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Reinventing Liberal Christianity

by Theo Hobson

In this provocative book Theo Hobson addresses the current crisis of liberal Christianity. In past years liberal Christianity challenged centuries of authoritarian tradition and had great political influence. It played a major role in the founding of the United States and gave rise to the secular liberalism that we take for granted. But liberal Christianity today is widely dismissed as a watering-down of the faith, and more conservative forms of Christianity are increasingly dominant. Can the liberal Christian tradition recover its influence?Hobson puts forth a bold theory about why liberal Christianity collapsed and how it can be reinvented. He argues that a simple revival is not possible, because liberal Christianity consists of two traditions -- a good tradition that must be salvaged and a bad tradition that must be repudiated. Reinventing Liberal Christianity untangles these two traditions with a fascinating survey of Christian thought from the Reformation to the present and, further, aims to transform liberal Christianity through the rediscovery of faith and ritual.

Reinventing Philosophy of Religion: An Opinionated Introduction

by Graham Oppy

Considerations about the existence and nature of God are given far too much weight in contemporary discussions of philosophy of religion. Against prevailing orthodoxy, this introduction to philosophy of religion urges a broader perspective that attends seriously to a wide range of religious and non-religious worldviews.

Reinventing Religious Studies: Key Writings in the History of a Discipline

by Scott S. Elliott

"Reinventing Religious Studies" offers readers an opportunity to trace the important trends and developments in Religious Studies over the last forty years. Over this time the study of religion has been transformed into a critical discipline informed by a wide range of perspectives from sociology to anthropology, politics to material culture, and economics to cultural theory. "Reinventing Religious Studies" brings together key writings which have helped shape scholarship, teaching and learning in the field. All the essays are drawn from the CSSR Bulletin, a provocative, occasionally irreverent, and always critical journal which has long been at the centre of debates in Religious Studies. This collection will prove invaluable for students and scholars of theory and method in Religious Studies. It offers readers a unique opportunity to understand the history of key issues in the study of religion and what remains central to the study of religion today.

The Reinvention of Religious Music: Olivier Messiaen's Breakthrough Toward the Beyond

by Sander Van Maas

On the basis of a careful analysis of Olivier Messiaen's work, this book argues for a renewal of our thinking about religious music. Addressing his notion of a "hyper-religious" music of sounds and colors, it aims to show that Messiaen has broken new ground. His reinvention of religious music makes us again aware of the fact that religious music, if taken in its proper radical sense, belongs to the foremost of musical adventures. The work of Olivier Messiaen is well known for its inclusion of religious themes and gestures. These alone, however, do not seem enough to account for the religious status of the work. Arguing for a "breakthrough toward the beyond" on the basis of the synaesthetic experience of music, Messiaen invites a confrontation with contemporary theologians and post-secular thinkers. How to account for a religious breakthrough that is produced by a work of art? Starting from an analysis of his 1960s oratorio La Transfiguration de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ, this book arranges a moderated dialogue between Messiaen and the music theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, the phenomenology of revelation of Jean-Luc Marion, the rethinking of religion and technics in Jacques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler, and the Augustinian ruminations of Søren Kierkegaard and Jean-François Lyotard. Ultimately, this confrontation underscores the challenging yet deeply affirmative nature of Messiaen's music.

Rejection: Healing a Wounded Heart (Hope for the Heart)

by June Hunt

How do you cope when a deep or tragic loss leaves you feeling empty, angry, or alone? How do you break free from the cycle of rejection that causes you to feel hopeless? Healing is a journey, and while there are no shortcuts through the process of grief caused by bulling and peer pressure, God promises not to leave you in the valley of despair, doomed to repeat the cycle of rejection over and over. Through this Christian book, learn what the causes of feeling rejected are, like abandonment, adoptions, bullying, peer pressure, childhood sexual abuse, disapproval, divorce, domestic violence, and how to overcome those painful experiences. Have you walked the lonely road of rejection? If so, you know the silent cry for acceptance, that inner need for intimacy, the deep craving for closeness. Jesus, too, dealt with rejection. Your identity is in the Lord because of your relationship with Him. He holds you in His compassionate hands, and you are accepted.Discover how to:•Know whether or not you are controlled by the fear of rejection•Identify the outer signs of rejection often seen and felt by others•Stop the cycle of rejection•Replace rejection by reaching out to othersLearn how to overcome rejection in the section titled, "Steps to Solution," where June Hunt walks you through:•The 4 things you need to know about God's character•4 keys to God's acceptance•7 Facts to know about your rejection•Questions and answers to help you break through feelings of rejection•And much more.Look for all 25 titles in the Hope For The Heart Biblical Counseling Library. These mini-books are for people who seek freedom from codependency, anger, conflict, verbal and emotional abuse, depression, or other problems.

Rejoice (Redemption Series #4)

by Karen Kingsbury

This latest release in the Redemption series reunites readers with the continuing saga of the Baxter family. Brooke Baxter has achieved everything this world has to offer-a prestigious career, a beautiful home, and two wonderful children--finds her newfound faith and her shaky marriage challenged by overwhelming loss.

Rejoice and Tremble: The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord (Union Series)

by Michael Reeves

This book argues from Scripture that godly fear is the opposite of being afraid of God or his punishment, as if he were a tyrant. Instead, it is the intensity of the saints' love for, delight in, and enjoyment of all that God is.

Rejoice O Youth: Rational Approaches to God's Existence and the Torah's Divine Origin

by Avigdor Miller

The venerable Rabbi Avigdor Miller, reaches out to the heart of every Jew. In this three part Jewish Ideology Series he covers the integral tenets of Emunah and Bitachon (faith) that each and every one of us are to aspire to. His unique style brings the Father-to-son relationship between us and G-d, right to our fingertips.

Rejoicing in Christ

by Michael Reeves

2016 Christianity Today Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year Finalist


by Tamera Alexander

Book jacket AT A DIFFERENT TIME, IN A DIFFERENT PLACE, UNDER DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES... COULD TWO PEOPLE FALL IN LOVE ONCE AGAIN? TEN YEARS AGO KATHRYN JENNINGS MADE A VOW For better or worse. And that promise still holds true, even though her marriage has not turned out as she expected. When her husband fails to return home one stormy winter night, she struggles to keep their ranch, but her efforts are blocked at every turn. After a shocking glimpse into her husband's past, Kathryn uncovers a hidden truth. What she wouldn't give to turn back time and be able to love her husband for the man that he was, not for the man she always wanted him to be. Larson Jennings has spent his entire life running from a broken past, unable to trust, reluctant to try again. One fateful night, his life, takes an unexpected twist, and soon he is forced to make a choice. Whatever he chooses, his decision may cost him his life.

Rekindled Flame: The Passionate Pursuit of God

by Steve Fry

As believers, we have a desperate need to cultivate intimacy with our God, a place of blissful union in His love. Now acclaimed worship leader, singer, and teacher Steve Fry shows us how. "The key to knowing God," Fry says, "is worship. " From jubilant praise to the very embrace of His heart, the author invites everyone to enter into this mysterious encounter with God's glory. The reader will find practical instruction on meditating in the Scriptures, preparing oneself through praise, and seeking God's face in prayer. If you're dry, distracted, dissatisfied, drained in spirit -- or simply seeking "more" -- this biblical praise and worship primer will rekindle the flame of passionate relationship with Christ. Includes worship CD with three songs by Steve Fry!

Rekindled Hearts (After The Storm Ser. #4)

by Brenda Minton

All Lexi Harmon wants is to be married—to her ex-husband. When a tornado traps them together, she prays they have a chance at life and love again. But embittered police officer Colt Ridgeway believes he can't give Lexi what she really wants—children and security. As they work side by side to rebuild High Plains, Lexi holds out hope that their marriage can be rebuilt, too, one piece of his heart at a time.

Rekindled Romance

by Lorraine Beatty

Old Love, New NeighborForced to return home after a health scare, Shelby Russell winds up next door to none other than Matt Durrant. Her onetime fiancé and now a widower with two kids, Matt plans to keep Shelby at arm's length. Even if she's the logical choice for a nanny. Even if his kids love her. Even if he's happier than he's been in years. But Matt was the one left behind when Shelby went to follow her dreams. After losing so much, Matt knows his courage is faltering. And when he learns the truth about what Shelby faces now, they'll both need a heavy dose of courage if they dare hope for a future.

Rekindled Romance & Restoring His Heart: Rekindled Romance\Restoring His Heart

by Lorraine Beatty

Author Lorraine Beatty brings you two heartwarming novels of redemption and faithRekindled RomanceAfter returning home, Shelby Russell winds up next door to ex-fiancé Matt Durrant. Now a widower with two kids, Matt plans to keep Shelby at arm’s length—even if she’s the logical choice for a nanny. Shelby left him once, and he won’t risk it happening again. But as they bond and he learns the truth about why Shelby’s back, they realize they’ll need courage if they dare hope for a future.Restoring His HeartAfter he crashes his sports car into a gazebo, Adam Holbrook begrudgingly agrees to rebuild it. But when Laura Durrant, the contractor scheduled to help him, shows up, everything changes. As they work amid the sawdust and sweat, Laura teaches him about more than carpentry. She shows him everything he’s missed out on…including love.

Rekindling the Sacred Fire: Métis Ancestry and Anishinaabe Spirituality

by Chantal Fiola

Why don’t more Métis people go to traditional ceremonies? How does going to ceremonies impact Métis identity? In Rekindling the Sacred Fire, Chantal Fiola investigates the relationship between Red River Métis ancestry, Anishinaabe spirituality, and identity, bringing into focus the ongoing historical impacts of colonization upon Métis relationships with spirituality on the Canadian prairies. Using a methodology rooted in an Indigenous world view, Fiola interviews eighteen people with Métis ancestry, or an historic familial connection to the Red River Métis, who participate in Anishinaabe ceremonies, sharing stories about family history, self-identification, and their relationships with Aboriginal and Eurocanadian cultures and spiritualities.

Rekindling the Widower's Heart (Hearts of Hunter Ridge #1)

by Glynna Kaye

A Future to Build OnAll widower Luke Hunter wants is to raise his three kids—and be left alone. When Delaney Marks arrives in town to oversee the youth group’s house renovation project, Luke decides he must come out of hiding. He’s worried she’s too young to get the job done. He’ll have to keep a close watch on her—and on his heart. Because being with the vibrant girl makes it easy to forget their age difference and to start hoping for a future he doesn’t deserve. As tensions rise over project pressures, Delaney tries to make Luke see that some things are just out of his control—and that he is worthy of happiness…with her.

Rekonstruktionen von Subjektnormen und Subjektivierungen: Eine qualitative Studie über Lifestyle-Normen und deren Relevanz für YouTuber (Film und Bewegtbild in Kultur und Gesellschaft)

by Daniel Burghardt

Anhand detaillierter Analysen von YouTube-Videos verdeutlicht das Buch, welch zentrale Rolle Subjektnormen für verschiedene Produzent_innen von Lifestyle-Videos spielen. Hierbei werden sowohl unterschiedliche Normen sichtbar, als auch deren Relationen zum Habitus der Untersuchten, welche sich in Aneignungs-, Passungs- und Spannungsverhältnissen sowie in Widersetzungen ausdrücken. Im Kontext der Subjektivierungsforschung und deren Bezugnahme auf Althusser und Foucault lassen sich jene Ausrichtungen als Subjektivierungen deuten, die mal mehr, mal weniger reflektiert vollzogen werden.

La relación del pacto con Dios, el Espíritu Santo # 3: El agente de cambio, volumen 3

by DR Pensacola H Jefferson

LA RELACIÓN DEL PACTO CON DIOS, EL ESPÍRITU SANTO, Volumen 1, trata sobre cómo la “unidad del pacto” está unida por el vínculo del amor SANTO y conectada a través del Espíritu Santo. “…“ Dios con nosotros… ”(Mateo 1:23 LBLA). "... Dios es amor ..." (1 Juan 4: 4-8 KJV). "... Amor ... el VINCULO perfecto de UNIDAD ..." (Colosenses 3:14 LBLA). “… El que se une al Señor, es UN ESPÍRITU… [con Dios, el Padre por medio de Jesucristo, nuestro Señor]…” (1 Corintios 6:17 RV). LA RELACIÓN DEL PACTO CON DIOS, EL ESPÍRITU SANTO, Volumen 2, trata sobre la transformación del alma perdida y espiritualmente muerta en un "alma viviente". “... De modo que si alguno (mujer) está en Cristo, nueva criatura es: las cosas viejas pasaron; he aquí todas son hechas nuevas ... ”(2 Corintios 5:17 RV). "... y el hombre (mujer) se convirtió en un alma viviente (de nuevo) ..." (Génesis 2: 7 KJV). LA RELACIÓN DEL PACTO CON DIOS, EL ESPÍRITU SANTO, Volumen 3, partes A y B, trata sobre la “unidad del pacto” siendo la fuente para suplir TODAS las necesidades del pueblo de Dios: “… Dios suplirá todas [sus necesidades]…” (Filipenses 4:19 LBLA). “… Dios te proveerá generosamente todo lo que necesites…” (2 Corintios 9: 8 NTV). "... [de Dios] ... el Espíritu Santo ... es la FUENTE [de TODO] ..." (1 Corintios 12: 4-11 NTV). Dios, como la FUENTE de TODO, se refiere al Espíritu Santo como el ORIGEN del cual se obtienen principalmente las NECESIDADES de su pueblo. "... Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega ..." (Apocalipsis 1: 8 NASB). “... Yo ... [SOY] ... el primero, y con el postrer ... '" (Isaías 41: 4 NASB). DIOS, el Espíritu Santo), y aparte de [su PALABRA] nada [VIENE] a existir que [haya o VOLVERÁ] a existir ... (Juan 1: 1-4 LBLA). Dios es el ORIGEN. "..." YO SOY QUIÉN SOY ... ”(Éxodo 3: 14-15 NASB).

Una Relación más Estrecha con Dios: Intimidad y Devoción

by Bill Vincent

Todos debemos aprender a estar en contacto con Dios. Después de leer A CLOSER RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD (Una relación más estrecha con Dios), verás por ti mismo lo que Dios tiene para decir sobre esto. ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez si era posible tener una relación significativa con Dios? Este poderoso estudio de BILL VINCENT te ayudará a descubrir cómo una relación en verdad gratificante con Dios es posible. Los dos últimos capítulos son Lectura diaria de la Biblia y Devociones diarias, para ayudarte a andar por el sendero correcto en tu camino con Dios. Aprenderás, además, cómo la salvación es algo que mantienes encendido en tu interior. Debes mantener el fuego encendido y hay muchas herramientas en A CLOSER RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD que te ayudarán a comenzar tu viaje hacia la verdadera fe. Puedes también obtener la versión que te permite hacer anotaciones dentro del libro.

Relaciones Emocionalmente Sanas: El discipulado que cambia profundamente tus relaciones con los demás

by Peter Scazzero Geri Scazzero

Pete y Geri Scazzero desarrollaron el curso de Relaciones emocionalmente sanas durante un período de veintiún años, en el que abordan de manera directa los principios bíblicos centrales para guiarlo a una experiencia de discipulado que cambiará radicalmente su vida. En el curso de Relaciones emocionalmente sanas, aprenderá ocho habilidades prácticas de las relaciones, para desarrollar relaciones maduras y amorosas con otras personas, tales como:• Dejar de leer la mente de los demás y esclarecer sus expectativas• Escuchar con empatía• Subir la cuesta de la integridad• Jugar limpioY como no se puede separar el amar a los demás y el amar a Dios, cada persona también crecerá en su relación personal con Jesús, incorporando la quietud, el silencio y las Escrituras como ritmos diarios. Esta Guía de ejercicios incluye introducciones para cada sesión, preguntas de discusión en grupo, pasos de acción personal y un estudio personal para realizar entre cada sesión. El mismo es parte del Curso de Relaciones emocionalmente sanas, que también incluye los videos y devocionales. Únase a nosotros en un camino poderoso que lo llevará a atravesar una puerta que cambiará para siempre la manera en que ama a Dios, a los demás y a usted mismo.

Relaciones emocionalmente sanas - Día a día: Una jornada de 40 días para cambiar profundamente tus relaciones

by Peter Scazzero

En este revolucionario libro devocional, Peter Scazzero reintroduce y desarrolla la antigua disciplina espiritual del Oficio Diario. La premisa básica es simple: los cristianos deben pausar intencionalmente dos veces al día para estar con Dios, de modo que la práctica de la presencia de Dios sea una realidad en sus vidas.Con el mismo ritmo poderoso que el devocional Espiritualidad emocionalmente sana, cada día presenta dos oficios: mañana/mediodía y mediodía/noche, donde cada devocional reflexionará sobre temas de relaciones emocionalmente sanas, como clarificar las expectativas, escuchar con empatía y jugar limpio. Los lectores serán guiados a una práctica de transformación que profundizará su caminar diario con Jesús.

Relatable Study Guide: Making Relationships Work

by Louie Giglio

From the time we are born, relationships are constantly shaping who we are and how we engage with the world around us. Beginning with how we see ourselves, we develop a view of God and others that impacts the way we relate to our parents, navigate friendships, dating relationships and marriage. Relat(able) looks at relationships the way God intended them to be. Because He has gone to extraordinary lengths to relate to us, we have the potential to build incredible relationships with one another. Embracing God's love and receiving His grace changes the way we relate to him, our family, our friends, and ourselves. In this study, Louie Giglio explores the fundamental question of what makes us relatable to others. He shows how God can change our perspective on relationships, give us greater purpose in dating and marriage, bring us peace in the midst of conflict, and help us restore relationships that seem broken beyond repair. The Relat(able) Study Guide includes video discussion questions, Bible exploration, and personal study and reflection materials for in between sessions. Sessions include: 1. The Shovel and the Spoon 2. The Man/Woman in the Mirror 3. A God to Call Father 4. The Friend Everyone Longs for 5. Becoming Someone vs. Finding Someone 6. Handshake of Peace Bonus: Why Date? Bonus: Marriage with a Mission Designed for use with Relat(able): A DVD Study (9780310088745).

Related by Chance, Family by Choice: Transforming Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law Relationships

by Deb Dearmond

The caricatures are everywhere, the jokes are inexhaustible, and the stereotypes fill the screens. From Marie Barone (Everyone Loves Raymond) to Viola Fields (Monster-in-Law) to Internet sites and social media pages like and a Facebook page for ihatemymotherinlaw there is no shortage of examples of the caustic relationships that can develop between the two women in a man's life. Deb DeArmond and her three daughters-in-laws have conducted their own exhaustive research into the status of the women-in-law relationship. Their research, which incorporated online surveys, interviews, and discussions, included asking about the faith factor in the relationships they studied. Of the respondents, nearly 90 percent claimed they were Christians, and 79 percent said their faith was foundational and guided their actions and decisions. The numbers of those they surveyed who reported that their women-in-law relationships were "bad" were nearly identical to those in a survey conducted by a popular secular website that recorded no statistics on faith. Beyond the statistics and their analysis, Deb brings to this book more than thirty years working with adults to improve communications and deal constructively with conflict. Aside from her research, perhaps the most important asset Deb brings to this work is her own relationship with her three daughters-in-laws that is so obviously and unusually positive that she--and they--are often asked to explain the secret of the relationships they share. This practical and unapologetically scriptural book covers issues of personal perceptions, strained communication, the roles of sons and fathers in the relationship's success, how to begin these relationships on the right foot, and the necessity of trust and love. Deb's one motivating objective is to help women-in- law move from women who are simply related to strong and confident members of a truly spiritual family.

Relating God and the Self: Dynamic Interplay

by Jan-Olav Henriksen

Religion is not only about understanding the world - it is just as much about how to develop and shape the self’s experience of itself. Because the religious self is shaped by our symbols of God - and symbols of God are also shaped by the self, theology and philosophy of religion cannot ignore this interplay, or the psychological dimension, when they discuss what symbols of God are adequate and not. By discussing critically different ways the symbol of God functions in the formation of the self, the book develops a nuanced and original approach to the interplay between God and the self. It suggests that play is actually an important metaphor in order to develop a dynamic understanding of religion’s way of relating God and the Self. This approach challenges understandings of religion focussing only its cognitive claims, as well as those who emphasize doctrinal orthodoxy as the most important element in religion.

Relating with More-than-Humans: Interbeing Rituality in a Living World (Palgrave Studies in Anthropology of Sustainability)

by Jean Chamel Yael Dansac

Within the social sciences, other-than-human being’s agency has often been denied and interbeings relationships have not been fully addressed. However, many indigenous worldviews and Western contemporary spiritual practices are shaping a very different reality, with various attempts to share the world with non-human beings, animate or inanimate, creating forms of relationships to “the living”.This edited volume documents how humans deal with non-human entities in a large variety of cultural contexts. It focuses on ritual processes and how ritual creativity is mobilised to invent new ways of relating with more-than-humans. Comprising nine case studies, the volume is divided into three main sections that address successively daily interactions, political implications, and spiritual engagements. Cooperative interactions, kinship relations, senses of belonging, traditional healing techniques, non-human beings’ legal personality attribution, transformative experiences, and phenomenological relationalities are examined in various locations: West Africa, Buryatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Mexico, Nepalese Himalayas, Sweden and Wales.

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