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Homeward My Heart (Daughters of Fortune Ser. #4)

by Judith Pella

The Sweeping Saga of the DAUGHTERS OF FORTUNE Comes to a Dramatic Completion. With World War II finally over, three sisters unite in a clandestine search for the half brother they’ve never known. The Allies have defeated Hitler, but the daughters of newspaper tycoon Keagan Hayes continue to suffer heartbreaking effects of the war. Cameron, on assignment in Nuremburg, Germany, is celebrating her one-year wedding anniversary--alone. Her husband, Alex, now a well-respected doctor and a war hero, is still not allowed to leave Russia. Blair and Gary are in Washington D.C., where Gary’s position in the state department requires Blair to hostess many political dignitaries. Though they are happily married, a deep sorrow overshadows their lives. Jackie, in California, is struggling to cope with widowhood as a single mother to little Emi and continues to feel the fallout-of prejudice for having married a Japanese American. Keagan has mellowed, thanks to his granddaughter, and his marriage is better than ever. But Cecilia is hiding a secret that threatens to tear down all they have built together. The Hayes Women Are Bound Together by More than their Family Name... JUDITH PELLA is a bestselling, award-winning author whose career spans nearly two decades. Her in-depth historical and geographical research combines with her skillful storytelling to provide readers with dramatic, thought-provoking novels. She and her husband make their home in Oregon.

The Homeward Trilogy Digital Bundle

by Lisa T. Bergren

Embark on a Western epic in the Homeward Trilogy.BREATHE: It's Colorado, 1883. A publishing heiress is on the brink of life and death. Her beautiful younger sister is called to the forbidden stage. Her brother and troubled guardian is raging inside. A veiled treasure map leads to a hidden silver mine while a threatening villain hovers in the shadows. And a hero is bent on saving his bride.SING: Moira St. Clair has done exactly what her father forbade her to do: chased her dreams to sing on the stage. But even as her star rises, she becomes more vulnerable to those who wish to use her--or bring her down....CLAIM: Dominic is seeking a peace that has always eluded him. Only as he mines an old claim deep in the Rocky Mountains and begins a romance with a local schoolteacher does he begin to understand how passionately he is loved--by God, his family, and a good woman. But even as he relinquishes his fury, Nic discovers there is one last battle to fight...

Homies and Hermanos: God and Gangs in Central America

by Robert Brenneman

Why would a gun-wielding, tattoo-bearing "homie" trade in la vida loca for a Bible and the buttoned-down lifestyle of an evangelical hermano (brother in Christ)? To answer this question, Robert Brenneman interviewed sixty-three former gang members from the "Northern Triangle" of Central America―Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras―most of whom left their gang for evangelicalism. <p><p> Unlike in the United States, membership in a Central American gang is hasta la morgue. But the most common exception to the "morgue rule" is that of conversion or regular participation in an evangelical church. Do gang members who weary of their dangerous lifestyle simply make a rational choice to opt for evangelical religion? Brenneman finds this is only partly the case, for many others report emotional conversions that came unexpectedly, when they found themselves overwhelmed by a sermon, a conversation, or a prayer service. An extensively researched and gritty account, Homies and Hermanos sheds light on the nature of youth violence, of religious conversion, and of evangelical churches in Central America.

The Homiletical Beat: Why All Sermons Are Narrative

by Eugene L. Lowry

Promoting the idea of sermon as narrative, Eugene Lowry's first book, The Homiletical Plot, became one of the most influential preaching books of the latter part of the 20th century. While the sermon as narrative has become conventional preaching wisdom, it is largely misunderstood. Sermons are, by definition, narratives and as such, they have plots. At the same time, the sermon is not a story. While similar in many ways, narratives and stories are distinct. Therefore, to think of narrative preaching as merely one of many homiletical styles is to misunderstand and reduce the nature of the sermon. The sermon is more than just an option for the preacher; rather, it is, by definition, a narrative because it happens in time, not in space. This changes everything because the sermon ceases to be something a preacher constructs, like a thesis or even a painting. Instead, it is more like a piece of music - something a preacher plays within intuitively, to a constant beat - time after time, week after week. In light of this revelation, what are new strategic aims for sermon preparation and delivery?

Homing (Grace Livingston Hill Series #29)

by Grace Livingston Hill

Jane Scarlet is alone. She has no family, no friends, and no home. Destitute, living in a dingy back room in a boardinghouse, Jane struggles to survive--and to find hope. Then, through a set of unexpected circumstances, she meets Audrey Havenner and gradually begins to believe that life isn't as grim as she had thought. But it isn't until she meets Audrey's handsome lawyer brother that Jane suddenly finds her life turned completely upside down!

Homonegativity and Religiously Motivated Political Extremism: A Study Based on World Values Survey Data from 88 Countries and Territories (SpringerBriefs in Political Science)

by Arno Tausch

This open access book describes the world’s increasingly multicultural societies face the problem that more and more diverse lifestyles (LGBTQIA+ communities) are not universally accepted, and that today, in addition to xenophobia, racism and anti-Semitism, there is substantial homonegativity. This book explores this issue, reviews the empirical literature on the subject and provides new empirically based evidence on a global and European scale. Based on an analysis of The World Values Survey using the statistical software SPSS, it provides a scientifically sound answer to the question of which social groups in Europe and around the globe are more homophobic and which are less, together with insights into the multivariate relationships between homonegativity and religiously motivated political extremism. The extensive and representative statistical samples allow cautious conclusions to be drawn for smaller religious groups in the European Union and other countries around the world.

Homophobia in the Hallways: Heterosexism and Transphobia in Canadian Catholic Schools

by Tonya D. Callaghan

Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ensures equality regarding sexual orientation and gender identity in Canada. Despite this, gay, lesbian, and gender-nonconforming teachers in publicly-funded Catholic schools in Ontario and Alberta are being fired for living lives that Church leaders claim run contrary to Catholic doctrine about non-heterosexuality; meanwhile, requests from students to establish Gay/Straight Alliances are often denied. In Homophobia in the Hallways, Tonya D. Callaghan interrogates institutionalized homophobia and transphobia in the publicly-funded Catholic school systems of Ontario and Alberta. Featuring twenty interviews with students and teachers who have faced overt discrimination in Catholic schools, the book blends theoretical inquiry and real-world case study, making Callaghan’s study a unique insight into religiously-inspired heterosexism and genderism. She uncovers the causes and effects of the long-standing disconnect between Canadian Catholic schools and the Charter by comparing the treatment of and attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer teachers and students in these publicly-funded systems.

La Homosexualidad: Dimensiones de las Ciencias Ocultas, la Salud y la Psicología

by Lilian G. Selvaggio Gabriel Agbo

¿La homosexualidad es buena o mala? ¿Cuál es el origen de esta preferencia sexual y sus implicancias en la sociedad?¿ Estaba esto en el plan original de Dios (naturaleza)?¿ Quién está en realidad detrás de ella y con qué propósito?¿ Son los gays y lesbianas verdaderamente seducidos y atrapados por fuerzas invisibles? ¿Y cuáles serán sus efectos sobre las generaciones actuales y por venir? ¿Cuáles son las opiniones del Cristianismo, el Islam, la religión tradicional, etc, sobre el tema?¿ Qué tan peligrosos son el Sexo Anal y Oral-algún riesgo para la salud?¿ Pueden producir cáncer anal y oral y otras diversas infecciones? ¿Es la homosexualidad una práctica ocultista? Todas estas preguntas y muchas otras son las que estaremos tratando de responder desde este libro. La relación homosexual no es nueva para la humanidad, pero por algún tiempo ha estado ahora en la conciencia global, especialmente con el apoyo sistemático dado a ella por los líderes occidentales bajo el disfraz de derechos humanos, derechos homosexuales, derechos de las minorías, movimientos de coalición, etc. De hecho, algunos de los líderes y sus organizaciones fantoche no solamente la predican sino que presionan a otras naciones para que la acepten y las promuevan. Prometen ayuda social, subsidios y otros tipos de asistencia para el desarrollo, como compensación. Por qué están tan obsesionados con esto y de quién es esta agenda? En este trabajo trataremos de resumir nuestras discusiones muy objetivas, en los siguientes electrizantes, iluminadores e informativos siete capítulos: La Rebelión Gay, En el Principio, La Dimensión de las Cs. Ocultas, Las Implicancias sobre la Salud, Los Efectos Psicológicos, Las Consecuencias Evitables y Qué Debemos Hacer? Estas discusiones son verdaderamente muy informativas, hechos que te ayudarán a tomar una valiosa decisión acerca de involucrarte o no en la homosexualidad. La decision será completamente tuya.<br

Homosexualidad y Juventud: Entendiendo y Respondiendo a La Realidad Homosexual (Especialidades Juveniles)

by Esteban Borghetti

SPANISH EDITION: Young people today have many questions and this book's purpose is to give intelligent, clear and Biblical answers to such a hot topic. Written for those who are searching for answers.

Homosexualité: Le Surnaturel, Santé et Dimensions Psychologiques

by Salma Gabriel Agbo

Is homosexuality good or evil? What is the origin of this sexual preference and its implications on the society? Was this in the original plan of God (nature)? Who is actually behind it and for what purpose? Are the gays and lesbians truly lured and trapped by unseen forces? And what will be its effect on the presence and coming generations? What are the views of Christianity, Islam, traditional religion, etc, on the issue? How dangerous are Anal and Oral sex – any health risks? Can they result in anal and oral cancers and several other infections? Is homosexuality an occult practice? All these questions and more are what we will be trying to proffer answers for in this book.

Homosexualities, Muslim Cultures and Modernity

by Momin Rahman

This book addresses the increasing role of queer politics within forms of Islamophobia, both by exploring the framing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues as a key marker of western superiority and by identifying the ways in which Muslim homophobia contributes to this dialectic.

Homosexuality and the Bible: Two Views

by Dan O. Via Robert A. J. Gagnon

Few recent issues have sparked such debate in the churches as homosexuality, same-sex unions, and ordination of gays and lesbians. A key point of contention is the meaning and authority of the biblical witness. In this brief book, two New Testament scholars discuss the relevant biblical texts on the subject of homosexual behavior and orientation. Discussing both Old Testament and New Testament texts, each author also raises important interpretive and moral questions and then offers a response to the other's main assertions. Chief questions examined by each include what the Bible has to say about homosexuality and homosexual behavior, the meaning of those texts in their cultural contexts, and the larger hermeneutical dilemma of what kind of authority the Bible's teaching, if recoverable, has for Christians today. A thoughtful and irenic dialogue, this volume can facilitate reflection and discussion among church members on a vital and contentious issue in American church life.

Homosexuality and the Crisis of Anglicanism

by William L. Sachs

The Anglican conflict over homosexuality has drawn worldwide interest and divided the church. However, conflict within Christianity is not new. This book traces the steps by which the crisis emerged, and reveals the deeper debates within the church which underlie both the current controversy and much earlier splits. William L. Sachs contends that the present debate did not begin with opposition to homosexuality or in advocacy of it. He argues that, like past tensions, it originates in the diverging local contexts in which the faith is practiced, and their differing interpretations of authority and communion. In the aftermath of colonialism, activists and reformers have taken on prominent roles for and against the status quo. The crisis reveals a Church in search of a new, global consensus about the appropriate forms of belief and mission.

Homosexuality in Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims

by Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle

Homosexuality is anathema to Islam - or so the majority of both believers and non-believers suppose. Throughout the Muslim world, it is met with hostility, where state punishments range from hefty fines to the death penalty. Likewise, numerous scholars and commentators maintain that the Qur'an and Hadith rule unambiguously against same-sex relations. This pioneering study argues that there is far more nuance to the matter than most believe. In its narrative of Lot, the Qur'an could be interpreted as condemning lust rather homosexuality. While some Hadith are fiercely critical of homosexuality, some are far more equivocal. One even appears to actively endorse love between men. This is the first book length treatment to offer a detailed analysis of how Islamic scripture, jurisprudence, and Hadith, can not only accommodate a sexually sensitive Islam, but actively endorse it. Scott Kugle is the first Muslim to publish widely on the issue of homosexuality and Islam. An independent research scholar in Islamic studies, he has previously held positions at Duke University, the University of Cape Town, and Swarthmore College.

Homosexuality in Islam: Islamic Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims

by Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle

Many Islamic authorities claim that homosexuality is categorically forbidden, but the reality is much less clear-cut. There are no verses in the Qur'an that unambiguously condemn homosexuals, and there are even some that suggest they can be tolerated in Muslim communities. In addition, reports from Hadith that denounce homosexual and transgender persons are of dubious authenticity.

Homosexuality, Transsexuality, Psychoanalysis and Traditional Judaism (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Alan Slomowitz Alison Feit

Homosexuality, Transsexuality, Psychoanalysis and Traditional Judaism explores the often incommensurable and irreconcilable beliefs and understandings of sexuality and gender in the Orthodox Jewish community from psychoanalytic, rabbinic, feminist, and queer perspectives. The book explores how seemingly irreconcilable differences might be resolved. The book is divided into two separate but related sections. The first highlights the divide between the psychoanalytic, academic, and traditional Orthodox Jewish perspectives on sexual identity and orientation, and the acute psychic and social challenges faced by gay and lesbian members of the Orthodox Jewish world. The contributors ask us to engage with them in a dialogue that allows for authentic conversation. The second section focuses on gender identity, especially as experienced by the Orthodox transgender members of the community. It also highlights the divide between theories that see gender as fluid and traditional Judaism that sees gender as strictly binary. The contributors write about their views and experiences from both sides of the divide. They ask us to engage in true authentic dialogue about these complex and crucial emotional and religious challenges. Homosexuality, Transsexuality, Psychoanalysis and Traditional Judaism will be of great interest to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists as well as members and leaders of Jewish communities working with LGBTQ issues.

Homossexualidade: As Dimensões Ocultistas, Sanitárias e Psicológicas

by Gabriel Agbo Pedro Falco

Homossexualidade: As Dimensões Ocultistas, Sanitárias e Psicológicas Autoria de Gabriel Agbo A homossexualidade é algo benigno ou maligno? Quais são as origens das preferências sexuais e suas implicações para a sociedade? A intenção inicial de Deus (natureza) foi esta? Quem realmente está por trás disto e por qual motivo? Os praticantes da homossexualidade são verdadeiramente atraídos e aprisionados por forças ocultas? E qual será o impacto disto nas gerações atuais e futuras? Quais são as perspectivas do cristianismo, islamismo, religiões tradicionais, etc., em relação a esta problemática? Quais os perigos do sexo anal e do sexo oral – existe algum risco para a saúde? Podem causar câncer no ânus e na boca e várias outras infeções? A homossexualidade é uma prática do ocultismo? São respostas a todos estes e outros questionamentos que buscamos nesta obra. Relacionamentos entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, em realidade, não é uma coisa recente na humanidade, mas já faz algum tempo que se encontra na consciência mundial, principalmente no que se trata das aprovações sistemáticas concedidas pela liderança ocidental na forma de direitos humanos, direitos dos homossexuais, direitos dos grupos minoritários, movimentos de coalizão, etc. Na realidade, alguns dos líderes e instituições por eles manipuladas, além de preconizar, forçam outras nações a aceitarem e a difundirem a mesma. Prometem ajuda, subsídios e outros auxílios de desenvolvimento como recompensa. Por que têm tamanha obsessão em relação a isto e de quem é a pauta? Nesta obra, tentaremos resumir o nosso próprio objetivo e nossas discussões em sete capítulos interessantes, esclarecedores e informativos: Rebelião Homossexual, No Princípio, Dimensão Ocultista, Implicações Sanitárias, Efeitos Psicológicos, Consequências Evitáveis e O Que Devemos Fazer? Estas discussões são verdadeiramente elucidativas, são fatos que l

Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God-with-Us Then, Here, and Now

by Scott Erickson

For those who are looking for something honest, something real, something with a little more human grit to it and a little less conventional red and green: Honest Advent offers a new kind of devotional.For too many of us, Christmas has lost its wonder. Maybe for you, the joy of the season is painfully dissonant with the hard edges of life right now. Or maybe you feel wearied by the way Christmas has become a polished, predictable brand. Or maybe this sacred story feels too far removed from our world today, a world that's hard to make sense of.But what if the Christmas story is not just something that happened a long time ago . . . but a story that is still happening today? Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God-with-Us Then, Here, and Now illuminates the astonishing, hope-filled truth that the God who showed up in the hardest parts of our humanity is still doing so today. From celebrated artist-storyteller Scott Erickson: 25 days of heart-stirring images and thought-provoking meditations to rekindle the wonder of God-with-Us in this season. Honest Advent creates a space for you to encounter the Incarnate Christ in unexpected places: like a pregnancy announcement in an era of political unrest and empirical bloodshed, the morning sickness of a Middle Eastern teenager, and the shocking biology of birth that goes far beyond the sanitized brand of Christmas as we know it.Then, through powerful benedictions, prayers, and questions for honest reflection, you will discover how the wonder of God-with-Us is still happening today: in your unexpected change of plans, your unaccomplished dreams, your overcrowded lodging, your humble stories of new beginnings. In a world that's difficult to make sense of, and a season that's so often overtaken by consumerism, find here fresh eyes to see this powerfully sacred story.Jesus appeared in a way no one expected: incarnating by way of human vulnerability. He does the exact same thing in our lives today: bringing light and life through our ordinary everyday vulnerabilities.

An Honest Cry: Sermons from the Psalms in Honor of Prentice A. Meador, Jr.

by Bob Chisholm

The Book of Psalms has provided prayers and hymns for worship all through the history of the people of God. New Testament writers used the psalms to educate disciples about the nature of God's kingdom. For this reason, the psalms provide a vital resource for preaching in the church today.The psalms express the deepest and most heartfelt human emotions one will ever witness. They articulate the mountain peak experiences of praises to God. They plummet to the depths of human despair. They provide consolation. The psalmists stand completely honest before God and challenge preachers to do the same. This kind of honesty is what the people of God long to hear from the pulpit today.In An Honest Cry, twenty preachers share sermons from the whole range of the psalms -- psalms of distress, hatred, sorrow, frailty, trust, joy, and peace. They offer these sermons in memory and honor of their friend and fellow preacher Prentice Meador Jr. for whom the Book of Psalms was always a treasured resource.This book includes chapters from the late Prentice Meador and his son, Mark. Additional contributing writers include Royce Money, Jack Reese, Gary Holloway, Landon Saunders, Mike Cope, Chris Seidman, David Rubio, Scott Sager, Tom A. Jones, Collin Packer, Harold Hazelip, Jim Martin, Lynn Anderson, Rick Atchley, Jennings Davis, Ken Durham, John York and Tim Spivey, Randy Lowry, and Bob Chisholm.

The Honest Guide to Church Planting: What No One Ever Tells You about Planting and Leading a New Church

by Tom Bennardo

Church planting has become a cottage industry. National conferences, hip planting organizations, and all-in-one resource kits celebrate the thrill of pioneering a church and inspire visions of glorious victories. Yet few who respond to the call are warned what they'll actually encounter: the relentless opposition they'll endure; the eventual scattering of their entire core group; the failure of their tried-and-true, field-tested system.Here's the dirty little secret of church planting: the roadside is strewn with casualties. Many have closed their churches. Some left ministry permanently. Others abandoned the faith altogether.Church planting is at once the greatest and most grueling ministry work on earth. This book is for those toiling in the trenches, those about to bail out, and those considering jumping in. It's for the church planters laboring and struggling, seeing little movement, and wondering what they're doing wrong or why God is failing them. It's also for mother churches, planting organizations, and denominations, as a challenge to rethink and re-calibrate the way they approach and measure planting endeavors.The Honest Guide to Church Planting is a fresh and candid conversation about the challenges and joys of planting new churches. Tom Bennardo speaks the truth so that those involved in church planting can embrace a more accurate and realistic picture of what planting a church is really like; one that not only enables them to survive, but to thrive in this wondrous work.

An Honest Life

by Dana Corbit

Contractor Rick McKinley believes in God but not in organized religion. Nurse Charity Sims appears to be a good Christian but lacks a good relationship with God. Together, Rick and Charity find spirituality, strength, and a deep, binding love. Original.

An Honest Love: A Man Of His Word, An Honest Love, A Hand To Hold (The Hearts of Middlefield Novels #2)

by Kathleen Fuller

Anna must find the courage to tell Lukas the truth. Will he find the courage to forgive her?Anna was once betrayed by someone she loved deeply. In an attempt to never be hurt again, she and her mother relocated to Middlefield, Ohio. It was the ideal place for Anna's broken heart to mend. In Middlefield, Anna withdrew from risk, placing all her attention on managing the new gift shop she and her mom bought.When Lukas introuces himself, Anna can't resist her attraction to him. Though she finds herself falling in love, she's hiding a piece of her past in fear that their future will be destroyed if she tells him the truth.But love can't be built on lies and the past comes rushing back to Anna in an irreversible way. Now Lukas must decide how he will react to Anna's betrayal. As they cling to their belief in an honest love, they realize it's a path they must walk together even as it leads to unexpected places.

Honest to God: The Means to True Transformation

by Joshua Michael Weidmann

Freedom begins when you stop hiding.Many of us understand the value of authenticity. Of baring our souls in community. Of admitting our pain and struggles to each other. If we desire to relate authentically with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we must also desire relate honestly with God.Josh Weidmann, a millennial and world traveler who is dedicated to writing and speaking the truth of the Bible, leads us to examine honesty and its importance in our relationship with God. Using Scripture and stories from his own life, Josh shows us how to be honest with God and truly honest with others. He also helps us identify lies, misunderstandings, and masks that are preventing us from being honest with God. Honesty with God will free us, heal us, and transform us.

Honest to God: The Means to True Transformation

by Joshua Michael Weidmann

Freedom begins when you stop hiding.Many of us understand the value of authenticity. Of baring our souls in community. Of admitting our pain and struggles to each other. If we desire to relate authentically with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we must also desire relate honestly with God.Josh Weidmann, a millennial and world traveler who is dedicated to writing and speaking the truth of the Bible, leads us to examine honesty and its importance in our relationship with God. Using Scripture and stories from his own life, Josh shows us how to be honest with God and truly honest with others. He also helps us identify lies, misunderstandings, and masks that are preventing us from being honest with God. Honesty with God will free us, heal us, and transform us.

Honest to God? Becoming an Authentic Christian

by Bill Hybels

An analysis of the inconsistencies in the lifestyle of today's Christian accompanied by specific examples and discussion of how Christians can restore authentic Christianity in their personal lives and thus nurture a troubled world.

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