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Nihil Obstat: Religion, Politics, and Social Change in East-Central Europe and Russia

by Sabrina P. Ramet

Nihil Obstat--Latin for "nothing stands in the way"--examines the interplay between religion and politics in East-Central Europe and Russia. While focusing on the postcommunist, late twentieth century, Sabrina P. Ramet discusses developments as far back as the eleventh century to explain the patterns that have developed over time and to show how they still affect contemporary interecclesiastical relations as well as those among Church, state, and society.Based on interview research in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Macedonia, and on materials published in German, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Russian, and English, Ramet paints a clear picture of the political and religious fragility of former communist states, which are experiencing some aspects of freedom and choice for the first time. With its comprehensive discussion of the largest religious institutions in the area, especially the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and its extensive survey of nontraditional religious associations that have become active in the region since 1989, this study makes a distinct contribution to growing discussions about the rise of fundamentalism and the inner dilemmas of modernity. With its depth of information and thoughtful exploration of cultural traditions, Nihil Obstat uniquely presents the ramifications and complexities of European religion in a postcommunist world.

Nijdosh Darshan se Nirdosh!: निजदोष दर्शन से... निर्दोष!

by Dada Bhagwan

परम पूज्य दादाश्री का ज्ञान लेने के बाद, आप अपने भीतर की सभी क्रियाओं को देख सकेंगे और विश्लेषण कर सकेंगे। यह समझ, पूर्ण ज्ञान अवस्था में पहुँचने की शुरूआत है। ज्ञान के प्रकाश में आप बिना राग द्वेष के, अपने अच्छे व बुरे विचारों के प्रवाह को देख पाएँगे। आपको अच्छा या बुरा देखने की ज़रूरत नहीं है क्योंकि विचार परसत्ता है। तो सवाल यह है कि ज्ञानी दुनिया को किस रूप में देखतें हैं ? ज्ञानी जगत् को निर्दोष देखते हैं। ज्ञानी यह जानते हैं कि जगत की सभी क्रियाएँ पहले के किए हुए चार्ज का डिस्चार्ज हैं। वे यह जानते हैं कि जगत निर्दोष है। नौकरी में सेठ के साथ कोई झगड़ा या अपमान, केवल आपके पूर्व चार्ज का डिस्चार्ज ही है। सेठ तो केवल निमित्त है। पूरा जगत् निर्दोष है। जो कुछ परेशानियाँ हमें होती हैं, वह मूलतः हमारी ही गलतियों के परिणाम स्वरूप होती हैं। वे हमारे ही ब्लंडर्स व मिस्टेक्स हैं। ज्ञानी की कृपा से सभी भूलें मिट जाती हैं। आत्म ज्ञान रहित मनुष्य को अपनी भूले न दिखकर केवल औरों की ही गलतियाँ दिखतीं हैं। निजदोष दर्शन पर परम पूज्य दादाश्री की समझ, तरीके, और उसे जीवन में उतारने की चाबियाँ इस किताब में संकलित की गई हैं। ज्ञान लेने के बाद आप अपनी मन, वचन, काया का पक्ष लेना बंद कर देते हैं और निष्पक्षता से अपनी गलतियाँ खुद को ही दिखने लगती हैं, तथा आंतरिक शांति की शुरूआत हो जाती है।

Nijdosh Darshan Thi Nirdosh: નિજદોષ દર્શનથી નિર્દોષ

by Dada Bhagwan

તમે આ જ્ઞાન (આત્મસાક્ષાત્કાર નું જ્ઞાન) મેળવશો પછી, તમારી અંદર જે કંઈપણ થઇ રહ્યું છે તેને તમે જોઈ શકશો અને પૃથ્થકરણ કરી શકશો. આ તમારી અંદર નું પૃથ્થકરણ એ વિશ્વદર્શન ના જ્ઞાન પર પ્રકાશ પાડતું ક્ષેત્ર છે. સંપૂર્ણ વિશ્વદર્શન નું જ્ઞાન નહિ પણ તેનો અંશ કહી શકાય. તમે ગમતા અને અણગમતા બન્ને વિચારો જોઈ શકશો. સારા વિચારો પ્રત્યે રાગ નહીં અને ખરાબ વિચારો પ્રત્યે દ્વેષ નહીં. શું સારું છે અને શું ખરાબ છે એ જોવાની તમારે જરૂર નથી કારણકે એ તમારા વશ માં નથી. જ્ઞાનીઓ (આત્મજ્ઞાન પામેલા) શું જોતાં હશે? તેઓ જગત ને નિર્દોષ જુએ છે. જ્ઞાની જાણે છે કે આ જગત માં જે કંઈપણ થઇ રહ્યું છે તે પહેલાં જે ચાર્જ કરેલું તેનું ડીસ્ચાર્જ છે. તેઓ જાણે છે કે જગત દોષિત છે જ નહિ. તમને અપમાન મળે કે તમારા ઉપરી સાથે ઝગડો થાય તે તમારા પૂર્વ કર્મ (પ્રારબ્ધ,ભાગ્ય) નો ડિસ્ચાર્જ છે, તમારા ઉપરી તો ફક્ત નિમિત્ત છે. આ જગત માં કોઈ નો દોષ કાઢી ન શકાય.તમને જે બધી ભૂલો દેખાય છે તે તમારી પોતાની જ છે. તમારી જ મોટી અને નાની ભૂલો છે. જ્ઞાનીપુરુષ ની કૃપા થી નાની ભૂલો નાશ થાય છે. જે વ્યક્તિ પાસે આત્મજ્ઞાન (આધ્યાત્મિક ઉઘાડ) નથી હોતું, તેને હમેશાં બીજા ના દોષ દેખાય છે પણ પોતાની ભૂલ દેખાતી નથી. આ પુસ્તક માં પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રી (આધ્યાત્મિક વિજ્ઞાની) ની દોષ રહિત દ્રષ્ટિ મેળવવા ની સમજણ, એની રીત, એનું મહત્વ અને એને ટકાવી રાખવા ની રીત રજુ કરવા માં આવી છે. જયારે તમે આત્મજ્ઞાન મેળવો છો ત્યારે તમે તમારા મન, વચન, કાયા પ્રત્યે પક્ષપાતી નથી રહેતા. આ નિષ્પક્ષપાતીપણા થી તમને તમારા પોતાના દોષો દેખાય છે અને તમે તમારી અંદર શાંતિ નો અનુભવ કરી શકો છો.

Nijdosh Darshanane... Nirdosh: निजदोष दर्शनाने... निर्दोष

by Dada Bhagwan

परम पूज्य दादाश्रींचे ज्ञान घेतल्यानंतर तुम्ही तुमच्या आतील सर्व क्रियांना पाहू शकाल आणि विश्लेषणही करु शकाल. ही समज, पूर्ण ज्ञान अवस्थेपर्यंत पोहचण्यासाठीची सुरुवात आहे. ज्ञानाच्याप्रकाशात तुम्ही विना राग-द्वेष, स्वत:च्या चांगल्या तसेच वाईट विचारांच्या प्रवाहाला पाहू शकाल. तुम्हाला चांगले किंवा वाईट पाहण्याची गरज नाही, कारण विचार परसत्ता आहे. तर मग प्रश्न हा आहे की ज्ञानी या जगाकडे कोणत्या दृष्टीने पाहतात? तर ज्ञानी जगाला निर्दोष पाहतात. ज्ञानी हे जाणतात की जगातील सर्व क्रिया पूर्वी चार्ज केलेल्याचे डिस्चार्ज आहे. ते हे जाणतात की जग निर्दोष आहे. नोकरीत साहेबांसोबत झालेले भांडण किंवा अपमान, हे केवळ तुमच्या पूर्वी चार्ज केलेल्याचे डिस्चार्ज आहे. साहेब तर फक्त निमित्त आहेत. संपूर्ण जग निर्दोष आहे. ज्या पण काही अडचणी आपल्यावर येतात त्या तर मूळत: आपल्याच चुकांच्या परिणाम स्वरुपात आहेत. त्या सर्व आपल्याच ब्लंडर्स व मिस्टेक्स आहेत. ज्ञानींच्या कृपेने सर्व चुका मिटून जातात. आत्मज्ञान नसलेल्या माणसाला स्वत:च्या चुका न दिसता फक्त दुसऱ्यांच्याच चुका दिसतात. निजदोष दर्शनावर परम पूज्य दादाश्रींची समज, उपाय आणि त्यास जीवनात उतरवण्यासाठीच्या चाव्या या पुस्तकात संकलित केलेल्या आहेत. ज्ञान घेतल्यानंतर तुम्ही तुमच्या मन, वचन, कायेचा पक्ष घेणे बंद करता आणि निष्पक्षपणे स्वत:च्या चुका स्वत:ला दिसू लागतात, तसेच अंतरशांती लाभण्याची सुरुवात होते.

Niksen: Embracing the Dutch Art of Doing Nothing

by Olga Mecking

The Dutch people are some of the happiest in the world. Their secret? They are masters of niksen, or the art of doing nothing. Niksen is not a form of meditation, nor is it a state of laziness or boredom. It&’s not scrolling through social media, or wondering what you&’re going to cook for dinner. Rather, to niks is to make a conscious choice to sit back, let go, and do nothing at all. With this book, learn how to do nothing in the most important areas of your life, such as:AT HOME: Find a comfy nook and sit. No technology or other distractions. AT WORK: Stare at your computer. Take in the view from your office. Close your eyes.IN PUBLIC: Forget waiting for the bus, enjoy some relaxing niksen time.Backed with advice from the world&’s leading experts on happiness and productivity, this book examines the underlying science behind niksen and how doing less can often yield so much more. Perfect for anyone who feels overwhelmed, burnt out, or exhausted, NIKSEN does not tell you to work harder. Instead, it shows you how to take a break from all the busyness while giving you sincere, heartfelt permission to do nothing.

Nile Shadows: Sinai Tapestry, Jerusalem Poker, Nile Shadows, And Jericho Mosaic (The Jerusalem Quartet #3)

by Edward Whittemore

The third book in Edward Whittemore's acclaimed Jerusalem Quartet is a riveting tale of espionage and intrigue in which the outcome of World War II and the destiny of the Middle East could hinge on the true identity of one shadowy man On a clear night in 1941, a hand grenade explodes in a Cairo bar, taking the life of Stern, a petty gunrunner and morphine addict, nationality unknown, his aliases so numerous that it's impossible to determine whether he was a Moslem, Christian, or Jew.His death could easily go unnoticed as Rommel's tanks charge through the desert in an attempt to take the Suez Canal and open the Middle East to Hitler's forces. Yet the mystery behind Stern's death is a top priority for intelligence experts. Master spies from three countries converge on Joe O'Sullivan Beare, who is closer to Stern than anyone, in an effort to unravel the disturbing puzzle. The search for the truth about Stern leads O'Sullivan Beare through the slums of Cairo to a decaying former brothel called the Hotel Babylon, populated by unusual characters. Slowly, the mystery of Stern unravels as Whittemore explores the tragedy and yearning of one man fighting a battle for the human soul.Nile Shadows is the third volume of the Jerusalem Quartet, which begins with Sinai Tapestry and Jerusalem Poker and concludes with Jericho Mosaic.

Nina X

by Ewan Morrison

Winner of the Saltire Literary Award Fiction Book of the Year'Literary gold . . . Morrison has published his masterpiece' Sunday Times'Sensational. Like nothing I've ever read. A tour de force' Ian RankinNina X has never been outside. She has never met another child.Nina X has no books, no toys and no privacy.Nina X has no idea what the outside world is like.Nina X has a lot to learn.Nina X has no mother and no father; she has Comrade Chen, and Comrades Uma, Jeni and Ruth. Her closest emotional connection is with the birds she sees when she removes the plasterboard that covers her bedroom window. Comrade Chen has named her The Project; she is being raised entirely separated from the false gods of capitalism and the cult of the self. He has her record everything in her journal, to track her thoughts. To keep her ideology pure, her words are erased, over and over again. But that was before. Now Nina is in Freedom, and all the rules have changed. She has to remember that everything is opposite to what she was told, and yet Freedom seems to be a very confusing and dangerous place'This moving tale of growing up in a Maoist cult, and the traumatic aftermath, explores ideas of freedom, control and identity with warmth and humour' Alex Preston, Observer'Amazing . . . There are few writers left in Britain who have his ambition, vision and empathy. Nina is marvellous creation and this is an important novel' Irvine Welsh'Compelling. Chilling' Lionel Shriver

Nine ½ Months: A Novel

by Bonnie Prestel

Based on a true story, Nine ½ Months takes readers on a journey from frantic fear to loving truth.Gracie—25, single, alone in New York city, and just starting her career in advertising—has high hopes for her future until an unplanned pregnancy shatters her dreams and leaves her frantic and alone. Her boyfriend, Lee, vanishes and Gracie can&’t fathom raising a baby alone in the city and believes her only option is to have an abortion. As she sits on the exam table, ready to begin the procedure, the doctor shows her the baby&’s heartbeat and suddenly Gracie isn&’t sure she can stop a beating heart. She leaves the office in tears and confusion and a mysterious cab driver picks her up; thus, beginning her journey to find truth and meaning. An invisible force, more powerful than a freight train, orchestrates events that transform and change her life. She soon recognizes this force as God and begins to see a glimmer of truth, courage, and hope for a new future.Most women, whether believers or non-believers, young or old, married or single, have experienced the fright of the pregnancy test stick turning pink for positive. Since the historic Roe v. Wade decision to legalize abortion, millions of babies are never born. These babies have no voice. No choice. Nine ½ Months inspires and encourages women of all ages to choose life for their unborn babies. Based on Bonnie Prestel&’s life, Gracie&’s story gives women the courage to take a leap of faith to follow God, do things His way, and think twice before terminating a life.

Nine American Jewish Thinkers

by Milton Konvitz

The nine American Jews of whom Milton Konvitz writes are philosophers, jurists, or rabbis, widely known and readily accepted as American Jewish thinkers. Their work reflects all essential Jewish values. Each person in his own way has dedicated his work to the betterment of life and the advancement of human ideals. In this sense, their Jewishness is not defined by religion alone. Americanism permeated all they thought and all they did.Konvitz argues that in the complex modern world, secularists often serve God more handsomely than do members of synagogues or churches. For example, when the Supreme Court in 1954 (with Felix Frankfurter playing a key role behind the scenes) agreed to outlaw segregation of the races in public schools, was the Court's action secular or religious? When Congress passed the statute known as the Americans with Disabilities Act, requiring equal treatment of handicapped persons, was the action secular or religious? Is a minimum wage act secular or religious? Is Medicaid a secular or a religious act? Konvitz believes the distinction is not useful, or even possible.The book is divided into three parts, reflecting Konvitz's range of intellectual interests. The nine essays offer concise intellectual biographies of three American Jewish philosophers, three Supreme Court Justices, and three rabbis. The philosophers-Horace M. Kallen, Morris Raphael Cohen, and Sidney Hook-are world-renowned. The jurists-Louis D. Brandeis, Benjamin N. Cardozo, and Felix Frankfurter-hold prominent places in American legal history. And the three rabbis-Leo Jung, Robert Gordis, and Jacob Agus-are known wherever Jewish thought is studied. By treating with equal seriousness the lives and writings of both religious and secularist thinkers, the author intentionally minimizes the conventional antagonism and frequent conflict between religion and secularism.An unusual feature of the book is the fact that the author was a close friend of six of the persons whose lives and work are examined, allowing him a perceptive insight into their character and thought. Although the book is about serious subjects, its graceful style makes the contents easily accessible to lay persons as well as scholars and students of Judaica.

The Nine Commandments

by David Noel Freedman Jeffrey C. Geoghegan Michael M. Homan

In a book certain to be as controversial as Harold Bloom's The Book of J and Elaine Pagels's The Gnostic Gospels, David Noel Freedman delves into the Old Testament and reveals a pattern of defiance of the Covenant with God that inexorably led to the downfall of the nation of Israel, the destruction of the Temple, and the banishment of survivors from the Promised Land. Book by book, from Exodus to Kings, Freedman charts the violation of the first nine Commandments one by one-from the sin of apostasy (the worship of the golden calf, Exodus 32) to murder (the death of a concubine, Judges, 19:25-26) to false testimony (Jezebel's charges against her neighbor, Naboth, I Kings 21). Because covetousness, Freedman shows, lies behind all the crimes committed, each act implicitly breaks the Tenth Commandment as well. In a powerful and persuasive argument, Freedman asserts that this hidden trail of sins betrays the hand of a master editor, who skillfully wove into Israel's history a message to a community in their Babylonian exile that their fate is not the result of God's abandoning them, but a consequence of their abandonment of God. With wit and insight, The Nine Commandments boldly challenges previous scholarship and conventional beliefs. David Noel Freedman has been General Editor and a contributing coauthor of the Anchor Bible series since its inception in 1956. He is a professor in Hebrew Bible at the University of California, San Diego, and lives in La Jolla, California.

Nine Days in Heaven, A True Story: In the Summer of 1848, Marietta Davis Experienced an Amazing Vision of Heaven and Hell that Changed Her Life. Her Vivid Portrayal Touched All who Heard It. This Is Her Story.

by Dennis Prince Nolene Prince

Nine Days in Heaven relates the vision of twenty-five-year-old Marietta Davis more than 150 years ago, where she was shown the beauties of heaven and the horrors of hell. Told in modern language, the book contains poignant quotes from the original vision, as well as biblical teaching points and testimonials from individuals whose lives have been impacted with this vision during the past 150 years. Pull-out quotes from the original vision are included, as are short testimonials from readers whose lives have been impacted by this vision. Teaching points and biblical comments appear throughout the chapters.

Nine Days of Eternity: An Extraordinary Near-Death Experience That Teaches Us About Life and Beyond

by Anke Evertz

THE INTERNATIONAL BEST-SELLER. Read the incredible account of one woman's near-death experience and discover an enlightening perspective on life, freedom, consciousness, and purpose.When Anke Evertz is suddenly engulfed in flames in front of her fireplace, she thinks she's going to die. She knows that the worst is about to happen and there's nothing she can do to stop it. But instead of panicking, a deep serenity washes over her. What happens next is astounding.Anke leaves her burning body and watches from the outside as she's rushed to hospital and put into an induced coma for nine days. Her relatives and doctors fear the worst. What they don't know is that Anke is on the most miraculous journey of her life. In spiritual worlds, beyond time and space, she's being given the answers to all of her questions.Nine Days of Eternity is an incredible account of an almost unimaginable adventure between life and death, and a wake-up call for everyone who wants to live a fulfilled and connected life. Through her story, Anke will show you how to recognize your boundless creative power, understand your divine nature and true purpose, and see every day as a miracle.

Nine Essential Conversations before You Say I Do

by Gary Thomas Dr. Steve Wilke Dr. Rebecca Wilke

In his popular book, 9 Essential Conversations before You Say I Do, author and pastor Gary Thomas, marriage and family therapist Dr. Steve Wilke and Rebecca Wilke, EdD help couples explore:What marriage means to each individual and whether this is a wise matchHow to engage in essential relational pursuits such as healthy conflict, sexual intimacy, and spiritual intimacyHow to discuss in advance crucial aspects of marriage such as childrearing, finances, and marital rolesWhy asking hard questions now is better than asking them five years from now With thoughtful questions that encourage couples to examine themselves and their relationships, 9 Essential Conversations before You Say I Do will help couples thrive not only in the early months of their marriage but also in the years to come. Includes Guides and Questions.

Nine Essential Things I've Learned About Life

by Harold S. Kushner

From the beloved author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, deeply moving and illuminating reflections on what it means to live a good life. As a congregational rabbi for half a century and the best-selling author of twelve books on faith, ethics, and how to apply the timeless wisdom of religious thought to everyday challenges, Rabbi Harold S. Kushner has demonstrated time and again his understanding of the human spirit. In this compassionate new work, his most personal since When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Kushner relates how his time as a twenty-first-century rabbi has shaped his senses of religion and morality. He elicits nine essential lessons from the sum of his teaching, study, and experience, offering a lifetime's worth of spiritual food for thought, pragmatic advice, inspiration for a more fulfilling life, and strength for trying times. With fresh, vital insight into belief ("there is no commandment in Judaism to believe in God"), conscience (the Garden of Eden story as you've never heard it), and mercy (forgiveness is "a favor you do yourself, not an undeserved gesture to the person who hurt you"), grounded in Kushner's brilliant readings of Scripture, history, and popular culture, Nine Essential Things I've Learned About Life is compulsory reading from one of modern Judaism's foremost sages. Distilling the wisdom of an extraordinary career, this profoundly inspiring yet practical guide to well-being is truly the capstone to Kushner's luminous oeuvre.From the Hardcover edition.

Nine Essential Things I've Learned About Life

by Harold S. Kushner

From the beloved author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, deeply moving and illuminating reflections on what it means to live a good life. As a congregational rabbi for half a century and the best-selling author of twelve books on faith, ethics, and how to apply the timeless wisdom of religious thought to everyday challenges, Rabbi Harold S. Kushner has demonstrated time and again his understanding of the human spirit. In this compassionate new work, his most personal since When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Kushner relates how his time as a twenty-first-century rabbi has shaped his senses of religion and morality. He elicits nine essential lessons from the sum of his teaching, study, and experience, offering a lifetime's worth of spiritual food for thought, pragmatic advice, inspiration for a more fulfilling life, and strength for trying times. With fresh, vital insight into belief ("there is no commandment in Judaism to believe in God"), conscience (the Garden of Eden story as you've never heard it), and mercy (forgiveness is "a favor you do yourself, not an undeserved gesture to the person who hurt you"), grounded in Kushner's brilliant readings of Scripture, history, and popular culture, Nine Essential Things I've Learned About Life is compulsory reading from one of modern Judaism's foremost sages. Distilling the wisdom of an extraordinary career, this profoundly inspiring yet practical guide to well-being is truly the capstone to Kushner's luminous oeuvre.From the Hardcover edition.

Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan

by Ruth Gilligan

Three intertwining voices span the twentieth century to tell the unknown story of the Jews in Ireland. A heartbreaking portrait of what it means to belong, and how storytelling can redeem us all. At the start of the twentieth century, a young girl and her family emigrate from Lithuania in search of a better life in America, only to land on the Emerald Isle instead. In 1958, a mute Jewish boy locked away in a mental institution outside of Dublin forms an unlikely friendship with a man consumed by the story of the love he lost nearly two decades earlier. And in present-day London, an Irish journalist is forced to confront her conflicting notions of identity and family when her Jewish boyfriend asks her to make a true leap of faith. These three arcs, which span generations and intertwine in revelatory ways, come together to tell the haunting story of Ireland’s all-but-forgotten Jewish community. Ruth Gilligan’s beautiful and heartbreaking Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan explores the question of just how far we will go to understand who we really are, and to feel at home in the world.

Nine-Headed Dragon River: Zen Journals 1969-1982

by Peter Matthiessen

In August 1968, naturalist-explorer Peter Matthiessen returned from Africa to his home in Sagaponack, Long Island, to find three Zen masters in his driveway--guests of his wife, a new student of Zen. Thirteen years later, Matthiessen was ordained a Buddhist monk. Written in the same format as his best-selling The Snow Leopard, Nine-Headed Dragon River reveals Matthiessen's most daring adventure of all: the quest for his spiritual roots.

Nine Lives: In Search of the Sacred in Modern India (Vintage Departures Ser.)

by William Dalrymple

Three brothers from a remote village in the Himalayas are driven by poverty to become monks. One becomes a famous masked dancer; the second an accomplished player of the Tibetan temple trumpet; and the third a great Buddhist scholar. A Jain nun tests her powers of detachment as she watches her best friend ritually starve herself to death. A woman leaves her middle class family in Calcutta and her job in a jute factory, only to find unexpected love and fulfillment living as a tantric in a skull-filled hut in remote a cremation ground. A prison warder from Kerala becomes for two months of the year a temple dancer and is worshipped as an incarnate deity; then, at the end of February each year, he returns to prison. An idol maker, the thirty-fifth of a long line of sculptors going back to the legendary Chola bronze makers, regards creating Gods as one of the holiest callings in India, but has to reconcile himself to his son who only wants to study computer engineering. An illiterate goat herd from Rajasthan keeps alive an ancient 200,000-stanza sacred epic that he, virtually alone, still knows by heart. A devadasi - or temple prostitute - initially resists her own initiation into sex work, yet pushes both her daughters into a trade she regards as a sacred calling. Nine people, nine lives. Each one taking a different religious path, each one an unforgettable story. Exquisite and mesmerizing, and told with an almost biblical simplicity, William Dalrymple's first travel book in a decade explores how traditional forms of religious life in South Asia have been transformed in the vortex of the region's rapid change. Nine Lives is a distillation of twenty-five years of exploring India and writing about its religious traditions, taking you deep into worlds that you would never have imagined even existed.

Nine Lives: My Time As MI6's Top Spy Inside al-Qaeda

by Aimen Dean Paul Cruickshank Tim Lister

As one of al-Qaeda&’s most respected bomb-makers, Aimen Dean rubbed shoulders with the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks and swore allegiance to Osama bin Laden. As a double agent at the heart of al-Qaeda&’s chemical weapons programme, he foiled attacks on civilians and saved countless lives, brushing with death so often that his handlers began to call him their spy with nine lives. This is the story of how a young Muslim, determined to defend his faith, found himself fighting on the wrong side – and his fateful decision to work undercover for his sworn enemy. From the killing fields of Bosnia to the training camps of Afghanistan, from running money and equipment in Britain to dodging barrel bombs in Syria, we discover what life is like inside the global jihad, and what it will take to stop it once and for all.

Nine Lives and Counting: A Bounty Hunter’s Journey to Faith, Hope, and Redemption

by Duane Chapman

Go behind-the-scenes with Duane "Dog" Chapman, star of the hit reality show Dog the Bounty Hunter and two-time New York Times bestselling author, as he shares new stories about his faith in Jesus, family, and the discovery of God's grace at work throughout his life.From being in a motorcycle gang, to being incarcerated, and then becoming a widely-know TV personality, Duane's life has been anything but ordinary. But, through every success and failure, the one constant has been his faith in God. For the first time, Daune is sharing how his faith has brought him through life's greatest difficulties, giving him renewed purpose and meaning.In Nine Lives and Counting Duane offers fresh insight into some of his well-known life events, and he also gives you access to previously untold stories. You will hear about:memories of the painful events that shaped Duane's childhood,the impact of his relationship with his praying mother,the surprising hope he found in prison,triumphs and failures from his days as a single dad,new previously untold stories of bounty hunting,the tragic loss of his beloved wife Beth to cancer,the unexpected blessing of finding his new wife Francie,the work he and Francie are doing to preach and share about Jesus,his relationship with his kids and family,and much more. With all the plot twists of a page-turning novel, Nine Lives and Counting is a real-life chronicle of God's amazing grace and restoration that have marked Duane's journey of faith. You will be inspired.

The Nine Lives Of Christmas

by Sheila Roberts

[from the back cover] "Two people are about to discover that when it comes to finding love, sometimes Christmas magic isn't enough... sometimes it takes a pesky orange cat named Ambrose. When a guy is in trouble, he starts making deals with his Creator...and Ambrose the cat is no exception. In danger of losing his ninth and final life, Ambrose makes a desperate plea to the universe. He'll do anything--anything)--if he can just survive and enjoy a nice long, final life. His prayer is answered when a stranger comes along and saves him--but then Ambrose is faced with having to hold up his end of the bargain. The stranger turns out to be a firefighter named Zach, who's in need of some serious romantic help. If Ambrose can just bring Zach together with Merilee, the nice lady who works at Pet Palace, it's bound to earn him a healthy ninth life. Unfortunately for Ambrose, his mission is a lot harder than he ever thought. Merilee is way too shy to make the first move on a ladies' man like Zach, and Zach thinks he's all wrong for a nice girl like Merilee. Now it's going to take all of Ambrose's feline wiles--and maybe even a good old-fashioned Christmas miracle--to make them both realize that what they're looking for is right in front of their eyes."

The Nine Lives of Christmas: Can Battersea's Felicia find a home in time for the holidays?

by Florence McNicoll

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BATTERSEA DOGS AND CATS HOMECan Battersea's loneliest cat find a home in time for Christmas?It's Christmas at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home and Laura is desperate to find a home for Felicia, a spiky, bad-tempered moggy with a heart of gold. Her boyfriend, Rob, can't understand why she's spending so much time at work, but for Laura, the animals aren't just a job - they're her life. She needs a partner who understands that - doesn't she?As the December snow falls, Laura encounters nine people, all of whom need a little love in their lives and find it in new pets. Everyone needs somebody to curl up with at Christmas, and when the handsome Aaron walks in, he takes not just Felicia, but Laura's heart too...A heart-warming tale about loneliness, love, and the importance of furry friends - perfect to snuggle up with this Christmas.

The Nine Lives of Christmas: Can Battersea's Felicia find a home in time for the holidays?

by Florence McNicoll

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BATTERSEA DOGS AND CATS HOMECan Battersea's loneliest cat find a home in time for Christmas?It's Christmas at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home and Laura is desperate to find a home for Felicia, a spiky, bad-tempered moggy with a heart of gold. Her boyfriend, Rob, can't understand why she's spending so much time at work, but for Laura, the animals aren't just a job - they're her life. She needs a partner who understands that - doesn't she?As the December snow falls, Laura encounters nine people, all of whom need a little love in their lives and find it in new pets. Everyone needs somebody to curl up with at Christmas, and when the handsome Aaron walks in, he takes not just Felicia, but Laura's heart too...A heart-warming tale about loneliness, love, and the importance of furry friends - perfect to snuggle up with this Christmas.

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church

by Mark Dever

A must-read for church leaders and members alike, this book outlines 9 essential marks that distinguish a healthy, biblical church. This classic book is now revised with a new preface and additional content on prayer and missions.

Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women

by Geraldine Brooks

As a prizewinning foreign correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, Geraldine Brooks spent six years covering the Middle East through wars, insurrections, and the volcanic upheaval of resurgent fundamentalism. Yet for her, headline events were only the backdrop to a less obvious but more enduring drama: the daily life of Muslim women. Nine Parts of Desire is the story of Brooks' intrepid journey toward an understanding of the women behind the veils, and of the often contradictory political, religious, and cultural forces that shape their lives. Defying our stereotypes about the Muslim world, Brooks' acute analysis of the world's fastest growing religion deftly illustrates how Islam's holiest texts have been misused to justify repression of women, and how male pride and power have warped the original message of a once liberating faith.

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