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Holy Imagination: A Literary And Theological Introduction To The Whole Bible

by Judy Fentress-Williams

The many voices in scripture form a dialogue with readers, which produce theological truths that are larger than the individual parts. This introduction is informed by both literary theory and theology. It groups sections of the whole Bible together by genre. Each section identifies and describes the genre (such as historiography, poetry, prophecy, gospel, letter, apocalypse), and then moves into a discussion about the literary characteristics and theological insights. The words of scripture not only come a long way to find us but like a poem must be read with attention. Poetry doesn’t yield meaning easily, and it doesn’t promise to make sense. We know to look past the words on the page and find the images, tropes, sounds, and metaphors that are meaning-full. This type of writing invites, rather demands, the imagination. We must accept that we will only get so close, but that this is close enough. Our imagination spans the gaps left by sparse language and incomplete narratives. We return again and again, with more information and perhaps more experiences. The words are the same, but we are not; and for that reason there are always new discoveries. “At last, an introduction that students will enjoy reading, because it is at once engaging, informative, and eye-opening, as well as completely lucid. Fentress Williams shows how many books of the Bible reflect the experience of marginalized persons and communities in precarious situations, and therefore how they speak in ways both realistic and encouraging to contemporary readers. Do your students and yourself a favor: adopt this text and get ready for serious conversation about ancient texts that never go out of date.” – Ellen F. Davis, Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology, Duke Divinity School

Holy in Christ

by Andrew Murray

In writing this little book, Andrew Murray's object has been to discover in what sense God uses the word, so that it may mean to us what it means to Him. He traces the word through some of the most important passages of Holy Scripture where it occurs, there to learn what God's holiness is, what ours is to be, and what the way by which we attain it. Written in 1887, this timeless book presents us with a hope that God stir us all to cry day and night to Him for a visitation of the Spirit and the Power of Holiness upon all His people, that every believer be a vessel made holy and meet for the Master's use.

Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life

by Ginger Harrington

<P>Enjoying life (zoe) in Christ comes in the choices we make moment-by-moment. Ginger Harrington invites women to discover how intentional choices made in the moment can become holy habits. With a refreshing perspective, she shows that holiness isn’t a rigid standard to keep but a gift to receive through a vital relationship with God, who makes us whole. <P>Holy in the Moment explores the practical power of choices to grow in holiness without the pressure of perfectionism. Through gentle encouragement, biblical insights, and applicable ideas learn to discern feelings and overcome distractions and shame, adapt God’s equation for obedience, live a praying life, discover methods for practicing holiness in parenting and the importance of rest, embrace biblical love and forgiveness, and understand how work becomes holy. <P>Re-energize faith with simple choices to love God, embrace truth, and enjoy every moment of life with practical ways to be holy by choosing to trust God, rely on his wisdom, and live from his resources.

Holy Is the Day: Living in the Gift of the Present

by Carolyn Weber

Holy Is the Day

Holy Is the Lord (Expanded Edition)

by Jim Cowan

Holy is the Lord: Into Thy Presence (Vol 1), Lord, Draw Me Nearer (Vol 2), I Worship You (Vol 3), With All My Heart (Vol 4), Forever to Reign (Vol 5), In This Upper Room (Vol 6). Millennium III: Walk on Water (Vol 1), Awesome God (Vol 2), The Days of Elijah (Vol 3), I'm Trading My Sorrows (Vol 4), Jesus Lifted High (Vol 5)

The Holy Koran: An Introduction with Selections

by A.J. Arberry

Despite being revered as the Holy Book by Muslims throughout the world, the Koran is the least known and least understood in the West of all the great religious books. In this volume A J Arberry examines this paradox and explains the qualities of the Koran which have made it acceptable to so many people. The selections have been chosen and arranged to illustrate the religious and ethical message of the Koran.

The Holy Land: Contemporary Visions and Scriptures

by Ithamar Handelman Smith

A collection of photographic and written essays about the place some have described as the most fought-over parcel of land in human history. Contemporary Visions and Scriptures seeks dialogue with the ancient lands and modern visions of the people who inhabit these sacred spaces, and the burgeoning contradictions of their daily lives, furthermore it attempts to address and liberate a complex, profound relationship between man and territory since the beginning of time, and nowhere is this dynamic more prescient than in the Holy Land.

The Holy Land and the Early Modern Reinvention of Catholicism

by Megan C. Armstrong

A shared biblical past has long imbued the Holy Land with special authority as well as a mythic character that has made the region not only the spiritual home for Muslims, Christians, and Jews, but also a source of a living sacred history that informs contemporary realities and religious identities. This book explores the Holy Land as a critical site in which early modern Catholics sought spiritual and political legitimacy during a period of profound and disruptive change. The Ottoman conquest of the region, the division of the Western Church, Catholic reform, the integration of the Mediterranean into global trading networks, and the emergence of new imperial rivalries transformed the Custody of the Holy Land, the venerable Catholic institution that had overseen Western pilgrimage since 1342, into a site of intense intra-Christian conflict by 1517. This contestation underscored the Holy Land's importance as a frontier and center of an embattled Catholic tradition.

The Holy Land Key

by Genevieve Gillespie Ray Bentley

Don't Just Read Prophecy. Step into Its Fulfillment. The study of prophecy inspires elaborate timelines and speculation about which world leader might rise to power in the last days. But meanwhile, it's far too easy to miss the significant prophetic signs contained in stories of biblical characters, in God's creation, and in the lives and actions of today's Israelis and Palestinians. The Holy Land Key opens our eyes to little-known aspects of prophecy, including: · God's master plan revealed in the seven Feasts of the Lord · The ingathering of God's people, and the ways Israelis are hearing from God today · Significant prophetic patterns discovered in the lunar cycle · Awe-inspiring testimonies to God's glory spelled out in the night sky · Glimpses of God's future kingdom revealed in the stories of well-known figures from Scripture For decades, author and pastor Ray Bentley has partnered with God's people in Israel, including Judea and Samaria, the area known as the West Bank. There, he witnesses the fulfillment of prophecy firsthand. This is your introduction to prophetic signs that God reveals in sometimes unexpected ways. He does not want us to miss the work he is doing to usher in the coming Kingdom.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Holy Lands: Reviving Pluralism in the Middle East

by Nicolas Pelham

When the Ottoman Empire fell apart, colonial powers drew straight lines on the map to create a new region - the Middle East - made up of new countries filled with multiple religious sects and ethnicities. Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, for example, all contained a kaleidoscope of Sunnis, Kurds, Shias, Circassians, Druze and Armenians. Israel was the first to establish a state in which one sect and ethnicity dominated others. Sixty years later, others are following suit, like the Kurds in northern Iraq, the Sunnis with ISIS, the Alawites in Syria, and the Shias in Baghdad and northern Yemen.The rise of irredentist states threatens to condemn the region to decades of conflict along new communal fault lines. In this book, Economist correspondent and New York Review of Books contributor Nicolas Pelham looks at how and why the world's most tolerant region degenerated into its least tolerant. Pelham reports from cities in Israel, Kurdistan, Iraq and Syria on how triumphant sects treat their ethnic and sectarian minorities, and he searches for hope - for a possible path back to the beauty that the region used to and can still radiate.

Holy Life: Living in Purity and Obedience to God

by L Santos

"You can 'accept Jesus' all you want, but Romans 6:16 teaches us that if you keep on sinning and do not turn to God wholeheartedly, it leads to death," writes author L. Santos. In Holy Life, Santos passionately dismisses the widely-held misconception that being a Christian requires little or no effort on our part, while explaining that the Christian life should flow from a heart full of love, not lived by a set of rules. Relevant for new believers and Christians seeking to renew their commitment to living their lives for the Lord, Holy Life takes the guesswork out of finding the answers to pivotal questions like, How is a true believer to act, behave, and think in this world? How should I live my life to prove to God that I have repented of my sins and turned to Him?

Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction

by Margaret Guenther

Guenther uses the images of the spiritual director as host, teacher, and midwife to describe the ministry of spiritual direction today. She pays particular attention to spiritual direction for women, and addresses such down-to-earth questions as setting, time, and privacy. The stories of real people bring the practice of spiritual direction alive.<P><P> “In the pages that follow, I will attempt to describe the shape that spiritual direction might take for people of our time, aware that the subject is an elusive one. I am speaking to the beginner, those persons lay or ordained, with or without formal theological training, who find themselves drawn to this ministry. Perhaps they feel the stirring of their own unacknowledged gifts. Or perhaps they wonder about receiving direction, whether it is a ministry available to ‘ordinary people' or reserved for the especially holy. I hope some dark corners will be illuminated and some questions answered.”

Holy Living: Spiritual Practices of Building a Life of Faith (Holy Living)

by Paul W. Chilcote

"While physical training has some value, training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come." ~ 1 Timothy 4:8 Christians crave a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. Spiritual disciplines are activities and practices that guide you in your daily walk through life bringing you closer to Christ. They also help you to make a difference in our world. Practicing these spiritual disciplines opens you to God's transforming love and help you experience Holy Living. Confession may be good for the soul, as the saying goes, but most people give little thought to its practice, at least on a daily basis. Like prayer, a person’s needs tend to trigger a confessional response. As a result, we often have a limited understanding of the true nature of the practice. Confession is so much more than a call to apologize, though that is an integral part. Confession is fundamentally relational, providing the opportunity to experience a much fuller relationship with God. This book provides opportunities both to examine and to practice the many forms that confession takes. It begins by looking at our confession of faith (not sins) and what we affirm about the nature and purposes of God. From there it moves to exploration and practices of individual confession, mutual confession, and worship, which provides one of the most significant contexts for the people of God to confess their sin before God and one another. This is one of series of eight books. Each book in this series introduces a spiritual practice, suggests way of living the practice daily, and provides opportunities to grow personally and in a faith community with others who engage with the practice. Each book consists of an introduction and four chapters and includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion. Other disciplines studied: Celebration, Discernment, Neighboring, Simplicity, Study, and Worship.

Holy Living: Spiritual Practices for Building a Life of Faith (Holy Living)

by Wendy J. Miller

"While physical training has some value, training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come." ~ 1 Timothy 4:8 Christians crave a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. Spiritual disciplines are activities and practices that guide you in your daily walk through life bringing you closer to Christ. They also help you to make a difference in our world. Practicing these spiritual disciplines opens you to God's transforming love and help you experience Holy Living. At its core, the spiritual practice of simplicity enables us to eliminate from our lives all the things—both material possessions and thoughts, habits, and attitudes—that distract us from God so that God has complete freedom to work in and through us. Simplicity brings freedom, balance, and perspective to our lives and enables us to align our priorities with the priorities of God. It reorients us and allows us to be open to the present moment. Developing the spiritual practice of simplicity is key to a healthy, vibrant relationship with God and others. This book helps us know how to begin and implement this practice. This is one of series of eight books. Each book in this series introduces a spiritual practice, suggests way of living the practice daily, and provides opportunities to grow personally and in a faith community with others who engage with the practice. Each book consists of an introduction and four chapters and includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion. Other disciplines studied: Celebration, Confession, Discernment, Neighboring, Study, and Worship.

Holy Living: Spiritual Practices for Building a Life of Faith (Holy Living)

by K. Kale Yu

"While physical training has some value, training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come." (1 Timothy 4:8 CEB) Christians crave a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. The spiritual disciplines are historical practices that can guide us in our daily walk, bringing us closer to Christ. The Holy Living series brings a fresh perspective on the spiritual disciplines, enabling us to apply their practices to our current lives. Practicing these spiritual disciplines opens us to God's transforming love. In order to fully embrace study as a spiritual practice, we must first rid ourselves of the idea that study is a boring, dull, and unimaginative exercise. Study as a spiritual practice is, in fact, just the opposite: exciting, stimulating, and imaginative. It is a way to encounter and experience the living God; examine and discover more of ourselves in relation to God; and deepen our faith in God. It helps ground us in what God thinks and helps us reorder our priorities. It enlivens and energizes our faith. Study fills us with God’s words, and the more we study, the more of God’s words fill our hearts and minds and inform our thoughts, words, and actions. This book challenges our preconceptions of study and offers practical steps on how to develop the habit of study. This is one of series of eight books. Each book in this series introduces a spiritual practice, suggests way of living the practice daily, and provides opportunities to grow personally and in a faith community with others who engage with the practice. Each book consists of an introduction and four chapters and includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion. Other disciplines studied: Celebration, Confession, Discernment, Neighboring, Prayer, Simplicity, and Worship.

Holy Living Series: Spiritual Practices for Building a Life of Faith (Holy Living)

by Jorge Acevedo

"While physical training has some value, training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come." (1 Timothy 4:8 CEB) Christians crave a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. The spiritual disciplines are historical practices that can guide us in our daily walk, bringing us closer to Christ. The Holy Living series brings a fresh perspective on the spiritual disciplines, enabling us to apply their practices to our current lives. Practicing these spiritual disciplines opens us to God's transforming love. Both the Old and New Testaments call the people of God to love God completely as well as to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Jesus told his followers these were the greatest commandments. What if by "neighbor," Jesus literally meant the precious people who live in your neighborhoods? What if by "neighbor," Jesus meant all of your neighbors, regardless of age, socioeconomic status, or any other potentially divisive designation? This book first defines what is meant by the spiritual practice of "neighboring" and then looks at ways we can live into neighboring as a spiritual practice in our own lives and in the lives of our churches and communities. This is one of series of eight books. Each book in this series introduces a spiritual practice, suggests way of living the practice daily, and provides opportunities to grow personally and in a faith community with others who engage with the practice. Each book consists of an introduction and four chapters and includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion. Other disciplines studied: Celebration, Confession, Discernment, Prayer, Simplicity, Study, and Worship.

Holy Living Series: Spiritual Practices for Building a Life of Faith (Holy Living)

by Ray Buckley

"While physical training has some value, training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come." (1 Timothy 4:8 CEB) Christians crave a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. The spiritual disciplines are historical practices that can guide us in our daily walk, bringing us closer to Christ. The Holy Living series brings a fresh perspective on the spiritual disciplines, enabling us to apply their practices to our current lives. Practicing these spiritual disciplines opens us to God's transforming love. Prayer has always been a central component in the life of a Christian. For many people, prayer is as natural as breathing; for others, it's a challenging task. No matter your comfort level or experience with prayer, this book will help you explore the purpose of prayer, the nature of prayer, and the results of a life of prayer. It leads you to be open to the transformation prayer can bring to your life and helps you better engage in prayer both individually and with others. This is one of series of eight books. Each book in this series introduces a spiritual practice, suggests way of living the practice daily, and provides opportunities to grow personally and in a faith community with others who engage with the practice. Each book consists of an introduction and four chapters and includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion. Other disciplines studied: Celebration, Confession, Discernment, Neighboring, Prayer, Simplicity, Study, and Worship.

Holy Living Series: Spiritual Practices for Building a Life of Faith (Holy Living)

by Estock, Beth A.

"While physical training has some value, training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come." (1 Timothy 4:8 CEB) Christians crave a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. The spiritual disciplines are historical practices that can guide us in our daily walk, bringing us closer to Christ. The Holy Living series brings a fresh perspective on the spiritual disciplines, enabling us to apply their practices to our current lives. Practicing these spiritual disciplines opens us to God's transforming love. Many believers are familiar with the fruits of the Spirit Paul wrote about in his letter to the Galatians: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Discernment is a contemplative practice that opens us to these gifts. It offers us the capacity to see more clearly and touch the depth of our holy existence here on earth. This book introduces us to this ancient practice and helps us discover how practicing it can lead us to moments in which we sense meaning and purpose in our lives by desiring what God desires and embodying the love that is God. This is one of series of eight books. Each book in this series introduces a spiritual practice, suggests way of living the practice daily, and provides opportunities to grow personally and in a faith community with others who engage with the practice. Each book consists of an introduction and four chapters and includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion. Other disciplines studied: Celebration, Confession, Neighboring, Prayer, Simplicity, Study, and Worship.

Holy Living Series: Spiritual Practices for Building a Life of Faith (Holy Living)

by Matthew E. Johnson

"While physical training has some value, training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come." (1 Timothy 4:8 CEB) Christians crave a deeper, more intimate relationship with God. The spiritual disciplines are historical practices that can guide us in our daily walk, bringing us closer to Christ. The Holy Living series brings a fresh perspective on the spiritual disciplines, enabling us to apply their practices to our current lives. Practicing these spiritual disciplines opens us to God's transforming love. So often we equate the spiritual practice of worship with the hour-long worship service we attend each week (or each month). But what happens when we no longer consider worship something we do, but a way we live? When we break the concept of worship outside the walls of a sanctuary, we find new energy for living a "Godward" life, a life of turning toward God for guidance moment by moment, day by day. Such a life is fuel for genuine worship. Living a Godward life opens us up to God's transforming love and enables us to engage in practices of worship in locations and situations we never dreamed of before. This is one of series of eight books. Each book in this series introduces a spiritual practice, suggests way of living the practice daily, and provides opportunities to grow personally and in a faith community with others who engage with the practice. Each book consists of an introduction and four chapters and includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion. Other disciplines studied: Celebration, Confession, Discernment, Neighboring, Prayer, Simplicity, and Study.

The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality

by Ronald Rolheiser

Rolheiser does not assume that the reader is conversant with the language of the Church, nor does he insult the reader's intelligence. He presents the aspects of faith in God in a readable of friendly way. He covers the mysteries, the elements of worship, and the average person's struggles to be churched in a straightforward manner. This is a must read for those who want to make converts and for those who think they might want to be converted. Although the author's perspective is Roman Catholic, his explanations are useful in any nondenominational or denominational setting.

The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality

by Ronald Rolheiser

Ronald Rolheiser makes sense of what is frequently a misunderstood word: spirituality. In posing the question "What is spirituality?" Father Rolheiser gets quickly to the heart of common difficulties with the subject, and shows through compelling anecdotes and personal examples how to channel that restlessness, that deep desire, into a healthy spirituality.This book is for those searching to understand what Christian spirituality means and how to apply it to their own lives. Rolheiser explains the nonnegotiables--the importance of community worship, the imperatives surrounding social action, the centrality of the Incarnation, the sustenance of the spiritual life--and how spirituality necessarily impacts every aspect of human experience. At the core of this readable, deeply revealing book is an explanation of God and the Church in a world that more often than not doubts the credibility of both.From the Hardcover edition.

Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality

by Steve Harper

Do conservatives or progressives “own” the teachings about what the Bible says about human sexuality and marriage? For some—perhaps a vocal minority—the question is no longer up for debate or discussion: conservatives win. For others, the issues are not that simple. A fresh, rigorous, but yet concise, theological examination of the Bible’s teachings is required. There are other ways to interpret scripture faithfully with respect to sexuality other than the conservative interpretation. In Holy Love, Steve Harper strives to articulate the truth about the teachings of the Bible and Wesleyan tradition on human sexuality. This very accessible book is intended for church leaders, small groups, and those interested in understanding the Bible’s teaching on this fundamental component of human life, experience and relationships. The book will help church leaders and small groups make the constructive case that biblical, Christian teaching is compatible with faithful, covenantal love and intimacy amidst all sexual orientations.

Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships

by Elisa Romeo Adam Foley

We can’t live as soul mates if we don’t know ourselves as souls Both visionary and practical, Holy Love offers a groundbreaking method to ignite profound self-growth and create fulfilling relationships. Weaving together elements of psychology and spirituality, this manual will help you build authentic intimacy by connecting to a wellspring of wisdom and insight — your Soul. This method activates intuition, empowering us to navigate common relationship issues that can otherwise trap us in an endless cycle of misunderstanding and separation. These techniques clarify and heal conflict in all relationships: marriages, short-term romances, friendships, and those with children and even acquaintances. In this sacred undertaking, instead of giving or receiving love, we become love.

Holy Luck

by Eugene H. Peterson

Throughout his many years of pastoral ministry, almost everything Eugene Peterson has done -- preaching, teaching, praying, counseling, writing -- has involved words. To keep himself attuned to the power of words and to help himself use language with precision and imagination, Peterson both reads and writes poetry.Holy Luck presents, in one luminous volume, seventy poems by Peterson, most of them not previously published. Speaking to various aspects of “Kingdom of God” living, these poems are arranged in three sets:Holy Luck -- poems arising out of the BeatitudesThe Rustling Grass -- poems opening up invisible Kingdom realities through particular created thingsSmooth Stones -- occasional poems about discovering significance in every detail encountered while following JesusEchoing the language of Peterson’s popular Bible translation, The Message, the poems in Holy Luck are well suited for devotional purposes. An ideal gift item, this volume is one that readers will look to again and again.

Holy Luck: Selected Poems

by Eugene H. Peterson

The renowned Christian pastor and author of The Message and Run with Horses shares his spirituality in a very personal collection of poetry. Eugene H. Peterson had long been known as a pastor, professor, and provocateur. With his first-ever collection of verse, Peterson became known as a poet, too. Holy Luck emerged over many years, initially as individual poems sent to family, friends, and church congregations. Now, the translator of the bestselling Bible paraphrase The Message has collected his poems into three thematic sections of verses—on the Beatitudes, the kingdom of God in the ordinary, and following Jesus everyday—here released as one transcendent volume.

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