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1001 Bible Questions Kids Ask

by Zondervan

The Bible is God’s Word to his people, so it has some important things to say! But let’s be honest … it can also be sort of puzzling. Now you can get relief for your confused cranium. Here’s how: Pick up this book, based on the NIV translation. Look up your questions. Learn about heaven, earth, angels, sin, creation, and more. Understand what the creator of the universe—your creator—is saying to you!

1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking: Fresh, Timely, and Compelling Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Speakers

by Michael Hodgin

You have something important to say. Are you sure your audience is listening? Clocks start ticking in the minds of your listeners the minute you begin your presentation. These clocks measure the amount of time you have to interest them before their attention wanders elsewhere. Could be three minutes. Could be thirty seconds. But make your audience laugh and they forget about their clocks. They are too busy listening. Make them laugh and they will listen. Humor is one of your most powerful tools as a speaker, and 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking lets you wield it with power. Michael Hodgin has compiled hundreds of humorous anecdotes on dozens of topics and brought them together in one book. From "Ability" and "Accidents" to "Work" and "Worship," Hodgin's illustrations are arranged according to topic and indexed to help you quickly find the perfect anecdote. The book also provides space to record the times and places you use each illustration, so no one will hear you tell the same joke twice. Ideal for preachers, teachers, executives, and anyone else who speaks publicly, 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking will keep your audience laughing -- and listening to every word you say.

1001 Illustrations That Connect: Compelling Stories, Stats, and News Items for Preaching, Teaching, and Writing

by Craig Brian Larson Phyllis Ten Elshof

Every preacher, teacher, or writer knows the value of a good illustration in helping connect the truth of the passage with the congregation or class—and how hard it is to come up with good illustrations week after week. This book contains the cream of the crop: 1001 illustrations carefully selected from among thousands on Christianity Today International’s popular website These illustrations are proven, memorable, and illuminating. As the saying goes, they will preach! And they’re fresh, all written within the past seven years. Of course the best illustrations are no good if you can’t find the right one. These illustrations have been arranged according to twelve master topics, each divided into several subtopics. Further, they’ve been indexed according both to Bible references and to 500 keywords. A searchable CD-ROM is included, allowing you to get the illustration into your lesson or sermon with ease.

1001 More Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking: Fresh, Timely, and Compelling Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Speakers

by Michael Hodgin

Experienced speakers know the value of humor for adding punch to their point and muscle to their message. That's why 1001 More Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking belongs in every pastor's and speaker's library -- including yours! Like its rib-tickling predecessor, 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking, this volume is a gold mine of one-liners, jokes, and humorous anecdotes for almost any situation or subject. Pick your topic: Attitudes, Evangelism, Romance, Weddings . . . you'll find what you're looking for, conveniently alphabetized, numbered, and indexed for instant referencing. There's even a space for you to record the times and places you use each illustration, so no one will hear you tell the same joke twice. Most of these humorous gems have already been tested by preachers and other speakers. And the huge variety ensures you'll find something to tickle any congregation's funny bone -- and grab its attention.

1001 Quotations That Connect: Timeless Wisdom for Preaching, Teaching, and Writing

by Brian Lowery Craig Brian Larson

Many times people wrack their brains for succinct, “preachable” quotations to drop into sermons or teaching materials. Now they can relax! 101 Quotations that Connect features inspiring observations from a wide spectrum of influential people of the past two millennia, culled from the collection of Christianity Today. This volume—which contains the reflections of church fathers, missionaries, poets, and celebrities—is a gold mine for preachers, teachers, and writers. The sayings are arranged under eight descriptive categories, including Ancient Words, Rattling Words, and Keen Words. They are helpfully listed by source, then according to key topics, making retrieval of just the right quote a snap. Whether one is driving home the point of a sermon or simply wants a quote book for reflective reading this unparalleled collection is a “must have” resource!

1001 Quotations to inspire you before you die (1001)

by Robert Arp

From the bestselling 1001 series, comes a collection of 1001 quotations from numerous brilliant minds of the Ancient World through to the present day. With quotes from everyone including Marcus Aurelius, Sun Tzu, Shakespeare and Nietzsche through to Ellen DeGeneres, Nelson Mandela, Mark Zuckerberg and Monty Python's Flying Circus, there is an immense range of ideas, witticisms and musings to ponder.The quotations cover a wide range of topics, including art and literature, culture, philosophy, politics, psychology and religion, made accessible and brought to life by being placed in their historical contexts and accompanied by a wealth of illustrations.

1002 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking: Fresh, Timely, Compelling Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Speakers

by Michael Hodgin

Lasso Them With Laughter The way to your listeners’ hearts is through their funny bones. Want to grab their attention? Do it with humor. Need to drive home a point they’ll remember? Nothing does it better than a rib-tickling anecdote—like the ones in this book. 1002 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking is jam-packed with one-liners, jokes, humorous stories, and pithy proverbs for just about any subject or circumstance under the sun. Pick your topic. Appearances, Communication, Opportunity, Prayer, Self-Image, Sports . . . these and plenty more come to you conveniently alphabetized, numbered, and indexed for instant referencing. There’s even a space for you to log what you use, so fresh nuttiness doesn’t become old chestnuts. Tested by preachers and public speakers, this ensemble of humor is just the ticket to get your audience laughing—and listening.

101 Amazing Truths About Jesus That You Probably Didn't Know

by Mark Littleton

No one has influenced history like Jesus Christ, yet so many know so little about this amazing man. Do you know . . . -- Jesus paid taxes? -- His parents almost divorced? -- Some of his ancestors were less than desirable characters? -- Sometimes even his followers didn't believe him? -- If Jesus was really born on December 25? Are you ready to . . . -- Expand your knowledge beyond the stories you heard in Sunday school? -- Find truths that will compel you to love him more? -- Understand his words and find the secret of true happiness? -- Discover the joy in seeing others through his eyes? Let this captivating book introduce you to the most creative, thought-provoking person in history . . . JESUS!

101 Answers to the Most Asked Questions about the End Times (End Times Answers)

by Mark Hitchcock

For many believers, the subject of the End Times stirs confusion, apprehension, and dread. No longer! This user-friendly manual answers 101 of the most frequently asked questions about everything from the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, the Antichrist, and Tribulation to the Second Coming and the Millennium. Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock offers a biblically authoritative resource for understanding God's plan and a reason for peace instead of anxiety about each believer's role in it. This eBook contains links to online charts for viewing and printing.

101 Bible Questions: And the Surprising Answers You May Not Hear in Church

by Andrew Farley

This book asks the hard, forbidden, or taboo questions about Christianity—and offers surprising biblical answers you may never hear in church.&“Don&’t ask too many questions. Just go with the flow.&” This is the mantra of legalistic religion. It leaves many of us wallowing in confusion as we still have burning questions about our faith. Sometimes, these questions almost seem off-limits: Is there actually an unforgivable sin? Can we lose our salvation? Is masturbation always a sin? Am I really supposed to give 10 percent of my income to the church? Is divorce and remarriage wrong for a Christian? Andrew Farley offers surprising, yet scriptural, answers to these controversial questions and many others. Andrew&’s no-nonsense style will challenge you and catapult you into a radical new outlook on God&’s grace.

101 Façons de Faire Grandir l'Esprit de Nos Enfants

by Dr Rosie Kuhn Susana Matos

Les enfants sont des êtres spirituels qui il n'y a pas si longtemps, se sont aventurés au monde des humains. Ils rentrent à notre monde tout en ayant déjà une vie spirituelle. Dans leur innocence, ils ont de l'accès à la sagesse et à l'émerveillement du monde d'où ils sont originaires. Ils aiment encore entretenir des rapports avec l'univers invisible: des anges et guides, leurs amis dévoués de cet univers. Ils ont une capacité innée d'être en connexion avec leurs Alter-ego spirituels et le monde spirituel, jusqu'à ce qu'ils deviennent un peu plus comme le reste de nous. Quand est-ce que cela se vérifie? Quand est-ce qu'ils prennent la décision d'oublier leur existence en tant que des êtres Spirituels ? Comme est-ce que nous comme adultes participons dans cet oubli ? Mon livre est ma réponse à ces questions là."

101 Fun Fables

by Bernie L. Calaway

Welcome to the world of fantasy and parable. 101 Fun Fables is guaranteed to move you a bit away from the ponderous scholastic to the lighter side of living life on the "real" side of theology. The writing is entertainment, surely, but holds out practical applications as well if you need to start a good speech, spin up an article, or simply make learning a little easier. With apologies to Aesop, look inside for a saucy yet practical aspect of storytelling through the delight of animal fables. Bernie indulges deeply in gentle humor, kindly farce, and more than a touch of whimsy. Everyone from Adonius the Stork to Zippy Snail is waiting for you. The fables tease us into realization that religion is good for you, and it's supposed to be fun.

101 Games That Keep Kids Coming: Get-To-Know-You Games for Ages 3 -12

by Jolene L. Roehlkepartain

Fun, Bible-based, get-to-know-you games and activities for children ages three to twelve. Teaching children how to make friends and creating a sense of community are two key factors in building a strong Christian education program. Many children resist coming to Sunday school and children's ministry events because they do not know the other children; they live in different communities and attend different schools. Here are 101 opportunities to help children make friends at church - and keep them coming!View a sample of this book.

101 Great Games for Kids: Active, Bible-Based Fun for Christian Education

by Jolene L. Roehlkepartain

Children learn best when they hear the rich stories from Scripture over and over again. Just sitting and listening, however, can become boring. This volume, a collection of 101 active games for Christian education programs suitable for children ages 3-12, will help dispel any boredom. Divided into four sections, 101 Great Games for Kids brings Scripture to life through active games that get kids up and moving rather than sitting in their chairs. This is a book that mainline professionals and lay leaders can turn to for a quick idea or when they are creating lesson plans. Each of the 101 games are presented in ways that adults can use immediately. Key Benefits: Children are enabled to learn the rich stories from Scripture through fun and active games; Christian educators will find a wealth of new, flexible ideas that will easily fit their educational programs and Sunday school lessons

101 Ideas for Making Disciples in Your Youth Group

by Kent Julian

As youth workers, we all have our vision—the plan we hope to make real in our ministries—to change the lives of teenagers as we introduce them to Jesus. But how often have you found yourself wondering if your picture is just wrong—or thinking you just don’t know how to make your ministry match what you envision? In 101 Ideas for Making Disciples in Your Youth Group you’ll explore the idea of ACTS to create a disciple-making ministry with the elements needed to create an environment necessary to cultivate this mission. ACTS represents everything a missional youth ministry needs to be about: • Adoration—More than an act, this is a lifestyle that is fleshed out in expressions of prayerful dependence, deep gratitude, and expectancy in what God can do. • Community—This is an atmosphere of genuine caring, authentic relationships, and unity based on Christ’s love for his Church and the Church’s love for one another. • Truth-and-Grace—The basis of everything that is taught and valued, this is a setting where God’s Word is the standard and central to belief and behavior. • Serving-and-Sharing—As a way of life, serving involves helping the whole person by ministering to both believers and the lost by meeting their needs, as well as verbally sharing God’s message of grace. As you dig into each aspect of ACTS, you’ll discover Jesus’ style and see how he cultivated each element in his own ministry. Then you’ll explore the youth ministry style of each aspect, where you’ll find 25 hands-on, easy-to-implement ideas on how to cultivate the same element in your context in order to create an environment of disciple-making that finally fits your ministry.

101 Ideas para hacer discípulos

by Kent Julian

101 IDEAS PARA HACER DISCÍPULOS te ayudará a desarrollar el ambiente necesario para cultivar esta misión, y te sumergirá en cada aspecto del discipulado. Encontrarás ideas que se ajusten a tu contexto con el fin de que tu ministerio haga verdaderos discípulos de Jesús. Definitivamente, alcanzarás un criterio amplio para que la visión que te has propuesto se lleve a cabo.

101 Maneiras de Desenvolver a Espiritualidade das Nossas Crianças

by Dr Rosie Kuhn Susana Matos

Este livro capacita os pais e cuidadores a abraçar a prática de expressar na plenitude as suas identidades essenciais, capacitando as crianças a fazer o mesmo.

101 Modi che Consentano allo Spirito di Ogni Bambino di Spiccare il Volo!

by Dr Rosie Kuhn

Un libro che porta alla profonda conoscenza di stessi, al coglimento della realta' assoluta e dei propri valori, i soli a renderci in grado di aiutarci nella crescita emotivo - spirituale della nuova generazione.

101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Get Married

by Renae Willis

This collection of life lessons and wisdom will help you navigate your marital journey with greater ease. You can keep your married life balanced and centered simply by the choices you make. This little book offers practical, timeless advice on such topics as: Attitude ¥ Finances ¥ Faith ¥ Integrity ¥ Security ¥ Patience Take to heart these simple messages, and your marriage will be blessed with happiness and peace.

101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Graduate

by Renae Willis

Congratulations! You're about to embark on an exciting adventure called real life. This collection of life lessons and wisdom will help you navigate the maze of tough decisions and difficult choices you are bound to face. You can keep your life balanced and purposeful simply by the choices you make. This little book offers practical, timeless advice on such topics as: Career Choices - Attitude - Relationships - Finances Manners - Purpose - Faith Take to heart these simple messages, and your life will be blessed with happiness and peace.

101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Have a Baby

by Renae Willis

Congratulations! You're about to embark on an exciting adventure called parenthood. This collection of life lessons and wisdom will help you navigate the maze of tough decisions and difficult choices you are bound to face. You can keep your life balanced and purposeful simply by the choices you make. This little book offers practical, timeless advice on such topics as: Time Management Patience Faith Memories Laughter Hope Take to heart these simple messages, and your life will be blessed with happiness and peace.

101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

by Claire Cloninger

In today's fast-paced world, our lives are full of ceaseless change. Whether it is a child going off to college, a loved one stricken with an illness, or conflict between friends or family members, many moments -- both joyful and sorrowful -- demand more from us than we can give. At those times, prayer can be the answer, if only we can find the right words. Now with this collection of beautiful prayers drawn directly from the Bible and eloquently interpreted for our lives today, we can take strength from the... From the Song of Solomon to the lamentations of Job to the Magnificat of Mary, this book shows how these sacred passages reflect actual human experience and can guide us to the right prayer at the right time. With every verse, the author compares the lives and times of biblical characters to real-life people today, revealing how each prayer can be applied to our lives. She also offers new, contemporary prayers along with each scriptural citation to help us find the wisdom and truth in these timeless words of supplication, adoration, thanksgiving, and celebration. Entertaining and enriching, full of insight into both biblical text and the spiritual challenge of modern life, 101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible has the warmth and insight of a fireside chat with a deep and trusted friend. At the same time, it is a guide to the true effectiveness of prayer and to the greatest human achievement of all: to be able to speak directly to God, and to hear Him speak back to us. Book jacket.

101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

by Claire Cloninger Steve Lois Rabey

In today's fast-paced world, our lives are full of ceaseless change. Whether it is a child going off to college, a loved one stricken with an illness, or conflict between friends or family members, many moments -- both joyful and sorrowful -- demand more from us than we can give. At those times, prayer can be the answer, if only we can find the right words. Now with this collection of beautiful prayers drawn directly from the Bible and eloquently interpreted for our lives today, we can take strength from the... From the Song of Solomon to the lamentations of Job to the Magnificat of Mary, this book shows how these sacred passages reflect actual human experience and can guide us to the right prayer at the right time. With every verse, the author compares the lives and times of biblical characters to real-life people today, revealing how each prayer can be applied to our lives. She also offers new, contemporary prayers along with each scriptural citation to help us find the wisdom and truth in these timeless words of supplication, adoration, thanksgiving, and celebration. Entertaining and enriching, full of insight into both biblical text and the spiritual challenge of modern life, 101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible has the warmth and insight of a fireside chat with a deep and trusted friend. At the same time, it is a guide to the true effectiveness of prayer and to the greatest human achievement of all: to be able to speak directly to God, and to hear Him speak back to us. Book jacket.

101 Most Powerful Proverbs in the Bible

by Steven Rabey

101 MOST POWERFUL PROVERBS IN THE BIBLE takes the best of the proverbs and details them for us. Filled with illustrations of daily life, it seeks to remind us of what's truly important--living wisely, kindly, and well.

101 Most Powerful Verses in the Bible

by Lois Rabey Steven Rabey

Through an examination of the Bible's most powerful verses, the newest installment in the 101 Most Powerful series reminds us that we are not alone in this world. In the Old Testament, God spoke through patriarchs, poets, and prophets. In the new Testament, he reaches out through Christ and Christ's disciples. Highlighting some of the key verses of the Bible, Steve and Lois Rabey demonstrate how God constantly communicates his will and his love to his children.

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