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by Anna Jacobs

Jessie Burton is lively and intelligent - she wants more than the respectable life in service her mother has planned for her. Times are changing, railways are being built across the land bringing new freedom and possibilities. Jessie tastes that freedom when she meets an ambitious young navvy, newly arrived in Yorkshire. The attraction between them is overwhelming. And Jared Wilde is determined to make Jessie his wife. The primitive, colourful shanty towns that spring up around the railway works are nothing like the safe world Jessie once knew. But in spite of the hardness of life there, she finds happiness with Jared. Until another navvy becomes determined to destroy their future together...(P) 2019 Soundings

Jessie (Big Sky Dreams, Book #3)

by Lori Wick

Token Creek--1884 Jessie Wheeler knows how to take care of herself and her girls. The owner of Token Creek's general store has been doing it for a long time--nearly eight years--since the day her husband walked out on her. Seth Redding, Jessie's husband, has clone a lot of thinking in those years, some of it in a jail eel Looking back on their marriage, he can't believe he left Jessie and their baby. It was true that Jessie had her own way of doing things and could be hardheaded. But they had shared a special kind of love too, at least early on. If only he'd known then what he knows now... Seth is a changed man, but will he ever be able to show Jessie that? Will she even let him try?

Jessie Hearts NYC

by Keris Stainton

Jessie's just arrived in New York, hoping to forget about her awful ex.New Yorker Finn is in love with his best friend's girlfriend.They might be perfect together, but in a city of eight million people, will they find each other?

Jessie's Child

by Lois Faye Dyer

Their lies sent her brother to jail and broke her grandfather's heart. Which was precisely the reason Jessie McCloud couldn't tell her family the truth about that terrifying night in her past -- how fear had sent her straight into the arms of one of the hated Kerrigan men. . . Their encounter four years ago was just a momentary lapse, and hell would freeze over before he'd contact Jessie again. But Zach changed his mind after he came home and discovered her lie. Every one of Wolf Creek's townsfolk knew better than to stand between a Kerrigan and his own flesh and blood. All except for the woman who denied him his son. . .

Jessie's Expecting

by Kasey Michaels

This is a blend of current bestsellers and strong mid-list titles, including well reviewed fiction and nonfiction, and international favorites. Aimed at pleasing a wide readership, the Core Series includes New York Times bestsellers, award-winning titles, and works by highly acclaimed authors. Out in the big, bright world, it is usually the mommy and daddy who announce their baby's arrival. Well, this baby's announcing itself. Now. See, the mommy is keeping things hush-hush, and her cold shoulder has the daddy in a dither. But the mommy has always loved the daddy . . . and, although they were very close the night the baby appeared, the daddy has never uttered the three little words. But babies are all about hope . . . and this baby won't stand for anything but a happy ending.

Jessie's Father

by C. J. Carmichael

FAMILY MAN Jessie has a father. She wants a mother, too! Grace Hamilton is an unflappable businesswoman whose self-discipline helped her build a successful company and brought her a glamorous life. But even she is momentarily unhinged when fourteen-year-old Jessie Shanahan interrupts an important board meeting-and announces that Grace is her long-lost mother.Grace knows she's never had a child, and the quicker she and Levi Shanahan, Jessie's father and Grace's use-to-be lover, can straighten this out, the better.Seeing Levi again awakens in Grace a womanly yearning for a husband and family-awakens power feelings for him. And for his imaginative daughter, Jessie....

Jessie's Little Bookshop by the Sea

by Kirsty Ferry

When a single dad arrives in town, a bookstore owner may have a chance to start a new chapter in her life . . . Jessie Tempest has two main interests: reading books and selling books. Her little bookshop in an English seaside town is a cozy hideaway from the chilly Yorkshire wind, but it&’s also Jessie&’s sanctuary from the outside world. When writer Miles Fareham and his son Elijah arrive to stay in the rental apartment above the shop, it&’s a test for Jessie, who has always felt clueless when it comes to kids. But as she learns the story of the single father and the inquisitive eight-year-old, Jessie realizes that first impressions aren&’t always the right ones—and, of course, you can never judge a book by its cover . . .

Jess's Journey (Whispering Pines Ranch Ser.)

by Sjd Peterson

Sequel to Conner's CourageWhispering Pines Ranch: Book FiveAt an early age, Jess Jenkins learned to take care of his family and friends and put their needs before his own. He dreamed of finding the same simple happiness his parents had and followed their example. Then Lorcan James broke his heart and an automobile accident broke his independent spirit. Now that's all Jess is: a broken shadow of the man he used to be, still confined to a wheelchair after six months. Jess is finally forced to put himself first and accept the help he needs on his journey toward recovery. Though pain, frustration, and depression leave him bitter and eager to push people away, his friends refuse to allow him to wallow in self-pity. Jack has only glimpsed the man beneath Jess's angry shell, but he takes it upon himself to prove Jess isn't broken. And Collin is determined to bring back the sweet man he once knew. The simple, happy life Jess has always wanted is there for the taking--all he has to do is open his eyes and see it.

Jess's Promise (Secretly Pregnant... Conveniently Wed! Ser. #3)

by Lynne Graham

Cesario di Silvestri isn't just fast with women, he's supersonic. After mere minutes spent in his charismatic presence, many of Europe's most glamorous women tumble into his bed...With the exception of one-shy vet Jessica Martin, who refuses to become his weekend plaything. But when Jess's flaky relatives steal from Halston Hall, Cesario's country retreat, he has all the ammunition he needs! For now he'll enjoy her creamy-skinned beauty, but in the future he'll need an heir....

The Jester

by James Patterson Andrew Gross

Freedom - in eleventh-century France, it is a luxury enjoyed by only the King and nobility. For the serf, it is surely worth fighting for. But is it worth dying for? Arriving home disillusioned from the Crusades, Hugh DeLuc discovers that his village has been ransacked and his wife abducted. The dark riders came in the dead of night, like devils, wearing no colours but black crosses on their chests, leaving no clue as to who they are. Knights they may be, but honour and chivalry are not part of their code. They search for a relic, one worth more than any throne in Europe, and no man can stand in their way. Until Hugh, taking on the role of a jester, is able to infiltrate the enemy's castle where he believes his wife is being held captive. And when a man is fighting for freedom - for his wife, and for everything he holds dear - he will prove a formidable opponent.

The Jester

by James Patterson Andrew Gross

Freedom - in eleventh-century France, it is a luxury enjoyed by only the King and nobility. For the serf, it is surely worth fighting for. But is it worth dying for? Arriving home disillusioned from the Crusades, Hugh DeLuc discovers that his village has been ransacked and his wife abducted. The dark riders came in the dead of night, like devils, wearing no colours but black crosses on their chests, leaving no clue as to who they are. Knights they may be, but honour and chivalry are not part of their code. They search for a relic, one worth more than any throne in Europe, and no man can stand in their way. Until Hugh, taking on the role of a jester, is able to infiltrate the enemy's castle where he believes his wife is being held captive. And when a man is fighting for freedom - for his wife, and for everything he holds dear - he will prove a formidable opponent.(P)2013 Headline Digital

Jet: A Marked Men Novel (Marked Men #2)

by Jay Crownover

With his tight leather pants and a sharp edge that makes him dangerous, Jet Keller is every girl's rock and roll fantasy. But Ayden Cross is done walking on the wild side with bad boys. She doesn't want to give in to the heat she sees in Jet's dark, haunted eyes. She's afraid of getting burned from the sparks of their spontaneous combustion, even as his touch sets her on fire.Jet can't resist the Southern Belle with mile-long legs in cowboy boots who defies his every expectation. Yet the closer he feels to Ayden, the less he seems to know her. While he's tempted to get under her skin and undo her in every way, he knows firsthand what happens to two people with very different ideas about relationships.Will the blaze burn into an enduring love. . . or will it consume their dreams and turn them to ashes?Don't miss the latest bad boy in Jay Crownover's unforgettable New Adult series.

Jet Set Confessions: Jet Set Confessions / Reclaiming His Legacy (louisiana Legacies) (Mills And Boon Desire Ser.)

by Maureen Child

The sky’s the limitfor her forbidden attraction.“This is just another job, Fiona.When it’s over, you walk away.”Jetting off on Luke Barrett’s private plane and spending a passion-filled weekend together proves risky for professional fixer Fiona Jordan. Hopefully, she didn’t just blow her undercover mission to bring the tech billionaire back to his family business. When Luke learns the truth, can Fiona keep from falling? Mixing business and pleasure might be the trickiest balancing act of her life…USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR

The Jet-Set Seduction

by Sandra Field

From the moment Slade Carruthers lays eyes on the beautiful Clea Chardin, he has to have her. But Clea has a reputation, and Slade doesn't share his women. If Clea wants him, she'll come on his terms. Clea isn't a loose woman, as everyone believes, but the label helps to protect herself from heartbreak. Now she's about to meet her match. So begins a jet-set seduction that takes Clea and Slade around the globe and ultimately to bed. . . .

Jeu de Passions

by Diana Scott

Jeu de Passion de Diana Scott Jeu de Passion est le quatrième livre de la Saga Infidélités, des romans contemporains avec une dose importante d’érotisme, d’actions et d’aventures. Jeu de passions Que se passe-t-il lorsque l’amour frappe à ta porte sans y être invité? Plus de 100.000 lecteurs ont déjà lu cette saga. Lucas l’aime mais il en a plus que ras le bol d’être seulement son amant. Carmen n’est pas disposée à livrer son cœur à qui ne le mérite pas. Elle sait parfaitement bien qu’il n’est pas un saint mais les canailles méritent aussi une chance dans l’amour, n’est-ce pas? Carmen est une jeune fille de l’époque actuelle ; décidée, avec un caractère et un sacré instinct féminin, elle sait reconnaître les malicieux et leurs petits jeux sexuels. Les coquins ne tombent jamais amoureux, elle le sait très bien. Il vaut mieux profiter d’eux à court terme, pour ensuite les fuir rapidement et ni vu ni connu. Lucas sait parfaitement bien aussi que ses jours de conquête sont terminés mais il devra se déplacer au Brésil et se battre contre un dieu en ébène appelé Paulo, qui au-delà d’être beau, il est aussi sympathique à en rager. Lui, il est membre du SWAT, amusant, intelligent et très attractif, quelle femme n’aimerait-elle pas être quelque chose de plus qu’être sa maîtresse et se convertir en sa raison de vivre? Liaison, action et suspens, et un voyage convertiront cette histoire en un jeu de passions où rien ne correspond à ce que ça ressemble. Que faire lorsque le cœur te dicte ce que la raison rejette et que la passion domine ?

Jeux d'amour

by Sky Corgan

Tous mes rêves sont enfin devenus réalité. Le riche, charmant et soi-disant inaccessible Peter Burgett est à présent mon petit ami. Il m’emmène à des évènements caritatifs et dans des restaurants chics. Tout ce que je pensais vouloir. Néanmoins, je réalise maintenant que notre relation est basée sur un mensonge… J’ai passé tellement de temps à essayer d’être quelqu’un d’autre, quelqu’un qu’il aime, que je me suis perdue en cours de route. Pire encore, je n’ai plus personne à qui me confier maintenant que mon meilleur ami Caleb a une copine qui semble déterminée à nous tenir éloignés l’un de l’autre. Ma vie a plongé dans une spirale que je ne contrôle pas. Je suis totalement déboussolée. Je sais seulement que Caleb Ryan me manque. Il me manque tellement que j’ai mal au cœur quand je pense à lui. Je voulais me venger de lui pour ce qu’il m’a fait il y a longtemps. J’ai fait l’erreur de me rapprocher de lui pour atteindre un but dont j’ignorais les conséquences. À présent, des sentiments, qui devraient être enfouis pour toujours, refont surface. Est-il trop tard pour faire demi-tour ? Deuxième livre de la série en deux parties Jeux de vengeance. Une comédie romantique torride entre une fille pas banale, un coach sportif balèze et un milliardaire sexy. Fin « heureux pour toujours » garantie !

Jeux de vengeance

by Sky Corgan

Caleb Ryan a été le seul homme que j’ai jamais aimé. Le seul qui faisait attention à moi quand nous étions au lycée. Et puis, il m’a trahie… Il m’a fallu des années pour me remettre de ce qu’il m’avait fait, pour aiguiser ma haine jusqu’à ce qu’elle devienne aussi tranchante qu’un couteau. J’ai enfin l’opportunité de me venger. Il ne verra rien venir. Je me débarrasserai de lui quoi qu’il en coûte. L’ennui, c’est que j’ai besoin de lui pour atteindre un autre but. Que cela me plaise ou non, nous allons devoir travailler main dans la main. Mais je compte toujours le faire payer. Premier livre de la série en deux parties Jeux de vengeance. Une douce comédie romantique entre une fille pas banale, un coach sportif balèze et un milliardaire sexy. Pas de mauvaise surprise et une fin « heureuse pour le moment » est garantie.

Jeux Sensuels

by Dawn Brower

Emmaline Novak veut oublier qu'elle a jamais aimé Colt. Quand il a brisé son cœur, elle a renoncé aux hommes et a abandonné son emploi de rêve en tant que thérapeute physique pour l'équipe de football pour laquelle il joue. Mais quand une seconde chance au travail se présente, elle réévalue ses décisions de vie. Pourquoi devrait-elle abandonner la carrière de ses rêves à cause d'un homme? Emma prend le travail qui ramènera Colt dans sa vie. Ce sera difficile, mais elle est prête à relever le défi. Colt Lewis a beaucoup de problèmes. Son plus gros c’est essayer de convaincre son ex-fiancée qu'il mérite une deuxième chance. Elle croit qu'il l'a trompée. Il ne l’a jamais fait, mais peu importe ce qu’il fait ou ce qu’elle dit, elle ne l’écoutera pas. Soudain, il a une seconde chance de lui faire comprendre qu’elle a perdu une bonne chose: lui. Mais quand il convainc sa meilleure amie de prétendre être sa copine, son plan pour rendre Emma jalouse peut se retourner contre lui. Plus Emma voit Colt, plus elle a du mal à lui résister. Peut-elle regarder au-delà des méfaits de Colt et lui ouvrir à nouveau son cœur?


by Beverly Jenkins

A proposal she had no choice but to accept . . . Though Eli Grayson is one of the most handsome, charming, and intelligent men in Grayson Grove, no one will take a chance on a confirmed bachelor. Unwilling to give up his dreams, Eli convinces his friend Jewel to pose as his wife. Their masquerade is to last just one night . . . but when word gets out, Eli and Jewel must tie the knot to save his career-and her reputation. Became a love she never expected . . . Angry at being forced to turn her life upside down, Jewel never imagined that a white-hot passion would consume her once she and Eli became husband and wife. Sharing a bed has turned their prim friendship into a sensuous love affair . . . but when a woman from Eli's past returns to stir up trouble, he and Jewel will learn just how far they'll go to protect the precious gem of their newfound passion.

The Jewel and the Key

by Louise Spiegler

An earthquake and the discovery of a mysterious antique mirror unleash forces that jolt sixteen-year-old Addie McNeal back to 1917 Seattle, just as the United States is entering World War I. Addie finds herself shuttling back and forth between past and present, drawn in both times to the grand Jewel Theater. In both decades the existence of the Jewel is threatened and war is looming . . . and someone she cares about is determined to fight. Eventually, Addie realizes that only she has the key to saving the Jewel--and the lives of her friends. But will she figure out how to manipulate the intricately woven threads of time and truly set things right?

The Jewel and the Sword

by Marjorie Jones

Following the ensuing battle with the Earl of Ravenstone's forces, Meghan Douglas tends to the wounds of her father's men, the Laird of Clan Douglas. Among the fallen, she finds a sorely wounded English knight. Though he is an enemy, Meghan takes pity on the handsome, burly stranger and has him taken to a chamber. There, once he has been securely bound to her father's bed, she attempts to save his life, attending to the most intimate details of his care. When Devlin Barnett regains consciousness at last, it is only to find himself tied to a bed, being cared for by a beautiful young woman. Not just any young woman, however, but the daughter of his treacherous foster brother, the Laird of the keep, for whom he is now being held as ransom. To make matters worse, he finds his traitorous, vulnerable body responding to Meghan's tender ministrations in a most alarming, and conspicuous, manner.Meghan cannot deny the powerful attraction she feels for the captive in her bed . . . the captive who so stubbornly refuses to give up his name. She knows only that he is one of the Earl of Ravenstone's knights. Devlin finally manages to escape, both his imprisonment and the danger to his heart. He has not gone far, however, when he realizes he is being followed. His emotions are in peril once again, for the lovely Meghan insists he take her to Ravenstone's castle that she might plead for her father's release. She has no idea of her former prisoner's true identity. Or the forces of evil that will be unleashed to separate and destroy.

A Jewel Bright Sea (The Mage and Empire Novels #1)

by Claire O'Dell

“A fast-paced sword-and-sorcery pirate adventure filled with magic and double-dealing” from the author of the Janet Watson Chronicles (Martha Wells, New York Times–bestselling author of the Murderbot Diaries). A talent for tracking magic gets Anna Zhdanov sent to catch a thief. A scholar’s daughter sold as a bond servant, she has no desire to recover the Emperor’s jewel for herself. But a chance to earn her freedom has driven her to the untamed Eddalyon province, awash with warm breezes, lapping waves, and more danger than she could possibly guess. Within days her cover as an indolent noblewoman is in question, and it’s clear there’s more to Anna’s task than she knows. Soon she’s the captive of the unpredictable pirate captain Andreas Koszenmarc, hunted by the Emperor’s guard, besieged by a brigand queen, and at odds with her only friend. She must trust someone if she is to survive. But when all that’s certain is that everyone is hiding something, it’s no simple thing to choose . . . “If you want rousing adventure with capable heroines and mysterious heroes, along with magic, swashbuckling, romance, and pirates, Claire O’Dell delivers the goods. I highly recommend A Jewel Bright Sea and can’t wait to read more!” —Darlene Marshall, award-winning author of Castaway Dreams

Jewel Cave (Circles #3)

by Elizabeth Noble

Circles: Book ThreeThrough ten wonderful years Griff Diamond and Clint Bishop weathered good times and bad together. Lately they haven't spent as much time together as they'd like, and their physical relationship is suffering. Then Clint loses his job at the steel mill. Instead of worrying, he sees it as an opportunity to lean on his steady partner, start his writing career, and rekindle the passion they've lost. But a friendly relationship with another author turns to obsession, putting Clint's life in danger. Taken against his will to the Jewel Cave system in South Dakota, Clint must rely on the skills he's learned from Griff to survive. Fearing the worst, Griff tracks Clint across the country. As a US Marshal, Griff's always been the man who keeps everyone safe, but he doesn't know how he and Clint will survive this. 2015 Rainbow AwardsThe Dorien Grey Award for Best Mystery/Thriller Runner-Up

Jewel Hiest

by J. J. Keller

Diamonds used to be this girl's best friend. Jewelry designer Mary Keefe has been robbed--of a million dollars in diamonds belonging to her grandfather--by her own boyfriend, Conrad. Besides recovering the jewels, she's got to conceive a baby within 5 days, to save her family's legacy. Her friends have a plan, a singles cruise so Mary can find a sperm donor with the best qualities. The first mate could be the right choice--he rates a five on the Donor List. Then there's John Wang, her neighbor in the adjoining room. Attraction sizzles between them and they've become friends, but he doesn't act interested. Could be, she's not his type. For John Kajiyama, posing as Wang, Mary Keefe is just his type. She's beautiful, funny and sweet...but is she innocent? Diamonds are missing and he must recover them for the insurance company. How far will he go to maintain his cover in this investigation?62,000 Words

Jewel in His Crown

by Lynne Graham

Sheikh Prince Raja al-Somari knows that sacrificing his freedom for the good of his country isn't a choice; it's a duty. But he's going to have to use more pleasurable tactics to convince his new bride....A day ago Ruby Sommerton was an ordinary girl, going to work and gossiping with her flatmate, now she's found out she's a princess and waits nervously in the bedroom of the Prince's desert palace!Raja's new bride has a lot to learn about being a royal, most enticingly of exhilarating nights with her new husband can be-and that an heir is top of his agenda!

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