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KJV, Teen Study Bible

by Zondervan

The bestselling KJV Teen Study Bible helps teens apply God&’s Word to the issues they face every day!Full of study features to help today's teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God's Word relates to their lives, the KJV Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world. Teens will discover the eternal truths of God's Word and how to apply them to the issues they face every day as they read biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such as bullying and depression. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them, and they are never alone.Features:Complete text of the King James Version (KJV)&“We Believe&” features unpack the Apostles&’ Creed to reveal the biblical foundation of faith&“Panorama&” features keep the big picture of each book of the Bible in viewTopical indexes help with in-depth Bible studyBook introductions provide an overview for each book of the BibleBiblical advice about friends, family, school, and other issuesImportant Bible verses to memorizeQ and As test your Bible knowledgeProfiles of people in the BibleTwo-color page design8-page full-color map section

KJV, The Woman's Study Bible, Full-Color, Comfort Print: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation

by Thomas Nelson

A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God&’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman&’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God&’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman&’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman&’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the kingdom.Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman&’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds. Since the publication of the first edition of The Woman&’s Study Bible, this landmark study Bible has sold over 2 million copies. Features include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage ScriptureDetailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the BibleThousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to ScriptureOver 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your lifeInsightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledgeBook introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each bookHundreds of full-color, in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees give a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themesQuotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journeyTopical index and concordance help locate words and show the number of occurrences throughout the BibleClear and readable KJV Comfort Print® typeface in 10.5-point print size

KJV, Word Study Bible, Ebook, Red Letter Edition: 1,700 Key Words that Unlock the Meaning of the Bible

by Thomas Nelson

The KJV Word Study Bible provides 1,700 easy-to-use word studies, in-text subheadings, select Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words explained from Genesis to Revelation helping you dig deeper into your Bible study. By relying on these ancient texts we are able to read scripture as it was originally written and passed on from generation to generation, bringing these words to life allowing you to almost hear Jesus teaching on the hillside or crying out to God on the cross. As you study you will discover the richness and significance of the original languages of the Word of God and experience scripture in a whole new way. Features Include: • Book introductions • Words of Christ in red • Word studies • Indexes • Concordance

Klara's Truth: A Novel

by Susan Weissbach Friedman

It is May 2014, and Dr. Klara Lieberman—forty-nine, single, professor of archaeology at a small liberal arts college in Maine, a contained person living a contained life—has just received a letter from her estranged mother, Bessie, that will dramatically change her life. Her father, she learns—the man who has been absent from her life for the last forty-three years, and about whom she has long been desperate for information—is dead. Has been for many years, in fact, which Bessie clearly knew. But now the Polish government is giving financial reparations for land it stole from its Jewish citizens during WWII, and Bessie wants the money. Klara has little interest in the money—but she does want answers about her father. She flies to Warsaw, determined to learn more. In Poland, Klara begins to piece together her father&’s, and her own, story. She also connects with extended family, begins a romantic relationship, and discovers her calling: repairing the hundreds of forgotten, and mostly destroyed, pre-War Jewish cemeteries in Poland. Along the way, she becomes a more integrated, embodied, and interpersonally connected individual—one with the tools to make peace with her past and, for the first time in her life, build purposefully toward a bigger future.

The Klausenberg Rebbe

by Combined Edition

As World War II raged and Hitler's Final Solution for European Jewry was brutally implemented, the Jewish people desperately needed a leader- a leader of extraordinary intellect, boundless devotion to the Almighty and His people, and most of all, superhuman mesiras nefesh, self sacrifice. Out of the blazing fires of the Nazi inferno came just such a man: Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam, the Klausenberger Rebbe. From a young age his diligence and accomplishments in Torah study and his outstanding character marked him for greatness. But it was in the hellfires of Auschwitz, Dachau, and the Warsaw Ghetto that the enormity of the Klausenberger Rebbe's spirit became apparent for all to see. Suffering personal loss, tragedy and brutality that would drive an ordinary person to the depths of despair, the Klausenberger Rebbe soared to immeasurable spiritual heights. Refusing to compromise his observance of mitzvos in even the slightest way, Rav Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam was a defiant inspiration to his suffering fellow Jews. With the war's end, his spirit unbroken despite his suffering, he inspired his fellow survivors, bringing hope to the hopeless and the light of faith to those whose world had been darkened.

Klesh Rahit Jeevan: क्लेश रहित जीवन

by Dada Bhagwan

क्या आप जीवन में उठनेवाले विभिन्न क्लेशों से थक चुके हो ? क्या आप हैरान हो कि नित्य नए क्लेश कहाँ से उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं ? क्लेश रहित जीवन के लिए आपको केवल पक्का निश्चय करना है कि आप लोगों के साथ सारा व्यवहार समभाव से निपटाओगे। यह चिंता नहीं करनी कि आप इसमें सफल होंगे या नहीं। केवल दृढ निश्चय करना है। फिर आज या कल, जीवन में शांति आकर ही रहेगी। हो सकता है कि इसमें कुछ साल भी लग जाएँ। क्योंकि आपके बहुत चीकने कर्म हैं। यदि बीवी-बच्चों के साथ बहुत उलझे हुए कर्म हों तो निकाल करने में अधिक समय लग जाता है। करीबी लोगों के साथ उलझने क्रमशः ही समाप्त होती हैं। यदि आप एक बार समभाव से निकाल करने का दृढ निश्चय कर लेंगे तो आपके सभी क्लेशों का अंत आएगा। चिकने कर्मों का निकाल करते वक्त आपको अत्यंत जागृत रहना होगा। साँप चाहे कितना भी छोटा हो, आपको सावधानी रहते हुए आगे बढ़ना होगा। अगर आपने लापरवाही और सुस्ती दिखाई तो इन मामलों को सुलझाने में असफल होंगे। व्यवहार में सभी के साथ समभाव से निकाल करने के दृढ़ निश्चय के बाद, यदि कोई आपको कटु वाणी बोल दे और आपकी भी कटु वाणी निकल जाए, तो आपके बाहरी व्यवहार का कोई महत्व नहीं, क्योकि आपकी घृणा समाप्त हो चुकी है। और आपने समभाव से निकाल का दृढ़ निश्चय कर रखा है। घृणा अहंकार का भाव है और वाणी शरीर का भाव है। अगर आपने समभाव से निकाल करने का दृढ़ निश्चय किया है, तो आप अवश्य सफल होंगे तथा आपके सभी कर्म भी समाप्त होंगे। आज अगर आप किसी का लोन नहीं चुका पाते, तो भविष्य में ज़रूर चुकता कर पाएँगे। आपके ऋण दाता आपसे आखिरकर आपसे उगाही कर ही लेंगे। “प्रतिशोध के सभी भावनाओं से मुक्त होने के लिए आपको परम पूज्य दादाश्री के पास आकर ज्ञान ले लेना चाहिए। मैं आपको इसी जीवन में प्रतिशोध की सभी भावनाओं से मुक्त होने का रास्ता दिखाऊँगा। जीवन से थके हुए लोग मृत्यु क्यों ढूँढते हैं? ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि वे जीवन के इस तनाव का सामना नहीं कर पाते। इतने अधिक दबाव में आप कितने दिन जीवित रह सकते हो ? कीड़े-मकोडों की तरह, आज का मनुष्य निरंतर संताप में है। मनुष्य का जीवन मिलने के बाद किसी को कोई दुःख क्यों हो? सारा संसार संताप में है। और जो संताप में नहीं है, वे काल्पनिक सुखों में खोए हुए है। इन दोनों छोरों के बीच संसार झूल रहा है। आत्मज्ञानी होने के बाद, आप सभी कल्पनाओं और वेदनाओं से मुक्त हो जाओगे।’

Klesh Rahit Jeevan - Novel: क्लेश रहित जीवन - कादंबरी

by Dada Bhagwan

तुम्ही जीवनात होणाऱ्या क्लेशांपासून थकून गेला आहात का? आणि चकित आहात की हे नवीन क्लेश कुठून बरे उत्पन्न होतात? क्लेश रहित जीवनासाठी तुम्हाला फक्त पक्का निश्चय करायचा आहे की लोकांसोबत असलेला व्यवहार तुम्ही समताभावे पूर्ण कराल आणि तेही त्यात यश मिळेल की नाही याची चिंता केल्याशिवाय. मग एक दिवस तुम्हाला तुमच्या जीवनात नक्कीच शांती लाभेल. जर बायको-मुलांसोबत अधिक गुंतागुंतीचे कर्म असतील तर त्यांचा निकाल करण्यात जरा जास्त वेळ लागतो. जवळच्या माणसांसोबत असलेला गुंता हळूहळू संपुष्टात येतो. चिकट कर्मांचा निकाल करतेवेळी तुम्हाला अतिशय जागृत राहावे लागेल. जर तुम्ही निष्काळजीपणा आणि आळस दाखवलात तर हा सर्व गुंता सोडवण्यात तुम्हाला अपयश मिळेल. जर कोणी तुम्हाला कटू शब्द बोलला आणि त्यावर तुमचीही जर कटू वाणी निघाली तरीही तुमच्या बाहेरील व्यवहार इतका महत्वपूर्ण नाही कारण तुमची घृणा समाप्त झाली आहे आणि तुम्ही समभावे निकाल करण्याचा दृढ निश्चय केलेला आहे. बदला घेण्याच्या सर्व भावनांपासून मुक्त होण्यासाठी तुम्हाला परम पूज्य दादाश्रींकडे येऊन ज्ञान घेतले पाहिजे. मी तुम्हाला मुक्त होण्याचा रस्ता दाखवेल. जीवनात थकलेली माणसे मृत्यूला का कवटाळतात? याचे कारण ते जीवनातील ताण-तनावाचा सामना करु शकत नाही. इतक्या अधिक ताण-तनावात तुम्ही किती दिवस जगू शकाल? किड्या-मुंग्याप्रमाणे आजचा मनुष्य निरंतर त्रासलेला आहे. मनुष्य जीवन मिळाल्यानंतरही कोणी दु:खी का असावे? संपूर्ण जग दु:खातच आहे आणि जो दु:खात नाही तो काल्पनिक सुखात हरवलेला आहे. या दोन टोकांमध्ये जीवत झुलत आहे. आत्मज्ञान प्राप्त झाल्यानंतर तुम्ही सर्व कल्पना आणि दु:खांपासून मुक्त व्हाल. दादाश्रींच्या या पुस्तकात क्लेश रहित जीवन जगण्याच्या चाव्या आणि योग्य समज देण्यात आली आहे.

Klesh rahit jivan: क्लेश रहित जीवन

by Dada Bhagwan

क्या आप जीवन में उठनेवाले क्लेशों से थक चुके हो और हैरान हो कि नए क्लेश कहाँ से उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं ? क्लेश रहित जीवन के लिए आपको केवल पक्का निश्चय करना है कि आप लोगों के साथ सारा व्यवहार समभाव से निपटाओगे बिना सफलता की चिंता किये बिगैर | फिर एक दिन जीवन में शांति आकर ही रहेगी। यदि बीवी-बच्चों के साथ बहुत उलझे हुए कर्म हों तो निकाल करने में अधिक समय लग जाता है। करीबी लोगों के साथ उलझने क्रमशः ही समाप्त होती हैं। चिकने कर्मों का निकाल करते वक्त आपको अत्यंत जागृत रहना होगा। अगर आपने लापरवाही और सुस्ती दिखाई तो इन मामलों को सुलझाने में असफल होंगे। यदि कोई आपको कटु वाणी बोल दे और आपकी भी कटु वाणी निकल जाए, तो आपके बाहरी व्यवहार का कोई महत्व नहीं, क्योंकि आपकी घृणा समाप्त हो चुकी है और आपने समभाव से निकाल का दृढ़ निश्चय कर रखा है। “प्रतिशोध के सभी भावनाओं से मुक्त होने के लिए आपको परम पूज्य दादाश्री के पास आकर ज्ञान ले लेना चाहिए। मैं आपको इसी जीवन में प्रतिशोध की सभी भावनाओं से मुक्त होने का रास्ता दिखाऊँगा। जीवन से थके हुए लोग मृत्यु क्यों ढूँढते हैं? ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि वे जीवन के तनाव का सामना नहीं कर पाते। इतने अधिक दबाव में आप कितने दिन जीवित रह सकते हो ? कीड़े-मकोडों की तरह, आज का मनुष्य निरंतर संताप में है। मनुष्य का जीवन मिलने के बाद किसी को कोई दुःख क्यों हो? सारा संसार संताप में है और जो संताप में नहीं है, वे काल्पनिक सुखों में खोए हुए हैं। इन दोनों छोरों के बीच संसार झूल रहा हैं। आत्मज्ञानी होने के बाद, आप सभी कल्पनाओं और वेदनाओं से मुक्त हो जाओगे।’’ दादाश्री की इस पुस्तक में क्लेश रहित जीवन जीने की चाबियाँ और समझ दी गई हैं।

Klesh Vinanu Jivan: ક્લેશ વિનાનું જીવન

by Dada Bhagwan

શું તમે જીવનમાં થતી અથડામણો થી કંટાળી ગયા છો? શું તમને અચરજ થાય છે કે અથડામણો કેમ થતી હશે? પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રી કહે છે, “આત્મજ્ઞાન એ બધી અથડામણો થી મુક્તિ મેળવવાની ચાવી છે” “હવે તમારે બદલો લેવાની ભાવનાથી મુક્ત થવાનું છે, એ માટે તમે પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રી (આધ્યાત્મિક વિજ્ઞાની ) પાસે આવો અને આત્મજ્ઞાન મેળવો તો તમે મુક્ત થશો. તમારે બધા વેરથી આ જ ભવમાં મુક્ત થવાનું છે અને હું તમને તેનો રસ્તો બતાવીશ. મનુષ્યનું જીવન આજે જંતુ જેવું થઇ ગયું છે. તેઓ સતત માનસિક દુઃખમાં છે. મનુષ્ય તરીકે જન્મ થયા પછી શા માટે માનસિક સંતાપ હોવો જોઈએ? આખું જગત ભઠ્ઠીમાં બફાઈ રહેલા શક્કરિયાની અવસ્થામાં છે, અને જો સંતાપ નથી, તો ત્યાં ભ્રાંતિ (મોહ)ની અવસ્થા વર્તે છે. આ પુસ્તકમાં પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રી (આધ્યાત્મિક વિજ્ઞાની)નું, અથડામણ વિનાનું જીવન જીવવાની સમજણ, એની રીત, એનું મહત્વ રજુ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે.

Klotsvog (Russian Library)

by Margarita Khemlin

Klotsvog is a novel about being Jewish in the Soviet Union and the historical trauma of World War II—and it’s a novel about the petty dramas and demons of one strikingly vain woman. Maya Abramovna Klotsvog has had quite a life, and she wants you to know all about it. Selfish, garrulous, and thoroughly entertaining, she tells us where she came from, who she didn’t get along with, and what became of all her husbands and lovers.In Klotsvog, Margarita Khemlin creates a first-person narrator who is both deeply self-absorbed and deeply compelling. From Maya’s perspective, Khemlin unfurls a retelling of the Soviet Jewish experience that integrates the historical and the personal into her protagonist’s vividly drawn inner and outer lives. Maya’s life story flows as a long monologue, told in unfussy language dense with Khemlin’s magnificently manipulated Soviet clichés and matter-of-fact descriptions of Soviet life. Born in a center of Jewish culture in Ukraine, she spent the war in evacuation in Kazakhstan. She has few friends but has had several husbands, and her relationships with her relatives are strained at best. The war looms over Klotsvog, and the trauma runs deep, as do the ambiguities and ambivalences of Jewish identity. Lisa Hayden’s masterful translation brings this gripping character study full of dark, sly humor and new perspectives on Jewish heritage and survival to an English-speaking audience.

Kneelers: The Unsung Folk Art of England and Wales

by Elizabeth Bingham

A charming and witty history of the quirky - but surprisingly widespread - craft of embroidering kneeler cushions. The perfect gift book this Christmas, for those who love kneelers and those who don't!'A lovely look at a not-quite-vanishing craft that lies, literally, below our knees ... Inventive and interesting' The Oldie, 'Best Reads for All Ages This Christmas''A treasure of a collection' Amber Butchart, of BBC's The Great British Sewing Bee'I think I may already have discovered the best non fiction book of 2023' Reverend Richard Coles, author of A Murder Before EvensongKneelers is a celebration of the most widely practised - but often overlooked - folk art in England and Wales over the past ninety years: the design and craft of church kneelers. Featuring charming stories and enchanting designs from churches across the country, the book traces the history of kneelers; from their spectacular beginnings at Winchester in the 1930s to their booming popularity after Queen Elizabeth II's coronation and the present-day congregations who are keeping the tradition alive.In their range and diversity, the kneelers collected here form a fascinating social record of the concerns and interests that occupied their makers - including local fauna and flora, cricket, dragons, post-war tributes and the thrills of high-speed travel.Filled to the brim with beautiful full-colour images, Kneelers displays the quirky artistry and widely varied (and often surprising) motifs which have characterised church kneelers in the twentieth century. It rejoices in the personal stories of some of the people who have practised and advanced the art form, and is a wonderful commemoration of what happens when communities come together to celebrate their history and their environment.'A glorious and delightful salute' Tracy Chevalier, author of A Single Thread'This book is a Godsend!' Alan Titchmarsh, author of The Gardener's Almanac

The Kneeling Christian

by Whitaker House Unknown Christian

This Christian classic, written by an unknown Christian sometime before 1930, is a passionate call to a life of prayer. Knowing that the subject of prayer is a mysterious and foreign concept to many Christians, the author addresses many of the perplexities of this practice, such as, What is prayer? How does one pray? Must we "agonize in prayer"? How does God answer prayer? What hinders our prayer? Who may pray? With many inspiring examples of prayerful preachers and missionaries, the author leaves no doubt that all spiritual growth--all victory, confidence, peace, and communion with God--comes only through the practice of fervent, heartfelt prayer.

The Kneeling Warrior: Winning Your Battles Through Prayer

by David Ireland

Success in life requires militancy. Spiritual militancy! A true Christian is called to fight. Yet there are times devout followers of Christ unknowingly allow their warrior instincts to dull. Many of us stand idle while an evil tyrant pilfers our finances, snatches our health, filches our marriages, and makes off with all the promises of the kingdom--the really good stuff God intended for His children. There is good news! God provides an amazing battle plan to regain those things in life that have been snatched away by the enemy of our soul, a strategy that begins and ends with prayer. The Kneeling Warrior gives you the tools you need to develop a warrior’s mentality and passion in your prayer life in order to launch an all-out spiritual attack against your adversary. It is time to reclaim a fulfilling career, a satisfying marriage, a healthy relationship with your kids--and anything else worth recovering.

Kneeling with Giants: Learning to Pray with History's Best Teachers

by Gary Neal Hansen

Christian Resources Together

The Knife Sharpener's Bell

by Rhea Tregebov

Winner of the J.I. Segal 2010 Awards, Prize in English Fiction and Poetry on a Jewish Theme Shortlisted for the ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards, Fiction Annette Gershon and her family try to escape the economic chaos of the Great Depression in 1930s Winnipeg by returning "home" to the Soviet Union. But there they find themselves on a runaway train of tumultuous events as Stalinist Russia plunges into the horrors of World War II. This story of remarkable breadth and extraordinary prose is the seldom-told tale of those who undertook that odyssey, of loyalty and betrayal, heroism and fear.

The Knight-Waite Tarot Guidebook: Meanings & Readings

by Michele Knight-Waite

A BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED AND INCLUSIVE TAROT GUIDE THAT SPEAKS TO US ALLSome people can pick up a Tarot deck and instantly read like a pro. Others take longer to develop an affinity with the cards. The truth is, there's no right or wrong way to read them. And although none of the cards have set meanings, there are plenty of ways to peel back the layers and decide how each relates to your life. The Knight-Waite Tarot Guidebook features all the beautiful illustrations and artwork from the Knight-Waite Tarot Deck and includes 'traditional' interpretations of every card in the deck, sample spreads showing different ways to conduct a reading, and write-in sections for recording your interpretations. Tarot uses a symbolic language that tugs at your unconscious, dragging to the surface both treasure and truths. Using this guide alongside your Tarot will help you tune in to the story the cards are telling you, enjoying guidance, wisdom and answers, right when you need it. It will open the door to your higher intuition and reveal astonishing truths about yourself and your life.The answers you've been looking for are right here.REMEMBER TO SEARCH FOR THE ACCOMPANYING CARD DECK: The Knight-Waite Tarot Deck Cards and Quick Start Guide

The Knight-Waite Tarot Guidebook: Meanings & Readings

by Michele Knight-Waite

A BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED AND INCLUSIVE TAROT GUIDE THAT SPEAKS TO US ALLSome people can pick up a Tarot deck and instantly read like a pro. Others take longer to develop an affinity with the cards. The truth is, there's no right or wrong way to read them. And although none of the cards have set meanings, there are plenty of ways to peel back the layers and decide how each relates to your life. The Knight-Waite Tarot Guidebook features all the beautiful illustrations and artwork from the Knight-Waite Tarot Deck and includes 'traditional' interpretations of every card in the deck, sample spreads showing different ways to conduct a reading, and write-in sections for recording your interpretations. Tarot uses a symbolic language that tugs at your unconscious, dragging to the surface both treasure and truths. Using this guide alongside your Tarot will help you tune in to the story the cards are telling you, enjoying guidance, wisdom and answers, right when you need it. It will open the door to your higher intuition and reveal astonishing truths about yourself and your life.The answers you've been looking for are right here.REMEMBER TO SEARCH FOR THE ACCOMPANYING CARD DECK: The Knight-Waite Tarot Deck Cards and Quick Start Guide

The Knights Hospitaller: A Military History of the Knights of St John

by John Carr

A military history of the medieval Catholic order that arose during the Crusades in the Holy Land.The Knights of St John evolved during the Crusades from a monastic order providing hostels for Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land. The need to provide armed escorts to the pilgrims began their transformation into a Military Order. Their fervor and discipline made them an elite component of most Crusader armies and Hospitaller Knights (as they were also known) took part in most of the major engagements, including Hattin, Acre and Arsuf.After the Muslims had re-conquered the Crusader Kingdoms, the Order continued to fight from a new base, first in Rhodes and then in Malta. Taking to the sea, the Hospitallers became one of the major naval powers in the Mediterranean, defending Christian shipping from the Barbary Pirates (and increasingly turning to piracy themselves as funding from their estates in Europe dried up). They provided a crucial bulwark against Islamic expansion in the Mediterranean, obstinately resisting a massive siege of Malta by the Ottoman Turks in 1565. The Order remained a significant power in the Mediterranean until their defeat by Napoleon in 1798.Praise for The Knights Hospitaller“John's book gives us a rare insight into the monastic order that gave birth to the Knights Hospitaller, charting their history and exploits from their formation to the Napoleonic wars at the end of the eighteenth century. History doesn’t get any better than this.” —Books Monthly“In the process of telling this story, Carr also gives us an overview of military practice and trends in the Mediterranean world from the Crusades through the age of Revolution. This is a good read for anyone unfamiliar with the knights.” —New York Military Affairs“A deftly written, impressively comprehensive history that is thoroughly “reader friendly” in organization and presentation.” —Midwest Book Review

Knights in Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous, and Compassionate Boys

by Heather Haupt

Bringing chivalry back into our modern-day world, this book shows us how to inspire today's generation of young boys to pursue honor, courage, and compassion.In an age when respect and honor seem like distant and antiquated relics, how can we equip boys to pursue valor and courageously put the needs of others before their own? This book helps parents to inspire their boys by captivating their imagination and honoring their love for adventure. Heather Haupt explores how knights historically lived out various aspects of the knights' Code of Chivalry, as depicted in the French epic Song of Roland, and how boys can embody these same ideals now. When we issue the challenge and give boys the reasons why it is worth pursuing, we step forward on an incredible journey towards raising the kind of boys who, just like the knights of old, make an impact in their world now and for the rest of their lives.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Knights of Columbus Prayer Book

by Thomas Nelson

Knights of Columbus Prayer Book. Thomas Nelson.

The Knights Templar: The History and Myths of the Legendary Military Order

by Sean Martin

This book is an essential exploration into the history of a legendary group of Crusaders, which are prominently featured in Dan Brown's recent best seller, The Da Vinci Code. The Knights Templar rose from humble beginnings to become the most powerful military religious order of the Middle Ages. Formed to protect pilgrims in the Holy Land, they participated in the Crusades and rapidly gained wealth, lands, and influence. Seemingly untouchable for nearly two centuries, they fell from grace spectacularly after the loss of the Holy Land. In the ensuing centuries the Templars have exerted a unique influence over European history; orthodox historians see them as nothing more than soldier-monks whose arrogance was their ultimate undoing, while others see them as occultists of the first order. With clarity and ease, Martin navigates between the orthodox and the speculative, the historical and the myth, to bring alive the story of the Templars. Like those other legends of the Middle Ages--the characters of the Arthurian tales--The Knights Templar holds captive the imagination of all those intrigued by conspiracy and how history and myth intertwine to become the stuff of legend.

Knights, Vikings, and a Battle of the Bands: Level 1 (I Can Read! / Big Idea Books / VeggieTales)

by Karen Poth

Combine the VeggieTales characters and I Can Read and you have a sure winner. Emergent readers will not only practice their reading skills using the proven success of the I Can Read program, with its age-appropriate vocabulary and concepts but they will be learning about and growing in their faith with the help of their VeggieTales friends! In this new book, great for gift-giving and family sharing, readers will learn more from Bob, Larry, and other friends such as Princess Petunia, Junior Asparagus, and Lyle! Three titles included: Princess Petunia and the Good Knight ISBN: 9780310732068 Junior Battles to Be His Best ISBN: 9780310727323 What’s Up With Lyle? ISBN: 9780310721604

Knit One, Love Two: A Smitten Novella (Smitten)

by Diann Hunt

Winter, spring, summer, and fall, Smitten is a place for love . . . and mystery.But will knit-store owner Anna ever find patience for either?There's a secret in Grandma Rose's attic--a forgotten set of dog tags belonging to her first love. But David Hutchins was killed in action and never returned to town. How did the dog tags end up in the Grandma's attic? It's a romantic mystery fit for a town like Smitten, Vermont, which has been working hard to reinvent itself as a destination for lovers. Rose's three granddaughters are determined to investigate, though their mother Anna has reservations about digging up the past. But will they get distracted by mystery men of their own before they solve the puzzle of the dogtags?In Knit One, Love Two, divorcee Anna finds herself intrigued by the distinguished military man who just stepped into her knit shop. But Anna's first husband was a military man and it didn't turn out well at all. Does she dare risk love a second time around?Excerpted from Secretly Smitten, a novel in four parts written by Inspirational fiction's most popular romance novelists--and real life BFFs!

Knit, Purl, Pray: 52 Devotions for the Creative Soul

by Lisa Bogart

52 knitting-themed reflections for the over 53 million knitters who want to blend their passion and their faith.

Knit Together: Discover God's Pattern for Your Life

by Debbie Macomber

Debbie Macomber calls KNIT TOGETHER the project of her heart. Whenever she speaks, her theme is simple: don't be afraid to dream. God created us for a reason, and when we come to recognize our deepest longing, we can discover His plan for our lives. Full of encouragement and divine empowerment for women, the book centers around the Bible's assurance that God knits each one of us together in our mother's womb. Debbie deftly weaves her own story throughout the book, using the knitting theme of her most recent bestsellers to create metaphors that explore God's handiwork in creating us for a purpose.

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