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Voyage of Purpose
by David Bennett Cindy Griffith-BennettBy relating one man's amazing tale of triumph over death on multiple occasions, this book brings a fresh perspective to near death experience literature. David Bennett, once a brash young commercial diver whose personal philosophy was "cut your way through life to survive," was caught in a violent storm off the California coast one night where he drowned. While technically "dead," he met beings of light, relived his life, and peeked into his future, resulting in a complete paradigm shift for him. Later, he discovered he had stage IV lung and bone cancer-so advanced that his spine collapsed. Miraculously, he survived once again, and this second close call taught him even more about living, loving, and how to find purpose in his life. Voyage of Purpose brings readers right into the heart of the near-death experience, including the sensations of dying, being surrounded by the light, and meeting the Soul Family. Part memoir and part guide for achieving spiritual growth, this book shows how to integrate the most traumatic of incidents into one's spiritual path in order to live a more meaningful life.
Voyage of the Dolphin (Seven Sleepers Series #7)
by Gilbert MorrisHow lucky can they get? It's relaxation time, and the Seven Sleepers are vacationing on an ocean-going ship. How much trouble can they get into on vacation- none, right? Almost before they can sort out what's happening, Josh, Sarah, and their friends find themselves entangled with: a handsome sea captain who can't find a crew, a maddening rich girl who wants to be queen, a band of friendly and unfriendly giants, and the biggest hurricane of the century. But where is their powerful friend God? Does He know where they are? Does He even care? Sail along with Josh and the crew as they handle danger and fear, and see if you can figure out why God doesn't just rush to their rescue.
Voyage of the Dolphin (Seven Sleepers Series #7)
by Gilbert MorrisHow lucky can they get? It's relaxation time, and the Seven Sleepers are vacationing on an ocean-going ship. How much trouble can they get into on vacation- none, right? Almost before they can sort out what's happening, Josh, Sarah, and their friends find themselves entangled with: a handsome sea captain who can't find a crew, a maddening rich girl who wants to be queen, a band of friendly and unfriendly giants, and the biggest hurricane of the century. But where is their powerful friend God? Does He know where they are? Does He even care? Sail along with Josh and the crew as they handle danger and fear, and see if you can figure out why God doesn't just rush to their rescue.
Voyages in English 6
by Reverend Paul E. Campbell Sister Mary Donatus MacnickleEnglish language and grammar book for Catholic schools.
The Voynich Manuscript: The Mysterious Code That Has Defied Interpretation for Centuries
by Gerry Kennedy Rob ChurchillAn examination of the many theories surrounding this enigmatic text, apparently written in code• Reveals the connections between this work and the Cathars, Roger Bacon, and John Dee • Explains the cryptanalysis methods used in attempts to break the code • Includes color images from the manuscript juxtaposed with other medieval writings Since its discovery by Wilfrid Voynich in an Italian monastery in 1912, the Voynich Manuscript has baffled scholars and cryptanalysists with its unidentifiable script and bizarre illustrations. Written in an unknown language or an as yet undecipherable code, this medieval manuscript contains hundreds of illustrations of unknown plants, cosmological charts, and inexplicable scenes of naked “nymphs” bathing in a green liquid that some interpret as a symbolic depiction of human reproduction and the joining of the soul with the body. Gerry Kennedy and Rob Churchill explore the mystery surrounding the Voynich Manuscript, examining the many existing theories about the possible authors of this work and the information it may contain. They trace the speculative history of the manuscript and reveal those who may be connected to it, including Roger Bacon, John Dee, and the Cathars. With the possibility that it may be a lost alchemical text or other esoteric work, this manuscript remains one of the most intriguing yet enigmatic documents ever to have come to light. Gerry Kennedy is a freelance writer and has produced a number of BBC Radio 4 programs, including one on the Voynich Manuscript in 2001. Rob Churchill is a professional writer who has written scripts for many production companies, including the BBC and Thames Television. Both authors were consultants for the BBC/Mentorn Films documentary The Voynich Mystery. They live in London.
Voz: Ensayos por Jaydeep Shah
by L. B Jaydeep Shah"El poder sobrenatural dado por Dios es la Voz. No lo desperdicies en el silencio." -Jaydeep Shah Voz es un libro de no ficción que incluye ensayos sobre culturas y valores y temas sociales que la situación actual en todo el mundo en función de diversas perspectivas de las culturas y los valores, la estratificación social, y asuntos de la comunidad.
La voz secreta
by Thomas Merton«No me dirijo a ti como un autor [sino], en cierto modo, como tú mismo… Si escuchas, vas a leer cosas que quizás no estén escritas en este libro. ¡Y eso no se deberá a mí sino a Uno que vive y habla en los dos!» (Thomas Merton, «Prefacio a la edición japonesa de La montaña de los siete círculos»). Al celebrar, con esta edición de los prefacios de Thomas Merton, su vida y su testimonio, «se nos recuerda, quizás con mayor importancia incluso, la parte que nos cabe desempeñar para asumir su legado: siendo contemplativos en un mundo de acción, consumismo y tecnificación; como constructores de paz en un mundo de guerra, violencia, racismo y discriminación; y tendiendo puentes entre fes, culturas y pueblos en un mundo de conflictos, barreras e intolerancia. Merton trae un mensaje universal de esperanza ante las dificultades de nuestras vidas, en nuestras comunidades y en nuestro mundo. En lugar de permanecer impasibles ante lo Indecible, nos exhorta a todos a ser humanos en esta época, la más inhumana de todas, y a guardar la imagen del hombre, pues es la imagen de Dios» (Tomado de la «Presentación de la edición española», por Paul M. Pearson, Director del Centro Thomas Merton).<P><P> THOMAS MERTON (1915-1968) es uno de los contemplativos cristianos con mayor proyección universal. Además de algunas de sus obras más representativas, el Grupo de Comunicación Loyola ha publicado recientemente dos libros sobre Merton: de James Finley, «El Palacio del Vacío de Thomas Merton». «Encontrar a Dios: despertar al verdadero yo» (Sal Terrae 2014), y de Fernando Beltrán Llavador, «Thomas Merton: el verdadero viaje» (Sal Terrae 2015), así como la obra de referencia, de los reconocidos estudiosos William H. Shannon, Christine M. Bochen y Patrick F. O’Connell, «Diccionario de Thomas Merton», cuya edición en lengua española ha sido dirigida por Francisco Rafael de Pascual, OCSO (Mensajero 2015).
Vrindavan Ka Bhikshuk: वृंदावन का भिक्षुक
by Sunil Khanduriहिमालय की बर्फीली चोटियों के मध्य स्थित एक शांत और मनोरम गांव, जिसकी सुन्दर छटा के बीच एक साधक – देवदास, अपने उज्जवल भविष्य के स्वप्न संजोए है। वह स्वयं को भविष्य के एक श्रद्धेय, सम्मानित और गणमान्य साधु के रूप मे देखता है। एक प्रतिभाशाली विद्वान और आश्रम के सभी कार्यों में निपुण इस साधक की यात्रा के साथ कई ज़िन्दगियों का ताना बाना बुना हुआ है। देवदास के देखते-देखते, उससे भी अल्पज्ञानी और कनिष्ठ साधक अपने सपनों का भविष्य संजोने आश्रम छोड़कर जा चुके हैं जबकि ज्ञान से परिपूर्ण, और सक्षम होने के बाद भी आश्रम के संचालक उसकी भविष्य की योजनाओं की ओर घ्यान नहीं दे रहे हैं। यह देवदास को कुछ संदेहास्पद लग रहा है। उसकी समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि उसे अपना भविष्य चुनने की स्वतंत्रता क्यों नहीं दी जा रही है? वह स्वयं को अलग-थलग एवं अकेला महसूस करता है। आश्रम छोड़ने के वर्षों बाद भी उसका जीवन केवल अव्यवस्थाओं से परिपूर्ण है और दिन-प्रतिदिन परिस्थितियां चुनौतिपूर्ण होती जा रही हैं। देवदास घोर आश्चर्य में है कि उसे बाहरी रूप से तो अपना जीवन सामान्य और सम्पन्न लग रहा है परन्तु अवचेतना में वह एक भयानक नरक से गुजर रहा है। जब कभी वह दुविधा में होता है तो उसके मस्तिष्क की अवचेतना की ध्वनि जीवन्त हो उठती है। वह ध्वनि उसके लिए परिस्थितियों को पहले से दुष्कर बना देती है। फलस्वरूप देवदास भी पहले से अधिक भ्रमित और भयाक्रांत हो जाता है। गुरूदेव उसे अपने निर्णयानुसार, अपने सपनों को मूर्त रूप देने की दिशा में आगे बढ़ने से क्यों रोक रहे थे? क्या देवदास अपनी नित्य-प्रति की परेशानियों का कारण जान पाएगा? भिक्षुक रचना त्रयी की पहली पुस्तक “वृंदावन का भिक्षुक” जीवन की यात्राओं को सफलतापूर्वक पूरा करने के लिए आवश्यक, मूलभूत बातों पर प्रकाश ड़ालती है।
¡Vuele!: Construya su visión desde cero
by T. D. JakesSi desea maximizar sus capacidades y aptitudes únicas, si se esfuerza por combinar la realización personal con la satisfacción profesional, si sueña con crear productos excepcionales y ofrecer servicios transformadores para los demás, ¡entonces está listo para que VUELE!Muchos de nosotros no estamos diseñados para la rutina de nueve a cinco que ahoga nuestras almas y nuestras esperanzas de donde estamos destinados a estar. Otros se han visto obligados a comprometer sus sueños debido a una gran responsabilidad. Pero ambos se sientan en la pista de la oportunidad con sus motores de pasión estancados, viendo a otros subir la escalera y construir legados para sus hijos.En ¡VUELE !, T. D. Jakes, comunicador emblemático, empresario de la industria del entretenimiento y maestro en los negocios, revela cómo transformar los sueños latentes dentro de cada uno de nosotros en realidad, siendo nuestra contribución única al mundo. Además, nos proporciona los recursos necesarios para encender nuestra imaginación y ponerla en acción. Al unir el mundo corporativo con el de sin fines de lucro, ¡VUELE! le desafiará a abrazar su propósito divino mientras alinea su carácter y creatividad con su carrera. ¡VUELE! es el plan aéreo perfecto para lanzar el instinto empresarial dentro de cada uno de nosotros.
Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality
by Thomas E. ReynoldsAs parents of a son with disabilities, Thomas E. Reynolds and his wife know what it's like to be misunderstood by a church community. In Vulnerable Communion, Reynolds draws upon that personal experience and a diverse body of literature to empower churches and individuals to foster deeper hospitality toward persons with disabilities. Reynolds argues that the Christian story is one of strength coming from weakness, of wholeness emerging from brokenness, and of power in vulnerability. He offers valuable biblical, theological, and pastoral tools to understand and welcome those with disabilities. Vulnerable Communion will be a useful resource for any student, theologian, church leader, or lay person seeking to discover the power of God revealed through weakness.
The Vulnerable Pastor: How Human Limitations Empower Our Ministry
by Mandy SmithMissio Alliance Essential Reading List of 2015Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, For Church LeadersProdigalThought.net's Top Reads of 2015Englewood Review of Books Best Books of 2015, PraxisLeadership Journal's
Vulture in a Cage: Poems by Solomon Ibn Gabirol
by Raymond P. Scheindlin Solomon Ibn Gabirol"Vulture in a cage," Solomon Ibn Gabirol's own self-description, is an apt image for a poet who was obsessed with the impediments posed by the body and the material world to the realization of his spiritual ambition of elevating his soul to the empyrean. Ibn Gabirol's poetry is enormously influential, laying the groundwork for generations of Hebrew poets who follow him--rocky and harsh, full of original imagery and barbed wit, and yet no one surpassed him for the limpid beauty of his devotional verse. His poetry is at once a record of the inner life of a tormented poet and a monument to the Judeo-Arabic culture that produced him. This book contains the most extensive collection of Ibn Gabirol's poetry ever published in English.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Vyasan Muktini Vaignanik Rit: વ્યસન મુક્તિની વૈજ્ઞાનિક રીત
by Dada Bhagwan‘વ્યસન’, ‘addiction’ આ શબ્દ આ કાળમાં એટલો તે સામાન્ય થઈ પડ્યો છે, કે લોક ઘણાંખરાં અંશે કોઈ ને કોઈ રીતે આમાં ઝલાયેલા હોય છે. વ્યસન એ ખરેખર શું છે, કઈ રીતે પેસે છે, એનો આધાર શું છે, આધાર ખસેડવા શી રીતે વિગેરેની વિસ્તૃત સમજણ પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદા ભગવાન અત્રે ખુલ્લી કરે છે. આ પુસ્તકમાં દાદાશ્રીએ વ્યસનમાંથી મુક્ત થવાના વિવિધ ઉપાયો દર્શાવ્યા છે. જેમાંનો એક ઉપાય છે, ચાર સ્ટેપની અનોખી રીત, જેમાં (૧) વ્યસન એ ખોટું છે એનો દ્રઢ નિશ્ચય રાખીએ, (૨) કઈ રીતે ખોટું છે એની વિગત એકત્રિત કરી જાગૃતિમાં રાખીએ, (૩) નક્કી કર્યા છતાં જેટલી વાર ફરીથી વ્યસન થાય એટલી વાર પ્રતિક્રમણ-પ્રત્યાખાન કરીએ અને (૪) કોઈ એના માટે ભૂલ કાઢે, અપમાન કરે તોય એનું રક્ષણ ન કરીએ. જ્ઞાનપ્રાપ્તિ પછી પોતાનું અંદરનું સુખ પ્રાપ્ત થતા ઘણાયે મહાત્માઓ વ્યસનોમાંથી સહેજે મુક્ત થઈ જાય છે. છતાં જેને વ્યસનો ચાલુ હોય એમના માટે દાદાશ્રીએ લોકનિંદ્ય અને લોકનિંદ્ય નથી એવા વ્યસનનો ભેદ દર્શાવીને લોકનિંદ્ય વ્યસન સામે લાલબત્તી ધરી છે.
Vyasan Muktino Marg: વ્યસન મુક્તિનો માર્ગ
by Dada Bhagwanવ્યસન એ ખરેખર શું છે, કઈ રીતે પેસે છે, એનો આધાર શું છે, આધાર ખસેડવા શી રીતે વિગેરેની વિસ્તૃત સમજણ પરમ પૂજ્ય દાદા ભગવાન અત્રે ખુલ્લી કરે છે. વ્યસન એ કઈ રીતે જોખમી છે, એની વિગતવાર સમજણ ફિટ કરાવી દે છે, કે જે સાચી સમજણ જ વ્યસન માટેનો એનો અભિપ્રાય ફેરવીને એક દિવસ એને એમાંથી મુક્ત કરીને રહેશે. આ પુસ્તકમાં દાદાશ્રીએ વ્યસનમાંથી મુક્ત થવાના વિવિધ ઉપાયો દર્શાવ્યા છે. જેમાંનો એક ઉપાય છે, ચાર સ્ટેપની અનોખી રીત, જેમાં (૧) વ્યસન એ ખોટું છે એનો દ્રઢ નિશ્ચય રાખીએ, (૨) કઈ રીતે ખોટું છે એની વિગત એકત્રિત કરી જાગૃતિમાં રાખીએ, (૩) નક્કી કર્યા છતાં જેટલી વાર ફરીથી વ્યસન થાય એટલી વાર પ્રતિક્રમણ-પ્રત્યાખાન કરીએ અને (૪) કોઈ એના માટે ભૂલ કાઢે, અપમાન કરે તોય એનું રક્ષણ ન કરીએ. જેને પોતાને વ્યસન છે એ વ્યક્તિ માટે તો આ પુસ્તકમાંથી ઘણી બધી ચાવીઓ મળશે જ પણ સાથે સાથે પોતાની નજીકની વ્યક્તિઓમાં કોઈને વ્યસન છે, તો એની સાથે પોતે કઈ સમજણ સાથે વ્યવહાર કરવો, એ અંગે દાદાશ્રીએ અર્પેલી સમજ પણ નવો જ દ્રષ્ટિકોણ બક્ષશે. જેથી કરીને પોતાને રાગ-દ્વેષ ના રહે અને સામી વ્યક્તિને પણ વ્યસનમાંથી બહાર નીકળવા માટેની પૉઝિટિવ સાઈન થાય.
W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures: Romans to Revelation
by W. E. VineStudy the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek. W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from Vine's classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in Bible book and verse-by-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the Strong's numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation.A great tool for students, pastors, teachers, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies, this unique resource explains the meaning behind the key words and contains elements of a dictionary, concordance, and commentary. Edited by Martin Manser, W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures is available in two companion volumes:Matthew to Acts and Romans to Revelation.Features include:Every key word from Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words explainedVerse-by-verse order for ease of useKing James Version text with keys to Strong's numbersW.E. Vine's original comments on alternative readings from the Revised Standard Version of the BibleInspirational quotes to add a fresh edge to teaching
W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures: Matthew to Acts
by W. E. VineStudy the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek. W. E. VineÆs New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from VineÆs classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in Bible book and verse-by-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. VineÆs New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the StrongÆs numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation. A great tool for students, pastors, teachers, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies, this unique resource explains the meaning behind the key words and contains elements of a dictionary, concordance, and commentary. Edited by Martin Manser, W. E. VineÆs New Testament Word Pictures is available in two companion volumes: Matthew to Acts and Romans to Revelation. Features include: Every key word from VineÆs Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words explained Verse-by-verse order for ease of use King James Version text with keys to StrongÆs numbers W.E. Vine's original comments on alternative readings from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible Inspirational quotes to add a fresh edge to teaching
W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures: A Commentary Drawn from the Original Languages
by W. E. VineStudy the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek.W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from Vine's classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in Bible book and verse-by-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the Strong's numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation.W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures:Explains key words in original Greek contextDoes not require knowledge of GreekIncludes Strong's numbers for further studyIs ideal for busy Bible preachers and teachersCombines the features of a dictionary, concordance, and commentary
W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures: A Commentary Drawn from the Original Languages
by W. E. VineStudy the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek. W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures places every key word from Vine's classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in Bible book and verse-by-verse order. The text of the King James Version of the Bible is included for context, but W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures is keyed to the Strong's numbering system and can be used with any Bible translation.W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures:Explains key words in original Greek contextDoes not require knowledge of GreekIncludes Strong's numbers for further studyIs ideal for busy Bible preachers and teachersCombines the features of a dictionary, concordance, and commentary
Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life
by Beth Kempton'A truly transformative read' Sunday Times STYLE'More than ever, we need books like this' Jessica Seaton, Co-Founder of Toast and author of Gather, Cook, FeastA whole new way of looking at the world - and your life - inspired by centuries-old Japanese wisdom.Wabi sabi ("wah-bi sah-bi") is a captivating concept from Japanese aesthetics, which helps us to see beauty in imperfection, appreciate simplicity and accept the transient nature of all things. With roots in zen and the way of tea, the timeless wisdom of wabi sabi is more relevant than ever for modern life, as we search for new ways to approach life's challenges and seek meaning beyond materialism.Wabi sabi is a refreshing antidote to our fast-paced, consumption-driven world, which will encourage you to slow down, reconnect with nature, and be gentler on yourself. It will help you simplify everything, and concentrate on what really matters.From honouring the rhythm of the seasons to creating a welcoming home, from reframing failure to ageing with grace, wabi sabi will teach you to find more joy and inspiration throughout your perfectly imperfect life.This book is the definitive guide to applying the principles of wabi sabi to transform every area of your life, and finding happiness right where you are.
Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life
by Beth Kempton'A truly transformative read' Sunday Times STYLE'More than ever, we need books like this' Jessica Seaton, Co-Founder of Toast and author of Gather, Cook, FeastA whole new way of looking at the world - and your life - inspired by centuries-old Japanese wisdom.Wabi sabi ("wah-bi sah-bi") is a captivating concept from Japanese aesthetics, which helps us to see beauty in imperfection, appreciate simplicity and accept the transient nature of all things. With roots in zen and the way of tea, the timeless wisdom of wabi sabi is more relevant than ever for modern life, as we search for new ways to approach life's challenges and seek meaning beyond materialism.Wabi sabi is a refreshing antidote to our fast-paced, consumption-driven world, which will encourage you to slow down, reconnect with nature, and be gentler on yourself. It will help you simplify everything, and concentrate on what really matters.From honouring the rhythm of the seasons to creating a welcoming home, from reframing failure to ageing with grace, wabi sabi will teach you to find more joy and inspiration throughout your perfectly imperfect life.This book is the definitive guide to applying the principles of wabi sabi to transform every area of your life, and finding happiness right where you are.
Waco: David Koresh, the Branch Davidians, and A Legacy of Rage
by Jeff Guinn&“Impressively researched and written with storytelling verve&” (The Wall Street Journal), this is the definitive account of the disastrous siege at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, featuring never-before-seen documents, photographs, and interviews, from former investigative reporter Jeff Guinn, bestselling author of Manson and The Road to Jonestown.For the first time in thirty years, more than a dozen former ATF agents who participated in the initial February 28, 1993, Waco raid speak on the record about the poor decisions of their commanders that led to this deadly confrontation. The revelations in this book include why the FBI chose to end the siege with the use of CS gas; how both ATF and FBI officials tried and failed to cover up their agencies&’ mistakes; where David Koresh plagiarized his infamous prophecies; and direct links between the Branch Davidian tragedy and the modern militia movement in America. Notorious conspiracist Alex Jones is a part of the Waco story. So much is new and stunning. Guinn puts you alongside the ATF agents as they embarked on the disastrous initial assault, unaware that the Davidians knew they were coming and were armed and prepared to resist. His you-are-there narrative continues to the final assault and its momentous consequences. Drawing on this new information, including several eyewitness accounts, Guinn again does what he did with his bestselling books about Charles Manson and Jim Jones, revealing &“gripping&” (Houston Chronicle) new details about a story that we thought we knew.
Waco: A Survivor's Story
by David Thibodeau Leon Whiteson Aviva LaytonAs a tie-in to the upcoming Paramount Network miniseries starring Michael Shannon, Taylor Kitsch, and Melissa Benoist and commemorating the 25th anniversary of the siege at Waco, comes an updated reissue of the critically acclaimed A PLACE CALLED WACO by Branch Davidian survivor, David Thibodeau.For the first time ever, a survivor of the Waco massacre tells the inside story of Branch Davidians, David Koresh, and what really happened at the religious compound in Texas. When he first met the man who called himself David Koresh, David Thibodeau was drumming for a rock band that was going nowhere fast. Intrigued and frustrated with a stalled music career, Thibodeau gradually became a follower and moved to the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. He remained there until April 19, 1993, when the compound was stormed and burnt to the ground after a 51-day standoff. In this book, Thibodeau explores why so many people came to believe that Koresh was divinely inspired. We meet the men, women, and children of Mt. Carmel. We get inside the day-to-day life of the community. Thibodeau is brutally honest about himself, Koresh, and the other members, and the result is a revelatory look at life inside a cult. But Waco is just as brutally honest when it comes to dissecting the actions of the United States government. Thibodeau marshals an array of evidence, some of it never previously revealed, and proves conclusively that it was our own government that caused the Waco tragedy, including the fires. The result is a memoir that reads like a thriller, with each page taking us closer to the eventual inferno.
Waco Rising: David Koresh, the FBI, and the Birth of America's Modern Militias
by Kevin CookNamed one of The New Yorker's "Best Books of 2023"A news-making account of the war between David Koresh’s Branch Davidians and the FBI, and how their standoff launched today’s militiasIn 1993, David Koresh and a band of heavily armed evangelical Christians took on the might of the US government. A two-month siege of their compound in Waco, Texas, ended in a firefight that killed seventy-six, including twenty-five children. America is still picking up the pieces, and we still haven’t heard the full story.Kevin Cook, who revealed the truth behind a mythic, misunderstood murder in his 2014 Kitty Genovese, finally provides the full story of what happened at Waco. He gives readers a taste of Koresh’s deadly charisma and takes us behind the scenes at the Branch Davidians’ compound, where “the new Christ” turned his followers into servants and sired seventeen children by a dozen “wives.” In vivid accounts packed with human drama, Cook harnesses never-reported material to reconstruct the FBI’s fifty-one-day siege of the Waco compound in minute-to-minute detail. He sheds new light on the Clinton administration’s approval of a lethal governmental assault in a new, definitive account of the firefight that ended so many lives and triggered the rise of today’s militia movement. Waco drew the battle lines for American extremists—in Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh’s words, “Waco started this war.” With help from sources as diverse as Branch Davidian survivors and the FBI’s lead negotiator during the siege, Cook draws a straight line from Waco’s ashes to the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol and insurrections yet to come.Unmissable reading for anyone interested in the truth of what happened in Texas three decades ago, Waco Rising is chillingly relevant today. Here is the spark that ignited today’s antigovernment militias.
Wagered Heart
by Robin Lee HatcherBethany Silverton can't resist the challenge of charming a rough cowboy. But when she makes an innocent wager, unexpected results could turn a little flirtation into a lifetime of love. A sheltered preacher's daughter stakes her heart on love in this action-filled romance in the wild west of 1880s Montana.
Wages of Sin
by Valerie HansenAn extraordinary young woman in an impossible situation, Ruby McCay’s faith is put to the ultimate test. Now responsible for her newly orphaned nephew, Ruby must turn her back on the life she once knew and loved…to protect the future of her young nephew. On the run from an evil man who is intent on destroying her and her nephew, Ruby has to stand up to powers beyond her control and flee to one of the most terrifying places for a single woman…the Wild American West of the 1800’s! A journey of courage requires determination, honor, love and, most importantly, faith. But no matter how dark the future seems or how lost Ruby feels, she never loses her faith in God. And in searching for safety for her innocent nephew, Ruby finds much more than she could have ever anticipated…peace, love and the home that’s she’s always desired…