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Celtic Mann - Il Cuore della Battaglia

by Alice Arcoleo Lexy Timms

In un mondo devastato dall’oscurità, lei sarà la sua unica salvezza. I Vichinghi sono sul punto di perdere la battaglia con le isole britanniche. Il loro comandante, creduto morto, è passato dalla parte del nemico. Erik, il principe dei vichinghi (per molti considerato un traditore), è innamorato di una coraggiosa donna delle Highland. Dovrà decidere tra la fedeltà alla corona e l'amore. Terzo e ultimo libro della saga Historical Viking - Scottish Romance series **Non è un testo Erotico. È un romanzo e una storia d’amore.

Celtic Moon

by Jan Delima

Like father, like son... Sophie Thibodeau has been on the run from the father of her son for more than fifteen years. Now her son, Joshua, is changing, and her greatest fears are about to be realized. He's going to end up being just like his father--a man who can change into a wolf. Dylan Black has been hunting for Sophie since the night she ran from him--an obsession he cannot afford in the midst of an impending war. Dylan controls Rhuddin Village, an isolated town in Maine where he lives with an ancient Celtic tribe. One of the few of his clan who can still shift into a wolf, he must protect his people from the Guardians, vicious warriors who seek to destroy them. When Sophie and Dylan come together for the sake of their son, their reunion reignites the fierce passion they once shared. For the first time in years, Dylan's lost family is within his grasp. But will he lose them all over again? Are Joshua and Sophie strong enough to fight alongside Dylan in battle? Nothing less than the fate of his tribe depends on it...

Celtic Rune - Il Cuore della Battaglia

by Lexy Timms

Secondo Capitolo della Saga. Linzi rischia ogni cosa quando, invece di uccidere un vichingo ferito nella sua terra, sceglie di salvarlo. Con il padre ammalato e il fratello partito in guerra, lei bada alla casa e al bellissimo straniero. Erik non aveva pianificato di innamorarsi della terra ai suoi piedi, né si sarebbe aspettato di svegliarsi tra le braccia di una bellissima scozzese dai capelli rossi. La passione per il nemico riuscirà a sconfiggere quello in cui avevano sempre creduto?

Celtic Viking - Il Cuore della Battaglia

by Alice Arcoleo Lexy Timms

In un mondo devastato dall'oscurità, lei sarà la sua unica salvezza. Nessuno diede a Erik la possibilità di scegliere se combattere o no. Il suo dovere era di combattere per la corona e in nome del defunto padre. Affascinata dal paesaggio di campagna che la circonda, Linzi farebbe qualsiasi cosa per proteggere la terra del padre. Il Regno d'Inghilterra è sotto assedio e la Scozia sarà la prossima a essere attaccata. A quel tempo, Linzi avrebbe dovuto pensare ai propri spasimanti, ma gli uomini del suo paese erano partiti per la guerra e lei era rimasta sola. Troverà l'amore, ma riuscirà la passione per il proprio nemico a farla cedere? **Non è un testo Erotico. È un romanzo e una storia d'amore. *Questo libro è il primo di una trilogia*

Celtic Warrior & Wolf Spirit (The Shifters)

by M. D. Grimm

Sequel to Psychic MoonDerek and Brian are celebrating their first Christmas together, and Brian is determined to show Derek a Christmas like those he shared with his family back east. A wolf shifter, Derek has never celebrated a traditional Christmas before; his pack usually shifts on Yule and hunts. But Brian's holiday plans--and his future with Derek--are threatened by the unexpected appearance of Brian's abusive ex-boyfriend, who refuses to let Brian go.

Celui qui l’a échappé belle

by Rhianne Aile Madeleine Urban

Lorsque David Carmichael souffre d'une migraine et est victime d'une épaule cassée, Trace Jackson, son meilleur ami, emménage tout simplement chez lui pour prendre soin de lui. Leur amitié est menacée lorsque David découvre un courant de chaleur et de tension entre eux. Malgré le fait qu'il sache que son meilleur ami est hétéro, David tombe rapidement amoureux.Trace n'a jamais désiré aucun homme. Il est un homme à femmes avec la réputation qui va avec, et est considéré comme un prix de choix dans toute la ville. Mais sa précieuse amitié avec David est intensifiée par une émotion et une excitation qu'il n'arrive pas à vraiment définir, et l'attrait d'avoir David si proche est irrésistible. Bientôt, Trace fait clairement comprendre à son ami qu'il veut savoir si cette attraction peut fonctionner entre eux. Parce qu'il est sûr qu'il ne voudra plus jamais quelqu'un d'autre que David - qu'il aime déjà.

Cemeteries by Moonlight (States Of Love)

by Hunter Frost

When a serious bout of writer’s block threatens to delay mystery author Drew Daniels’s newest book, his aunt offers her New Orleans apartment in the heart of the French Quarter as a writing retreat. She neglects to mention that it’s occupied by the enigmatic and sexy Finn Murphy, a cemetery tour guide with a penchant for Victorian attire and a Cajun accent. A body discovered in an open crypt forces reclusive Drew to deal with Finn’s eccentric group of friends and his underlying attraction to the hot Cajun—despite warnings about Finn’s violent past. Drew might write this stuff, but he’s never had to solve a real-life murder. With a deadline looming and a killer on the loose, this retreat is proving to be anything but helpful for Drew’s novel. Drew can only hope he won’t end up a tragic tale for the Ghostly Legends & Lore, Inc. haunted tour.States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.

Cemetery Boys

by Aiden Thomas

A trans boy determined to prove his gender to his traditional Latinx family summons a ghost who refuses to leave in Aiden Thomas's New York Times-bestselling paranormal YA debut Cemetery Boys, described by Entertainment Weekly as "groundbreaking." <P><P>Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can't get rid of him. <P><P>When his traditional Latinx family has problems accepting his true gender, Yadriel becomes determined to prove himself a real brujo. With the help of his cousin and best friend Maritza, he performs the ritual himself, and then sets out to find the ghost of his murdered cousin and set it free. <P><P>However, the ghost he summons is actually Julian Diaz, the school's resident bad boy, and Julian is not about to go quietly into death. He's determined to find out what happened and tie off some loose ends before he leaves. Left with no choice, Yadriel agrees to help Julian, so that they can both get what they want. But the longer Yadriel spends with Julian, the less he wants to let him leave.

The Cemetery Next Door

by Dale Chase

When Ray and Marty, partners for twelve years, decide to get away from San Francisco for a week, they choose a small town across the bay. Only upon arriving at their hotel do they discover a cemetery next door. Ray is concerned at the proximity but Marty, who has experience with ghosts, assures him the residents are the quietest neighbors.But when the two men get drunk and have sex in the cemetery one night, things change. Mishaps occur at the hotel: an elevator gets stuck, a fire alarm sounds in the middle of the night, a door refuses to open. Marty soon realizes someone in the cemetery was disturbed by their sexual antics and is punishing them.How can they escape the ghost’s wrath? More importantly, how can Marty get the skeptical Ray to even admit it’s a ghost after them?

Cenicienta lo tenía fácil

by Maialen Iriso Jennifer Conner

La primera historia de una serie de romances sobre la eterna historia de Cenicienta, reinterpretada, en donde cuatro chicas piden un deseo a un medallón. Todas piden ser preciosas y tener el aspecto físico de esas chicas que siempre han querido ser. Las reinas del baile. Cami trabaja en el sótano de una estación de televisión que se encarga de emitir documentales históricos. Tiene la cara llena de cicatrices debido a un accidente de coche que tuvo siendo una niña, lo que hace que nunca tenga mucha compañía. Hasta que un día empieza a discutir con el presentador guaperas del programa en el que trabajará. ¿Será Lance el caballero de armadura brillante que sacará a Cami de su zona de confort? Sin carruaje y sin un servicial ratón, se tiene que fiar de la magia del medallón de su abuela. Cami solo tiene 24 horas para disfrutar de su cuerpo de Cenicienta, ¿qué hará con eso? ¿Continuará escondida o aprenderá a disfrutar de la vida?

Cenizas al viento

by Kathleen Woodiwiss

Una mujer abrumada por una guerra que divide el país...Un doctor escindido por la pasión y el deber...Una gran historia de amor entre dos personas orgullosas en bandos opuestos. Nueva Orleans, durante la guerra de secesión. Alaina McGaren, una osada y hermosa joven, se ve obligada a abandonar su hogar tras perder a su padre en la guerra. Viajará disfrazada como un sucio pilluelo hasta la casa de sus tíos. Sin embargo, en el camino conocerá al yanqui que cambiará su destino... La voluntad de la indomable heredera sureña nunca se ha doblegado... hasta que Cole Latimer entra en su vida. Este apuesto y elegante cirujano, rechazado una y otra vez por Alaina, jamás podrá olvidar la noche en que descubrió su secreto. Desde ese mismo instante Cole no podrá olvidar la dulzura de la bella muchacha. Y será esta irremediable atracción hacia ella lo que se convierta, finalmente, en su perdición.

Las cenizas de Amber

by Gail McHugh

Primera entrega de la nueva serie de Gail McHugh, autora best seller internacional de Pulsión y Tensión La vida de Amber Moretti cambia en tan solo unos minutos. Ella se encuentra desesperada para encontrar una vida nueva en el mismo instante en el que entra al campus universitario. Al pasearse el primer día por el comedor, Amber conoce a dos hombres que de inmediato traen a su vida color, aire y luz a su mundo oscuro. Brock Cunningham es brutalmente apuesto, una fuerza a la que Amber no puede resistirse. Sus ojos verdes de inmediato atraen su atención. Brock se convierte de inmediato en el protagonista de los pensamientos de Amber. Ryder Ashcroft, un joven repleto de tatuajes y de ojos azules ejerce en Amber un rechazo casi inmediato, eso es hasta que Ryder la besa, robándole así parte de su corazón y de también de su alma. Sin saber que ella podría quebrarse de muchas distintas formas, Amber descubre que está completamente enamorada de ambos. Pero un evento lo cambiará todo, destruyendo por completo su vida, y Amber no sabe si será capaz de recuperarse de tan brutal acontecimiento.

Cenizas de medianoche

by Violeta Lambert Lara Adrian

Un día, a la caída de la noche, Clare Roth se ve obligada a huir de su hogar por culpa de una ardiente amenaza venida del mismo infierno. De entre las llamas y las cenizas, emerge un oscuro guerrero, Andreas Reichen, un antiguo amante que ahora se ha convertido en un extraño ávido de venganza. Encerrada en su fuego abrasador, Clare no podrá combatir ni su furia salvaje ni el deseo que la atrapa y sumerge en ese mundo de oscuridad eterna y placer infinito. Nada detendrá a Andreas en su empeño de acabar con el vampiro responsable de liquidar a los hermanos de su raza . . . Aunque para ello tenga que utilizar a la mujer que un día fue su amante como señuelo de su arriesgada misión. Pero incluso sabiendo que lo que guía a su mortal enemigo es la sed de sangre, no dudará en utilizar a Clare para que le conduzca hacia él. Un viaje cargado de peligro y deseos profundos que arden en combustión instantánea, un peligroso yugo que se cierne sobre ambos en forma de oscura seducción, se unen para formar esa fina línea que separa al cazador de su presa y que son los que alimentan las llamas de una ardiente pasión que puede arrasar con todo lo que se encuentra en su camino.

Cenizas en el viento

by Kathleen Woodiwiss

Una mujer abrumada por una guerra que divide el país... Un doctor escindido por la pasión y el deber... Una gran historia de amor entre dos personas orgullosas en bandos opuestos. Nueva Orleans, durante la guerra de secesión. Alaina McGaren, una osada y hermosa joven, se ve obligada a abandonar su hogar tras perder a su padre en la guerra. Viajará disfrazada como un sucio pilluelo hasta la casa de sus tíos. Sin embargo, en el camino conocerá al yanqui que cambiará su destino... La voluntad de la indomable heredera sureña nunca se ha doblegado... hasta que Cole Latimer entra en su vida. Este apuesto y elegante cirujano, rechazado una y otra vez por Alaina, jamás podrá olvidar la noche en que descubrió su secreto. Desde ese mismo instante Cole no podrá olvidar la dulzura de la bella muchacha. Y será esta irremediable atracción hacia ella lo que se convierta, finalmente, en su perdición.

Censoring an Iranian Love Story

by Shahriar Mandanipour Sara Khalili

If conducting a love affair in modern Iran is not a simple undertaking, then telling the story of that love may be even more difficult. In a country where mere proximity between a man and a woman may be the prologue to deadly sin, where illicit passion is punished by imprisonment, or even death, telling that most redemptive of human narratives becomes the greatest literary challenge. Shahriar Mandanipour evokes a pair of young lovers who find each other - despite surreal persecution and repressive parents - through coded messages and internet chat rooms; and triumphantly their story entwines with an account of their creator's struggle. Inventive, darkly comic and profoundly touching, Censoring an Iranian Love Story celebrates both the unquenchable power of the written word and a love that is doomed, glorious, and utterly real .From the Trade Paperback edition.

Center Courtship

by Liza Brown

Mae-Belle Rogers is an independent, quirky young woman running a used auto parts shop in a small Ohio town. Her life takes a surprising turn when she is asked to be a stand-in for her nephew on a trip to meet the star player of the new basketball team that has come to town. The trip, which was supposed to be quick, turns into an evening of discomfort and unease as she endures a tour of Elsu Benjamin's mansion. But her quick visit affects Elsu in a way that even he has a hard time comprehending. Over the next week, Mae slowly realizes that they have developed feelings for each other. When she finds herself flung into a world of celebrity she never knew existed, she learns that Elsu is more than just a crush; he's also a protector and a friend.

Center Land: Libro tres del viaje de Kendra (El viaje de Kendra #3)

by Eileen Sheehan

Viajar al centro de la tierra para recuperar a su hijo de Center Land, es lo suficientemente intenso, teniendo que lidiar con mujeres rebeldes amazonas, animales prehistóricos y... sí... ¡los extraterrestres y zombis que pensaban que habían dejado en la superficie están ahí también! ¿No hay escapatoria del horror? Tienen un plan para acabar con los alienígenas y los zombis de una vez por todas... pero... ¿funcionará? La respuesta está en "Center Land", libro tres de la serie de suspenso y romance apocalíptico, El viaje de Kendra. Lo que dicen los lectores: "... Lo que sucede durante sus aventuras bajo tierra es simplemente alucinante. Nos encontramos frente a zombis, extraterrestres, Center Land, Amazonas, el virus, el romance, el amor, las realizaciones, el intento de asesinato, el secuestro ... lo que sea, hay algo para todos en este libro. ¡ME ENCANTÓ esta lectura! "

The Center of Winter: A Novel

by Marya Hornbacher

At the center of winter, in Motley, Minnesota, Arnold Schiller gives in to the oppressive season that reigns outside and also to his own inner demons -- he commits suicide, leaving a devastated family in his wake.Claire Schiller, wife and mother, takes shelter from the emotional storm with her husband's parents but must ultimately emerge from her grief and help her two young children to recover. Esau, her oldest, is haunted by the same darkness that plagued his father. At twelve years old, he has already been in and out of state psychiatric hospitals, and now, with the help of his mother and sister, he must overcome the forces that drive him deep into himself. But as the youngest, perhaps it is Katie who carries the heaviest burden. A precocious six-year-old who desperately wants to help her mother hold the family together, she will have to come to terms with the memory of her father, who was at once loving and cruel.Narrated alternately by Claire, Katie, and Esau, this powerful and passionate novel explores the ways in which both children and adults experience tragic events, discover solace and hope in one another, and survive. The Center of Winter finds humor in unlikely places and evokes the north -- its people and landscape -- with warmth, sensitivity, and insight. The story of three people who, against all odds, find their way out of the center of winter, Marya Hornbacher's debut novel will leave you breathless, tearful, and ultimately inspired.

Center Ring: A Novel (The Circus of Women Trilogy)

by Nicole Waggoner

Norah Merrit, a dedicated obstetrician known for her bedside manner and service to Doctors Without Borders, walks into girls&’ night out with a confession to make—and what she has to say shakes the group to its core. In the aftermath of Norah&’s revelation, each of the women she calls her sister-friends—photojournalist Camille, stay-at-home mom Leila, publicist Ellison, and designer Kate—are left questioning the roads they haven&’t taken, and revisiting the vastly different choices they&’ve made in life and love. Told in alternating points of view between the five friends, Center Ring is a story about modern women finding balance through action, relationships, and growth in the midst of challenges and change.

The Central Line: A heartwarming love story about chance encounters from the Richard & Judy Book Club bestselling author

by Saskia Sarginson

What if you've already crossed paths with the love of your life?Perfect for fans of One Day in December and Notting Hill, this is an unforgettable love story about sliding doors and chance encounters by the Richard & Judy Book Club bestselling author.__________________________________________Cora and Jacob live in London's vast metropolis; he at one end of the Central Line, she at the other.Their paths have crossed a thousand times without them knowing.When a chance encounter on the underground brings them together, it seems they're destined to fall in love.But although they live in the same city, their worlds are miles apart.Jacob's life is uncluttered, while Cora's is full of complications. And as events begin to divide them, they start to wonder:Are they meant to be together, or were they never meant to meet?__________________________________________What readers are saying about Saskia Sarginson's novels:'With echoes of David Nicholls's One Day, this romance has just the right mix of heart-melting moments and heart-rending near misses' Good Housekeeping'Intensely romantic' Sunday Mirror'A wonderful, heart-tugging romance' Prima'A raw, emotional book about love in all its guises' Sun'Heartbreaking' Bella'Have tissues to hand' Best

The Central Line: A heartwarming love story about chance encounters from the Richard & Judy Book Club bestselling author

by Saskia Sarginson

What if you've already crossed paths with the love of your life?Perfect for fans of One Day in December and Notting Hill, this is an unforgettable love story about sliding doors and chance encounters by the Richard & Judy Book Club bestselling author.__________________________________________Cora and Jacob live in London's vast metropolis; he at one end of the Central Line, she at the other.Their paths have crossed a thousand times without them knowing.When a chance encounter on the underground brings them together, it seems they're destined to fall in love.But although they live in the same city, their worlds are miles apart.Jacob's life is uncluttered, while Cora's is full of complications. And as events begin to divide them, they start to wonder:Are they meant to be together, or were they never meant to meet?__________________________________________What readers are saying about Saskia Sarginson's novels:'With echoes of David Nicholls's One Day, this romance has just the right mix of heart-melting moments and heart-rending near misses' Good Housekeeping'Intensely romantic' Sunday Mirror'A wonderful, heart-tugging romance' Prima'A raw, emotional book about love in all its guises' Sun'Heartbreaking' Bella'Have tissues to hand' Best

Centurion (Eagle Ser. #40)

by Simon Scarrow

IF YOU DON'T KNOW SIMON SCARROW, YOU DON'T KNOW ROME!CENTURION, a no. 1 bestseller, is the unputdownable eighth novel in Simon Scarrow's Eagles of the Empire series. Perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden. 'A new book in Simon Scarrow's series about the Roman army is always a joy' The TimesAD 46. Roman army officers Cato and Macro have survived many dangerous missions together. They look out for one another. They're faithful to their Emperor. And from their men they demand bravery and ruthless efficiency.With the news that Rome's old enemy, Parthia, is poised to unleash its might against the border kingdom of Palmyra, Cato and Macro must embark on a desperate quest to protect the Empire. Outnumbered and deep in treacherous territory, they will have to endure a pitched battle that will test their courage and loyalty as never before...

Centurion (Eagle #28)

by Simon Scarrow

IF YOU DON'T KNOW SIMON SCARROW, YOU DON'T KNOW ROME!CENTURION, a no. 1 bestseller, is the unputdownable eighth novel in Simon Scarrow's Eagles of the Empire series. Perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden. 'A new book in Simon Scarrow's series about the Roman army is always a joy' The TimesAD 46. Roman army officers Cato and Macro have survived many dangerous missions together. They look out for one another. They're faithful to their Emperor. And from their men they demand bravery and ruthless efficiency.With the news that Rome's old enemy, Parthia, is poised to unleash its might against the border kingdom of Palmyra, Cato and Macro must embark on a desperate quest to protect the Empire. Outnumbered and deep in treacherous territory, they will have to endure a pitched battle that will test their courage and loyalty as never before...

Centurion: Cato & Macro: Book 8 (Eagle #28)

by Simon Scarrow

CENTURION, a no. 1 bestseller, is the unputdownable eighth novel in Simon Scarrow's Eagle's of the Empire series. Perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden.In the first century AD the Roman Empire faces a new threat from its long-standing enemy Parthia. Parthia is vying with Rome for control of Palmyra, an officially neutral kingdom. Palmyra's royal household is on the brink of open revolt, and so a task force under the command of experienced soldiers Macro and Cato is dispatched to defend its king and guard its borders. When Parthia hears of the Roman army's presence, it starts amassing its troops for war. Macro's cohort must march against the enemy, deep into treacherous territory. If Palmyra is not to fall into the clutches of Parthia, they will have to defeat superior numbers in a desperate siege. The quest for a lasting peace has never been more challenging, nor more critical for the future of the Empire.

A Century of Wandering

by Julia Peper

<p>A couple’s move to an old West Virginia house stirs up a haunting hundred-year-old mystery . . .<p> <p>June 23, 1923: Local Couple Disappears Under Suspicious Circumstances<p> <p>Thanks to a new job opportunity, and with their children now grown, Mary and her husband, Rick, have moved from Indiana into a one-hundred-year-old home in West Virginia. But while adjusting to such a big change in her life, she has no idea that she is about to encounter the ghost of a woman named Jillian—and become instrumental in helping her solve the mystery of how she and her beloved disappeared without a trace so long ago, after the warm moonlit night they planned to meet under the old oak tree and elope . . .<p>

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