christine R. Page

Reveals sacred spiritual tools to connect with the love, passion, and creative powers of the Great Mother for spiritual transformation • Explores the three faces of the Great Mother&’s love and wisdom in our lives and how to build our magician&’s wand, which enables us to be masters of our creativity • Details the journey of the soul through the twelve signs of the zodiac to integrate the shadow self and embody the soul&’s true light • Explains how we are being called to birth a new world, one that embraces the divine feminine qualities of intuition, emotional creative power, and rhythmic renewal The year 2012 marked the birth of a new cycle of time that will last for the next 26,000 years. In charge of such birth is the Great Mother, the eternal source of all creation. She is calling on the feminine within us all to create a world worthy of the next seven generations and begin an era of peace, abundance, and spiritual evolution. To birth this new world, we must release our hold on old destructive patterns and instead embrace the divine feminine qualities of intuition, powerful creativity, and rhythmic renewal. As Christine Page reveals, the Great Mother hears our heart&’s yearning to escape our old ways of suffering and struggle to find peace, fulfillment, and joy. She is reaching out to us across the dimensions, offering spiritual initiation and the chance to know ourselves fully right now. Dr. Page explains how important it is to acknowledge and integrate our shadow selves--the unloved parts of us--so we can radiate our light from the fullness of who we are without shame or judgment. Drawing on alchemy and mythology, the author details the journey of the soul through the twelve signs of the zodiac until our inner light shines. She also explores how to connect with and use sacred spiritual tools to open our hearts and merge with the Great Mother&’s love and creative powers. Exploring the mythology of the Triple Goddess, the author explains how the three faces of the Great Mother help us on our spiritual journey of transformation: As virgin she inspires us to manifest our dreams. As mother, she teaches us to celebrate and nurture all living things, especially ourselves. As crone, she shows us that creativity changes like the seasons, encouraging us not to be possessed by our creations but to embrace mystery and impermanence. Finally, the Great Mother emboldens us to build our magician&’s wand, the rod of light along the spine which enables us to be masters of our creativity, bringing forth transformation for ourselves and generations of children still to come as we embark into a new era of expanded consciousness and love.

Heart of the Great Perfection: Dudjom Lingpa's Visions of the Great Perfection

by B. Alan Wallace Dudjom Lingpa

The revelations of Düdjom Lingpa, a highly influential mystic of 19th century Tibet, translated by B. Alan Wallace, widely respected for his lucid and readable translations of Tibetan Buddhism. Düdjom Lingpa (1835-1904) was one of the foremost tantric masters of his time. This new series includes his visionary teachings on the Great Perfection (Dzogchen), the pinnacle of practice in Tibet's oldest Buddhist school. Volume 1 contains four works explaining the view and practice of the Great Perfection, the signature style of meditation of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism: The Sharp Vajra of Conscious Awareness Tantra: This work is considered the root distillation of Düdjom Lingpa's wisdom. Essence of Clear Meaning: This definitive commentary, which unpacks the quintessential verses of The Sharp Vajra, is based on Düdjom Lingpa's oral teachings recorded by his disciple Pema Tashi. The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers: Düdjom Lingpa narrates the essential Dharma teachings from the perspective of an old man rejecting superficial appearances. The Enlightened View of Samantabhadra: A masterful exposition of the Great Perfection is revealed as a dialogue between wisdom beings who bestow a treasury of pith instructions and specific advice for practitioners. While the teachings in this series have inspired generations of Tibetans, few have been published in translation--until now.

Heart of the Lonely Exile (An Emerald Ballad Book #2)

by B. J. Hoff

Nora arrives in America with her son Daniel and the englishman who rescued her and the Fitsgerald children. What will their new life hold. Morgan Fitsgerald back in Ireland has struggles of his own and a young waif who seems to be drawn to him. A sweeping story from Ireland to America....full of hope and love and history.

Heart of the Lotus Sutra: Lectures on the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters

by Daisaku Ikeda

The Lotus Sutra has been regarded for centuries as one of the most important teachings in Mahayana Buddhism. This book goes beyond theory to show how to bring these teachings into practice in daily life. Containing profound truths for all people from every culture, it reveals the secret for attaining happiness for both oneself and others through the process of self-reformation. Based on the teachings of Nichiren, a 13th-century Buddhist teacher and reformer, the scriptures of the Lotus Sutra show how every person can attain Buddhahood.

The Heart of the Matter

by Dave Busby

Having polio and cystic fibrosis limited Dave's life span, but not his heart. Dave walked with the Lord as few others have following God out of a true passion for Him, developing an internal heart and passion for Christianity.

Heart of the Matter: Daily Reflections for Changing Hearts and Lives

by Christian Counseling Educational Foundation

Start a Year of Deep-Down Change Today!Change that goes deeper than the surface of our lives happens as we daily remember the truths of the gospel. Every day we need to be reminded that Jesus, God's own Son, came to this world to save us from sin, sorrow, and death. We need to remember every day how Jesus' life, death, resurrection, ascension, and promised return change the way we view ourselves and others. This devotional will be a daily reminder of these life-changing truths. The 366 selections, anchored in Scripture and saturated with the gospel, will help the reader to: Learn how God in his Word addresses a host of life situations Focus on how the gospel intersects with life Look beyond circumstances to God's purposes See how God values relationship and to learn to value it too by persisting, by speaking truth in love, and by not shying away from conflict Grow in wisdom when confronted by life's changes. Learn that God works change that is effective and visible.Topics covered in the devotional include: love, hope, grace, redemption, faith, contentment, conflict, relationships, prayer, fear, patience, humility, and anger.

The Heart of the Matter: (penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

by Graham Greene

&“From first page to last . . . an engrossing novel&” of betrayal and espionage on a colonial outpost during World War II (The New York Times). In a British colony in West Africa, Henry Scobie is a pious and righteous man of modest means enlisted with securing borders. But when he&’s passed over for a promotion as commissioner of police, the humiliation hits hardest for his wife, Louise. Already oppressed by the appalling climate, frustrated in a loveless marriage, and belittled by the wives of more privileged officers, Louise wants out. Feeling responsible for her unhappiness, Henry decides against his better judgment to accept a loan from a black marketeer to secure Louise&’s passage. It&’s just a single indiscretion, yet for Henry it precipitates a rapid fall from grace as one moral compromise after another leads him into a web of blackmail, adultery, and murder. And for a devout man like Henry, there may be nothing left but damnation. Drawn from Graham Greene&’s own experiences as a British intelligence officer in Sierra Leone, The Heart of the Matter is &“a powerful, deep-striking novel . . . of a spirit lost in the darkness of the flesh&” (New York Herald Tribune).

Heart of the Matter (The\bodine Family Ser. #2)

by Marta Perry

Amanda Bodine''s Boss is so…bossy!The hard-nosed newspaperman will only assign reporter Amanda Bodine fluff pieces about dog shows. She longs to prove herself with a serious front-page story. But then her own family becomes newsworthy. Suddenly, Ross Lockhart is sitting beside her at Sunday dinner, interviewing her relatives. And he almost seems…like part of the family. Until she realizes he''s after information that will tarnish the Bodine name! Time to teach the boss about the real heart of the matter: love.

Heart of the Night

by Lenora Worth

Secret agent Eli Trudeau grieved the loss of his wife and baby. Then he discovers his son is alive-and living with an adoptive mother, Gena Malone. Despite the secrets and lies, Eli can't deny the truth: Gena loves the boy. Yet Eli grew up without a father and won't do that to his own child. When someone dangerous comes after them, Eli takes Gena and his son deep into hiding. As he grows closer to them, he discovers that he's more than just a maverick operative. After his dark, troubled past, he's finally found faith and family. And he'll do anything to protect both.

The Heart of the Qur'an

by Neil Douglas-Klotz Lex Hixon

"Neither as Christians or Jews, nor simply as intellectually responsible individuals," says Hixon, "have members of Western civilization been sensitively educated or even accurately informed about Islam." As tensions between America and the Middle East grow, we should promote cross-cultural understanding, not violence. This new edition, with a new foreword and commentary by Neil Douglas-Klotz, allows the reader to drink from the illuminating fountain of the Holy Qur'an--the foundation of Islamic culture. First published in 1988, Hixon's poetic meditations on over nine-hundred passages from the Qur'an show that they are not relics from the past but exist in a timeless present, communicating as vividly as when they were first uttered. Through clear and accessible language, Hixon illustrates how the teachings of Islam can be applied to contemporary everyday life issues such as love, relationships, justice, work, and self-knowledge. In addition to the selections themselves, the book contains readable, lively introductions to the tradition of Islam, its basic precepts, and what it says about other religions. As the first such work in English to be written by a Muslim, The Heart of the Qur'an continues to show that Islam is among the great wisdom traditions of humanity.

The Heart of the Qur'an

by Neil Douglas-Klotz Lex Hixon

"Neither as Christians or Jews, nor simply as intellectually responsible individuals,"says Hixon, "have members of Western civilization been sensitively educated or even accurately informed about Islam." As tensions between America and the Middle East grow, we should promote cross-cultural understanding, not violence. This new edition, with a new foreword and commentary by Neil Douglas-Klotz, allows the reader to drink from the illuminating fountain of the Holy Qur'an-the foundation of Islamic culture.First published in 1988, Hixon's poetic meditations on over nine-hundred passages from the Qur'an show that they are not relics from the past but exist in a timeless present, communicating as vividly as when they were first uttered. Through clear and accessible language, Hixon illustrates how the teachings of Islam can be applied to contemporary everyday life issues such as love, relationships, justice, work, and self-knowledge. In addition to the selections themselves, the book contains readable, lively introductions to the tradition of Islam, its basic precepts, and what it says about other religions. As the first such work in English to be written by a Muslim, The Heart of the Qur'an continues to show that Islam is among the great wisdom traditions of humanity.

The Heart of the Revolution: The Buddha's Radical Teachings on Forgiveness, Compassion, and Kindness

by Noah Levine

“The Buddha’s teachings are not a philosophy or a religion; they are a call to action and invitation to revolution.”Noah Levine, author of the national bestseller Dharma Punx and Against the Stream, is the leader of the youth movement for a new American Buddhism. In Heart of the Revolution, he offers a set of reflections, tools, and teachings to help readers unlock their own sense of empathy and compassion. Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within, declares Levins to be "in the fore among Young Buddhas of America, a rebel with both a good cause and the noble heart and spiritual awareness to prove it,” saying, “I highly recommend this book to those who want to join us on this joyful path of mindfulness and awakening."

The Heart of the Shaman: Stories and Practices of the Luminous Warrior

by Alberto Villoldo

The Heart of the Shaman will take you on a journey into the sacred world of the shaman, through stories, dreams, and ancient rites.In his latest book, Alberto Villoldo sets his focus on the dreaming and time-travel practices of the medicine men and women of the Andes and Amazon, whose wisdom radically changed his worldview. Villoldo shares some of their time-honored teachings that emphasize the sacred dream: an ephemeral, yet powerful vision that has the potential to guide us to our purpose and show us our place in the universe.The practices in this book will help you forge a sacred dream for yourself. They will help you craft a destiny infused with courage, and driven by vision. You’ll be invited to follow the footsteps of the luminous warrior and learn how to break out of the three nightmares surrounding love, death, and safety that have held you captive, and transform them into the experience of timeless freedom, known as the Primordial Light. This creative power exercised by shamans will lead you to create beauty and healing, and dream a new world into being.When you transform these dreams and accept that life is ever changing, that your mortality is a given and that no one except you can free you from fear —the chaos in your life turns to order, and beauty prevails."Wake up from the slumber you are living in, and dream with your eyes open so that all the possibilities of the future are available to you."

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