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by Sandra Heath

An early Signet Regency Romance by superstar and award-winning author Sandra Heath. Available Digitally for the First Time Widowed Mally has returned to her girlhood home in Wales to seek her younger sister, who is believed to have run off with a charming but disreputable American. With her is the devilishly tempting Sir Christopher Carlyon, who yearns to marry her. But the new owner of the castle, and Christopher's oldest friend, Richard Vallender, complicates her feelings. Even as Mally suspects his involvement in her sister's disappearance, she is drawn to her charismatic host. Questions of the heart and seductive lies of love are twin puzzles for Mally, who will discover that everything once safe and familiar is now menacing and strange... Don't miss The Smuggler's Daughter and An Unwilling Heiress--now available in e-book.

Malone's Vow

by Sandra Marton

Read this classic romance by bestselling author Sandra Marton, now available for the first time in e-book!His runaway bride…When Jessie runs away from her wedding, it’s because she’s fallen for the best man, Liam Malone! But Jessie doesn’t know he’s the corporate raider who’s taken over the company she works for. Or that finding the errant bride has become Malone’s vow….Originally published in 2000

The Malorie Phoenix

by Janet Mullany

"I liked the originality of the story... the savvy and unapologetically sexual heroine is a big plus."-- Willaful, Karen Know's Best "Everything about this book is brilliant. LOVED it!"-- Farrah Sayyed, Imagine A World "It had romance and a bit of intrigue that was blended well"-- Tracy Stapp, The Book BingeShe plays a deadly game, but nothing is as dangerous as love.Benedict de Malorie, Earl of Trevisan, can never forget the masked woman he met one night at a London pleasure garden. The clever pickpocket stole his heart and his family's prized jewel - the Malorie Phoenix. But the family treasure reappears in Benedict's darkest hour, returned by its thief, along with the unexpected gift of his infant daughter. Believing that she is dying, Jenny Smith leaves her daughter in the custody of the baby's blueblood father. Seven years later she finds herself in good health and alone, yearning for her only child. To raise enough money to support them both, she takes part in a daring escapade that requires her to impersonate a woman of quality. She fools the ton and Benedict himself.When Jenny finds herself entangled in a murderous plot against Benedict, the father of her child, her carefully laid plans begin to fall apart. All she wants is her daughter back, but she never thought she'd fall in love with Benedict. Revealing her part in the plot means she will almost certainly lose Benedict and their daughter forever. But continuing to play her role puts them all in terrible danger.

Malrith's Shield

by Azalea Moone

In a world where dragons are killed on sight and their summoners executed, Kohaku finds love in the arms of Sawyer, the hunter who saved his life. Together, the two search for a missing dragon and dare to fight the evil that threatens them all. Azalea Moone breathes life into a world filled with magic in her new fantasy romance novel, Malrith's Shield.Forced into exile for being a dragon summoner, Kohaku's problems only worsen when his dragon becomes inexplicably dormant. In attempt to find the reasons why, he runs into Sawyer, the handsome dragon hunter who freed him from persecution two years ago, and winds up awakening something very different--a love like no other he's experienced before.Sawyer's never forgotten about the gorgeous red-haired summoner. He sets out to prove he's no longer interested in slaying dragons. Instead, he wants to gain Kohaku's trust, and his affection, while he helps search for the key in the dragon's recovery.However, there's another frightful magic at play, and suddenly things are starting to fall apart around them. Can they maintain this forbidden love while facing the evils coming their way? Content Notes: Spicy, Anal Intercourse, Fantasy, Paranormal, GLBT, M/M

The Maltese Terror

by Deirdre O'Dare

Landscape architect Nick LeGrande has never experienced a more disastrous trip! When he ends up stranded in a Colorado blizzard, he’s glad to have the company of his little canine buddy, Cedric, whom circumstances forced him to bring along. Then a sexy Good Samaritan rescues them and Nick is introduced to a world he hardly knew existed. He is quickly enthralled. Caleb Storm is a loner, a rancher whose Native American blood sets him a bit apart from most of his fellows. When a spring blizzard dumps Nick LeGrande and his tiny dog into Caleb’s life, he and his old stock dog Cheyenne hardly know what to make of their visitors.Caleb finds Nick very attractive but doubts such a successful and urbane man could have any interest in him. However, their dogs hit it off from the start and seem to conspire to get their masters together. Can a pair of canine cupids work the necessary magic?

Malvinas, la ilusión y la pérdida: Luis Vernet y María Sáez, una historia de amor

by Silvia Plager Elsa Fraga Vidal

Esta novela es, además de un exquisito viaje al pasado, la historia deamor de dos seres excepcionales que imaginaron un futuro próspero,feliz, en el lugar más lejano e inhóspito de nuestro territorio. «Aquí el aire es frío pero no apaga las pasiones», escribe María Sáezen su diario. La protagonista de esta epopeya fue una mujer admirableque por amor a su marido, Luis Vernet, un americanista de espírituaventurero, aceptó trasladarse al extremo sur del mundo, sin sospecharque las islas se adueñarían de su corazón. Los Vernet fueron los últimosgobernadores argentinos en Malvinas, entre 1829 y 1831. Auténticospioneros, lograron vencer la geografía salvaje y el clima hostil paracrear un hogar. El salón de María, con su araña de caireles, subiblioteca y su piano, reproducía los de las tertulias porteñas delsiglo XIX. Pero hacia 1832 los Vernet debieron abandonar las costas enlas que habían invertido su fortuna y depositado sus sueños. Eldesembarco de naves británicas dispuestas a conseguir el control de lasrutas del Atlántico destruyó todo lo que ellos pacientemente habíanconstruido.


by S. Plager

#Aquí el aire es frío pero no apaga las pasiones##, escribe María Sáez en su diario. La protagonista de esta epopeya fue una mujer admirable que por amor a su marido, Luis Vernet, un americanista de espíritu aventurero, aceptó trasladarse al extremo sur del mundo, sin sospechar que las islas se adueñarían de su corazón. Los Vernet fueron los últimos gobernadores argentinos en Malvinas, entre 1829 y 1831. Auténticos pioneros, lograron vencer la geografía salvaje y el clima hostil para crear un hogar. El salón de María, con su araña de caireles, su biblioteca y su piano, reproducía los de las tertulias porteñas del siglo XIX. Pero hacia 1832 los Vernet debieron abandonar las costas en las que habían invertido su fortuna y depositado sus sueños. El desembarco de naves británicas dispuestas a conseguir el control de las rutas del Atlántico destruyó todo lo que ellos pacientemente habían construido. Malvinas, la ilusión y la pérdida es, además de un exquisito viaje al pasado, la historia de amor de dos seres excepcionales que imaginaron un futuro próspero, feliz, en el lugar más lejano e inhóspito de nuestro territorio.

Mama Dearest

by E. Lynn Harris Karen Hunter

Diva supreme Yancey Harrington Braxton is working her way back to Broadway and beyond--and stirring up drama in and out of the spotlight--in the acclaimed New York Times bestseller from E. Lynn Harris.After being out on tour, the ambitious singer and actress is fired up to move past her recent setbacks--including an explosive romance with NFL tight end John Basil Henderson--and prove her talents are stronger than ever. What Yancey really wants is to star in her own reality TV series, and she's even found a rich and well-connected lover to make it happen. There are, however, two women fierce enough to derail Yancey's comeback dreams: Madison B., a hot new bombshell taking the music industry by storm, and Ava Middlebrooks, who happens to be Yancey's own mama dearest.Not even a stint in prison for attempted murder has curbed Ava's competitive nature. Now she will bring down her #1 rival--her own daughter--by using Madison B. to turn Yancey's world upside-down. . . . competitive nature, and it doesn't faze her in the least that her #1 rival is her own daughter. Ava is willing to do whatever it takes to make Yancey pay, including using Madison B. to turn Yancey's world upside-down by forcing her to confront the past...and making her comeback dreams more exciting and dangerous than she ever imagined. Taking readers on a wild, passion-filled tour of the entertainment world, E. Lynn Harris's Mama Dearest delivers sensual thrills and electric plot twists -- with one unforgettable woman of radiant star power, sexual magnetism, and unapologetic ambition at the heart of the action.

Mama, Do You Love Me?

by Barbara Lavallee Barbara M. Joosse

In this universal and timeless story of a child testing the limits of her independence a mother proves that a parent's love is forever. Share this classic award-winning book with someone dear to you! This book contains information in the back on Alaska's climate and other artifacts mentioned in the story.


by Jorge Fernandez Diaz

Una campesina española envía a su hija de quince años a la Argentina de Perón. Quiere sacarla de la miseria y le promete que pronto la seguirá toda su familia. Pero algo falla y nadie viene, y la chica se queda atrapada en un país hostil, donde crece, se casa, lucha contra su destino y sufre el destierro mas cruel. Luego de muchos años deja de sufrir y se hace argentina. Entonces sus hijos y nietos le anuncian que quieren irse a vivir a España, huyendo de la depresión económica, y todo vuelve aempezar. Esta historia se convierte en el libro el día en que su hijo editor y periodista, advierte un hecho estremecedor: las experiencias de su madrea hacen llorar a la psicóloga que la atiende. Decide entonces entrevistar a "mama" la escucha durante más de cincuenta horas y luego reconstruye el relato emocionante y lucido. Un relator que narra las aventuras, pequeñas alegrías y sinsabores de una mujer común de clase media, que bien podría ser la madre o la abuela de cualquier lector y que, a la vez, plantea el gran dilema actual, y de todos los tiempos: irse o quedarse. En los limites de la crónica periodística, el relato confesional y la biografía intima, el director de la revista Noticias, jorge Fernández Díaz, construye como narrador y protagonista un texto deslumbrante que atrapa y conmueve al lector desde la primera línea, y que funda un nuevo espacio del "sentido de verdad" en nuestra literatura. Mama es tan simple y poderosa como la vida. Pero la vida no esta tan bien escrita. José Pablo Feinmann

Mama Gena's Marriage Manual

by Regena Thomashauer

So, you found yourself a man. You owned him, you operated him, you dragged him back to your cave and married him -- and now you can't remember why you wanted him! Not to fear, because celebrated relationship expert Regena Thomashauer has returned, ready to turn the walking, talking, care-taking coma that is your marriage into a hot, juicy celebration of love and life Have you ever felt that your daily responsibilities are taking a toll on your general enthusiasm, your desire for intimacy? Or that you need to ask your husband for permission before you go somewhere or do something? Or that you find yourself angry at him for no real reason? You may be suffering from the Good Wife Syndrome. The Good Wife Syndrome is a common malady characterized by an unnatural drive to sacrifice yourself, organize your married life around your husband's needs, and then blame your bewildered husband for your profound unhappiness. Mama Gena's Marriage Manual is here to remedy your condition by administering a simple yet tremendously effective antidote: fun. Yes, that's right, fun. Mama Gena wants you to throw out your preconceived notions of what marriage should be and allow yourself to construct a marriage based on your own personal gratification. Because whether it's enjoying a great cup of coffee, taking the day off work, or having great sex, when a woman indulges her desires she inflates her feminine power and has an uplifting effect on everything and everyone around her. To help you on your quest to revive your marriage, Mama Gena suggests a radical idea: that the community of women around us (the support system she calls our Sister Goddesses) has a greater influence on the outcome of our relationships than the partners we choose. Women's desires can turn dreams into reality, and when women get together, their power multiplies exponentially. Mama shows you how to harness that power and channel it into the daily acts that benefit your love life. She includes dozens of exercises to help you and your Sister Goddess girlfriends focus on fun, praise yourself daily, let go of anger, and learn to appreciate the men you have. Then once you've started practicing these new behaviors, Mama trains you to train your husband -- to communicate without rancor, to welcome his point of view, to reinstate the practice of lust, and much more. Mama Gena wants you to throw off the shackles of the Good Wife Syndrome and enjoy a marriage that's free of guilt, blame, and obligation. Mama Gena's Marriage Manual will help you craft a partnership that enables you to do more, have more, and be more than you could ever be on your own.

Mama Gena's Owner's and Operator's Guide to Men

by Regena Thomashauer

Have you ever felt that finding a man, falling in love, and living happily ever after is totally out of your control? Is it possible to find a man who will be a friend and equal, but who will also do whatever you want him to do? And what can you do to make the man you already have give you everything you want? Never fear, Mama Gena is here with practical tools for a relationship that starts out good and only gets better. In Mama Gena's Owner's and Operator's Guide to Men, relationship expert Regena Thomashauer (a.k.a. Mama Gena) will teach you how to effectively "train" your man and create a rewarding and intimate relationship for you both. Mama's secret to success is simple -- and possibly scandalous -- but here it is: Men live to serve women. They live to make their women happy, because when the woman isn't happy, nobody's happy. The fact is that relationships function best when the woman's desires are completely fulfilled. In this book Mama Gena shows women how to throw out the old "survival model" of relationships (in which women serve men to get food and shelter) and take on her Sister Goddess model (in which men serve women to get friendship, sex, and happiness) instead. Creating a relationship that's all about the woman requires a basic understanding of a man's perspective. Mama reveals some shocking truths -- such as men are not mind readers, men like to be acknowledged, and men want to believe they're getting their way. These are fundamentals that women often forget, or don't know how to incorporate into their everyday lives. The Owner's and Operator's Guide will show women not only how to train their men, but how to train themselves as well. Mama explains how and why women have to pay attention to their pleasure and know what makes them happy: Why you have to give up control in order to get it. How you have to communicate what you want. Why you have to be honest. Mama offers inventive strategies for finding a man, getting him to help you make the life you want, having a great sex life, and dealing with resistance along the way. Full of the author's trademark candor and easy wit, this book is an invaluable manual for women in any stage of a relationship. You'll learn how to gain control of your own behavior, take the lead in your relationship, and work with your partner toward getting what you both want -- a great partnership.

Mama Said

by Wendy Byrne

Down on her luck blues singer, Gabriella Santos, escapes her over- protective family, along with a series of bad relationships, for a gig in Chicago. She is determined to prove she can stand on her own two stiletto-clad feet and make a fresh start. But when she tangles with the sexy but aloof bar owner, Shane O'Neil, she begins to believe she might have bitten off more than she can chew. When she gets mugged, shot at, witnesses a hit and run and sees somebody murdered, she knows she's in way over her head. Ex-special forces guy turned detective and reluctant bar owner, Shane O'Neil, has a laundry list of things he doesn't like, starting with cops—especially his stepfather and stepbrother, who top the list. He also doesn't like a too-beautiful-for-her-own-good blues singer trying to tell him how to run his bar. She's pushy, chatty, high-maintenance and does everything she can do to get under his skin—from her flawless latte-colored skin, to her long sexy legs, to her incredible voice, he can hardly think of anything else. Which is a really bad thing since Shane thrives on being in control. But when he ends up beaten to a pulp in a Chicago alley, he has no choice but to rely on Gabriella for help. Despite the sizzling chemistry between them, finding the balance between trust and commitment is a formidable task.

Mama Said

by Wendy Byrne

Down on her luck blues singer, Gabriella Santos, escapes her over- protective family, along with a series of bad relationships, for a gig in Chicago. She is determined to prove she can stand on her own two stiletto-clad feet and make a fresh start. But when she tangles with the sexy but aloof bar owner, Shane O'Neil, she begins to believe she might have bitten off more than she can chew. When she gets mugged, shot at, witnesses a hit and run and sees somebody murdered, she knows she's in way over her head.Ex-special forces guy turned detective and reluctant bar owner, Shane O'Neil, has a laundry list of things he doesn't like, starting with cops--especially his stepfather and stepbrother, who top the list. He also doesn't like a too-beautiful-for-her-own-good blues singer trying to tell him how to run his bar. She's pushy, chatty, high-maintenance and does everything she can do to get under his skin--from her flawless latte-colored skin, to her long sexy legs, to her incredible voice, he can hardly think of anything else. Which is a really bad thing since Shane thrives on being in control. But when he ends up beaten to a pulp in a Chicago alley, he has no choice but to rely on Gabriella for help.Despite the sizzling chemistry between them, finding the balance between trust and commitment is a formidable task.

Mama, Will I Be Yours Forever?

by Anna Pignataro

The precious follow-up to MAMA WILL YOU HOLD MY HAND? and MAMA, HOW LONG WILL YOU LOVE ME? From bestselling author/illustrator Anna Pignataro comes the third title in her bestselling series, MAMA, WILL I BE YOURS FOREVER?, a sweet and loving portrayal of what "forever" means. The world is a very big place filled with everyday wonders that can both fascinate and confuse young readers. But Anna's text and sweeping illustrations are reassuring and engaging, showcasing the love of a parent for their child as well as introducing children to the many wonders of nature and life.

Mamá y papá están solteros

by Francesca Rossini

Dos pasados que dejan huella: Él, Massimo, un divorcio reciente y una exmujer sofocante que usa a su hija para hacerle chantaje emocional. Ella, Susanna, que lleva una vida errante para escapar de un gran dolor, con el único deseo de costruir una vida serena para su hija Mia. Gracias a la amistad entre las dos niñas su vidas se cruzan. Amigos para guardar las apariencias, amantes gracias a un pacto. ¿Conseguirán huir de sus prejuicios?, ¿de sus miedos?, ¿de su orgullo? ¿Se puede empezar una relación al revés, pasando del sexo a la amistad sin complicaciones? Entre incomprensiones, discusiones y sonrisas se desarrolla esta historia romántica e irónica.

Mama's Boy

by Reshonda Tate Billingsley

When her son is in trouble, a heartbroken mother finds the courage and faith to save him, in ReShonda Tate Billingsley's powerful family drama--a novel as timely as today's headlines.The breaking TV news rocks Jasper, Texas, to the core: a white police officer is fatally shot in a scuffle with three black youths--and a cellphone video captures Jamal Jones, the sixteen-year-old son of esteemed Reverend Elton Jones, escalating the tragic encounter. Now, as the national spotlight shines on a town already rife with racial tension, Jamal is a murder suspect on the run. And all of Jasper--even the Reverend's congregation--rushes to judge the boy they thought they knew. But Gloria Jones knows her son best, and she races to find Jamal before the law does--to the outrage of her workaholic husband. Once she finds him, she has to decide whether to turn him in or help him run. With ruthless prosecutor and Houston mayoral candidate Kay Christensen hungering to put another young thug behind bars, Gloria will face her biggest battle yet. And when long-hidden secrets and shocking lies come to light, throwing Jamal's case and his destiny into a tailspin, all Gloria can do is pray that the truth--and a mother's unconditional love--will be enough to redeem the mistakes of the past and ultimately, save her son.

Mama's Boy

by A. C. Katt

Chase Summers spends his time writing gay romance and chauffeuring his mama around town. One day after taking her to breakfast, lunch, and four supermarkets, Chase has had enough. It doesn't hurt that he met a handsome stranger over a can of green beans and wants to explore the possibilities without his mama's interference.

Mama's Pearl

by Bette Ford

Mama's Pearl is a novella that was originally published in the anthology, A MOTHER'S LOVEFrom the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award-winning author for Multicultural Romance, Bette Ford, a novella about a second-chance romance for two high school sweethearts..."A poignant, sensual story showcasing the best qualities of romance: grace, forgiveness and healing." -Romantic TimesOnce, Sarah Dean and Kurt Rogers were high school sweethearts with their whole future together planned out. But circumstances beyond their control forced them to go their separate ways. Now, many years later, the secret that Sarah has harbored for so long is about to be revealed as Kurt returns to rekindle their long-ago passion - and a love that still burns in both their hearts.

The Mammoth Book of ER Romance (The Mammoth Bks.)

by Trisha Telep

Thrilling tales of romantic suspense set in the emergency room and the hospital as a whole. These are romances which go beyond the classic doctor-nurse romances of yesteryear, having more in common with popular contemporary TV dramas such as House, ER, and Scrubs.This is 'medical romance', reinvented for today with an invigorating injection of edgy modern romantic suspense by Janice Lynn, Dianne Drake, Wendy S. Marcus, Fiona Lowe, Jacqueline Diamond and many more.

The Mammoth Book of ER Romance (Mammoth Books #438)

by Trisha Telep

Thrilling tales of romantic suspense set in the emergency room and the hospital as a whole. These are romances which go beyond the classic doctor-nurse romances of yesteryear, having more in common with popular contemporary TV dramas such as House, ER, and Scrubs.This is 'medical romance', reinvented for today with an invigorating injection of edgy modern romantic suspense by Janice Lynn, Dianne Drake, Wendy S. Marcus, Fiona Lowe, Jacqueline Diamond and many more.

The Mammoth Book of Ghost Romance: 13 Tales Of Supernatural Love

by Trisha Telep

A wonderful collection of stories of supernatural love by Sharon Shinn, Annette Blair, Caridad Pineiro, Jennifer Estep, Gwyn Cready, Carolyn Crane, Jeannie Holmes, Anna Campbell, Julia London, Christie Ridgway, Holly Lisle and Liz Maverick. In happy-ever-after endings, ghosts come to life so that lovers can be united in the flesh.

The Mammoth Book of Ghost Romance: 13 Tales of Supernatural Love (Mammoth Books #440)

by Trisha Telep

A wonderful collection of stories of supernatural love by Sharon Shinn, Annette Blair, Caridad Pineiro, Jennifer Estep, Gwyn Cready, Carolyn Crane, Jeannie Holmes, Anna Campbell, Julia London, Christie Ridgway, Holly Lisle and Liz Maverick. In happy-ever-after endings, ghosts come to life so that lovers can be united in the flesh.

The Mammoth Book of Halloween Stories: Terrifying Tales Set on the Scariest Night of the Year!

by Stephen Jones

Twenty-six terrifying tales set on the scariest night of the year! Treat yourself to some very tricky stories! Halloween . . . All Hallows’ Eve . . . Samhain . . . Día de los Muertos . . . the Day the Dead Come Back . . . When the barriers between the worlds are at their weakest—when ghosts, goblins, and grisly things can cross over into our dimension—then for a single night each year the natural becomes the supernatural, the normal becomes the paranormal, and nobody is safe from their most intimate and terrifying fears. The Mammoth Book of Halloween Stories brings you a dark feast of frightening fiction by some of the most successful and respected horror writers working today, including Ramsey Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Joe R. Lansdale, Helen Marshall, Richard Christian Matheson, Robert Shearman, Robert Silverberg, Angela Slatter, Steve Rasnic Tem, and many more, along with a very special contribution by award-winning poet Jane Yolen. Here you will encounter witches, ghosts, monsters, psychos, demonic nuns, and even Death himself in this spooky selection of stories set on the night when evil walks the earth . . .

The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance (The Mammoth Bks.)

by Sonia Florens

Twenty-five unashamedly modern short romances which don't shy away at the bedroom door from the crème de la crème of contemporary romance writers, including Lilith Saintcrow, Louisa Burton, Anna Windsor, Susan Sizemore, Michelle M. Pillow, Rebecca York, Charlotte Stein, Shiloh Walker, Victoria Janssen, Saskia Walker and Cathy Clamp. This is writing which is more direct, less euphemistic, and frankly accepting of sexuality - fiercely hot stories of flesh and blood and feelings which will entrance and beguile romance readers.

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