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SE: Dekker 2 in 1 (Obsessed & Three)

by Ted Dekker

Three: Enter a world where nothing is what it seems. Where your closest friend could be your greatest enemy. Kevin Parson is driving his car late one summer day when, suddenly, his cell phone rings. A man who identifies himself as Slater speaks in a breathy voice: You have exactly three minutes to confess your sin to the world. Refuse, and the car you're driving will blow sky high. Kevin panics. Who would make such a call? What sin? Kevin ditches the car. Precisely three minutes later, a massive explosion sets his world on a collision course with madness. From the #1 best-selling fiction author comes a powerful story of good, evil, and all that lies between. Obsessed: A deadly tale of ultimate obsession. Stephen Friedman is making a good living in good times. He's just an ordinary guy. Or so he thinks. But one day an extraordinary piece of information tells him differently. It's a clue from the grave of a Holocaust survivor. A clue that makes him heir to an incredible fortune...a clue that only he and one other man can possibly understand. That man is Roth Braun, a serial killer who has been waiting for Stephen for thirty years. Roth was stopped once before. This time nothing will get in his way. Known worldwide for page-turning, adrenaline-laced thrillers, Dekker raises the stakes in this story of passion, revenge, and an all-consuming obsession for the ultimate treasure.

SE: God's Promises for Your Every Need

by A. L. Gill Jack Countryman

No matter what your situation, God has a promise for you!Life is tough, and when you're faced with challenges or in need of encouragement, the best place to go is to God's Word. But sometimes it's difficult to know where to look. God's Promises for Your Every Need topically arranges crucial scriptures for every student of the Word to seek out in the ups and downs of life. Over 15 million copies have been sold in the God's Promises line.

SE: Yada Yada Prayer Group, Yada Yada Gets Down

by Neta Jackson

A 2 in 1 collection of Yada Yada Prayer books authored by Neta Jackson.

SE: Traveling Light, Next Door Savior, Come Thirsty

by Max Lucado

Water for the thirsty, rest for the weary, and a friend for the lonely. Three books in one, bringing you closer to the Savior.In Come Thirsty, Max Lucado encourages you to visit the well and drink deeply, to receive Christ's work on the cross, the energy of his Spirit, and his lordship over your life, and his unending, unfailing love.Using the illustration of weary travelers in Traveling Light, Lucado invites us to release the burdens of our excess baggage that we were never intended to bear--with the Twenty-third Psalm as our guide.In Next Door Savior, master storyteller Max Lucado presents the life of Jesus Christ in stunning contrast, revealing the irresistible human qualities and the undeniably divine characteristics of Jesus. Lucado describes, as only he can, a Savior who is as approachable as a next-door neighbor, yet mighty enough to save humanity.

¿Se acabará el mundo en el 2012?

by Raymond Hundley

En ¿Se acabará el mundo en el 2012?, el doctor Raymond Hundley da una evaluación práctica de las diez teorías apocalípticas más preeminentes que han causado la histeria de 2012.En el primer milenio después del nacimiento de Cristo, abrigado por las montañas de América Central y México, el pueblo maya contemplaba las estrellas y calculaba los días, los meses, los años y aun el futuro. Su calendario, el más complicado que cualquier otro que el mundo haya conocido, predijo un fin repentino del tiempo el 21 de diciembre de 2012. El futuro que predijeron está ahora alcanzándonos."Han habido 149 predicciones apocalípticas entre el 44d.C. y 2009", dice el Dr. Raymond Hundley. ¿Pero ocurrirá realmente esta última predicción?En este emocionante, balanceado y bien documentado libro, el autor evalúa las diez teorías apocalípticas máspreeminentes dadas como prueba del fin del mundo y ofrece una respuesta sorprendente a la pregunta que todo el mundo se formula. Su conocimiento y sus entendimientos profundos inducen a conclusiones convincentes... y el llamado emotivo a toda lahumanidad a mirar hacia Cristo en busca de claridad y paz.

Sé hombre: El modelo de que Dios diseñó

by Mark Batterson

En algún punto de nuestro camino, nuestra cultura perdió su definición de hombría, dejando a generaciones de hombres y de niños camino a ser varones confundidos en cuanto a sus roles, responsabilidades, relaciones y la razón por la cual Dios los hizo tales. Es en esta «tierra de nadie» que el exitoso autor del New York Times, Mark Batterson, expresa su mantra para la hombría: Sé hombre.

Sé las manos y los pies de Cristo

by Nick Vujicic

#Si Dios puede usar un hombre que no tiene brazos ni piernas para que sea sus manos y sus pies, ¡ciertamente él usará cualquier corazón que esté dispuesto a dejarse usar!# ¿Estás listo para 'ser Jesús' en las vidas de otros? ¡Ahora es el tiempo de comenzar!-Nick Vujicic Siendo uno de los principales evangelistas del mundo, que ha logrado superar una discapacidad física severa, Nick comprende los sentimientos de duda y ha aprendido cómo compartir de Cristo de muchas maneras que te harán sentir cómodo y satisfecho. Al contar historias nunca antes reveladas sobre su vida personal #incluyendo sus retos espirituales y experiencias al borde de la muerte# Nick detalla ejemplos de la manera en que ha compartido su fe con los demás, desde familiares a desconocidos y hasta presidentes y primeros ministros. En este fascinante y conmovedor libro, nos ofrece ideas innovadoras para que puedas ayudar a otros a caminar en fe también

Se positivo en un mundo negativo

by Roger Campbell

Al combinar principios bíblicos con vivencias personales y ejemplos históricos, la obra de Campbell ofrece a los lectores cristianos una guía inspiradora para el crecimiento espiritual, y a los pastores, un recurso útil para la consejería. Combining biblically based principles with personal stories and historical examples, Campbell's work provides Christian readers with an encouraging guide to spiritual growth and pastors with a helpful resource for counseling.


by George Everett Foster

Published in 1885, this is the biography of famed Cherokee Indian, Se-Quo-Yah, the inventor of the Cherokee alphabet.

¡Se retiran todos los cargos!: Relatos devocionales desde la corte terrenal hasta el trono de la gracia, Tomo 1

by Haroldo Camacho

Tantos cargos, tan poco perdó n. Tanto miedo, tan poca confianza. Tantas cadenas, tan poca libertad. Tanta culpa, tan grande condenació n. Tan grandes y gruesos tomos de la ley, tan pocas pá ginas que conceden perdones. Esta era mi realidad cotidiana mientras trabajaba en los tribunales como inté rprete jurí dico certificado. Tú entrará s en los tribunales. Los relatos casi te hará n sentir que está s presente en la audiencia. Seguirá s procesos de divorcio, juicios por homicidio, niñ os que llegan a la correccional por ausentismo escolar, trá fico de drogas en la escuela, y asuntos má s graves.Todos estos relatos se convierten en trampolines para entrar en la suprema corte. Aquí todos debemos comparecer ante el tribunal de Dios. Y todas nuestras narraciones y relatos acaban aquí , porque comienza una nueva historia. No la nuestra, sino la de Otro, nuestro Sustituto, nuestro Abogado, nuestro Juez, todo en Uno, ¡ Jesucristo el Rey del perdó n!En este tribunal, el perdó n revierte los cargos. La confianza desecha todo temor. Todas las cadenas se desatan, porque la Palabra de absolució n rompe todos los grilletes: Tus pecados son perdonados es el hilo que enlaza todos los relatos de este devocional. La ley da paso al evangelio. Cada historia nos lleva desde los tribunales terrenales, donde mayormente escuchamos sentencia y condenas, hasta el trono celestial de la gracia. Aquí , el Juez del universo tiene solo una palabra: ¡ Perdonado!. Pero ¿ có mo? ¿ En virtud de cuá l ley? ¿ O en virtud de quié n? Verá s la respuesta claramente expuesta en cada uno de los relatos de ¡ Se retiran todos los cargos! Los pecadores perdonados se van totalmente libres ante esta asombrosa declaració n de gracia de parte del Juez del universo. Ante la Palabra de Dios, ¡ desaparece toda culpa!

¡Se Retiran Todos Los Cargos!: Relatos Devocionales Desde la Corte Terrenal Hasta el Trono de la Gracia, Tomo 2 (¡Se Retiran Todos Los Cargos! #2)

by Haroldo S Camacho

Se siente un profundo temor cuando uno es llamado a comparecer ante un juez. Aunque solo sea por una multa de trá nsito. Especialmente si uno comparece sin un abogado. ¿ Cuá l será la multa? ¿ Habrá una defensa? ¿ Me declaro culpable, o pido un juicio? Pero cuando comparecemos ante el tribunal de Dios, todo temor se disipa: ¡ se retiran todos los cargos! Pero ¿ es verdad realmente? Hemos hecho tantas cosas que estamos convencidos de que no tenemos perdó n. Pensamos: « Tal como no se puede confiar plenamente en el sistema judicial, tampoco se puede confiar plenamente en el perdó n de nuestros pecados» . Pero el martillo del juez interrumpe nuestros titubeos: « Por causa de Cristo, se retiran todos los cargos, no hay nada pendiente. ¡ El defendido queda perdonado! ¡ Para siempre!» .El segundo tomo de ¡ Se retiran todos los cargos! continú a el viaje desde la corte terrenal hasta el trono de la gracia de Dios, en tanto Haroldo Camacho nos muestra que cada pecador recibe un veredicto de inocente, ¡ sin importar cuá n culpable sea!

Se tú la diferencia: Tu guía para liberar a los esclavos y cambiar el mundo

by Zach Hunter

las cosas que ves en nuestro mundo que están mal. Mucha gente cree que el de mucho más que compartir con sus amigos y perder el tiempo. Pero Zach no es un adolescente promedio. Y él espera mostrarte que tú tampoco lo eres.

Sé un hacedor de círculos: La solución a 10,000 problemas

by Mark Batterson

Según el Pastor Mark Batterson en su libro El hacedor de círculos, trazar círculos de oración alrededor de nuestros sueños no es un simple mecanismo por medio del cual realizamos grandes cosas para Dios. Es un mecanismo por medio del cual, Dios realiza grandes cosas en nosotros.

Sé un hombre de fe inquebrantable

by Joel Osteen John Osteen

Durante sus 60 años como pastor, John Osteen combinó su extraordinario amor por la gente con una visión de ministerio que él describía mejor que nadie: "Sin límite". Esta edición no solo incluye parte de los sermones escritos por John, sino también un prefacio y comentarios de su hijo, Joel; los principios de esta fe "sin límites" vienen a acompañar a una nueva generación. Para esos momentos de luchas y tentaciones que todos enfrentamos, esos momentos en que nos sentimos rodeados y atacados, el mensaje de John es sumamente simple -esos son precisamente los momentos para una fe inquebrantable. En este libro, John enseña a los creyentes de hoy las siete cualidades de una fe inquebrantable:1. Escucha y observa lo que el mundo no puede ver ni escuchar. 2. Ora fervientemente aunque ya hayas conseguido una respuesta. 3. Es más firme cuando no hay señales de la respuesta. 4. Siempre dice: «¡Vamos de nuevo!». 5. Sigue adelante aunque las señales de respuesta sean mínimas. 6. Cree en grande aunque parezca poco. 7. Empieza de la nada y termina haciendo cosas impresionantes por Dios.

Sea auténtico

by James Macdonald

Actuar como cristiano y decir las palabras correctas conduce a veces a una piedad vacía. Si usted quiere vivir en plenitud, y ser verdaderamente bendecido, debe practicar las disciplinas de una fe genuina. Siga junto al pastor James MacDonald el camino hacia la Verdad para descubrir las disciplinas del estudio bíblico individual, la oración personal, el ayuno, el compañerismo y el servicio a Cristo.

The Sea Can Wash Away All Evils: Modern Marine Pollution and the Ancient Cathartic Ocean

by Kimberley Christine Patton

Kimberley Patton examines the environmental crises facing the world's oceans from the perspective of religious history. Much as the ancient Greeks believed, and Euripides wrote, that "the sea can wash away all evils," a wide range of cultures have sacralized the sea, trusting in its power to wash away what is dangerous, dirty, and morally contaminating. The sea makes life on land possible by keeping it "pure."Patton sets out to learn whether the treatment of the world's oceans by industrialized nations arises from the same faith in their infinite and regenerative qualities. Indeed, the sea's natural characteristics, such as its vast size and depth, chronic motion and chaos, seeming biotic inexhaustibility, and unique composition of powerful purifiers-salt and water-support a view of the sea as a "no place" capable of swallowing limitless amounts of waste. And despite evidence to the contrary, the idea that the oceans could be harmed by wasteful and reckless practices has been slow to take hold. Patton believes that environmental scientists and ecological advocates ignore this relationship at great cost. She bases her argument on three influential stories: Euripides' tragedy Iphigenia in Tauris; an Inuit myth about the wild and angry sea spirit Sedna who lives on the ocean floor with hair dirtied by human transgression; and a disturbing medieval Hindu tale of a lethal underwater mare. She also studies narratives in which the sea spits back its contents-sins, corpses, evidence of guilt long sequestered-suggesting that there are limits to the ocean's vast, salty heart. In these stories, the sea is either an agent of destruction or a giver of life, yet it is also treated as a passive receptacle. Combining a history of this ambivalence toward the world's oceans with a serious scientific analysis of modern marine pollution, Patton writes a compelling, cross-disciplinary study that couldn't be more urgent or timely.

Sea Creatures: Level 2 (I Can Read! #Level 2)

by Zondervan

These exciting photos and facts show children the wonders of God’s creation. Includes simple text perfect for level two readers. Titles include: Rainforest Creatures; Under the Sea; Birds of the Air; Bugs, Bugs, Bugs; Freezing Friends; and Creatures Down Under. Rainforest Creatures features unusual yet familiar animals like the sloth and the tree kangaroo and facts about their habitat. Under the Sea will feature facts about sea creatures such as the giant squid, baseball fish, and the blue-ringed octopus. Birds of the Air will include facts about flying friends like the macaw, toucan, flamingo, and yellow-bellied sapsucker. Bugs, Bugs, Bugs will tell about stinkbugs, dung beetles, killer bees, and more. Creatures Down Under will tell about the platypus, kookaburra, kangaroo, and crocodile and coral. Freezing Friends will focus on Polar bears, seal, penguin, and walrus. Farm Animal Babies will focus on familiar farm animal babies, their special names, and characteristics. Forest Animal Babies will focus on fun forest animal babies like raccoons, mountain lions, and baby birds and their special characteristics. Jungle Animal Babies will focus on fun jungle animal babies like monkeys, panthers, and baby birds and their special characteristics.

The Sea Keeper's Daughters (A Carolina Heirlooms Novel #3)

by Lisa Wingate

Good Reads' Review: "Whitney is an independent Michigan restaurant owner, whose father committed suicide when Whitney was a child, and whose mother died from cancer only a few years previously. When Whitney receives word that her elderly, estranged, step-father who lives in the Outer Banks of North Carolina has a medical emergency, she travels to North Carolina to check on him, and to evaluate the vintage 'Excelsior' (waterfront property) that she will inherit when he passes away. As a young girl, Whitney had spent many summers at the Excelsior, under the critical instruction of her paternal grandmother, Ziltha Benoit, of southern high society. Now, as her grandmother is gone and her mother and father are both dead, she longs to learn about her family--particularly about the high society members of her family. After finding three important treasures squirreled away in the Excelsior, she finds and reads numerous letters written to her grandmother Ziltha by Ziltha's twin sister: a relative that Whitney had never known about. The letters provide important clues to the meaning of the items she found at the Excelsior, and after she eventually publishes the letters (which the writer had requested) Whitney uncovers startling facts that she never anticipated about the dynamics in her own family." Through these discoveries, Whitney learns about and experiences grace, forgiveness, love, and compassion which enable her to develop different values and priorities.

Sea Libre Donde Esté: Una guía práctica para vivir con plena consciencia

by Thich Nhat Hanh

Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. This compendium of the core teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, based on a talk given at a prison, shows how mindfulness practice can cultivate freedom no matter where you are.

Sea libre donde esté

by Thich Nhat Hanh Sister Chan Khong

This is the Spanish language ebook of Be Free Where You Are. Based on talks Thich Nhat Hanh gave to prisoners at Maryland State Penitentiary. An enjoyable and accessible meditation guide covering essentials such as conscious breathing, sitting meditation, walking meditation, the practice of silence, and performing daily activities in mindfulness.

Sea of the Caliphs: The Mediterranean in the Medieval Islamic World

by Christophe Picard

Christophe Picard recounts the adventures of Muslim sailors who competed with Greek and Latin seamen for control of the 7th-century Mediterranean. By the time Christian powers took over trade routes in the 13th century, a Muslim identity that operated within, and in opposition to, Europe had been shaped by encounters across the sea of the caliphs.

Sea Prayer

by Khaled Hosseini

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERAn illustrated book on the refugee crisis that will break your heart in under 48 pages, from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and And the Mountains Echoed.&“Intensely moving. . . . Powerfully evocative of the plight in which displaced populations find themselves.&” —Kirkus, STARRED Review&“Hosseini's story, aimed at readers of all ages, does not dwell on nightmarish fates; instead, its emotional power flows from the love of a father for his son.&” —Publishers Weekly, STARRED BOX ReviewA short, powerful, illustrated book written by beloved novelist Khaled Hosseini in response to the current refugee crisis, Sea Prayer is composed in the form of a letter, from a father to his son, on the eve of their journey. Watching over his sleeping son, the father reflects on the dangerous sea-crossing that lies before them. It is also a vivid portrait of their life in Homs, Syria, before the war, and of that city's swift transformation from a home into a deadly war zone.Impelled to write this story by the haunting image of young Alan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed upon the beach in Turkey in September 2015, Hosseini hopes to pay tribute to the millions of families, like Kurdi's, who have been splintered and forced from home by war and persecution, and he will donate author proceeds from this book to the UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) and The Khaled Hosseini Foundation to help fund lifesaving relief efforts to help refugees around the globe.Khaled Hosseini is one of the most widely read writers in the world, with more than fifty-five million copies of his novels sold worldwide in more than seventy countries. Hosseini is also a Goodwill Envoy to the UNHCR, and the founder of The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, a nonprofit that provides humanitarian assistance to the people of

Sea to Shining Sea (The Journals of Corrie Belle Hollister Ser. #5)

by Michael Phillips

It's 1860, and tensions between the North and South threaten to escalate into full-scale war. Corrie Belle Hollister finds herself thrust into the political arena with her new reputation as "California's woman reporter." Due to her efforts in the previous presidential election which brought her to the attention of California's new Republican Party, the handsome political aide Cal Burton approaches Corrie to convince her that Lincoln--even the nation itself--depends upon the influence she can wield through her writing and speaking. Corrie is resolute in her belief that slavery is wrong, and that she should do what she can to help Lincoln get elected, but mounting conflict within the Hollister family, along with that of the nation at large, brings her to the realization that taking a stand sometimes means choosing sides...

The Seaboard Parish: A Sequel To Annals Of A Quiet Neighbourhood, ... (The Cullen Collection #9)

by George MacDonald

A portrait of a minister and his family. Second in the Scottish author&’s Marshmallows Trilogy following Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood. The publication in 1868 of this sequel to Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood capped off one of George MacDonald&’s most productive years with a third major fiction work following Robert Falconer and Guild Court. Set in the Cornwall seaside town of Bude and inspired by a MacDonald family holiday a few years earlier, this novel continues the leisurely pastoral pace of minister Harry Walton&’s family. Like Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood, it was first written for &“Sabbath reading&” in the Sunday Magazine. Almost taking the form of a &“family diary,&” A Seaboard Parish is yet rich with spiritual insight and wisdom.

Seagrass Pier: A Hope Beach Novel (The Hope Beach Series #3)

by Colleen Coble

In a secluded corner of Hope Beach, one woman must decipher a stranger's memories . . . before they cost her everything. Elin Summerall was one of the lucky ones. Not only did she get a heart transplant, but the donor was a perfect fit. A miraculously perfect fit. But when Elin begins having violent flashbacks--and vivid dreams of being strangled--she realizes that she has been the recipient of more than just a new heart . . . Elin is remembering her donor's murder. Her strange affliction has attracted some unwanted attention: from the press, from the authorities . . . and from the killer himself. Now, living alone with her young daughter and aging mother, Elin is being stalked--by a man she's only met in her nightmares. The police are dubious of her story, but one off-duty FBI agent agrees to help her: Agent Marc Everton. Now, in a remote cottage on Hope Island, Elin and Marc must probe the secrets buried in her borrowed heart. And there's no time to waste. One man is desperate to silence her--before she remembers too much.

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