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Let's Eat: Jewish Food and Faith

by Lori Stein Ronald H Isaacs

The food that Jewish people eat is part of our connection to our faith, culture, and history. Not only is Jewish food comforting and delicious, it’s also a link to every facet of Judaism. By learning about and cooking traditional Jewish dishes, we can understand fundamentals such as kashrut, community, and diversity. And Jewish history is so connected to food that one comedian said that the story of Judaism can be condensed into nine words: They tried to kill us. We survived. Let’s eat. Let’s Eat follows the calendar of Jewish holidays to include food from the many different Jewish communities around the world; in doing so, it brings the values that are the foundation of Judaism into focus. It also covers the way these foods have ended up on the Jewish menu and how Jews, as they wandered through the world, have influenced and been influenced by other nations and cuisines. Including over 40 recipes, this delicious review of the role of food in Jewish life offers a lively history alongside the traditions of

Let's Get Biblical!: Why Doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?

by Toiva Singer

Explore the Jewish and Christian Scriptures with the world renowned Bible scholar and expert on Jewish evangelism, Rabbi Tovia Singer. This new two-volume work, Let’s Get Biblical! Why Doesn’t Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?, takes the reader on an eye-opening journey through timeless passages in Tanach, and answers a pressing question: Why doesn’t Judaism accept the Christian messiah? Are the teachings conveyed in the New Testament compatible with ageless prophecies in the Jewish Scriptures? <p><p>Rabbi Singer’s fascinating new work clearly illustrates why the core doctrines of the Church are utterly incompatible with the cornerstone principles expressed by the Prophets of Israel, and are opposed by the most cherished tenets conveyed in the Jewish Scriptures. <P><P> Moreover, this book demonstrates how the Church systematically and deliberately altered the Jewish Scriptures in order to persuade potential converts that Jesus is the promised Jewish messiah. To accomplish this feat, Christian “translators” manipulated, misquoted, mistranslated, and even fabricated verses in the Hebrew Scriptures so that these texts appear to be speaking about Jesus. <p><p>This exhaustive book probes and illuminates this thought-provoking subject. Tragically, over the past two millennia, the church’s faithful have been completely oblivious to this Bible-tampering because virtually no Christian can read or understand the Hebrew Scriptures in its original language. Since time immemorial, earnest parishioners blindly and utterly depended upon manmade Christian “translations” of the “Old Testament” in order to understand the “Word of God.” Understandably, churchgoers are deeply puzzled by the Jewish rejection of their religion’s claims. They wonder aloud why Jewish people, who are reared since childhood in the Holy Tongue, and are the bearers and protectors of the sacred Oracles of God, do not accept Jesus as their messiah. How can such an extraordinary people dismiss such an extraordinary claim? Are they just plain stubborn? Let’s Get Biblical thoroughly answers these nagging, age-old questions.

Let's Get Ready for Bed (Nurturing Steps)

by Michael W. Smith Mike Nawrocki

From Grammy Award-winning artist Michael W Smith and the co-creator of Veggietales Mike Nawrocki comes Let's Get Ready for Bed, the second in a series of bedtime books in the Nurturing Steps line. This sweet and sleepy picture book will lull your little one to sleep with their favorite stuffed animal characters the Nighty Nights.As an added bonus, this book includes a link that allows readers to listen to Michael W. Smith singing the lullaby from the story.Founded by Michael W Smith, Nurturing StepsTM is an infant and toddler series of children&’s music and books with a simple mission to enliven a child&’s journey with hope and faith through music and storytelling.

Let's Get Ready For Hanukkah

by Joanne Winne

Explains in simple terms some basic concepts about Hanukkah and the traditions surrounding it.

Let's Go Deeper: A Practical Guide to Following Jesus

by J Lee Grady

FROM AWARD-WINNING JOURNALIST AND AUTHOR OF FOLLOW METhe only thing holding back the spread of the gospel is the church. This book will teach me how to go deeper in my relationship with God so that I may become a more fully developed disciple of Jesus to help bring the gospel to the world around me. The Bible tells us there is one true God who sits on the throne of the universe. He is the Creator of everything, and He is worthy of all the praise and honor of the world&’s people. Because He is our Creator and the Sustainer of life, He has the right to rule over us and expect obedience. In Let&’s Go Deeper, J. Lee Grady shares how by revealing Himself to Moses, God demonstrated His true desire to be with us. Even though He is almighty, enthroned in the glory of heaven, He makes Himself accessible and available to those who love Him. Join in the journey of discipleship with this practical guide of thirty short and powerful lessons to take you deeper in your relationship with God. This resource will transform your Christian faith and act as a tool kit for those who are new to Christianity. Following Jesus and coming to know your Creator doesn&’t have to be difficult; you just have to be willing to take the first step toward Him.

Let's Go on a Mommy Date

by Karen Kingsbury

See, time will take you far from here; you’re growing way too fast. All I want is Mommy time to make the moments last. Something we’ll remember so that come some far-off day, you’ll know how much I loved you ‘cause we took the time to play. From inspirational novelist Karen Kingsbury comes this delightful children’s book about Moms and children spending precious time together. Whether it’s the zoo, park, a movie, or simply snuggling down to read about such adventures — being together is what’s required for a “Mommy Date.” This poetic picture book reminds little ones of fun they’ve had, and fun ahead, and brings home the bottom line: spending time together is what Mommy’s really want!

Let's Have a Daddy Day

by Karen Kingsbury

“When you’re all grown up and you look back on this day, you’ll know how much I loved you ‘cause we took the time to play.”A Daddy day? Why not! What better way for a child to enjoy being with Daddy—and Dad to enjoy being with his little one? These heartwarming rhymes by bestselling author Karen Kingsbury offer great ideas for children to have simple, fun times with Daddy, and to come up with ideas of their own. Geared for kids and dads alike, this endearingly illustrated book will become a cherished addition to the family library.

Let's Learn about The Lord's Prayer (HeartSmart Series)

by Catherine Devries Ryan Jackson

In this first book of the HeartSmart series, preschoolers are invited on a playdate with Emma. Together they learn the Lord's Prayer and practice "teaching" it to Emma's favorite teddy bear. Introducing HeartSmart, a Scripture memory series designed to create opportunities for children to fill their heart with God's Word. HeartSmart combines key Scriptures with songs, giving parents a spiritual formation path for building a strong foundation of faith. The entire Lord's Prayer is included, along with a custom song (free download with access code).

Let's Make Some Noise: Axé and the African Roots of Brazilian Popular Music

by Clarence Bernard Henry

Clarence Bernard Henry's book is a culmination of several years of field research on sacred and secular influences of àsé, the West African Yoruba concept that spread to Brazil and throughout the African Diaspora. Àsé is imagined as power and creative energy bestowed upon human beings by ancestral spirits acting as guardians. In Brazil, the West African Yoruba concept of àsé is known as axé and has been reinvented, transmitted, and nurtured in Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion that is practiced in Salvador, Bahia. The author examines how the concepts of axé and Candomblé religion have been appropriated and reinvented in Brazilian popular music and culture. Featuring interviews with practitioners and local musicians, the book explains how many Brazilian popular music styles such as samba, bossa nova, samba-reggae, ijexá, and axé have musical and stylistic elements that stem from Afro-Brazilian religion. The book also discusses how young Afro-Brazilians combine Candomblé religious music with African American music such as blues, jazz, gospel, soul, funk, and rap. Henry argues for the importance of axé as a unifying force tying together the secular and sacred Afro-Brazilian musical landscape.

Let's Not Forget God

by Cardinal Angelo Scola John L. Allen

Born out of a speech celebrating the 1,700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan, in which emperors Constantine I and Licinius granted Christians legal rights, this book by Cardinal Angelo Scola gives attention to the crisis of religious freedom in the twenty-first century. Let's Not Forget God outlines how Christianity has been at the center of creating a pluralistic society, from the Roman Empire in 313 to the American Revolution in 1776. This bold vision of freedom brings religion into the realm of public debate without allowing the state to banish or control it. "The question of religious freedom,closely connected to that of freedom of conscience," writes Cardinal Scola, "is revealing itself today to be crucial not only to the development of Western societies but also to the peaceful evolution of their relationships with Asia, Africa, and Latin America." Let's Not Forget God is both a portrait of the history of religious freedom and a testament to its potential for spreading peace.From the Hardcover edition.

Let's Pretend We're Normal

by Tricia Lott Williford

"Oh, my word, I'm living this." Dear friend, If you and I are new to each other, let me start here: This is not how this was supposed to go! In the portrait I had long ago painted of my family, I didn't intend to include words like "widowed single mom." I had envisioned many more decades with my husband Robb in the complicated, beautiful life of marriage. But in the course of twelve hours, our family of four became a trio, and since that day my boys and I have been creating a new life in an upside-down world. I have written this new book, which in a lot of ways is a sequel to And Life Comes Back, to answer the question so many have asked: "And then what happened--after the crisis became reality and your life began again?" I've leaned into honest storytelling to offer a look into the chaos and beauty of who we have become. I'll be honest, this book was harder to write because I'm living it right now--I hardly feel like an expert who has figured it out. I hope my straight-up-honest stories will give you encouragement to take the next step. And the next. And the next. Sometimes, you just have to pretend you know what you're doing, pretend you're brave enough, and pretend you can do this. Sometimes you just have to pretend you're normal until the new normal finds you. See you in the pages, Tricia

Let's Start with Jesus: A New Way of Doing Theology

by Dennis F. Kinlaw

“If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” (John 14:7) Jesus is the great stumbling block of faith. It is in him that Christianity finds its uniqueness among the religions of the world. He is the Incarnate Son of God, the unique revelation of the Father. Yet so often, we begin the process of theological formulation not with the person of Jesus, but rather, with philosophical arguments about God’s existence and logical constructions to determine God’s nature. How would our understanding be affected if we instead took Jesus as our starting point for doing theology? In Let’s Start with Jesus, respected biblical scholar Dennis Kinlaw explores this question, revealing answers that are profound. In seeking to describe the nature of the relationship God desires with us, he explores three metaphors—royal/legal, familial, and nuptial—which serve as motifs for his reflection. Taking familiar theological categories, Kinlaw views them through the primary lens of the person and work of Jesus, and finds that Jesus reveals rich pictures of the nature of God, the nature of personhood, the problem of sin, the way of salvation, and finally, the means of sanctification via perfect love. The distilled wisdom of one of this generation’s greatest thinkers. Dr. Kinlaw leads you deep into the inner sanctuary of the Holy Trinity and shows you three distinct persons relating to each other in pure reciprocal love. —Robert E. Coleman, Distinguished Professor of Evangelism and Discipleship, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Every time I read something written by Dennis Kinlaw my mind is stimulated and my heart strangely warmed. Let’s Start with Jesus is another important book from a truly gifted man. —Lyle W. Dorsett, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University Kinlaw’s revolutionary approach to doing theology is much more than that—it’s a revolutionary approach to life. Kinlaw locates ultimate purpose in a place the church has almost totally neglected, and he does so graciously, with powerful, tightly reasoned biblical argumentation.

Let's Stay Together

by Jane Butterworth

Most couples enter a committed relationship expecting it to last forever, but the sad reality is that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce and many cohabiting couples are destined to split up. There's no magic about having a solid, long-lasting relationship. Love is important, but it also takes a lot of work. Let's Stay Together, by acclaimed agony aunt Jane Butterworth, looks at how to sort out problems when the going gets rough - as it will at some time for all couples.

Let's Stay Together

by Jane Butterworth

Most couples enter a committed relationship expecting it to last forever, but the sad reality is that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce and many cohabiting couples are destined to split up. There's no magic about having a solid, long-lasting relationship. Love is important, but it also takes a lot of work. Let's Stay Together, by acclaimed agony aunt Jane Butterworth, looks at how to sort out problems when the going gets rough - as it will at some time for all couples.

Let's Study Ephesians

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

A study of the Letter to the Ephesians.

Let’s Talk About: Evangelizing and Discipling your Children’s Suitors and Others

by Robert Bowen

Do you struggle with sharing your faith intentionally? If so, read this very practical guide to sharing the Gospel with those you love, including serious boyfriends or girlfriends of your children, close friends, or even strangers. It all starts with a heartfelt desire for others to know the Gospel truth that Jesus is the only way to be saved from their sins and the wrath we all deserve. Learn how to take the time to talk with others about your faith and help lead them to their own saving faith in Jesus.

The Letter (Christmas Box #3)

by Richard Paul Evans

From the book jacket The Letter, the final book of the Christmas Box collection, is, most simply stated, the love story of David and MaryAnne Parkin. But it is also everyone's love story, for it is about the storms that all relationships must face when the blissful state of romance vanishes into one of real-life challenges and difficulties. We often forget that it is in the hard times that we truly see what is best in love as well as in life. Though love may be temporarily darkened, true love never gives in, or up, but holds tight to noble ideas, which transcend this earth and all time. The Letter is also about our pasts and our individual quests to discover who we are. In The Letter, David Parkin sets out on a journey to find his mother, a woman who abandoned him when he was a child. In truth, however, David is searching for himself as he seeks to free himself from the pain of her rejection and his fear that he was somehow unworthy of her love. In a sense, David's search is the same journey we are all pursuing. We are all seeking love. My hope is that you will feel what I felt as I wrote this book-the divine nature of loyalty and the understanding of why we must share love whenever and wherever we can. One final note. I am saddened to finish the Christmas Box trilogy and to bid good-bye to the Parkin family. I do not know if I shall ever visit them again, but I am glad for this last story-a story which I think is a fitting sendoff for the characters I've grown to love. I hope that the message you find in their lives is meaningful to your own. And, most of all, that in reading the Christmas Box collection, you, and those with whom you share my books, will never be the same.

Letter and Spirit: From Written Text to Living Word in the Liturgy

by Scott Hahn

A publication of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology in Steubenville, Ohio, "Letter & Spirit" is a new journal of Catholic biblical theology which seeks to foster a deeper conversation about the Bible. In light of the advancements of the last century in recapturing the historical and literary context of Scripture, "Letter & Spirit" embraces the challenge of the next century--linking the scientific study of Scripture to its liturgical sense in the Church's living tradition.

Letter from Birmingham Jail

by Martin Luther King Jr.

During the struggle for civil rights in the 1960s, Martin Luther King emerged as the movement's most eloquent leader. The two selections here testify to the emotional and logical power of his arguments. In "Letter from Birmingham Jail," King explains why blacks can no longer be prisoners of inequality. His "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered to 250,000 civil rights marchers in 1963, is another moving appeal for equality.

The Letter from Briarton Park (The Houses of Yorkshire Series #1)

by Sarah E. Ladd

In Regency England, one letter will alter a young woman&’s fate when it summons her to Briarton Park—an ancient place that holds the secrets of her past and the keys to her future.Cassandra Hale grew up knowing little about her parentage, and she had made peace with the fact that she never would. But Cassandra&’s world shifts when a shocking deathbed confession reveals a two-year-old letter from Mr. Clark, the master of Briarton Park, with hints to her family&’s identity. Stung by betrayal, she travels to the village of Anston only to learn Mr. Clark has since passed away.James Warrington is a widower and the new master of Briarton Park, where he lives with his two young daughters, his sister, and his mother-in-law. When Cassandra appears at his doorstep with a letter from the previous owner and then proceeds to assist his family in an unexpected way, he is honor bound to help uncover the answers she seeks.The more time Cassandra spends in Anston, the more she begins to suspect not everything—or everyone—is as they seem. As details emerge, the danger surrounding her intensifies. Using wit and intuition, she must navigate the treacherous landscapes between truth and rumor and between loyalty and deception if she is to uncover the realities of her past and find the place her heart can finally call home.Sarah Ladd&’s latest Regency romance, first in the new Houses of Yorkshire series, combines mystery and intrigue with the best of historical storytelling.Praise for The Letter from Briarton Park:&“The swoon-worthy romance of Jane Austen meets the suspense of Charlotte Bronte in Sarah Ladd's enthralling The Letter from Briarton Park. As Cassandra navigates the mystery of her own life, it is absolutely clear that family—either of blood or heart—are where she, and we, ultimately find our home.&” —Joy Callaway, international bestselling author of The Fifth Avenue Artists Society and The Greenbrier ResortSweet Regency romance with mystery elementsThe first book in the Houses of Yorkshire series, but can be read in any orderBook length: approximately 91,000 wordsIncludes discussion questions for book clubs

The Letter from Prison: Literature of Cultural Resistance in Early Modern England

by W. Clark Gilpin

Letters from prison testifying to deeply felt ethical principles have a long history, extending from antiquity to the present day. In the early modern era, the rise of printing houses helped turn these letters into a powerful form of political and religious resistance. W. Clark Gilpin’s fascinating book examines how letter writers in England—ranging from archbishops to Quaker women—consolidated the prison letter as a literary form.Drawing from a large collection of printed prison letters written from the reign of Henry VIII to the closing decades of the seventeenth century, Gilpin explores the genre's many facets within evolving contexts of reformation and revolution. The writers of these letters portrayed the prisoner of conscience as a distinct persona and the prison as a place of redemptive suffering where bearing witness had the power to change society.The Letter from Prison features a diverse cast of characters and a literary genre that combines drama and inspiration. It is sure to appeal to those interested in early modern England, prison literature, and cultural forms of resistance.

A Letter in the Scroll: Understanding Our Jewish Identity and Exploring the Legacy of the World's Oldest Religion

by Jonathan Sacks

“In a clear, steady style that can also soar [Rabbi Sacks] explains why this disaster-driven thinking denies the beauty and strength of Judaism.” —BooklistFor too long, Jews have defined themselves in light of the bad things that have happened to them. And it is true that, many times in the course of history, they have been nearly decimated: when the First and Second Temples were destroyed, when the Jews were expelled from Spain, when Hitler proposed his Final Solution. Astoundingly, the Jewish people have survived catastrophe after catastrophe and remained a thriving and vibrant community. The question Rabbi Jonathan Sacks asks is, quite simply: How? How, in the face of such adversity, has Judaism remained and flourished, making a mark on human history out of all proportion to its numbers?Written originally as a wedding gift to his son and daughter-in-law, A Letter in the Scroll is Rabbi Sacks’s personal answer to that question, a testimony to the enduring strength of his religion. Tracing the revolutionary series of philosophical and theological ideas that Judaism created—from covenant to sabbath to formal education—and showing us how they remain compellingly relevant in our time, Sacks portrays Jewish identity as an honor as well as a duty. Never has a book more eloquently expressed the joys of being a Jew.This is the story of one man’s hope for the future—a future in which the next generation, his children and ours, will happily embrace the beauty of the world’s oldest religion.

The Letter Keeper (A Murphy Shepherd Novel #2)

by Charles Martin

Combining heart-wrenching emotion with edge-of-your-seat tension, New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin explores the true power of sacrificial love.Murphy Shepherd has made a career of finding those no one else could—survivors of human trafficking. His life&’s mission is helping others find freedom . . . but then the nightmare strikes too close to home.When his new wife, her daughter, and two other teenage girls are stolen, Murphy is left questioning all he has thought to be true. With more dead ends than leads, he has no idea how to find his loved ones. After everything is stripped away, love is what remains.Hope feels lost, but Murphy is willing to expend his last breath trying to bring them home.Praise for The Letter Keeper:&“A man broken by events beyond his control accepts the challenge to walk dark ways in order to bring the lost and helpless home, but he comes close to losing himself in the process. Despite the hardship and heartache, Martin&’s story shines with the light of eternal hope.&” —Davis Bunn, writing for Christianity Today&“It is unequivocally, hands down, a remarkable read. It&’s everything you want (and a whole lot more) from a sequel . . . Y&’all better get ready. Like I said last time, clear your schedule. Then read this book . . . front to back. There will be more sweaty palms, fist pumps, tears, and laughter than the first one. I promise.&” —Charlie Martin, Charles Martin&’s sonFull-length novelOne of the Murphy Shepherd novels:Book One: The Water KeeperBook Two: The Letter KeeperBook Three: Coming June 2022!Includes discussion questions for book clubsAlso by Charles Martin: The Mountain Between Us, Send Down the Rain, Long Way Gone, When Crickets Cry

A Letter of Consolation: A Combined Edition Of The Nouwen Classics In Memoriam And A Letter Of Consolation

by Henri J. M. Nouwen

Finding faith in a time of sorrow Beloved author Henri Nouwen reflects on the spiritual significance of death and life in this moving meditation dedicated to "all those who suffer the pain that death can bring and who search for new life."

The Letter of James (The New International Commentary on the New Testament)

by Scot McKnight

Scot McKnight here explains the Letter of James both in its own context and as it may be seen in light of ancient Judaism, the Graeco-Roman world, and emerging earliest Christianity. From beginning to end, the book is shaped for pastors, teachers, and scholars. McKnight is less interested in shedding new light on James than on providing a commentary for those who want to explain the letter and its significance to congregations and classes. This commentary is accessible to a broad readership, at once full of insight and of good sense and wit that makes for good reading. The Letter of James is an especially helpful source for consultation as to what James is about.

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