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Hitting the Brakes

by Ken Casper

Different sides. . . of the same team!Since taking over PDQ Racing, widowed businessman and single dad Jim Latimer is out of his element. Truth is, Jim knows next to nothing about stock car racing. On the positive side, however, the new position means a lot more time with PDQ publicity rep Anita Wolcott. But while they totally click outside the racing arena, Anita and Jim can't quite see eye to eye when it comes to PDQ Racing. For Jim, each damaged car is a bundle of money gone in a cloud of oily smoke. Anita, on the other hand, knows that car crashes come with the territory. And as every minute they spend together emphasizes their obvious differences, Anita wonders. . . is a future with Jim a dangerous investment?

Hitting the Crossbar: A Bad Boy And The Tomboy Romance

by Nicole Nwosu

The sequel to The Bad Boy and the Tomboy continues the love story of Macy Anderson and Sam Cahill as they face new challenges and new opportunities.Macy Anderson and Sam Cahill are embarking on a new adventure, attending university on soccer scholarships while figuring out what comes next for them both.Macy’s life has always been her group of friends—specifically Jasmine and Andrew—but now they’re all split up. Macy’s worried that the world that she’s always known, that has helped her become the person she is now, is over, and she’s discovering that facing the adult world of college and dating and friendships growing apart is harder than she thought it would be.Sam is also finding it hard to adjust to this new phase of life. There are the pressures of university, other people, and secrets from his past he wants to keep hidden from Macy, all putting a strain on their relationship.As Macy and Sam begin to tackle their decisions, Macy realizes she will have to answer the question: is their relationship worth fighting for or is it game over?

Hitting the Mark

by Jill Monroe

With grifters hanging from every branch of her family tree, Danni Ford was trying to do the impossible--play it straight. Until an undercover G-man played her with a few tricks of his own. . . The tip-off should have been the way Eric's gaze met hers only when they talked dirty. So Eric was using her to trap her shady relatives. He was still off-the-charts sexy--why shouldn't she get something pleasurable from this con. . . Danni's revenge is going to be very, very sweet. . . and it will start with tying up her FBI agent boyfriend con man to get to the truth. Before he discovers her secrets first!

Hitting the Mark

by Aidan Wayne

Marcus Economidis is a famous action-movie star renowned for doing his own stunts. But put him back in his Michigan hometown for his latest project and he’s a nervous wreck. Why? Taemin Choi—the taekwondo master who trained Marcus and helped him move beyond debilitating shyness to become the man he is today. Taemin was Marcus’s first crush, and now that he’s grown, their reunion might lead to more than a mentorship. Marcus’s kindness and confidence impresses Taemin, and the attraction is instant—for both of them. Making time for each other won’t be easy, what with Taemin training to qualify for the Olympics and Marcus working on his latest film. But it all seems worthwhile when they’re together, reacquainting themselves with each other—in the dojang and beyond—and nurturing a romance more satisfying than anything either ever thought possible. But can their romance withstand the pressures of Marcus’s fame and Taemin’s grueling schedule?

Hitting the Right Note

by Rhonda Bowen

"Readers will be clamoring for more from Rhonda Bowen. " --Tiffany L. Warren, Essence® bestselling author JJ Isaacs' dream of becoming an R&B star has come true, and it's all thanks to Rayshawn, her amazing producer--and secret lover. But as JJ enters the spotlight, the relationship gets harder to disguise. And the more she hides the truth, the more distant she feels from her faith, and from her family's approval. But support may come from an unexpected place. . . When JJ finds herself helping her estranged sister-in law, Sheree, through a difficult pregnancy, she discovers a surprising ally. But she also becomes enthralled with Sheree's doctor. Simon Massri is world renowned--and scheduled to leave the country. The more time JJ spends with Simon, the more she questions her choices--in love and in work. Now she'll have to face some tough decisions. Can she make peace with an uncertain future--if her heart is in the right place'. . . Praise for the novels of Rhonda Bowen "A powerful story. " --RT Book Reviews on One Way or Another "A sweet Christian romance. " –Publishers Weekly on Man Enough for Me "Enough drama, romance, and faith that keeps you turning pages. " --Tia McCollors on Man Enough for Me

Hitts & Mrs.: A Novel

by Lori Bryant-Woolridge

Melanie Hitts is a smart, savvy and talented aspiring interior decorator who follows her dream of moving to New York City and pursuing her career. She's rejected the prescribed middle class life in which she had been raised, and she's certain that there is no convenient marriage and comfortable suburban lifestyle in her future. John Carlson is the president of his own high–end architectural firm who is in the middle of a midlife crisis. Married and living in Connecticut, he convinces his wife, Sharon, to move to Manhattan in order to re–ignite his professional life. Though she complies with her husband, Sharon is very unhappy about uprooting her comfortable suburban home. But her life takes on a new meaning when she develops a friendship with a rebelling teenager. What will happen when these three lives intersect?


by Damon Suede Christina Zimmermann

Wo Rauch ist, da ist auch Feuer... Seit den Anschlägen vom 11. September, schlägt sich Feuerwehrmann Griff Muir nun schon mit seinen verbotenen Gefühlen für seinen besten Freund und Partner bei der Ladder 181 herum. Dante Anastagio. Unglücklicherweise ist Dante ausschließlich an Frauen interessiert und das FDNY nicht gerade schwulenfreundlich. Zehn Jahre lang hat Griff nun schon sein Herz hinter einem halbgaren Leben aus öffentlichen Heldentaten und privaten Seelenqualen versteckt. Griffs Umsicht und Dantes Großspurigkeit machen sie zu einem unschlagbaren Team. Es gibt nichts, das Griff nicht täte, um seinen Kumpel zu beschützen... bis ein vor dem finanziellen Ruin stehender Dante ihm den schlimmstmöglichen Lösungsvorschlag macht: Eine Website mit Schwulenpornos, auf der uniformierte Muskelmänner hemmungslos zur Sache kommen. Und Dante möchte, dass sie dort ihren Auftritt haben - gemeinsam. Griff würde sein Herz schützen müssen, könnte aber seine dunkelsten Fantasien vor der Kamera ausleben. Kann er den Mann, den er liebt retten, ohne ihre Karrieren, ihre Familien oder ihre Freundschaft dabei zu zerstören?

The Hive

by Gill Hornby

It's the start of another school year at St Ambrose. But while the children are in the classroom colouring in, their mothers are learning sharper lessons on the other side of the school gates. Lessons in friendship. Lessons in betrayal. Lessons in the laws of community, the transience of power... and how to get invited to lunch.Beatrice - undisputed queen bee. Ruler, by Divine Right, of all school fund-raising, this year, last year and, surely, for many years to come.Heather - desperate to volunteer, desperate to be noticed, desperate just to belong.Georgie - desperate for a fag.And Rachel - watching them all, keeping her distance. But soon to discover that the line between amused observer and miserable outcast is a thin one.Wickedly funny and brilliantly observed, The Hive is a fascinating and subtle story about group politics and female friendship. From the joys and perils (well, mainly perils) of the Lunch Ladder, to the military operation that is the Car Boot Sale, via the dos and don'ts of dressing your child as a Dalek, all human life is here.

The Hive

by Gill Hornby

Welcome to St Ambrose Primary School. A world of friendships, fights and feuding. And that's just the mothers.It's the start of another school year at St Ambrose. But while the children are in the classroom colouring in, their mothers are learning sharper lessons on the other side of the school gates. Lessons in friendship. Lessons in betrayal. Lessons in the laws of community, the transience of power... and how to get invited to lunch.Beatrice - undisputed queen bee. Ruler, by Divine Right, of all school fund-raising, this year, last year and, surely, for many years to come.Heather - desperate to volunteer, desperate to be noticed, desperate just to belong.Georgie - desperate for a fag.And Rachel - watching them all, keeping her distance. But soon to discover that the line between amused observer and miserable outcast is a thin one.The Hive is an irresistible, brilliantly observed novel - warm, witty and true. Wickedly funny, it is also a fascinating and subtle story about group politics and female friendship. From the joys and perils (well, mainly perils) of the Lunch Ladder, to the military operation that is the Car Boot Sale, via the dos and don'ts of dressing your child as a dalek, all human life is here.

Hiver éternel

by Amber Daulton

Imaginez le mariage parfait… et ensuite tout ce qui pourrait mal tourner. Une tempête de neige, la veille de Noël traverse la campagne anglaise et fait des ravages chez les habitants du manoir Lorican. Susanna Lorican et son fiancé, le vicomte Camden Beckinworth, avaient planifié le mariage parfait, mais sa robe n’est pas livrée, plusieurs invités sont retardés, le révérend se blesse, et après une confrontation avec le beau-frère répugnant de Susanna, atteindre l’autel semble impossible. Malgré un revers après l’autre, Susanna et Camden ont juré de se marier, leur amour est trop grand pour le nier plus longtemps.

Ho, Ho, Grump

by J. D. Walker

Haven Vadillo gets grumpy during the season of good cheer. Everything bad in his life has happened to him during the twelfth month of the year. He was kicked out of his home by his parents in December. He found out too late that Hamish Abernathy, the man he fell in love with in college, had a boyfriend -- also in December. He just can’t seem to catch a break.Years later -- you guessed it -- in December, Hamish turns up in his life once more, and Haven isn’t sure what to think. And the confessions and accusations that fly during their first meeting in over a decade don’t help.Can these two men work their way through misunderstandings and hurt feelings to make this Christmas a season worth celebrating?

Ho Hum New Year

by J. D. Walker

John Parnassus is not a fan of the holidays. In fact, he'd punch Rudolph in the nose if he could. He doesn't believe in love, men, or the 'holiday spirit' -- he's still bitter after his ex left him two years ago on Christmas morning. To him, the holidays are all a sham. Take a chance on love? Never again.John's friend Sally gives him a gentle kick in the ass to get out of his rut and try something new, starting at the office New Year’s party. He expects the same thing as last year: drunken mistletoe antics and a sore head the next morning.Then he meets Tim Hinton, a coworker from the IT department. Surprised to find they have common ground, John is drawn to someone for the first time in years. Should he make a move, or endure another ho hum New Year?

Ho Sposato Un Miliardario

by Melanie Marchande Alessia Nepi

Maddy Wainright ha rinunciato al matrimonio - e agli uomini. Dopo troppi appuntamenti con perdenti incapaci di apprezzarla per le sue qualità, è quasi pronta a rassegnarsi ad un futuro da zitella. Questo finché Daniel Thorne, il suo capo ultra ricco, non arriva con un'offerta che lei, semplicemente, non può rifiutare.Le propone un matrimonio di convenienza - che permetterebbe a Maddy di vivere avvolta nel lusso per un anno e al signor Thorne di restare nel paese che è ormai diventato la sua casa. E, al termine del loro accordo, Maddy se ne andrebbe con ben due milioni di dollari. Tutto ciò che deve fare è trasferirsi nel suo attico, recitare in modo convincente quando sono in pubblico, e sopportare qualche colloquio con l'Ufficio Immigrazione, per il quale sarà opportunamente preparata. È un grosso rischio, ma Maddy potrebbe essere disposta a correrlo, considerando il guadagno che ne trarrebbe.Inizialmente, si tratta solo di affari. Ma quando le carezze attente, i baci appassionati e gli sguardi infuocati che si scambiano in pubblico si trasferiscono anche della vita privata, Daniel e la sua mente perversa innalzano Maddy a vette di piacere che non ha mai sperimentato prima. E man mano che impara a conoscerlo, la stretta dolorosa che avverte al cuore ogni volta che lui la abbraccia in pubblico, si acuisce. Non ci vuole molto tempo prima che cominci a desiderare che sia tutto vero.Con il passare del tempo, Maddy comincia a chiedersi se due milioni di dollari saranno sufficienti a coprire i costi necessari a riparare il suo cuore spezzato. Ma il Signor Thorne potrebbe avere in serbo un altro segreto...

The Hob and Hound Pub (Sam Quinn #4)

by Seana Kelly

I’m Sam Quinn, the newly married werewolf book nerd owner of the Slaughtered Lamb Bookstore and Bar. Clive and I are on our honeymoon. Paris is lovely, though the mummy in the Louvre inching toward me is a bit off-putting. Although Clive doesn’t sense anything, I can’t shake the feeling I’m being watched.Even after we cross the English Channel to begin our search for Aldith—the woman who’s been plotting against Clive since the beginning—the prickling unease persists. Clive and I are separated, rather forcefully, and I’m left to find my way alone in a foreign country, evading not only Aldith’s large web of hench-vamps, but vicious fae creatures disloyal to their queen. Gloriana says there’s a poison in the human realm that’s seeping into Faerie, and I may have found the source.I knew this was going to be a working vacation, but battling vampires on one front and the fae on another is a lot, especially in a country steeped in magic. As a side note, I need to get word to Benvair. I think I’ve found the dragon she’s looking for.Gloriana is threatening to set her warriors against the human realm, but I may have a way to placate her. Aldith is a different story. There’s no reasoning with rabid vengeance. She’ll need to be put out of our misery permanently if Clive and I have any hope of a long, happy life together. Heck, I’d settle for a few quiet weeks.


by John Inman

Thanks to fate and his own lack of good sense, eighteen-year-old Danny Shay is headed into what looks to be the worst summer of his life. It starts with a minor meltdown at work that leaves Danny under house arrest with a cast on one leg and an ankle monitor on the other, courtesy of the San Diego Police Department. On top of that, he's battling a chronic case of virginity, with no relief in sight. Oh, and there's one more little glitch. A serial killer is stalking the city, murdering young men. And when strange sounds are heard in the house behind Danny's, the neighborhood kids think they've found the killer. But not until Danny learns he's next on the madman's list do things really begin to get desperate. Damn! And Danny had plans to come out this summer--maybe even get laid! He doesn't have time for ankle monitors and serial killers! Then ginger-haired Luke Jamison moves in next door. Not only does Luke solve a few of Danny's more urgent problems, he also manages to create a couple more that Danny never saw coming. Gee. If he can survive it, this summer might not be so bad after all.

A Hoboken Hipster in Sherwood Forest

by Marianne Mancusi

A present-day photographer must convince Robin Hood (and his not-so-Merry Men) to become as history remembers--without allowing him to steal her heart!

Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy

by Faith Erin Hicks

New York Times bestseller Faith Erin Hicks is back with Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy, a young adult graphic novel romance about a hotheaded hockey player who asks for temper management lessons from the cool, calm boy in drama club.It should have been a night of triumph for Alix’s hockey team. But her mean teammate Lindsay decided to start up with her usual rude comments and today Alix, who usually tries to control her anger, let it finally run free. Alix lashes out and before she knows it, her coach is dragging her off Lindsay, and the invitation to the Canada National Women’s U18 Team’s summer camp is on the line. She needs to learn how to control this anger, and she is sure Ezra, the popular and poised theater kid from her grade is the answer. So she asks for his help. But as they hang out and start get closer, Alix learns that there is more to Ezra than the cool front he puts on. And that maybe this friendship could become something more....

The Hockey Player's Heart (Dreamspun Desires #50)

by Jeff Adams Will Knauss

A Hockey Hearts BookHometown hero. Hockey superstar. Perfect boyfriend? When hockey star Caleb Carter returns to his hometown to recover from an injury, the only thing he’s interested in is a little R & R. He never expects to run into his onetime crush at a grade school fund-raiser . Seeing Aaron Price hits him hard, like being checked into the boards. The attraction is still there, even after all these years, and Caleb decides to make a play for the schoolteacher. You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take, right? Aaron has been burned by love before and can’t imagine what a celebrity like Caleb could possibly see in a guy like him. Their differences are just too great. But as Aaron spends more time with Caleb, he begins to wonder if he might have what it takes to win the hockey player’s heart.

Hoe om jou geliefde te behaag ( op 'n 100 verskillende maniere)

by Bernard Levine

Liefde groei wanneer jy iemand laat weet dat jy omgee.  Hoe om jou geliefde te behaag is gevul met baie opwindende, romantiese verrassings om jou geliefde baie spesiaal te laat voel.  Die vreugde van lewe, is in gee.  Bederf jou geliefde met sommige van hierdie romantiese idees en kyk hoe jou liefdeslewe sissend sal raak met ekstase en passie!

Hoe om jou sielsgenoot te ontmoet?

by Bernard Levine Zelna Naude

Hierdie unieke boek gaan jou 'n groot voorsprong gee om die regte geleenthede te skep om jou droom geliefde te ontmoet.

The Hog-Tied Groom

by Charlotte Maclay

THE BRIDES OF GRAZER'S CORNERSAll Tied Up and Nowhere To Go!Rancher Charity Arden had steeled herself to attend her high-school beau Garrett Keeley's wedding when she got a surprise houseguest. Her brother had captured the wordly groom and shackled him to Charity!Three sensual days with the man she's always loved...three intimate nights in a bed barely big enough for one....Then Charity came to her senses. She had to get rid of Garrett before he figured out that the result of that star-studded night they'd once shared was now eight years old-and wanted a father!The Brides of Grazer's Corners: Who will catch the bouquet next...?

Un hogar a que volver

by Mary Nickson

En la campiña inglesa se yergue una acogedora mansión llamada Duntan. Es majestuosa y bella, pero es víctima del tiempo y una lenta decadencia. ¿Cómo puede Sonia, lady Duntan, amar tanto ese imponente caserón, casi tanto como a sus hijos y quizá más que a su marido, cuya familia ha residido allí desde hace más de doscientos años? Para Sonia restaurar Duntan hasta devolverle el esplendor pasado es como enderezar su propia conciencia, y amueblar de nuevo la casa significa trabajar estrechamente con Simon Hadleigh, un hombre fascinante que se dedica a salvar patrimonio histórico en riesgo. Mientras las grietas de su matrimonio se revelan más profundas que las de la vivienda y sus hijos crecen más rápido de lo que nunca hubiera creído, mientras su carrera como pintora toma impulso y Simon despierta en ella una pasión aletargada, Sonia se dará cuenta de que todo tiene un precio y a veces puede no haber un hogar al que volver.«Sabiamente conmovedora y extremadamente entretenida.»The Times

Un hogar al que volver

by Mary Nickson

Una mujer puesta en una encrucijada: el arte y el amor o su hogar. En la campiña inglesa se yergue una acogedora mansión llamada Duntan. Es majestuosa y bella, pero es víctima del tiempo y una lenta decadencia. ¿Cómo puede Sonia, lady Duntan, amar tanto ese imponente caserón, casi tanto como a sus hijos y quizá más que a su marido, cuya familia ha residido allí desde hace más de doscientos años? Para Sonia restaurar Duntan hasta devolverle el esplendor pasado es como enderezar su propia conciencia, y amueblar de nuevo la casa significa trabajar estrechamente con Simon Hadleigh, un hombre fascinante que se dedica a salvar patrimonio histórico en riesgo. Mientras las grietas de su matrimonio se revelan más profundas que las de la vivienda y sus hijos crecen más rápido de lo que nunca hubiera creído, mientras su carrera como pintora toma impulso y Simon despierta en ella una pasión aletargada, Sonia se dará cuenta de que todo tiene un precio y a veces puede no haber un hogar al que volver. Reseña:«Sabiamente conmovedora y extremadamente entretenida.»The Times

Un hogar para Navidad

by River Ford

Sugar Creek, Vermont, es el último lugar donde Jackie quiere estar. Hasta que conoce a Austin. A Jackie Hobbs le encanta el trabajo que le permite viajar por el mundo asistiendo a convenciones de cómics y jugando hasta que le impide comunicarse con su madre antes de que fallezca. Como hija única y sin un grupo central de amigos del que depender, teme una Navidad solitaria. Lo último que quiere es ir a Vermont como planeó su madre, pero es la única manera de conseguir las cartas que le dejó su madre. Austin Fletcher ha vivido en Sugar Creek, Vermont, toda su vida. Se dedica al negocio de alquiler de cabañas de su familia aunque preferiría estar en la montaña en busca de aventuras. Esta Navidad tiene la tarea de guiar a un turista en una búsqueda del tesoro especial. No se trata de andar con raquetas de nieve ni de acampar en un clima frío, pero pronto queda cautivado por la mujer de buen corazón. Jackie nunca pensó que Sugar Creek sería el lugar perfecto para despedirse de su madre, pero con la ayuda de Austin, está aprendiendo a sonreír de nuevo. Y quién sabe, tal vez sea él quien le dé a su corazón un nuevo hogar esta Navidad.

Un hogar que compartir junto a ti (Le Chrysanthème Gazette #Volumen 3)

by Elizabeth Urian

Cuando el destino enlaza los caminos de un vizconde, una niña y una dama, solo hay un posible desenlace: el amor. Ser cuñada del duque de Easton y vivir en Londres no siempre es una ventaja si en tu corazón sigues siendo una chica de campo, hija de un párroco rural. La pintura y una colaboración en una revista exitosa, compartida con verdaderas amigas, convertirán la estancia de Louisa Dalton en una experiencia que recordar. Solo el reencuentro con cierto vizconde al que tuvo que ayudar años atrás remueven en ella un verdadero sentimiento; uno que ya creía olvidado. Christopher Wade, vizconde de Shambrooke, no es un hombre libre. Ha adquirido compromisos de por vida que condicionan su futuro. Cuando se da cuenta de que, por una razón u otra, siempre acaba en deuda con la señorita Dalton, se atreve a pedirle, además, un gran favor. Ahora, ella ya no es la jovencita en la que jamás se fijó, sino que es una mujer maravillosa a la que su pupila adora. Cuando se da cuenta de que parecen una familia y que los sentimientos de los tres están en juego, solo una palabra equivocada puede echar por tierra aquello por lo que ha comenzado a ilusionarse. ¿Será capaz de valorarla como se merece? Y ¿aceptará Louisa la familia que se le brinda en bandeja o se alejará de la ciudad para siempre?

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