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Showing 576 through 600 of 82,294 results

21 Laws of Leadership in the Bible: Learning to Lead from the Men and Women of Scripture

by John C. Maxwell

Where do most people today turn for leadership? Some examine the world of politics. Some look for models in the entertainment industry. Many look to the world of business—to the successful stories of CEOs, management consultants, and theoreticians with PhDs. However, the truth is that the best source of leadership teaching today comes not from any of these sources but from the one true source: the Word of God. The Bible is the greatest source on leadership that has ever been written.John Maxwell has spent decades researching and equipping others for leadership, and his primary source of leadership principles has always been the Word of God. In this study, he draws on the stories of the men and women in Scripture to show how they demonstrated what he calls "the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership." He also shows how some of the characters in the Bible failed to portray these leadership principles, and how that affected them and, in some cases, entire populations of people groups.Sessions include in-depth studies on the principles of leadership followed by men and women such as Moses, Joshua, Deborah, Ruth, David, Elijah, Josiah, Esther, Nehemiah, Peter, Barnabas, and especially Jesus. Each session contains the following sections:The Law: An overview of the law and how it operates (includes quotes from the book and discussion questions based on the principles covered)Biblical example: An overview of the primary character in the Bible who demonstrated that law or wrote about that lawAnother look: Bible study questions based on the highlighted passagesHighlighting the lesson: Questions that focus on the central teaching pointsLasting implications: Questions to help draw out personal conclusionsDaily assignments: Five sets of questions that guide readers on how to put the laws into effect during their weekThis study has been designed to enhance readers' experience of working through John Maxwell's leadership materials and is intended both for individual use and for small groups.

21 Leadership Issues in the Bible: Life-Changing Lessons from Leaders in Scripture

by John C. Maxwell

WHAT’S CHALLENGING YOUR LEADERSHIP? THE BIBLE HAS AN ANSWER!If you’re trying to influence even one person, you are a leader. And that means you’re facing challenges. The more you lead, the greater the number of challenges you face. How do you solve them?Dr. John C. Maxwell has been exploring these issues and helping leaders with them for decades. Where did Maxwell, recently named the #1 leadership and management expert in the world by Inc. magazine, gain such insight into leadership? From the Bible! John asserts that the Bible is the greatest leadership book that has ever been written.In this study, John addresses twenty-one of the most common issues leaders face. Starting with internal issues such as identity, purpose, pride, and self-leadership, and moving on to others such as criticism, change, diversity, teamwork and recruiting, John shows how leaders in the Bible addressed these issues with boldness and clarity, or, conversely, how they failed to lead. Either way, the lessons are clear. You can improve your leadership for not only your own sake, but also for that of your team and those you serve.In this twenty-one lesson study, John guides you through Scriptures that reveal the challenges leaders face and the solutions available to them. Each lesson includes:THE ISSUE DEFINED: a brief description and introduction to the Issue CASE STUDIES: THREE BIBLICAL STUDIES: including leaders such as Joseph, Moses, Ruth, David, Nehemiah, Peter, Titus, and Jesus—that reveal and illustrate the IssueSTUDY QUESTIONS: reflection and application questions to help you dig into the stories of the men and women in Scripture and learn from themLEADERSHIP INSIGHT AND REFLECTION: questions to help you assess and improve your own leadership skillsTAKING ACTION: practical takeaways and direction to help you incorporate each lesson into your daily lifeGROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: questions to help you learn and process the Bible study material with other like-minded people who want to grow in leadershipStart with the issues where you most need help, complete the entire study as a course in problem solving, or meet with your team, using it as their next training in leadership development. 21 Leadership Issues in the Bible can help you become a better leader in any area of your life as you seek to influence others for Christ.

21 leyes del liderazgo en la Biblia: Aprenda a liderar de los hombres y mujeres de las Escrituras

by John C. Maxwell

«Todo lo que sé sobre el liderazgo lo aprendí de la Biblia».Cuando el autor best seller John C. Maxwell comenzó a enseñar liderazgo a personas en la iglesia, a menudo se sorprendieron. Era obvio que era joven e inexperto, pero las ideas que transmitía parecían ir más allá de lo que debería saber. Más tarde, cuando comenzó a hablar a un público más general, la gente preguntó: «¿Dónde aprendió usted todo esto?».John estaba feliz de contarles su secreto: todo lo que sabía sobre el liderazgo lo aprendió de la Biblia. La Biblia no solo es el mejor libro jamás escrito, sino que es el mejor libro sobre el liderazgo jamás escrito. Todo lo que pueda desear aprender sobre el liderazgo (visión, propósito, estrategia, comunicación, actitud, aliento, mentoría, seguimiento) se puede encontrar en las páginas de la Palabra de Dios.En este estudio de veintiuna lecciones, John lo guía a través de las mismas escrituras fundamentales que han formado la base del trabajo de su vida. Cada lección incluye:• La definición de la ley: una breve descripción e introducción a la ley.• Estudios de casos: tres estudios bíblicos, incluyendo líderes como Moisés, Josué, David, Elías, Ester, María, Pablo y Jesús, que revelan e ilustran la ley.• Preguntas de estudio: preguntas de reflexión y aplicación para ayudarlo a profundizar en las historias de los hombres y mujeres en las Escrituras y aprender de ellas.• Perspicacia y reflexión del liderazgo: preguntas para ayudarlo a evaluar y mejorar sus propias habilidades de liderazgo.• Cómo llevar a la acción: lecciones prácticas y orientación para ayudarlo a incorporar cada lección en su vida diaria.• Preguntas de discusión en grupo: preguntas para ayudarlo a aprender y procesar el material de estudio de la Biblia con otras personas de ideas afines que desean crecer en liderazgo.• El liderazgo es para todos, porque cada persona que acepta a Cristo está llamada a influir en los demás. Así que aprenda de los mejores líderes que han vivido: los hombres y las mujeres en la Biblia.

21 Life Changing Rituals: Daily Practices to Bring Greater Inner Peace and Happiness

by Theresa Cheung

Aristotle said 'you are what you repeatedly do'. Most of us have no idea that what we repeatedly do creates our lives, we think our future is shaped by big events, the decisions we make, the thoughts we have but, this book will show you that it is your daily actions that are the key. Over the last few decades neuroscientists and psychologists have discovered that there is more power in 'I do' than 'I think'. However, if an action is repeated enough times it becomes habit but habits lack thought, consideration and presence. To effect long-lasting meaningful change our actions need to be filled with a sense of personal meaning and power – they need to be ritualized. Creating personal ritual in our lives allows us to bring the presence of the sacred into the everyday. The rituals in this book have been designed as symbolic acts providing a framework for anyone to use to create positive change in their lives. The 7 morning rituals are designed to help you 'wake with determination', the 7 afternoon rituals focus on 'living on purpose', and the 7 evening rituals are about 'retiring with satisfaction'.

21 Poderosas Escrituras Para Ajudá-Lo A Conquistar A Casa Que Você Quer

by Boomy Tokan Doriane Gaia

Alguém disse uma vez - "além do casamento a compra da casa é a segunda mais importante decisão que o homem faz na terra"Se estamos de acordo com a declaração acima ou não; qualquer pessoa que tenha estado envolvida na compra de uma casa, por meio de hipoteca ou dinheiro pode testemunhar da quantidade de comprometimento emocional e financeiro que é preciso.É uma pena que muitas pessoas deixam Deus de fora da questão ao comprar uma casa, mesmo sendo ele o criador do universo e cada parte dele o pertence. Além disso, ele está ciente de suas circunstâncias e sabe exatamente onde cada pessoa deve viver.Diz Atos 17v26: E de um só fez toda a raça humana , para habitar sobre toda a face da terra, determinando-lhe os tempos já dantes ordenados e os limites da sua habitação;Se é assim; Então, Deus sabe exatamente onde a casa que você deseja está localizada e pode fechar um negócio para garantir que você obtenha a sua moradia. Tudo isso só pode acontecer se você envolvê-lo no planejamento e busca de sua casa.Esta é a razão pela qual eu coloquei 21 dos melhores escritos da Bíblia para ajudá-lo a encontrar a casa que você quer, bem como mantê-lo focado em JESUS no processo!Como usar este livro1. Este livro é compacto, rápido de ler e projetado para ajudá-lo a iniciar a sua campanha de oração rapidamente.2. As 21 Escrituras foram colocadas sob determinadas posições para facilitar a consulta.Gostaria de sugerir a leitura total deste livro uma vez e, em seguida, escolher as escrituras com as quais você irá guerrear ou usar como base de acordo com Efésios 6.Aproveite a sua nova morada em Nome de Jesus!B. Tokan

21 Qualities of Leaders in the Bible: Developing Leadership Traits Inspired by the Men and Women of Scripture

by John C. Maxwell

LEARN LEADERSHIP QUALITIES FROM THE GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN AND BECOME A LEADER PEOPLE WANT TO FOLLOWWhere do you turn to learn leadership? Business experts? Management consultants? Theoreticians? The world of politics? Why not learn from the Bible—the original leadership book!In this study, John digs deep into the Bible to teach twenty-one indispensable qualities found in the men and women who led God’s people God’s way. These essential traits will help you to lead with integrity in every area of your life.In twenty-one lessons, John guides you to develop the core qualities all good leaders exhibit. Each lesson includes:THE QUALITY DEFINED: a brief description and introduction to the QualityCASE STUDIES: three biblical studies—including leaders such as Joshua, David, Ruth, Nathan, Esther, Elijah, Stephen, John, Titus, and Jesus—that reveal and illustrate the QualitySTUDY QUESTIONS: reflection and application questions to help you dig into the stories of the men and women in Scripture and learn from themLEADERSHIP INSIGHT AND REFLECTION: questions to help you assess and improve your own leadership skillsTAKING ACTION: practical takeaways and direction to help you incorporate the quality from each lesson into your daily lifeGROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: questions to help you learn and process the Bible study material with other like-minded people who want to grow in leadershipLeadership is for everyone, because every person who accepts Christ is called to influence others. And the good news is that everyone can develop the leadership qualities exemplified by the men and women of the Bible.This workbook has been designed to enhance readers' experience of working through John Maxwell's leadership materials and is intended both for individual use and for small groups.

21 remedios secretos para el resfriado y la gripe: Desarrolle su sistema inmune y permanezca sano, ¡naturalmente!

by Siloam Editors

¡NO SE DEJE ENFERMAR! Detenga la gripe que viene y las demás. Un saludable sistema inmune es clave para ganar la batalla contra la gripe y otras enfermedades que enfrentamos a diario. COn el aporte de los populares autores: la doctora Leslie Ann Dauphin, del Centro para el Control de Enfermedades; el doctor Don Colbert, Janet Caccaro, Cherie Calbom y otros. 21 remedios secretos para el resfriado y la gripe le brinda maneras prácticas y naturales para desarrollar su sitema inmune y permanecer sano en las temporadas de gripe y refriados. con una perspectiva bíblica y las últimas investigaciones científicas sobre las prácticas de salud alternativas así como también el asesoramiento de expertos de los centros para profesionales del control de enfermedades-médicos, nutricionistas y naturistas-, este libro incluye información valiosa sobre: Duerma y descanseLimite la ingesta de azúcarVitaminas y suplementosRemedios caseros para el alivio de resfriado, tos, congestión, dolor de garganta y fiebreSuperalimentos que desarrollan inmunidad

21 Sacre Scritture che vi aiuteranno ad ottenere la casa che desiderate

by Boomy Tokan

Chiunque sia mai stato coinvolto nell'acquisto di una casa, tramite mutuo o in contanti, può testimoniare quanto impegno emotivo ed economico richieda. E' un peccato che molte persone lascino DIO fuori dall'equazione quando stanno comprando una casa, nonostante LUI sia il creatore dell'universo ed ogni singola parte di questo GLI appartiene. Inoltre, LUI è a conoscenza delle vostre circostanze e sa esattamente dove ogni persona dovrebbe vivere.

21 segundos para cambiar su mundo: Encuentre la sanidad y la abundancia de Dios a través de la oración

by Mark Rutland

Restaure su alma por medio de la oración Cuando no tenía las palabras para orar, el Dr. Mark Rutland recurrió a la Oración del Señor. A través de ella se volvió a conectar con Dios y encontró consuelo, esperanza y sanidad. En este libro él revela cómo su alma puede ser renovada en los 21 segundos que se requieren para orar estas palabras de Jesús. El Dr. Rutland examina la Oracióm del Señor junto con el Salmo 23, haciendo que las dos oraciones más conocidas de la Biblia cobren vida como nunca antes. Usted se sentirá inspirado por las historias de las vidas que han sido cambiadas mediante esta estrategia de oración práctica, la cual funciona incluso para la persona más ocupada. Descubra por sí mismo el poder de estas oraciones para bendecir y sanar. Al final, no se trata solo de pronunciar las oraciones, sino de llegar a conocer al Señor de las mismas.

21 Things God Never Said: Correcting Our Misconceptions About Evangelism

by R. Larry Moyer

A veteran evangelist frees Christians to share the gospel by tackling twenty-one erroneous concepts believers have about witnessing. R. Larry Moyer (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary) is the executive director of EvanTell, Inc., an evangelistic association in Dallas, Texas, and is a speaker at evangelistic outreaches, training seminars, and in classrooms across the country. His other books include Free and Clear, Larry Moyer's How-To Book on Personal Evangelism, Thirty-One Days with the Master Fisherman, and Welcome to the Family.

21 Ways to Finding Peace and Happiness: Overcoming Anxiety, Fear, and Discontentment Every Day

by Joyce Meyer

Meyer explores the myriad ways readers can experience a life overflowing with tranquility. She maintains that by submitting ones life to God, a peace-filled life is ensured and, ultimately, the only way to true happiness.

21st Century Pastor: A Vision Based on the Ministry of Paul

by David C. Fisher

The third millennium. It's a time of tremendous opportunity for the church--and tremendous challenge. More than ever, pastors need a model for ministry that can equip them for the rigors of a restless, increasingly secularized culture. In the 21st Century Pastor, David Fisher explores the apostle Paul's concept of ministry to offer a paradigm that is both biblical and relevant. Paul's view is fleshed out with examples from Fisher's own twenty-five years of pastoral experience, presenting a roadmap for today's pastor that is scholarly, practical, dynamic, and inspiring. The 21st Century Pastor first addressees crucial issues of pastoral identity, the significance of geography, time, and ecclesiology. It then explores Paul's metaphors for ministry (jars of clay, farmers and builders, servants and stewards, and others) to reveal an accurate portrait of an effective, biblical pastor--the kind who will speak to the heart of modern culture rather than languish on its fringes. Filling the rare role of a pastor to pastors, Fisher's sage insights help pastors answer their own identity questions, empowering them to minister to a deeply needy society. Says Fisher, "Pastors who know what time it is will, in the name and power of God, create communities of faith where the values of the Gospel are embraced, taught, and lived out."

23 Minutes in Hell: One Man's Story About What He Saw, Heard, and Felt in That Place of Torment

by Bill Wiese

New York Times Best Seller and Over 1 million copies sold! Over 750 5-Star reviews Wiese&’s visit to the devil&’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory, capturing the attention of national media, including the Christian Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Miracle Channel, Sid Roth&’s It&’s Supernatural!, Sean Hannity&’s America, Charisma News, and many others.Awaken to the realities of hell, the afterlife and the urgency to live for Christ in your short time here on earth..Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it continues to captivate the world. He saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, smelled the putrid and rotting stench, heard deafening screams of agony, and experienced terrorizing demons. Finally the strong hand of God lifted him out of the pit.This expanded anniversary edition includes more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell for further study. Also included is the new section, &“Wrestling With the Big Questions&” where Bill answers these and many others questions:Why do some people who have a near-death experience see a bright light?Will those who never heard about Jesus go to hell?Is hell eternal, or are those in hell simply annihilated?

23 Minutes In Hell: One Man's Story About What He Saw, Heard, and Felt in That Place of Torment

by Bill Wiese

New York Times Best Seller and Over 1 million copies sold! Over 750 5-Star reviewsWiese&’s visit to the devil&’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory, capturing the attention of national media, including the Christian Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Miracle Channel, Sid Roth&’s It&’s Supernatural!, Sean Hannity&’s America, Charisma News, and many others. Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it continues to captivate the world. He saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, smelled the putrid and rotting stench, heard deafening screams of agony, and experienced terrorizing demons. Finally the strong hand of God lifted him out of the pit. Now Wiese shares his insights on commonly asked questions such as:Is hell a literal burning place?Where is hell?Do you have a body in hell?Are there degrees of punishment in hell?Are there children in hell?Can demons torment people in hell?Can &“good&” people go to hell?

23 Minutos En El Infierno: El relato de un hombre sobre lo que vio, oyó, y sintió en ese lugar de tormento

by Bill Wiese

¿Cómo es el infierno? ¿Cómo se evita vivir una eternidad de tormento? En 23 minutos en el infierno, Bill Wiese comparte su inolvidable experiencia en la que Dios le permitió ver y sentir la agonía que la gente padece en el infierno. La visita de Wiese a la guarida del diablo sólo duró 23 minutos, pero el autor regresó de allí con los vívidos detalles grabados en la memoria.

23 preguntas sobre el infierno: ¡Todo lo que usted quiere y necesita, saber!

by Bill Wiese

Demonios arañadores. Gritos ensordecedores. Aislamiento total. ¡Conozca por sí mismo la verdad sobre el infierno! De 23 minutos en el infierno se han vendido cerca de un millón de copias en inglés desde su lanzamiento y Bill Wiese ha recibido cientos de preguntas de los lectores sobre cómo es en realidad el infierno. En 23 preguntas sobre el infierno provee respuestas a las preguntas más apremiantes sobre este tema. Basado en la Biblia y en las experiencias de Wiese, 23 preguntas sobre el infierno proporciona un fresco entendimiento sobre los porqués de la vida con relación al infierno y la eternidad. Leerá sobre la experiencia del autor en el infierno y cómo transformó su vida y la de miles de personas.

23 Questions About Hell: Everything You Want--and Need--to Know!

by Bill Wiese

23 Questions About Hell contains to-the-point answers to the questions that Bill Wiese has most been asked about hell since his best-selling 23 Minutes in Hell first released. Each answer is based on the Word of God, and the combined answers provide a fresh understanding about some of life&’s &“Whys&” as they relate to hell and eternity. This book will clear up misconceptions and presuppositions about God&’s character, and about who goes to heaven, and who doesn&’t. It clearly demonstrates that we are held accountable for our decisions in life.

The 23rd Psalm: The Lord, Our Shepherd (LifeGuide Bible Studies)

by Juanita Ryan

®PDF download with a single-user license; available from InterVarsity Press and other resellers.

24: A Testimony to All Peoples

by Dave Coles Stan Parks

Jesus promised: "This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all ethnē (people groups), and then the end will come." <p><p> The 24:14 Vision is to see the gospel shared with every people group on earth in our generation. We long to be in the generation that finishes what Jesus began and other faithful workers before us have given their lives to. Examples of kingdom movements can be found dotted throughout church history, yet God is doing something unique in our day. Movements are more numerous and widely spread than ever before. <p><p> We long to see the gospel proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all people groups in our lifetime. We hope you will catch that vision as you read and join us in praying and serving to start kingdom movements in every unreached people and place.

24 Christmas Stories: Faith and Traditions from Around the World

by Judith Bouilloc

A panorama of Christmas traditions around the world, from France to Iran, Egypt to Mexico Christmas traditions differ from culture to culture, location to location, and family to family. In 24 Christmas Stories: Faith and Traditions from Around the World, award-winning author Judith Bouilloc explores present-day Christmas traditions, as well as the holiday's history in many regions, brought to life by various artists. In Germany, Anna opens the first window of her advent calendar and wonders if Christmas will be here soon. In Lorraine, France, Rita can't wait for Saint Nicholas Day (he'll bring little presents for the good girls and boys, and potatoes for the naughty ones). In Iran, Melchior trudges through the fog and is joined on his travels by two other men who are following the brightest star in the sky, guiding them to an unknown but special destination. In Italy, St. Francis plans the very first living Nativity, determined to share with his local friends the story of Jesus in the manger. His Nativity scene goes on to inspire generations to come. In Japan, Shusaku makes paper cranes in preparation of Christmas and in honor of Sadako. In the United States, Trinity revises her mother's to-do list to put the highest priority items at the top as they get ready to welcome friends and family. Whether you choose to read one story a night leading up to Christmas, or multiple in one sitting, you're sure to learn something new about Christmas and the many different ways it's celebrated around the world every December.

24 Hours That Changed the World | 40 Days of Reflection: Jesus' Last Week On Earth (24 Hours)

by Adam Hamilton

Devotions based on Adam Hamilton's powerful book 24 Hours That Changed the World In his best-selling book, 24 Hours that Changed the World, pastor and popular author Adam Hamilton helped readers relive the one day in history that changed everything. Now, on this Special Edition Book and DVD package, Hamilton invites both readers and viewers to experience and understand the significance of Jesus' final hours. Drawing on insights from history, archaeology, geography, and the Bible, Hamilton takes us to the Holy Land and provides a deeper understanding of the most amazing day in history. We visit the sites where those earth-shaking events took place, and we walk where Jesus walked along the road that led to the pain and triumph of the cross. Now, in a companion volume that can also function beautifully on its own, Hamilton offers 40 days of devotions enabling us to pause, reflect, dig deeper, and emerge changed forever. The devotions, ideal for use in Lent or any other time of the year, include Scripture, reflection on the events of Jesus' final day, stories from Hamilton's own ministry, and prayer.

24 Hours That Changed the World for Youth (24 Hours)

by Adam Hamilton

In his best-selling book, 24 Hours that Changed the World, pastor and popular author Adam Hamilton helped readers relive the one day in history that changed everything. Hamilton invites readers and viewers to experience and understand the significance of Jesus' final hours. Based on this popular series by Adam Hamilton, 24 Hours That Changed the World For Youth offers an age-appropriate perspectve on the fnal day in Jesus' life on earth.

24 Hours That Changed the World | Hardcover Book: Jesus' Last Week On Earth (24 Hours)

by Adam Hamilton

In his best-selling book, 24 Hours that Changed the World, pastor and popular author Adam Hamilton helped readers relive the one day in history that changed everything. Now, on this Special Edition Book and DVD package, Hamilton invites both readers and viewers to experience and understand the significance of Jesus' final hours. Drawing on insights from history, archaeology, geography, and the Bible, Hamilton takes us to the Holy Land and provides a deeper understanding of the most amazing day in history. We visit the sites where those earth-shaking events took place, and we walk where Jesus walked along the road that led to the pain and triumph of the cross. Filmed on location, this 25-minute edited tour of the Holy Land video will entertain and inspire the entire family. This Special Edition Book and DVD package is an alternative to the six-session full length study and is the perfect resource for churchwide viewing nights.

24 Reasons to Abandon Christianity: Why Christianity's Perverted Morality Leads to Misery and Death

by Charles Bufe

Taking up where Christopher Hitchens' God Is Not Great left off, 24 Reasons to Abandon Christianity reveals Christianity's cruelty, dishonesty, fear-mongering, hypocrisy, misogyny, homophobia, dogmatism, and authoritarianism, and all of the misery, destruction, and death caused by these things. 24 Reasons to Abandon Christianity also reveals the roots of these characteristics, and why Christianity leads to all of these evils. While the book treats serious topics, its tone—much like Hitchens' book—is analytical, but also breezy and biting.

24 Ways to Explain the Gospel

by Rose Publishing

"Why do I need to be saved?" "From what?" These are common questions in today's society. Salvation can be a difficult concept to explain to a postmodern thinker. Fortunately, God's Word provides many ways of looking at our situation, and at God's solution. 24 Ways to Explain the Gospel contains dozens of word pictures and illustrations that will help you communicate the gospel in ways everyone can understand.The Bible is full of illustrations that use common experiences, such as gardening, having debt, a campfire, or joining a family, to explain what Jesus accomplished on the cross. In 24 Ways to Explain the Gospel, you will see 24 metaphors from the Bible, positive and negative examples, and several illustrations that show how the positive/negative examples can be explained. (A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase compares or describes something. For example: “A mighty fortress is our God” - “mighty fortress” is a metaphor to help to describe God.) Below is an example from 24 Ways to Explain the Gospel:• Metaphor: Light - Jesus is the light that shines on our path toward God (John 12:46)•Positive examples: Light - Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12)•Jesus' light shines in our heart (2 Cor. 4:4-6)•Children of the light (Eph. 5:8)•Jesus has rescued us from darkness (Col. 1:13)•Putting aside the deeds of darkness (Romans 13:12)•Negative examples: Dark - People living in darkness have seen a great light (Matt. 4:16)•People loved darkness (John 3:19)•Illustrations - A campfire in the wilderness provides light, warmth, safety and sustenance. •The light helps campers to find their way back to camp. It provides warmth for the night. It keeps the animals away. It cooks food and purifies water.•In a similar way, Jesus provides us with a guiding light, warmth, safety, and sustenance for our journey of life. Discussion questions for 24 Ways to Explain the GospelFor a group study, volunteers might take turns reading a paragraph. • Read panels 1-4. Which of these ways of explaining the Gospel helps you personally see the good news differently? Was there one that stood out? If so, why?• Read panels 5-6, paying attention to the word "redemption" and what it meant in the biblical world. Which metaphor of redemption connected with you the most? Why? •Read panel 7. Imagine yourself explaining the Gospel to someone using one of these plans. Which one fits your style the most? Which one fits your friend? What would you do differently?•Read panels 8-10, and discuss the idea of citizenship. How does the concept of being a citizen of the kingdom of heaven appeal to people today? Which metaphor in this section connects with you and why?•Read panels 11-13, and spend some time on the biblical definition of the word "sin." What aspects of sin and redemption were new to you? How does the Gospel help us heal our relationship with God and with the people around us?How to use 24 Ways to Explain the GospelBible studies, small group discussions, discipleship classes, young adult studies, evangelism training, personal study.

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