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The Bhāgavata Purāna: Selected Readings

by Ravi Gupta Kenneth Valpey

Formalized by the tenth century, the expansive Bhagavata Purana resists easy categorization. While the narrative holds together as a coherent literary work, its language and expression compete with the best of Sanskrit poetry. The text's theological message focuses on devotion to Krishna or Vishnu, and its philosophical outlook is grounded in the classical traditions of Vedanta and Samkhya. No other Purana has inspired so much commentary, imitation, and derivation. The work has grown in vibrancy through centuries of performance, interpretation, worship, and debate and has guided the actions and meditations of elite intellectuals and everyday worshippers alike. This annotated translation and detailed analysis shows how one text can have such enduring appeal. Key selections from the Bhagavata Purana are faithfully translated, while all remaining sections of the Purana are concisely summarized, providing the reader with a continuous and comprehensive narrative. Detailed endnotes explain unfamiliar concepts and several essays elucidate the rich philosophical and religious debates found in the Sanskrit commentaries. Together with the multidisciplinary readings contained in the companion volume The Bhagavata Purana: Sacred Text and Living Tradition (Columbia, 2013), this book makes a central Hindu masterpiece more accessible to English-speaking audiences and more meaningful to scholars of Hindu literature, philosophy, and religion.

The Bhāgavata Purāna: Sacred Text and Living Tradition

by Kenneth Valpey Ravi Gupta

A vibrant example of living literature, the Bhagavata Purana is a versatile Hindu sacred text written in Sanskrit verse. Finding its present form by the tenth century C.E., the work inspired several major north Indian devotional (bhakti) traditions as well as schools of dance and drama, and continues to permeate popular Hindu art and ritual in both India and the diaspora. Introducing the Bhagavata Purana's key themes while also examining its extensive influence on Hindu thought and practice, this collection conducts the first multidimensional reading of the entire text. Each essay focuses on a key theme of the Bhagavata Purana and its subsequent presence in Hindu theology, performing arts, ritual recitation, and commentary. The authors consider the relationship between the sacred text and the divine image, the text's metaphysical and cosmological underpinnings, its shaping of Indian culture, and its ongoing relevance to contemporary Indian concerns.

Bhogte Tyachi Chuk: भोगतो त्याची चुक

by Dada Bhagwan

जो दुःख भोगतो त्याची चूक आणि जो सुख भोगतो ते त्याचे इनाम असते. पण भ्रांतीचा कायदा निमित्तास पकडतो. भगवंताचा कायदा हा खरा (रियल) कायदा, तो ज्याची चूक असेल त्यालाच पकडतो. तो कायदा तंतोतंत (अॅयक्झॅक्ट) आहे. व त्यात कोणी परिवर्तन करू शकणार असा नाहीच. जगात असा कुठलाच कायदा नाही जो कोणाला भोगयेला लावेल (दुःख देईल). जेंव्हा कधी आपल्याला आपल्या चुकीशिवाय भोगावे लागते, तेंव्हा हृदयास वेदना होतात आणि ते विचारत असतो - माझा काय अपराध आहे? मी काय चूक केली आहे? चूक कोणाची आहे? चोराची की ज्याचे चोरीला गेले त्याची? ह्या दोघांपैकी कोण भोगत आहे? "जो भोगतो त्याची चूक". प्रस्तुत संकलनात दादाश्रींनी "भोगतो त्याची चूक" चे विज्ञान प्रकट केले आहे. हे प्रयोगात आणल्याने आपल्या जीवनातील सर्व गुंतागुंती सोडवल्या जातील, असे हे अनमोल सूत्र आहे.

Bhogve Eni Bhul: ભોગવે એની ભૂલ

by Dada Bhagwan

કોઈ વ્યક્તિ કંઈપણ ભોગવે છે તો તે તેની પોતાની ભૂલના કારણે જ. જો વ્યક્તિ સુખ માણે છે તો તે તેના સારા કર્મો નું ફળ છે. પરંતુ જગતનો કાયદો નિમિત્તને ( દેખીતો કર્તા – દુઃખ પહોંચાડનાર વ્યક્તિ ) દોષી જુએ છે. ભગવાનનો કાયદો, અસલી કુદરતનો કાયદો, અસલી ગુનેગારને પકડે છે. આ કાયદો ક્ષતિરહિત છે અને તેને કદી કોઈ બદલી શકે નહિ. આ દુનિયામાં એવો કોઈ કાયદો નથી કે જે કોઈને પણ દુઃખ આપી શકે, સરકારનો કાયદો પણ નહિ. જયારે આપણી કોઈ દેખીતી ભૂલ નથી હોતી અને આપણને કોઈ ભોગવટો આવે છે ત્યારે આપણે દુઃખી થઈએ છીએ અને વારંવાર સવાલ પૂછીએ છીએ, શા માટે મને? મારી શું ભૂલ છે? કોની ભૂલ છે? લુંટનારની કે લુંટાનારની? આ દુનિયામાં કોની ભૂલ છે તે જો તમારે જાણવું હોય તો, કોણ ભોગવે છે અને તમારા ભોગવટાની પાછળ ક્યા કારણો છે? તે શોધો આ પુસ્તક “ભોગવે તેની ભૂલ” માં પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદાશ્રી બધા શાસ્ત્રોનો સાર આપીને કુદરતનો ન્યાય હકીકતમાં કેવી રીતે કેમ કામ કરે છે તે તમને કહે છે.

Bhugate Uski Bhool: भुगते उसी की भूल

by Dada Bhagwan

जो दुःख भोगे तो उसकी भूल और सुख भोगे तो उसका इनाम। लेकिन भ्रांति का कानून निमित्त को पकड़ता है। भगवान का कानून, रीयल कानून, तो जिसकी भूल होगी, उसको पकड़ेगा। वह कानून एक्ज़ेक्ट है और उसमें कोई परीवर्तन कर सके, ऐसा है ही नहीं। ऐसा कोई कानून जगत् में नहीं है जो किसी को ‘भुगतना’ [दुःख] दे सके। जब कभी हमें अपनी भूल के बिना भुगतना पड़ता है, तब हृदय को चोट लगती है, और वह पूछता है – मेरा क्या कसूर है ? मैंने क्या गलत किया ? भूल किसकी है ? चोर की या जिसका चुराया गया है उसकी ? इन दोनों में से कौन भुगत रहा है ? “जो भुगते उसीकी भूल”। प्रस्तुत संकलन में, दादाश्री ने “भुगते उसीकी भूल” का विज्ञान प्रकट किया है। इसे प्रयोग में लाने से आपकी सारी गुत्थियाँ सुलझ जाएँ, ऐसा अनमोल यह सूत्र है।


by John Berthold His Eminence Lyonpo Thinley Gyamtsho

Regarded as the "crown jewel of the Himalayas," the Kingdom of Bhutan is the last remaining independent country to support Buddhism as the official state religion. Photographed over the course of three years, Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon transports us to colorful festivals and religious traditions, continuing to the remote communities along the roof of the world. This book encompasses a wide range of landscape, portrait, and editorial photographs sure to impress and please any reader interested in travel, photography, and/or Himalayan culture.

Bhutan: Conservation and Environmental Protection in the Himalayas

by Ugyen Tshewang Michael Charles Tobias Jane Gray Morrison

Located in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan practices the philosophy of Gross National Happiness (“GNH”) that embraces environmental conservation as one of the main building blocks for its sustainable development goals. Bhutan’s conservation strategies and success are largely driven by the strong political will and visionary leadership of His Majesty the King of Bhutan The nation’s Buddhist perspectives regarding a deep and abiding respect for nature; and the strategic enforcement of a wide-ranging stringent set of internal regulations and controls have helped ensure ecological gold standards in Bhutan. Moreover, the country is an active member of the international conservation community by fulfilling its implementation of various Multilateral Environment Agreements. While it emerged into the 21st century as one of the 36 global terrestrial “hotspots” in biological diversity conservation ranks, Bhutan’s sheer commitment with more than 51% of its territory being managed under the explicit status of a protected area network, and more than 70% of the land under forest cover, represents Bhutan’s exemplary dedication to protect the planet despite its smallness in size and economy, and the biological fragility exemplified by its hotspot situation. In the face of imminent severe threats of global warming, Bhutan nonetheless exemplifies the truth that “a small country with a big conservation commitment” can make an enormous contribution to the global community.At the regional level, Bhutan is intent upon protecting the Water Towers of Asia (that glacial expanse of the Himalayas) which is a critical resource bulwark for about one-fifth of the global population downstream in South Asia. Such protections invariably help mitigate climate change by acting as a nation-wide carbon sink through its carbon neutral policies. In short, Bhutan has long represented one of the world’s foremost national guardians of biodiversity conservation, ecological good governance, and societal sustainability at a period when the world has entered the Anthropocene – an epoch of mass extinctions.We envision this publication to be ecologically and ethically provocative and revealing for the concerned scientific communities, and governments. Through an extensive review of the scientific and anthropological literature, as well as the research team's own data, the Author's have set forth timely recommendations for conservation policies, strategies and actions. This book provides technical and deeply considered assessments of the state of Bhutan’s environment, its multiple, human-induced stressors and pressures; as well as extremely sound, practical techniques that would address conservation strategies in the Himalayas and, by implication, worldwide.

Bialik, the Hebrew Bible and the Literature of Nationalism (Routledge Jewish Studies Series)

by David Aberbach

This book explores the life and poetry of Chaim Nachman Bialik (1873–1934) in the context of European national literature between the French Revolution and World War I, showing how he helped create a modern Hebrew national culture, spurring the revival of Hebrew as a spoken language. The author begins with Bialik’s background in the Tsarist Empire, contextualizing Jewish powerlessness in Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth century. As European anti-Semitism grew, Bialik emerged at the vanguard of a modern Hebrew national movement, building on ancient biblical and rabbinic tradition and speaking to Jewish concerns in neo-prophetic poems, love poems, poems for children, and folk poems. This book makes accessible a broad but representative selection of Bialik’s poetry in translation. Alongside this, a variety of national poets are considered from across Europe, including Solomos in Greece, Mickiewicz in Poland, Shevchenko in Ukraine, Njegoš in Serbia, Petőfi in Hungary, and Yeats in Ireland. Aberbach argues that Bialik as Jewish national poet cannot be understood except in the dual context of ancient Jewish nationalism and modern European nationalism, both political and cultural. Written in clear and accessible prose, this book will interest those studying modern European nationalism, Hebrew literature, Jewish history, and anti-Semitism.

Bibi: The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu

by Anshel Pfeffer

The first biography that collects the threads of Benjamin Netanyahu's tumultuous personal life, controversial public career and struggle to endure as the Jewish state's leader and the master of its destiny. It is told by a writer who has spent his career explaining the world to Israelis and interpreting Israel for a global readership.Benjamin Netanyahu was born a year after Israel. His story in many ways embodies that of the ideological underdogs of the Zionist enterprise: members of the right-wing Revisionist movement, the religious, the Mizrahi Jews who emigrated from Arab lands, the petit-bourgeoisie of the new towns and cities, who all were supposed to metamorphose into the new Israeli. It hasn't quite worked out that way. Netanyahu is also a child of America. He is in large part the product of the affluent East Coast Jewish community and of the generation that came of age in the Reagan era. He was formed as much by American Cold War conservatism as he was by his historian father's hardline right-wing Zionism. It is impossible to understand today's Israel without understanding this singular person's life. Netanyahu's Israel is a hybrid of ancient phobia and high-tech hope, tribalism and globalism--like the man himself. In the face of animus at home and abroad, Netanyahu has survived political defeat and personal setback. For many in Israel and overseas, Netanyahu is an anathema, an embarrassment, even a precursor of Donald Trump. But he continues to dominate Israeli public life and the Jewish narrative of the twenty-first century. As Israel approaches the seventieth anniversary of its birth, this one man more than any other embodies the nation and directs its fate.

The Bible: A Biography (Books That Changed the World #8)

by Karen Armstrong

The renowned religious historian &“preaches the gospel truth . . . explaining how the spiritual guide . . . came into being and evolved over the centuries&” (Vanity Fair). As the single work at the heart of Christianity, the world&’s largest organized religion, the Bible is the spiritual guide for one out of every three people in the world. It is also the world&’s most widely distributed book and its bestselling, with an estimated six billion copies sold in the last two hundred years. But the Bible is a complex work with a complicated and obscure history. Its contents have changed over the centuries, it has been transformed by translation, and, through interpretation, has developed manifold meanings to various religions, denominations, and sects. In this seminal account, acclaimed historian Karen Armstrong discusses the conception, gestation, life, and afterlife of history&’s most powerful book. Armstrong analyzes the social and political situation in which oral history turned into written scripture, how this all-pervasive scripture was collected into one work, how it became accepted as Christianity&’s sacred text, and how its interpretation changed over time. Armstrong&’s history of the Bible is a brilliant, captivating book, crucial in an age of declining faith and rising fundamentalism. &“Vintage Armstrong: sweeping, bold, incisive, and insightful. In eight chapters it covers the history of the writing, canonizing, and reading of the Bible . . . Her choice of topics is impeccable . . . and her brief, 23-page discussion on the rise of the Talmud is masterful.&” —Choice &“An excellent précis of the writing and compiling of the Bible and the ensuing centuries of biblical interpretation . . . one terrific little book.&” —Booklist

The Bible: The Basics (The Basics)

by John Barton

The Bible: The Basics is a compelling introduction to the Bible as both a sacred text, central to the faith of millions, and a classic work of Western literature, containing a tapestry of genres, voices, perspectives and images. This masterly guide skilfully addresses both aspects of the Bible’s character by exploring: the rich variety of literary forms, from poetry to prophecy and epistles to apocalypses the historical, geographic and social context of the Bible contemporary attitudes to the Bible held by believers and non-believers the status of biblical interpretation today Including maps, a chronology and detailed suggestions for further reading, this is an ideal starting point for people of any faith or none who are studying the Bible in any setting or simply want to know more about the best-selling book of all time.

The Bible: The Basics (The Basics)

by John Barton

The Bible: The Basics is an accessible and engaging introduction to the Bible as both a sacred text, central to the faith of millions, and a classic work of Western literature, containing a tapestry of genres, voices, perspectives and images. This guide skilfully addresses both aspects of the Bible’s character by exploring: the rich variety of literary forms, from poetry to prophecy and epistles to apocalypses the historical, geographic and social context of the Bible contemporary attitudes to the Bible held by believers and non-believers the status of biblical interpretation today The second edition has been updated throughout and includes: maps and detailed suggestions for further reading. This is an ideal starting point for people of any faith or none who are studying the Bible in any setting or simply want to know more about the best-selling book of all time.

The Bible: Irrelevant or Invaluable? (Christianity Today Study Series)

by Christianity Today International

The Christianity Today Study Series delves into today's vital cultural issues to get to the heart of what these topics mean to readers. Each eight-week study is based on articles written by today's leading Christian authors and published by Christianity Today magazines. These remarkable studies foster deep, authentic, and relevant discussion that will challenge and grow any small group.The Bible: Irrelevant or Invaluable? is scheduled to coincide with the release of the film sequel to The DaVinci Code and takes on the hot topics of the authority, origin, and infallibility of the Bible.

Bible: Student Workbook, Grade 4

by Purposeful Design

Study the Bible and practice what you learn with this workbook for fourth graders.

The Bible: A Historical and Literary Introduction

by Bart D. Ehrman

<P>Bart D. Ehrman presents his long-awaited survey of the Bible. <P>Comprehensive, current in scholarship, rich in pedagogical tools, and easily accessible to students of all backgrounds, this is a useful textbook for one-semester courses on the Bible.<P> Ehrman covers every book in the canon, including the Apocrypha, explaining the historical and literary problems posed by the biblical texts and showing students how to analyze scholarly evidence and conclusions.

The Bible

by Barry Ensign-George

Ensign-George looks at six themes that begin in the early chapters of Genesis, span the pages of Scripture, and end with the glorious vision of the book of Revelation. This study is important for discussing basic biblical frameworks. Within Scripture, echoes of early themes are picked up and heard, leading to deeper appreciation of the biblical message.

The Bible: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides)

by Paula Gooder

From the language of Shakespeare to political campaigns in the US, the Bible's influence is all around us. And yet, upon reading it, we are met not by one text but by many: a complex mix of history, parable, law, teaching, and prophecy.In this authoritative introduction, respected Biblical scholar Paula Gooder ably guides the reader in how to approach this multifaceted text, and explores its enduring influence on Western culture, from Renaissance art to the controversial film The Last Temptation of Christ. Covering its history, translation, interpretation, and selection of the cannon, Gooder provides a comprehensive and illuminating framework for understanding the Bible. With informative textboxes focussing on key details and an infectious enthusiasm for the topic, this wide-ranging primer will be of invaluable benefit to Christians and those of no faith alike.

The Bible: A Global History

by Bruce Gordon

A &“wonderful…highly comprehensive&” (John Barton, author of A History of the Bible) global history of the world&’s best-known and most influential book For Christians, the Bible is a book inspired by God. Its eternal words are transmitted across the world by fallible human hands. Following Jesus&’s departing instruction to go out into the world, the Bible has been a book in motion from its very beginnings, and every community it has encountered has read, heard, and seen the Bible through its own language and culture. In The Bible, Bruce Gordon tells the astounding story of the Bible&’s journey around the globe and across more than two thousand years, showing how it has shaped and been shaped by changing beliefs and believers&’ radically different needs. The Bible has been a tool for violence and oppression, and it has expressed hopes for liberation. God speaks with one voice, but the people who receive it are scattered and divided—found in desert monasteries and Chinese house churches, in Byzantine cathedrals and Guatemalan villages. Breathtakingly global in scope, The Bible tells the story of this sacred book through the stories of its many and diverse human encounters, revealing not a static text but a living, dynamic cultural force.

The Bible: A Global History

by Bruce Gordon

'Wonderful' JOHN BARTON'A stupendous intellectual achievement' ANDREW PETTEGREE'A stunning love song to the Bible . . . this will be a classic' CHINE MCDONALDThe remarkable story of the most influential book in human history. The Bible is the world's best-known text. Yet, it is a book that never was - its original form does not exist and probably never did. What we have is the inheritance of generation after generation of Christians who have sought to hear God speak. Available in over three thousand languages and taking innumerable forms, each version is a revelation, evolving as a reflection of its own culture and moment. Bruce Gordon traces the Bible's astounding journey from its emergence as a codex in the second century, to the Reformation, to the spectacular growth of Christianity in the Global South today. For centuries a source of inspiration, it has also been a tool for violence and oppression, weaponised in the name of colonialism, and it has expressed hopes for freedom in the struggle for liberation. Found in desert monasteries and Chinese house churches, in Byzantine cathedrals and Guatemalan villages, it has been a book in motion from its very beginnings, a product of more than two thousand years of wandering, restlessness and change. Breathtakingly global in scope, The Bible is a sweeping history of this sacred book told through the stories of its diverse human encounters in search of the divine - revealing not a static text but a living, dynamic cultural force.

The Bible: A Global History

by Bruce Gordon

'Wonderful' JOHN BARTON'A stupendous intellectual achievement' ANDREW PETTEGREE'A stunning love song to the Bible . . . this will be a classic' CHINE MCDONALDThe remarkable story of the most influential book in human history. The Bible is the world's best-known text. Yet, it is a book that never was - its original form does not exist and probably never did. What we have is the inheritance of generation after generation of Christians who have sought to hear God speak. Available in over three thousand languages and taking innumerable forms, each version is a revelation, evolving as a reflection of its own culture and moment. Bruce Gordon traces the Bible's astounding journey from its emergence as a codex in the second century, to the Reformation, to the spectacular growth of Christianity in the Global South today. For centuries a source of inspiration, it has also been a tool for violence and oppression, weaponised in the name of colonialism, and it has expressed hopes for freedom in the struggle for liberation. Found in desert monasteries and Chinese house churches, in Byzantine cathedrals and Guatemalan villages, it has been a book in motion from its very beginnings, a product of more than two thousand years of wandering, restlessness and change. Breathtakingly global in scope, The Bible is a sweeping history of this sacred book told through the stories of its diverse human encounters in search of the divine - revealing not a static text but a living, dynamic cultural force.

The Bible

by Random House

Originally produced for the Church of England, The King James Version is one of the most enduring translations of The Bible. It's combination of poeticism and readability have made it the most prominent version of the best-selling book in human history. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.

The Bible (Idiot's Guides)

by Benjamin Phillips

The Bible is full of amazing lessons and stories, but for anyone interested in learning about what they mean and how they fit together, it can be difficult with a traditional Bible. Idiot's Guides: The Bible brings every Old Testament and New Testament book to life. This full-color book includes helpful summaries, vital statistics, key quotes and passages, and clear maps and timelines.

The Bible: The Living Word of God

by Robert Rabe

The Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found this catechetical text, copyright 2011, to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. "I have to admit that I was hesitant about a complete change of curriculum to meet the bishops' framework, but the work Saint Mary's Press has done makes me confident that I can teach the new curriculum with enthusiasm and academic rigor. Thank you for the offerings of these student texts and teacher guides. " -Mary Hansel Parlin, Cotter High School religion teacher The Bible: The Living Word of God provides an introduction to the Sacred Scriptures and to the unfolding of salvation history, with a particular focus on Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of salvation history. Revelation, both Divine and natural, is explored, as are inspiration, interpretation, and exegesis. The course guides the students in coming to know the people of salvation history, including the early leaders of Israel; the judges, kings, and the prophets; and the history of salvation as revealed in the New Testament. The students also learn about the role of the Scriptures in the life of faith for the individual as well as for the life of the Church.

The Bible: A Very Short Introduction

by John Riches

Professor Riches looks at the importance accorded to the Bible by different communities and cultures and attempts to explain why it has generated such a rich variety of uses and interpretations.

The Bible (God's Word for Today #Volume 3)

by John Stott

How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture?andThe Contemporary ChristianThe Bible

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