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Showing 526 through 550 of 82,293 results

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

by Chaz Bufe

A mordant dissection of Christianity's cruelty, arrogance, authoritarianism, dishonesty, misogyny, homophobia, and morbid sexual preoccupations.

20 Something, 20 Everything

by Christine Hassler

The midtwenties through the midthirties can be a time of difficult transition: the security blankets of college and parents are gone, and it's suddenly time to make far-reaching decisions about career, investments, and adult identity. When author Christine Hassler experienced what she calls the "twenties triangle", she found that she was not alone. In fact, an entire generation of young women is questioning their choices, unsure if what they've been striving for is what they really want. They're eager to set a new course for their lives, even if that means giving up what they have. Hassler herself left a fast-moving career that wasn't right for her and instead took the risk of starting her own business. Now, based on her own experience and interviews with hundreds of women, she shares heartfelt stories on issues from career to parents to boyfriends to babies. Yet she also provides practical exercises to enable today's woman to chart a new direction for her life.

20 Things God Can't Do

by Criswell Freeman

Because He is all-powerful, God can do all things. However, God most certainly does not do all things.In truth, there are some things that He will not do indeed cannot do because He has promised not to do them. This text examines 20 promises from Gods Holy Word and the implications of those promises. For example, God has promised never to withhold forgiveness when we ask for it. And He has promised not to allow us to experience greater temptation than we can endure. These and other Bible truths are examined in this inspirational text.

20 Things I Know for Sure: Principles for Cultivating a Peaceful Life

by Karen Casey

A collection of contemplations on life, spirituality, and peace of mind: &“Pure food for the soul…a genuine treasure.&”—Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit When Karen Casey chose to commit to a spiritual path, her direction in life changed. With a gentle and honest approach, she looks back at her personal experiences to help you make sense of your world and travel down your own spiritual path. Life lessons are all around you. In twenty short chapters, Here, the bestselling author of Each Day a New Beginning shares words of wisdom about life, loss, and everything in between. Taking on universal themes she reveals what matters most about unconditional love, the importance of peace, and more. Inside, find inspirational life lessons like: · Only through relationships can we heal · You are right where you are meant to be · If you share their journey, learn &“Casey shares the wisdom she has gathered over the course of her 40 years of membership in Alcoholics Anonymous in this perceptive exploration of how to create a happy and fulfilled life….This wise offering…will be a comfort to readers going through a 12-step program.&”—Publishers Weekly

20 Things We'd Tell Our Twentysomething Selves

by Kelli Worrall Peter Worrall

Foster good habits. Press into pain. Never, ever get another perm.Despite what many think, our twenties aren&’t that dead space between youth and real life. Done right, they can be among our most important years. In 20 Things We&’d Tell Our 20-Something Selves, college professors Peter and Kelli Worrall look back on it all—the good, the bad, and the miserable—to give you the best of what they&’ve learned. With humility, warmth, and brilliant storytelling, they invite you not only into their wisdom but into their lives, sharing about faith, marriage, drawn-out adoptions, dark nights of the soul, and the God who&’s in it all. 20 Things is more than a list of advice; it&’s a book that can change your life. Let the trend of your twenties be sowing wisdom, and who knows what the rest of life will bring?Includes action steps, discussion questions, and ideas for further reading at the end of each chapter.

20 Things We'd Tell Our Twentysomething Selves

by Kelli Worrall Peter Worrall

Foster good habits. Press into pain. Never, ever get another perm.Despite what many think, our twenties aren&’t that dead space between youth and real life. Done right, they can be among our most important years. In 20 Things We&’d Tell Our 20-Something Selves, college professors Peter and Kelli Worrall look back on it all—the good, the bad, and the miserable—to give you the best of what they&’ve learned. With humility, warmth, and brilliant storytelling, they invite you not only into their wisdom but into their lives, sharing about faith, marriage, drawn-out adoptions, dark nights of the soul, and the God who&’s in it all. 20 Things is more than a list of advice; it&’s a book that can change your life. Let the trend of your twenties be sowing wisdom, and who knows what the rest of life will bring?Includes action steps, discussion questions, and ideas for further reading at the end of each chapter.

20 Ways to Make Every Day Better: Simple, Practical Changes with Real Results

by Joyce Meyer

#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shares powerful, practical ways to experience a new level of joy and excitement about life every day.The traffic is backed up, the kids are screaming, and the car is making a funny noise again. Any one of these challenges can test our temperament and rob us of joy. Our impulse is to write today off and hope for a better tomorrow. However, this creates a hard pattern to break. One terrible day easily turns into many-and soon we're living a life far from what God has in mind for us. A new, transforming sense of excitement, happiness, and contentment in our lives is possible when we pursue God's goodness each day. In 20 WAYS TO MAKE EVERY DAY BETTER, Joyce Meyer shares biblical illustrations, actionable advice, uplifting stories, and the encouragement we need to start enjoying the life God created for us.

20 Ways to Make Every Day Better: Simple, Practical Changes with Real Results

by Joyce Meyer

The traffic is backed up, the kids are screaming, and the car is making a funny noise again. Any one of these challenges can test our temperament and rob us of joy. Our impulse is to write today off and hope for a better tomorrow. However, this creates a hard pattern to break. One terrible day easily turns into many-and soon we're living a life far from what God has in mind for us. A new, transforming sense of excitement, happiness, and contentment in our lives is possible when we pursue God's goodness each day. In 20 WAYS TO MAKE EVERY DAY BETTER, Joyce Meyer shares biblical illustrations, actionable advice, uplifting stories, and the encouragement we need to start enjoying the life God created for us.

200 Pomegranates and an Audience of One

by Shawn Wood

200 Pomegranates empowers and inspires readers to develop their God-given talents and contribute something that makes a difference in the world, be it through construction or counseling, doing people's taxes carefully and ethically, or raising and teaching children. Even if your contribution seems to go unnoticed by others, you can rest assured that God sees and values your work. Readers follow the story of obscure Old Testament figure Huram of Tyre, an artist putting the finishing touches on Solomon's temple. He honed his craft and contributed something of beauty and excellence, though some of his best work was thirty feet off the ground, where few people would notice its intricacies. Likewise, we have the ability and opportunity to create something of worth, be it for the lasting enjoyment of others or for God's eyes only. We may not all be artistic in the traditional sense, but we are nonetheless creators, made in the image of the world's Creator and endowed with skills and talents that can honor God and impact our world. Every good mom is an artist, molding her children as creations of God. Every ethical businessperson leaves a legacy of people seeing God through his or her careful work. Every after-school teacher makes a mark on the young people whose parents are busy just making ends meet. All talents, skills, and work to be creative and potentially God-honoring, from teaching and chemical engineering to number-crunching and packing a child's lunch. Readers will gain leadership and life-management skills, while being inspired for daily living. They will walk away saying, "I am an artist. By being the best parent, coach, teacher, welder, pastor, husband, aunt, (fill in the blank!), I can be, I am creating something beautiful in the eyes of God."

200 Years at St. John's York Mills: The Oldest Church in Toronto

by Scott Kennedy Jeanne Hopkins

The history of the oldest parish church in the Toronto area is also the history of North Toronto and a changing culture. The War of 1812 was barely over when the people of York Mills felled the trees that would become the first St. John’s Anglican Church. Built in 1816 on land donated by pioneer settlers Joseph and Catherine Shepard, the little log church was the first outpost of St. James Church in the Town of York and the first parish church in what would one day become the City of Toronto. The brick church that stands there today, high on the land overlooking Hogg’s Hollow, was completed in 1844. Though enlarged and improved over the years, it continues to serve as a welcoming place of worship and a valuable repository of Canadian history.

2000 Years and Beyond: Faith, Identity and the 'Commmon Era'

by Paul Gifford David Archard Trevor A. Hart Nigel Rapport

2000 Years and Beyond brings together some of the most eminent thinkers of our time - specialists in philosophy, theology, anthropology and cultural theory. In a horizon-scanning work, they look backwards and forwards to explore what links us to the matrix of the Judaeo-Christian tradition from which Western cultural identity has evolved.Their plural reflections raise searching questions about how we move from past to future - and about who 'we' are. What do the catastrophes of the twentieth century signify for hopes of progress? Can post - Enlightment humanism and its notion of human nature survive without faith? If the 'numinous magic global capitalism' is our own giant shadow cast abroad, does that shadow offer hope enough of a communal future? Has the modern, secularized West now outgrown its originating faith matrix? Often controversial and sometimes visionary, these seven new essays ask: how do we tell - and rewrite - the story of the Common Era? Introduced by Paul Gifford, and discussed in a lively dialogic conclusion, they add their distinctive voices to a debate of profound and urgent topicality.

2000 Years Of Charismatic Christianity: A 21st century look at church history from a pentecostal/charismatic prospective

by Eddie L Hyatt

Overwhelming evidence reveals contemporary Christianity roots in Pentecost!The world is taking notice and realizing that the fastest-growing segment in Christianity has an undeniable history with a pattern and a rich, deep foundation dating back to the New Testament. Explore overwhelming evidence that reveals how the gifts of the Holy Spirit not only have existed in the centuries since the early apostles, but have also survived the Middle Ages, the politicized church of Europe, and have experienced a spectacular revival this century. Learn invaluable lessons from the experiences of courageous men and women who sought God and saw His power in their generation. The reader of this volume will gain a greater appreciation for the work of the Holy Spirit in history and will experience a sharpened sense to discern what God is doing in the church today. 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity offers convincing evidence that the modern Pentecostal and Charismatic movements are rooted in the two-thousand-year history of the church. Those who identify with these movements will be affirmed in the experience of the Holy Spirit and will gain a new respect and appreciation for the movement of which they are a part. Those outside the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements will also benefit by reading this volume in that they will gain an understanding of this movement that Harvard professor Dr. Harvey Cox says is "reshaping religion in the 21st century."

201 Little Buddhist Reminders

by Barbara Ann Kipfer

201 LITTLE BUDDHIST REMINDERSEveryone is busy and we all need little reminders to help us slow down, pay attention and enjoy life.Designed for just this purpose, gathas are short Buddhist poems to recite inwardly throughout the day. They transform familiar activities, such as commuting to work, having morning tea or coffee, washing dishes or lying down to go to sleep, into opportunities to realize the sacredness of the present moment.Filled with original gathas that match the everyday activities and concerns of the modern world, 201 Little Buddhist Reminders shows how to weave a meditative rhythm and mindfulness into daily life.

The 2011 Libyan Uprisings and the Struggle for the Post-Qadhafi Future

by Jason Pack

The 2011 Libyan Uprisings is a thematic investigation of how pre-existing social, regional, tribal, and religious fissures influenced the trajectory of the 2011 Libyan Uprisings and an analysis of what this means for the post-Qadhafi future.

2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future

by Mark Borax

2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Futureis an engaging personal narrative through the author’s apprenticeship with master astrologer William Lonsdale who teaches him how to access a source of great power and creativity buried within the human soul. The book begins in August 1987 on the slopes of Mount Shasta in Northern California as Borax witnesses the Harmonic Convergence, a spiritual and astrological event sparking a 26-year countdown to 2012, the year that marks the “end of history” in the Mayan calendar. Signs indicate that a “major energy shift” is occurring, a turning point in Earth’s collective karma powerful enough to change the global perspective of humankind. Borax’s mountaintop experiences compel him to seek solutions to his personal turmoil. He meets Lonsdale and together they launch a mystery school to study how the twenty-five-year period between 1987 and 2012 can be used for a cosmic purging of negativity to release humanity’s core forces and restore universal balance. En route, Borax and his fellow students discover truths about life after death, karma, reincarnation, past lives, human evolution, and the purpose of our existence on earth. In the tradition ofThe Teachings of Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda’s tales of his shamanic master,2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Futureis a gripping sorcerer’s apprentice story driven by mystical forces, encouraging readers to expand their everyday awareness and challenge their fundamental beliefs about their place in the universe.


by Laura Castellanos

Se dice que hace cinco mil años los mayas profetizaron un hecho extraordinario de destrucción o regeneración en 2012. Pero ¿cómo y de dónde surgieron las llamadas "profecías mayas"? 2012. Las profecías del fin del mundo es la primera investigación periodística que aborda su origen, pone nombre a sus principales precursores y detractores, y expone las pugnas y contradicciones entre sí. Este libro integra igualmente las tesis más relevantes, afines y opuestas, generadas desde terrenos tan contrastantes como el new age, la astrología mundana, la arqueología y la ciencia. Reúne algunos de los proyectos asombrosos y extravagantes que la fecha ya detonó. Y recapitula sobre la necesidad ancestral por conocer el futuro, la historia del pensamiento del eterno retorno y el Apocalipsis, de los fines del mundo fallidos, y de los más célebres profetas y clarividentes. ¿Estamos ante un cataclismo o un cambio de conciencia? Aquí encontrarás claves para comprender los tiempos venideros. 2012. Las profecías del fin del mundo es un libro serio y apasionante que recoge la urgencia por mirar el horizonte a través de nuevas utopías. Acusaciones contra el principal profeta de 2012 por consumo de cocaína y una predicción fallida de fin del mundo en 1994. En Venezuela desarrollaron el proyecto de un centro comercial búnker. El máximo solar no ocurrirá en 2012 lo que descarta las profecías de catástrofes: astrofísico de la UNAM. Incluye predicciones políticas mundiales y de las elecciones presidenciales mexicanas en 2012.

2012: Your Soul’s Purpose in Conscious Evolution

by Nicolya Christi

A step-by-step guide to creating a sustainable global shift in consciousness starting with an inner-world shift at the personal level • Provides psychological and spiritual exercises to heal deep trauma imprints, raise your vibration, and realign with your soul’s higher purpose • Identifies the signs and symptoms of the 12 stages of ascension as we approach the global spiritual awakening of 2012 • Offers an in-depth overview of 2012 prophecies foretelling of humanity’s arrival at a point of no return on the Winter Solstice of 2012 as well as guidance in preparing for the New World prophesied to emerge in 2013 According to ancient Mayan prophecy, December 21, 2012, marks the moment of humanity’s rise or fall. Our “rise” depends on higher consciousness and raised vibration as well as the expanded awareness of a critical mass of people. As humanity enters the evolutionary transition from Homo sapiens to Homo luminous--from 3rd-dimensional human beings to 5th-dimensional beings of light--we are being called to fully participate in the dawn of a New World built upon unconditional love, co-support, cooperation, equality, unity, peace, justice, and sustainability. Sounding the clarion call for a global shift in consciousness starting at a personal level, Nicolya Christi presents a step-by-step guide to healing and transforming your inner world--an essential step toward co-creating a world shift as we head toward the tipping point of 2012. She offers core psychological insights and exercises, spiritual teachings, guided visualizations, and a concise overview of the spiritual and astronomical events surrounding 2012, as well as identifying the signs and symptoms of the 12 different stages of ascension, a process that millions are currently experiencing as we approach the global spiritual awakening of 2012. She explains how to clear past-life, ancestral, and current trauma imprints lodged within your energy field to accelerate the process of conscious evolution and ascension. Revealing that many people chose to reincarnate in this lifetime as “midwives” to help birth the New World, this book provides a way to rediscover your soul’s higher purpose, thus serving your own evolutionary journey as well as that of the Earth.

2012: Decoding the Countercultural Apocalypse

by Joseph Gelfer

21 December 2012 was believed to mark the end of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Mayan calendar. Many people believed this date to mark the end of the world or, at the very least, a shift to a new form of global consciousness. Examining how much of the phenomenon is based on the historical record and how much is contemporary fiction, the book explores the landscape of the modern apocalyptic imagination, the economics of the spiritual marketplace, the commodification of countercultural values, and the cult of celebrity.


by Daniel Pinchbeck

2012: The Year of the Mayan Prophecy is a literary and metaphysical epic that binds together the cosmological phenomena of our time, ranging from crop circles to quantum theory to the worldwide resurgence of shamanism, supporting the Mayan prophecy that the year 2012 will bring an unprecedented global shift. In tracing the meaning of the prophetic Mayan 'end date' of 2012 to our present society, Daniel Pinchbeck draws together alien abductions, psychedelic visions, the current ecological crisis and other peculiar aspects of 21st century life into a new vision for our time. 2012 heralds the end of one way of existence and the return of another, in which the Mesoamerican God Quetzalcoatl returns, bringing with him an ancient - yet to us, wholly new - way of living. There are many hints, both in quantum theory and elsewhere, that humanity is precariously balanced between greater self-potential and environmental disaster. Pinchbeck's journey, which takes us from the endangered rainforests of the Amazon to Stonehenge in England, tells the story of a man in whose trials we recognise our own hopes and anxieties about modern life.

2012: Everything You Need To Know About The Apocalypse

by Manda Scott

A pocket compilation of the Mayan legends of 2012, featuring everything you need to know about the Apocalypse in easy to digest facts. The first thing you need to know about 2012 is that it's just like any other year.And the second thing you need to know... is that it really isn't...The Maya didn't make it their 'end date' for nothing...2012 collects everything you need to know about how, why and what is going to happen in this apocalyptic year, as outlined in the ancient Mayan prophesies in a humourous and insightful way, the facts, the fantasties and the frankly extraordinary.

2012 and Beyond

by Yehuda Berg

Drawing wisdom from the Zohar, this short kabbalistic text redefines this legendary period of time as a window for individuals and communities to reach "messiah consciousness." That means it's up to people, not some celestial savior, to ignite global change. All the natural disasters poverty, revolutions, anarchy, are wake-up calls to a fragmented humanity. The end is near, but as Yehuda explains this really means "the end of dominance of the human ego. In its place we will experience the unleashing of our true selves - the illuminated human soul." There must be a critical mass, a certain threshold of transformation to capitalize on this window, and when that occurs, the peoples of the world will function as one body while still appreciating our differences. Our collective minds have the power to bring an end to negative consciousness and birth a new existence right now.

2012 and the Galactic Center: The Return of the Great Mother

by Christine R. Page

A guide to the expansion of consciousness possible during the Galactic Alignment of 2012• Reveals the new era that will be ushered in as the current perception of time collapses and spiritual perception expands • Explains the psycho-spiritual preparations necessary to transition into this new era• Shows how the alignment of the sun with the Galactic Center will allow humans to experience awareness normally reserved for shamans, pharaohs, and sagesThis is an extraordinary time in the planet’s history. In 2012, for the first time in almost 26,000 years, our sun will be most closely aligned to the Galactic Center. This Galactic Alignment, which began with the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and will conclude in 2023, presents a thirty-six-year window of opportunity for humanity to participate in the creation of a new era of expanded consciousness. Christine Page explains that, as the source of all creation, our galaxy is the Great Mother and its center, her heart. Auspiciously aligning Earth with the heart of the Great Mother, the Galactic Alignment heralds a rebirth of the divine feminine qualities of the Triple Goddess--intuition, emotional creativity, and renewal. Drawing on alchemy and mythology, Page details how to connect with and use the sacred spiritual tools unlocked during the alignment to merge with the Great Mother, a spiritual transformation that allows us to expand our awareness and experience ourselves as eternal beings.

2012 Awakening: Choosing Spiritual Enlightenment Over Armageddon

by Kira Raa Sri Ram Kaa

HUMANITY STANDS AT THE BRINK OF A CROSSROADS. WHICH PATH WILL YOU CHOOSE?AWAKE FROM YOUR DREAM TO TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR DESTINY!Ancient Mayan predictions foretell that the world will end on December 21, 2012. Yet, as this date approaches most of us do not know where we are headed or why we are here. In 2012: Awakening, Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa show how to discover your deeper soul purpose and prepare for the important choice of 2012: continue on the path of destruction or ascend to the new spiritual realm.Choose the spiritual path and you will learn to experience Joy in the face of Global Anxiety. Discover that: Multidimensional existence is real and you are already living it Angels are here and can show you how to create miracles Leumeria, Atlantis and Earth's Galactic origins are not myths There are four basic soul groups; find yours and identify your true Soul Mate The current global chaos is a necessary first step toward the Awakening

The 2012 Collection

by Daniel Pinchbeck

Now in the years beyond 2012--discover the true meaning behind the hype that captivated the world.It should be no surprise to us now, but the pomp surrounding the coming of the year 2012 that grasped the human race's attention in those preceding years was not at all about the end of the world. Instead, much to the contrary, Daniel Pinchbeck believes that the passing of the year 2012 marked the beginning of a global shift in consciousness--where the human race would begin to see the world and existence on this planet through a different lens, embracing fresh ideas about who we are and what it means to be human. Discover the true wisdom behind the 2012 phenomenon with these two captivating works by one of the leading minds in the movement--both in one place for the first time, and at one low price. 2012: The Return of QuetzalcoatlCross James Merrill, H. P. Lovecraft, and Carlos Castaneda--each imbued with a twenty-first-century aptitude for quantum theory and existential psychology--and you get the voice of Daniel Pinchbeck. And yet, nothing quite prepares us for the lucidity, rationale, and informed audacity of this seeker, skeptic, and cartographer of hidden realms.Throughout the 1990s, Pinchbeck had been a member of New York's literary select. He wrote for publications such as The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, and Harper's Bazaar. His first book, Breaking Open the Head, was heralded as the most significant on psychedelic experimentation since the work of Terence McKenna.But slowly something happened: Rather than writing from a journalistic remove, Pinchbeck--his literary powers at their peak--began to participate in the shamanic and metaphysical belief systems he was encountering. As his psyche and body opened to new experience, disparate threads and occurrences made sense like never before: Humanity, every sign pointed, is precariously balanced between greater self-potential and environmental disaster. The Mayan calendar's "end date" of 2012 seems to define our present age: It heralds the end of one way of existence and the return of another, in which the serpent god Quetzalcoatl reigns anew, bringing with him an unimaginably ancient--yet, to us, wholly new--way of living.A result not just of study but also of participation, 2012 tells the tale of a single man in whose trials we ultimately recognize our own hopes and anxieties about modern life. Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next AgeAn informed, challenging, and engaging collection of essays on the new choices in lifestyles and community as we begin the countdown toward the year 2012.This fresh and thought-provoking anthology draws together some of today's most celebrated visionaries, thinkers, and pioneers in the field of evolving consciousness--exploring topics from shamanism to urban homesteading, the legacy of Carlos Castaneda to Mayan predictions for the year 2012, and new paths in direct political action and human sexuality.Toward 2012 highlights some of the most challenging, intelligent pieces published on the acclaimed website Reality Sandwich. It is coedited by Daniel Pinchbeck, the preeminent voice on 2012, and online pioneer Ken Jordan, and features original works from Stanislav Grof, John Major Jenkins, and Paul D. Miller (DJ Spooky); interviews with Abbie Hoffman and artist Alex Grey; and a new introduction by Pinchbeck.Here are ideas that trace the arc of our evolution in consciousness, lifestyles, and communities as we draw closer to a moment in time that portends ways of living that are different from anything we have expected or experienced.

The 2012 Collection

by Daniel Pinchbeck

Now in the years beyond 2012--discover the true meaning behind the hype that captivated the world.It should be no surprise to us now, but the pomp surrounding the coming of the year 2012 that grasped the human race's attention in those preceding years was not at all about the end of the world. Instead, much to the contrary, Daniel Pinchbeck believes that the passing of the year 2012 marked the beginning of a global shift in consciousness--where the human race would begin to see the world and existence on this planet through a different lens, embracing fresh ideas about who we are and what it means to be human. Discover the true wisdom behind the 2012 phenomenon with these two captivating works by one of the leading minds in the movement--both in one place for the first time, and at one low price. 2012: The Return of QuetzalcoatlCross James Merrill, H. P. Lovecraft, and Carlos Castaneda--each imbued with a twenty-first-century aptitude for quantum theory and existential psychology--and you get the voice of Daniel Pinchbeck. And yet, nothing quite prepares us for the lucidity, rationale, and informed audacity of this seeker, skeptic, and cartographer of hidden realms.Throughout the 1990s, Pinchbeck had been a member of New York's literary select. He wrote for publications such as The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, and Harper's Bazaar. His first book, Breaking Open the Head, was heralded as the most significant on psychedelic experimentation since the work of Terence McKenna.But slowly something happened: Rather than writing from a journalistic remove, Pinchbeck--his literary powers at their peak--began to participate in the shamanic and metaphysical belief systems he was encountering. As his psyche and body opened to new experience, disparate threads and occurrences made sense like never before: Humanity, every sign pointed, is precariously balanced between greater self-potential and environmental disaster. The Mayan calendar's "end date" of 2012 seems to define our present age: It heralds the end of one way of existence and the return of another, in which the serpent god Quetzalcoatl reigns anew, bringing with him an unimaginably ancient--yet, to us, wholly new--way of living.A result not just of study but also of participation, 2012 tells the tale of a single man in whose trials we ultimately recognize our own hopes and anxieties about modern life. Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next AgeAn informed, challenging, and engaging collection of essays on the new choices in lifestyles and community as we begin the countdown toward the year 2012.This fresh and thought-provoking anthology draws together some of today's most celebrated visionaries, thinkers, and pioneers in the field of evolving consciousness--exploring topics from shamanism to urban homesteading, the legacy of Carlos Castaneda to Mayan predictions for the year 2012, and new paths in direct political action and human sexuality.Toward 2012 highlights some of the most challenging, intelligent pieces published on the acclaimed website Reality Sandwich. It is coedited by Daniel Pinchbeck, the preeminent voice on 2012, and online pioneer Ken Jordan, and features original works from Stanislav Grof, John Major Jenkins, and Paul D. Miller (DJ Spooky); interviews with Abbie Hoffman and artist Alex Grey; and a new introduction by Pinchbeck.Here are ideas that trace the arc of our evolution in consciousness, lifestyles, and communities as we draw closer to a moment in time that portends ways of living that are different from anything we have expected or experienced.

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