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Showing 62,001 through 62,025 of 82,503 results

Religionssensibilität: Theorie und Praxis in der Sozialen Arbeit (Edition Centaurus - Perspektiven Sozialer Arbeit in Theorie und Praxis)

by Claudia Mayer

Das Verhältnis von Religion und Sozialer Arbeit ist schwierig. Einerseits zeigen sich klare Tendenzen der Tabuisierung und Distanzierung von Religion in der Sozialen Arbeit. Andererseits ist die faktische Präsenz von Religion in sozialen Kontexten nicht in Abrede zu stellen. Um angesichts dieses Spannungsverhältnisses den professionellen Umgang mit dem religiösen Phänomen in der Sozialen Arbeit zu gewährleisten, ist eine theoretische Fundierung notwendig. Ausgehend vom Begriff der Religionssensibilität wird das Materialobjekt Religion auf der Basis religionstheoretischer Erkenntnisse als objektive Religion und subjektive Religiosität geklärt. Ergänzt wird dies durch eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff der Sensibilität als Modus des Umgangs mit dem Materialobjekt, der sich in die Dimensionen von ‚sensibel umgehen mit...‘ und ‚sensibilisieren für...‘ ausdifferenzieren lässt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich: Eine religionssensible Soziale Arbeit geht sensibel mit Religion und Religiosität um und sie sensibilisiert für Religion und Religiosität. Der professionelle Umgang mit dem religiösen Phänomen gelingt durch den Übertrag dieser Dimensionen in die Praxis und (Aus-)Bildung Sozialer Arbeit.

Religionstrends in der Schweiz: Religion, Spiritualität und Säkularität im gesellschaftlichen Wandel

by Jörg Stolz Arnd Bünker Antonius Liedhegener Eva Baumann-Neuhaus Irene Becci Zhargalma Dandarova Robert Jeremy Senn Pascal Tanner Oliver Wäckerlig Urs Winter-Pfändler

Diese Open-Access-Publikation beschreibt gegenwärtige Entwicklungen in der Religionslandschaft der Schweiz. Sie führt eine Reihe von Studien fort, die seit den 1980er Jahren in regelmässigen Zeitabständen publiziert werden. Die hier versammelten Beiträge basieren auf der Auswertung aktueller statistischer Daten und bearbeiten Fragestellungen aus der Religions- und Kirchensoziologie sowie aus der Politikwissenschaft.

Religiöse Identitätsbildung junger Alevit: Eine empirische Analyse im Spannungsfeld von Herkunftsmilieus und gesellschaftlichen Anpassungserwartungen (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Martina Loth

Sowohl junge Alevit:innen als auch junge Sunnit:innen sind in Deutschland aufgrund eines vorwiegend negativen Images des Islams herausgefordert, sich bezüglich ihrer muslimischen oder vermeintlich muslimischen Identität zu positionieren. Gleichzeitig sehen sich die beiden Gruppen in der Diaspora religionsrechtlich mit verschiedenen Bedingungen konfrontiert. Die alevitische Gemeinde Deutschlands (kurz AABF) hat durch ihren Status als Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts und der Durchführung des alevitischen Religionsunterrichts in der Mehrzahl der Bundesländer religionsrechtlich in Deutschland eine bessere Ausgangsposition erreichen können als die Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion e.V. (kurz DİTİB). In dem Buch werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der sich diesen Gruppen zugehörig fühlenden jungen Adoleszenten in Bezug auf ihre religiöse Identitätsbildung untersucht.

Religiöse Kommunikation und weltanschauliches Wissen: Kommunikative Konstruktionen unabweisbarer Gewissheiten und ihre gesellschaftlichen Wirkungen (Wissen, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft)

by Bernt Schnettler Thorsten Szydlik Helen Pach

Der Band exploriert die systematischen Bezüge zwischen Wissens- und Religionssoziologie. Zunächst enthält er daher die deutsche Erstübersetzung des klassischen Aufsatzes zu diesem Thema von Berger und Luckmann aus dem Jahr 1965. Das Spektrum der Beiträge umfasst aktuelle Forschungen über diverse Formen religiöser Kommunikation und weltanschaulichen Wissens aus drei Bereichen: Erstens empirische Studien zu religiösen und weltanschaulichen Kommunikationsgattungen, Veranstaltungsformen und Diskursen, zweitens Beiträge zu methodischen Zugriffen für die Analyse religiöser Kommunikation und die Weltanschauungs-analyse sowie drittens theoretische Beiträge zu wissenssoziologischen Aspekten religiösen und weltanschaulichen Wissens. Dabei werden soziologische sowie religionswissenschaftliche und linguistische Perspektiven eingenommen.Der InhaltWissens- und Diskursforschung • Staatliche Interventionen • Naturwissenschaft, Sinnkonstruktion und Weltanschauung • Erlösungskommunikation • Transformation religiöser Sinnresiduen • Gattungen der Sinnvermittlung • Rhetoriken der Normativität • Unsichtbare Religion in Massenereignissen Die Herausgeber*innenProf. Dr. Bernt Schnettler ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls Kultur- und Religionssoziologie an der Universität Bayreuth. Thorsten Szydlik ist Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Marburg.Helen Pach ist Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl Kultur- und Religionssoziologie an der Universität Bayreuth.

Religiöse Migrantengemeinden und ihre Dienstleistungen für ältere Menschen: Zwischen offener Altenarbeit und Altenpflege (Altern & Gesellschaft)

by Marc Breuer Jannah Herrlein

Welche Relevanz haben religiöse Migrantengemeinden für die alltägliche Unterstützung und Pflege von älteren Menschen mit Migrationserfahrung? Professionelle Dienstleistungen der Altenhilfe werden in der genannten Bevölkerungsgruppe bislang nur unterdurchschnittlich genutzt. Gleichzeitig ist bekannt, dass migrantische Religionsgemeinschaften vielfältige soziale Dienstleistungen erbringen. Das Buch verbindet Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven aus Gerontologie, Migrations- und Religionssoziologie, Soziologie des Alter(n)s, Sozialer Arbeit und Sozialpolitikforschung sowie aus den theologischen Wissenschaften verschiedener Religionsgemeinschaften. Zahlreiche Gemeinden positionieren sich als Akteure einer offenen Altenarbeit oder stellen Anschlüsse zur professionellen Altenpflege her.

Religiöse Rituale und soziale Ordnung (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Rafael Walthert

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die Bedeutung von religiösen Ritualen für die soziale Ordnung systematisch untersucht. Dazu werden Konzepte des Zusammenhangs von Ritualen mit verschiedenen Ebenen des Sozialen erarbeitet: Interaktion, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft.

Religiosity and Recognition: Multiculturalism and British Converts to Islam (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series)

by Thomas Sealy

This book argues that multiculturalism remains a relevant and vital framework through which to understand and construct inclusive forms of citizenship. Responding to contemporary ethnic and religious diversity in European states and the position of religious minorities, debates in multiculturalism have revitalized discussion of the public role of religion, yet multiculturalism has been increasingly challenged in both political as well as academic circles. With a focus on Britain and through a study of the narratives of British converts to Islam, this book engages in debates centered around multiculturalism, particularly on the issues of identity, recognition, and difference. Yet, it also identifies and interrogates multiculturalism’s shortcomings in relation to specifically religious identities and belonging. In a unique and innovative analysis, this book combines a discussion of multiculturalism in Britain with insights from political theology. It juxtaposes multiculturalism’s concepts of ethno-religious identity and recognition with the notions of religiosity and hospitality to offer a new perspective on religious identity and the implications of this for thinking with and about multiculturalism and multicultural social and political relations.

Religiosity in East and West: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges from Global and Local Perspectives (Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

by Sarah Demmrich Ulrich Riegel

​The book discusses the theoretical and methodological challenges of an interculturally valid sociology of religion and provides insights into the autochthonous socio-religious research in Muslim societies and Asian countries. In this way, it links discourses that have so far taken place primarily independently of one another. The book goes back to a conference in Münster that questioned the Western foundation of empirical religiosity research, which reaches its limits in the non-American and non-European context, but also with regard to orthodox forms of faith in the Western context.

Religious Aesthetics: A Theological Study of Making and Meaning

by Frank Browning

Many modes of religious expression and experience have a markedly aesthetic component, even though aesthetic delight itself often appears to be free of moral or religious interests. In this ground-breaking work, Frank Burch Brown shows how aesthetics, no less than ethics, can play a central role in the study of religion and in the practice of theology.

The Religious Affections: How Man's Will Affects His Character Before God

by Jonathan Edwards

In one of the unsurpassed religious masterpieces produced by an American writer, Jonathan Edwards distinguishes between true and false religion by defining a believer's correct affections and explaining their importance. He further identifies the distinction between genuine-seeming and legitimate affections. Essential reading for divinity students and those studying American religious history.

Religious Affects: Animality, Evolution, and Power

by Donovan O. Schaefer

In Religious Affects Donovan O. Schaefer challenges the notion that religion is inextricably linked to language and belief, proposing instead that it is primarily driven by affects. Drawing on affect theory, evolutionary biology, and poststructuralist theory, Schaefer builds on the recent materialist shift in religious studies to relocate religious practices in the affective realm--an insight that helps us better understand how religion is lived in conjunction with systems of power. To demonstrate religion's animality and how it works affectively, Schaefer turns to a series of case studies, including the documentary Jesus Camp and contemporary American Islamophobia. Placing affect theory in conversation with post-Darwinian evolutionary theory, Schaefer explores the extent to which nonhuman animals have the capacity to practice religion, linking human forms of religion and power through a new analysis of the chimpanzee waterfall dance as observed by Jane Goodall. In this compelling case for the use of affect theory in religious studies, Schaefer provides a new model for mapping relations between religion, politics, species, globalization, secularism, race, and ethics.

Religious Agrarianism and the Return of Place: From Values to Practice in Sustainable Agriculture (SUNY series on Religion and the Environment)

by Todd LeVasseur

Gold Medalist, 2018 Independent Publisher Book Awards in the Religion CategoryFinalist for the 2017 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award in the Religion categoryWriting at the interface of religion and nature theory, US religious history, and environmental ethics, Todd LeVasseur presents the case for the emergence of a nascent "religious agrarianism" within certain subsets of Judaism and Christianity in the United States. Adherents of this movement, who share an environmental concern about the modern industrial food economy and a religiously grounded commitment to the values of locality, health, and justice, are creating new models for sustainable agrarian lifeways and practices. LeVasseur explores this greening of US religion through an extensive engagement with the scholarly literature on lived religion, network theory, and grounded theory, as well as through ethnographic case studies of two intentional communities at the vanguard of this movement: Koinonia Farm, an ecumenical Christian lay monastic community, and Hazon, a progressive Jewish environmental group.

Religious America, Secular Europe?: A Theme and Variations

by Peter Berger Grace Davie Effie Fokas

Europe is a relatively secular part of the world in global terms. Why is this so? And why is the situation in Europe so different from that in the United States? The first chapter of this book - the theme - articulates this contrast. The remaining chapters - the variations - look in turn at the historical, philosophical, institutional and sociological dimensions of these differences. Key ideas are examined in detail, among them: constitutional issues; the Enlightenment; systems of law, education and welfare; questions of class, ethnicity, gender and generation. In each chapter both the similarities and differences between the European and the American cases are carefully scrutinized. The final chapter explores the ways in which these features translate into policy on both sides of the Atlantic. This book is highly topical and relates very directly to current misunderstandings between Europe and America.

Religious and Non-Religious Perspectives on Happiness and Wellbeing (Routledge Studies in Religion)

by Sharada Sugirtharajah

This book explores the theme of happiness and well-being from religious, spiritual, philosophical, psychological, humanistic, and health perspectives. Taking a non-binary approach, it considers how happiness in particular has been understood and appropriated in religious and non-religious strands of thought. The chapters offer incisive insight from a variety of perspectives, including humanism, atheism and major religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism. Together they demonstrate that although worldviews might vary substantially, there are concurrences across religious and non-religious perspectives on happiness that provide a common ground for further cross-cultural and interreligious exploration. What the book makes clear is that happiness is not a static or monolithic category. It is an ongoing process of being and becoming, striving and seeking, living ethically and meaningfully, as well as arriving at a tranquil state of being. This multifaceted volume makes a fresh contribution to the contemporary study of happiness and is valuable reading for scholars and students from religious studies and theology, including those interested in interreligious dialogue and the psychology of religion, as well as positive psychology.

Religious and Philosophical Traditions of Korea

by Kevin Cawley

Religious and Philosophical Traditions of Korea addresses a wide range of traditions, serving as a guide to those interested in Buddhism, Confucianism, Shamanism, Christianity and many others. It brings readers along a journey from the past to the present, moving beyond the confines of the Korean peninsula. In this book Kevin N. Cawley examines the different ideas which have shaped a vibrant and exciting intellectual history and engages with some of the key texts and figures from Korea’s intellectual traditions. This comprehensive and riveting text emphasises how some of these ideas have real relevance in the world today and how they have practical value for our lives in the twenty-first century. Students, researchers and academics in the growing area of Korean Studies will find this book indispensable. It will also be of interest to undergraduates and graduate students interested in the comparative study of Asian religions, philosophies and cultures.

Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America

by Robert Ellwood Harry Partin

This text explores the major new or unconventional religions and spiritual movements in America that exist outside the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Religious and Spiritual Practices in India: A Positive Psychological Perspective

by Kamlesh Singh Gaurav Saxena

This book explores the positive psychological aspects of religion and spirituality in the Indian context. It discusses the concepts and practices of Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, and Sikhism and their impact on overall well-being. As the global enthusiasm for Indian spirituality grows, this book brings together scholars to share their perspectives and reflections on various religious aspects. The chapters offer readers a psychological "capsule" of mental health, well-being, compassion, kindness, character strength, mind-body relationship, and mindfulness, providing practical strategies for a better quality of life.Furthermore, this book offers insights into the different perspectives of happiness and well-being measured across diverse demographics. It also provides a qualitative conceptualization of happiness among older people, reflections on positive aging, and highlights the facilitators and inhibitors of happiness. With its comprehensive coverage and multidisciplinary approach, this book serves as a valuable reference for postgraduate and doctoral students of Psychology, as well as a treasure trove in the libraries for researchers and faculties associated with spiritual psychology, positive psychology, religious studies, comparative literature, mental health professionals, academicians, and anyone interested in allied health fields.

The Religious and the Political

by Bryan S. Turner

While the relationships between ethics and religion, and violence and politics are of enduring interest, the interface between religion and violence is one of the most problematic features of the contemporary world. Following in the tradition of Max Weber's historical and comparative study of religions, this book explores the many ways in which religion and politics are both combined and separated across different world religions and societies. Through a variety of case studies including the monarchy, marriage, law and conversion, Bryan S. Turner explores different manifestations of secularization and how the separation of church and state is either compromised or abandoned. He considers how different states manage religion in culturally and religiously diverse societies and concludes with a discussion of the contemporary problems facing the liberal theory of freedom of religion. The underlying theoretical issue is the conditions for legitimacy of rule in modern societies experiencing global changes.

Religious Appeals in Power Politics (Religion and Conflict)

by Peter S. Henne

Religious Appeals in Power Politics examines how states use, or attempt to use, confessional appeals to religious belief and conscience to advance political strategies and objectives. Through case studies of the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Russia, Peter S. Henne demonstrates that religion, although not as high profile or well-funded a tool as economic sanctions or threats of military force, remains a potent weapon in international relations. Public policy analysis often minimizes the role of religion, favoring military or economic matters as the "important" arenas of policy debate. As Henne shows, however, at transformative moments in political history, states turn to faith-based appeals to integrate or fragment international coalitions. Henne highlights Saudi Arabia's 1960s rivalry with Egypt, the United States's post-9/11 leadership in the global war on terrorism, and the Russian Federation's contemporary expansionism both to reveal the presence and power of calls for religious unity and to emphasize the uncertainty and anxiety such appeals can create. Religious Appeals in Power Politics offers a bold corrective to those who consider religion as tangential to military or economic might.

Religious Art in France of the Thirteenth Century (Dover Fine Art, History Of Art Series)

by Emile Mâle

The art in medieval cathedrals, in addition to its profound aesthetic appeal, told unlettered churchgoers a series of morality tales. From divine creation to the lives of the saints, the stone sculpture and stained glass windows provided dramatic illustrations of the key elements of Christian doctrine. Unfortunately, the true meaning of these religious artworks was gradually obscured by time. In 1913, however, this brilliant study appeared, clarifying and illuminating the original ideas and concepts behind the sacred art of the Middle Ages.

The Religious Art of Zen Master Hakuin

by Katsuhiro Yoshizawa Norman Waddell

A charismatic and extraordinary Zen teacher and artist, Hakuin (1686–1769) is credited with almost single–handedly reforming and revitalizing Japanese Zen from a state of extreme spiritual decline. As a teacher, he placed special emphasis on koan practice, inventing new koans such as the famous "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" He also stressed the need to extend the benefits of Zen to others.What made Hakuin even more remarkable was that he was not only a religious teacher but also a prolific artist. Using calligraphy and painting to create "visual Dharma," his teachings were rendered on paper in pictures, characters, and images, uniquely and magnificently expressing the nature of enlightenment as he wished to impart it to his students.The Religious Art of Zen Master Hakuin is a stunning volume containing many of Hakuin's finest calligraphies and paintings, along with brilliant commentary by Katsuhiro Yoshizawa, the leading Japanese expert on Hakuin and his work. Yoshizawa masterfully guides the reader from one piece of artwork to the next, sharing the story of Hakuin's life, revealing the profound religious meaning embedded in each illustration, and providing a detailed documentary of the lessons of one of Zen's most respected teachers.

Religious Aspects of Hypnosis

by William J. Bryan

A unique book—the first to discuss fully religious aspects of hypnosis…- How religion utilizes hypnosis to achieve its end- How medical hypnotists may use religious principles in the analytic treatment of their patients.

Religious Atheism: Twelve Philosophical Apostles (SUNY series in Theology and Continental Thought)

by Erik Meganck

Feuerbach, Marx, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Freud, Russell, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Sartre, Levinas, Lyotard, Derrida. Why were these twelve so-called atheist heavyweights unable to wipe God off the table once and for all? Perhaps they did not intend to. Perhaps their atheism was directed at something other than God and religion. In that case, suggests Erik Meganck, we should look for a more fertile philosophical meaning of atheism to distinguish it from the shallow, more popular definitions of the term. Toward this aim, Meganck offers a rereading of the twelve apostles in this book, who are, he demonstrates, more religious than public opinion often holds. God and religion do not disappear in their work, but each of them tears down a pillar from the grand edifice that is traditional metaphysics. Modern thought has gradually dismantled philosophical and theological systems—“theisms”—which means that we must look for God in the “a-” rather than in “theism.” Meganck's adventurous and daring exploration calls into question the traditional polarity of theism and atheism, leading philosophy and theology away from metaphysical theism, through the death of God, and into a philosophical atheism that does not speak out on the existence of God but hears the Name. This Name opens onto a promise of sense.

Religious Authority and Political Thought in Twelver Shi'ism: From Ali to Post-Khomeini (Routledge Studies in Political Islam)

by Hamid Mavani

Ranging from the time of the infallible Imams, to the contemporary era, this book provides a comprehensive overview of Shi’i religious and political authority, focusing on Iran and Lebanon, without limiting the discourse to Khomeini’s version of an Islamic State. Utilising untapped Arabic and Persian sources, Hamid Mavani provides a detailed, nuanced, and diverse theoretical discussion on the doctrine of leadership (Imamate) in Shi’ism from traditional, theological, philosophical, and mystical perspectives. This theoretical discussion becomes the foundation for an analysis of the transmission of the Twelfth Imam’s religious and political authority vis-á-vis the jurists during his Greater Occultation. Bringing the often overlooked diversity within the Shi’i tradition into sharp focus, Religious Authority and Political Thought in Twelver Shi’ism discusses what constitutes an Islamic state, if there is such a notion as an Islamic state. Hamid Mavani further explores the possibility of creating a space for secularity, facilitating a separation between religion and state, and ensuring equal rights for all. This book argues that such a development is only possible if there is a rehabilitation of ijtihad. If this were to materialise modern religious, social, economic, political, and cultural challenges could be addressed more successfully. This book will be of use to scholars and students with interests ranging from Politics, to Religion, to Middle East Studies.

Religious Authority in the Spanish Renaissance (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science #118)

by Lu Ann Homza

In Religious Authority in the Spanish Renaissance, Lu Ann Homza rejects the traditional view of the Spanish Renaissance as a battle of strict opposites in favor of a more nuanced history. Through analyses of Inquisition trials, biblical translations, treatises on witchcraft, and tracts on the episcopate and penance, Homza illuminates the intellectual autonomy and energy of Spain's ecclesiastics, exploring the flexibility and inconsistency in their preferences for humanism or scholasticism, preferences which have long been thought to be steadfast.

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