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P is for Pilgrim (Hodder Faith Young Explorers)

by Stephen Cottrell

As you explore the Christian faith, you will soon encounter some challenging words: Trinity, Sacrament, Reconciliation, Sin, Incarnation, even the word 'Christ' itself. It isn't Jesus's surname! It is a title with a meaning and history.Sooner, or later, these words, and the ideas behind them, must be addressed and understood. It is simply not possible to be a Christian, without understanding sin and forgiveness, knowing what a sacrament is, or accepting Jesus as the Christ.This book is here to help. It explores and explains most of the key concepts and ideas that underpin the Christian faith."I had assumed that someone else had already written a book like this. It seemed such an obvious thing to do. But while I could find weighty tomes on the topics explored here, I couldn't find a book which covered all these things in ways that were accessible, comprehensive and friendly: a simple book about complex things, one which just about anyone could read and find helpful. So, I wrote one." - Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

P Is for Pumpkin: God's Harvest Alphabet

by Kathy-Jo Wargin

“For God made the Earth—He made everything! He makes all the wonders each season will bring. He changes the colors on leaves big and small, red, brown and yellow to tell us it’s Fall. He turns the fields into ribbons of Gold, sparkling with frost as the autumn grows cold.” Destined to become a family keepsake, this unique, jacketed hardcover celebrates the wonders of an entire season. With help from the alphabet, preschoolers journey through God’s harvest blessings—in the process discovering just how much there is to be thankful for! The fun is infectious as they learn to appreciate autumn for its beauty and bounty, opportunities to celebrate with friends and family, and traditions like barn dances, corn mazes, pumpkin carving, and more.

P.O.D.: The Nexus

by Mat Broome

When a P.O.D. concert ends with far flung fireworks, frozen souls, and an alien intruder, the band’s members find themselves called to a greater mission: find the mysterious entity known only as “The Chosen.” As aliens invade the Earth and the evil being, The Soul Shredder, threatens to pit one against the other, Sonny, Wuv, Traa, and Marcos use their super powers to save the world. Strength, faith, and friendships are tested as the heroes fight the army of alien Xenophons. With the world crumbling around them, the heroes discover secret clues that lead them to The Chosen; but will The Soul Shredder use his trickery to find her first? It's a battle of good vs. evil and hero vs. villain, but in the end only an ageless wonder holds the key to survival.

P.S. I Miss You

by Jen Petro-Roy

A heartbreaking—yet ultimately uplifting—epistolary novel about family, religion, and having the courage to be yourself."P.S. I Miss You is so moving! Evie's quiet strength and fierce determination are an inspiration. " —Ann M. Martin, author of Rain Reign and the Baby-Sitters Club"Jen Petro-Roy has created a character with the potential to be as iconic as Judy Blume's Margaret." —Erin Dionne, author of Notes from an Accidental Band GeekEvie is heartbroken when her strict Catholic parents send her pregnant sister, Cilla, away to stay with a distant great-aunt. All Evie wants is for her older sister to come back. Forbidden from speaking to Cilla, Evie secretly sends her letters.Evie writes about her family, torn apart and hurting. She writes about her life, empty without Cilla. And she writes about the new girl in school, June, who becomes her friend, and then maybe more than a friend.Evie could really use some advice from Cilla. But Cilla isn’t writing back, and it’s time for Evie to take matters into her own hands.P.S. I Miss You by Jen Petro-Roy is a heartfelt middle grade novel dealing with faith, identity, and finding your way in difficult times.“A touching story of sisterly devotion and self-discovery. Readers will cheer on Jen Petro-Roy’s sweet, strong protagonist as she overcomes challenging family circumstances to embrace her own identity.” — Barbara Dee, author of Star-Crossed"A heartbreaking but empowering story that’s impossible to forget… Readers will love Evie’s smart, funny voice and will recognize themselves in her worries, her questions, and her hopes." —Kate Messner, author of The Seventh Wish

Paap Punya: પાપ પુણ્ય

by Dada Bhagwan

આ પુસ્તકમાં જ્ઞાની પુરુષ પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રીએ પાપ - પુણ્યની માન્યતા સબંધી લંબાણથી ચર્ચા કરી છે. પોતાના સરળ શબ્દોમાં પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રીએ પાપ – પુણ્ય સમજાવતા કહ્યું છે કે બીજાને સુખ આપવાથી આપણે પુણ્ય બાંધીએ છીએ અને આપણા વચનોથી, કાર્યોથી, કે વર્તનથી, કોઈને તકલીફ આપવાથી, દુઃખ આપવાથી આપણે પાપ બાંધીએ છીએ. છતાંપણ જો આપણે પ્રતિક્રમણ કરીએ તો આપણે પાપનો નાશ કરી પુણ્ય બાંધીએ છીએ. પાપ – પુણ્યનો વિસ્તૃત અર્થ શું છે? તે પુનર્જન્મ સાથે કઈ રીતે સંકળાયેલ છે? પાપ – પુણ્યના પરિણામો શા છે? પાપ – પુણ્યના ફળો કઈ રીતે ભોગવવા પડે છે? પાપ – પુણ્યના પ્રકારો ક્યા છે? મોક્ષના પંથે પાપ – પુણ્ય શો ભાગ ભજવે છે? શું પુણ્ય મુક્તિ આપી શકે? પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રીએ પાપ – પુણ્યના પુસ્તક માં આ બધાની ચર્ચા કરી છે. વાચકને આ વાંચન ચોક્કસપણે પાપ – પુણ્ય સબંધી જાગૃતિ વધારવા માં મદદ કરશે અને જીવનની ઘણી સમસ્યાઓના ઉત્તરો આપી મોક્ષની નજીક લઇ જશે.

Paap Punya: पाप पुण्य

by Dada Bhagwan

पाप या पुण्य, जीवन में किये गए किसी भी कार्य का फल माना जाता है| इस पुस्तक में दादाश्री हमें बहुत ही गहराई से इन दोनों का मतलब समझाते हुए यह बताते है कि, कोई भी काम जिससे दूसरों को आनंद मिले और उनका भला हो, उससे पुण्य बंधता है और जिससे किसीको तकलीफ हो उससे पाप बंधता है| हमारे देश में बच्चा छोटा होता है तभीसे माता-पिता उसे पाप और पुण्य का भेद समझाने में जुट जाते है पर क्या वह खुद पाप-पुण्य से संबंधित सवालों के जवाब जानते है? आमतौर पर खड़े होने वाले प्रश्न जैसे- पाप और पुण्य का बंधन कैसे होता है? इसका फल क्या होता है?क्या इसमें से कभी भी मुक्ति मिल सकती है?यह मोक्ष के लिए हमें किस प्रकार बाधारूप हो सकता है? पाप बांधने से कैसे बचे और पुण्य किस तरह से बांधे?|||इत्यादि सवालों के जवाब हमें इस पुस्तक में मिलते है| इसके अलावा, दादाजी हमें प्रतिक्रमण द्वारा पाप बंधनों में से मुक्त होने का रास्ता भी बताते है| अगर हम अपनी भूलो का प्रतिक्रमण या पश्चाताप करते है, तो हम इससे छूट सकते है| अपनी पाप –पुण्य से संबंधित गलत मान्यताओं को दूर करने और आध्यात्मिक मार्ग में प्रगति करने हेतु, इस किताब को ज़रूर पढ़े और मोक्ष मार्ग में आगे बढ़े|

Paap-Punya: पाप - पुण्य

by Dada Bhagwan

ह्या पुस्तकात ज्ञानी पुरुष परम पूज्य दादाश्रींनी पाप-पुण्याच्या मान्यते संबंधी सविस्तर चर्चा केली आहे. स्वत:च्या साद्या-सरळ शब्दांतून परम पूज्य दादाश्रींनी पाप-पुण्याला समजावताना सांगितले आहे की दुस:यांना सुख दिल्याने आपण पुण्य बांधतो. आणि आपल्या वाणीने, कार्याने किंवा वर्तनाने कोणालाही दु:ख दिल्याने आपण पाप बांधतो. पण तरी सुद्धा आपण जर त्या बद्दल प्रतिक्रमण केले तर आपण त्या पापाचे नाश करुन पुण्य बांधतो. पाप-पुण्याचा विस्तृत अर्थ काय? त्याचा पुर्नजन्माशी काय संबंध आहे? पाप-पुण्याचे परिणाम कोणते? पाप-पुण्याची फळे कशा प्रकारे भोगावी लागतात? पाप-पुण्याचे प्रकार कोणते? मोक्षमार्गावर पाप-पुण्य कशी कामगिरी बजावतात? पुण्यामुळे मुक्ति मिळु शकते का? परम पुज्य दादाश्रींनी पाप-पुण्याच्या या पुस्तकात ह्या सर्व गोष्टींची चर्चा केली आहे. वाचकांना त्याचे वाचन केल्यामुळे निश्चितपणे पाप-पुण्यासंबंधी जागृति वाढविण्यासाठी मदतरुप ठरेल, तसेच जीवनातील अनेक समस्यांचे समाधान प्राप्त करवून मोक्षाच्या समीप पोहोचवेल.

Pablo a través de los ojos mediterráneos: Estudios culturales de Primera de Corintios

by Kenneth E. Bailey

En este innovador estudio de la Primera carta a los Corintios, Kenneth Bailey examina esta carta canónica a través de la formación judía socio-cultural y retórica de Pablo y a través del contexto mediterráneo de los corintios. Revelando las raíces de la carta en el hebreo tradicional profético, su organización intencional teológica y su referencia retórica a las prácticas culturales del Cercano Oriente, Bailey nos permite ver la perspectiva completa de la respuesta de Pablo a una comunidad en crisis.

The Pace Of A Hen

by Josephine Moffett Benton

“CERTAIN AUTHORS,” says Pascal, “speaking of their works, say ‘My Book.’ They would do better to say ‘Our Book’ because there is in them generally more of other people’s than their own.”Truly, this book is not my book but our book. It is the book of my friends, my family, my favorite writers. It is a book which grew out of the Pendle Hill pamphlet Martha and Mary, which in its turn grew out of the pooled wisdom of a group of women who sat and talked one sunny autumn afternoon about a woman’s relationship to her home and her family, to her work and her spiritual life. We came to see that it was not a matter of choice between the roles of Martha and Mary, but a recognition of the diverse facets of almost every woman’s nature.The reconciliation of a woman’s many selves is a slow process. Richard Cabot taught my generation in his book What Men Live By that the integrated person, the one who faces reality, is never an extremist but one who keeps his equilibrium. The ever-increasing demands on a modern woman’s time and energy, her wide interests, her own high standards of performance, pull her in many directions. Her scattered life does indeed resemble the pace of a hen. For her the golden mean is achieved only as she is able to find her way between work and play, between home and community, between solitude and society, between the wisdom of the serpent and the gentleness of the dove. But in time, with some years given mainly to the nurture of the family, some years to this field of service or that avocation, these seeming fragments can fit together to make a shining pattern of wholeness.

Pachomius: The Making of a Community in Fourth-Century Egypt (Transformation of the Classical Heritage #6)

by Philip Rousseau

Pachomius, who died in 346, has long been regarded as the "founder of monasticism." Available again, Philip Rousseau's careful reading of the available texts reveals that Pachomius's pioneering enterprise has been consistently misread in light of later monastic practices. Rousseau not only provides a fuller and more accurate portrait of this great teacher and spiritual director but also gives a new perspective on the development of monasticism. In a new preface Rousseau reviews the scholarly developments that have modified his views and emphases since the book was published. The result is to make Pachomius an even less assured pioneer, a man likely to have been more involved in the village and urban society of his time than previously thought.

Pacific Apostle: The 1920-21 Diary of David O. McKay in the Latter-day Saint Island Missions

by David D McKay

In 1920, David O. McKay embarked on a journey that forever changed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His visits to the Latter-day Saint missions, schools, and branches in the Pacific solidified the Church leadership's commitment to global outreach. As importantly, the trip inspired McKay's own initiatives when he later became Church president. McKay's account of his odyssey brings to life the story of the Church of Jesus Christ’s transformation into a global faith. Throughout his diary, McKay expressed his humanity, curiosity, and fascination with cultures and places--the Maori hongi, East Asian customs, Australian wildlife, and more. At the same time, he and his travel companion, Hugh J. Cannon, detailed the Latter-day Saint missionary life of the era, closely observing logistical challenges and cultural differences, guiding various church efforts, and listening to followers' impressions and concerns. Reid L. Neilson and Carson V. Teuscher's meticulous notes provide historical, religious, and general context for the reader.Blending travelogue with history, Pacific Apostle illuminates the thought and work of an essential figure in the twentieth-century Church of Jesus Christ.

The Pacific Islands in China’s Grand Strategy

by Jian Yang

This book looks at Chinese policy towards the South Pacific in the context of China's grand strategy. Analysts are divided on the implications of China's deepening involvement in the region and the study of Chinese involvement in the South Pacific is a part of the great debate on the rise of China.

Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit books 1-3

by Laura Scott Valerie Hansen Terri Reed

Coming soon! Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit books 1-3 by Laura Scott\Valerie Hansen\Terri Reed will be available May 23, 2023.

Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit Books 4-6: A Thrilling Suspense Collection

by Jodie Bailey Sharon Dunn Jessica R. Patch

Love Inspired Suspense brings you four full-length stories in one collection! Enjoy action-packed stories in the Alaska K-9 Unit series featuring K-9 crime-stoppers solving thrilling mysteries that will keep you on the edge of your seat!This box set includes:ALASKAN RESCUEby Terri ReedSent to find a wedding party that disappeared during a hike, Alaska State Trooper Hunter McCord discovers bridesmaid Ariel Potter hanging from a cliff. Now it&’s up to Hunter and his K-9 partner to find Ariel&’s missing companions…and make sure whoever wants Ariel dead doesn&’t finish the job.WILDERNESS DEFENDERby USA Today bestselling author Maggie K. BlackWith murderous poachers targeting blue bear cubs, Alaska trooper Poppy Walsh and her K-9 partner will do whatever it takes to stop them. But having to team up with her ex-fiancé, park ranger Lex Fielding, will be her biggest test. Can Poppy and Lex overcome their past to save the cubs and protect Lex&’s young son?UNDERCOVER MISSIONby USA Today bestselling author Sharon DunnUndercover on a cruise ship with her K-9 dog, Alaska State Trooper Maya Rodriguez uses herself as bait for a murderer—and quickly becomes a target. With security officer David Garrison&’s help, they must work to stay one step ahead of a possible serial killer. But will they make it off the ship alive?TRACKING STOLEN SECRETS by USA Today bestselling author Laura ScottPositive her sister isn&’t involved in a theft ring as the police believe, Alaska trooper Helena Maddox and her K-9 must find her twin before officer Everett Brand does. But when the niece Helena didn&’t know existed is left on Everett&’s doorstep, Helena and Everett must work together to keep the baby safe.Look for the complete Alaska K-9 Unit series! Book 1: Shielding the Baby Book 2: Scent of Truth Book 3: Explosive Trail Book 4: Olympic Mountain Pursuit Book 5: Threat Detection Book 6: Cold Case Revenge Book 7: Undercover Operation Book 8: Snowbound EscapeFrom Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith

Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit Books 7-9: Three Thrilling Suspense Novels (Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit)

by Maggie K. Black Dana Mentink Katy Lee Sharee Stover

Love Inspired Suspense brings you three full-length stories in one collection. Enjoy action-packed stories in the Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit series featuring canine crime-stoppers solving thrilling mysteries that will keep you on the edge of your seat!This box set includes:UNDERCOVER OPERATIONby USA Today bestselling author Maggie K. BlackK-9 officer Asher Gilmore and trainer Peyton Burns have two tasks: rescue three stolen bloodhound puppies and expose a drug ring. To outwit the criminals, they must go undercover as married smugglers with the help of an underwater-detection dog. But infiltrating the crime ring proves more dangerous than expected…SNOWBOUND ESCAPE by USA Today bestselling author Dana MentinkAfter months of tracking a colleague falsely accused of double homicide, officer Tanner Ford and his K-9 partner finally locate crime tech Mara Gilmore—but the real murderer is closing in. Forced to run into a frozen wilderness to survive, can Tanner protect Mara from a vicious assailant…before the harsh winter conditions bury them?K-9 NATIONAL PARK DEFENDERS by Katy Lee and Sharee StoverMembers of the Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit are in a race against time in these holiday novellas. Can rival officers Veronica Eastwood and Parker Walsh work together to save Veronica&’s sister in Katy Lee&’s Yuletide Ransom? And can K-9 officers Dylan Jeong and Brandie Weller stop a bomber out for revenge in Sharee Stover&’s Holiday Rescue Countdown?From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit Book 1: Shielding the Baby by Laura Scott Book 2: Scent of Truth by Valerie Hansen Book 3: Explosive Trail by Terri Reed Book 4: Olympic Mountain Pursuit by Jodie Bailey Book 5: Threat Detection by Sharon Dunn Book 6: Cold Case Revenge by Jessica R. Patch Book 7: Undercover Operation by Maggie K. Black Book 8: Snowbound Escape by Dana Mentink

The Pacific Rim Collection: Thunder in the Morning Calm, Fire of the Raging Dragon, Storming the Black Ice (Pacific Rim Series)

by Don Brown

Bestselling author and former US Navy JAG Officer Don Brown’s Pacific Rim series now available in one volume! Thunder in the Morning Calm Sixty years after his grandfather disappeared in Korea, a young naval intelligence officer seeks the truth behind rumors that American POWs are still being held there. Risking his life, fortune, and freedom, he leads a daring mission into the dangerous dictatorship of North Korea—all for the love of his country and a grandfather he never knew. Fire of the Raging Dragon In Fire of the Raging Dragon—the second book in best-selling author Don Brown’s Pacific Rim Series—Stephanie Surber is stationed on board a submarine tender in the South China Sea when a naval war breaks out. After a gruesome discovery escalates America’s involvement, Stephanie’s father, US President Douglas Surber, must choose to take a stand against evil . . . or save the life of his daughter. Storming the Black Ice When British geologists discover the world's largest oil reserves under the desolate, icy tundra of Antarctica, Britain and Chile form a top-secret alliance for control of petroleum resources that will rival the economic power of OPEC.

Pacifism and Pentecostals in South Africa: A new hermeneutic for nonviolence (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Marius Nel

Most of the early twentieth-century Pentecostal denominations were peace churches that encouraged a stance of conscientious objection. However, since the Second World War Pentecostals have largely abandoned their pacifist viewpoint as they have taken on a more literal Biblical hermeneutic from their interaction with Evangelical denominations. This book traces the history of nonviolence in Pentecostalism and suggests that a new hermeneutic of the Bible is needed by today’s Pentecostals in order for them to rediscover their pacifist roots and effect positive social change. The book focuses on how Pentecostalism has manifested in South Africa during the twentieth century. Much of the available academic literature on hermeneutics and exegesis in the field of Pentecostal Studies is of an American or British-European origin. This book redresses this imbalance by exploring how the Bible has been used amongst African Pentecostals to teach on the apparent paradox of a simultaneously wrathful and loving God. It then goes onto suggest that how the Bible is read directly affects how Pentecostals view their role as potential reformers of society. So, it must be engaged seriously and thoughtfully. By bringing Pentecostalism’s function in South African society to the fore, this book adds a fresh perspective on the issue of pacifism in world Christianity. As such it will be of great use to scholars of Pentecostal Studies, Theology, and Religion and Violence as well as those working in African Studies.

Pacifism’s Appeal: Ethos, History, Politics (Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies)

by Jorg Kustermans Tom Sauer Dominiek Lootens Barbara Segaert

This volume examines the possibility – or need – of a revitalization of pacifism as a world-political practice. It takes as its point of departure the observation that although ‘just war thinking’ has long been dominant in Western debates about war and peace, recent events have served to temper enthusiasm about the doctrine. Pacifism has been much less prominent a stance in recent decades, but there is the impression that it may be staging a return. Just war thinking has to a large extent failed. Outright bellicism remains as undesirable as ever. Pacifism presents itself again as a possible alternative. Once upon a time the peace movement was popular, and pacifism with it. Pacifism appealed to people. It stirred hearts and minds. It inspired political action and institutional designs. This volume examines whether pacifism can claim its ground again and how it should be redefined in light of today’s world-political circumstances.

Pacifists in Chains: The Persecution of Hutterites during the Great War (Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies)

by Duane C. Stoltzfus

Documents the disturbing history of four pacifists imprisoned for their refusal to serve during World War I.To Hutterites and members of other pacifist sects, serving the military in any way goes against the biblical commandment "thou shalt not kill" and Jesus’s admonition to turn the other cheek when confronted with violence. Pacifists in Chains tells the story of four young men—Joseph Hofer, Michael Hofer, David Hofer, and Jacob Wipf—who followed these beliefs and refused to perform military service in World War I. The men paid a steep price for their resistance, imprisoned in Alcatraz and Fort Leavenworth, where the two youngest died. The Hutterites buried the men as martyrs, citing mistreatment.Using archival material, letters from the four men and others imprisoned during the war, and interviews with their descendants, Duane C. S. Stoltzfus explores the tension between a country preparing to enter into a world war and a people whose history of martyrdom for their pacifist beliefs goes back to their sixteenth-century Reformation beginnings.

Pack up Your Gloomies in a Great Big Box, Then Sit on the Lid and Laugh!

by Barbara Johnson

Pack Up Your Gloomies is filled with bittersweet stories of Barbara's journey through the minefields of life, and her wise and encouraging responses to letters from hurting parents. Each chapter ends with a laughter-packed collection of Gloomie Busters.

Pack Up Your Troubles: Sermons on How to Trust God

by Maxie Dunnam

Maxie Dunnam's direct, persuasive, and often humorous style will appeal to pastors seeking new insight based on biblical themes. The author also provides a treasury of contemporary illustrations and anecdotes.

Packing Light: Thoughts on Living Life with Less Baggage

by Allison Fallon

Carrying baggage you don't need? When I was in college, I figured my life would come together around graduation. I&’d meet a guy, have a beautiful wedding, and we'd buy a nice little house—not necessarily with a picket fence, but with whatever kind of fence we wanted. Whatever we decided, I would be happy.When I got out of college and my life didn&’t look like that, I floundered, trying to get the life I had always dreamed of through career, travel, and relationships. But none of them satisfied me as I hoped. Like many twentysomethings, I tried to discover the life of my dreams, but instead I just kept accumulating baggage—school loans, electronics I couldn&’t afford, hurt from broken relationships, and unmet expectations for what life was &“supposed to be&” like.Just when I had given up all hope of finding the &“life I&’d always dreamed about,&” I decided to take a trip to all fifty states . . . because when you go on a trip, you can&’t take your baggage. What I found was that &“packing light&” wasn&’t as easy as I thought it would be.This is the story of my trip and learning to live life with less baggage.

Packing Light: Thoughts on Living Life with Less Baggage

by Allison Fallon

Carrying baggage you don't need? When I was in college, I figured my life would come together around graduation. I&’d meet a guy, have a beautiful wedding, and we'd buy a nice little house—not necessarily with a picket fence, but with whatever kind of fence we wanted. Whatever we decided, I would be happy.When I got out of college and my life didn&’t look like that, I floundered, trying to get the life I had always dreamed of through career, travel, and relationships. But none of them satisfied me as I hoped. Like many twentysomethings, I tried to discover the life of my dreams, but instead I just kept accumulating baggage—school loans, electronics I couldn&’t afford, hurt from broken relationships, and unmet expectations for what life was &“supposed to be&” like.Just when I had given up all hope of finding the &“life I&’d always dreamed about,&” I decided to take a trip to all fifty states . . . because when you go on a trip, you can&’t take your baggage. What I found was that &“packing light&” wasn&’t as easy as I thought it would be.This is the story of my trip and learning to live life with less baggage.

Pacted Democracy in the Middle East: Tunisia and Egypt in Comparative Perspective (St Antony's Series)

by Hicham Alaoui

This book provides a new theory for how democracy can materialize in the Middle East, and the broader Muslim world. It shows that one pathway to democratization lays not in resolving important, but often irreconcilable, debates about the role of religion in politics. Rather, it requires that Islamists and their secular opponents focus on the concerns of pragmatic survival—that is, compromise through pacting, rather than battling through difficult philosophical issues about faith. This is the only book-length treatment of this topic, and one that aims to redefine the boundaries of an urgent problem that continues to haunt struggles for democracy in the aftermath of the Arab Spring.

El Pacto de Dios Con Usted Para Su Familia: Póngase de acuerdo con El y desate su poder

by John Eckhardt

El pacto es el fundamento de todas las interacciones de Dios con nosotros. De hecho, el éxito en cada parte de su vida depende de la manera en que usted responda a las promesas de Dios y sus planes divinos para con usted. El pacto de Dios usted para su familia demuestra las promesas divinas de pacto para seguridad, protección, paz y prosperidad, que cubre: · Lo que significa el pacto en el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento. · Lo que Dios dice acerca de usted y su familia. · Cómo puede romper las maldiciones generacionales sobre la familia. · Cómo permanecer fiel a su pacto con Dios y mucho más Cuando permanecemos fieles a nuestro pacto con Dios, podemos estar seguros de que no importa qué tormenta llegue a nuestra vida, son la promesas divinas eternas de paz lo que nos va a sostener y nos va a abrirnos paso victoriosamente.

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