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Showing 33,276 through 33,300 of 82,519 results

La Historia para principiantes: Historias bíblicas ilustradas

by Karen Davis Hill Max Lucado Randy Frazee

¡La Historia para niños no es solo otra colección de historias bíblicas. La Historia muestra un panorama del enorme amor de Dios por sus hijos! Presentado por el pastor y autor de éxitos de ventas Max Lucado, con Randy Frazee y Karen Hill, estas 48 historias muestran cómo Dios tiene una visión grandiosa y gloriosa, empezando con la creación y terminando con la promesa que Jesús regresaría. Cada historia está personalizada con el mensaje de Dios, y acompañada por ilustraciones vibrantes del consumado artista Fausto Bianchi, los cuales ayudan a darle vida a la Biblia para lectores jóvenes y adultos.

La Historia, teen edition: La Biblia en un relato ininterrumpido acerca de Dios y su pueblo

by Max Lucado Randy Frazee

«La historia más grande jamás contada» es más que un cliché. Dios ha hecho todo lo posible por rescatar al perdido y a las personas heridas. Por eso es que La Historia para adolescentes es en su totalidad la historia de la Biblia, la gran historia de amor de Dios con la humanidad. Condensada en 31 capítulos accesibles, La Historia para adolescentes te cautiva en el desarrollo y la progresión de los personajes y sucesos de la Biblia desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis. El usar el lenguaje claro, preciso y fácil de entender de la Nueva Versión Internacional, permite que las historias, los poemas y las enseñanzas de la Biblia se lean como una novela. Y como cualquier otra excelente historia, está llena de intriga, drama, conflicto, romance y redención.

Historias bíblicas clásicas

by Rhona Davies

¡Celebre lo mejor de la Biblia con historias y dibujos!La Biblia está llena de historias que han capturado la imaginación de generaciones de lectores y ha sido la fuente de inspiración para muchos. se eligieron las historias clásicas de la Biblia más conocidas y más amadas de todos y las ilustraron con estilo dinámico y contemporáneo para hacerlas accesibles para los lectores de hoy.

Historias Bíblicas de Jesús para niños: Cada historia susurra su nombre

by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Historias Bíblicas de Jesús para niños, relata todo lo que hay detrás de cada una de las historias de la Biblia. Se necesita de toda la Biblia para contar las mismas. En el centro de la historia hay un bebé, el Niño de quien depende todo. Desde Noé a Moisés, al rey David, toda la historia dice el nombre de Jesús. Él es la pieza que falta en el rompecabezas; la pieza que hace que todos las demás encajen unas con otras. Hermosamente escrita e ilustrada, invita a los niños a descubrir por ellos mismos que Jesús está en el centro del gran relato divino de salvación; y en el centro de sus propios relatos también.

Historias de ángeles: ¿Alguna vez ha hospedado ángeles sin saberlo?

by Jonathan Nixon

Algunos de ustedes sin saberlo, hospedaron ángeles (Hebreos 13:02) ¿Los ángeles existen realmente? ¿Cuál es su propósito ? ¿Interactúan con nosotros? ¿Nos están protegiendo en este momento? Adaptado del largometraje documental, Historias de ángeles responde estas preguntas y más a través de una colección de conversaciones personales, uno a uno, con importantes líderes cristianos proféticos. Estos poderosos relatos esclarecedores presentan el caso de la existencia de los ángeles, exploran su propósito y le dan una mirada bíblica al interior de este tema fascinante. Los colaboradores incluyen a: John Paul Jackson - "Viajé en autoestop con un ángel" Randy Clark - "Lo sobrenatural es real" Joshua Mills - "Ver a los ángeles a través de los ojos de un niño Shawn Bolz - "Un ángel con un traje blanco"

Historias de la Biblia para antes de dormir (Five-Minute Bedtime Bible Stories)

by Amy Parker

These twelve popular Bible stories are perfect for bedtime!FIVE-MINUTE BEDTIME BIBLE STORIES presents twelve of the most popular Bible stories retold in condensed versions to introduce children to the Bible. The large font size and colorful illustrations on every page are perfect for young readers! The featured stories tell the tales of the Garden of Eden, Noah's Ark, Moses, David and Goliath, Esther, Daniel and the lions, the nativity, as well as many well-known New Testament stories. This book has been officially vetted by the American Bible Society. It also includes a soft, padded cover, a ribbon bookmark, and foil on the cover and spine!HISTORIAS DE LA BIBLIA PARA ANTES DE DORMIR ofrece doce famosas historias de la Biblia acortadas para niños. Las historias cuentan los relatos del Jardín del Edén, el Arca de Noé, David y Goliat, así como algunos otros que aparecen en el Nuevo Testamento. El texto ha sido revisado y aprobado por la Sociedad Bíblica Americana.

Historias de la Biblia para los Pequenitos

by Apryl Stott Genny Monchamp

Veinte historias de la Biblia presentan a los pequeñitos de 1-4 años la Palabra de Dios en formato atractivo. Cada historia está acompañada por elementos interactivos que permiten a los niños participar en su experiencia de lectura, fomentan comprensión, y estimulan y refuerzan habilidades cognitivas básicas.

Historias que alimentan tu alma

by Tony Campolo

NUEVAS HISTORIAS CAUTIVANTES DEL MAESTRO DE LA NARRACIÓN Una de las mejores maneras de contar el relato grandioso del evangelio es mediante los sucesos de la vida diaria donde Dios está obrando… tal como Jesús lo hizo durante su ministerio terrenal. En este libro usted podrá ver el evangelio de una forma práctica alrededor del mundo, tanto en las narraciones de sus viajes internacionales como en las anécdotas de sus amistades que es autor transmite a través de todas estas historias que alimentarán tu alma. Estos relatos inspiradores se centran en ocho temas del evangelio: • Intimidad con Dios • Libertad de la condenación • Nueva vida en Cristo • Cómo orar en el Espíritu • El llamado a rescatar la creación • Cómo vivir con esperanza • Los planes de Dios para nosotros • La seguridad que necesitamos de Dios Estas historias humorísticas y a veces conmovedoras, son un eco inolvidable de Dos obrando alrededor de nosotros, y en nosotros.

Historic Engagements with Occidental Cultures, Religions, Powers

by Anne R. Richards Iraj Omidvar

This book explores centuries of power relations and imperial and civilizing rhetorics, overarching themes highlighted in these infrequently heard accounts by eastern travelers to the West. Considered in depth are evolutions in mental frameworks and practices that led to the emergence of anticolonial consciousness and strategies of protest.

Historic Florida Churches

by Joy Sheffield Harris

Author Joy Sheffield Harris guides readers on an architectural tour through the religious diversity of the Sunshine State . Over 200 years have passed since the first Florida church was established and today the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine has been restored to capture its original beauty. Pioneer Village Church at Shingle Creek is home to a replica of one the first churches built in the Kissimmee, the St. John's Episcopal Church. The former St. Paul's By-The-Sea is now the deconsecrated Beaches Chapel at The Beaches Museum and History Park in Jacksonville Beach. Travel throughout the state or enjoy the beauty of these and many more churches without leaving home.

Historic Haunts Around Denver (Haunted America)

by Kevin Pharris

The author of The Haunted Heart of Denver goes beyond the city limits to investigate the supernatural surroundings of Colorado&’s capital. In Denver, the spirits aren&’t just penned to the city center. No, even the suburbs and outlying cities have the kind of history that could give quite a fright to the unsuspecting. Folks might be surprised to learn that a house in northwest Denver comes fully equipped with a basement theater—and spectral performers as well—and former phantom residents still roam their old homestead in what is now an Adams County open space. From Westminster&’s Bowles House Museum, where even the ghosts were involved in renovations, to Littleton&’s Melting Pot restaurant, a former Carnegie library that offers diners a side of the supernatural, accidental ghost hunter Kevin Pharris explores further tales of supernatural haunts and unexplained phenomena surrounding the Mile High City. Includes photos!

Historic Haunts of Long Island: Ghosts and Legends from the Gold Coast to Montauk Point (Haunted America)

by Kerriann Flanagan Brosky

Take a ghostly journey through Long Island&’s history—photos included! Ghosts lurk at the Execution Rocks Lighthouse, where Revolutionary War Patriots were brutally tortured and killed by the British during the Battle of Long Island. Popular gathering places have otherworldly tenants, including Bayport&’s Grey Horse Tavern and the Cutchogue Village Green, where several old buildings—and their former inhabitants—are preserved. Long Island&’s history, dating all the way back to its Native American legends, is unearthed and preserved through its ghost stories and the spirits that have made their presence known. Through extensive research, interviews, and investigations, award-winning author and historian Kerriann Flanagan Brosky, alongside medium and paranormal investigator Joe Giaquinto, uncovers Long Island's eerie history.

Historic Haunts of Savannah (Haunted America)

by Michael Harris Linda Sickler

Georgia&’s oldest city plays hostess to a bevy of ghostly guests whose stories are wrapped up in its rich southern history. As one of America&’s most haunted cities, Savannah, Georgia, has a long list of stories of the supernatural, such as the story of the first two people hanged in colonial Savannah for the murder of their abusive master. Or James Stark, a tempestuous planter, and Dr. Philip Minis, who settled their dispute with a duel and still hang around the old building at Moon River Brewing Co. Or the terrifying &“boy-giant,&” Rene Rhondolia, who preys on young girls and animals. Join authors Michael Harris and Linda Sickler as they navigate the chilling world of those who refuse to leave their Savannah homes. Includes photos! &“Story-loving Sickler and research-savvy Harris dug behind the ghost stories of what&’s called one of America&’s most haunted cities.&” —Savannah Now

Historic Haunts of the Long Beach Peninsula (Haunted America)

by Sydney Stevens

The towns and scenic byways of the Long Beach Peninsula attract more than just tourists, and from Oysterville to Ilwaco, ghostly tales abound. In Seaview, the Lamplighter hosts a multitude of spirits, including Lily, a murdered barmaid, while at the nearby Shelburne Inn, many guests have reported a ghostly presence that has yet to be identified. Mysterious footsteps can be heard on the stairs of the George Johnson house in Ocean Park, and a man holding a baby is rumored to appear at the Old Ilwaco Hospital. Join author and historian Sydney Stevens as she uncovers the spooky side of these beloved seaside towns.

Historic Richmond Churches & Synagogues

by Walter S. Griggs Jr. Robert Diller

Richmond’s historic houses of worship cannot be separated from the city’s storied past. A young Patrick Henry sparked a revolution with his “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech inside St. John’s Episcopal Church on Church Hill. Congregation Beth Ahabah, with its awe-inspiring windows and adjoining museum, is one of the oldest and most revered synagogues in the country. An interstate highway was moved to save the Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church, where John Jasper asserted, “De Sun do move,” in the most famous sermon ever preached in the city. Beloved local author Walter Griggs Jr. tells the compelling history of Richmond’s most holy places.

The Historical and Cultural Context of Liangzhu: Redefining a Relationship of Equals between Human Beings and Nature (Liangzhu Civilization)

by Ningyuan Wang

This book clarifies the advent of Liangzhu Culture and analyses the morphology, structure and internal social organization of grass-root settlements, medium-size settlements and the ancient city of Liangzhu, as well as the religious beliefs, ideology and power mechanisms represented by jade. Further, the book explains how the low-lying location and humid environment in the water-net plain area prompted the creation of man-made platforms or pillars, forming small and densely settled residential areas, and ultimately the water villages of southern China. Developments between man and nature accelerated the process of civilization, leading to the polarization of social classes and pyramid-shaped residential structures containing cities, towns and villages. Offering unique insights into the social vitality and structure of Liangzhu society, the book is one of the most important academic works on interpreting the origins of Liangzhu Civilization and investigating Chinese Civilization.

Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Hope

by Steven C. van den Heuvel

This open access volume makes an important contribution to the ongoing research on hope theory by combining insights from both its long history and its increasing multi-disciplinarity. In the first part, it recognizes the importance of the centuries-old reflection on hope by offering historical perspectives and tracing it back to ancient Greek philosophy. At the same time, it provides novel perspectives on often-overlooked historical theories and developments and challenges established views. The second part of the volume documents the state of the art of current research in hope across eight disciplines, which are philosophy, theology, psychology, economy, sociology, health studies, ecology, and development studies. Taken together, this volume provides an integrated view on hope as a multi-faced phenomenon. It contributes to the further understanding of hope as an essential human capacity, with the possibility of transforming our human societies.

A Historical and Theological Investigation of John's Gospel

by Kirk R. MacGregor

This book provides original and controversial contributions into specific areas of Johannine studies, along with defenses of various traditional theological interpretations of John that are commonly overlooked in New Testament scholarship. Kirk R. MacGregor offers new insights into the authorship of the Fourth Gospel, the content of the underlying Signs Source, the meaning of the phrases “believe in him” and “believe in his name,” Jesus’ claim that Abraham saw his day, the significance of John 14.6, and why the resurrected Jesus upbraided Thomas. MacGregor employs the doctrine of middle knowledge to reconcile the seemingly paradoxical Johannine claims of divine predestination, genuine human freedom, and the universal divine salvific will. He defends the ontological equality but functional subordination of the Johannine Jesus to God the Father as well as the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit as presented by the Gospel of John.

Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples

by R Roolvink

Originally published in 1957. Within the compact range of fifty-six maps, this atlas depicts clearly and concisely the expansion of Islam outwards from the Arabian Peninsula and outlines the rise and decline of the various Muslim states and dynasties over a territory stretching from Spain to China. Maps have also been devoted to trade products and routes, both in the heartland of Islam and in the basins of the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. This volume represents a series of maps which together present a full survey of the history of Islam in time and space.

The Historical Books

by L. Thomas Holdcroft

It deals with the twelve books of the Bible from Joshua through Esther, and is intended as a textbook, a commentary, a reference source, or a study manual.

The Historical Books: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series (Interpreting Biblical Texts)

by Richard D. Nelson

In The Historical Books, Richard D. Nelson introduces neophyte readers to the basic concepts of history and historical writing and provides a simple framework of events and periods that can be used to situate historical data reported in texts or presupposed by them. Standard interpretive methods are accessibly explained and illustrated by consistent reference to 2 Samuel 24. The focus of discussion moves from the narrow level of individual pericope to larger units of meaning. Because the ultimate goal is to expose the claims made on the reader by these biblical texts and to help the reader make sense of these claims, the interpretive spotlight rests on the present interaction of text and reader rather than on the past.

The Historical David: The Real Life of an Invented Hero

by Joel Baden

Joel Baden, a leading expert on the Old Testament, offers a controversial look at the history of King David, the founder of the nation of Israel whose bloodline leads to Jesus, challenging prevailing popular beliefs about his legend in The Historical David.Baden makes clear that the biblical account of David is an attempt to shape the events of his life politically and theologically. Going beyond the biblical bias, he explores the events that lie behind the David story, events that are grounded in the context of the ancient Near East and continue to inform modern Israel.The Historical David exposes an ambitious, ruthless, flesh-and-blood man who achieved power by any means necessary, including murder, theft, bribery, sex, deceit, and treason. As Baden makes clear, the historical David stands in opposition not only to the virtuous and heroic legends, but to our very own self-definition as David’s national and religious descendants.Provocative and enlightening, The Historical David provides the lost truth about David and poses a challenge to us: how do we come to terms with the reality of a celebrated hero who was, in fact, similar to the ambitious power-players of his day?

Historical Fictions and Hellenistic Jewish Identity: Third Maccabees in Its Cultural Context

by Sara Raup Johnson

This book investigates the creation of historical fictions in a wide range of Hellenistic Jewish texts. Surveying Jewish novels, she demonstrates that the use of historical fiction in these texts does not constitute a uniform genre. Instead it cuts across all boundaries of language, provenance, genre, and even purpose.

The Historical Figure of Jesus

by E. Sanders

A biography of the historical figure of Jesus. The book studies the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, distinguishing the certain from the improbable, and assessing the historical and religious context of Christ's time. The spread of Christianity is also discussed.

The Historical Figure Of Jesus

by E. P. Sanders E. Sanders

A biography of the historical figure of Jesus. The book studies the relationship between Judaism and Christianity, distinguishing the certain from the improbable, and assessing the historical and religious context of Christ's time. The spread of Christianity is also discussed.

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