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Y la iglesia inventó a la mujer
by Michela MurgiaUn libro muy personal, a medio camino entre el ensayo, un libro de denuncia y un testimonio íntimo. El punto de vista privilegiado de una mujer cuya trayectoria personal e intelectual está ligada a pensar sobre la religión, Michela Murgia añade su contagiosa curiosidad y su excepcional talento para narrar. «Tenía que pasar cuentas con María, aunque en realidad este libro no es sobre la Virgen. Es un libro sobre mí, sobre mi madre, sobre mis amigas y sus hijas, sobre mi panadera, mi maestra y mi cartera. Sobre todas las mujeres que conozco y reconozco. Dentro están todas las historias de las que somos hijas y de las que son hijos también nuestros hombres: los que nos querrían guapas y calladas y, sobre todo, los otros. Este libro es también para ellos, y lo he escrito consciente de que de esta historia falsa no saldrá nadie si no nos decidimos a salir todos juntos.»Michela Murgia Tal vez sea éste el libro más personal de Michela Murgia, que tras el éxito de La acabadora se ha volcado en este original relato, mitad ensayo, mitad testimonio íntimo, que ha sido recibido con entusiasmo por la crítica y se ha situado entre los libros más leídos de Italia en los últimos meses. Centrándose especialmente en la figura de María de Nazaret, modelo de pureza y perfección, Murgia analiza cómo la imagen de la mujer que prevalece en nuestros días se ha ido formando a lo largo del tiempo a partir del imaginario católico. Con sus conocimientos de teología y su extensa actividad como animadora parroquial, Murgia expone con minuciosidad los diversos elementos que han contribuido a convalidar una visión que simplifica y margina la figura de la mujer, desde parábolas de los Evangelios o fragmentos de encíclicas papales, hasta grandes obras de arte clásico, anuncios televisivos o artículos de revistas femeninas. Reseñas:«Y la iglesia inventó a la mujer mezcla erudición e ironía, Sagradas Escrituras y experiencia propia, sin dar tregua a todos los errores y las simplezas que los creyentes chic o los ateos devotos han escrito o, sobre todo, difundido a través de la televisión.»La Repubblica «Michela Murgia demuestra que la formación católica de base sigue legitimando la jerarquía entre sexos.»Panorama «Un libro verdaderamente hermoso [...] sorprende por la meticulosidad de los análisis, porque capta nuestra atención hasta la última línea y una vez lo hemos cerrado sigue trabajando en nuestro interior, haciéndonos pensar.»Gazzetta di Parma «Una interesante reflexión.»Secolo d'Italia
¿Y qué hay de mí? (What About Me?): Libérate del egoísmo y descubre el poder de vivir desprendidamente
by Joyce MeyerExperimenta la verdadera satisfacción y el poder de una vida desinteresada con la autora de éxitos de ventas del New York Times y reconocida maestra de la Biblia, Joyce Meyer. A medida que avanzamos en nuestro diario vivir, existe una vocecita en nuestra mente que siempre cuestiona: &“¿Y qué hay de mí?&”. Tal vez algo como: &“¿Cuándo llegará mi turno de que me tomen en cuenta en el trabajo?&” o &“¿Cuándo alguien de esta familia hará algo por mí?&”. Esa voz puede estar susurrándote sobre tus finanzas, tu trabajo o tus amigos, pero siempre te anima a pensar en algo que no tienes. Y, lamentablemente, las redes sociales y la cultura en general nos llevan a centrarnos en el concepto de felicidad y éxito de este mundo, pero ¿funciona? ¿Podrías estar saboteando tu propia alegría, tu propósito, tu éxito? ¿Qué podrías hacer para salir de tu propio camino? Y lo más importante, ¿cuál es la definición de éxito de Dios? La Biblia nos dice, una y otra vez, que la verdadera fuente de significado y felicidad es una vida centrada en Dios y en servir a los demás. En lugar de preguntarnos cuándo será nuestro turno de conseguir un aumento, ser reconocidos o finalmente triunfar, es hora de descubrir la fuente de la felicidad y la satisfacción verdaderas y duraderas. ¡Al transitar por esta ruta, tendremos mayor gozo y una relación más cercana con Dios de lo que jamás podríamos imaginar!Experience the true satisfaction and power of living unselfishly with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer. As we go about our daily lives, there is a little voice in our minds that&’s always asking, &“What about me?&” Maybe your voice says, &“When is it my turn to be noticed at work?&” or &“When will someone in this family do something for me?&” That voice may be whispering to you about your finances, your job, or your friends, but it is always encouraging you to think about something you don&’t have. And sadly, social media and culture in general lead us to focus on this world&’s concept of happiness and success—but does it work? Could you be sabotaging your own joy, your purpose, your success? What could you do to get out of your own way? And most importantly, what is God&’s definition of success? The Bible tells us over and over that the true source of meaning and happiness is a life focused on God and on serving others. Instead of asking when it will be our turn to get a raise, be recognized, or finally make it big, it&’s time to discover the source of true and lasting of happiness and satisfaction. By walking in this path, we will have more joy and a closer relationship with God than we could ever imagine!
Y serás llamada... bienaventurada
by Maria Annacondia«La mujer que teme al Señor es digna de alabanza», dice el libro de Proverbios. Como mujeres tenemos la responsabilidad de amar y servir a Dios desde el lugar que fuimos llamadas a hacerlo. El mapa de ruta para alcanzar el éxito en esta tarea se verá marcado por el temor que tengamos de Dios. Como se imaginará no me refiero al «terror», sino al temor amoroso que proviene de amar y honrar a Dios a través de nuestra vida, nuestro ejemplo y nuestro testimonio. Entonces comprobará que «se levantarán sus hijos y la llamarán bienaventurada, y su marido también la alabará». Delante del mundo podemos aparentar lo que no somos, pero frente a nuestro esposo e hijos no podremos sostener una mentira. Si nuestra vida es cristalina y traslúcida, se transformará en un espejo donde nuestra familia podrá mirar y hallar en nosotros la guía del Espíritu Santo.
¿Y si comenzamos de nuevo? / Should We Start Again?: Cuando el arrepentimiento se encuentra con el perdón, todo es posible
by Susana Rodriguez Ricardo RodriguezEn ¿Y si comenzamos de nuevo? el adorador Ricardo Rodríguez y su esposa Susana exponen cómo Dios restauró su matrimonio en medio de circunstancias que lucían imposibles. Es una conmovedora historia de amor, infidelidad, coraje, divorcio, arrepentimiento, perdón pero sobre todo, fe. Sin duda ¿Y si comenzamos de nuevo? ayudará a los matrimonios en crisis, pero también a los pastores, padres, hijos, amigos y familiares que les toca vivir junto a los cónyuges las situaciones difíciles. Esta verídica historia enseña sobre: Lo que significa morir a uno mismoEl poder transformador del arrepentimientoEl poder de vida o muerte en las palabras que pronunciamosEl amor incondicional de los padres y familiaresCómo Dios torna lo vil en algo extraordinario y mucho más
Y si no es ahora ¿cuándo?
by Marcelo RittnerY si no es ahora, ¿cuándo? es un manantial donde confluyen reflexiones, pensamientos, historias reales, ideas y sentimientos que te ayudarán a tener una vida que refleje la santidad del tiempo y un tiempo que refleje la santidad de tu vida; a que des a tu camino un sentido, un propósito; a que realices ese viaje sin olvidar el destino, y también a que lo disfrutes. Porque cada día cuenta. Las reflexiones espirituales que aparecen en estas páginas son una selección de mensajes que, a lo largo de más de treinta años de tarea pastoral, Marcelo Rittner ha presentado en forma de sermones y conferencias, y lo ha hecho más allá del mero objetivo de poder enseñar: lo ha realizado con la idea de poder inspirar. #El libro que hoy nos entrega Marcelo Rittner está hecho de magia y carne, de ilusión y hambre, de miseria y luz. Un ramo de meditaciones como si fuera de flores recogidas en los jardines del tiempo y entregadas a cada uno de sus lectores como un obsequio invaluable.#
Y2K for Women
by Karen AndersonThis book explains the year 2000 problem in non-technical terms from a woman's perspective with an emphasis on preparing your home for a possible disruption in everyday life. It not only explains the Y2K problem, but it also explains in detail why you should be prepared for any emergency, natural or man-made (Y2K). It provides answers to common questions in a "Dear Abby" like style with a focus on the special needs and concerns of women.
Ya no vivo yo: La travesía de un hijo homosexual a Dios. La búsqueda de esperanza de una madre quebrantada.
by CHRISTOPHER YUAN ANGELA YUANRegresa a casa, hay esperanza Christopher Yuan, un hijo de inmigrantes chinos, descubrió a temprana edad que era diferente. Sentía atracción por otros varones. A medida que crecía hasta la edad adulta, su madre, Angela, tenía la esperanza de poder controlar la situación. En lugar de esto, encontró que su hijo y su vida estaban fuera de control, y sus propias luchas estaban determinadas a derrotarla. Pasaron años de angustia, confusión, y oración antes de que los Yuans encontraran un lugar donde entregarse completamente, lo cual es el deseo de Dios para todas las familias. Su increíble historia, contada desde la perspectiva de la madre y el hijo, ofrece esperanza para cualquier persona afectada por la homosexualidad. Dios llama a todos los que están perdidos a regresar a casa con El. Ya no vivo yo le habla a los pródigos, a los padres de los hijos pródigos y a aquellos que quieran servir a la comunidad gay. INCLUYE UNA GUIA DE DISCUSION.
Ya perdí suficiente / I've Lost Enough: Hoy puede ser el día de tu restitución
by Laura Mercado¡Ya es suficiente! Con esta expresión Laura Mercado puso fin a un ciclo de dolor y amargura que la abrumó por muchos años. En su libro Ya perdí suficiente Laura narra cómo desde pequeña ha sufrido diversas pérdidas, como lo fue la trágica muerte de su papá. Estas experiencias han dejado muchas lágrimas, pero Dios ha sido fiel en rescatarla y fortificar su fe. En su caminar la autora ha sido testigo de la provisión y el cuidado de Dios quien no la ha abandonado en ningún momento. Además, comparte cómo ha sido sanada, restaurada y transformada emocional y espiritualmente. Algunos de los temas que encontrará en este libro son: Perder para ganar Cómo abrazar las nuevas temporadas Enfrentando el dolor ¡Y mucho más! Todos podemos con nuestra confianza puesta en Dios ejecutar nuestra fe y ver nuestros panoramas ser transformados. Levántate pues tu invierno ya ha pasado.
The Yada Yada Prayer Group: Book 1 (Yada Yada Prayer Group #1)
by Neta JacksonWhat do an ex-con, a former drug addict, a real estate broker, a college student and a married mother of two have in common?Nothing, or so I thought. Who would have imagined that God would make a prayer group as mismatched as ours the closest of friends? I almost didn&’t even go to the Chicago Women&’s Conference—after all, being thrown together with five hundred strangers wasn&’t exactly my &“comfort zone.&” But something happened that weekend to make us realize we had to hang together, and the Yada Yada Prayer Group&” was born! When I faced the biggest crisis of my life, God used my newfound Sisters to show me what it means to be just a sinner saved by grace.
The Yada Yada Prayer Group (Yada Yada #1)
by Neta JacksonWhat do an ex-con, a former drug addict, a real estate broker, a college student, and a married mother of two have in common? Nothing, or so I thought. Who would have imagined that God would make a group as mismatched as ours the closest of friends? I almost didn't even go to the Chicago Women's Conference--after all, being thrown together with five hundred strangers wasn't exactly my "comfort zone." And being placed in a prayer group of twelve women from such diverse backgrounds seemed completely awkward. But something happened that weekend to make us realize we had to hang together. <P><P>The "Yada Yada Prayer Group" was born, and we decided to meet regularly to pray for each other: knocking off each other's rough edges and learning to laugh and cry along the way! And when I faced the biggest crisis of my life, God used my newfound girlfriends to help teach me--Jodi Baxter, longtime Christian "good girl"--what it means to be just a sinner saved by grace.
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Collection (Yada Yada Series)
by Neta JacksonWhat do an ex-con, a former drug addict, a real estate broker, a college student and a married mother of two have in common?
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught (Yada Yada #5)
by Neta JacksonFor the Yada Yadas, gettin' caught up in troubles isn't the problem; it's how to get free. Only weeks ago, we Yadas toughened our prayer knees when one of our own was the victim of a vicious racial attack. <P><P>Now it seems each household is being thrown into even bigger and badder circumstances. It especially worries me, Jodi Baxter, because I'm a fixer by nature, and the prayer list is getting out of control . . . Ruth and Ben are caught up in an unplanned pregnancy--in their fifties! Chanda is deluded by the glitter of her lottery dream come true. Florida wants to move her family, hoping to leave trouble behind, but it looks like it may catch up to her anyway. And I'm finding that even good things like the prayer group can consume me in no time flat. If there is an upside, it's that all this trouble is revealing the subtle lies we Yadas believe about God, ourselves, each other, and life. Maybe our best hope is to catch on to what God's doing--and catch on quick!--before the enemy can take any prisoners. That'd be a freedom worth celebrating. And celebrating is what my spiritual sisters and I do best.
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Caught (Yada Yada Prayer Group)
by Neta JacksonThe Yada Yada Prayer Group is in trouble—and they&’re having a hard time getting out.Jodi Baxter is feeling overwhelmed, to say the least. Every day it seems that more blessings, problems, and everything in between crop up among her Yada Yada sisters, and their prayer list is getting out of control.Not only are the Yada Yadas still recovering from the vicious racial attack on Mark, but Ruth and Ben&’s midlife pregnancy takes a dangerous turn, Avis&’s daughter and grandbaby show up unannounced, Florida&’s artistic son gets caught tagging, and Uptown is talking about merging with New Morning into one racially mixed church—raising anxiety and stress to new levels. To top it all off, Jodi keeps saying yes—to everything. It&’s getting harder to see God in the everyday rat race of life, especially in the face of exhaustion.With so many burdens resting on her circle of sisters, Jodi fi nds herself trapped by the good—and bad—habit of trying to fi x everything and everyone. After lots (and lots) of failures, Jodi begins to learn that God can use anything, even the messes we make, to accomplish His good purposes.What will it take to help the Yada Yadas focus on God&’s promises instead of getting caught by the lies we so easily believe?
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out (Yada Yada #7)
by Neta JacksonFrom Thanksgiving and Christmas to rolling in the New Year, the Yada Yadas are "decked out" to celebrate the holidays! Turkey dinners, tree trimming, and decking the halls--it's that time of year again! And I, Jodi Baxter, can't wait to celebrate. My kids are coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then all of us Yadas are getting decked out for a big New Year's party. But God's idea of "decked out" might just change the nature of our party plans. A perplexing encounter with a former student, a crime that literally knocks me off my feet, a hurry-up wedding, and a child who will forever change our family... it's times like these that I really need my prayer sisters. This holiday season, we Yada Yadas are learning that no one can out-celebrate God. So let's get this party started!
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Down (Yada Yada #2)
by Neta JacksonA robbery, a lynching, and a mourning mother shake up the Yada Yadas. I had never felt so violated! <P><P>The Yada Yada Prayer Group was "gettin' down" with God in prayer and praise one night when a heroin-crazed woman barged into my house, demanded our valuables, and threatened us with a 10-inch knife--a knife that drew blood. We wondered if we'd ever get back to normal after this terrifying experience. I assumed we would. After all, we'd started praying together at the Chicago Women's Conference last spring, and we'd been through a lot already as spiritual sisters. This was just one more hurdle to conquer, right? But then a well-meaning gesture suddenly incited a backlash of anger in the group, forcing us to confront generations of racial division, pain, and distrust--and stretching our friendship to the limit. And a shocking confrontation in my third-grade classroom forced me to face my own accountability and learn what true forgiveness really means.
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Down (Yada Yada Prayer Group #2)
by Neta JacksonThe Yada Yada Prayer Group seems invincible—until tension and distrust shake its very foundation.Jodi Baxter is slowly recuperating from a horrific car accident, but before she&’s fully recovered, other problems arise within the Yada Yada Prayer Group—big problems. The turmoil starts when a heroin-addicted woman charges into a prayer meeting with a knife and isn&’t afraid to use it.Things really take a turn for the worse when grim accusations are made against Jodi&’s husband. Racial division, pain, and pride are tearing this close-knit group of women apart, and Jodi isn&’t sure if she and her spiritual sisters will be able to survive the mess.The Yada Yadas are forced to get down to the nitty-gritty in their relationships and in their prayers. But is forgiveness possible—not just of their closest friends . . . but also of their enemies?
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real (Yada Yada #3)
by Neta JacksonThe Yada Yadas thought they had a handle on forgiveness, but it seems God has them on a crash-course to an even deeper level. After everything the Yada Yadas had been through in the past eight months, I told God I could sure use a little "dull and boring" in the new year! <P><P> But that was before Leslie "Stu" Stuart moved in upstairs. Ms. Perfect herself and me--Jodi Baxter--living in the same two-flat? A recipe for collision. Then Delores Enriquez's son Jose wanted to throw my Amanda a quinceanera --a coming-out party, Mexican style--and they're only fifteen!At least Bandana Woman, who held up our Yada Yada Prayer Group at knifepoint last fall, was safely locked up in prison . . . or so I thought. We visited her, like the Bible says; even sent her something for Christmas. But then she ends up back in our face. I mean, how far is forgiveness supposed to go?I guess I should have realized that with eleven Yada Yada sisters as diverse as a bag of Jelly Bellies, life would always be unpredictable. All I know is that the longer we Yada Yadas pray together, the more "real" things are getting, not only with each other but with God. Dull and boring? Not a chance.
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real (Yada Yada Prayer Group #3)
by Neta JacksonThe sisters of the Yada Yada Prayer Group are learning how to be real—with each other and with God.After a particularly exhausting year with the Yada Yada Prayer Group, all Jodi Baxter wants is a break. She even asks God for a little &“dull and boring&” in the new year. Instead she finds that when you&’re open to His plans, life is unpredictable—in the best and hardest ways.Jodi&’s life is suddenly full of changes, and they can be described as anything but boring. Out of all the Yada Yadas, God has Leslie &“Stu&” Stuart move into the Baxter&’s upstairs flat, which requires a lot of patience—and tongue-biting—on Jodi&’s part. She&’s continually unnerved by guilt stemming from the accident and dreads the day when she comes face-to-face with Hakim&’s mother. Plus, Bandana Woman, who was safely locked up in prison, has returned. Phew!Through prayer and friendship, the Yada Yadas are getting real. Dull and boring? Not a chance.
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Rolling (Yada Yada #6)
by Neta JacksonA devastating fire wakes up the Yadas to a new reality: God is on the move. What I'd like to know is, why does God keep rearranging my comfort zone? It could have something to do with my Yada Yada prayer sisters, who aren't afraid to get in each other's faces and tend to expect big things from God. But to move forward, sometimes we have to let go of what's behind. In spite of the loss of two dear friends. In spite of the breakup of a teenage love. In spite of the curse of HIV. In spite of prison time hanging over the head of a beloved child. In spite of fire consuming the hopes of those who have nothing. Yet out of the ashes, God is doing a new thing! It's time for the Yadas to press on, pray on, and get rolling!
The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Tough (Yada Yada #4)
by Neta JacksonIn Book 4 of The Yada Yada Prayer Group series, Neta Jackson takes the prayer group to an even deeper level. They've entered the War Zone, and this is spiritual warfare. Will the Yada Yadas buckle under this new crises of faith?
The Yada Yada Prayer Journal (Yada Yada Prayer Group)
by Neta Jackson Dave JacksonThis smartly designed companion book includes thought-provoking quotes from the three novels, with related scriptures and nuggets for life-application along with blank pages for the reader's own thoughts and prayers.
Yahadus Curriculum Book 1
by Living LessonsMadah and Ahavah Living Lessons' flagship Yahadus curriculum gives a strong overview of the entire Torah over five years (fourth through eighth grade) with the mitzvos as a framework. <P><P> Each year, students learn approximately 120 Mitzvos, and the curriculum adjusts in content, language and design to suit the target age level. <P><P> The Rambam's order of the mitzvos, organized by subject, has been used, with rare exceptions. This logical sequence makes it much easier for children to connect to and retain the information. <P><P> The curriculum starts in fourth grade with the mitzvos of Sefer Madda, and ends with Sefer Shoftim in eighth grade. There is one student textbook for each year. Four volumes are now available, with the fifth and final volume coming soon b'ezras Hashem. The textbooks are sturdy and designed to last for a number of years by the students in each grade. <P><P> A two-part Teacher s Guide, as well as a workbook with activities is available for the students to use. <P><P> While every school is constantly challenged to squeeze in everything they want to teach into their limited time resources - as they should be - this curriculum is a tremendous asset, as it can change the approach of the teachers and students to the entire learning process. <P><P> The curriculum also covers many aspects of any Jewish Studies curriculum, being that it goes through all 613 mitzvos, and thus may free up some of the time needed for them. <P><P> It is designed to use approximately 90 minutes per week. <P><P> The curriculum is built with much flexibility in the time it will use: <P><P> It can be taught either in varying timeframes (1 - 2 longer sessions per week, or 3 - 4 shorter ones.) <P><P> Much of the information is optional and the layout is designed to allow it to easily be included or omitted in classroom instruction based on time allowances. <P><P> It reads easily and is visually attractive enough for students to take home and prepare varying amounts of the text before class. <P><P> Living Lessons is a grass-roots effort to create high-quality Torah learning materials for children. Benefiting from the latest educational methods, and without compromising our rich Mesorah, a group of dedicated individuals have undertaken the monumental task of preparing materials to make Torah engaging, meaningful and exciting to learn and teach. <P><P> The first result of the this effort is the state-of-the-art Yahadus curriculum, designed by a team of Mechanchim and Mechanchos, Rabbonim, researchers, writers, designers, parents, and children. Other exciting projects are underway. Stay tuned for updates!
Yahadus Curriculum Book 2
by Living LessonsZemanim, Noshimm Kedushah, and Hafloah <P><P>Living Lessons' flagship Yahadus curriculum gives a strong overview of the entire Torah over five years (fourth through eighth grade) with the mitzvos as a framework. <P><P> <P><P>Each year, students learn approximately 120 Mitzvos, and the curriculum adjusts in content, language and design to suit the target age level. The Rambam's order of the mitzvos, organized by subject, has been used, with rare exceptions. This logical sequence makes it much easier for children to connect to and retain the information. The curriculum starts in fourth grade with the mitzvos of Sefer Madda, and ends with Sefer Shoftim in eighth grade. There is one student textbook for each year. Four volumes are now available, with the fifth and final volume coming soon b'ezras Hashem. The textbooks are sturdy and designed to last for a number of years by the students in each grade. A two-part Teacher s Guide, as well as a workbook with activities is available for the students to use. While every school is constantly challenged to squeeze in everything they want to teach into their limited time resources - as they should be - this curriculum is a tremendous asset, as it can change the approach of the teachers and students to the entire learning process. The curriculum also covers many aspects of any Jewish Studies curriculum, being that it goes through all 613 mitzvos, and thus may free up some of the time needed for them. <P><P>It is designed to use approximately 90 minutes per week. The curriculum is built with much flexibility in the time it will use: It can be taught either in varying timeframes (1 - 2 longer sessions per week, or 3 - 4 shorter ones.) Much of the information is optional and the layout is designed to allow it to easily be included or omitted in classroom instruction based on time allowances. It reads easily and is visually attractive enough for students to take home and prepare varying amounts of the text before class. <P><P>Living Lessons is a grass-roots effort to create high-quality Torah learning materials for children. Benefiting from the latest educational methods, and without compromising our rich Mesorah, a group of dedicated individuals have undertaken the monumental task of preparing materials to make Torah engaging, meaningful and exciting to learn and teach. The first result of the this effort is the state-of-the-art Yahadus curriculum, designed by a team of Mechanchim and Mechanchos, Rabbonim, researchers, writers, designers, parents, and children. Other exciting projects are underway. Stay tuned for updates!
Yahadus Student's Textbook 5
by Living LessonsKinyan, Mishpatim and Shoftim Living Lessons’ flagship Yahadus curriculum gives a strong overview of the entire Torah over five years (fourth through eighth grade) with the mitzvos as a framework. Each year, students learn approximately 120 Mitzvos, and the curriculum adjusts in content, language and design to suit the target age level. The Rambam’s order of the mitzvos, organized by subject, has been used, with rare exceptions. This logical sequence makes it much easier for children to connect to and retain the information. The curriculum starts in fourth grade with the mitzvos of Sefer Madda, and ends with Sefer Shoftim in eighth grade. There is one student textbook for each year. All five volumes are now available. The textbooks are sturdy and designed to last for a number of years by the students in each grade. A two-part Teacher s Guide, as well as a workbook with activities is available for the students to use. While every school is constantly challenged to squeeze in everything they want to teach into their limited time resources - as they should be - this curriculum is a tremendous asset, as it can change the approach of the teachers and students to the entire learning process. The curriculum also covers many aspects of any Jewish Studies curriculum, being that it goes through all 613 mitzvos, and thus may free up some of the time needed for them. It is designed to use approximately 90 minutes per week. The curriculum is built with much flexibility in the time it will use: It can be taught either in varying timeframes (1 - 2 longer sessions per week, or 3 - 4 shorter ones.) Much of the information is optional and the layout is designed to allow it to easily be included or omitted in classroom instruction based on time allowances. It reads easily and is visually attractive enough for students to take home and prepare varying amounts of the text before class. Living Lessons is a grass-roots effort to create high-quality Torah learning materials for children. Benefiting from the latest educational methods, and without compromising our rich Mesorah, a group of dedicated individuals have undertaken the monumental task of preparing materials to make Torah engaging, meaningful and exciting to learn and teach. The first result of the this effort is the state-of-the-art Yahadus curriculum, designed by a team of Mechanchim and Mechanchos, Rabbonim, researchers, writers, designers, parents, and children. Other exciting projects are underway. Stay tuned for updates!
Yahweh and the Origins of Ancient Israel: Insights from the Archaeological Record
by Nissim AmzallagIn this book, Nissim Amzallag offers new perspectives on the birth of ancient Israel by combining recent archaeological discoveries with a new approach to ancient Yahwism. He investigates the renewal of the copper industry in the Early Iron Age Levant and its influence on the rise of new nations, and also explores the recently identified metallurgical context of ancient Yahwism in the Bible. By merging these two branches of evidence, Amzallag proposes that the roots of YHWH are found in a powerful deity who sponsored the emancipation movement that freed Israel from the Amorite/Egyptian hegemony. Amzallag identifies the early Israelite religion as an attempt to transform the esoteric traditions of Levantine metalworkers into the public worship of YHWH. These unusual origins provide insight into many of the unique aspects of Israelite theology that ultimately spurred the evolution towards monotheism. His volume also casts new light on the mysterious smelting-god, the figure around which many Bronze Age religions revolved.