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La revolución de las letras rojas: ¿Y si Jesús realmente quiso decir lo que dijo?

by Shane Claiborne

Para todos los cristianos que se hallan en conflicto entre las palabras de Jesús y la realidad de sus propias vidas, y para todos los no cristianos que sienten que muy ocasionalmente se ven los mandamientos de Jesús reflejados en las elecciones que hacen sus seguidores, La revolución de las letras rojas constituirá una guía para un nuevo tipo de cristiandad, conscientemente centrado en las palabras de Jesús que aparecen en las «letras rojas» de la Biblia. Estructurado como un diálogo cautivante entre Shane Caiborne (un evangélico joven y progresista) y Tony Campolo (pastor experimentado y profesor de sociología), La revolución de las letras rojas constituye un manifiesto que cambiará la vida tanto de los escépticos como de los cristianos. Es un llamado a un estilo de vida que tiene en cuenta antes que nada, y por encima de todo, el mensaje explícito y liberador de Jesús referido como el amor sacrificial. Shane y Tony con total franqueza relacionan las palabras de Jesús con cuestiones contemporáneas como la violencia, la comunidad, el islam, el infierno, la sexualidad, la desobediencia civil y otros veinte tópicos más que resultan cruciales para las personas de fe que tienen conciencia hoy. Los diálogos resultantes revelan una sorprendente verdad: que los cristianos que se dejan guiar de manera inequívoca por las palabras de Jesús, con frecuencia llegan a conclusiones completamente opuestas a las de aquellos que forman la corriente principal del cristianismo evangélico. Si el Jesús que te habla a través de los evangelios no concuerda con la cultura cristiana que conoces, si alguna vez has deseado ponerte de pie y decir: «Te amo, Jesús, pero yo no soy así»,La revolución de las letras rojas te mostrará que no estás solo, y que puedes ser un cristiano de las «letras rojas» todo el tiempo. «Este libro, escrito por un cristiano de edad madura y otro joven, nos ayudará a definir la manera en que los cristianos podríamos cambiar el mundo si tomáramos literalmente y con seriedad las palabras de Jesús "escritas en rojo"». --Presidente Jimmy Carter «En La revolución de las letras rojas, a la verdad sin concesiones de las enseñanzas de Jesús le aportan su voz dos líderes cristianos de los tiempos modernos, que van más allá de predicar esas buenas nuevas. Ellos viven lo que predican y abren camino». --Arzobispo Desmond Tutu «Comencé a leer este libro y no pude parar... Gracias, Tony y Shane. Gracias por este libro. Que este movimiento se extienda por todo el mundo». --Albuna Elias Chacour, Obispo de la Iglesia Católica Melquita de Galilea «La revolución de las letras rojas es un coloquio con un sabor profético que hace que se eleve la adrenalina». --Eugene H. Peterson, autor de la Biblia The Message «No puedo enfatizar por demás ni exagerar en cuanto a la riqueza de este libro». --Phyllis Tickle, autora deEmergence Christianity «En este libro, valiente y bien escrito, tenemos un retorno al mensaje central del evangelio por parte de dos cristianos que primero intentaron vivirlo ellos mismos, y recién entonces hablaron». --Fr. Richard Rohr, O.F.M., Centro para la Acción y Contemplación «Shane Claiborne y Tony Campolo son dos de las voces proféticas más significativas del mundo cristiano».--Rabino Michael Lerner, editor de la revista Tikkun Magazine( «Si alguna vez has anhelado escuchar a hurtadillas una conversación entre dos de los cristianos más interesantes e inspiradores del mundo, solo tienes que ir a la página uno». --Brian C. Mclaren, autor y orador (

La revolución de los voluntarios: Desatando el poder de cada individuo

by Bill Hybels

Estamos viviendo un despertar espiritual sin precedentes, y al mismo tiempo, un incremento de la presión económica sobre los recursos de las iglesias locales. La solución descansa en los hombros de los voluntarios talentosos de Dios. ¡Y ellos están listos para el reto! Una vez entrenados, motivados e inspirados, estos voluntarios tomarán nuevos niveles de responsabilidad en la iglesia local, creando una revolución voluntaria que transformará iglesias y comunidades.

Revolución Moral: La verdad desnuda sobre la pureza sexual

by Kris Vallotton Jason Vallotton

La verdad desnuda sobre la pureza sexual La inocencia sobre la pureza sexual ha sido pervertida por el mundo y saboteada por fariseos religiosos. Con el tiempo, el embate de predadores sexuales y pornógrafos ha distorsionado la mentalidad de esta generación. Hay personas en todas partes que están luchando por ser liberadas de esta esclavitud. Revolución Moral es más que un libro es un manifiesto que reescribe los paradigmas sexuales de nuestro tiempo y libera al planeta para celebrar la virginidad, así como para restaurar el pacto de amor. ¡Este libro le estremecerá!

La revolución pacífica: Los cambios que el papa Francisco ha comenzado en la Iglesia Católica

by Mario Escobar

La agenda del nuevo Papa está cargada de cambios urgentes y necesarios para la Iglesia Católica. En este primer año se han producido algunos de esas transformaciones. ¿Cuáles son esos cambios y cómo se han producido? ¿Qué cambios quedan aún por realizar? En La revolución pacífica se exploran estas preguntas y más.Las reformas del papa Francisco están destinadas a la democratización de la institución, dejando más poder de decisión a los cardenales y fomentando la transparencia, para que los casos de corrupción salgan a la luz.El papa Francisco está comprometido a construir una Iglesia Católica más humilde, que sirva de ejemplo a los gobernantes del mundo no es tarea fácil, por eso veremos algunos avances del Papa en este sentido.In this first year, the catholic church has seen some of these transformations. What are these changes and how they are produced? What changes are yet to be realized?In La revolución pacífica Mario Escobar explores these questions and more.Pope Francis reforms are aimed at the democratization of the institution, leaving more power of decision to the Cardinals and promoting transparency, so that cases of corruption come to light.Pope Francis is committed to build a more humble Catholic Church to serve as an example for the world leaders, is no an easy task, so we will see some progress of the Pope in this regard.

Revolution: An Urgent Call to a Holy Uprising

by Prof. Michael L. Brown

A revolution of repentance by the power of the Holy Spirit is needed in the church to bring renewal to a hurting nation. After reading Revolution you will understand what a biblical revolution looks like and how to implement it, starting within your own heart, and going outward from there. This book is not a call to the violent overthrow of the government, nor is it a call to take up arms, nor is it a call to political activism in and of itself. It is a call to something far more extreme, a call to live out the gospel with all its radical claims, a call for the people of God to impact this generation with the prophetic message of repentance, a call to spark the most sweeping counterculture movement in our nation&’s history, a call to take back the moral high ground that has been stolen from under our feet, a call to follow Jesus by life or by death. Revolution answers such questions as: What is the role of the Christian and the church during these tumultuous times?How are we to respond to the racial upheaval happening in our nation?What is the church&’s role in healing the divide in our fractured, divided country? Dr. Brown turns up the volume in this call to God&’s remnant people to pray, repent, and act according to the teachings of Jesus--who is calling us to holy revolution.

Revolution: Effective Campus and Personal Evangelism (Student Leadership University Study Guide)

by Jay Strack

For over 20 years, Dr. Jay Strack has been working with young Christian leaders throughout the U.S. and teaching them have a better understanding of God's Word and His calling in their lives. The topics chosen for the Student Leadership University Study Guide Series represent part of the teaching model that Dr. Strack has developed over the years and address tough questions that young people are asking today.

Revolution: The Bible for Teen Guys

by Zondervan

NIV Revolution equips you to be a revolutionary---living your faith on the edge, challenging things that need to be challenged, discovering new possibilities, and helping others to discover them as well. Like no other Bible you have ever read, NIV Revolution is for today's teenage guy going toe-to-toe with a hard-hitting world. God knows all about this world---he is the authority when it comes to understanding relationships, communication, sex, parents, popularity, peer pressure, drugs, divorce, and everything else teenagers face. He also knows what makes you tick, loves you more than you can ever imagine, and wants you to experience a life of purpose, power, and impact. This Bible strengthens you and hones your spiritual revolutionary edge: 'Battlelines' show you how other teen guys deal with relationships, sex, drug abuse, and other real-life issues; 'Match-Ups' pit the good guys against the bad guys of the Bible to uncover winning---and losing---approaches to life; 'Challenge Notes' dare you to reach for everything God wants you to be. And there's plenty more---enough to help you make a kingdom-difference in the world around you. Fill your hands with Revolution. It will open your eyes, strengthen your courage, and guide you like a compass toward a life worth living. NIV 2011. The New International Version (NIV) translation of the Bible is the world's most popular modern-English Bible---easy to understand, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages.

Revolution Devotional

by Livingstone Corporation

If you want to be part of a revolution, this book is a great place to start. You can make a difference—in the world, in your town, in your school, in your life. The Revolution Devotionalhelps you understand and develop character traits that will turn you into a revolutionary for God. No boring reading here—instead it’s fast-paced and fun. Each day you’ll read a verse of the Bible, then a short devotional about the character in that verse. There’s additional Scripture for you to read if you want, plus a hilarious list relating to the day’s topic. For example, on the topic of being different from the crowd, you might get this list: Seven Ways to Be Really Different There’s different…and there’s really different. Here are seven ways to achieve the latter status: • Color your eyebrows with purple Magic Marker®. • Insist that people call you “Butterscotch.” • Wear bumper stickers on the back of your coat. • Declare yourself a “meat-arian” and argue for vegetable rights. • Talk only in Dr. Seuss rhymes. • At the lunch table, do play-by-play commentary for a game going on in your imagination. • Randomly blurt out the phrase, “Now that’s what I’m talking about”—even when no one is talking.

A Revolution in Generosity: Transforming Stewards to be Rich Toward God

by Wesley K. Willmer

"Give over $100 today and get this personalized state-of-the-art fountain pen free!" "Become a gold sponsor and your name wll be featured on our exclusive Wall of Fame!" "Send in your donation by December 31st and enjoy the benefits of giving on your next tax return!" Who hasn't heard fundraising gimmicks like these? Or, who hasn't used these gimmicks on others?As Wes Willmer writes, generosity is the natural outcome of God's transforming work in individuals when they are conformed to the image of Christ. Fundraising and giving are not simply drops in the bucket. Capital campaigns and raising funds go deeper than the money. They are spiritual activities in becoming more like Christ.A Revolution in Generosity is a work by some of the best scholars and practitioners on the subject of funding Christian organizations. As Willmer writes, "The foundation for realizing a revolution in generosity is understanding the biblical view of possessions, generosity, and asking for resources." With over twenty expert contributors, this book is a must-read for organizations striving to rid themselves of secular, asking practices and gain an eternal approach.

A Revolution in Generosity: Transforming Stewards to be Rich Toward God

by Wesley K. Willmer

"Give over $100 today and get this personalized state-of-the-art fountain pen free!" "Become a gold sponsor and your name wll be featured on our exclusive Wall of Fame!" "Send in your donation by December 31st and enjoy the benefits of giving on your next tax return!" Who hasn't heard fundraising gimmicks like these? Or, who hasn't used these gimmicks on others?As Wes Willmer writes, generosity is the natural outcome of God's transforming work in individuals when they are conformed to the image of Christ. Fundraising and giving are not simply drops in the bucket. Capital campaigns and raising funds go deeper than the money. They are spiritual activities in becoming more like Christ.A Revolution in Generosity is a work by some of the best scholars and practitioners on the subject of funding Christian organizations. As Willmer writes, "The foundation for realizing a revolution in generosity is understanding the biblical view of possessions, generosity, and asking for resources." With over twenty expert contributors, this book is a must-read for organizations striving to rid themselves of secular, asking practices and gain an eternal approach.

A Revolution in Type: Gender and the Making of the American Yiddish Press

by Ayelet Brinn

A fascinating glimpse into the complex and often unexpected ways that women and ideas about women shaped widely read Jewish newspapersBetween the 1880s and 1920s, Yiddish-language newspapers rose from obscurity to become successful institutions integral to American Jewish life. During this period, Yiddish-speaking immigrants came to view newspapers as indispensable parts of their daily lives. For many Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, acclimating to America became inextricably intertwined with becoming a devoted reader of the Yiddish periodical press, as the newspapers and their staffs became a fusion of friends, religious and political authorities, tour guides, matchmakers, and social welfare agencies.In A Revolution in Type, Ayelet Brinn argues that women were central to the emergence of the Yiddish press as a powerful, influential force in American Jewish culture. Through rhetorical debates about women readers and writers, the producers of the Yiddish press explored how to transform their newspapers to reach a large, diverse audience. The seemingly peripheral status of women’s columns and other newspaper features supposedly aimed at a female audience—but in reality, read with great interest by male and female readers alike—meant that editors and publishers often used these articles as testing grounds for the types of content their newspapers should encompass. The book explores the discovery of previously unknown work by female writers in the Yiddish press, whose contributions most often appeared without attribution; it also examines the work of men who wrote under women’s names in order to break into the press. Brinn shows that instead of framing issues of gender as marginal, we must view them as central to understanding how the American Yiddish press developed into the influential, complex, and diverse publication field it eventually became.

Revolution In World Missions: One Man's Journey To Change A Generation

by K. P. Yohannan

Step into the story of missionary statesman K. P. Yohannan and experience the world through his eyes. You will hang on every word - from the villages of India to the shores of Europe and North America. Watch out: His passion is contagious!

Revolution in World Missions

by K. P. Yohannan

In this exciting and fast-moving narrative Dr. Yohannan shares how God brought him from his remote Indian village to become the founder of Gospel for asia.

Revolution in World Missions

by K. P. Yohannan

K.P. Yohannan, the author of Revolution in World Missions, was barefoot until the age of 16. In this exciting and fast-moving narrative, the author shares how God brought him from his remote jungle village to become the founder of Gospel for Asia, which now supports 7,000 plus native missionaries in ten Asian states. He describes the trial and successes in doing missionary work and in forming this missionary organization that dedicates itself to proclaiming Christ to the indigenous people of the Third World. K.P. Yohannan emphasizes the importance of having native people who live in Asia proclaim the Gospel to people who do not as yet believe in the message of Jesus Christ. Finally, the author answers questions about his organization and explains to people in the West how they can support GFA.

Revolution of Values: Reclaiming Public Faith for the Common Good

by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

The religious Right taught America to misread the Bible.

Revolution Within: A Fresh Look at Supernatural Living

by Dwight Edwards

"One of the fundamental misunderstandings the first-century world had in regard to Jesus was that He had come to stir up an outward, political revolution. Dwight Edwards reminds us in his powerful book that the revolution, like the kingdom, is essentially within--that Jesus is still a King whose kingdom is the heart."--Michael Card, recording artist and author of A Violent GraceWhat Actually Happened When You Came to Christ?Because of what God has done for every believer, you actually possess outlandish treasures you may never have dreamed existed. God has made "New Covenant" promises to each of us. And in fulfillment of those promises, He has placed within every believer four revolutionary provisions: a new purity, a new disposition, a new identity, and a new power.These lavish supernatural resources permanently reside within your soul right now--ready for release every day of your life on earth! Revolution Within shows what these four provisions really are and how to release them, so you can experience all the best God has for you. And when you do, you fulfill your God-given purpose in life. Because God doesn't want us just to be spiritually whole but to be spiritually provocative. As you tap into this vibrant eternal reality, you'll experience fresh intimacy with God, new liberty, a deepened sense of community with other believers, and a new capacity for ministry. And through it all you'll grow in your passion for what God Himself is most passionate about: His glory.

Revolutionary (Anomaly #3)

by Krista Mcgee

Back in the hands ofthe State, Thalli is caught in a horrible game of power--with consequences reachingfurther than she ever imagined.After several months aboveground, Thalli had almostforgotten what living in the State was like. Programmed to be without emotionsor curiosity, she was always an anomaly there. Too emotional. Too curious.Citizens of the State should behave exactly the way the Scientists designedthem to behave: work in their assigned fields, maintain productivity.Thalli's entire genetically engineered generation has beeneradicated by a scientocracy that believes human life is expendable. Now a pawnin a mad game of manipulation, held hostage, and tortured in the name of theState, Thalli can barely summon the strength to hope that the future ofhumanity could be any better.She clings to her new faith in the Designer. But when shediscovers that even the few villages aboveground are in danger of Statedomination, that fragile faith begins to crumble.As Thalli, Berk, and Alex make plans to overthrow the evilDr. Loudin, a chilling secret explains why they have been left alive at all . .. a personal secret that will haunt Thalli forever. And as she struggles withthis new truth, she also struggles with decisions of the heart.Can the State's expansion be stopped? Or will humanity--aboveand below the surface--be irreparably damaged? Thalli is faced with a purposeboth overwhelming and undeniable: to assume the role of a Revolutionary."McGee's versatility as an author really shines with thislatest offering . . ." (on Anomaly)"Anomalygrabs the reader and refuses to let go . . . One is never completely sure whatis fact and what is a horrifying virtual reality. This is sure to be a favoriteof teens everywhere." --Heather Burch, author of the critically acclaimedHalflings Series

Revolutionary Demonology

by Gruppo di Nun

An anthology of occult resistance: unpredictable and fascinating, at times hallucinatory, sullying politics, philosophy, cybertheory, religion, and music.The End Times are here. The Digital Middle Ages approaches, the plague reaps its deadly harvest, climate apocalypse is around the corner, and fanaticism, fascism, and madness are rampant. The idea that we might gain the upper hand over the dark abyss into which the planet is tumbling is a form of magical thinking, laboring under the delusion that we can subdue eternity with relentless bloodlust, brutish exploitation, abuse of power, and violence. Revolutionary Demonology responds to this ritual of control, typical of what esoteric tradition calls the &“Dogma of the Right Hand,&” by reactivating the occult forces of a Left Hand Path that strives for the entropic disintegration of all creation, so as to make peace with the darkness and nourish the Great Beast that will finally break the seals of Cosmic Love. Unpredictable and fascinating, genuinely bizarre, at times hallucinatory, sullying politics, philosophy, cybertheory, religion, and music alike with its fevered touch, this &“anthology of occult resistance&” collects together the communiqués of an arcane group who are already being hailed as the first morbid blossoming of &“Italian Weird Theory&”: a rogue contingent of theorists, witches, and sorcerers who heretically remix gothic accelerationism with satanic occultism and insurrectional necromancy.

A Revolutionary Faith: Liberation Theology Between Public Religion and Public Reason (Cultural Memory in the Present)

by Raúl E. Zegarra

Religious commitments can be a powerful engine for progressive social change, and in this new book, Raúl E. Zegarra examines the process of articulation of religious beliefs and political concerns that takes place in religious organizing and activism. Focusing on the example of Latin American liberation theology and the work of Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez, Zegarra shows how liberation theology advocates have been able to produce a new balance between faith and politics that advances an agenda of progressive social change without reducing politics to faith or faith to politics. Drawing from theologian David Tracy's method of critical correlation, the book focuses on key historical, philosophical, and theological shifts that have allowed liberation theologians to produce a new interpretation of the relationship between faith and politics in the Christian tradition, especially when issues of social justice are at stake. The book further approaches liberation theology's contributions to theorizing social justice through an unconventional path: a critical dialogue with the work of philosopher John Rawls. This dialogue, as Zegarra contends, allows us to see more clearly the contributions of liberation theology to the cause of progressive social change. Ultimately the book stands between "public religion" and "public reason," offering something of a blueprint for theological innovation and for how to remain committed to one's faith while respecting and defending the core values of democracy.

Revolutionary Iran and the United States: Low-intensity Conflict in the Persian Gulf (US Foreign Policy and Conflict in the Islamic World)

by Joseph J. Marie Shahdad Naghshpour

A unique and major contribution to the scholarly and policy debate on American foreign and economic policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran. A volume that will be of interest to scholars and policy makers who struggle to understand the complex rivalry between these two nations and wish to analyze the Iranian/American relationship since 1979. Authors frame the conflicted relationship between Iran and the United States as a low intensity conflict, embodying elements of superpower gamesmanship, insurgent tactics and economic warfare. Revolutionary Iran and the United States is unique in its approach by exploring how diplomatic, military, and economic weapons are employed to bolster each nation's strategic and tactical advantage. This analysis encompasses the political, military, and economic facets of the rivalry.

Revolutionary Kingdom: Following the Rebel Jesus (Revolutionary Kingdom)

by Mike Slaughter Karen Perry Smith

What exactly is a disciple, and how will we know if we have made one? There are three core values that a disciple embodies: undiluted devotion to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, a Kingdom of God worldview, and a missional lifestyle. In Revolutionary Kingdom: Following the Rebel Jesus, author and Pastor Mike Slaughter explores why we must exchange comfortable cultural worldviews and values for the radical requirements of living out the Kingdom of God on Planet Earth. When God’s people get serious about this call, it’s revolutionary. Jesus himself was the most radical revolutionary who ever lived and provided us a vision of a kingdom worth dying for. Welcome to the revolution! Additional components for a six-week study include a DVD featuring Mike Slaughter and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

Revolutionary Kingdom Leader Guide: Following the Rebel Jesus (Revolutionary Kingdom)

by Mike Slaughter Karen Perry Smith

What exactly is a disciple, and how will we know if we have made one? There are three core values that a disciple embodies: undiluted devotion to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, a Kingdom of God worldview, and a missional lifestyle. In Revolutionary Kingdom: Following the Rebel Jesus, author and Pastor Mike Slaughter explores why we must exchange comfortable cultural worldviews and values for the radical requirements of living out the Kingdom of God on Planet Earth. When God’s people get serious about this call, it’s revolutionary. Jesus himself was the most radical revolutionary who ever lived and provided us a vision of a kingdom worth dying for. Welcome to the revolution! The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study including session plans, activities, and discussion questions, as well as multiple format options.

The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi: British Feminist, Indian Nationalist, Buddhist Nun

by Vicki Mackenzie

A fascinating biography of Freda Bedi, an English woman who broke all the rules of gender, race, and religious background to become both a revolutionary in the fight for Indian independence and then a Buddhist icon.She was the first Western woman to become a Tibetan Buddhist nun—but that pioneering ordination was really just one in a life full of revolutionary acts. Freda Bedi (1911–1977) broke the rules of gender, race, and religion—in many cases before it was thought that the rules were ready to be challenged. She was at various times a force in the struggle for Indian independence, spiritual seeker, scholar, professor, journalist, author, social worker, wife, and mother of four children. She counted among her friends, colleagues, and teachers Mohandas Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and many others. She was a woman of spiritual focus and compassion who was also not without contradictions. Vicki Mackenzie gives a nuanced view of Bedi and of the forces that shaped and motivated this complex and compelling figure.

Revolutionary Parenting: What the Research Shows Really Works

by George Barna

George Barna researched the lives of thriving adult Christians and discovered the essential steps their parents took to shape their spiritual lives in childhood.

Revolutionary Parenting Workbook: How to Raise Spiritual Champions

by George Barna Karen Lee-Thorp

Revolutionary Parenting (Tyndale) was developed from a landmark study of Christian twenty-somethings and the parents who raised them. In this groundbreaking release, author George Barna shared how these fathers and mothers created a lasting legacy of faith in their children.The Revolutionary Parenting Workbook was created to move parents from insight to application. This guide is designed to help any parent raise spiritual champions that will love and serve God into adulthood. Far from a formulaic approach, the workbook and DVD allows readers to create a unique plan for their child.

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