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Past Lives of the Rich and Famous

by Sylvia Browne

In Past Lives of the Rich and Famous, Sylvia Browne, the renowned New York Times bestselling author and reigning queen of psychics provides a rare and riveting look at the (often very surprising) lives some of our most beloved celebrities experienced in the past—before our own time.Unlike any other book she has written, Past Lives of the Rich and Famous explains what happens before birth. With assistance from her spirit guide, Francine, she offers a unique new look at more than fifty beloved celebrities, including Steve Jobs, Amy Winehouse, Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Martin Luther King Jr. Browne does not just reveal what celebrities were doing in their past lives, but also makes a spiritual connection between what they did then and what they did now. She also tells us whether this is a celebrity’s final life, or whether he or she will continue the journey into future lives.

Past Lives Unveiled: Discover how consciousness moves between lives

by Barry Eaton

Struggling to stay alive with a gaping wound across my back, I desperately wondered how I got to this point. My knife-wielding opponent was not the attacker... He'd been defending himself against an ego-driven, menacing thug who was intent on hurting him. That thug was me. In a hole of anxiety and depression, Luke Kennedy resorted to drugs, alcohol, graffiti and fighting in a desperate bid to silence his frantic mind. Soon he was leading a street-fighting and graffiti crew, and constantly coming close to killing others or being killed. Tortured by the voices in his head, Luke began looking for an out. Eventually he found it - and lost 47 kilos in the process. Redemption Road is the gripping and powerful story of Luke's journey from ego-driven, obese thug to fit, sober and successful business owner whose focus is on helping others turn their lives around.

Past Minds: Studies in Cognitive Historiography (Religion, Cognition and Culture)

by Luther H. Martin Jesper Sørensen

How do historians understand the minds, motivations, intentions of historical agents? What might evolutionary and cognitive theorizing contribute to this work? What is the relation between natural and cultural history? Historians have been intrigued by such questions ever since publication in 1859 of Darwin's The Origin of Species, itself the historicization of biology. This interest reemerged in the latter part of the twentieth century among a number of biologists, philosophers and historians, reinforced by the new interdisciplinary finding of cognitive scientists about the universal capacities of and constraints upon human minds. The studies in this volume, primarily by historians of religion, continue this discussion by focusing on historical examples of ancient religions as well as on the theoretical promises and problems relevant to that study.

Past Present: How to Stop Making the Same Relationship Mistakes---and Start Building a Better Life

by Scott Vaudrey, MD

Past Present shows readers how to change destructive relationship patterns by identifying the root issues from their pasts and finding the source of healing for their unique stories.No matter where we are in life, both our greatest joys and our deepest heartaches are linked to the people in our lives--family, friends, or coworkers. And each of us brings both beauty and brokenness into relationships. The origins of our beauty and our brokenness often can be traced to the patterns of relating we learned when we were young. We relate to others in ways that reflect the distorted messages we heard and internalized earlier in life. The good news is this: we don't have to remain stuck in these patterns. In Past Present, Scott Vaudrey equips us with tools and a strategy toidentify the messages we've internalized--both as children and as adults--from the influential people in our lives;refute and repair the distorted messages that led to unhelpful patterns now holding us back; andrecognize the productive messages we've internalized and maximize the strengths they built into us along the way.We can't undo yesterday. But we can do the rest of our lives better.

Past Secrets, Present Love

by Lois Richer

To: Jared From: Kelly Re: More shocking news As director of Tiny Blessings adoption agency, I appreciate the unbiased way you've reported all the scandalous information that has come out recently. Well, I have another exclusive for you: investigator Ross Van Zandt broke the news to me last night - I am the missing baby, the child taken from her mother at birth. It was quite a shock, but with God's help, I can come to terms with this. I'm hoping Ross will help me uncover my biological father's identity, but he seems hesitant. . . . And off the record - the handsome PI has caught more than my professional interest!

El pastor: Le ofrecieron el palacio; escogió el redil / The Shepherd: They offered him the palace, but he chose the stables

by José Luis Navajo

En su nuevo libro, José Luis Navajo nos lleva a conocer los secretos de una vida en el redil. Mientras renovamos nuestro compromiso en ser pastor, descubriremos, como si por la primera vez, la belleza del Salmo 23. José Luis Navajo lo ha vuelto a hacer. Ahora, en su último libro, El Pastor, José Luis narra la historia del viaje y aprendizaje de un joven a manos de un sabio pastor anciano. Rápidamente nos presentan a Yasser, un pastorcillo que fue encontrado ensangrentado y magullado en la puerta de la casa de sus padres. Sus labios agrietados solo pueden preguntar '¿si las ovejas están bien? José Luis nos lleva al interior de la vida gratificante, aunque peligrosa, del pastor mientras aprende a atender y cuidar a su rebaño. Mientras aprende a pastorear, el sabio anciano pastor comparte los secretos del Salmo del pastor. Tomando paralelos de la vida del pastor de ovejas, José Luis los aplica cuidadosamente a la vida de un pastor de iglesia. A nosotros también se nos da la oportunidad de redescubrir la belleza y las lecciones del Salmo del pastor, el Salmo que con amor llamamos el Salmo 23. José Luis nos invita a mirar de nuevo, por los ojos de un pastor, el Salmo 23. Aprenderemos más profundamente de algunas de nuestras frases más queridas. Frases,entre otros, como: nada me faltará. me hará descansar; Junto a aguas de reposo Confortará mi alma; por amor de su nombre.valle de sombra de muerte, porque tú estarás conmigo; en presencia de mis angustiadores; Unges mi cabeza con aceite el bien y la misericordia me seguirán

The Pastor: A Memoir

by Eugene H. Peterson

In The Pastor, author Eugene Peterson, translator of the multimillion-selling The Message, tells the story of how he started Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland and his gradual discovery of what it really means to be a pastor. Steering away from abstractions, Peterson challenges conventional wisdom regarding church marketing, mega pastors, and the church’s too-cozy relationship to American glitz and consumerism to present a simple, faith-based description of what being a minister means today. In the end, Peterson discovers that being a pastor boils down to “paying attention and calling attention to ‘what is going on now’ between men and women, with each other and with God.”

El Pastor: Desafíos, razones y reflexiones de Francisco sobre su pontificado

by Sergio Rubin Francesca Ambrogetti

El Pastor relata la fascinante historia de vida de Jorge Mario Bergoglio en la Argentina. Y al revelar sus orígenes, reflexiona, de manera realista y perspicaz, lo que está haciendo como Papa y hacia dónde pretende llevar a la Iglesia católica. Cuando Jorge Mario Bergoglio fue elegido el 266º pontífice de la Iglesia católica muchos se preguntaron quién era este cardenal argentino. Los datos biográficos que se conocían eran escuetos. Nada decían de su recorrido humano, de su pensamiento, de su visión, de sus sueños, de sus esperanzas. Muchas respuestas a estas preguntas estaban en El Jesuita. El libro -publicado en 2010 en la Argentina y que rápidamente se convirtió en un best seller mundial- condensaba dos años de conversaciones del futuro Papa con la periodista italiana Francesca Ambrogetti y el periodista argentino Sergio Rubin. Debía ser el epílogo de un cardenal próximo a retirarse y se convirtió en el prólogo del papa llegado del fin del mundo y acerca del cual los autores resolvieron seguir escribiendo. Retomando los hilos de su historia, la de su familia, sus preferencias, su personalidad. Pero esencialmente hablando de su defensa del medio ambiente y la paz mundial, de los desafíos de su papado, entre ellos la lucha contra el flagelo de los abusos y a favor de la transparencia de las finanzas del Vaticano. También analizaron las resistencias que debió enfrentar para avanzar por una Iglesia más abierta y comprensiva de las realidades de los hombres y las mujeres de nuestro tiempo, austera y especialmente comprometida con los pobres y los excluidos. El Pastor es el fruto de diez años de entrevistas en las que el papa Francisco no esquiva ningún aspecto de su vida y de un pontificado que está cambiando la Iglesia.

Pastor: Revised Edition

by William H. Willimon

Ordained ministry, says Willimon, is a gift of God to the church--but that doesn't mean that it is easy. Always a difficult vocation, changes in society and the church in recent years have made the ordained life all the more complex and challenging. Is the pastor primarily a preacher, a professional caregiver, an administrator? Given the call of all Christians to be ministers to the world, what is the distinctive ministry of the ordained? When does one's ministry take on the character of prophet, and when does it become that of priest? What are the special ethical obligations and disciplines of the ordained? Pastor: Revised Edition explores these and other central questions about the vocation of ordained ministry. It begins with a discussion of who pastors are, asking about the theological underpinnings of ordained ministry, and then moves on to what pastors do, looking at the distinctive roles the pastor must fulfill. The book also draws on great teachers of the Christian tradition to demonstrate that, while much about Christian ministry has changed, its core concerns--preaching the word, the care of souls, the sacramental life of congregations--remains the same. Ordained ministry is a vocation to which we are called, not a profession that we choose. To answer that call is to open oneself to heartache and sometimes hardship; yet, given the one who calls, it is to make oneself available to deep and profound joy as well.


by William H. Willimon

Ordained ministry, says Willimon, is a gift of God to the church--but that doesn't mean that it is easy. Always a difficult vocation, changes in society and the church in recent years have made the ordained life all the more complex and challenging. Is the pastor primarily a preacher, a professional caregiver, an administrator? Given the call of all Christians to be ministers to the world, what is the distinctive ministry of the ordained? When does one's ministry take on the character of prophet, and when does it become that of priest? What are the special ethical obligations and disciplines of the ordained? In this book, Willimon explores these and other central questions about the vocation of ordained ministry. He begins with a discussion of who pastors are, asking about the theological underpinnings of ordained ministry, and then moves on to what pastors do, looking at the distinctive roles the pastor must fulfill. The book also draws on great teachers of the Christian tradition to demonstrate that, while much about Christian ministry has changed, its core concerns--preaching the word, the care of souls, the sacramental life of congregations--remains the same. Ordained ministry is a vocation to which we are called, not a profession that we choose. To answer that call is to open oneself to heartache and sometimes hardship; yet, given the one who calls, it is to make oneself available to deep and profound joy as well.

The Pastor and Counseling: The Basics of Shepherding Members in Need

by Jeremy Pierre Deepak Reju

Written as a step-by-step guide for pastors, this practical book provides an overview of the pastoral counseling process and offers suggestions for cultivating a culture of discipleship in a church.

Pastor as Counselor: Wise Presence, Sacred Conversation

by John Patton

This very practical book offers no-nonsense instructions for pastors, chaplains, and ministers whose real specialty is the practice of relational wisdom. Patton provides a helpful, step-by-step template for pastoral counseling sessions and clear guidelines for understanding when to defer and how to refer--all while remaining faithful to the basic pastoral calling to connect persons seeking help with the relationships and resources they need to deal with their lives. "In a society of specialists, John Patton's Pastor as Counselor is a bold reminder of the healing potential of 'care-full' attending to lost and separated persons through the unique relational wisdom of the generalist pastor. This is vintage Patton, written with gentle wisdom and generous counsel summarizing decades of practicing and teaching pastoral counseling."--Herbert Anderson, Emeritus Professor of Pastoral Theology, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL, and Faculty in Practical Theology, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA "John Patton wrote this 'how-to' book for ministers without specialized training in mental health issues. Ministers are good at developing and deepening human relationships, and that is exactly what they need in order to become skilled short-term pastoral counselors. Concrete, down-to-earth, and quintessentially practical, this is a book that should be on the syllabus of every seminary's introduction to pastoral care and counseling. It is the fruit of a lifetime of reflection and embodied relational wisdom at its best." --Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Charlotte W. Newcombe Professor of Pastoral Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ "When it comes to counseling, our first port of call is often the mental health professions. In this book John Patton carefully draws out what is special about pastoral counseling. With theological depth and wise practical utility, he offers a clear guide for pastoral counselors as to what it is that gives them their identity and what that looks like in practice. This is a wise and deeply practical book that will inevitably be transformative." --John Swinton, Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies; School of Divinity, History and Philosophy; University of Aberdeen; Aberdeen, UK "John Patton has acquired unparalleled wisdom over decades of providing, supervising, teaching, and writing about pastoral care. This most gifted and deeply reflective thinker has crafted a primer that will become a classic, spelling out what's central for those new to the vocation, reminding the more seasoned of what really matters."--Chris R. Schlauch, Associate Professor of Pastoral Psychology and Psychology of Religion, Boston University School of Theology, Boston, MA

The Pastor as Minor Poet: Texts and Subtexts in the Ministerial Life (Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Liturgical Studies)

by M. Craig Barnes

Today's pastors -- often expected to be multitasking marvels who can make their churches "successful" -- are understandably confused about their role. Craig Barnes contends that the true calling of a pastor is to help others become fully alive in Christ, to be a "minor poet," or poet of the soul. As such, pastors are to read the major poets of Scripture and history in light of the dust and grit of daily parish life.The Pastor as Minor Poet eloquently calls pastors to search for a deeper understanding of what they see -- both in the text of Scripture and in the text of their parishioners' lives. A critical part of this poetic vision involves discerning key subtexts beneath these texts, which allows pastors to preach the heart of the Word and to understand the hearts of their people. Written with a seasoned pastor's depth of understanding and a poet's sensibility and sensitivity, this book will minister to and inspire pastors everywhere.

The Pastor as Moral Guide

by Rebekah L. Miles

Adultery, divorce, racism, teen pregnancy, white-collar crime, living wills-these are among the many complex moral issues that Christians face and for which they often seek guidance from their pastors. This book is designed to assist pastors in developing their skills in providing moral guidance to their parishioners in a culture characterized by both ethical confusion and increasingly complex moral choices. Rebekah Miles, a gifted thinker and writer, guides the reader through the landscape of the moral life and offers a simple but profound map of the moral terrain along with practical tools to enable pastoral caregivers to serve more effectively as moral guides.

Pastor Craft: Essays & Sermons

by John T Pless

This book has grown out of a ministry that has spanned nearly four decades. It is built around the conviction that theology does matter for theology has to do with words from God, words spoken back to God and words spoken to the world. Luther once remarked something to the effect that the cross alone is our theology. Before Luther there was the Apostle Paul who came to the Corinthians with "the word of the cross" (1 Cor. 1:18) determined to know nothing among them but Jesus Christ and Him crucified (see 1 Cor. 2:2). In essays, sermons, and homiletical studies this volume seeks to continue that apostolic aim. A significant portion of this book is devoted to sermons. Sermons, of course, are written to be preached rather than published. None the less, there is value in reading sermons. Such reading is a way of meditating on God's Word. This reading might also prompt other preachers to explore an overlooked dimension of a text for their proclamation. Sermons are never generic; they always have a context. Many of these sermons were preached in Kramer Chapel on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne where the author has served as a professor since 2000. These sermons are preaching for future preachers, equipping them in the way of Luther's oratio, meditatio, and tentatio for the burdens and joys of the pastoral office. There are occasional sermons from conferences, funerals, and ordinary congregations. Over the years, Prof. Pless has preached at over thirty ordinations or installations of pastors. A sampling of these sermons are included. They bear the imprint of the bond that exist between professor and student. More importantly they promote Jesus Christ as the Lord who calls men into the ministry and enlivens and sustains them there with His Gospel for the good of His flock. The remainder of the book is devoted to essays in pastoral theology covering the range of the author's interest from Hermann Sasse to vocation, liturgical practice to the Small Catechism, challenges to confessional Lutheranism in North America to the office of the ministry. Many of these essays originated at conferences both in the USA and abroad. The contents of this volume flow from the pulpit, desk, and podium of a man who seeks not novelty or creativity but faithfulness to the word of the cross.

The Pastor in Profile

by Adolph Bedsole Ralph G. Turnbull

This is a stimulating and provocative work. The writer has dipped his pen in an acid which smarts when applied, but its application is always in love and with goodwill. Abundant humor and laughter enable the reader to see himself in a mirror. The preacher under this treatment will benefit and be enriched morally and spiritually. Because the preacher is prone to tell others how to live, this book should bring a searchlight upon his own soul. Here is a plumbline of judgment and a method of self-scrutiny. The message is for the still hour and the chambers of imagery wherein the pastor dwells.The author’s style is lively and colorful. It moves swiftly and keeps one interested and intrigued. The stab and thrust of truth comes to the conscience. Occasionally there are lapses into slang, but possibly the author intends this in satirical vein? Throughout, the provocative element is well expressed, and in his own way he reveals much of what he has felt and experienced. In self reference he is free from egotism. This is good. No one will accuse him of being pharisaical or holier-than-thou.Periodically, ministers need to read a book of this kind “to see himself as others see him.” Let it be read then with open mind and obedient heart in the sight of the Lord!

Pastor Jack: The Authorized Biography of Jack Hayford

by S. David Moore

Jack Hayford is rightly known as a &“pastor of pastors.&” The facts bear this out: he is the author of over 50 books, the writer of 600 hymns and choruses (including the internationally popular &“Majesty&”), and a pentecostal leader committed to building bridges while maintaining the integrity of the gospel. For Pastor Jack, David Moore was granted unrestricted access to Hayford&’s journals and personal correspondence and completed over 60 hours of personal interviews to offer the first authorized biography of this extraordinary man. From the miraculous healings he experienced as a child to the moment he sensed God calling him to the pastorate for more than 60 years of fruitful ministry, Hayford has witnessed and proclaimed God&’s mighty works with boldness and grace. This exploration of his life and legacy will inspire Hayford&’s lifelong followers as well as those new to his words and faith.

Pastor on Track: Reclaiming Our True Role

by Emanuel Cleaver III

So often, pastors are defined by external forces, rather than by the essential nature of the pastoral leader as modeled in scripture. Taking positive steps to put "pastors on track," author Emmanuel Cleaver III draws on his own experiences, and from dynamic and effective pastors and churches across the country. He presents biblical models to distill his message and to recalibrate the definition of what makes the best church leaders. Pastor on Track helps clergy re-frame their congregation's expectations and to empower them to do the work of the people, so the pastor can do the work of the pastor.

Pastor, Our Marriage Is in Trouble: A Guide to Short-Term Counseling

by CharlesL. Rassieur

Acting with genuine care and concern, pastors can be effective in helping married couples resolve difficulties and discover reconciliation, joy, and love. The question often is, “How do I do it?” In Pastor, Our Marriage Is in Trouble, Charles L. Rassieur, an experienced counselor, outlines a step-by-step approach that takes the pastor from beginning to end in a process of short-term intervention and counseling. A helpful tool in the process is the Pastoral Marriage Counseling Questionnaire, which can be used in gathering essential information about both spouses and their relationships. In addition, you’ll find important information about: a rationale for the need and opportunity for pastoral intervention in troubled marriages how the marriage counseling process begins with the initial pastoral contact with one or both spouses help for the pastor in preparing for individual counseling sessions with each spouse important topics for marriage counseling regardless of which approach or model is used the last two sessions of counseling: deciding whether to end counseling, to refer the couple to other professional resources, or to contract with the couple for further counseling sessions

The Pastor Theologian: Resurrecting an Ancient Vision

by Todd A. Wilson Gerald Hiestand

Pastoral ministry today is often ruled by an emphasis on short-sighted goals, pragmatic results, and shallow thinking. Unfortunately, those in the academy tend to have the opposite problem, failing to connect theological study to the pressing issues facing the church today. Contemporary evangelicalism has lost sight of the inherent connection between pastoral leadership and theology. This results in theologically anemic churches, and ecclesial anemic theologies. Todd Wilson and Gerald Hiestand contend that among a younger generation of evangelical pastors and theologians, there is a growing appreciation for the native connection between theology and pastoral ministry. At the heart of this recovery of a theological vision for ministry is the re-emergence of the role of the "pastor theologian." The Pastor Theologian presents a taxonomy of the pastor-theologian and shows how individual pastors—given their unique calling and gift-set—can best embody this age-old vocation in the 21st century. They present three models that combine theological study and practical ministry to the church: The Local Theologian—a pastor theologian who ably services the theological needs of a local congregation. The Popular Theologian—a pastor theologian who writes theology to a wider lay audience. The Ecclesial Theologian—a pastor theologian who writes theology to other theologians and scholars. Raising the banner for the pastor as theologian, this book invites the emerging generation of theologians and pastors to reimagine the pastoral vocation along theological lines, and to identify with one of the above models of the pastor theologian.

Pastor To Pastor: Tackling Problems of the Pulpit

by Erwin W. Lutzer

Along with the special role of pastor come special problems and tough issues that must be handled gracefully, effectively, and sometimes publicly.Pastor to Pastor is an inspiring collection of twenty articles written by Erwin Lutzer, senior pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago. Dr. Lutzer offers practical advice on how to handle difficult situations involving:unrealistic expectations from the congregationlazy Christiansnegative and critical church membersburnout politicschurch splitscounselingpublic invitationsconflicts with the church board... and moreDr. Lutzer gives pastors encouragement and solutions that will help them better serve God and their churches.

Pastor To Pastor: Tackling Problems of the Pulpit

by Erwin W. Lutzer

Along with the special role of pastor come special problems and tough issues that must be handled gracefully, effectively, and sometimes publicly.Pastor to Pastor is an inspiring collection of twenty articles written by Erwin Lutzer, senior pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago. Dr. Lutzer offers practical advice on how to handle difficult situations involving:unrealistic expectations from the congregationlazy Christiansnegative and critical church membersburnout politicschurch splitscounselingpublic invitationsconflicts with the church board... and moreDr. Lutzer gives pastors encouragement and solutions that will help them better serve God and their churches.

Pastoral and Ideology: Virgil to Valéry

by Annabel Patterson

Patterson follows the fortunes of Virgil’s Eclogues from the Middle Ages to our own century. She argues that Virgilian pastoral spoke to the intellectuals of each place and time of their own condition. The study reinspects our standard system of periodization in literary and art history and challenges some of the current premises of modernism. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1987.

Pastoral Care: An Essential Guide

by John Patton

The essentials of pastoral care involve the pastor's distinctive task of caring for those who are estranged--the lost sheep. Taken from the biblical image of the shepherd, the pastor by virtue of his or her professional calling cultivates wise judgment in order to hear the hurting and offer guidance, reconciliation, healing, sustaining presence, and empowerment to those in need. This book will outline the quintessential elements pastors need to wisely minister in today's context by discussing four major kinds of lostness: grief, illness, abuse, and family challenges. The purpose of the Abingdon Essential Guides is to fulfill the need for brief, substantive, yet highly accessible introductions to the core disciples in biblical, theological, and religious studies. Drawing on the best in current scholarship, written with the need of students foremost in mind, addressed to learners in a number of contexts, Essential Guides will be the first choice of those who wish to acquaint themselves or their students with the broad scope of issues, perspectives, and subject matters within biblical and religious studies.

Pastoral Care: Telling the Stories of Our Lives

by Karen D. Scheib

Christian pastoral care is a narrative, ecclesial, theological practice (NET). As a narrative practice, pastoral care attends to the inseparable interconnection between our own lifestories, others' stories, the larger cultural stories, and God's story. As a ministry of the church, pastoral care is an ecclesial practice that derives its motivation, purpose, and identity from the larger mission of the church to bear witness to and embody God's mission of love that extends beyond the church for the transformation of the world. As a theological practice, pastoral care is grounded in God's love story. God's profound love for humankind heals our brokenness when human love fails and invites us into an ongoing process of growth in love of God, self, and neighbor. Intended for those who provide care with and on behalf of religious communities, author Karen Scheib focuses on listening and "restorying" practices occurring in the context and setting of congregations. By coauthoring narratives that promote healing and growth in love, pastoral caregivers become cocreators and companions who help others revise and construct life-stories reshaped by the grace of God. What Karen Scheib has done in this book is to reposition pastoral care as a theological activity performed in the context of the church. She draws deeply upon her Wesleyan theological heritage, upon an understanding of life in its fullness as growth in love and grace, and upon a "communion ecclesiology" undergirded by a communal understanding of the Trinitarian life of God. Thus grounded, she envisions pastoral care first as a rhythm of the life of the whole church and secondarily as a work of trained pastors. In her vision, pastoral care is rescued from a narrow understanding of it as exceptional acts of intervention performed only in moments of dire crisis. Instead, it becomes a "daily practice of pastoral care," an attending, in love, to the stories of others and a "listening for ways God is already present in a life story." Solidly theological, grounded in the life of the church, and eminently teachable - Karen Scheib has given us a great gift in this book." from the Foreword -Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching, Emeritus, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA

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