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Hegel's Social Ethics: Religion, Conflict, and Rituals of Reconciliation

by Molly Farneth

Hegel’s Social Ethics offers a fresh and accessible interpretation of G. W. F. Hegel’s most famous book, the Phenomenology of Spirit. Drawing on important recent work on the social dimensions of Hegel’s theory of knowledge, Molly Farneth shows how his account of how we know rests on his account of how we ought to live.Farneth argues that Hegel views conflict as an unavoidable part of living together, and that his social ethics involves relationships and social practices that allow people to cope with conflict and sustain hope for reconciliation. Communities create, contest, and transform their norms through these relationships and practices, and Hegel’s model for them are often the interactions and rituals of the members of religious communities.The book’s close readings reveal the ethical implications of Hegel’s discussions of slavery, Greek tragedy, early modern culture wars, and confession and forgiveness. The book also illuminates how contemporary democratic thought and practice can benefit from Hegelian insights.Through its sustained engagement with Hegel’s ideas about conflict and reconciliation, Hegel’s Social Ethics makes an important contribution to debates about how to live well with religious and ethical disagreement.

Hegel's Trinitarian Claim: A Critical Reflection

by Dale M. Schlitt

Hegel's philosophical interpretation of Trinity as a dialectically developing movement of Spirit is one of the most profound readings of Trinity in Western thought. In Hegel's Trinitarian Claim, Dale M. Schlitt provides a careful, detailed presentation of this claim in Hegel's major published works and in his lectures on the philosophy of religion, taking a critical look at how Hegel presents his claim that to think of God as subject and person one must think of God as Trinity. Although agreeing with Hegel's conclusion, Schlitt argues on the basis of an immanent critique of Hegel's thought that Hegel is not able to defend that claim in the way in which he proposes to do so. Schlitt argues instead that Hegel's trinitarian claim can be justified when Spirit is no longer seen as a movement of thought but as a movement of enriching experience. This close analysis provides an excellent point of entry into the wider study and critical consideration of Hegel's systematic philosophical project as a whole. Originally published in 1984 and available now in paperback for the first time, this edition features a new preface and postscript.

Heidegger and His Jewish Reception

by Daniel M. Herskowitz

In this book, Daniel Herskowitz examines the rich, intense, and persistent Jewish engagement with one of the most important and controversial modern philosophers, Martin Heidegger. Contextualizing this encounter within wider intellectual, cultural, and political contexts, he outlines the main patterns and the diverse Jewish responses to Heidegger. Herskowitz shows that through a dialectic of attraction and repulsion, Jewish thinkers developed a version of Jewishness that sought to offer the way out of the overall crisis plaguing their world, which was embodied, as they saw it, in Heidegger's life and thought. Neither turning a blind eye to Heidegger's anti-Semitism nor using it as an excuse for ignoring his philosophy, they wrestled with his existential analytic and what they took to be its religious, ethical, and political failings. Ironically, Heidegger's thought proved itself to be fertile ground for re-conceptualizing what it means to be Jewish in the modern world.

Heidegger and Kabbalah: Hidden Gnosis and the Path of Poiesis (New Jewish Philosophy and Thought)

by Elliot R. Wolfson

While many scholars have noted Martin Heidegger's indebtedness to Christian mystical sources, as well as his affinity with Taoism and Buddhism, Elliot R. Wolfson expands connections between Heidegger's thought and kabbalistic material. By arguing that the Jewish esoteric tradition impacted Heidegger, Wolfson presents an alternative way of understanding the history of Western philosophy. Wolfson's comparison between Heidegger and kabbalah sheds light on key concepts such as hermeneutics, temporality, language, and being and nothingness, while yielding surprising reflections on their common philosophical ground. Given Heidegger's involvement with National Socialism and his use of antisemitic language, these innovative readings are all the more remarkable for their juxtaposition of incongruent fields of discourse. Wolfson's entanglement with Heidegger and kabbalah not only enhances understandings of both but, more profoundly, serves as an ethical corrective to their respective ethnocentrism and essentialism. Wolfson masterfully illustrates the redemptive capacity of thought to illuminate common ground in seemingly disparate philosophical traditions.

Heidegger and Theology (Philosophy and Theology)

by Laurence Hemming Judith Wolfe

<p>Martin Heidegger is the 20th century theology philosopher with the greatest importance to theology. A cradle Catholic originally intended for the priesthood, Heidegger's studies in philosophy led him to turn first to Protestantism and then to an atheistic philosophical method. Nevertheless, his writings remained deeply indebted to theological themes and sources, and the question of the nature of his relationship with theology has been a subject of discussion ever since. <p>This book offers theologians and philosophers alike a clear account of the directions and the potential of this debate. It explains Heidegger's key ideas, describes their development and analyses the role of theology in his major writings, including his lectures during the National Socialist era. It reviews the reception of Heidegger's thought both by theologians in his own day (particularly in Barth and his school as well as neo-Scholasticism) and more recently (particularly in French phenomenology), and concludes by offering directions for theology's possible future engagement with Heidegger's work.</p>

Heidegger, Bonhoeffer and the Concept of Home in Christian Youth Work: A Theological Vision for the Church's Work with Young People

by Phoebe Hill

This book explores what it means to be and become-at-home in theological perspective, located in the context of a youth club. Drawing on ethnographic research, Phoebe Hill presents an account of what an authentic Christian hospitality could look like in a youth setting, and the ways in which the young people – the strangers at the door – might enable the Christian youth worker to become more fully at home. Discourses around Christian hospitality often unwittingly perpetuate implicit power imbalances. The youth club offers a context for Christian hospitality that ‘tips’ the power in favour of the young people who attend, enabling the youth leaders to share and create home with young people in a distinctive way. As young people leave the Church in droves, the Church faces the urgent and daunting task of finding new ways of being with young people on their own terms; this book offers one solution. Hill argues that homecoming is an essential task of humanity. We are connected in this common pilgrimage and the need to find places and spaces where we can be at home. Becoming at home may be harder than ever before; numerous sociological, philosophical and theological factors are compromising our ability to dwell in the contemporary world.

Heidegger on Death: A Critical Theological Essay (Intensities: Contemporary Continental Philosophy of Religion)

by George Pattison

This book examines the question of death in the light of Heidegger's paradigmatic discussion in Being and Time. Although Heidegger's own treatment deliberately refrains from engaging theological perspectives, George Pattison suggests that these not only serve to bring out problematic elements in his own approach but also point to the larger human or anthropological issues in play. Pattison reveals where and how Heidegger and theology part ways but also how Heidegger can helpfully challenge theology to rethink one of its own fundamental questions: human beings' relation to their death and the meaning of death in their religious lives.

Heidegger’s Being: The Shimmering Unfolding (New Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics)

by Richard Capobianco

In Heidegger’s Being: The Shimmering Unfolding, the eminent Heidegger scholar Richard Capobianco draws on many new texts and sources to highlight in fresh ways the beauty and spiritual resonance of Martin Heidegger’s thinking about Being. As in his earlier books, Capobianco offers a meditative path through Heidegger’s thought. He illuminates major motifs that are overlooked or set aside by most contemporary readings of Heidegger, amplifying these motifs in an original, heartfelt, and eloquent way. The book also offers a series of reflections that bring Heidegger’s thinking into close proximity to other thinkers and poets, including Alfred North Whitehead, C.G. Jung, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, and Rumi. Heidegger’s Being: The Shimmering Unfolding is intended not only for dedicated students of Heidegger’s work but also for engaged general readers who wish to come to a deeper appreciation of his distinctive vision of Being.

Heidegger’s Black Notebooks and the Future of Theology

by Mårten Björk Jayne Svenungsson

This book probes the relationship between Martin Heidegger and theology in light of the discovery of his Black Notebooks, which reveal that his privately held Antisemitism and anti-Christian sentiments were profoundly intertwined with his philosophical ideas. Heidegger himself was deeply influenced by both Catholic and Protestant theology. This prompts the question as to what extent Christian anti-Jewish motifs shaped Heidegger's own thinking in the first place. A second question concerns modern theology's intellectual indebtedness to Heidegger. In this volume, an array of renowned Heidegger scholars - both philosophers and theologians -investigate Heidegger's animosity toward the biblical legacy in both its Jewish and Christian interpretations, and what it means for the future task and identity of theology.

Heidegger's Confessions: The Remains of Saint Augustine in "Being and Time" and Beyond (Religion And Postmodernism Ser.)

by Ryan Coyne

Although Martin Heidegger is nearly as notorious as Friedrich Nietzsche for embracing the death of God, the philosopher himself acknowledged that Christianity accompanied him at every stage of his career. In Heidegger's Confessions, Ryan Coyne isolates a crucially important player in this story: Saint Augustine. Uncovering the significance of Saint Augustine in Heidegger’s philosophy, he details the complex and conflicted ways in which Heidegger paradoxically sought to define himself against the Christian tradition while at the same time making use of its resources. Coyne first examines the role of Augustine in Heidegger’s early period and the development of his magnum opus, Being and Time. He then goes on to show that Heidegger owed an abiding debt to Augustine even following his own rise as a secular philosopher, tracing his early encounters with theological texts through to his late thoughts and writings. Bringing a fresh and unexpected perspective to bear on Heidegger’s profoundly influential critique of modern metaphysics, Coyne traces a larger lineage between religious and theological discourse and continental philosophy.

Heidegger’s Entscheidung: “Decision” Between “Fate” and “Destiny”

by Norman K. Swazo

This book critically examines the debate on Martin Heidegger’s concept of Entscheidung ("decision") and his engagement and confrontation with Nazism in terms of his broader philosophical thought. It argues that one cannot explain Heidegger’s actions without accounting for his idea of "decision" and its connection to his understanding of individual "fate" and national (and European) "destiny." The book looks at the relation of biography to philosophy and the ethical and political implications of appropriating Heidegger’s thinking in these domains of inquiry. It highlights themes such as Heidegger’s differences with the neo-Kantians in Germany; Heidegger on Kant and practical reason; and his reading of Nietzsche and Hegel. It offers a philosophical assessment grounded in Heidegger’s own texts, with reference to historical and other philosophical commentaries on the rise of National Socialism in post-Weimar Germany and the philosophical issues associated with the interpretation of Nazi genocide and ideology. An important intervention in Western philosophy, this book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of political philosophy, continental philosophy, German philosophy, philosophy in general, and political studies.

Heidegger's Phenomenology of Religion: Realism and Cultural Criticism (Philosophy of Religion)

by Benjamin D. Crowe

Throughout his long and controversial career, Martin Heidegger developed a substantial contribution to the phenomenology of religion. In Heidegger's Phenomenology of Religion, Benjamin D. Crowe examines the key concepts and developmental phases that characterized Heidegger's work. Crowe shows that Heidegger's account of the meaning and structure of religious life belongs to his larger project of exposing and criticizing the fundamental assumptions of late modern culture. He reveals Heidegger as a realist through careful readings of his views on religious attitudes and activities. Crowe challenges interpretations of Heidegger's early efforts in the phenomenology of religion and later writings on religion, including discussions of Greek religion and Hölderlin's poetry. This book is sure to spark discussion and debate as Heidegger's work in religion and the philosophy of religion becomes increasingly important to scholars and beyond.

Heidi Heckelbeck and the Tie-Dyed Bunny: Heidi Heckelbeck And The Christmas Surprise; Heidi Heckelbeck And The Tie-dyed Bunny; Heidi Heckelbeck Is A Flower Girl; Heidi Heckelbeck Gets The Sniffles (Heidi Heckelbeck #10)

by Wanda Coven

Heidi brings home the class bunny over Easter weekend—and finds herself in a magical, colorful mess!Easter is just a few days away and Heidi Heckelbeck can’t wait! The holiday weekend is even more special because it’s Heidi’s turn to take home Maggie, the school’s bunny. But when Heidi takes Maggie out of her cage, trouble follows. Maggie escapes from Heidi’s arms and runs through all of the Easter egg dye! Will Heidi figure out how to un-tie-dye the colorful bunny before she has to take her back to school? With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Heidi Heckelbeck chapter books are perfect for beginning readers.

Heimat: Ein vielfältiges Konstrukt (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Martina Hülz Olaf Kühne Florian Weber

Die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskussionen um Heimat intensivieren sich. Im Kontext des Versuchs der Selbstvergewisserung im Zuge der Globalisierung, aber auch der Differenzierung und Fragmentierung der Gesellschaft, der Einwanderung sowie landschaftlichen Wandlungsprozessen nehmen die Kämpfe um Deutungshoheit um das Heimatliche und das Nicht-Heimatliche an Schärfe zu. Mit dem Band ‚Heimat. Ein vielfältiges Konstrukt‘ soll ein Beitrag eigens aus raum-, politik- und medienwissenschaftlichen sowie soziologischen Perspektiven zur Klärung und Einordnung unterschiedlicher Positionen im Kontext des ‚umkämpften Feldes Heimat‘ geleistet werden.

Heimat und Religiosität: Studien zum Werk Arnold Stadlers (Studien zu Literatur und Religion / Studies on Literature and Religion #3)

by Nils Rottschäfer

Das Werk Arnold Stadlers, das sich aus der lebendigen Sprache, aus dem Konkreten und Ambivalenten der heimatlichen Lebenswelt speist, hat Teil an dem Diskurs über Zugehörigkeit, über Angekommen- und Angenommen-Sein in einer globalisierten Welt. ‚Heimat‘ und ‚Religiosität‘ bilden die strukturbildenden Komplexe seines hochreflektierten Werks, die hier in ihrer Bezogenheit aufeinander gedeutet werden. Die Engführung beider Phänomene, nach der sich die literarischen Figuren Stadlers sehnen, fungiert als grundlegendes poetisches Prinzip der Texte. Auch die Religion kann zu einer erfahrbaren sozialen Heimat werden, die Heimat kann ebenso religiöse Züge annehmen.

Heinrich Heine: Writing the Revolution (Jewish Lives)

by George Prochnik

A thematically rich, provocative, and lyrical study of one of Germany’s most important, world-famous, and imaginative writers Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) was a virtuoso German poet, satirist, and visionary humanist whose dynamic life story and strikingly original writing are ripe for rediscovery. In this vividly imagined exploration of Heine’s life and work, George Prochnik contextualizes Heine’s biography within the different revolutionary political, literary, and philosophical movements of his age. He also explores the insights Heine offers contemporary readers into issues of social justice, exile, and the role of art in nurturing a more equitable society. Heine wrote that in his youth he resembled “a large newspaper of which the upper half contained the present, each day with its news and debates, while in the lower half, in a succession of dreams, the poetic past was recorded fantastically like a series of feuilletons.” This book explores the many dualities of Heine’s nature, bringing to life a fully dimensional character while also casting into sharp relief the reasons his writing and personal story matter urgently today.

The Heir of Ariad

by Niki Florica

The weight of a vanished father's legacy and the secrets of the past have forced Kyrian to carve a place among his people at the price of his own sweat and blood. Ariad is withering. The Skies seem a strange place to die of thirst, but no one can fetch the Rains against the tyrant king's will, and no one but the Creator who has vanished into legend can kill an invisible king.But there is a force at work beyond Kyrian's sight. A powerful, masterful will. Suddenly there is blood on his hands, the Skies are filled with enemies, and the only way to escape a dark end is to flee the clouds forever. But there in the Lands waits a powerful prophecy, along with a powerful weapon, and now as Ariad withers to dust all hope may rest with the one young mortal who fled his home a fugitive and must return to it a king.

Heir to the Glimmering World: A Novel

by Cynthia Ozick

A teenage girl goes to work for a chaotic family of Jewish immigrants, in a New York Times bestseller that&’s &“a cause for celebration&” (Ann Patchett). In the 1930s, New York is swarming with Europe&’s ousted dreamers, alien families adapting to a new world. Rose Meadows unknowingly enters the lives of one such family when she answers an ad for an &“assistant&” to a Herr Mitwisser, the patriarch of a large household living in an obscure little neighborhood, in a remote corner of the sparse and weedy northeast Bronx. With an uncertain future, and no clear idea of her duties, Rose—orphaned at eighteen and recently turned out by lover—has become a refugee among refugees. Expelled from Berlin&’s elite, Professor Mitwisser—a researcher obsessed with an arcane religious doctrine—lives with his wife, a prominent physicist now quietly going mad, and Anneliese, their willful sixteen-year-old daughter. When Anneliese&’s fierce longing draws a new outcast into the fold—a vagrant actor running from fame—it&’s up to Rose to quell the emotional, sexual, spiritual, and societal tempests brewing within the Mitwissers unsettled home. Hailed by the New York Times as &“the most accomplished and graceful literary stylist of our time,&” Cynthia Ozick is a recipient of the National Book Critics Circle Award, the PEN/Nabokov Award and PEN/Malamud Award, and Heir to the Glimmering World is yet another triumph from the author of the National Book Award finalist The Puttermesser Papers and Foreign Bodies. &“A heroine to love, a story we can&’t let go of, gorgeous sentences, and ideas to wrestle with. I didn&’t just read the book, I devoured.&” —Ann Patchett


by Irene Brand

After discovering she was the sole heiress to her uncle's vast fortune, Allison Sayre embarked on an amazing journey. She never imagined she would uncover a shocking family secret. Or, be drawn back into the life of Benton Lockart, a man whose powerful spiritual convictions had once inspired her. But an unspeakable tragedy had robbed Benton of his faith and the ability to accept her love. Could Allison convince Benton that hope and tenderness were only a prayer away?

An Heiress at Heart (Love's Grace #1)

by Jennifer Delamere

A New BeginningA youthful indiscretion has cost Lizzie Poole more than just her honor. After five years living in exile, she's finally returning home, but she's still living a secret life. Her best friend Ria's dying wish was for Lizzie to assume her identity, return to London, and make amends that Ria herself would never live to make. Bearing a striking resemblance to her friend, and harboring more secrets than ever before, Lizzie embarks on a journey that tempts her reckless heart once again . . . A committed clergyman, Geoffrey Somerville's world is upended when he suddenly inherits the title of Lord Somerville. Now he's invited to every ball and sought after by the matchmaking mothers of London society. Yet the only woman to capture his heart is the one he cannot have: his brother's young widow, Ria. Duty demands he deny his feelings, but his heart longs for the mysterious beauty. With both their futures at stake, will Lizzie be able to keep up her façade? Or will she find the strength to share her secret and put her faith in true love?

The Heiress of Winterwood: The Heiress Of Winterwood, The Headmistress Of Rosemere, A Lady At Willowgrove Hall (Whispers On The Moors #1)

by Sarah Ladd

Darbury, England, 1814Amelia Barrett gave her word. Keeping it could cost her everything.Amelia Barrett, heiress to an estate nestled in the English moors, defies family expectations and promises to raise her dying friend's baby. She'll risk everything to keep her word--even to the point of proposing to the child's father--a sea captain she's never met.When the child vanishes with little more than an ominous ransom note hinting at her whereabouts, Amelia and Graham are driven to test the boundaries of their love for this little one.Amelia's detailed plans would normally see her through any trial, but now, desperate and shaken, she's forced to examine her soul and face her one weakness: pride.Graham's strength and self-control have served him well and earned him much respect, but chasing perfection has kept him a prisoner of his own discipline. And away from the family he has sworn to love and protect.Both must learn to have faith and relinquish control so they can embrace the future ahead of them."My kind of book! [It] grabbed my attention from the first lines and I eagerly returned to its pages." --Julie Klassen, Best-Selling, Award-Winning Author"If you are a fan of Jane Austen and Jane Eyre, you will love Sarah E. Ladd's debut."

The Heiress's Courtship

by Gina Welborn

LIBERTY JUDD IS A RULE BREAKER The Chicago heiress has shaken off the trappings of society-and the man who crushed her heart-to follow her artistic dreams. But when Gerrett Divine suddenly reappears in her life, she can't ignore the way she still feels about him. Architect Gerrett Divine IV has always been the dutiful son-that's why he plans to marry a woman he doesn't love. But when he meets Liberty again, that resolve is severely tested. Can he go through with an arranged marriage just to please his family, or will he make a leap of faith and choose the free-spirited woman who captivates him?

The Heiress's Homecoming & The Bride Ship: The Heiress's Homecoming The Bride Ship (The Everard Legacy)

by Regina Scott

Don’t miss these fan favorite stories from award-winning author Regina Scott!The Heiress’s HomecomingTo keep her cherished childhood home, Samantha Everard must marry by her twenty-fifth birthday. Yet she refuses to marry on a whim, not even to save her fortune. When she returns to Dallsten Manor to say goodbye, the last person she expects to see is her handsome, disapproving neighbor William Wentworth, Earl of Kendrick. Will is certain the scandalous Everard family is nothing but trouble. He shouldn’t care about Samantha’s predicament, but her feistiness and kindheartedness intrigue him—as does her refusal to wed. He wants to help, especially when he perceives the threat that surrounds her. Soon his greatest wish is to persuade Samantha that her true home is with him.The Bride ShipWhat was his brother’s widow—his first love—doing on a ship full of prospective brides headed out west? Clay Howard had been tasked with escorting the Boston belle home but he didn’t anticipate Allegra being so strong-willed—or that he’d wind up traveling with her just to keep her from leaving without him! Allegra Banks Howard isn’t going to let Clay interfere with her plans for a new life with her daughter on the frontier. True, Allegra needs his wilderness savvy, but if Clay thinks he can rekindle what they once shared, he had better think again. Because risking her heart for a second chance at being his bride isn’t something she’ll undertake lightly….

The Heirloom Garden: A Novel

by null Viola Shipman

From the USA Today bestselling author of The Summer Cottage In her inimitable style, Viola Shipman explores the unlikely relationship between two very different women brought together by the pain of war, but bonded by hope, purpose…and flowers.Iris Maynard lost her husband in World War II, her daughter to illness and, finally, her reason to live. Walled off from the world for decades behind the towering fence surrounding her home, Iris has built a new family…of flowers. Iris propagates her own daylilies and roses while tending to a garden filled with the heirloom starts that keep the memories of her loved ones alive.When Abby Peterson moves next door with her family—a husband traumatized by his service in the Iraq War and a young daughter searching for stability—Iris is reluctantly yet inevitably drawn into her boisterous neighbor&’s life, where, united by loss and a love of flowers, she and Abby tentatively unearth their secrets, and help each other discover how much life they have yet to live.With delightful illustrations and fascinating detail, Viola Shipman&’s heartwarming story will charm readers while resonating with issues that are so relevant today.Don't miss bestselling author Viola Shipman's charming new novel, THE WISHING BRIDGE—where an ambitious executive rediscovers the magic of family, friendship, home...and Christmas!Other books by Viola Shipman: Famous in a Small Town The Secret of Snow A Wish for Winter The Edge of Summer The Summer Cottage The Clover Girls

Heirs of Yesterday

by Barbara Cantalupo Lori Harrison-Kahan

Originally published in 1900 and set in fin-de-siècle California, Heirs of Yesterday by Emma Wolf (1865–1932) uses a love story to explore topics such as familial loyalty, the conflict between American individualism and ethno-religious heritage, and anti-Semitism in the United States. The introduction, co-authored by Barbara Cantalupo and Lori Harrison-Kahan, includes biographical background on Wolf based on new research and explores key literary, historical, and religious contexts for Heirs of Yesterday. It incorporates background on the rise of Reform Judaism and the late nineteenth-century Jewish community in San Francisco, while also considering Wolf’s relationship to the broader literary movement of realism and to other writers of her time. As Cantalupo and Harrison-Kahan demonstrate, the publication history and reception of Heirs of Yesterday illuminate competing notions of Jewish American identity at the turn of the twentieth century. Compared to the familiar ghetto tales penned by Yiddish-speaking, Eastern European immigrant writers, Heirs of Yesterday offers a very different narrative about turn-of-the-twentieth-century Jewish life in the United States. The novel’s central characters, physician Philip May and pianist Jean Willard, are not striving immigrants in the process of learning English and becoming American. Instead, they are native-born citizens who live in the middle-class community of San Francisco’s Pacific Heights, where they interact socially and professionally with their gentile peers. Tailored for students, scholars, and readers of women’s studies, Jewish studies, and American literature and history, this new edition of Heirs of Yesterday highlights the art, historical value, and controversial nature of Wolf’s work.

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