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Capturing the Minister's Heart

by Kd Fleming

THINGS USUALLY GO ABBY BLACKMON'S WAY As an attorney and a senator's daughter, Abby is used to seeing her dreams fulfilled. But there's one exception: handsome single pastor Jeremy Walker. Abby longs for Jeremy to see her as more than a friend and member of the congregation, but every time they get close, he pulls away. Keeping a low profile is a matter of life-and-death for Jeremy. Though he's drawn to Abby, she lives in the limelight he's desperate to avoid. Abby deserves a man who can give her the world, not one who has to hide from it. Can she convince Jeremy that the only attention she wants is his?

Capturing the Silken Thief (Undone!)

by Jeannie Lin

Tang Dynasty China, 823 A.D.Musician Jia needs a valuable book of poems by a famous courtesan to buy her freedom...and she believes Luo Cheng has taken it. Her attempt to steal the book from him fails, but the tall and powerful scholar unexpectedly offers to help her quest! But when they finally find the book-and the arousing poems and artwork inside-Jia's longing for freedom is replaced with a new kind of desire for Cheng....

Capullo... ¿de seda? (Hadas de Manhattan #Volumen 2)

by Ruth M. Lerga

Si encuentro al iluminado que dijo que es bueno que salir de nuestra zona de confort, él acaba enterrado y yo en la cárcel. Me llamo Devaney y hasta hace bien poco era una de esas mujeres privilegiadas con una vida perfecta: temida ejecutiva de la Gran Manzana de día, celeb de las noches neoyorquinas. Y justo cuando estoy a punto de llegar a la cúspide de mi carrera, voy a la gala de Vogue en el Met y, todavía no entiendo cómo, acabo renunciando a mi puesto de trabajo para dirigir una fundación en favor de los derechos de las mujeres tejedoras de seda de India. Como las sorpresas dicen que vienen de tres en tres, me anuncian que voy a tener que colaborar con un abogado de la ONU en esta nueva aventura: con el guapísimo Ian Acer. Un hombre que sería perfecto si no fuera un auténtico capullo que, a pesar de que me tiene manía, hace que me olvide de por qué es mejor que no tenga pareja (es que yo soy de las que cuando se enamora no lo nota, pero enseguida se vuelve idiota). Y el último sorpresón... ese mejor lo leéis vosotras y luego me decís si valió la pena salirme del guion que era mi vida.

Car Pool

by Karin Kallmaker

Lesbian romance.

The Car Share: A brand new utterly delicious romantic comedy

by Lucy Mitchell

Embark on a heart-warming romantic journey in this delightful comedy that proves it doesn&’t matter where you&’re going—it&’s who you have beside you on the way . . . After Lia&’s old car breathes its last, the single mom must reluctantly take the bus to work . . . and face unwarranted attention from a troublesome teenager. It&’s all too much to take—she&’s been depressed since her fiancé&’s death and even quit her beloved women&’s football team. But it&’s Happy Car Sharers to the rescue after her friends get her set up on the app. Mateo, meanwhile, has recently moved to town, and his long walk to the train station is a literal pain due to an ankle injury. Soon he and Lia are riding each morning with a charmingly bossy driver and a rotation of colorful fellow passengers. It&’s not love at first sight. Technically it&’s not even first sight: they&’ve seen each other before at the nursing home where both their fathers live and Mateo plays piano for the residents. But with each trip they get to know each other better . . . and the more they know, the more they find to like. With both of them consumed by personal losses and pressing family responsibilities—and another man getting in the way—can romance lie on the road ahead for these commuting companions?The Car Share is a humorous exploration of love, loss, and the unexpected detours that lead us to where we truly belong.Praise for Lucy Mitchell &“[Mitchell&’s] writing is deliciously funny and has so much heart.&” —Sandy Barker, author of One Summer in Santorini

Car Trouble

by J. M. Snyder

When Terrence Jackson's new Mercedes begins to act up, his secretary suggests he take it to a local auto shop she usually frequents. But a phone call to the shop's owner doesn't exactly instill him with confidence. Still, the place comes highly recommended ...What begins as a bad day improves when he meets the mechanic. Dressed in a pair of tight, oil-stained jeans and little else, Jimmy exudes sex appeal. Terrence finds himself drawn to Jimmy, and soon it's not just his car being serviced.

Car Wash

by Shawn Lane

Kevin Flaherty’s life really sucks. Laid off from his job and facing homelessness, he doesn’t think things can get worse. Forced to work a low-paying job at a car wash, he’s embarrassed to even tell his closest friends.Hotshot lawyer Michael Bennett comes in to have his Maserati cleaned. Kevin knows Michael well. When Kevin was fifteen, an openly gay twenty-one-year-old Michael was Kevin’s dream man. But when the teenaged Kevin made a move, Michael rejected the then too young Kevin. But nine years have passed, and Michael is surprised at how gorgeous and haughty Kevin has become.When he learns of Kevin’s situation, a smitten Michael makes it his job to clean up the disaster Kevin’s life has become. But his take-charge, bossy attitude rubs sensitive Kevin the wrong way.Things look dismal for Kevin once more, but can he find a way to let Michael see the true beauty behind his sass?

La cara oscura de la luna (Cazadores Oscuros #Volumen 10)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Décima entrega de la serie de vampiros que ha revolucionado el género: los «Cazadores Oscuros» de Sherrilyn Kenyon. Susan Michaels había sido una periodista reconocida, con varios premios en su haber, hasta que un escándalo arruinó su carrera. Ahora trabaja en un pequeño diario sensacionalista de Seattle, cubriendo las noticias más inverosímiles. Aunque está sobre la pista de una historia que podría redimirla... Ravyn Kontis nació en un mundo de predadores. Cuatro siglos atrás había sido traicionado por quienes más amaba; perdió a su familia, su honor y su vida, y se convirtió en un Cazador Oscuro. Desde entonces, más letal de lo que jamás había sido, ha luchado en solitario. Sin embargo, si quiere salvar a la humanidad, debe confiar a una mujer el secreto que podría destruirle. En el mundo de los Cazadores Oscuros la vida siempre es un peligro. Pero nunca tanto como ahora, cuando una mortal podría aniquilar el mundo con solo contar una historia. La pregunta es: ¿lo hará?

Cara's Land: engross yourself in this captivating and moving novel set in the Yorkshire Dales

by Elvi Rhodes

A heartrending but uplifting story unfolds in the Yorkshire Dales when a promising new life instead demands the utmost of Cara Dunning. From multi-million copy seller Elvi Rhodes, this is perfect for fans of Rosamunde Pilcher and Maeve Binchy.READERS ARE LOVING CARA'S LAND'A fabulous writer, and this Book is brilliant' - 5 STAR REVIEW'The first Elvi Rhodes book I have read but I've already bought more!' - 5 STAR REVIEW'EXCELLENT' - 5 STAR REVIEW'A brilliant story; I couldn't put it down.' - 5 STAR REVIEW*******************************************************************CAN SHE FIND HAPPINESS IN HER NEW LIFE?Cara Dunning first came to the wild and remote Beckwith Farm in the Yorkshire Dales as a young land girl during the Second World War.When Cara fell in love with Edward Hendry, whose family owned Beckwith, it was not what her family had intended. Edward was fifteen years older than Cara, a pacifist, and a widower with two children, one of whom bitterly resented her new stepmother.Cara was determined to make the marriage work, in spite of the hard life on the farm, in spite of Edward's reserved personality and the shadow of Nancy, his former wife.Her greatest friend on the farm was Edward's mother. Edith Hendry, a loyal and wise Dales-woman, was to see the young bride through many tragedies and vicissitudes.And as Cara's life began to change, so Cara changed too, finding a complete and utter happiness where she had never expected to...

Cara's Twaalf

by Debbie Verschueren Chantel Seabrook

Opgegroeid in een uithoek van de provincie Crowthorne, wordt Cara's lot bezegeld door een systeem dat ze veracht en een godin waar ze niet meer in gelooft. Wanneer duidelijk wordt dat de troonopvolger van Elbia in ongenade is gevallen in de ogen van de godin, wordt Cara door haar bloedlijn verplicht de plaats van haar nicht in te nemen als wettelijke erfgenaam. Een man uit elke twaalf provincies wordt gekozen door de koninklijke raad om hun leven en zwaard te wijden aan de toekomstige koningin als haar consorten. Uit deze mannen, moet Cara de toekomstige koning van Elbia kiezen. Voordat ze in staat is plaats te nemen op de troon, moeten Cara en haar Twaalf iedere provincie bezoeken en een heilige ceremonie uitvoeren, een ritueel waardoor Cara alles in vraag stelt wat ze dacht te kennen. Cara beseft al snel dat niet alle mannen die hadden gezworen haar te beschermen, zijn wie ze lijken, en dat er mensen zijn die haar willen gebruiken als middel om macht te verkrijgen. Cara's Twaalf is een verfrissend, romantisch fantasieverhaal over mooie vrouwen en onverschrokken strijders in een middeleeuws tijdperk.

Cara's Twelve - Il Trono di Elbia

by Stefania Parente Chantel Seabrook

Cresciuta nella provincia sperduta di Crowthorne, Cara scopre che il suo destino è legato a un sistema che disprezza e a una dea in cui non crede più. Quando diventa chiaro che l’erede al trono di Elbia è caduta in disgrazia agli occhi della dea, a Cara, per i suoi legami di sangue, viene ordinato di prendere il posto di sua cugina come erede legittima. Un uomo da ognuna delle dodici province viene scelto dal consiglio reale per consacrare la propria vita e la propria spada come campione e consorte della futura regina. Tra questi uomini Cara deve scegliere il futuro re di Elbia. Prima che possa sedersi sul trono, Cara e i suoi Dodici consorti devono visitare ogni provincia e celebrare una cerimonia sacra, che le farà mettere in discussione tutto ciò che pensava fosse reale. Cara presto capisce che non tutti gli uomini che hanno giurato di proteggerla sono quello che sembrano e che ci sono quelli che la vorrebbero usare come strumento per ottenere il potere. Cara’s Twelve – Il trono di Elbia è una storia di giovani fanciulle e guerrieri senza paura in una terra medievale, una ventata d’aria fresca nel panorama del fantasy romance

Caras Zwölf

by Chantel Seabrook Eva Markert, Christina Löw

Aufgewachsen in der rückständigen Provinz Crowthorne, muss Cara eines Tages feststellen, dass ihr Schicksal von einem System bestimmt wird, das ihr verhasst ist, und von einer Göttin, an die sie schon lange nicht mehr glaubt. Da die Thronerbin von Elbia keine Gnade vor den Augen der Göttin findet, wird Cara als Nächste in der Abstammungslinie dazu erkoren, den Platz ihrer Cousine in der Thronfolge einzunehmen. Aus den zwölf Provinzen kürt der königliche Rat zwölf Beschützer und Gefährten, die der zukünftigen Königin ihr Leben und ihr Schwert weihen. Unter diesen Männern soll Cara ihren Gemahl, den König von Elbia, auswählen. Bevor sie den Thron besteigen kann, müssen sie und ihre Zwölf jede Provinz besuchen und eine heilige Zeremonie durchführen, bei der Caras bisheriges Weltbild völlig auf den Kopf gestellt wird. Bald merkt sie auch, dass sie nicht jedem ihrer Beschützer trauen kann. Einige wären sogar bereit, sie aus Machtgier als Mittel zum Zweck zu benutzen. „Caras Zwölf“ ist eine erfrischend andere, romantische Fantasygeschichte über holde Maiden und furchtlose Krieger in einem Land des Mittelalters.

Carats (Flawless #3)

by Emily Duvall

Self-centered, rude, and undeniably handsome, Damon Harrison can’t be bothered to help anyone besides himself. As a lawyer for his family’s jewelry store, he’s used to appraising diamonds with impeccable standards and a critical eye. But when a beautiful stranger asks for help, he rejects everything about her. Lila Kent is used to the dark. At the age of sixteen, she lost her eyesight. Ten years later, Lila’s carefully crafted world is shattered by a diamond ring—one that promises more darkness. Forced to choose between staying safe or seeking Damon’s help, Lila learns that people aren’t always who they seem, the heart doesn’t always win, and that things left behind aren’t always meant to be found.

Caraval: The mesmerising Sunday Times bestseller (Caraval)

by Stephanie Garber

'If you ever wondered how it would feel to step into a living dream, here's your ticket' - Stacey LeeWelcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems . . .Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show.Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.When the sisters' long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true. But no sooner have they arrived than Tella vanishes, kidnapped by the show's mastermind organiser, Legend. Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But nonetheless she quickly becomes enmeshed in a dangerous game of love, magic and heartbreak. And real or not, she must find Tella before the game is over, and her sister disappears forever.***************PRAISE FOR CARAVAL'Impressive, original, wondrous' - USA Today'Spellbinding' - US Weekly'Magnificent' Publishers Weekly'The Hunger Games meets The Night Circus' - Entertainment Weekly'I lost myself in this world' - Sabaa Tahir'Beautifully written' - Renée Ahdieh'Shimmers with magic' - Marie Rutkoski

Caraval (Caraval #1)

by Stephanie Garber

<P>Whatever you've heard about Caraval, it doesn't compare to the reality. It's more than just a game or a performance. It's the closest you'll ever find to magic in this world . . . <P>Welcome, welcome to Caraval—Stephanie Garber’s sweeping tale of two sisters who escape their ruthless father when they enter the dangerous intrigue of a legendary game. <P>Scarlett has never left the tiny island where she and her beloved sister, Tella, live with their powerful, and cruel, father. Now Scarlett’s father has arranged a marriage for her, and Scarlett thinks her dreams of seeing Caraval, the far-away, once-a-year performance where the audience participates in the show, are over. <P>But this year, Scarlett’s long-dreamt of invitation finally arrives. With the help of a mysterious sailor, Tella whisks Scarlett away to the show. Only, as soon as they arrive, Tella is kidnapped by Caraval’s mastermind organizer, Legend. It turns out that this season’s Caraval revolves around Tella, and whoever finds her first is the winner. <P>Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But she nevertheless becomes enmeshed in a game of love, heartbreak, and magic with the other players in the game. And whether Caraval is real or not, she must find Tella before the five nights of the game are over, a dangerous domino effect of consequences is set off, and her sister disappears forever. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Caraval (Caraval)

by Stephanie Garber

Welcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems. Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show.<p><p>Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.<p><p>When the sisters' long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true. But no sooner have they arrived than Tella vanishes, kidnapped by the show's mastermind organiser, Legend. Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But nonetheless she quickly becomes enmeshed in a dangerous game of love, magic and heartbreak. And real or not, she must find Tella before the game is over, and her sister disappears forever.

The Caraval Complete Trilogy (Caraval)

by Stephanie Garber

'If you ever wondered how it would feel to step into a living dream, here's your ticket' - Stacey LeeWelcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems . . .Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show.Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.When the sisters' long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true. But no sooner have they arrived than Tella vanishes, kidnapped by the show's mastermind organiser, Legend.Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But nonetheless she quickly becomes enmeshed in a dangerous game of love, magic and heartbreak. And real or not, she must find Tella before the game is over, and her sister disappears forever.***************PRAISE FOR THE CARAVAL SERIES'Impressive, original, wondrous' - USA Today'Spellbinding' - US Weekly'Magnificent' Publishers Weekly'The Hunger Games meets The Night Circus' - Entertainment Weekly'I lost myself in this world' - Sabaa Tahir'Beautifully written' - Renée Ahdieh'Shimmers with magic' - Marie Rutkoski

Caravan to Xanadu: A Novel of Marco Polo

by Edison Marshall

[from inside flaps] "In the Thirteenth Century, Mediterranean Europe Was in a passionate ferment--restlessly reaching out for new lands, new achievements, new exploits. And Marco Polo, the Venetian, was its brightest symbol of adventure. EDISON MARSHALL--in recreating this astonishing figure--has worked from life, choosing a real person to be his hero, scrupulously following the known facts of his career. But to the flat and clouded portrait left behind by history, he has given full-blooded, full-dimensioned life. The story reads as though Marco Polo had left another journal in response to the urgent query: "Did you sometimes laugh? Did you never weep? Did no fires kindle your liver when you gazed upon the beautiful maidens of the Kashmir?" Here is an intimate record of the hardships that beset him, the deadly hatred that pursued him, the passionate devotion that brought him triumphant to the palace of the Khan. From the father who scorned and denied Marco Polo, to the unbelievably lovely slave girl who shared the tumult of his heart, Edison Marshall has filled this exciting romance with utterly real human beings. And such is the magic of his pen, that one is indeed transported to those reckless, lavish days, to share the personal adventures of Marco Polo and his caravan as they journey perilously to the fabulous lands of Kublai Khan. Without question, Caravan to Xanadu is Edison Marshall's finest novel, a stirring tale by a master storyteller. BOOK CLUB EDITION"

The Carbon Diaries 2015: Book 1 (Carbon Diaries)

by Saci Lloyd

It's January 1st, 2015, and the UK is the first nation to introduce carbon dioxide rationing, in a drastic bid to combat climate change. As her family spirals out of control, Laura Brown chronicles the first year of rationing with scathing abandon. Will her mother become one with her inner wolf? Will her sister give up her weekends in Ibiza? Does her father love the pig more than her? Can her band The Dirty Angels make it big? And will Ravi Datta ever notice her? In these dark days, Laura deals with the issues that really matter: love, floods and pigs. The Carbon Diaries 2015 is one girl's drastic bid to stay sane in a world unravelling at the seams.

The Carbon Diaries 2015: Book 1

by Saci Lloyd

It's January 1st, 2015, and the UK is the first nation to introduce carbon dioxide rationing, in a drastic bid to combat climate change. As her family spirals out of control, Laura Brown chronicles the first year of rationing with scathing abandon. Will her mother become one with her inner wolf? Will her sister give up her weekends in Ibiza? Does her father love the pig more than her? Can her band The Dirty Angels make it big? And will Ravi Datta ever notice her? In these dark days, Laura deals with the issues that really matter: love, floods and pigs. The Carbon Diaries 2015 is one girl's drastic bid to stay sane in a world unravelling at the seams.

The Carbon Diaries 2017: Book 2

by Saci Lloyd

It's over a year since her last diary and Laura Brown is now in her first year of university in London, a city still struggling to pull itself together in the new rationing era. Laura's right in the heart of it; her band, the dirty angels, are gigging all over town until a police crackdown on rioting students forces them out of the city. After a brief exile on her parents' farm, the angels set off in a battered VW bus on a tour of Europe with the fabulous Tiny Chainsaws in the Distance.The tour soon unravels, however, in an increasingly dramatic sequence of events that include drought in Europe and Africa, a tidal-wave of desperate immigrants, a water war in the Middle East and a city-wide face off with the army in London. Not to mention infidelity, betrayal, friendship, love and massive courage.How long can Laura distance herself from the struggle? And more importantly, how can she keep her style and hope alive in a world on the edge of madness?

The Carbon Diaries 2017: Book 2

by Saci Lloyd

It's over a year since her last diary and Laura Brown is now in her first year of university in London, a city still struggling to pull itself together in the new rationing era. Laura's right in the heart of it; her band, the dirty angels, are gigging all over town until a police crackdown on rioting students forces them out of the city. After a brief exile on her parents' farm, the angels set off in a battered VW bus on a tour of Europe with the fabulous Tiny Chainsaws in the Distance.The tour soon unravels, however, in an increasingly dramatic sequence of events that include drought in Europe and Africa, a tidal-wave of desperate immigrants, a water war in the Middle East and a city-wide face off with the army in London. Not to mention infidelity, betrayal, friendship, love and massive courage.How long can Laura distance herself from the struggle? And more importantly, how can she keep her style and hope alive in a world on the edge of madness?

Cardinal Christmas

by Elle Brownlee

Welcome to the Cardinal Christmas Market, an exclusive holiday experience where the offerings are as unique and quirky as the people and town who run it. Douglas is a first-time vendor, and he's determined to make a splash and grow from there. A mix-up means he has no choice but to share a booth with Boyd, one of Cardinal's own. Douglas and Boyd don’t like each other’s style... or one another. But in the ensuing weeks working the booth, with help from a little Cardinal Christmas Market magic, they find their art, world views, personalities, and passions are complementary—even compatible. Can they get past feeling like the coal in each other's stockings to a sweet happy ending, or are they destined to be holiday humbugs?

Cardinal Sins (Hidden Gem #2)

by Lissa Kasey

Hidden Gem: Book TwoParis Hansworth, star whore turned senator and the most powerful man in City M, has been hiding his terminal illness for years. Searching for a way to reverse the toxic environment that's killing him, Paris stumbles upon a lost research facility, and a merman named Rain. Years alone have made Rain long for companionship, and the beautiful man on the other side of the glass intrigues him. But Rain speaks the wrong language, and is decades out of touch. He isn't quite sure what to think of the new environment he's been thrust into. As a virus spreads through the city targeting City M&apos;s most private residents--A-Ms--Paris realizes he's out of time. He's willing to sacrifice everything, even his own life, to stop it. But Rain might just be the missing DNA link to explain the mutations created in the last plague, maybe even the cure. Watching Paris race to save his friends, Rain knows he&apos;s found someone special and will do anything to stay by his side. But the past Paris thought he'd escaped is seeking revenge, and he's forced to adapt yet again, possibly even becoming a monster. He only hopes Rain will still want him.

Cardio Conditioning (Work Out Series)

by Andrew Grey

A Work Out StoryIn the battle to regulate his blood sugar, Jerry March joins a new gym, but while working out his insecurity, he overdoes it on the treadmill. His insulin drops and so does Jerry. Fellow gym member Gianni Lappatura rushes to his rescue with a glass of juice and a helping hand. A few days later, Jerry gets to return the favor. After watching Gianni's opera-singing strip act, Jerry finds him stuck in the rain with a dead battery and saves the day. As thanks and because he thinks Jerry is cute, Gianni asks him on a date. It's too good to be true, and Jerry soon learns his Mr. Perfect needs a bit of help of own. But Gianni's imperfections open Jerry's eyes to the beauty of limitations.

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