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Showing 52,201 through 52,225 of 82,403 results

No dejes de respirar: Cuando tu oración se convierte en la brisa que refresca tu vida

by Waleska Orellana

No dejes de respirar surge de la necesidad de rescatar la oración. La autora enfatiza en la importancia de interceder por las necesidades de los demás así como en la de uno mismo. El propósito de este libro es despertar en los creyentes la pasión por la oración. Waleska Orellana invita a desatar la fe a través de la oración intercesora.

No dejes tu cerebro en la puerta

by Bob Hostetler Josh Mcdowell

Evidencias cristianas para evitar confusión, sobre Dios, la Biblia y la fe.

No desperdicies tu vida

by John Piper

John Piper nos advierte que no nos quedemos atrapados por una vida sin significado. Nos reta a vivir y morir haciendo alarde de la cruz de Cristo, haciendo de la gloria de Dios nuestra pasión única. Si crees que vivir es Cristo y morir es ganancia, lee este libro, aprende a vivir para Cristo, y no desperdicies tu vida. John Piper warns us not to get caught up in a life that counts for nothing. He challenges us to live and die boasting in the cross of Christ and making the glory of God our singular passion. This is a book every Christian should read and also share with others.

No Easy Fix: The Sixties and the United Church of Canada (Studies in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict #6)

by Kevin N. Flatt

The UN has adopted a "responsibility to protect" mandate for humanitarian intervention in civil wars - but there is no institutional basis for carrying out that mandate. Patricia Marchak argues that unless would-be interveners have an understanding of local issues, agents who speak local languages, and a military force fully prepared to undertake both peaceful and military missions on short notice, UN and other attempts to intervene are unlikely to succeed. While UN-sponsored international criminal courts have been successful in obliging leaders to accept responsibility for their actions during bitter internal wars, Marchak argues that they may not be the best means of bringing truth and reconciliation to survivors. Based on the principle of individual responsibility, they are not designed to deal with collective crimes against humanity and genocide, nor are they good instruments for dealing with the breakdown of societies. Bringing together her own field interviews, documentary material, and secondary sources, Marchak critically assesses the recent history of international interventions and criminal prosecutions. She examines three cases in detail: Cambodia, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia in its current forms of Bosnia and Serbia, considers their international context prior to and during internal wars, and argues that each case has to be understood in its own context and history - there is no common pattern and no easy fix that could mend broken societies after the wars. No Easy Fix is of interest to anyone concerned with how the international community deals with civil wars that involve serious crimes against humanity.

No Easy Fix: Global Responses to Internal Wars and Crimes Against Humanity (Studies in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict #6)

by Patricia Marchak

The UN has adopted a "responsibility to protect" mandate for humanitarian intervention in civil wars - but there is no institutional basis for carrying out that mandate. Patricia Marchak argues that unless would-be interveners have an understanding of local issues, agents who speak local languages, and a military force fully prepared to undertake both peaceful and military missions on short notice, UN and other attempts to intervene are unlikely to succeed. While UN-sponsored international criminal courts have been successful in obliging leaders to accept responsibility for their actions during bitter internal wars, Marchak argues that they may not be the best means of bringing truth and reconciliation to survivors. Based on the principle of individual responsibility, they are not designed to deal with collective crimes against humanity and genocide, nor are they good instruments for dealing with the breakdown of societies. Bringing together her own field interviews, documentary material, and secondary sources, Marchak critically assesses the recent history of international interventions and criminal prosecutions. She examines three cases in detail: Cambodia, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia in its current forms of Bosnia and Serbia, considers their international context prior to and during internal wars, and argues that each case has to be understood in its own context and history - there is no common pattern and no easy fix that could mend broken societies after the wars. No Easy Fix is of interest to anyone concerned with how the international community deals with civil wars that involve serious crimes against humanity.

No Endings, Only Beginnings: A Doctor's Notes on Living, Loving, and Learning Who You Are

by Bernie S. Siegel Cynthia J. Hurn

Dr. Bernie Siegel--revered thought-leader, retired surgeon, and prolific author--offers meaningful life-lessons inspired by the significant quotes pulled from his notebooks."Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet." - Ralph Waldo EmersonDr. Bernie Siegel is the author of many books on the healing power of the body and the spirit, but this time he wants encourage readers not only to learn from his life and advice, but to create their own manuals for living as well. With the quotes that have filled the pages of his journals and the lessons he has gleaned from them over the years, this book serves as inspiration for readers to assemble their own book of collected wisdom--and their own understanding of the answers to life's big questions.For as long as mankind has populated the earth, we have looked to nature, elders, philosophers, and prophets for answers to questions about God and life and death and why we are here. We piece together belief systems from the messages that resonate most deeply: scribbling down a Bible verse on a post-it on the fridge or an affirmation on the bathroom mirror each morning. Whether speaking with patients, reading the words of great thinkers, and in conversation with God, Dr. Bernie Siegel has recorded the most meaningful quotes and lessons, and now he shares them with you.

No Es El Fin: Cómo seguir adelante aún cuando sientes que estás perdiendo la batalla

by Ricardo Sanchez

Es la pesadilla de todo padre. Cuando el vuelo del líder de adoración, Ricardo Sánchez, tocó tierra y encendió su celular, fue bombardeado con textos desesperados y mensajes de voz de su esposa. Había ocurrido un accidente y la vida de su hijo colgaba de un hilo. ¿Cómo tener las fuerzas para seguir adelante cuando el dolor parece dominarte? ¿Cómo puedes correr para ganar cuando sientes que te falta el aire? En No es el fin, Ricardo comparte cómo su familia ha encontrado la fuerza y la esperanza para superar su momento más difícil. Esta poderosa historia verídica te inspirará y animará a confiar en Dios, y permitirá que el Espíritu Santo traiga una paz sobrenatural en cualquier situación difícil que estés atravesando.

No es mi culpa: ¿A quién culparé? ¿A la gente, las circunstancias o el ADN? Un plan sin excusa para ponerte a cargo de tu vida

by Henry Cloud John Townsend

La excusa más frecuente. La trampa más peligrosa. >! Parece ser una excusa común que no hace daño. Hasta puede verse como la verdad. Pero de acuerdo con los doctores Henry Cloud y John Townsend, es una trampa realmente peligrosa y autodestructiva que te aleja de la vida que quieres vivir. Sin embargo, hay una forma de convertir esa trampa en una plataforma de lanzamiento, y es más sencillo de lo que te imaginas. Al usar los ocho principios, historias poderosamente verdaderas y sus años de experiencia como psicólogos profesionales, este dúo de autores del éxito de venta Límites, así como de otros libros populares, te enseñarán la única habilidad que necesitas para tomar decisiones poderosas y comenzar a obtener lo que deseas de tus relaciones, tu profesión y tu vida. Aunque las personas, tu ADN, o las circunstancias de la vida te hayan tratado mal, siempre hay algo que puedes hacer para que las cosas mejoren. Cloud y Townsend, con una perspicacia transformadora en este libro, te ayudarán a sacar el enfoque de lo que no puedes controlar, y liberarte del juego de la culpa que sabotea el éxito… de manera que así puedas comenzar a vivir la vida que tú elijas.

No es por vista: Solo La Fe Abre Tus Ojos

by Cash Luna

El fundamento de nuestra vida de fe son las promesas y enseñanzas que nuestro Padre nos comparte en su Palabra. Él quiere que caminemos por fe y no por vista porque nuestros sentidos pueden engañarnos. Cree en el Señor y declara sus bendiciones en tu vida, porque tienes sueños por lograr y milagros que testificar. ¡Vive por fe!Para caminar por fe se necesita valor y humildad porque debemos cerrar los ojos al pesimismo del mundo y dejarnos guiar por las promesas de bendición de nuestro Padre celestial.Vivir por fe, contrario a lo que algunos creen, es cuestión de mentes superiores con criterio para hablar y actuar conforme a lo que realmente es certero, la Palabra de Dios. Atrevámonos a desafiar nuestra fe en todo momento, ya que es la herramienta más poderosa y efectiva cuando necesitamos creer por el sustento diario y también cuando necesitamos creer por extraordinarios milagros de sanidad y provisión.¡Cree y declara que verás resultados sobrenaturales en tu vida! Avancemos por fe, no por vista, porque nuestros sentidos pueden engañarnos, pero el cuidado que Dios tiene por nosotros es eterno. Puedo afirmarlo por experiencia, porque lo he vivido una y otra vez. No se trata de asegurar con vehemencia que somos creyentes, sino realmente demostrarlo en cada paso, incluso en las situaciones que consideramos más sencillas y elementales, porque nuestra fe en Dios debe sustentarnos en todo. No es cuestión de religión sino de vida práctica, de abrir los ojos cada mañana y entregar a Dios todo lo que somos, lo que pensamos, decimos y hacemos, incluso lo que soñamos y, por supuesto, lo que anhelamos.Si activamos nuestra fe y nos esforzamos de la forma correcta, Él se encarga de nuestros resultados en todas las áreas: espiritual, emocional, física, relacional y financiera. Vivir conforme a la fe en Dios es sencillo y retador a la vez. Yo lo resumo en una frase: “Entrégate al Señor”, lo que implica muchas cosas, desde el conocimiento de Su Palabra, donde encontramos nuestra identidad y código de conducta, hasta nuestra actitud frente a cada situación, por grande o pequeña que parezca.Cuando me preguntan cómo ha sido posible levantar un ministerio como Casa de Dios, puedo afirmar que todo lo que se ha logrado es resultado de creerle al Señor, seguir Sus instrucciones y darle la honra por Su fidelidad. 35 años de caminar por fe me han dado la certeza para asegurar que Dios no busca personas perfectas sino con un corazón humilde, dispuestas a creerle. Si Él ha podido usarme para lograr lo que para algunos es imposible, te aseguro que también puede hacerlo contigo, porque yo solamente soy un hombre que ha decido caminar por la ruta que Él me indica.Si tienes sueños por cumplir, metas que alcanzar y proyectos que realizar, ¡vive por fe! Si eres de aquellos que se sienten bendecidos y cada día te levantas con el deseo de seguir adelante o si estás enfrentando una prueba difícil, te garantizo que, sin importar tu circunstancia, darás testimonio de una nueva etapa de milagros. ¡Vive por fe!

No esperes que yo muera

by Mark Vega

El diablo está escribiendo su necrología para el noticiero demañana... ¡Espere! ¡Tenemos buenas noticias!Pablo se dirige hacia su destino cuando de pronto se encuentra naufragando yluchando por sobrevivir. Cuando hace una fogata (para sobrevivir), lo ataca unavíbora venenosa. Aunque Pablo sacude a la serpiente y la mata, aún debe lidiarcon las cuatro fases del veneno: dolor (herida emocional), parálisis(inmovilidad espiritual), hinchazón (toxinas internas) y asfixia (obstrucciónde la tráquea, p. ej. desesperación y ansiedad). Sus enemigos esperaban que sehinchase y muriera, pero Pablo tenía un antídoto que nadie conocía: el EspírituSanto.Sus enemigos están planeando su funeral, escogiendo su lápida, sacando elbrillo a su ataúd y practicando su discurso fúnebre, pero usted puede notificara todos los demonios y la oposición que enfrente: ¡No esperes que yo muera!Libro disponible en inglés: ISBN 9781602551374

No estás solo: Un rayo de esperanza cuando la tristeza profunda invade tu vida

by Coalo Zamorano

Cada vez más y más personas, aun cristianas, sufren de angustia, soledad, depresión, ataques de pánico y ansiedad. Y aunque todos, en alguna menera, experimentamos estos estados anímicos, algunas personas caen en un pozo profundo donde se saben cómo salir, y aun hasta procuran morir. En No estás solo, el adorador y salmista Coalo Zamorano nos relata su experiencia de haber transitado el valle de sombras, un extenso período de ataques de pánico y ansiedad que lo llevaron a una profunda depresión.Y aunque jamás pensó que tal situación llegaría a su vida, pudo encontrar la luz que venció todas sus tinieblas. Al fin pudo encontrar paz, descanso y gozo en Dios, sabiendo que El tenía todo un plan trazado para su vida. Ya sea que estés atravesando, o conoces a alguien, por una situación similar, en este libro encontrarás las respuestas que tanto has buscado. Además, el libro ofrece un anexo con recursos para detectar y contolar la ansiedad por la consejera profesional Dra. Lis Milland.

No Excuses

by Kyle Maynard

From the Book Jacket: He was born a congenital amputee, his arms ending at his elbows and his legs at his knees. But that didn't stop Kyle Maynard from becoming a champion, on the wrestling mat and in his life. KYLE MAYNARD was born in 1986 with a rare disorder called congenital amputation. He has no forearms, shortened legs, and stands only four feet tall. Yet Kyle has learned to live a full and active life. Besides dealing with everyday challenges, he is an excellent student, has impeccable handwriting, and can type fifty words a minute. A competitor to the core, Kyle was determined to succeed as an athlete. Through hard work, the support of his family, and a coach who designed new wrestling moves like the "jawbreaker" and "buzz saw," Kyle became one of the top high school wrestlers in the state of Georgia. In 2005, he broke the world record in the modified bench press by lifting 360 pounds, three times his body weight. Kyle is the 2004 ESPY Award Winner (Best Athlete with a Disability) and a recipient of the President's Award for the Sports Humanitarian Hall of Fame. He is currently a student at the University of Georgia.

No Eye Can See (Kinship and Courage #2)

by Jane Kirkpatrick

"Jane Kirkpatrick has, almost literally, created her own genre of fiction. Her books enfold...whisper, 'Let me tell you about a woman who...' They find a secret place in each of us and bring it gently to the surface."-Salem Statesman JournalSuzanne felt the tears press at her eyes as the dream-state drifted away-taking with it the sight of the man she loved. Awake, she blinked back the tears. This was her life now. The sounds of the women and oxen, those were real. And the darkness-her darkness. She lay inside it, resigned. She was not a wife reaching out for her husband but a widow, a blind widow, wistful and full of desire.FACING CHALLENGES AND LOSS, A COMMUNITY OF EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN FIGHT TO OVERCOME THE PAIN OF THE PAST - AND EMBRACE THE FUTURE. When blind and widowed Suzanne Cullver reaches California with a group of women who have survived tragedy on the Oregon Trail, she sets her mind on doing for herself all that must be done. Though she cannot see, she rejects offers of assistance, unwittingly risking her children's safety - and her own. Her companions blindly falter as well, held hostage by their own pasts. As Suzanne attempts to control her life in Shasta City, Ruth defends against past errors, failing to see how she limits love. Meanwhile, Mazy's vision seems to be permanently clouded by her late husband' s betrayal. But when a young stagedriver risks all for a Wintu Indian, his life becomes entangled with the turnaround women - and together they are changed forever as they discover that No Eye Can See all the good God has in store for those who love Him.From the Trade Paperback edition.

No Fear (Morgan Love Series #5)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

The Morgan Love Series is a chapter book series written for girls, 7 – 9 years old. The series provides moral lessons that will aid in character development. It will also help young girls develop their vocabulary, english and math skills as they read through the stories and complete the entertaining and educational exercises provided at the end of each chapter and in the back of the book.Don&’t be afraid. Have no fear. That is what Morgan&’s parents and grandparents were always telling her. But she was having a hard time doing what they said as she thought about the big test coming up and wondered if her daddy was on the navy shipped that was just attacked in the war. Morgan becomes even more frightened when she learns she has to go to court and tell the judge about the older girl who hurt her at school.And as if that is not enough, Morgan&’s fear grows worst and she is unable to sleep when she finds out that one of her classmates and friend has died in a car accident. All she can think about is death. When Morgan shares her fears with her mommy and her mommy tells her about the good news from God and about Heaven, Morgan finally begins to understand why her parents and grandparents are always telling her to not be afraid and to have no fear.

No Fear (Morgan Love Series #5)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

The Morgan Love Series is a chapter book series written for girls, 7 – 9 years old. The series provides moral lessons that will aid in character development. It will also help young girls develop their vocabulary, english and math skills as they read through the stories and complete the entertaining and educational exercises provided at the end of each chapter and in the back of the book.Don&’t be afraid. Have no fear. That is what Morgan&’s parents and grandparents were always telling her. But she was having a hard time doing what they said as she thought about the big test coming up and wondered if her daddy was on the navy shipped that was just attacked in the war. Morgan becomes even more frightened when she learns she has to go to court and tell the judge about the older girl who hurt her at school.And as if that is not enough, Morgan&’s fear grows worst and she is unable to sleep when she finds out that one of her classmates and friend has died in a car accident. All she can think about is death. When Morgan shares her fears with her mommy and her mommy tells her about the good news from God and about Heaven, Morgan finally begins to understand why her parents and grandparents are always telling her to not be afraid and to have no fear.

No Fear

by Tony Perkins

This book heralds a new generation of Christians who are more than bold...they are fearless! No Fear draws you inside the stories of young, ordinary believers who, despite incredible opposition, courageously stood up for God's truth. Tony Perkins pairs each story with a biblical example, and gives practical ideas for building a "no fear" perspective every day. Today, followers of Jesus Christ face more opposition to their beliefs than any generation in American history. Yet even in such a hostile cultural and political environment, it is an exciting time to stand firm in the faith. You have been chosen to live in this important hour and reading these stories will inspire you to the same kind of courage. So what are you waiting for? Includes discussion questions after each chapter. Join the conversation on social media with #nofearbook Making a Difference Starts with Standing Up for What's Right A fourteen-year-old girl testifies before the Maryland state senate in support of the traditional family. A young man and his new wife launch a campaign to decrease abortions in their community. A high school cheerleader goes to court for the right to put Bible verses on banners at football games. These young Americans knew that honoring God and his Word was more important than winning friends or keeping their jobs. In No Fear Tony Perkins tells the stories of young Christians who took a stand for truth in the face of intense opposition. These unlikely heroes will show you the dramatic influence one person can have in seeking fairness, justice, and compassion in a nation. The book also draws you back to the heroes of the Bible who stood up for God in their own day and culture, modeling the same brand of courage that is needed today. What would you do for God if you had no fear? The possibilities are endless. It's time to get started!From the Hardcover edition.

No Future Without Forgiveness

by Desmond Tutu

The establishment of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a pioneering international event. Never had any country sought to move forward from despotism to democracy both by exposing the atrocities committed in the past and achieving reconciliation with its former oppressors. At the center of this unprecedented attempt at healing a nation has been Archbishop Desmond Tutu, whom President Nelson Mandela named as Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. With the final report of the Commission just published, Archbishop Tutu offers his reflections on the profound wisdom he has gained by helping usher South Africa through this painful experience.In No Future Without Forgiveness, Tutu argues that true reconciliation cannot be achieved by denying the past. But nor is it easy to reconcile when a nation "looks the beast in the eye." Rather than repeat platitudes about forgiveness, he presents a bold spirituality that recognizes the horrors people can inflict upon one another, and yet retains a sense of idealism about reconciliation. With a clarity of pitch born out of decades of experience, Tutu shows readers how to move forward with honesty and compassion to build a newer and more humane world.From the Trade Paperback edition.

No-Gate Gateway: The Original Wu-Men Kuan

by David Hinton

A new translation of one of the great koan collections--by the premier translator of the Chinese classics--that reveals it to be a literary and philosophical masterwork beyond its association with Chan/Zen.A monk asked: &“A dog too has Buddha-nature, no?&” And with the master&’s enigmatic one-word response begins the great No-Gate Gateway (Wu-Men Kuan), ancient China&’s classic foray into the inexpressible nature of mind and reality. For nearly eight hundred years, this text (also known by its Japanese name, Mumonkan) has been the most widely used koan collection in Zen Buddhism—and with its comic storytelling and wild poetry, it is also a remarkably compelling literary masterwork. In his radical new translation, David Hinton places this classic for the first time in the philosophical framework of its native China, in doing so revealing a new way of understanding Zen—in which generic &“Zen perplexity&” is transformed into a more approachable and earthy mystery. With the poetic abilities he has honed in his many translations, Hinton brilliantly conveys the book&’s literary power, making it an irresistible reading experience capable of surprising readers into a sudden awakening that is beyond logic and explanation.

No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

by Nigel Farage Raheem Kassam

"[A] summer must read." — SEAN HANNITY, Fox News "[No Go Zones] should be required reading for conservatives, Republicans, liberals, teachers, students, reporters, editors, and activists all alike." —NIGEL FARAGE, Member of the European ParliamentNo Go Zones. That's what they're called. And while the politically correct try to deny their existence, the shocking reality of these "No Go Zones"—where Sharia law can prevail and local police stay away—can be attested to by its many victims. Now Raheem Kassam, a courageous reporter and editor at, takes us where few journalists have dared to tread—inside the No Go Zones, revealing areas that Western governments, including the United States, don't want to admit exist within their own borders. With compelling reporting, Kassam takes you into Islamic areas you might not even know existed—communities, neighborhoods, and whole city districts from San Bernardino, California, (a No Go Zone of the mind) to Hamtramck, Michigan (essentially an Islamic colony in the Midwest); from Malmö, Sweden, to the heart of London, England—where infidels are unwelcome, Islamic law is king, and extremism grows. In No Go Zones, Kassam reveals: How in No Go Zones a blind eye is being turned to polygamy, female genital mutilation, sexual assault, segregation, and even honor killings Why Muslim ghettos in the West aren't the equivalent of Little Italy or Chinatown, but a serious cultural and political threat How the welfare state actually funds and supports a Muslim subculture of resentment How to identify extremist mosques A matter of numbers: how mass migration could transform Europe into a Muslim-dominated continent within our own lifetimes The alarming speed at which No Go Zones are coming to America Compelling in its reporting, shocking in its detail, Raheem Kassam's No Go Zones is one of the most frightening true stories you will read this year.

No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam

by Reza Aslan

Though it is the fastest growing religion in the world, Islam remains shrouded by ignorance and fear. What is the essence of this ancient faith? Is it a religion of peace or war? How does Allah differ from the God of Jews and Christians? Can an Islamic state be founded on democratic values such as pluralism and human rights? A writer and scholar of comparative religions, Reza Aslan has earned international acclaim for the passion and clarity he has brought to these questions. In No god but God, challenging the "clash of civilizations" mentality that has distorted our view of Islam, Aslan explains this critical faith in all its complexity, beauty, and compassion.Contrary to popular perception in the West, Islam is a religion firmly rooted in the prophetic traditions of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. Aslan begins with a vivid account of the social and religious milieu in which the Prophet Muhammad lilved. The revelations that Muhammad received in Mecca and Medina, which were recorded in the Quran, became the foundation for a radically more egalitarian community, the likes of which had never been seen before.Soon after his death, the Prophet's successors set about the overwhelming task of defining and interpreting Muhammad's message for future generations. Their efforts led to the development of a comprehensive code of conduct that was expected to regulate every aspect of the believer's life. But this attempt only widened the chasm between orthodox Islam and its two major sects, Shiism and Sufism, both of which Aslan discusses in rich detail.Finally, No god but God examines how, in the shadow of European colonialism, Muslims developed conflicting strategies to reconcile traditional Islamic values with the social and political realities of the modern world. With the emergence of the Islamic state in the twentieth century, this contest over the future of Islam has become a passionate, sometimes violent battle between those who seek to enforce a rigid and archaic legal code and those who struggle to harmonize the teachings of the Prophet with contemporary ideals of democracy and human rights. According to Reza Aslan, we are now living in the era of "the Islamic Reformation." No god but God is a persuasive and elegantly written account of the roots of this reformation and the future of Islamic faith.From the Hardcover edition.

No god but God: The Origins and Evolution of Islam

by Reza Aslan

In this invaluable introduction to a faith that for much of the West remains shrouded in ignorance and fear, Reza Aslan, an internationally acclaimed scholar of comparative religion, examines Islam: its rituals and traditions, the revelation of Muhammad as Prophet and the subsequent uprising against him, and the emergence of his successors. Aslan's comprehensive text explores the complex history of the fastest-growing religion in the world. No god but God is an engaging, accessible, and thought-provoking book for young people that is sure to stimulate discussion and encourage understanding of the Islamic faith and the people who follow it.

No god But God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam (Updated Edition)

by Reza Aslan

In "No god but God," internationally acclaimed scholar Aslan explains Islam--the origins and evolution of the faith--in all its beauty and complexity. This updated edition addresses the events of the past decade, analyzing how they have influenced Islam's position in modern culture. Includes an excellent glossary, comprehensive notes section, and a bibliography of sources used for this book.

No God but One: A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam and Christianity

by Nabeel Qureshi

BONUS: This eBook includes downloadable videos and a Q&A with Nabeel Qureshi that are not found in the print edition. Having shared his journey of faith in the New York Times bestselling Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi now examines Islam and Christianity in detail, exploring areas of crucial conflict and unpacking the relevant evidence. In this anticipated follow-up book, Nabeel reveals what he discovered in the decade following his conversion, providing a thorough and careful comparison of the evidence for Islam and Christianity--evidence that wrenched his heart and transformed his life. In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi recounted his dramatic journey, describing his departure from Islam and his decision to follow Christ. In the years that followed, he realized that the world’s two largest religions are far more different than they initially appeared. No God but One: Allah or Jesus? addresses the most important questions at the interface of Islam and Christianity: How do the two religions differ? Are the differences significant? Can we be confident that either Christianity or Islam is true? And most important, is it worth sacrificing everything for the truth? Nabeel shares stories from his life and ministry, casts new light on current events, and explores pivotal incidents in the histories of both religions, providing a resource that is gripping and thought-provoking, respectful and challenging. Both Islam and Christianity teach that there is No God but One, but who deserves to be worshiped, Allah or Jesus? This eBook includes the full text of the book plus bonus content not found in the softcover! Bonuses include a Q&A with Nabeel Qureshi and downloadable videos that answer important questions about Islam and Christianity. Please note that some e-reader devices do not accommodate video play. You can still access the bonus videos by copying the web address provided into an internet browser on a device or computer that accommodates video content.

No God, No Science

by Michael Hanby

No God, No Science: Theology, Cosmology, Biology presents a work of philosophical theology that retrieves the Christian doctrine of creation from the distortions imposed upon it by positivist science and the Darwinian tradition of evolutionary biology. Argues that the doctrine of creation is integral to the intelligibility of the world Brings the metaphysics of the Christian doctrine of creation to bear on the nature of science Offers a provocative analysis of the theoretical and historical relationship between theology, metaphysics, and science Presents an original critique and interpretation of the philosophical meaning of Darwinian biology

No Goodbyes

by Barry Eaton

Delve deeper into the mysteries of the spirit realm and life between lives--and discover how they can and do influence our current lives on earth.Barry Eaton, author of Tarcher's Afterlife, is back with more fascinating insights into life after death. In No Goodbyes, Barry reveals information about destiny and free will, world unrest, the effects of negativity and addiction, dealing with skeptics, soul energy guidance, consulting mediums and psychics, soul growth, and other facets of the bigger picture. This book offers new information from advanced spirits in the afterlife who believe that the time has come to let people know the answers to mysteries that have puzzled them for generations.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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