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Papa Francisco

by The Wall Street Journal

Em 13 de março, os cardeais da Igreja Católica, reunidos para eleger um sucessor de um Papa ainda vivo pela primeira vez em 600 anos, anunciaram uma mudança dramática. Ao eleger o cardeal Jorge Mario Bergoglio da Argentina como Papa Francisco 266°, os cardeais nomeavam o primeiro Papa do emergente Novo Mundo em toda história, para assumir a liderança da Igreja em um momento crucial. Esta foi uma mudança impressionante feita por uma instituição de 2000 anos de idade que tem imensa influência -- com 1.2 bilhões de seguidores em todo mundo -- e enormes problemas, incluindo um escândalo de abuso sexual que perdura por uma década e abalou a fé na instituição, escassez de padres e tendências seculares, que fizeram a Igreja perder membros e colocaram à prova sua relevância em um mundo em transformação. Desde a surpreendente decisão do Papa Bento XVI de se aposentar, até a apresentação do Papa Francisco, das tranquilas ruas de bairro de Buenos Aires até a primeira fila da praça de São Pedro, os repórteres do Wall Street Journal registraram essas dramáticas semanas na vida da mais antiga instituição do mundo. Agora, em um novo e-book, os repórteres do Journal irão apresentar uma biografia detalhada, original e oportuna do novo Papa Francisco, bem como novas visões das negociações e do drama que cercaram sua acensão. Papa Francisco irá apresentar a história completa e aprofundada da mudança de direção da Igreja e do homem encarregado de liderá-la, e analisar como o Papa Francisco poderá lidar com anos de escândalo e deficiência, enquanto lidera os católicos de todo o mundo em direção a uma fé mais profunda. The Wall Street Journal é o maior jornal dos Estados Unidos, considerando a circulação média total, com quase 2.3 milhões de assinantes e 36 milhões de visitantes digitais de todo o mundo por mês. Nos últimos anos, o Journal expandiu o seu conteúdo central para incluir a cobertura de arte, cultura, estilo de vida, esportes e saúde, tendo como base sua tradição como fonte principal de notícias financeiras e de negócios. Como uma das maiores operações de captação de notícias do mundo com 2.000 jornalistas em mais de 50 países, a franquia Journal abrange atualmente oito edições em 11 línguas, envolvendo leitores através de jornais, websites, revistas, mídia social e vídeos. O Journal detém 34 prêmios Pulitzer pela sua excelência em jornalismo.

El papa Francisco

by The Wall Street Journal

El 13 de marzo, los cardenales de la Iglesia Católica, reunidos para elegir el sucesor de un Papa vivo por primera vez en 600 años, anunciaron un giro dramático. Al elevar al Cardenal Jorge Mario Bergoglio de Argentina y convertirlo en el Papa Francisco, el 266° Pontífice, los cardenales nombraban al primer Papa proveniente del creciente Nuevo Mundo en la historia, para que se hiciera cargo del timón de la Iglesia en un momento crucial. Fue un paso asombroso para una institución de 2000 años que tiene una influencia inmensa, con 1,2 mil millones de fieles en el mundo, y problemas enormes, que incluyen un escándalo por abusos sexuales desde hace una década, que ha echado por tierra la fe en la institución, una escasez de sacerdotes y tendencias seculares que han provocado la pérdida de muchos miembros de la Iglesia y han desafiado su relevancia en un mundo que está cambiando. Desde la decisión impactante del Papa Benedicto XVI de retirarse, hasta la presentación del Papa Francisco, desde las calles apartadas de Buenos Aires hasta la primera fila de la Plaza de San Pedro, los periodistas de The Wall Street Journal relataron lo sucedido durante estas semanas dramáticas en la vida de la institución más antigua del mundo. Ahora, en un nuevo libro electrónico, los periodistas del diario presentarán una biografía detallada, oportuna y original del nuevo Papa Francisco, como también una nueva perspectiva acerca de las negociaciones y el drama que rodearon su ascenso. El Papa Francisco presentará la historia completa y en profundidad del cambio de dirección de la Iglesia y del hombre al que se le encomendó la tarea de conducirla, y reflexionará acerca de cómo el Papa Francisco podría abordar los años de escándalo y defectos mientras guía a los católicos alrededor del mundo hacia una fe más profunda. The Wall Street Journal es el diario más grande de Norteamérica por circulación promedio total, con cerca de 2,3 millones de suscriptores y 36 millones de visitas digitales globales por mes. En los últimos años, el Journal ha ampliado su contenido troncal ofreciendo cobertura de arte, cultura, estilo de vida, deportes y ha añadido esto a su patrimonio como fuente líder de noticias financieras y comerciales. Como una de las gestiones más grandes del mundo para recabar noticias, con 2000 periodistas en más de 50 países, la franquicia Journal ahora abarca ocho ediciones en 11 idiomas, lo que ha ganado el interés de los lectores a través de diarios, sitios web, revistas, redes sociales y videos. Journal posee 34 Premios Pulitzer por su destacada labor periodística.

Papa Guadalupano

by Leticia del Rosario Barrientos

Una de las principales virtudes del Papa Francisco es su humildad y sencillez. Él procura mantener los pies en la tierra estando cerca de la gente, evadiendo la vanidad y soberbia que suele prevalecer entre políticos y mandatarios. Quizá por eso, él se ha identificado tanto con la Virgen de Guadalupe, la madre amorosa que se compadece de todos los que solicitan su amparo, de los necesitados, dando protección al que sufre y cuidando de sus hijos. El Papa Francisco menciona; no debemos tener más alto concepto de nosotros mismos del que debemos tener. Así quien es humilde, no mira lo suyo propio, sino lo de los demás. Sale en ayuda de los afligidos, extiende su mano al menesteroso. Viene a servir y no a ser servido. Reconoce su dependencia de Dios, pero no busca el dominio sobre sus semejantes, sino que da el valor a las personas por encima de sí mismo. Este libro contiene el mensaje del primer Papa latinoamericano y un resumen muy claro de las encíclicas.

The Papa Prayer: The Prayer You've Never Prayed

by Larry Crabb

Learn the revolutionary way to talk with God!Like millions of Christians, Dr. larry Crabb has always considered his prayer life a weakness – "dull, intense only in crisis, occasionally meaningful and passionate but mostly lifelessly routine." But for everyone who struggles to pray in a way that matters, who is bored with prayer and doesn't know where else to turn, this groundbreaking book whispers of hope for change.Something new and real and deep started happening in him, Crabb says, when he began practicing the four steps of what he calls the PAPA prayer – a revolutionary conversational approach to talking with and enjoying God. As this fellow seeker shares his journey and education in the mysteries of prayer, he guides us to see ourselves and God in a different light . . . which will alter the way we talk – and listen – to Him.

The Papacy and the Church: A Study of Praxis and Reception in Ecumenical Perspective

by J Robert Dionne

This important study examines the evolution of Catholic ecclesiological doctrine from the time of Pius IX to the end of the Second Vatican Council. First published in 1987, J. Robert Dionne&’s The Papacy and the Church was hailed as a major event in Catholic theological scholarship. In it, Dionne examines the perennial controversy surrounding papal infallibility. &“With impeccable scholarship and original insight,&” he explores whether the questioning of papal authority is compatible with the nature of Catholicism (Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago).

Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage, 860–1600

by D. L. D'Avray

This analysis of royal marriage cases across seven centuries explains how and how far popes controlled royal entry into and exits from their marriages. In the period between c.860 and 1600, the personal lives of kings became the business of the papacy. d'Avray explores the rationale for papal involvement in royal marriages and uses them to analyse the structure of church-state relations. The marital problems of the Carolingian Lothar II, of English kings - John, Henry III, and Henry VIII - and other monarchs, especially Spanish and French, up to Henri IV of France and La Reine Margot, have their place in this exploration of how canon law came to constrain pragmatic political manoeuvring within a system increasingly rationalised from the mid-thirteenth century on. Using documents presented in the author's Dissolving Royal Marriages, the argument brings out hidden connections between legal formality, annulments, and dispensations, at the highest social level. Surveys the relationship between monarchy, papacy and marriage in the period between 860 and 1600. Brings together unpublished, archival material on marriage cases and supporting analytical commentary. Applies social theory to narrative history and links medieval and early modern history.

Papal Economics: The Catholic Church on Democratic Capitalism, from Rerum Novarum to Caritas in Veritate

by Maciej Zieba

Papal Economics corrects the record about one of the most important—but least ­understood—authorities on capitalism and democracy: the Catholic Church. Maciej Zieba, OP—a leading interpreter of the thought of Pope John Paul II—takes readers on an enlightening tour through the Catholic Church&’s social teaching on economics and governance. Examining papal pronouncements from the late nineteenth century to the present, Zieba shows that the Church displays a profound understanding of democracy and support for free markets. But this praise is not unquali­fied—a major reason why secular commentators of all stripes misinterpret Catholic social teaching. Updated with a brand-new afterword explaining the controversial economic teachings of Pope Francis, Papal ­Economics is the essential book for understanding the proper path forward.

Papal Justice in the Late Middle Ages: The Sacra Romana Rota (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West)

by Kirsi Salonen

This is a study of the history and function of the highest ecclesiastical tribunal, the Sacra Romana Rota, from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries. Despite its importance for Christendom and in contrast with other important papal offices, the activity of the Rota has never been thoroughly investigated on the basis of archival sources, in large part due to the vast source material and the perceived "difficulty" of the subject. This book fills this significant gap by explaining how the Rota functioned-its organization, the phases of a Rota process, everyday practices at the tribunal-and the kinds of issues it handled, where the processes originated from and how long they lasted. The study demonstrates that the Rota dealt with a range of cases much broader than has previously been acknowledged, whilst also confirming that the tribunal mainly oversaw litigation over benefices. The results of this research reveal the true role of the Rota and its significance for Christians from the middle ages to the dawn of the Reformation.

Papal Magic: Occult Practices Within the Catholic Church

by Simon

It is acknowledged Church doctrine that sorcery is the specific domain of the Devil. Yet occult tales are liberally sprinkled throughout the Old and New Testaments, from the spirit-invoking Witch of Endor to the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Throughout its 2,000 year history, the Church has spawned numerous mystical religious orders, like the Knights Templar, that may have been engaged in supernatural pursuits, while no fewer than three popes were believed to be involved in occult practices.Christian scriptures tell us that the occult is real, while Catholic priests are thought to have spiritual power over ghosts and evil entities. But if a priest can cast out demons during the rites of exorcism, does it not imply he has the ability to summon them as well?In this eye-opening, provocative work, leading occult scholar Simon examines the Church's unspoken relationship with forbidden magic by exploring the infamous seventeenth-century document considered by some to be the most demonic of all occult texts—the Grimoire of Pope Honorius III—and illuminates the Vatican's darkest hidden corners.

Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit

by Garry Wills

Wills (history, Northwestern U.) characterizes the modern papacy as steadfastly unwilling to face the truth about itself, its past, and its relations with others. Citing the Holocaust, discrimination against women, the assertion that natural law dictates its sexual code, and other matters, he argues that even when the Vatican tries to be honest, it ends up resorting to historical distortions and evasions. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Papa's Pastries

by Sonja Lamut Charles Toscano

"Miguel’s family needs a new roof, firewood, and clothing to survive the winter. Miguel hope his father, a pastry peddler, will sell enough tasty treats to buy the things they need. But all the villagers they meet have also endured great hardship, and Miguel;s father gives his pastries to those who need them most. Miguel feels heartbroken. Then something happens that teaches him that kindness is far more valuable than money."

Papelucho misionero

by Marcela Paz

Luego de apagar un incendio con el colchón de la Domi, Papelucho ha descubierto cuál es su vocación en la vida: ser bombero. Sin embargo, sus planes cambian inesperadamente cuando viaja junto a su familia a África, donde además de maravillarse con un paisaje exótico, decide ser misionero y convertir a sus habitantes al cristianismo. Acompañado de un nuevo amigo y de un pequeño gorila, Papelucho se aventura en la selva donde conocerá a una tribu de caníbales y a unos contrabandistas de diamantes que harán lo imposible para mantener en secreto sus malévolos planes.

Paper Angels

by Jimmy Wayne Travis Thrasher

Kevin Morrell is a forty-three-year-old husband and father who runs a successful design and marketing firm that's crashed into the suffering economy. Attempting to navigate the busyness of the mall at Christmas, Kevin is humbled when he stumbles across the Salvation Army's Angel Tree Project. His wife insists that he take a paper ornament. The name on the ornament is Thomas Brandt, a fifteen-year-old still reeling from the implosion of his family--from years of verbal abuse from an alcoholic father to a mother who finally left him behind, only to find herself and her children penniless and struggling. The only thing has allowed Lynn to survive is her faith. Thomas shares that faith, but he also wonders why God has seemingly abandoned them. This is the story about a man and a boy one December. A man whose life is changed by a simple expression of kindness, and a boy who takes that expression of kindness and shows the true meaning of Christmas.ness the day after Thanksgiving. And a boy who takes that expression of kindness and shows the true meaning of Christmas.

Paper Bridges: Selected Poems of Kadya Molodowsky

by Kathryn Hellerstein Kadya Molodowsky

A collection of poems by an accomplished modern Yiddish poet.

Paper Hearts

by Meg Wiviott

Amid the brutality of Auschwitz during the Holocaust, a forbidden gift helps two teenage girls find hope, friendship, and the will to live in this novel in verse that's based on a true story.An act of defiance. A statement of hope. A crime punishable by death. Making a birthday card in Auschwitz was all of those things. But that is what Zlatka did, in 1944, for her best friend, Fania. She stole and bartered for paper and scissors, secretly creating an origami heart. Then she passed it to every girl at the work tables to sign with their hopes and wishes for happiness, for love, and most of all--for freedom. Fania knew what that heart meant, for herself and all the other girls. And she kept it hidden, through the bitter days in the camp and through the death marches. She kept it always. This novel is based on the true story of Fania and Zlatka, the story of the bond that helped them both to hope for the best in the face of the worst. Their heart is one of the few objects created in Auschwitz, and can be seen today in the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre.

Paper House

by Jean Janzen

A cold wind, but not a bitter one, blows through the poems in this collection by celebrated poet, Jean Janzen. Here she writes about aging, intimate love, the bearing away of children, light, and as always, memory. A cold wind, but not a bitter one, blows through the poems in Part 1 of Jean Janzen's newest collection. Her refusal to turn aside from any difficulty, any loss, here presses her writing into firmer edges than ever before. She writes with cool tones; she witnesses now with a longer view, layers of life stacked against each other. But the subjects are her choice ones-aging, intimate love, the bearing away of children, light, and always memory. How does she see so keenly above and below the surface at the same time? Motion and rhythms and round words roll through the poems in Part 2, the more familiar hallmarks of Janzen's rumbling universe. She brings longing to every page, and then calls us in, gently, yet irresistibly. Among these 43 new poems are "Skin and Air," "The Uprooting," "Lifting You," "Architecture of Falling," and "Holding On to the Walls." Janzen has received The Creative Writing Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. She is the author of three books of poetry published by Good Books: Snake in the Parsonage, Tasting the Dust, and Piano in the Vineyard.

Paper Memory: A Sixteenth-Century Townsman Writes His World (Harvard historical studies ; #179)

by Matthew Lundin

Paper Memory tells of one man’s mission to preserve for posterity the memory of everyday life in sixteenth-century Germany. Lundin takes us inside the mind of an undistinguished German burgher, Hermann Weinsberg, whose early-modern writings sought to make sense of changes that were unsettling the foundations of his world.

Paper Roses: A Novel (Texas Dreams, Book 1)

by Amanda Cabot

The future stretches out in front of Sarah Dobbs like the pure blue Texas sky. Leaving the past behind in Philadelphia, mail-order bride Sarah arrives in San Antonio ready to greet her groom, Austin Canfield, a man she has never met but whose letters have won her heart from afar. But there is one problem--he has died. And Sarah cannot go back East. As Sarah tries to reconcile herself to a future that is drastically changed, Austin's brother, Clay, struggles with his own muddled plans. Though he dislikes working on the family ranch and longs for a different life, Clay is driven to avenge his brother's death. But something between them is growing and neither Clay nor Sarah is ready to admit it. Book 1 of the Texas Dreams series, "Paper Roses" will sweep readers into the Hill Country with a tale of love and loss, closed doors and beautiful possibilities that will leave them wanting more.

Papers and Journals

by Soren Kierkegaard

One of the greatest thinkers of the nineteenth century, Søren Kierkegaard (1814-55) often expressed himself through pseudonyms and disguises. Taken from his personal writings, these private reflections reveal the development of his own thought and personality, from his time as a young student to the deep later internal conflict that formed the basis for his masterpiece of duality Either/Or and beyond. Expressing his beliefs with a freedom not seen in works he published during his lifetime, Kierkegaard here rejects for the first time his father's conventional Christianity and forges the revolutionary idea of the 'leap of faith' required for true religious belief. A combination of theoretical argument, vivid natural description and sharply honed wit, the Papers and Journals reveal to the full the passionate integrity of his lifelong efforts 'to find a truth which is truth for me'.

The Papers of Howard Washington Thurman, Volume 2: Christian, Who Calls Me Christian? (April 1936-August #1943)

by Howard Thurman

The Papers of Howard Washington Thurman is a four-volume, chronologically arranged documentary edition spanning the long and productive career of the Reverend Howard Thurman, one of the most significant leaders in the history of intellectual and religious life in the mid-twentieth-century United States. As the first to lead a delegation of African Americans to meet personally with Mahatma Gandhi, in 1936, Thurman would become one of the principal architects of the modern nonviolent Civil Rights Movement and a key mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1953 Life magazine named Thurman as one of the twelve greatest preachers of the century. The four volumes of this collection, culled from over 58,000 documents from public and private sources, will feature more than 850 selections of Thurman's sermons, letters, essays, and other writings--most published here for the first time. Each volume will open with an editorial statement, followed by a thematic introductory essay to guide the reader through the dominant themes in Thurman's thought: his understanding of spirituality and social transformations, his creative ecclesiology, and his conception of civic character and the national democratic experiment. Detailed annotations to each document illumine Thurman's personal, professional, and intellectual development and place the texts into their historical context. The volumes are further augmented with detailed chronologies and representative illustrations. Volume 2 (April 1936-August 1943) documents Thurman's years after his return from South Asia and his final years as a professor of philosophy and religion and dean of Rankin Chapel at Howard University. The texts, images, and editorial commentary presented here reveal the maturation of Thurman's theological and social vision, formed by his memories of his time in Asia, his meeting with Gandhi, and his growing commitment to radical nonviolence. His writing also reflects the context of his time, responding to the great events of the day: the Depression, the Great Migration, the birth of the modern Civil Rights Movement, and the coming of World War II. This volume ends immediately prior to Thurman's decision in late 1944 to leave the security of Howard University to copastor a fledgling church in San Francisco, the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples, one of the first churches in the United States to be organized on an explicitly interracial basis. Critical to understanding the full scope of Thurman's career, the myriad writings gathered in volume 2 also illustrate the early germination of ideas central to the twenty-three books Thurman subsequently authored. Their publication here gives new opportunity to understand these pieces in the context of his life and the genesis of his vision.

Papisas y teólogas (Historia Incógnita)

by Ana Martos Rubio

Un ensayo histórico riguroso, muy documentado y a la vez muy ameno y ágil, características que definen el estilo de Ana Martos, que en esta ocasión nos introduce en la historia de las mujeres que gobernaron la Iglesia durante los siglos más oscuros del Catolicismo.

The Papist Represented: Literature and the English Catholic Community, 1688-1791 (G - Reference, Information And Interdisciplinary Subjects Ser.)

by Geremy Carnes

Most eighteenth-century literary scholarship implicitly or explicitly associates the major developments in English literature and culture during the rise of modernity with a triumphant and increasingly tolerant Protestantism while assuming that the English Catholic community was culturally moribund and disengaged from Protestant society and culture. However, recent work by historians has shown that the English Catholic community was a dynamic and adaptive religious minority, its leaders among the aristocracy cosmopolitan, its intellectuals increasingly attracted to Enlightenment ideals of liberty and skepticism, and its membership growing among the middle and working classes. This community had an impact on the history of the English nation out of all proportion with its size—and yet its own history is glimpsed only dimly, if at all, in most modern accounts of the period. The Papist Represented reincorporates the history of the English Catholic community into the field of eighteenth-century literary studies. It examines the intersections of literary, religious, and cultural history as they pertain to the slow acceptance by both Protestants and Catholics of the latter group’s permanent minority status. By focusing on the Catholic community’s perspectives and activities, it deepens and complicates our understanding of the cultural processes that contributed to the significant progress of the Catholic emancipation movement over the course of the century. At the same time, it reveals that this community’s anxieties and desires (and the anxieties and desires it provoked in Protestants) fuel some of the most popular and experimental literary works of the century, in forms and modes including closet drama, elegy, the novel, and the Gothic. By returning the Catholic community to eighteenth-century literary history, The Papist Represented challenges the assumption that eighteenth-century literature was a fundamentally Protestant enterprise. Published by University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.

The Papist Represented: Literature and the English Catholic Community, 1688-1791 (G - Reference, Information And Interdisciplinary Subjects Ser.)

by Geremy Carnes

Most eighteenth-century literary scholarship implicitly or explicitly associates the major developments in English literature and culture during the rise of modernity with a triumphant and increasingly tolerant Protestantism while assuming that the English Catholic community was culturally moribund and disengaged from Protestant society and culture. However, recent work by historians has shown that the English Catholic community was a dynamic and adaptive religious minority, its leaders among the aristocracy cosmopolitan, its intellectuals increasingly attracted to Enlightenment ideals of liberty and skepticism, and its membership growing among the middle and working classes. This community had an impact on the history of the English nation out of all proportion with its size—and yet its own history is glimpsed only dimly, if at all, in most modern accounts of the period. The Papist Represented reincorporates the history of the English Catholic community into the field of eighteenth-century literary studies. It examines the intersections of literary, religious, and cultural history as they pertain to the slow acceptance by both Protestants and Catholics of the latter group’s permanent minority status. By focusing on the Catholic community’s perspectives and activities, it deepens and complicates our understanding of the cultural processes that contributed to the significant progress of the Catholic emancipation movement over the course of the century. At the same time, it reveals that this community’s anxieties and desires (and the anxieties and desires it provoked in Protestants) fuel some of the most popular and experimental literary works of the century, in forms and modes including closet drama, elegy, the novel, and the Gothic. By returning the Catholic community to eighteenth-century literary history, The Papist Represented challenges the assumption that eighteenth-century literature was a fundamentally Protestant enterprise. Published by University of Delaware Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.

Par for the Course: A Novel

by Ray Blackston

Sparks fly when Ray Blackson returns with his trademark quirky sense of humor. Golf, politics, and romance collide in PAR FOR THE COURSE as golf range owner Chris Hackett meets an attractive political correspondent who turns his world upside down.In PAR FOR THE COURSE, Chris Hackett owns and operates Hack's Golf Learning Center, an eccentric golf range in Charleston, SC. Chris jumps at the chance to step up his game when an attractive new student and political correspondent, Molly, suggests that Chris capitalize on the current, highly polarized, presidential election. This pitting of right versus left means even more income, plus a sharp new girlfriend, and soon Chris, his sidekick, Cack, and their unique golf range are the talk of the town . . . until someone takes the political insults too seriously. Will Molly stick around as Chris learns the true meaning of "playing politics"? And will Chris realize how much he wants her to?

Para esto fui creado: Alineando tu visión para la causa de Dios

by Brian Houston

En algún momento toda persona contempla el «significado de la vida». Por todo el mundo las personas están buscando respuestas, mientras tratan de encontrar a alguien o algo en qué creer. En el libro de Brian Houston, Para esto fui creado, el autor explica que conocer la causa de Cristo significa entender por qué usted nació, saber para qué vive, y decidir por qué está preparado a morir. Si no conoce el significado de la vida, nunca vivirá una vida de significado. Houston desea que cada uno de sus lectores llegué a conocer la causa de Cristo. Su causa, señala, es la llave que abre nuevos lugares de visión, pasión, fortaleza y razones para vivir. Brian y su esposa Bobbie son los pastores principales de lo que posiblemente es la iglesia más grande de Australia, la iglesia Hillsong en Sydney, que tiene una congregación creciente de más de dieciocho mil personas. También supervisan otros ministerios que incluyen Hillsong Music, Hillsong Conferences e International Leadership College. Hillsong Television se transmite por más de ciento ochenta estaciones.

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