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Zionism in an Arab Country: Jews in Iraq in the 1940s
by Esther Meir-GlitzensteinZionism in an Arab Country explores the relations between the Zionist establishment in Israel, and the Jewish community in Iraq. This relationship is centred on two organizations: a Zionist movement and a defense organization. By reviewing the activity of these organizations, Esther Meir-Glitzstein examines the decade preceding mass immigration, and reveals the political, societal, economic and cultural developments that shaped the history of Iraqi Jewry in this crucial period.Beyond the main focus on the sphere of Zionist activity, Meir-Glitzstein also uncovers the basic problems that shaped both the development of Iraqi Jewry in the 1940s and the policy of the Zionist establishment - trapped between Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism. Finally, she elucidates the reasons and circumstances that led to the mass immigration of Jews from Iraq to the state of Israel.
Zionism without Zion: The Jewish Territorial Organization and Its Conflict with the Zionist Organization
by Gur AlroeyWhile the ideologies of Territorialism and Zionism originated at the same time, the Territorialists foresaw a dire fate for Eastern European Jews, arguing that they could not wait for the Zionist Organization to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. This pessimistic worldview led Territorialists to favor a solution for the Jewish state "here and now"--and not only in the Land of Israel. In Zionism without Zion: The Jewish Territorial Organization and Its Conflict with the Zionist Organization, author Gur Alroey examines this group's unique perspective, its struggle with the Zionist movement, its Zionist rivals' response, and its diplomatic efforts to obtain a territory for the Jewish people in the first decades of the twentieth century. Alroey begins by examining the British government's Uganda Plan and the ensuing crisis it caused in the Zionist movement and Jewish society. He details the founding of the Jewish Territorial Organization (ITO) in 1903 and explains the varied reactions that the Territorialist ideology received from Zionists and settlers in Palestine. Alroey also details the diplomatic efforts of Territorialists during their desperate search for a suitable territory, which ultimately never bore fruit. Finally, he attempts to understand the reasons for the ITO's dissolution after the Balfour Declaration, explores the revival of Territorialism with the New Territorialists in the 1930s and 1940s, and describes the similarities and differences between the movement then and its earlier version. Zionism without Zion sheds new light on the solutions Territorialism proposed to alleviate the hardship of Eastern European Jews at the start of the twentieth century and offers fresh insights into the challenges faced by Zionism in the same era. The thorough discussion of this under-studied ideology will be of considerable interested to scholars of Eastern European history, Jewish history, and Israel studies.
Zionism’s Redemptions: Images of the Past and Visions of the Future in Jewish Nationalism
by Arieh SaposnikIn this volume, Arieh Saposnik examines the complicated relations between nationalism and religious (and non-religious) redemptive traditions through the case study of Zionism. He provides a new framework for understanding the central ideas of this movement and its relationship to traditional Jewish ideas, Christian thought, and modern secular messianisms. Providing a longue-durée and broad view of the central themes and motivations in the making of Zionism, Saposnik connects its intellectual history with the concrete development of the Zionist project in Israel in its cultural, social, and political history. Saposnik demonstrates how Zionism offers lessons for a politics in which human perfectibility continues to serve as a guiding light and as a counter-narrative to the contemporary politics of self-interest, self-promotion and 'post-truth.' This is a study that bears implications for our understanding of modernity, of space and place, history and historical trajectories, and the place of Jews and Judaism in the modern world.
The Zionist Bible: Biblical Precedent, Colonialism and the Erasure of Memory (BibleWorld)
by Nur MasalhaThroughout the history of European imperialism the grand narratives of the Bible have been used to justify settler-colonialism. "The Zionist Bible" explores the ways in which modern political Zionism and Israeli militarism have used the Bible - notably the Book of Joshua and its description of the entry of the Israelites into the Promised Land - as an agent of oppression and to support settler-colonialism in Palestine. The rise of messianic Zionism in the late 1960s saw the beginnings of a Jewish theology of zealotocracy, based on the militant land traditions of the Bible and justifying the destruction of the previous inhabitants. "The Zionist Bible" examines how the birth and growth of the State of Israel has been shaped by this Zionist reading of the Bible, how it has refashioned Israeli-Jewish collective memory, erased and renamed Palestinian topography, and how critical responses to this reading have challenged both Jewish and Palestinian nationalism.
The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland—Then, Now, Tomorrow (JPS Anthologies of Jewish Thought)
by Gil Troy Natan SharanskyThe most comprehensive Zionist collection ever published, The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland—Then, Now, Tomorrow sheds light on the surprisingly diverse and shared visions for realizing Israel as a democratic Jewish state. Building on Arthur Hertzberg’s classic, The Zionist Idea, Gil Troy explores the backstories, dreams, and legacies of more than 170 passionate Jewish visionaries—quadruple Hertzberg’s original number and now including women, mizrachim, and others—from the 1800s to today. Troy divides the thinkers into six Zionist schools of thought—Political, Revisionist, Labor, Religious, Cultural, and Diaspora Zionism—and reveals the breadth of the debate and surprising syntheses. He also presents the visionaries within three major stages of Zionist development, demonstrating the length and evolution of the conversation. Part 1 (pre-1948) introduces the pioneers who founded the Jewish state, such as Herzl, Gordon, Jabotinsky, Kook, Ha’am, and Szold. Part 2 (1948 to 2000) features builders who actualized and modernized the Zionist blueprints, such as Ben-Gurion, Berlin, Meir, Begin, Soloveitchik, Uris, and Kaplan. Part 3 showcases today’s torchbearers, including Barak, Grossman, Shaked, Lau, Yehoshua, and Sacks. This mosaic of voices will engage equally diverse readers in reinvigorating the Zionist conversation—weighing and developing the moral, social, and political character of the Jewish state of today and tomorrow.
Zionists in Interwar Czechoslovakia: Minority Nationalism And The Politics Of Belonging (The\modern Jewish Experience Ser.)
by Tatjana LichtensteinThis book presents an unconventional history of minority nationalism in interwar Eastern Europe. Focusing on an influential group of grassroots activists, Tatjana Lichtenstein uncovers Zionist projects intended to sustain the flourishing Jewish national life in Czechoslovakia.The book shows that Zionism was not an exit strategy for Jews, but as a ticket of admission to the societies they already called home.It explores how and why Zionists envisioned minority nationalism as a way to construct Jews' belonging and civic equality in Czechoslovakia.By giving voice to the diversity of aspirations within interwar Zionism, the book offers a fresh view of minority nationalism and state building in Eastern Europe.
Zip It: The Keep It Shut 40-Day Challenge
by Karen EhmanZip It empowers readers to put into action the advice and commands of Scripture concerning the tongue. The New York Times bestselling book Keep It Shut covered many topics, including anger, truth-telling, people-pleasing, our digital tongues online, and gossip. Because there are more than 3,500 verses in the Bible that relate to our words and our silence, Keep It Shut only scratched the surface of these issues. Karen Ehman now takes a deeper look and offers practical how-to’s that will inspire you use your words to build, to bless, to encourage, and to praise.Each of the forty interactive entries includes a Scripture verse focus for the day, a story or teaching point, and reflection questions with space for readers to write their answers and thoughts. Each entry ends with both a challenge that will help you carry out the directive in the verse and a prayer prompt. Rather than a traditional devotional,the entries in Zip It build upon each other, equipping you with new habits in how to, or not to, use words.
The Zippered Heart
by Marilyn Meberg"Why did I say that? Why did I do that? Where on earth did those mean thoughts and motivations come from? I'm so glad no one can read my mind." We all get whiplashed and sometimes broadsided by the "dark" side of our nature, which produces thoughts and behaviors that cause us to feel ashamed. many of us deny that part of ourselves, and kick it off somewhere in the shadowy recesses of the heart, where we hope it will stay put, not cause us any more trouble, and hopefully not be noticed.In The Zippered Heart, Marilyn does a gentle exploration of those secrets and issues which, if denied, can rob us of the abundant life we are promised in Christ. God means for us to be whole. This book is an encouragement in that process."This book will change lives, because it requires that we look precisely at both the dark and the light sides of ourselves. Then it brings an overflowing grace and forgiveness. As a psychologist with thirty-five years of clinical experience, I can say that this is one of the best books I have read." -Neil Clark Warren, author of Finding the Love of Your Life"Step into liberty through the rapscallion brilliance of Marilyn Meberg." -Patsy Clairmont, author of Mending Your Heart in a Broken World"For thirty years Marilyn's compassionate exploration of the human heart has amazed me. Now, with skill and tenderness she opens that heart for all of us to see how fearfully and wonderfully we are made." -Luci Swindoll, author, speaker, Women of Faith"The Zippered Heart is a perceptive and sensitive examination of the 'war within' between our two natures." -Archibald D. Hart, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary
Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel
by Marek HalterFrom the internationally bestselling author of Sarah comes the riveting story of the remarkable woman who walked beside Moses. Although she is a Cushite by birth--one of the people of the lands to the south--Zipporah grew up as the beloved daughter of Jethro, high priest and sage of the Midianites. But the color of Zipporah's skin sets her apart, making her an outsider to the men of her adopted tribe, who do not want her as a wife. Then one day while drawing water from a well, she meets a handsome young stranger. Like her, he is an outsider. A Hebrew raised in the house of the Egyptian Pharaoh, Moses is a fugitive, forced to flee his homeland. Zipporah realizes that this man will be the husband and partner she never thought she would have.Moses wants nothing more than a peaceful life with the Midianites, but Zipporah won't let Moses forget his past--or turn away from his true destiny. She refuses to marry him until he returns to Egypt to free his people. When God reveals himself to Moses in a burning bush, his words echo Zipporah's, and Moses returns to Egypt with his passionate and generous wife by his side. A woman ahead of her time, Zipporah leaps from the pages of this remarkable novel. Bold, independent, and a true survivor, she is a captivating heroine, and her world of deserts, temples, and ancient wonders is a fitting backdrop to an epic tale. , independent, and a true survivor, she is a captivating heroine, and her world of deserts, temples, and ancient wonders is a fitting backdrop to an epic tale.As Zipporah and Moses came closer to the queen of cities, the road parted company with the riverbank, and they found themselves facing a vast expanse of palm groves between the river and the hills and ocher cliffs, beyond which the desert began. And there, finally, rising into the blue sky, were the temples of Pharaoh.There were about ten of them, the largest surrounded by smaller ones, as if they had given birth to them. Seeming to grow out of the rock, the tops reaching up into the sky, they defied belief, so fantastically huge that beside them, even the cliffs seemed mere hillocks. Their faces shimmered in the heat like oil against the transparent sky. The neatly laid brick road leading to them burned in the sun.Zipporah remembered Moses' words about the splendor of Pharaoh's temples, but their hugeness surpassed anything she could have imagined. Nothing here was on a human scale. Not even the stone monsters with the heads of men and the bodies of lions that stood guard before them.Farther on, beneath great pyramids, they could see vast building sites. Colonnades and needles of white limestone and walls carved and painted with thousands of figures rose on the fronts of palaces hollowed out of the cliffs. There were unfinished monsters without wings, and statues without heads. In places, the roads became mere dirt paths, with bricks piled at the sides. And everywhere, the slaves swarmed, working, carrying, hammering, creating a din that rose into the heat of the day and was carried on the air from the farthest reaches of the building sites. --FROM ZIPPORAHLook for the Reader's Group Guide at the back of this book.From the Hardcover edition.
Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel (Canaan Trilogy #2)
by Marek Halter Howard CurtisFeaturing a bold, spirited woman of color as its protagonist, "Zipporah," the story of the wife of Moses, will appeal to a wide range of readers and follows "Sarah" in Halter's Canaan Trilogy.
Zivilgesellschaftliche Performanz von religiösen und säkularen Migrantenselbstorganisationen: Eine Studie in Nordrhein-Westfalen
by Anna Wiebke KlieDas vorliegende Open-Access-Buch trägt in theoretischer und empirischer Hinsicht zu einem besseren Verständnis der Eigenschaften und zivilgesellschaftlichen Verortung von religiösen und säkularen Migrantenselbstorganisationen (MSO) bei. MSO werden unter migrations-, religions- sowie organisationssoziologischen Blickwinkeln betrachtet, in politische Felder und Diskurse eingeordnet und die jeweiligen Positionen mit den Ergebnissen einer (nicht-repräsentativen) Befragung von MSO in neun Großstädten Nordrhein-Westfalens ins Verhältnis gesetzt. Bei der Erhebung wurden organisationsspezifische Merkmale, Ressourcenausstattungen und zivilgesellschaftliche Eigenschaften in den Blick genommen, die wiederum Aktivitäten, Ziele, Selbstverständnisse, das Kooperationsspektrum sowie die Umweltbeziehungen der MSO umfassen. Insgesamt unterstreichen die Ergebnisse für die beiden unterschiedenen Organisationstypen viele Gemeinsamkeiten, zugleich aber auch spezifische Binnen- und Außenverhältnisse. Eine Reduzierung ausschließlich auf religiöse oder säkulare Merkmale wird ihrer Charakterisierung also nicht gerecht – vielmehr ist von einer Vermischung von Handlungslogiken auszugehen.
Zix Zexy Ztories
by Curt LeviantA humorous collection of love stories from an award-winning author who has been called &“a compassionate and witty satirist&” (Kirkus Reviews). From Holocaust survivors to Yiddish artists, a petty thief and a Polish shiksa with a passion for Jewish history, what unites the delectable characters in Curt Leviant&’s witty collection of romantic tales is the universal desire for love and admiration. With settings as various as the Deep South, Boston, New York, Italy, Israel, each story is a wry look at romantic pursuit, each relationship as unique as the lovers themselves. Whether or not love succeeds for Leviant&’s all-too-human characters, the journey is always filled with humor and heart.
Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories
by Isaac Bashevis Singer Elizabeth ShubFrom two masters who need no introduction comes a handsome reprint of the classic Newbery Honor book Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories. With wit and whimsy, Maurice Sendak illustrates seven tales about the legendary village of fools, Chelm, written by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Silly, outrageous, and sometimes poignant, the stories (translated from the Yiddish) reflect the traditions, heroes, and villains of middle European folklore. The devil makes an appearance more than once, as do the ever-so-foolish yet highly revered Elders of Chelm. In "The Mixed-Up Feet and the Silly Bridegroom," four sisters wake one morning to discover that their feet have become mixed up in the bed they share. A wise Elder advises their mother to whack the bed with a big stick, thus causing each girl to grab her own feet in pain and surprise. When their feet are sorted out, he then recommends, the sisters should be married off as soon as possible, to reduce the possibility of similar mix-ups in the future. Of course, none of them count on the breathtaking stupidity of the first bridegroom. Another not-so-clever fellow stars in "The First Shlemiel." When this man's wife asks him to do three things for her, he promptly and accidentally proceeds to breach each one of his promises, resulting in a baby with a bump on his head, an escaped rooster, and an emptied pot of jam. Somehow, though, possibly because ignorance is bliss, fools always come out on top in these wonderful stories, making for terrific read-aloud, laugh-aloud fun for the entire family. (All ages) --Emilie Coulter
The Zodiac Guide to Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the curious and independent air sign, Aquarius.- Discover what really makes an Aquarius tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Aries: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the passionate and adventurous fire sign, Aries.- Discover what really makes an Aries tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Cancer: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the sensitive and caring water sign, Cancer.- Discover what really makes a Cancer tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Capricorn: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the ambitious and logical earth sign, Capricorn.- Discover what really makes a Capricorn tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Gemini: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the quick-witted and adaptable air sign, Gemini.- Discover what really makes a Gemini tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Leo: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the proud and generous fire sign, Leo.- Discover what really makes a Leo tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Libra: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the charming and easy-going air sign, Libra.- Discover what really makes a Libra tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Pisces: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the empathetic and compassionate water sign, Pisces.- Discover what really makes a Pisces tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Sagittarius: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the enthusiastic and broadminded fire sign, Sagittarius.- Discover what really makes a Sagittarius tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Scorpio: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the resourceful and intuitive water sign, Scorpio.- Discover what really makes a Scorpio tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Taurus: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the determined and faithful earth sign, Taurus.- Discover what really makes a Taurus tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose
The Zodiac Guide to Virgo: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars
by Astrid CarvelEmbark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the capable and thoughtful earth sign, Virgo.- Discover what really makes a Virgo tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose