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The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose

by Matthew Kelly

Do you ever feel that if you weren't so busy you would be happier, healthier, more effective, more fulfilled... and maybe even a better person? Once every twenty-five years or so, a book comes along that perfectly identifies our common search and struggle for happiness, and teaches us how to find lasting fulfillment in a changing world. This is that book. Not since M. Scott Peck published The Road Less Traveled have we experienced a voice as refreshing and authentic as Matthew Kelly's. The Rhythm of Life will help you to bring into focus who you are and why you are here. Through this book Matthew Kelly will help you discover your legitimate needs, deepest desires, and unique talents. He will introduce you to the-best-version-of-yourself and lead you to a life filled with passion and purpose. Here are just a few of the timeless creeds that he presents in The Rhythm of Life... "You were born to become the-best-version-of-yourself. This is your essential purpose. Embrace this one solitary truth and it will change your life more than anything you have ever learned. In every situation, ask yourself, Which of the options before me will help me become the-best-version-of-myself?" "Everything is a choice. This is life's greatest truth and its hardest lesson. It is a great truth because it reminds us of our power. Not power over others, but the power to be ourselves and to live the life we have imagined. It is a hard lesson because it causes us to realize that we have chosen the life we are living right now." "The measure of your life will be the measure of your courage. Courage animates us, brings us to life, and makes everything else possible. Fear stops more people from doing something with their lives than lack of ability, contacts, resources, or any other single variable. Fear paralyzes the human spirit. Life takes courage." "Energy is our most valuable resource, not time. The rhythm of life is a way of life that brings our legitimate needs, our deepest desires, and our unique talents into harmony with each other. The result: passion, purpose, and energy." Kelly has a way of thinking and writing that cuts through the stifling clutter of our everyday lives and delivers a clarity that is both refreshing and liberating.

A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal

by Amena Brown Barbara Brown Taylor Lisa Sharon Harper

For the weary, the angry, the anxious, and the hopeful, this collection of moving, tender prayers offers rest, joyful resistance, and a call to act, written by Barbara Brown Taylor, Amena Brown, Nadia Bolz-Weber, and other artists and thinkers, curated by the author Glennon Doyle calls &“my favorite faith writer.&” It&’s no secret that we are overworked, overpressured, and edging burnout. Unsurprisingly, this fact is as old as time—and that&’s why we see so many prayer circles within a multitude of church traditions. These gatherings are a trusted space where people seek help, hope, and peace, energized by God and one another. This book, curated by acclaimed author Sarah Bessey, celebrates and honors that prayerful tradition in a literary form. A companion for all who feel the immense joys and challenges of the journey of faith, this collection of prayers says it all aloud, giving readers permission to recognize the weight of all they carry. These writings also offer a broadened imagination of hope—of what can be restored and made new. Each prayer is an original piece of writing, with new essays by Sarah Bessey throughout. Encompassing the full breadth of the emotional landscape, these deeply tender yet subversive prayers give readers an intimate look at the diverse language and shapes of prayer.

The Rhythm of Secrets: A Novel

by Patti Laci

From 1940s New Orleans to late 1960s Chicago, this is a tale of secrets, betrayal, and a love that can never be lost.

The Rhythm of the Christian Life: Recapturing the Joy of Life Together

by Brian J. Wright

Discover Life as God IntendedHurried and exhausted, we are looking for a better way to manage all the demands in our lives. We think that if we could simply learn to balance everything, we would be happier. But our problem isn’t balance.What we actually need is to rediscover the rhythm.God has created a pulse for our lives, and for centuries Christians lived into that intentional rhythm, one that has been all but lost today. In this book, Wright invites us to find true joy and wholeness as we embrace the two core realities that every person experiences in life: •moments alone: times of solitude when we are with God alone •moments together: times of intentional fellowship with othersIn our efforts to maximize our time, we often set unrealistic expectations for our “quiet time” and our social relationships. The result is a failure to hear the ancient rhythm that shows how these dimensions of our lives should complement each other.Embracing the rhythm of the Christian life, and living it wholeheartedly, is the task of all believers, not just some of us. As Christians, our whole life consists of loving God and loving others— just like Jesus did. Explore The Rhythm of Christian Life and recapture the joy of life as God always intended.

Rhythms for Life: Spiritual Practices for Who God Made You to Be

by Alastair Sterne

Who are you becoming? And how will you get there? Spiritual transformation is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Each of us has a particular identity, gifts, values, roles, and purpose. Thus we each need distinct spiritual rhythms that are designed to help us live out that vocation and calling. In this practical book Alastair Sterne shows how we can craft a life of more intentionality, becoming Christlike in ways that fit who we are. First we discover who God made us to be, in all our distinctiveness. Then we enter into spiritual practices that flow out of that particular sense of identity, with fourfold rhythms that point us upward to God, inward to self, withward in community, and outward in mission. Our vocation is our identity uniquely lived out before God, bringing our being and doing together. You can live a life that is more aligned with who you are meant to be. Discover spiritual rhythms that move at the pace of grace, and align you with your unique identity and calling in Christ.

Rhythms of Grace: How the Church's Worship Tells the Story of the Gospel

by Mike Cosper

Is it singing? A church service? All of life? Helping Christians think more theologically about the nature of true worship, Rhythms of Grace shows how the gospel is all about worship and worship is all about the gospel. Mike Cosper ultimately answers the question: What is worship?

Rhythms of Grace: Discovering God’s Tempo for Your Life

by Kerri Weems Christine Caine

Life is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. These well-known words of wisdom remind us to pace ourselves in the journey of life so we reach the finish line with no regrets. Pacing yourself is not as easy as it sounds. Life tends to take on a pace of its own which when left unchecked, will drive us toward burnout and fatigue. We can easily become driven by care, worry, and ambition rather than led by the Holy Spirit. We may tend to think of burnout as a modern problem, but we can see that people in Jesus’ day felt their own kind of spiritual and emotional fatigue. Why else would Jesus have said these comforting words? Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly (Matt. 11:28-30; The Message). Even though he spoke these words more than two millennia ago, Jesus’ call to rest and peace seem tailor-made to fit this generation. Author Kerri Weems had let the pace and rhythm of her life get out of control. At first the consequences were only physical, but they quickly impacted her spiritual life. Since then, God has been teaching her to walk in time with him; he is teaching her to be led rather than driven. In this book, she opens up her life and shares this journey with the reader. God’s best for each of us is that we go the full distance of our race, and not just crawl exhausted across the finish line. God wants us to enjoy the race and cross the line with our heads held high, a smile on our faces, and our arms lifted in a double fist-punch! Getting to that moment is all about learning the rhythms of grace and pacing ourselves for the long run.

Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose

by Rebekah Lyons

Daily struggles with anxiety and stress make it difficult to receive God's peace. Rhythms of Renewal will help you trade your anxiety for the vibrant life you were meant to live through four profound rhythms: rest, restore, connect, and create. With encouraging stories and practical steps, Rebekah Lyons will help you begin an intentional, lifelong journey toward sustained emotional, relational, and spiritual health.Rhythms of Renewal is your guide to daily rescue and a way forward into the peace your soul longs for. As a society, we are in the throes of a collective panic attack. Anxiety and loneliness are on the rise, with 77% of our population experiencing physical symptoms of stress on a regular basis. We feel pressure chasing careers, security, and keeping up. We worry about health, politics, and many other complexities we can't control. Eventually we find our minds spinning, trying to cope or manage a low hum of anxiety, unlike ever before. But it doesn't have to stay this way. Rebekah draws from her own battle with depression and anxiety and shares a pathway to establish four life-giving rhythms that quiet inner chaos and make room for a flourishing life. By taking time to rest, restore, connect, and create, you will discover how to: Take charge of your emotional health and inspire your loved ones to do the sameOvercome anxiety by establishing daily habits that keep you mentally and physically strongFind joy through restored relationships in your family and communityWalk in confidence with the unique gifts you have to offer the world

Rhythms of Renewal Study Guide: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose

by Rebekah Lyons

Find freedom from stress and anxiety.Daily struggles with anxiety and stress make it difficult to receive God’s peace. In Rhythms of Renewal, beloved author Rebekah Lyons draws from her own battle with depression and anxiety and shares a pathway to establish four life-giving rhythms modeled by Jesus that quiet inner chaos and make room for a flourishing life.With heartening stories, research and practical steps to take action, Rebekah charts a path through four profound rhythms to cultivate the vibrant life you were meant to live. By taking time to rest, restore, connect, and create, you will discover how to:Take charge of your emotional health and inspire your loved ones to do the sameOvercome anxiety by establishing daily habits that keep you mentally and physically strongFind joy through restored relationships in your family and communityWalk in confidence with the unique gifts you have to offer the worldThe Rhythms of Renewal Study Guide includes video notes, discussion questions, and between-sessions exercises to help you practice each of the rhythms and see how Jesus modeled these rhythms himself.Sessions include:Living in RhythmRestRestoreConnectCreateDesigned for use with the Rhythms of Renewal Video Study (9780310098874), sold separately. Streaming video also available.

Rhythms of Worship: The Planning and Purpose of Liturgy

by John G. Stevens Michael Waschevski

There are many books written for liturgical experts, but not many for laypeople. This book bridges that gap. In clear, everyday language, Waschevski and Stevens describe why Protestants worship and help to equip worship planners and leaders for excellence in their tasks. The authors explore the different elements of the worship service and how each expresses our Christ-centered faith. They also describe the feasts and festivals of the liturgical year, helping the reader understand and appreciate these special times and seasons in worship. An additional chapter considers music and arts in worship. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter invite discussion in local congregations. This book will be a valuable resource for pastors, worship committees, members, and all others who engage in worship planning and leadership.

The Ri-me Philosophy of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great: A Study of the Buddhist Lineages of Tibet

by Ringu Tulku

This compelling study of the Ri-me movement and of the major Buddhist lineages of Tibet is comprehensive and accessible. It includes an introduction to the history and philosophy of the Ri-me movement; a biography of the movement's leader, the meditation master and philosopher known as Jamgön Kongtrul the Great; helpful summaries of the eight lineages' practice-and-study systems, which point out the different emphases of the schools; an explanation of the most hotly disputed concepts; and an overview of the old and new tantras.Jamgön Kongtrul the Great (1813-1899) is a giant in Tibetan history, renowned for his scholarly and meditative achievements, but also for his energetic yet evenhanded work to unify and strengthen the different lineages of Buddhism. The Ri-me movement, led by Kongtrul and several other leading scholars of the time, was a unifying effort to cut through interscholastic divisions and disputes that were occurring between the different lineages. These leaders sought appreciation of the differences and acknowledgment of the importance of variety in benefiting practitioners with different needs. The Ri-me teachers also took great care that the teachings and practices of the different schools and lineages, and their unique styles, did not become confused with one another. This lucid survey of the Ri-me movement will be of interest to serious scholars and practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism.

The Rice Seedling Sutra: Buddha's Teachings on Dependent Arising

by Yeshe Thabkhe

One of Tibet&’s great scholars presents the Buddha&’s profound teachings on the laws of karma and dependent arising.In the Rice Seedling Sutra, the Buddha unpacks the law of cause and effect. He notes how in the natural world, a seed becomes a sprout, which produces a flower, which bears fruit. A seed has no intention to sprout; when the right conditions are assembled the fruit arises. Similarly, when our senses encounter an object, a sense consciousness arises naturally, without our intending it. This, says the Buddha, is also how karma works and how actions performed out of ignorance create suffering, whether we want it or not. And this same law of causality also governs enlightenment—when the right conditions are assembled, awakening is assured. In many sutras like this one, the Buddha explains that to understand his Dharma is to understand dependent arising. Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe explores dependent arising, and the corollary teaching of emptiness, through this sutra and others. Commenting on the works of Indian masters such as Shantaraksita, he shows how belief in a creator god is incompatible with dependent arising, and by illuminating the teachings of Nagarjuna and Chandrakirti, he shows how we do—and do not—exist. Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe was among the last generation of scholars to be trained in Tibet before the Chinese occupation. He has been teaching Westerners for decades, having worked with top scholars in the United States, and he is especially familiar with this sutra, having translated the commentary by Kamalasila into Hindi. Here his deep familiarity, combined with his extensive command of the Buddhist scriptures, allows him to present the Buddha&’s words in a rich and authoritative context.

Ricevi il Tuo Miracolo

by Valeria Bragante Bernard Levine

Descrizione del libro: Questo libro è un libro emozionante che vi renderà molto felici quando comincerete a scoprire i segreti della vita, della felicità e del successo. Siate sinceri con voi stessi e seguite il vostro cuore. Lasciate che i miracoli che desiderate, inizino ad apparire nella vostra vita!

The Rich and the Pure: Philanthropy and the Making of Christian Society in Early Byzantium (Transformation of the Classical Heritage #62)

by Daniel Caner

A portrait of history’s first complex Christian society as seen through the lens of Christian philanthropy and gift giving As the Roman Empire broke down in western Europe, its prosperity moved decisively eastward, to what is now known as the Byzantine Empire. Here was born history’s first truly affluent, multifaceted Christian society. One of the ideals used to unite the diverse millions of people living in this vast realm was the Christianized ideal of philanthrōpia. In this sweeping cultural and social history, Daniel Caner shows how philanthropy required living up to Jesus’s injunction to "Give to all who ask of you," by offering mercy and/or material aid to every human being, regardless of their origin or status. Caner shows how Christian philanthropy became articulated through distinct religious ideals of giving that helped define proper social relations among the rich, the poor, and "the pure" (Christian holy people), resulting in new and enduring social expectations. In tracking the evolution of Christian giving over three centuries, he brings to the fore the concerns of the peoples of Early Byzantium, from the countryside to the lower levels of urban society to the imperial elites, as well as the hierarchical relationships that arose among them. The Rich and the Pure offers nothing less than a portrait of the whole of early Byzantine society.

A Rich Brew: How Cafés Created Modern Jewish Culture

by Shachar M Pinsker

Finalist, 2018 National Jewish Book Award for Modern Jewish Thought and Experience, presented by the Jewish Book CouncilWinner, 2019 Jordan Schnitzer Book Award, in the Jewish Literature and Linguistics Category, given by the Association for Jewish StudiesA fascinating glimpse into the world of the coffeehouse and its role in shaping modern Jewish cultureUnlike the synagogue, the house of study, the community center, or the Jewish deli, the café is rarely considered a Jewish space. Yet, coffeehouses profoundly influenced the creation of modern Jewish culture from the mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries. With roots stemming from the Ottoman Empire, the coffeehouse and its drinks gained increasing popularity in Europe. The “otherness,” and the mix of the national and transnational characteristics of the coffeehouse perhaps explains why many of these cafés were owned by Jews, why Jews became their most devoted habitués, and how cafés acquired associations with Jewishness. Examining the convergence of cafés, their urban milieu, and Jewish creativity, Shachar M. Pinsker argues that cafés anchored a silk road of modern Jewish culture. He uncovers a network of interconnected cafés that were central to the modern Jewish experience in a time of migration and urbanization, from Odessa, Warsaw, Vienna, and Berlin to New York City and Tel Aviv. A Rich Brew explores the Jewish culture created in these social spaces, drawing on a vivid collection of newspaper articles, memoirs, archival documents, photographs, caricatures, and artwork, as well as stories, novels, and poems in many languages set in cafés. Pinsker shows how Jewish modernity was born in the café, nourished, and sent out into the world by way of print, politics, literature, art, and theater. What was experienced and created in the space of the coffeehouse touched thousands who read, saw, and imbibed a modern culture that redefined what it meant to be a Jew in the world.

Rich Brother, Rich Sister: Two Different Paths to God, Money and Happiness

by Robert T. Kiyosaki Emi Kiyosaki

Together, then apart, then together again, as a brother and a sister discover the riches of life. Rich Brother Rich Sister combines the inspirational, true life stories of Robert Kiyosaki and his sister Emi Kiyosaki (Venerable Tenzin Kacho) into a book that will reaffirm your belief in the power of purpose, the importance of action, and the ability to overcome obstacles in a quest for a rich life. In 1962, the United States detonated an atomic bomb ten miles off the coast of Christmas Island in the South Pacific. From that moment, two people, born of the same parents into the same household with the same childhood experiences, found themselves on distinctly different paths toward God, money, and happiness. Robert became a world-famous entrepreneur, author, and teacher of all things financial. Emi became a highly devout Buddhist nun, author, and teacher of all things spiritual. Their lives took them from the Big Island of Hawaii to Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam, to the hippie communes in Haight-Ashbury and to a monastery in India, to private encounters with Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller, to a seat at the foot of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and ultimately back together again. Robert faced death in war, and Emi faced it in the form of cancer. They took risks, made mistakes, learned life's lessons, and found their own truths. They discovered the peace, the happiness, and the wealth that come through living the lives they were meant to live, the way they were meant to live them. This book will inspire you along your own life's journey as you search for your own truths, purpose, and path to wealth - both financial and spiritual - to achieve all the riches of life that were meant for you. . . and for us all.

Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity (Fifth Edition)

by Ronald Sider

Do you want to make a true difference in the world? Dr. Ron Sider does. He has, since before he first published Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger in 1978. Despite a dramatic reduction in world hunger since then, 34,000 children still die daily of starvation and preventable disease, and 1.3 billion people, worldwide, remain in abject poverty. So, the professor of theology went back to re-examine the issues by twenty-first century standards. Finding that Conservatives blame morally reprehensible individual choices, and Liberals blame constrictive social and economic policy, Dr. Sider finds himself agreeing with both sides. In this new look at an age-old problem, he offers not only a detailed explanation of the causes, but also a comprehensive series of practical solutions, in the hopes that Christians like him will choose to make a difference.

Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger

by Ronald J. Sider

Do you want to make a true difference in the world? Dr. Ron Sider does. He has, since before he first published Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger in 1978. Despite a dramatic reduction in world hunger since then, 34,000 children still die daily of starvation and preventable disease, and 1.3 billion people, worldwide, remain in abject poverty. So, the professor of theology went back to re-examine the issues by twenty-first century standards. Finding that Conservatives blame morally reprehensible individual choices, and Liberals blame constrictive social and economic policy, Dr. Sider finds himself agreeing with both sides. In this new look at an age-old problem, he offers not only a detailed explanation of the causes, but also a comprehensive series of practical solutions, in the hopes that Christians like him will choose to make a difference.

Rich Church, Poor Church: Keys to Effective Financial Ministry

by J. Clif Christopher

Does your church have the necessary funds to do ministry? In Dr. Clif Christopher's nearly forty years in ministry as a pastor and President of Horizons Stewardship Company, he has witnessed the financial stewardship practices of thousands of churches. A few have exceptional records in acquiring and managing the necessary funds for mission and ministry, but the vast majority struggle every year to get by. In this important new work made even more relevant by our economic times, Christopher contrasts the traits of the most productive congregations with those who perennially fail to secure the funds to perform transformational ministry. Some churches practice the necessary financial habits that form the foundation of successful ministry, and others waste valuable resources and undermine ministry opportunities. Through Christopher's insight born out of years of experience and consultation, readers can assess the financial condition of their own churches.

The Rich Heritage of Quakerism

by Walter Williams

In this book, which was first published in 1962, Walter R. Williams presents a picture of the courage, faith, devotion, and sacrifice that have been displayed throughout the history of Quakerism. Biographical sketches of Quaker leaders challenge the reader to Christian integrity and selfless service. The principles of Quakerism and their influence on society are evident in this carefully researched history of the movement.

Rich in Every Way

by Gene Getz

Our relationship to our possessions -- few topics are more timely for today's blessed Christians . . . or more neglected. Yet author Gene Getz tells readers that the Bible says more about the things we own than any other subject except the Godhead. His thorough exploration of biblical history reveals overarching "supraprinciples" of ownership that apply to all people everywhere, then and now. Getz shows how Christians can resist the deadly tendency towards selfishness inherent in today's culture and how to use their possessions as effective tools for witness and spiritual growth. Avoiding both the extreme of "selling all and giving to the poor" and the greed-centered "prosperity gospel," he explains the biblical attitude toward possessions: a releasing of "this is mine" view of our possessions and allowing God's gifts to flow through our hands to meet human needs, demonstrating His love to an unbelieving world.

Rich in Love

by Lissa Halls Johnson Irene Garcia

One Step of Obedience Led to Thousands Irene and Domingo Garcia began their married lives at sixteen, already expecting a baby. Their first ten years together included Domingo's alcoholism and abuse, and Irene's desperate prayers for answers. Then a miracle happened: Domingo pleaded for forgiveness. As God healed their marriage, Irene and Domingo adopted a little girl. And a new season began for an imperfect couple who were willing to say yes to each other and to God. Over the past forty-five years, the Garcias have birthed, fostered, or adopted thirty-two children. Their story holds difficult endings as well as promising new beginnings. Above all, their story reminds us what can happen when ordinary people submit to God's call. Rich in Love is about a family cemented in hope. About a need to love the orphan. And about a God who never, ever gives up.

Rich in the Things That Count the Most

by James W. Moore

While we may or may not be wealthy when it comes to material things, James W. Moore says, every one of us can be rich in the things that count the most. True happiness, fulfillment, and wealth come from knowing that God is with us, and from being grateful for all of the blessings God has given us. Through Scripture and compelling stories of faith, Moore invites us to explore the real riches in our lives, those things "that will last and endure, that won't rust or corrode or become boring or go out of style." Each chapter of the book features a key passage of Scripture and focuses on a key theme. A study guide is included. Chapter titles include "Rich in the Scriptures"; "Rich in Soul"; "Rich in Church"; "Rich in the Power of Life-Changing Words"; "Rich in Christian Freedom"; "Rich in Gratitude"; "Rich in Generosity"; "Rich in Friendship"; "Rich in Real Life"; "Rich in 'Because Of' Faith"; "Rich in Mind, Body, and Spirit"; "Rich in the Risen Christ"; "Rich in Easter Faith"; and "Rich in Commitment to Christ." JAMES W. MOORE, popular speaker and preacher, is the author of Yes, Lord, I Have Sinned, But I Have Several Excellent Excuses; God Was Here and I Was Out to Lunch; When Grief Breaks Your Heart; There's a Hole in Your Soul That Only God Can Fill; and many other books. He and his wife, June, live in Fairview, Texas.

A Rich Man for Dry Creek & A Hero for Dry Creek (Dry Creek Series Books #4 and #5)

by Janet Tronstad

A Rich Man for Dry Creek All Robert Buckwalter wanted was a woman who'd love him for himself, not his money. Maybe a little town in Montana was just the place to find her--and maybe feisty Jenny Black was just the woman to show him what true wealth really was. . . . A Hero for Dry Creek: Garrett Hamilton didn't see himself a hero-- or even a man worthy of a good woman's love. But Nicki Redfern, the lovely rancher he'd been sent to protect, was making him wonder if he'd somehow found everything he wasn't even looking for. . . .

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