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Showing 63,726 through 63,750 of 82,508 results

Rompa con el ciclo del divorcio: Cómo puede tener éxito su matrimonio, aunque el de sus padres haya fracasado

by John Trent

Las estadísticas indican que si sus padres están divorciados, es más probable que usted llegue a divorciarse en comparación con alguien que viene de una familia "intacta". John Trent, autor y también hijo de divorciados, ha enfrentado los mismos temores y se ha hecho las mismas preguntas que usted probablemente ha enfrentado, y en este libro ofrece explicaciones del porqué los hijos adultos de un divorcio tienden a repetir los errores de sus padres. Él presenta además un plan para confrontar esos temores, hacer cambios razonables y realistas y obtener la ayuda que necesita.

Rompa el poder de los espíritus familiares/Breaking the Power of Familiar Spirits: Cómo lidiar con conspiraciones demoniacas

by Kimberly Daniels

Derrote al enemigo desconocido en su casa Sea que los haya heredado, les haya dado la bienvenida, se haya amistado con ellos o les haya rendido homenaje, los espíritus demoniacos se pueden volver tan familiares que usted no note que están allí. Operan encubiertos bajo elementos de nuestra vida cotidiana, dándole al enemigo puntos de acceso a nuestro hogar. La verdad es que los espíritus familiares podrían ser la fuente de los problemas que usted está enfrentando. Muchas de las razones por las que la gente pasa por batallas en su vida están conectadas con el lado oscuro. Usted quizá nunca experimente manifestaciones dramáticas de la influencia del enemigo, pero la actividad sutil puede ser igual de dañina. Estos espíritus familiares podrían finalmente desviarlo de llegar a ser todo lo que Dios quiere que usted sea. Es suficiente. Cuando se trata del enemigo, es tiempo de dejar de ocultarlo y comenzar a echarlo fuera. Rompa el poder de los espíritus familiares destaca las influencias malignas que se introducen a hurtadillas por una puerta lateral. Descubra cómo el enemigo ha hecho su residencia en su casa y cómo ha provocado obstáculos y caos en su vida. Venga en contra de todo espíritu que ate la mente o que ciegue la mente, y derrótelos por medio del poder de Dios.

Rompa la maldición: Libérese de la esclavitud de los pecados generacionales

by Bob Larson

¡SEA LIBRE Y SIGA LIBRE! ¿Bendiciones o maldiciones? Usted tiene un papel que desempeñar y una decisión que tomar. En este libro, Bob Larson muestra cómo romper toda maldición sobre su vida y transmitir la herencia de bendición para las generaciones futuras. · ¿Son reales las maldiciones ? · ¿Pueden los cristianos heredar maldiciones generacionales? · ¿Existe una relación entre el pecado y la esclavitud? ¡Jesucristo vino a romper el poder del pecado en su vida, ¡esto incluye el poder de las maldiciones! Rompa la maldición lo capacita para: · Identificar y romper maldiciones en su vida, su familia, y sobre sus hijos · Caminar en constante victoria sobre las estrategias del enemigo · Utilizar las armas de las Escrituras y la oración para superar maldiciones que afectan sus emociones, finanzas, salud y relación con Dios A través de dinámicas historias personales, enseñanza bíblica sin concesiones, y oraciones poderosas, usted aprenderá la clave para romper maldiciones y caminar en la libertad espiritual.

Rompedores de barreras: Encienda su fe y destruya las obras del enemigo que rodean su vida

by Hank Kunneman

¡Usted nació para tener éxito en la vida! Descubra lo que lo aguanta de salir adelante en la vida hacia un mundo victorioso donde &“hay más que suficiente&”. Desarrollar un espíritu de brecha es la clave para superar todas las barreras que se le presenten por delante, ya sea por retos económicos, limitaciones físicas, problemas familiares, estrés emocional, preocupaciones profesionales o ¡usted mismo! Romper las barreras es una fase que requiere acción, lo que quiere decir que puede hacer algo para mejorar su vida y circunstancias. La Palabra Viva mora en usted, posee el mismo Espíritu que sana al enfermo, le da poder al débil y conoce la valentía. Aprenderá cómo:· ¡Verse como Dios lo ve!· Reconocer y destruir las obras de enemigo.· Abrazar el poder y la capacidad sobrenatural a través de Jesús.· Encender su fe, estimular su espíritu y tomar su lugar como ¡rompedor de barreras!Escoja ser un rompedor de barreras así como a entrar al destino sobrenatural diseñado por Dios exclusivamente para usted.

Rompere le Barriere

by Rev John Clark Mayden Jr.

Rompere le barriere: 31 Chiavi per sperimentare la pace interiore è una risorsa devozionale di attualità che mira a fornire al lettore le chiavi spirituali per aiutarle a superare le barriere comuni che impediscono loro di sperimentare la pace interiore. Queste chiavi hanno lo scopo di aiutare il lettore a sbloccare la porta della pace interiore e ad andare avanti nella vita e si liberano dai solchi della tristezza, della frustrazione e del tumulto interiore. Come risultato di sperimentare la pace, il lettore viene rilasciato per diventare la persona che Dio vuole che siano e raggiungere lo scopo che Dio ha per la loro vita.

Rompere le infermita generazionali

by Ionica Monticelli Gabriel Agbo

Questo libro aprirà gli occhi alle conseguenze di tutte le nostre azioni ai nostri destini e ai nostri figli; anche quelli ancora nati. L'oggetto delle maledizioni è stato a lungo trascurato, e abbiamo ritenuto necessario esporli. Cominciamo entrando nelle Scritture per conoscere esattamente ciò che Dio ha da dire su di loro, su come operano e come possiamo essere liberi da loro. Le maledizioni generazionali sono così importanti che Dio li ha inclusi nella tabella dei Dieci Comandamenti. È un fatto che molti, compresi i cristiani di oggi, soffrono sotto le conseguenze di disobbedire ai comandamenti e alle aspettative di Dio. Tanti sono legati dal nemico con strumenti di schiavitù invisibili e non identificabili. In questo studio ci verrà insegnato come rompere queste catene originarie del nemico. Esploriamo più in profondità in aree come l'idolatria (compreso Halloween), l'immoralità, il tradimento, il furto, l'omicidio, ecc. Credo che mentre leggete questo libro e esplorerai le sue verità, vi sarà un tentativo di esaminare il proprio sé e fare sforzi deliberati di vivere una vita santa, se non per il tuo sé, almeno per il bene dei tuoi figli e delle generazioni ancora nati. Dio ti benedica mentre leghi questo libro e ti chiedo di leggerlo con un cuore aperto e con la mente che la tua comprensione potrebbe essere affilata a ciò che è veramente intorno a te.

Rompiendo Ataduras Familiares

by Michelle D. Cook-Hall

Existe una verdadera epidemia en nuestra sociedad que mantiene a las personas oprimidas dentro de los muros de su propia mente. Su vida puede cambiar completamente en un momento, por un pensamiento negativo recurrente. Las palabras pronunciadas sobre tu vida como niño pueden afectar tu vida ahora. Rompiendo Ataduras Familiares explorará el poder de las palabras sobre su vida y lo que puede hacer para ser libre. Ser libre de cumplir su propósito y seguir sus sueños. Puedes liberarse de la esclavitud de maldiciones tácitas y habladas sobre su vida. La libertad es un derecho y no es inalcanzable. Rompiendo Ataduras Familiares, va de manera descriptiva por diferentes etapas de la vida que pueden desencadenar ataduras negativas. Al terminar este libro, descubrirá las herramientas necesarias para ver caer las paredes.

Rompiendo las Barreras: Venciendo la adversidad y alcanzando tu máximo potencial

by Jason Frenn

In a world filled with dysfunction, futility, and confusion, people are looking for meaning and significance. They want to break through the barriers holding them back. BREAKING THE BARRIERS offers three foundational pillars to equip readers for overcoming the most difficult obstacles in their lives. These three pillars teach readers how to: -Take on the character of God the Father -Take on the wisdom of the Son -Take on the discipline of the Spirit. Through dynamic stories of people who have overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, and the powerful example of the author who has overcome great adversity in his own life, this book shows readers that God is on their side and desires for them to fulfill the dreams and purposes he has placed in their hearts.

Rompiendo las Barreras: Desbloqueando las claves de la paz interior.


Rompiendo las Barreras: Desbloqueando las claves de la paz interior, es recurso tópico y religioso es el primero de tres series de volúmenes con el objeto de proveer al lector con las claves espirituales para ayudarlos a sobreponerse a las barreras comunes que los impiden de experimentar la paz interior. Esas claves están dirigidas a ayudar al lector a desbloquear la puerta de la paz interior y avanzar en la vida y desatascarse de los golpes de la tristeza, frustración y la confusión interior. Como resultado de experimentar la paz interior, el lector es liberado para convertirse en la persona que Dios quiere que ellos sean y consigan el propósito que Dios tiene para sus vidas.

Rompiendo los límites: En pos de una nueva dimensión espiritual

by Edwin Santiago

A través de las páginas de este libro, el Rvdo. Edwin Santiago transita con el lector el camino hacia una nueva dimensión espiritual, donde el único límite es nuestra fe. Un lugar donde solo podrán ingresar aquellos que acepten el desafío de romper los límites que el mundo intentó estipular sobre su vida. Sus palabras de fe y unción lo guiarán a un nivel superior, donde las limitaciones físicas, emocionales y espirituales serán quebradas para de esa manera poder acceder a los lugares que Dios ha preparado para todo aquel que se anime a creer.

The Rook (The Bowers Files, Book #2)

by Steven James

An arsonist has struck a top-secret research facility at a key US naval base. But it's not just a random terrorist attack. These people were after something specific. When Special Agent Patrick Bowers is called in to investigate, he is drawn into a deadly web of intrigue and deception. With his own criminology research being turned against him and one of the world's most deadly devices missing, Bowers is caught up in a race against time to stop an international assassin before it's too late.Full of fast-paced action and mind-bending plot twists, The Rook is an adrenaline-laced page-turner that will keep readers up all night. Book 2 in the Bowers Files, this riveting look into the criminal mind is the perfect follow-up to James's well-reviewed The Pawn.

Rookie K-9 Unit Christmas: Surviving Christmas\Holiday High Alert

by Lenora Worth Valerie Hansen

K-9 HOLIDAY RESCUE Surviving Christmas by Valerie Hansen When single dad Sean Murray returns from a war zone and discovers someone is following him, he turns to his old friend K-9 officer Zoe Trent for help. But as the threat escalates, can Zoe and her police dog find whoever is menacing Sean and his son...and make sure this Christmas isn't their last? Holiday High Alert by Lenora Worth After a cryptic note appears in the playground at Josie Callahan's daycare center, rookie K-9 officer Dalton West vows to protect Josie and the kids she loves-especially his daughter, Maisy. And with a stalker closing in, the widower and his four-legged partner are all that stand between Josie and a deadly Christmas.

Rookie K-9 Unit Collection Volume 1: An Anthology (Rookie K-9 Unit)

by Terri Reed Lenora Worth Dana Mentink

Love Inspired Suspense authors Terri Reed, Lenora Worth and Dana Mentink bring spine tingling tales of a class of rookie K-9 cops and their loyal dogs chasing down a killer. Enjoy three juicy Rookie K-9 Unit romantic suspense novels in one box set!A murder rocks a K-9 training class, and a rookie officer must keep the prime suspect safe without falling for her as they work to find the killer.An army medic and a single mom, K-9 trainee work together to take down a drug ring and keep her baby out of the crossfire.A reporter will stop at nothing for a story, but when she gets too close to a killer, a rookie officer will have to make sure she doesn’t end up in the obituaries.This box set includes:PROTECT AND SERVE BY TERRI REEDTRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES BY LENORA WORTHSEEK AND FIND BY DANA MENTINKLook for more Rookie K-9 Unit books sold separately:HONOR AND DEFEND BY LYNETTE EASONSECRETS AND LIES BY SHIRLEE MCCOYSEARCH AND RESCUE BY VALERIE HANSENROOKIE K-9 UNIT CHRISTMAS BY VALERIE HANSEN AND LENORA WORTH

Rookie K-9 Unit Collection Volume 2: Surviving Christmas Holiday High Alert A Killer Christmas Yuletide Stalking (Rookie K-9 Unit)

by Lynette Eason Shirlee McCoy Valerie Hansen

Love Inspired Suspense authors Lynette Eason, Shirlee McCoy and Valerie Hansen bring spine tingling tales of a class of rookie K-9 cops and their loyal dogs chasing down a killer. Enjoy three juicy Rookie K-9 Unit romantic suspense novels in one box set!An ex-con framed for a crime he didn’t commit reunites with his former love, a K-9 cop, to keep her safe as a killer hunts them.Attacked in her classroom, a pregnant teacher will have to trust her K-9 cop rescuer with her and her baby’s life, but can she trust him with her secrets?The new K-9 chief of police must defend his daughter from a killer with the help of a K-9 trainer who is quickly stealing his heart. This box set includes:HONOR AND DEFEND BY LYNETTE EASONSECRETS AND LIES BY SHIRLEE MCCOYSEARCH AND RESCUE BY VALERIE HANSENLook for more Rookie K-9 Unit books sold separately:PROTECT AND SERVE BY TERRI REEDTRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES BY LENORA WORTHSEEK AND FIND BY DANA MENTINKROOKIE K-9 UNIT CHRISTMAS BY VALERIE HANSEN AND LENORA WORTH

Rookie Mistakes: A Grown-Up's Field Guide for Getting Your Act Together

by Kelly Bandas

In her highly anticipated nonfiction debut, comedian Kelly Bandas uses her trademark humor to recount stories of growing up and becoming a semifunctional adult in a dysfunctional world.Raised in a devoutly Catholic home, Kelly Bandas spent her entire childhood trying hard not to tick off &“the man&” or the Lord. And for the most part, she crushed it. But as she got older and began to navigate what it looked like to truly live in a world where gender roles, race, and politics weren&’t always so black and white, Kelly realized that her former worldview was beginning to feel like that pair of Forever 21 jeans that used to glide effortlessly over her hips but now required a lot of stretching and acrobatic maneuvering to shimmy into place. And she&’s not alone. In Rookie Mistakes, Kelly shares stories of growing up in a church-centered, male-dominated society and how those experiences shaped and primed her for a new chapter of life. In this debut collection of essays, Kelly shares:Funny, fast-paced, and uplifting stories Encouragement for women who are tired of feeling like they will never measure up—and kind of don&’t want to anywayInspiration to find your voice, your power, and your people Kelly shares everything from laugh-out-loud accounts of Oregon Trail-themed first kisses to heartfelt insights gleaned from navigating life as a Christian feminist doing her best not to screw up being a parent of a child with a disability, in a trans-racial family.Rookie Mistakes is the call-to-action millennial women everywhere have been waiting for.

The Rookie's Assignment (Fitzgerald Bay)

by Valerie Hansen

Law enforcement in Fitzgerald Bay is full of Fitzgeralds, from the chief of police to brand-new detective Keira Fitzgerald. Are they tampering with a murder investigation to protect one of their own? Internal affairs detective Nick Delfino is sent undercover to investigate the powerful clan. Yet the deeper he digs, the more Nick comes to admire the Fitzgeralds...especially his rookie partner, Keira. When a killer targets Nick, can he maintain his cover, catch his attacker and protect Keira while the looming danger closes in?

Room 23: Surviving a Brain Hemorrhage

by Kavita Basi

Kavita Basi had a wonderful life—a job she enjoyed, a wonderful family, and seemingly perfect health. Then an unexpected event took place and turned her entire world upside down. In Room 23, Basi chronicles her time suffering from a subarachnoid hemorrhage—bleeding in the area of the skull surrounding the brain. With this diagnosis, Basi went from being healthy and happy to battling a condition with a 50 percent mortality rate. Following her challenging journey through near death and recovery, this memoir takes an exciting, interactive approach, using QR codes within the chapters so readers can transport themselves to the timeline of what Basi was doing at each moment of her experience, either linking to an Instagram post or video blog—bringing her struggles, and ultimate triumph, alive. 10% of profits will be donated to the Brain & Spine Foundation .

Room at the Inn for Christmas

by Mary Connealy

Welcome to Heywood, Oregon where three lost women find healing, hope and love under the bright light of the town's old Star Inn this Christmas season.Amanda Star's father always wanted her to come into the family business, and run the majestic old Star Inn with him but she had bigger plans. She's a high-powered executive in the multi-national Halston hotel chain. One more promotion--which she expects to get by Christmas--will make her the youngest vice president in Halston history and she's got her sights set on the CEO job. Then she inherits the Star Inn. With no time to be away from her job, she impatiently rushes home to list the beautiful old bed and breakfast for sale. Now that she's here she's swamped with sweet memories and keen regret. Her father has made the inn a safe haven where weary travelers can get away from their hectic lives, and Amanda, working 10-hour days and living on coffee and antacids, desperately needs that safe haven.As Amanda struggles against the lure of home, she also is reunited with an old classmate: Anthony Carter, a handyman with a guarded heart. Hurt before by a woman who saw his contentment and pleasure in building and living on his own land as a lack of ambition, Cart reluctantly finds himself drawn to a woman who wants so much more than a man with callused hands and sawdust in his hair. A woman who came home for Christmas and badly needs to stay. With the help of Angel Rafferty, the front desk clerk and a lifelong friend of Amanda's parents, can Cart help Amanda realize the hospitality industry is far more than spreadsheets and bottom lines in time for Christmas?

A Room Called Remember

by Frederick Buechner

A Room Called Remember brings together some of Buechner's finest writings on faith, love, and the power of words in the form of essays, addresses, and sermons. Here Buechner explores autobiography as theology, offers exhilarating reflections on biblical passages, and leads us into the "room called Remember," that "still room within us all where the past lives on as part of the present,...where with patience, with clarity, with quietness of heart, we remember consciously to remember the lives we have lived."

Room for a Little One: A Christmas Tale

by Martin Waddell

On Christmas Eve all are welcome at the stable. On Christmas Eve all are welcome because there's always room for a little one. That cold winter's night, beneath the star's light ... a Little One came for the world.

Room for Doubt: How Uncertainty Can Deepen Your Faith

by Ben Young

Many people have questions about faith. Ben Young knows what it’s like to feel as if you’re alone in your doubts. In Room for Doubt, Ben offers: An honest look at hard questions about God, the Bible, and faithExamples of spiritual giants in Scripture and history who doubtedInsight into how to process uncertainty, suffering, and disappointment with GodClarity on the difference between uncertainty and mysteryEncouragement about how doubt and faith go together Ben invites you to let doubt become your ally, rather than your enemy. Discover how your questions can lead to a deeper, richer faith.

Room for Hope: A Novel

by Kim Vogel Sawyer

In a desperate time, can Neva find forgiveness for a grievous wrong--and make room for hope? Neva Shilling has a heavy load of responsibility while her husband travels to neighboring communities and sells items from his wagon. In his absence, she faithfully runs the Shilling Mercantile, working to keep their business strong as the Depression takes its toll, and caring for their twins. When a wagon pulls up after supper, Neva and her children rush out--and into the presence of the deputy driving a wagon carrying three young children. The deputy shocks her with the news that Warren and his wife have died, insisting it was their last request that the three children go live with "Aunt Neva." Neva's heart is shattered as she realizes that Warren's month-long travels were excuses for visits with his secret family. She wants nothing more than to forget Warren, but can she abandon these innocent children to an orphanage? Yet if she takes them in, will she ever be able to see them as more than evidence of her husband's betrayal and love them the way God does?From the Trade Paperback edition.

Room for One More

by Monique Polak

For twelve-year-old Rosetta Wolfson, the war in Europe seems very far off from her home in Canada. Then Mr. Schwartzberg comes to tea and asks Rosetta's parents if they will take in a young war refugee. Isaac joins the family and becomes a ready-made brother to Rosetta and her two sisters. Isaac's arrival brings change. Her best friend's handsome brother doesn't seem as attractive after he reveals himself as anti-Semitic, and Rosetta begins to suspect her friend may agree with him. As Rosetta and Isaac become friends and he shares his story with her, she helps him learn the fate of other family members and helps him shape a promising future in his new country.

Room for the Baby

by Michelle Edwards Jana Christy

UH-OH!What's a family to do when there's a baby on the way but no place to put a crib?The big brother-to-be is worried. His mom does have a sewing room, but its every nook and cranny is stuffed with cast-off items and outgrown clothes that people have given her to recycle and reuse--some day. Now that day has come--because the new arrival will need someplace to sleep and something to wear. So the resourceful mom gets to work, making new clothes from old to outfit the baby-to-be.Inspired by her creativity, the neighbors get involved, and soon everyone is stitching and knitting something. As the months go by and the family celebrates the Jewish holidays from Passover to Hanukkah, big brother helps his mom get ready, too. But things move slowly and he continues to worry: will there ever be room for the baby?

Room for the Baby: Read & Listen Edition

by Michelle Edwards

UH-OH! What's a family to do when there's a baby on the way but no place to put a crib? The big brother-to-be is worried. His mom does have a sewing room, but its every nook and cranny is stuffed with cast-off items and outgrown clothes that people have given her to recycle and reuse—some day. Now that day has come—because the new arrival will need someplace to sleep and something to wear. So the resourceful mom gets to work, making new clothes from old to outfit the baby-to-be. Inspired by her creativity, the neighbors get involved, and soon everyone is stitching and knitting something. As the months go by and the family celebrates the Jewish holidays from Passover to Hanukkah, big brother helps his mom get ready, too. But things move slowly and he continues to worry: will there ever be room for the baby?This Read & Listen edition contains audio narration.

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