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Showing 33,226 through 33,250 of 82,291 results

A Historical Theology of the Hebrew Bible

by Konrad Schmid

In this meticulously researched study, Konrad Schmid offers a historical clarification of the concept of &“theology.&” He then examines the theologies of the three constituent parts of the Hebrew Bible—the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings— before tracing how these theological concepts developed throughout the history of ancient Israel and early Judaism.Schmid not only explores the theology of the biblical books in isolation, but he also offers unifying principles and links between the distinct units that make up the Hebrew Bible. By focusing on both the theology of the whole Hebrew Bible as well as its individual pieces, A Historical Theology of the Hebrew Bible provides a comprehensive discussion of theological work within the Hebrew Bible.

Historicism, the Holocaust, and Zionism: Critical Studies in Modern Jewish History and Thought

by Steven T Katz

"[Of] the 12 well-crafted essays in this volume...the most useful are those dealing with the Holocaust."&#151Choice "Especially recommended for college-level students of Jewish history and culture."-The Bookwatch This is a critical exploration of the most repercussive topics in modern Jewish history and thought. A sequel to Katz's National Jewish Book Award-winning study, Post-Holocaust Dialogues, this book identifies the main issues in the contemporary Jewish intellectual universe and outlines a larger, more synthetic understanding of contemporary Jewish existence.

Histories of Experience in the World of Lived Religion (Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience)

by Raisa Maria Toivo Sari Katajala-Peltomaa

'At a historic moment, when religion shows all its social and political strength in various post-modern societies around our globe, this fascinating collection of studies from the Middle Ages to twentieth-century Europe demonstrates all the richness and innovative force of investigating individual and shared experiences when questioning the cultural, political and social place of religion in society. It also makes known in English the work of a series of Finnish historians elaborating together a pioneering vision of the notion of experience in the discipline of history.'- Piroska Nagy, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada This open access book offers a theoretical introduction to the history of experience on three conceptual levels: everyday experience, experience as process, and experience as structure. Chapters apply 'experience' to empirical case studies, exploring how people have made and shared their religion through experience in history. This book understands experience as a simultaneously socially constructed and intimately personal process that connects individuals to communities and past to future, thereby forming structures that create and direct societies. It represents the crossroads of a new field of the history of experience, and an established tradition of the history of lived religion. Chapters offer a longue durée view from the fourteenth-century heretics, via experiences of miracle, madness, sickness, suffering, prayer, conversion and death, to the religious artisanship of soldiers in the Second World War frontlines. It concentrates on Northern Europe, but includes materials from Italy, France and United Kingdom.

Histories of Tibet: Essays in Honor of Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp

by Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Jue Liang, and William A. McGrath

The thirty-four essays in this volume follow the particular interests of Leonard van der Kuijp, whose groundbreaking research in Tibetan intellectual and cultural history imbued his students with an abiding sense of curiosity and discovery.As part of Leonard van der Kuijp&’s research in Tibetan history, as he patiently and expertly revealed treasures of the Tibetan intellectual tradition in fourteenth-century Tsang, or seventeenth-century Lhasa, or eighteenth-century Amdo, he developed an international community of colleagues and students. The thirty-four essays in this volume follow the particular interests of the honoree and express the comprehensive research that his international cohort have engaged in alongside his generous tutelage over the course of forty years. He imbued his students with the abiding sense of curiosity and discovery that can be experienced through every one of his writings, and that can be found as well in these new essays in intellectual, cultural, and institutional history by Christopher Beckwith, the late Hubert Decleer, Franz-Karl Ehrhard, Jörg Heimbel and David Jackson, Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy, Nathan Hill, Matthew Kapstein, Kurtis Schaeffer, Michael Witzel, Allison Aitken, Yael Bentor, Pieter Verhagen, Todd Lewis, William McGrath, Peter Schwieger, Gray Tuttle, and others.

Historisch-Genetische Theorie (essentials)

by Gerda Bohmann Heinz-Jürgen Niedenzu

Die historisch-genetische Theorie verfolgt den Anspruch, die Genese der menschlichen kulturellen Lebensweise aus den naturgeschichtlichen Ausgangsbedingungen und die historisch differenten gesellschaftlichen Organisationsformen in ihrer Strukturfolge erklären zu können. Für die Theorie zentral ist das methodologische Primat ontogenetischer Entwicklungsprozesse. Die gesellschaftlichen Organisationsformen sind diesen konstruktiv verbunden, folgen in ihrer Entwicklung aber anderen Mechanismen. Es werden die Grundlagen der Theorie herausgearbeitet und auf deren zentrale Fragen und Themenbereiche eingegangen.

The History and Environmental Impacts of Hunting Deities: Supernatural Gamekeepers and Animal Masters (Conflict, Environment, and Social Complexity)

by Richard J. Chacon

This edited volume analyzes the belief in supernatural gamekeepers and/or animal masters of wildlife from a cross-cultural perspective. It documents the antiquity and widespread occurrence of the belief in supernatural gamekeepers at the global level. This interdisciplinary volume documents both the antiquity and the widespread geographical distribution of this belief along with surveying the various manifestations of this cosmology by way of studies from Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America. Some chapters explore the manifestations of this belief as they appear in petroglyphs/pictographs and other forms of material culture. Others focus on the environmental impacts of these beliefs/rituals and prescribed foraging restrictions by analyzing how they affect game harvests. The internationally recognized scholars in this volume assess the efficacy of this particular form of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and investigate if adherence to the belief in animal masters actually causes hunters to refrain from overharvesting wild game and thereby contributes to sustainable hunting practices. This volume is of interest to anthropologists, archaeologists and other social scientists researching traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), indigenous conservation, biodiversity, and sustainability practices, and animal deities.

History and Memory in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Remembering the Teacher of Righteousness

by Travis B. Williams

The nature and reliability of the ancient sources are among the most important issues in the scholarship on the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is noteworthy, therefore, that scholars have grown increasingly skeptical about the value of these materials for reconstructing the life of the Teacher of Righteousness. Travis B. Williams' study is designed to address this new perspective and its implications for historical inquiry. He offers an important corrective to popular conceptions of history and memory by introducing memory theory as a means of informing historical investigation. Charting a new methodological course in Dead Sea Scrolls research, Williams reveals that properly representing the past requires an explanation of how the mnemonic evidence found in the relevant sources could have developed from a historical progression that began with the Teacher. His book represents the first attempt in Dead Sea Scrolls scholarship to integrate history and memory in a comprehensive way.

The History and Politics of Motor Racing: Lives in the Fast Lane (Global Culture and Sport Series)

by Damion Sturm Stephen Wagg David L. Andrews

This book explores the history and politics of motor racing, one of the most popular and lucrative elements in the international sport industry. Written by a group of international scholars and motor racing specialists it discusses the sport’s origins, the relationship of motor racing to nation building and modernity (noting its links to fascism and dictatorship), the links between motor racing and the automobile industry, motor racing and the politics both of gender and of race, motor racing, the media and postmodernity, and motor racing, the spatial and globalization. This book speaks to scholars in history, politics, sport studies, the sociology of sport, sport management and cultural studies, along with the many lay readers who are interested in the relationship between motor sport and society.

History and Presence

by Robert A. Orsi

The unseeing of the gods was a requirement of Western modernity.<P><P> Beginning with sixteenth-century debates over Christ's real presence in the host, Robert Orsi imagines an alternative.<P> He urges us to withhold from absence the prestige modernity encourages and instead to approach contemporary religion and history with the gods fully present.<P>

History and Program: Revised and Updated

by Margaret Post

The best-selling, newly revised and updated HISTORY AND PROGRAM of the United Church of Christ shares the history of the UCC, background of predecessor bodies, information on its national Covenanted Ministries, and explains its emblem and Statement of Faith.

History, Archaeology and The Bible Forty Years After Historicity: Changing Perspectives 6

by Thomas L. Thompson Ingrid Hjelm

In History, Archaeology and the Bible Forty Years after "Historicity", Hjelm and Thompson argue that a ‘crisis’ broke in the 1970s, when several new studies of biblical history and archaeology were published, questioning the historical-critical method of biblical scholarship. The crisis formed the discourse of the Copenhagen school’s challenge of standing positions, which—together with new achievements in archaeological research—demand that the regional history of ancient Israel, Judaea and Palestine be reconsidered in all its detail. This volume examines the major changes that have taken place within the field of Old Testament studies since the ground breaking works of Thomas Thompson and John van Seters in 1974 and 1975 (both republished in 2014). The book is divided in three sections: changing perspectives in biblical studies, history and cult, and ideology and history, presenting new articles from some of the field’s best scholars with comprehensive discussion of historical, archaeological, anthropological, cultural and literary approaches to the Hebrew Bible and Palestine’s history. The essays question: "How does biblical history relate to the archaeological history of Israel and Palestine?" and "Can we view the history of the region independently of a biblical perspective?" by looking at the problem from alternative angles and questioning long-held interpretations. Unafraid to break new ground, History, Archaeology and the Bible Forty Years after "Historicity" is a vital resource to students in the field of Biblical and East Mediterranean Studies, and anyone with an interest in the archaeology, history and religious development in Palestine and the ancient Near East.

History Has Many Voices (Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies #63)

by Lee Palmer Wandel

This volume presents essays from eight scholars who trained with Robert Kingdon, a vanguard of early modern studies. He required students to go to primary sources, yet they were free to pursue their own curiosity. No matter what their approach to the sources, students were held to a high standard of thoroughness, precision, and attention to detail. This festschrift displays something of the diversity of language, source materials, methods, and visions that Kingdon encouraged in his students during his forty-year career in graduate education.

History Has Many Voices (Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies #63)

by Lee Palmer Wandel

This volume presents essays from eight scholars who trained with Robert Kingdon, a vanguard of early modern studies. He required students to go to primary sources, yet they were free to pursue their own curiosity. No matter what their approach to the sources, students were held to a high standard of thoroughness, precision, and attention to detail. This festschrift displays something of the diversity of language, source materials, methods, and visions that Kingdon encouraged in his students during his forty-year career in graduate education.

History in the Comic Mode: Medieval Communities and the Matter of Person

by Fulton Rachel Bruce W. Holsinger

Twenty-one prominent medievalists discuss continuity and change in ideas of personhood and community and argue for the viability of the comic mode in the study and recovery of history.

History, Law, and Christianity

by John Warwick Montgomery

A stirring defense of the faith by one of Christianity's ablest defenders, this is a re-issue of the classic "History and Christianity" expanded to include Dr. Montgomery's essay "Christianity Juridically Defended."Dr. John Montgomery, scholar, theologian and apologist for the faith, developed this book from a seminar he presented at the University of British Columbia. Readable and convincing, the book is divided into four sections:Section One deals with four basic errors usually committed by those who attack the historicity of the New Testament.Section Two defends the accuracy of the New Testament documents, using tests which are commonly applied to any ancient document.Section Three, entitled "God Closes In," is a powerful defense of the truly divine and truly human nature of Christ.Section Four clearly shows that if Jesus were not the Son of God, the only other alternatives are either liar or lunatic.The last section contains Dr. Montgomery's essay "Christianity Juridically Defended."The book includes the transcript of a panel discussion in which Dr. Montgomery convincingly argues from the above four points to demonstrate their application for the reader. Here is excellent material for class discussion or individual study, particularly suited to helping young people combat humanistic concepts of the Bible and Christianity.

History Lessons: The Creation of American Jewish Heritage

by Beth S. Wenger

Most American Jews today will probably tell you that Judaism is inherently democratic and that Jewish and American cultures share the same core beliefs and values. But in fact, Jewish tradition and American culture did not converge seamlessly. Rather, it was American Jews themselves who consciously created this idea of an American Jewish heritage and cemented it in the popular imagination during the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries. History Lessons is the first book to examine how Jews in the United States collectively wove themselves into the narratives of the nation, and came to view the American Jewish experience as a unique chapter in Jewish history.Beth Wenger shows how American Jews celebrated civic holidays like Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July in synagogues and Jewish community organizations, and how they sought to commemorate Jewish cultural contributions and patriotism, often tracing their roots to the nation's founding. She looks at Jewish children's literature used to teach lessons about American Jewish heritage and values, which portrayed--and sometimes embellished--the accomplishments of heroic figures in American Jewish history. Wenger also traces how Jews often disagreed about how properly to represent these figures, focusing on the struggle over the legacy of the Jewish Revolutionary hero Haym Salomon.History Lessons demonstrates how American Jews fashioned a collective heritage that fused their Jewish past with their American present and future.

A History of Ambiguity

by Anthony Ossa-Richardson

Ever since it was first published in 1930, William Empson’s Seven Types of Ambiguity has been perceived as a milestone in literary criticism—far from being an impediment to communication, ambiguity now seemed an index of poetic richness and expressive power. Little, however, has been written on the broader trajectory of Western thought about ambiguity before Empson; as a result, the nature of his innovation has been poorly understood.A History of Ambiguity remedies this omission. Starting with classical grammar and rhetoric, and moving on to moral theology, law, biblical exegesis, German philosophy, and literary criticism, Anthony Ossa-Richardson explores the many ways in which readers and theorists posited, denied, conceptualised, and argued over the existence of multiple meanings in texts between antiquity and the twentieth century. This process took on a variety of interconnected forms, from the Renaissance delight in the ‘elegance’ of ambiguities in Horace, through the extraordinary Catholic claim that Scripture could contain multiple literal—and not just allegorical—senses, to the theory of dramatic irony developed in the nineteenth century, a theory intertwined with discoveries of the double meanings in Greek tragedy. Such narratives are not merely of antiquarian interest: rather, they provide an insight into the foundations of modern criticism, revealing deep resonances between acts of interpretation in disparate eras and contexts. A History of Ambiguity lays bare the long tradition of efforts to liberate language, and even a poet’s intention, from the strictures of a single meaning.

The History of Apologetics: A Biographical and Methodological Introduction

by Benjamin Forrest Joshua Chatraw Alister McGrath

The History of Apologetics follows the great apologists in the history of the church to understand how they approached the task of apologetics in their own cultural and theological context. Each chapter looks at the life of a well-known apologist from history, unpacks their methodology, and details how they approached the task of defending the faith. By better understanding how apologetics has been done, readers will be better able to grasp the contextualized nature of apologetics and apply those insights to today's context. The History of Apologetics covers forty-four apologists.

A History of Arabic Astronomy

by George Saliba

A History of Arabic Astronomy is a comprehensive survey of Arabic planetary theories from the eleventh century to the fifteenth century based on recent manuscript discoveries. George Saliba argues that the medieval period, often called a period of decline in Islamic intellectual history, was scientifically speaking, a very productive period in which astronomical theories of the highest order were produced.Based on the most recent manuscript discoveries, this book broadly surveys developments in Arabic planetary theories from the eleventh century to the fifteenth. Taken together, the primary texts and essays assembled in this book reverse traditional beliefs about the rise and fall of Arabic science, demonstrating how the traditional "age of decline" in Arabic science was indeed a "Golden Age" as far as astronomy was concerned.Some of the techniques and mathematical theorems developed during this period were identical to those which were employed by Copernicus in developing his own non-Ptolemaic astronomy. Significantly, this volume will shed much-needed light on the conditions under which such theories were developed in medieval Islam. It clearly demonstrates the distinction that was drawn between astronomical activities and astrological ones, and reveals, contrary to common perceptions about medieval Islam, the accommodation that was obviously reached between religion and astronomy, and the degree to which astronomical planetary theories were supported, and at times even financed, by the religious community itself. This in stark contrast to the systematic attacks leveled by the same religious community against astrology.To students of European intellectual history, the book reveals the technical relationship between the astronomy of the Arabs and that of Copernicus. Saliba's definitive work will be of particular interest to historians of Arabic science as well as to historians of medieval and Renaissance European science.

A History of Atheism in Britain: From Hobbes to Russell (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Religion)

by David Berman

Probably no doctrine has excited as much horror and abuse as atheism. This first history of British atheism, first published in 1987, tries to explain this reaction while exhibiting the development of atheism from Hobbes to Russell. Although avowed atheism appeared surprisingly late – 1782 in Britain – there were covert atheists in the middle seventeenth century. By tracing its development from so early a date, Dr Berman gives an account of an important and fascinating strand of intellectual history.

The History of Baptism

by Thomas Weisser


A History of Boston's Jewish North Shore (American Heritage)

by Alan S. Pierce Jewish Historical Society of the North Shore

Forced to flee the brutal pogroms of Europe, Jewish immigrants sought refuge in the beauty of Boston's North Shore. Drawing on their artisan skills, many found work in the tanneries of Peabody and the shoe factories of Lynn, while other enterprising Jews established their own businesses in Salem and Beverly- from butcher shops and groceries to newspapers. Alongside fellow members of the Jewish Historical Society of the North Shore, Alan Pierce has carefully assembled a collection of personal histories from generations of Jewish families. Celebrating the rich flavors of Jewish culture, these accounts capture familiar faces, such as renowned athlete Herb Brenner, and recognizable landmarks like the Kernwood Country Club and the Dolphin Yacht Club, innovative establishments open to all regardless of race or religion. With entrepreneurial spirit, a little determination and plenty of faith, the North Shore's storied Jewish communities have etched enduring marks on its streets and in its synagogues.

A History of Buddhism in India and Tibet: An Expanded Version of the Dharma's Origins Made by the Learned Scholar Deyu (Library of Tibetan Classics #32)

by Dan Martin

The first complete English translation of an important thirteenth-century history that sheds light on Tibet&’s imperial past and on the transmission of the Buddhadharma into Central Asia.Translated here into English for the first time in its entirety by perhaps the foremost living expert on Tibetan histories, this engaging translation, along with its ample annotation, is a must-have for serious readers and scholars of Buddhist studies. In this history, discover the first extensive biography of the Buddha composed in the Tibetan language, along with an account of subsequent Indian Buddhist history, particularly the writing of Buddhist treatises. The story then moves to Tibet, with an emphasis on the rulers of the Tibetan empire, the translators of Buddhist texts, and the lineages that transmitted doctrine and meditative practice. It concludes with an account of the demise of the monastic order followed by a look forward to the advent of the future Buddha Maitreya. The composer of this remarkably ecumenical Buddhist history compiled some of the most important early sources on the Tibetan imperial period preserved in his time, and his work may be the best record we have of those sources today. Dan Martin has rendered the richness of this history an accessible part of the world&’s literary heritage.

A History of Catholic Education and Schooling in Scotland: New Perspectives

by Stephen J. McKinney Raymond McCluskey

This book analyses the development of Catholic schooling in Scotland over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Scholarship of this period tends to be dominated by discussions of the 1872 and 1918 Education (Scotland) Acts: while these crucial acts are certainly not neglected in this volume, the editors and contributors also examine the key figures and events that shaped Catholic education and Catholic schools in Scotland. Focusing on such diverse themes as lay female teachers and non-formal learning, this volume illuminates many under-researched and neglected aspects of Catholic schooling in Scotland. This wide-ranging edited collection will illuminate fresh historical insights that do not focus exclusively on Catholic schooling, but are also relevant to the wider Scottish educational community. It will appeal to students and scholars of Catholic schooling, schooling in Scotland, as well as Christian schooling more generally.

The History of Catholic Intellectual Life in Scotland, 1918-1965

by Clifford Williamson

Thisbook offers an innovative approach to the character of the intellectual life ofCatholics in Scotland. It looks at Catholic attempts to fight the appeal ofcommunism amongst the working classes in interwar Scotland, it analysesdevelopments in the devotional life of Scottish Catholics and it discusses theunique theological contribution made by Scottish clerics. Chapters also explorethe increasing presence of Catholics in Scotland in higher education and theirrole in shaping change within the Catholic Church. Finally, readers will havethe opportunity to learn more about the previously under-researched CatholicIntelligentsia, and the debate within it on the place of Catholicism in thehistory of Scotland. The History ofCatholic Intellectual Life in Scotland, 1918-1965 presents the domestic context of thechanging character of Scottish Catholicism, as well as the context of changes inEuropean Catholicism.

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