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In and Of the Mediterranean: Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies (Hispanic Issues)

by Michelle M. Hamilton and Núria Silleras-Fernández

The Iberian Peninsula has always been an integral part of the Mediterranean world, from the age of Tartessos and the Phoenicians to our own era and the Union for the Mediterranean. The cutting-edge essays in this volume examine what it means for medieval and early modern Iberia and its people to be considered as part of the Mediterranean.

In and Out of This World: Material and Extraterrestrial Bodies in the Nation of Islam (Religious Cultures of African and African Diaspora People)

by Stephen C. Finley

With In and Out of This World Stephen C. Finley examines the religious practices and discourses that have shaped the Nation of Islam (NOI) in America. Drawing on the speeches and writing of figures such as Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Warith Deen Mohammad, and Louis Farrakhan, Finley shows that the NOI and its leaders used multiple religious symbols, rituals, and mythologies meant to recast the meaning of the cosmos and create new transcendent and immanent black bodies whose meaning cannot be reduced to products of racism. Whether examining how the myth of Yakub helped Elijah Muhammad explain the violence directed at black bodies, how Malcolm X made black bodies in the NOI publicly visible, or the ways Farrakhan’s discourses on his experiences with the Mother Wheel UFO organize his interpretation of black bodies, Finley demonstrates that the NOI intended to retrieve, reclaim, and reform black bodies in a context of antiblack violence.

In Another Time: A Novel

by Jillian Cantor

A sweeping historical novel that spans Germany, England, and the United States and follows a young couple torn apart by circumstance leading up to World War II—and the family secret that may prove to be the means for survival.Love brought them together. But only time can save them…1931, Germany. Bookshop owner Max Beissinger meets Hanna Ginsberg, a budding concert violinist, and immediately he feels a powerful chemistry between them. It isn’t long before they fall in love and begin making plans for the future. As their love affair unfolds over the next five years, the climate drastically changes in Germany as Hitler comes to power. Their love is tested with the new landscape and the realities of war, not the least of which is that Hanna is Jewish and Max is not. But unbeknownst to Hanna is the fact that Max has a secret, which causes him to leave for months at a time—a secret that Max is convinced will help him save Hanna if Germany becomes too dangerous for her because of her religion. In 1946, Hanna Ginsberg awakens in a field outside of Berlin. Disoriented and afraid, she has no memory of the past ten years and no idea what has happened to Max. With no information as to Max’s whereabouts—or if he is even still alive—she decides to move to London to live with her sister while she gets her bearings. Even without an orchestra to play in, she throws herself completely into her music to keep alive her lifelong dream of becoming a concert violinist. But the music also serves as a balm to heal her deeply wounded heart and she eventually gets the opening she long hoped for. Even so, as the days, months, and years pass, taking her from London to Paris to Vienna to America, she continues to be haunted by her forgotten past, and the fate of the only man she has ever loved and cannot forget.Told in alternating viewpoints—Max in the years leading up to WWII, and Hanna in the ten years after—In Another Time is a beautiful novel about love and survival, passion and music, across time and continents.

In Bad Faith

by Andrew Levine

For readers interested in political theory and political activism, as well as anyone puzzled by the persistence of theistic conviction in the modern world. In light of rational standards for belief acceptance that are universally acknowledged in enlightened circles, theistic convictions are deeply problematic. Thus it is not surprising that some of the most important heirs of the Enlightenment tradition--Ludwig Feuerbach, Émile Durkheim, Sigmund Freud, and Friedrich Nietzsche--wondered, implicitly, why belief in God persists and even flourishes among those who should and in some sense do know better. This political philosopher provides fresh insight into the work of those thinkers by reflecting on the explanations they proffered and on their explanatory strategies. For all their many differences, their respective explanations share a common core and are driven by a similar (largely unelaborated) normative commitment. On Levine's account, believers today believe in bad faith--in other words, they evince a fundamental intellectual dishonesty. If only for this reason, they merit reproach, even in the comparatively rare instances when "faith perspectives" do more good than harm. From this standpoint, the author reflects on the liberal turn in the so-called Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) and depicts liberal religion as a vehicle of exit for those who implicitly acknowledge the untenability of the beliefs they profess, yet are unable or unwilling to face this reality squarely. He argues that liberal religion is therefore a transitory phenomenon, albeit one that has survived for a long time and that is not about to expire soon. Levine then faults the religious Left on this account, arguing that even in those historically rare conditions where bad faith motivates welcome political engagement, it is nevertheless undermined by its deep inauthenticity.

In The Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World

by Virginia Hamilton

A thought-provoking collection of twenty-five stories that reflect the wonder and glory of the origins of the world and humankind. With commentary by the author. <P><P> Newbery Medal Honor book

In The Beginning: The Story Of The King James Bible And How It Changed A Nation, A Language, And A Culture

by Alister Mcgrath

In the sixteenth century, to attempt to translate the Bible into a common tongue wasn't just difficult, it was dangerous. A Bible in English threatened the power of the monarch and the Church. Early translators like Tyndale, whose work greatly influenced the King James, were hunted down and executed, but the demand for English Bibles continued to grow. Indeed it was the popularity of the Geneva Bible, with its anti-royalist content, that eventually forced James I to sanction his own, pro-monarchy, translation. Errors in early editions--one declared that "thou shalt commit adultery"--and Puritan preferences for the Geneva Bible initially hampered acceptance of the King James, but it went on to become the definitive English-language Bible. This fascinating history of a literary and religious masterpiece explores the forces that led to the decision to create an authorized translation, the method of translation and printing, and the central role this version of the Bible played in the development of modern English. McGrath's history of the King James Bible’s creation and influence is a worthy tribute to a great work and a joy to read. From the Trade Paperback edition.

The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing

by Jeff Goins

We&’re an &“instant gratification&” generation—but most change happens gradually.Many of us spend our lives searching and longing for something more than what is in front of us. Whether it&’s traveling abroad or chasing cheap (or expensive) thrills, we&’re all looking for the medicine to satisfy our restlessness. And so often we're looking in the wrong place. The In-Between is a call to accept the importance that waiting plays in our lives. Can we embrace the extraordinary nature of the ordinary and enjoy the daily mundane—what lies in between the &“major&” moments? Learning to live in this tension, to be content in these moments of waiting, may be our greatest struggle—and our greatest opportunity to grow.

The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing

by Jeff Goins

We&’re an &“instant gratification&” generation—but most change happens gradually.Many of us spend our lives searching and longing for something more than what is in front of us. Whether it&’s traveling abroad or chasing cheap (or expensive) thrills, we&’re all looking for the medicine to satisfy our restlessness. And so often we're looking in the wrong place. The In-Between is a call to accept the importance that waiting plays in our lives. Can we embrace the extraordinary nature of the ordinary and enjoy the daily mundane—what lies in between the &“major&” moments? Learning to live in this tension, to be content in these moments of waiting, may be our greatest struggle—and our greatest opportunity to grow.

In Between (A Katie Parker Production act I)

by Jenny B. Jones

Soon after moving to a small Texas town, fifteen-year-old Katie Parker's rebelliousness complicates her life at home and school, but when she is accused of vandalism, she finds hope through a new friendship, involvement in a play, and her foster family's faith in God and her.

The In-Between Place: Where Jesus Changes Your Story

by Kat Armstrong

Jesus&’ journey to the woman at the well in Samaria offers insights and hope for women today to make peace with the past, find hope in the present, and step into the future.God wants us to move toward the goodness He has planned for us. But what do we do when challenges stop our forward momentum? What&’s the next step when we fall into a pit of despair with the determination knocked right out of us? On his way from Judea to Galilee, Jesus traveled through Samaria, a broken place everyone knew to avoid. In Samaria he stopped in Shechem, where evil had gained such a foothold of power that it eventually reigned. Yet the place once condemned as somewhere no one wanted to visit—let alone hang out in for a while—was the location of one Samaritan woman&’s most hope-filled encounter with the Savior. The In-Between Place offers deeply important insights to anyone who feels stuck and can&’t see a way forward. It is for the person who feels that if she looks left, her face will be scraped by an immovable boulder, and if she looks right, she&’ll see nothing but hard to handle. It&’s for the person who feels lost and is not sure she is worth the effort to be found, for the person who feels overlooked and unfulfilled. Because sometimes Jesus saves our greatest spiritual breakthroughs for our in-between places.

In-Between Worlds: Performing [as] Bauls in an Age of Extremism (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)

by Sukanya Chakrabarti

This book examines the performance of Bauls ‘folk’ performers from Bengal, in the context of a rapidly globalizing Indian economy and against the backdrop of extreme nationalistic discourses. Recognizing their scope beyond the musical and cultural realm, Sukanya Chakrabarti engages in discussing the subversive and transformational potency of Bauls and their performances. In-Between Worlds argues that the Bauls through their musical, spiritual, and cultural performances offer ‘joy’ and ‘spirituality,’ thus making space for what Dr. Ambedkar in his famous 1942 speech had identified as ‘reclamation of human personality’. Chakrabarti destabilizes the category of ‘folk’ as a fixed classification or an origin point, and fractures homogeneous historical representations of the Baul as a ‘folk’ performer and a wandering mendicant exposing the complex heterogeneity that characterizes this group. Establishing ‘folk-ness’ as a performance category, and ‘folk festivals’ as sites of performing ‘folk-ness,’ contributing to a heritage industry that thrives on imagined and recreated nostalgia, Chakrabarti examines different sites that produce varied performative identities of Bauls, probing the limits of such categories while simultaneously advocating for polyvocality and multifocality. While this project has grounded itself firmly in performance studies, it has borrowed extensively from fields of postcolonial studies and subaltern histories, literature, ethnography and ethnomusicology, and cosmopolitan studies.

In Buddha's Kitchen: Cooking, Being Cooked, and Other Adventures in a Meditation Center

by Kimberley Snow

Kimberley Snow offers an outrageously funny and honest account of her adventures as head cook at a Tibetan Buddhist retreat center. With her earthy sensibility and sharp sense of humor, the author shows this world in a light devoid of preciousness--while expressing with heart the integrity of the spiritual work being undertaken. We come away from our visit to this exotic realm having found it both extraordinary and surprisingly familiar. The neuroses, obsessions, and petty concerns exposed by Snow--both in herself and her fellow staff members--prove to be grist for the mill for discovering the grace inherent in life just as it is.

In, But Not Of Revised & Updated: A Guide to Christian Ambition and the Desire to Influence the World

by Hugh Hewitt

Influence is not accidental. It is earned. In, But Not Of charts the course to acquiring influence over the life of a career while remaining committed to the commands and example of Christ.Broadcast journalist and law professor Hugh Hewitt not only challenges us to become more engaged in steering the course of history through politics, law, finance, and entertainment, but he also maps out simiple, effective strategies that will enable us to bring our visions of influence to pass.Along with Hugh's simple and helpful advice, the study guide in the back focuses on key selections and questions to help the reader, whether in group or individual sessions, internalize these valuable principles and make a difference in the world. Divided into Think About It, Find Out More, and Take Action, the guide concludes with a Summary of Your Decisions to serve as a quick reference for years to come.

In Cammino con Elijah, La favola di un viaggio di una vita e la realizzazione di un’Anima.

by Doobie Shemer Annalisa Puccinelli

Il quarantacinquenne Doobi Shemer ha tutto: una famiglia amorevole, due auto, un cane e due gatti. Vive nella sua casa in periferia, detiene una posizione di dirigente aziendale ed è finanziariamente stabile. Ha una vita agiata e prevedibile. Tuttavia manca qualcosa; qualcosa che non sa descrivere o indicare. Un’ irrequieta sensazione di essere incompleto domina la sua intera esistenza. Ciononostante, Doobie impara presto che la vita per lui non è stata concepita come normale o ordinaria. Un luminoso giorno d’inverno incontra Elijah, il suo maestro spirituale, in un laboratorio di sciamanesimo a New Orleans, il corso della vita di Doobie inizia a cambiare. Un germoglio mistico si risveglia nel suo essere e comincia a crescere. Crea fame di spiritualità che lo porta a un enorme passaggio dall’incompletezza al senso di appagamento e beatitudine. In cammino con Elijah: La favola di un viaggio di vita e di un’anima realizzata ci ispira ad esplorare senza timore il nostro percorso spirituale e a percorrere sentieri mai intrapresi prima. “Così Vero, ogni parola ~ Grazie. Tranquillizzanti, le tue parole calmano la mia anima ~ Namaste.” ~ D.C. “Grande insegnamento, so che è vero, l’ho vissuto. Grazie.” ~ K.B. (12 aprile 2014) “Grazie … leggo e penso come le tue parole … Senti il calore e la felicità nel mio cuore Amore n Namaste caro Doobie” ~ P.T. L’incredibile viaggio della vita di Doobie Shemer iniziò nel suo luogo di nascita, il Kibbutz Givat-Brener, in Israele. Desideroso di esplorare i significati della vita, ha viaggiato molto e ha sperimentato diverse culture – l’India mistica, la bellissima Cipro – prima di trasferirsi in California dove ora abita ed è sciamano praticante, in viaggio per gli altri.

In Capable Arms: Living a Life Embraced by Grace

by Sarah Kovac

Sarah Kovac was born with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC), a rare congenital birth defect that left her with arms that she could barely use. Growing up, she was the only one in her class with a disability, setting her apart as "different" and unpopular. Realizing her unique place in the world, Sarah began adapting, working to her strengths, and eventually learned to use her feet to do such activities as changing her son's diapers, making dinner, putting on makeup, and even typing on the computer--even as she grew in spiritual and emotional maturity and independence in exceptional ways. Picked up by national news network CNN, Sarah's story went viral and she was suddenly presented with a platform from which to share her love for God. In Capable Arms brings readers on Sarah's journey, crying with her through intense frustration and the desire to be perfect, cheering her through physical training and pain, and admiring her eventual spiritual surrender as she let go of her insecurities and let God use her . . . even her crippled arms. Sarah brings readers face to face with their own struggles, challenges them with questions about self-worth and fear, then offers guidance, wisdom, and inspiration for finding hope--and healing--in the arms of the One who loves them no matter what.

In Case of Spiritual Emergency

by Catherine G. Lucas

Personal stories of spiritual crises are presented alongside practical and effective guidance in this exploration of a fascinating phenomenon. When spiritual emergencies, such as mystical psychosis and dark nights of the soul, are understood, managed, and integrated, they can offer enormous potential for growth and fulfillment, and this book offers three key phases for successful navigation. Encouraging, supportive, and life-saving, this resource is essential for avoiding the mental, emotional, or spiritual paralysis or exhaustion that can result from underestimating the current age of increased individual and global emergencies.

In Charge: Finding the Leader Within You

by Myles Munroe

International motivational speaker and sought-after businesss consultant Reverend Myles Munroe proves that true leaders empower others to discover their own leadership gifts.

"In Christ" in Paul: Explorations in Paul's Theology of Union and Participation

by Michael J. Thate Kevin J. Vanhoozer Constantine R. Campbell

Nineteen biblical scholars and theologians in this volume explore the notions of union and participation within Pauline theology, teasing out the complex web of meaning conveyed through Paul's theological vision of being "in Christ." With essays that investigate Pauline theology and exegesis, ex-amine highlights from reception history, and offer deep theological reflection, this exemplary multidisciplinary collection charts new ground in the scholarly understanding of Paul's thought and its theological implications.

In Christ or The Believer's Union With His Lord

by A. J. Gordon

"In Christ or The Believer's Union With His Lord" by A. J. Gordon is a profound exploration of the spiritual concept of union with Christ, a cornerstone of Christian theology. In this timeless work, A. J. Gordon, a renowned 19th-century pastor and theologian, delves deeply into the mystical and transformative relationship between the believer and Jesus Christ.Gordon's insightful and eloquent writing elucidates the doctrine of being "in Christ," a central theme in the New Testament. He explains how this union is not merely a theological idea but a living, dynamic reality that profoundly impacts every aspect of a believer's life. Through a careful examination of Scripture, Gordon illustrates how this spiritual union provides believers with access to Christ's righteousness, strength, and peace.The book is structured around key biblical passages and themes, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of what it means to live a life intimately connected with Jesus. Gordon discusses the implications of this union for personal sanctification, spiritual growth, and daily Christian living. His reflections are both theologically rich and practically applicable, making complex concepts accessible to readers at all levels of spiritual maturity.This classic work remains a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of their relationship with Christ. "In Christ or The Believer's Union With His Lord" is essential reading for theologians, pastors, and laypeople alike, offering timeless wisdom and inspiration for living a Christ-centered life.A. J. Gordon's insightful exploration of this profound spiritual truth continues to resonate with readers, inviting them to experience the transformative power of being truly "in Christ."

In Church as It Is in Heaven: Cultivating a Multiethnic Kingdom Culture

by Jamaal E. Williams Timothy Paul Jones

Heaven is multiethnic. Are you ready for that? The Bible tells us that the congregation gathered around God's heavenly throne will be "a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language," all singing the praises of the Lamb. God's intention has always been to delight for all eternity in a redeemed community of ethnic diversity. But this diverse community shouldn't have to wait until eternity to begin! It can be a reality in our own local churches here and now. Patterned after a worship service, In Church as It Is in Heaven gives biblical warrant for such a community and shows how multiethnic churches provide a unique apologetic for the gospel. Along the way, the authors tell the story of their own church—a majority-white congregation which is being transformed into a family that reflects the diversity of heaven. The multiethnic kingdom is not just a nice idea, or an abstract theory. It's a reality—one we can enter into today.

In The Closet Of The Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy

by Frederic Martel Shaun Whiteside

In the Closet of the Vatican exposes the rot at the heart of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church today. This brilliant piece of investigative writing is based on four years' authoritative research, including extensive interviews with those in power. <p><P> The celibacy of priests, the condemnation of the use of contraceptives, the cover up of countless cases of sexual abuse, the resignation of Benedict XVI, misogyny among the clergy, the dramatic fall in Europe of the number of vocations to the priesthood, the plotting against Pope Francis – all these issues are clouded in mystery and secrecy. <P><P> In the Closet of the Vatican is a book that reveals these secrets and penetrates this enigma. It derives from a system founded on a clerical culture of secrecy which starts in junior seminaries and continues right up to the Vatican itself. It is based on the double lives of priests and on extreme homophobia. The resulting schizophrenia in the Church is hard to fathom. But the more a prelate is homophobic, the more likely it is that he is himself gay. <P><P> 'Behind rigidity there is always something hidden, in many cases a double life'. These are the words of Pope Francis himself and with them the Pope has unlocked the Closet. <P><P> No one can claim to really understand the Catholic Church today until they have read this book. It reveals a truth that is extraordinary and disturbing.

In Constant Prayer (Ancient Practices Ser.)

by Robert Benson

What does it mean to pray without ceasing? Is it really that important to pray as the early Church did? In this installment of The Ancient Practices series, Robert Benson presents a structure for our lives where we can live in continued awareness of God's presence and reality. A pattern for worship and prayer that is offered to God at specific times throughout the day, the daily office is meant to be prayed by all the faithful so the Church may be continuous and God's work in this world may be sustained. Yet it is highly personal too--an anchor between the daily and the divine, the mundane and the marvelous.Says author Robert Benson, "At some point, high-minded discussion about our life of prayer has to work its way into the dailyness of our lives. At some point, we have to move from talking about prayer to saying our prayers so that the marvelous that is possible has a chance to appear."In Constant Prayer is your gateway to deeper communion with God. Expect something new to unfold before you and within you while heeding this ancient call.The Ancient PracticesThere is a hunger in every human heart for connection, primitive and raw, to God. To satisfy it, many are beginning to explore traditional spiritual disciplines used for centuries . . . everything from fixed-hour prayer to fasting to sincere observance of the Sabbath. Compelling and readable, the Ancient Practices series is for every spiritual sojourner, for every Christian seeker who wants more.

In crescendo: Una fábula espiritual sobre el alma, la vida y la muerte

by Amy Weiss

La mujer siente como si se arrastrara, pues vive apenas por encima del suelo. El duelo ejerce su fuerza de gravedad. «In crescendo -una novela profunda, cautivadora y poética- te invitará a revisar tu vida con nuevos ojos y a encontrarle nueva belleza y significado. Weiss profundiza en las preguntas fundamentales que son inherentes a todo viaje: ¿Por qué estamos aquí? ¿Cuál es el significado de la vida? ¿Es posible perder para siempre aquello que más amamos? ¿Cómo estamos interconectados? «Al leerla, descubrirás que las respuestas son un regalo que se quedará en tu corazón mucho después de haber cerrado el libro. Weiss es una poderosa narradora, y cualquiera que haya amado y perdido se sentirá reconfortado y hallará significado en sus páginas. Con un toque de El alquimista, In crescendo es una historia de autodescubrimiento y vinculación. La historia que escribe Weiss es relevante paracualquiera». Laura Lynne Jackson, autora del bestseller La luz entre nosotros.

In Days of Great Peace: The Highest Yoga as Lived (Routledge Library Editions: Yoga #3)

by Mouni Sadhu

For several years Mouni Sadhu steeped himself in the teachings of the foremost Hindu ascetic, Sri Ramana Maharshi. This book, first published in 1957, is the best attempt by a European to describe without technicalities what such teachings entail, what meditation is about, and why Indians worship their gurus. Mouni Sadhu’s rare facility for describing his own mental and spiritual states enables him to pass on to the reader his knowledge and enthusiasm. It is an authentic account of life with an inspired Hindu yogi and spiritual teacher.

In Deep Voodoo

by Stephanie Bond

Health food business owner Penny Francisco is more interested in celebrating her recent divorce than preparing for Mojo Louisiana's Voodoo festival. When Penny receives a gag gift voodoo doll created to look like her ex husband, Penny happily sticks it with a pin. But then her ex is found stabbed and Penny is the prime suspect. . She hires a sexy Cajun P.I. to help discover the truth behind the murder.

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