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Un noruego valiente para una bailaora ardiente (Adonis tours #Volumen 3)
by Ana E. GuevaraVive esta nueva y alocada serie, creada por cinco autoras de Selecta, en la que podréis uniros a cinco hombres con mucha pasión que ofrecer... ¡Os invitamos a descubrir el amor de la mano de estos protagonistas! ¿Cómo concentrarse en el flamenco, si cuando Rocío tiene cerca a Erik se olvida del baile y solo piensa en besos y caricias? El enamoradizo de Erik, oriundo de una pequeña aldea noruega, es un amante de la cultura española: la gastronomía, la literatura, el baile... Tanto, que ha aprendido el idioma leyendo obras como el Quijote. Así que cuando llega a España para trabajar en Adonis Tours lo primero que hace, después de dar cuenta de una buena fabada, es apuntarse a clases de flamenco. Y debe de dársele muy bien, porque la profesora le hace mucho caso y, ¡pardiez!, que jamás se posaron sus ojos en moza más bella. Rocío iba camino de convertirse en una estrella del flamenco, pero una lesión hizo que abandonase su sueño y se marchase a Madrid a dar clases, donde hay más oportunidades que en su Sevilla natal de conseguir alumnos. Cuando ve aparecer al dios nórdico, cree que las posibilidades de hacerse famosa han vuelto, porque, si no, ¿qué hace aprendiendo a bailar un hombre tan sexi como torpe? No obstante, para que el plan funcione tiene que mantener las distancias con él, lo que es muy difícil porque Erik no solo es guapísimo, es un encanto. *** «Una casa en la Latina, en el corazón de Madrid, y cinco extranjeros con dos cosas en común: su altura y la necesidad de buscar un nuevo hogar. Adonis Tours narra las alocadas historias de estos cinco hombres que forjan su amistad a base de viajes, bromas y confidencias».
A Norway Summer
by Laura D. NicholsIt is a long way to Norway, but Ellen's family gives her permission to go. She writes home often. But can romance happen without even a word being spoken?
Norwegian Woody (Let It Beatle #4)
by J. D. WalkerWoodrow “Woody” Anker is an urban legend -- the boy who lived. Orphaned at the age of three due to a car accident that killed his parents, Woody is taken in by the Zumpano family. He becomes best friends with Serge, the youngest boy, and looks up to Rafe, the oldest. As the years go by, Woody’s feelings for Rafe change into something else entirely. Except, Rafe is straight. And in denial about his alcohol abuse.Rafe Zumpano, now the town Sherriff and Lothario-extraordinaire has been a heavy drinker since his teens, and it’s getting worse. He’s got a secret that he drinks away every night, but when the truth finally comes out, it ruins everything.It will take a lot for both men to move beyond alcohol-fueled vitriol, self-doubt, and internalized homophobia to get to the part where they stop throwing punches and have their happy ending.
Norwyck's Lady
by Margo MaguireWomen Could Not Be TrustedBartholomew, Earl of Norwyck, had well learned that bitter lesson from his traitorous first wife. What, then, should he make of "the Lady Marguerite," a mysterious beauty who claimed ignorance of her true identity? Was she an enemy sent to destroy him-or an angel come to heal his wounded soul?Bartholomew had saved her from a shipwreck, only to dash her upon the rocky shores of his darkest suspicions. But if Marguerite were truly one of his blood-sworn enemies, how then to explain the desire that pulsed between them-threatening to engulf them in a heat as fierce as any flame?
Nos cœurs meurtris
by Cassie Black Remmy Duchene BlmorticiaLa carrière de Zane Ashford au sein de la police new-yorkaise connaît une fin brutale quand il est blessé dans l'exercice de ses fonctions. Après s'être réveillé presque aveugle d'un œil, il ne souhaite rien d'autre que de s'enfoncer dans un trou, mais ses amis ne lui laissent aucun répit. Avec réticence, il laisse son meilleur ami le convaincre de passer du temps au loin, dans un ranch du Montana. Mais à l'instant même où il y arrive et rencontre Cyrus Abrams, Zane est pris de soudaines envies de meurtres. Cyrus Abrams est vulgaire, grincheux, têtu et peu enclin à changer pour qui que ce soit, qu'importe combien Zane Ashford est beau dans son jean. Plus ils se prennent la tête et plus Cyrus commence à voir le policier d'une tout autre façon. Mais Cyrus a un passé qui l'a laissé dans beaucoup d'ennuis, et bien plus brisé qu'il n'est prêt à l'admettre. Un passé dont personne n'a parlé à Zane. Cyrus craint que quand il le découvrira, tout s'effondre autour de lui.
Nosotras es un verbo que invento contigo
by MELO MORENOUna novela para vivir y emocionarse a través de la historia de amor entre dos chicas. Para Alex, mudarse a Barcelona para ir a la universidad es cambiar de aires de una forma que nunca habría podido imaginar: la ciudad no tiene nada que ver con el pueblo pequeño del que viene, ni con su novio, sus amigas o el resto de gente que la rodea. Al conocer Joana, esa chica que va a su clase y con quien, por culpa de un encontronazo, no se lleva especialmente bien, las cosas empiezan a cambiar. Poco a poco, Joana y ella se van conociendo, y Alex comenzará a replantearse cómo ha decidido enfocar las cosas toda su vida, qué es lo que realmente quiere y, sobre todo, quién es ella realmente. Una novela de amistad, gossip, conflictos, dudas, emociones... y una gran historia de amor, esta vez protagonizada por dos chicas.
Nosotros en la noche
by Kent HarufNosotros en la noche es una joya escondida: una historia concisa, conmovedora, agridulce pero a la vez inspiradora, con el revelador sentido del humor que solo poseen aquellos que han llegado a una edad en la que poco importa lo que puedan decir los demás. Louis Waters y Addie Moore llevan gran parte de su vida siendo vecinos en la apacible localidad de Holt, en Colorado. Ambos enviudaron hace años y acaban de franquear las puertas de la vejez, por lo que no han tenido más opción que acostumbrarse a estar solos, sobre todo en las horas más difíciles, después del anochecer. Pero Addie no está dispuesta a conformarse. De la forma más natural, decide hacer una inesperada visita a su vecino: «Me preguntaba si vendrías a pasar las noches conmigo. Y hablar...». Ante tan sorprendente propuesta, Louis no puede hacer otra cosa que acceder. Al principio se sienten extraños, pero noche tras noche van conociéndose de nuevo: hablan de su juventud y sus matrimonios, de sus esperanzas pasadas y sus miedos presentes, de sus logros y errores. La intimidad entre ambos va creciendo y, a pesar de las habladurías de los vecinos y la incomprensión de sus propios hijos, vislumbran la posibilidad real de pasar juntos el resto de sus días. Reseñas:«Una evocación de un lugar y unos personajes sutilmente devastadora y delicada. La historia de Haruf resuena a través de una serie de detalles cuidadosamente escogidos; la novela es plácida pero nunca complaciente.»The New Yorker «Un escritor que posee una originalidad deslumbrante. Habla pausadamente, con intimidad pero con contención, de un adulto a otro. Es cuidadoso a la hora de contar una buena historia. Y es una buena historia, sencillamente buena; destila verdad.»Ursula K. LeGuin, The Guardian «Su peculiar talento fue convertir el más puro decoro en un tema conmovedor. Esta novela trata sobre la tenaz insistencia en que los elementos sencillos conlleven profundidad, y eso los lectores lo agradecerán.»The New York Times Book Review «Completamente cautivadora y destilada con una pureza elemental.»The Washington Post «Breve, sobria y conmovedora [...].Nosotros en la noche ya está causando conmoción.»The Wall Street Journal
by Aurora VenturiniChela, María Micaela Stradolini, la protagonista de este melodrama, rodeada de viejas fotos y nostálgicos cachivaches, recuerda los acontecimientos que han ido marcando su vida. Una infancia con caprichos y cuidados de niña bien entre la alta burguesía argentina de aquellos tiempos en que los ricos también lloraban pero su lágrimas siempre eran poéticas. Una mamá con sus manías, sus collares de dos vueltas y sus altas pretensiones de pianista fracasada. El dolorido sentir de que mamá no te quiere o quiere más a tu hermana. El nuevo hermanito que nace deforme. Un papá prócer que te besa sin ganas y te castiga con rigor espartano. Los primos, los secretos, las criadas, los juegos inocentes y los primeros juegos culpables. La vida en el internado y la incomprensión de sus compañeras. El descubrimiento de la literatura. La escritora precoz. Enamoramientos imposibles y amantes disponibles. Viajes a Chile, a París y finalmente a Sicilia, el solar de los Caserta. Allí donde su tía abuela "reina" entre las ruinas de su estirpe y en donde Chela, la indeleble protagonista, encontrará las raíces de su singularidad.
Nosso Tempo (As Crônicas de Kerrigan Sequência Livro 5 #5)
by W. J. MayA aguardada sequência da série as Crônicas de Kerrigan, da autora best-seller do USA TODAY, W.J. May. Se Rae Kerrigan achava que planejar um casamento era difícil imagine tentar planejar dois. Especialmente se um deles for para o futuro Rei e Rainha da Inglaterra. Após ser completamente apagada das mentes de todos que conhecia, Rae Kerrigan recupera sua vida só para descobrir que está de repente na pista rápida. Uma pista em direção ao casamento, liderança e muitas outras responsabilidades que nunca soube que tinha. Com problemas surgindo entre os Cavaleiros e o Conselho, um convite para o casamento real e a liberdade condicional tênue do seu pai, na melhor das hipóteses, Rae se vê dividida em tantas direções que é difícil lembrar do fato que uma assassina sedenta de vingança ainda está atrás da sua cabeça. Rae pode curar a divisão no mundo tatù? Quando Samantha atacará novamente? Mais importante... Rae finalmente conseguirá aquela vida normal pela qual está lutando? LEIA TODA A SÉRIE: Série Prequela: Christmas Before the Magic Question the Darkness Into the Darkness Fight the Darkness Alone in the Darkness Lost in Darkness Série As Crônicas de Kerrigan Um Raio de Esperança Nebulosa Escura Castelo de Cartas Chá Real Sob Fogo Fim à Vista Escuridão Oculta Entrelaçados Marca do Destino Força & Poder O Último Em Pé Raio de Luz As Crônicas de Kerrigan Sequência Uma Questão de Tempo O Pêndulo do Tempo Segunda Chance Falha no Tempo Nosso Tempo Precious Time As Crônicas de Kerrigan: Gabriel Living in the Past Present for Today Staring at the Future
The Nosy Neighbor
by Fern MichaelsLucy Baker walks away from her high-flying legal career when she successfully defends yet another heinous criminal. Almost a year after her life-changing decision, Lucy has never been happier. Leaving New York City for the suburbs, tending her garden and her dog, Lucy is making future plans with her fiancé, Jonathan St. Clair -- and getting acquainted with her neighbors, including the handsome, exasperating one next door, Wylie Wilson. But when FBI special agents confront Lucy with shocking revelations about her fiancé's secret double life, everything about her husband-to-be is cast in suspicion. Recovering from a freak accident that has left her with a heightened sense of intuition, and getting closer than she ever dreamed to Wylie, Lucy must determine who to trust -- and fast, before someone breaks down her defenses and targets her....
Not a Bird Will Sing
by Audrey HowardSet on a 19th century farm in rural Lancashire near Liverpool, this heartwarming saga is the story of Poppy Appleton, a girl who grew up in ignorance and poverty but has been adopted by a prosperous farmer's wife. At Long Reach farm, Eliza Goodall teaches Poppy all the skills she would have passed on to her own daughter: the skills that would enable a young lady to become the mistress of a farm just like Long Reach. And when the time comes for Eliza's son Richard to choose a wife, it seems only natural that he should choose Poppy. But though she feels nothing but affection for Richard and all her new family, the only man for whom she has ever felt love is an Irish boy, Conn MacConnell. And when he returns unexpectedly, Poppy has to choose between loyalty and love.
Not a Bird Will Sing
by Audrey HowardSet on a 19th century farm in rural Lancashire near Liverpool, this heartwarming saga is the story of Poppy Appleton, a girl who grew up in ignorance and poverty but has been adopted by a prosperous farmer's wife. At Long Reach farm, Eliza Goodall teaches Poppy all the skills she would have passed on to her own daughter: the skills that would enable a young lady to become the mistress of a farm just like Long Reach. And when the time comes for Eliza's son Richard to choose a wife, it seems only natural that he should choose Poppy. But though she feels nothing but affection for Richard and all her new family, the only man for whom she has ever felt love is an Irish boy, Conn MacConnell. And when he returns unexpectedly, Poppy has to choose between loyalty and love.
Not a Day Goes By
by E. Lynn HarrisWelcome to the irresistible world of E. Lynn Harris. . . He is a devilish and handsome ex-football player, now a rising sports agent at one of the hottest firms in the country. Irrepressible and dangerously alluring, John "Basil" Henderson has a history with women (and a few men). Basil is the consummate guy's guy: a commitment-phobe gadfly known for a double-edged magnetism that has the ability to thrill--and wound. She is the uncompromising Yancey Harrington Braxton, an up-and-coming Broadway star who oozes charm and bleeds ambition. Young, beautiful, and dangerously crafty, Yancey is prepared to do whatever she must to get what she wants. A femme fatale who has left more than a few brokenhearted men in her wake, Yancey is intrigued and besotted by Basil. Both believe that in each other they've finally met their match. A lavish wedding is planned, and the ultimate power couple plans to spend their lives in holy matrimony. But just before the nuptials, fate and a little comeuppance from the past threaten the happy couple's future. Masterful storyteller E. Lynn Harris takes the reader on a delicious ride into the mischievous lives of two very unforgettable characters.
Not a Drop to Drink
by Mindy McginnisFans of classic frontier survival stories as well as readers of dystopian literature will enjoy this futuristic story where water is worth more than gold. Teenage Lynn has been taught to defend her pond against every threat: drought, a snowless winter, coyotes, and, most important, people looking for a drink. She makes sure anyone who comes near the pond leaves thirsty or doesnt leave at all. Confident in her own abilities, Lynn has no use for the world beyond the nearby fields and forest. But when strangers appear, the mysterious footprints by the pond, the nighttime threats, and the gunshots make it all too clear Lynn has exactly what they want, and they wont stop until they get it. . . . New York Times bestselling author Michael Grant says Not a Drop to Drink is a debut "not to be missed. " With evocative, spare language and incredible drama, danger, and romance, Mindy McGinnis depicts one girls journey in a frontierlike world not so different from our own.
Not a Marrying Man
by Miranda LeeBritish billionaire Warwick Kincaid likes to take risks-though they don't include marriage and children. Twelve months is his limit when it comes to relationships.Warwick asks beautiful Australian receptionist Amber Roberts to move into his luxury Sydney penthouse, and she dares to hope he might have changed.... But after they've been together ten months Warwick starts to act cold and withdrawn. Is Amber's time up, just like the women before her? The chemistry between them remains red-hot and she finds it hard to believe that her time with Warwick is really over....
Not a Second Chance
by Laura JardineIn the middle of a dry spell, Allison only wants to use her irritating ex-boyfriend to take the edge off her libido. Nothing more. But when her friends challenge them to spend the whole weekend together, she can't say no. She's determined to win this bet, no matter how much her ex annoys her. Humor and plenty of passion will keep you turning the pages of Not a Second Chance, Book 2 of Toronto, Laura Jardine's charming romance series.When Allison runs into her ex-boyfriend at Temptations Bakery, all she wants is a brief catch-up. Nothing more. The man royally pisses her off, and she can barely stand five minutes with him. Though Sidney has gotten more attractive in the past ten years, and she's having a bit of a dry spell...Sidney has no plans to win Allison back. Not the woman who just saw him as a fun distraction and dumped him right before she moved across the country for grad school. But he wouldn't be opposed to an hour in bed.Unfortunately, they don't even make it to bed before Allison's friends interrupt. When Kristy bets they wouldn't be able to spend a weekend together without stabbing each other, Allison and Sidney accept the bet--they don't like being told they can't do something.Now it's more than five minutes of catching up--it's forty-eight hours of torture. And sex. Can they do it? And will this lead to the second chance neither of them wants?Content Notes: Spicy, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy, Multi-Cultural
Not a Sparrow Falls
by Linda NicholsA young woman from the hills of Virginia flees the men who have lured her away from a godly upbringing into a life of desperation hopes to bring help to a troubled family. Taking on a new identity, Mary Bridget Washburn escapes to the bustling city of Alexandria. There her path crosses that of Alasdair MacPherson, a widowed pastor with three young children and daunting problems of his own. She longs to bring happiness to the deeply troubled family, but seems an unlikely candidate to help. Has she fallen too far from grace to be able to pass it on?
Not About Love
by Eve FrancisGrowing up, Mai Nguyen always loved comic books. In college, she writes fan fiction about her favorite characters and publishes the stories online. Soon enough, she has a writing partner, who turns into a close friend.Kate is an admin assistant who also reads and writes steamy stories about her favorite comic heroes and villains. To Mai's surprise, Kate is a lesbian, too. The women grow closer as they begin to write fan fiction together and talk late into the night. Though an ocean separates Mai in Boston from Kate in the UK, Mai is happy with the way their friendship and story are turning out.But as Valentine's Day grows closer, and the climax of the story they’re writing together grows more intense, Mai finds her feelings for Kate changing. When Kate suggests they meet up in real life, Mai doesn't know how to respond. In stories and online, love is easy and carefree. But the real world is something different. Can Mai translate fiction into reality?
Not According to Plan
by J. M. SnyderJonathan Banks and Peter Giles have worked together for five years, business partners in a planning firm that bears both their names. From the moment Jonathan was hired, the attraction between the two men was instantaneous and mutual, but he was dating someone else at the time and turned down Peter’s advances.Now Jonathan’s boyfriend is out of the picture, and he’d love nothing more than for Peter to ask him out again, but he knows his partner all too well. Peter doesn’t take rejection easily. He likes flirting with Jonathan, sure, but doesn’t want to take the chance of getting turned down a second time. He's satisfied with the way their friendship is, and fears anything more intimate might ruin what they already have.But everything both men have planned and worked for together is threatened on a cold, wintry evening when Peter’s car won’t start and Jonathan has to give him a lift home. Can the two friends move past their own fears and trepidations, and begin to build a future together as partners outside the office?
Not After Everything
by Michelle LevyFans of Eleanor and Park, The Spectacular Now, and Julia Hoban's Willow won't be able to put down this gritty but hopeful love story about two struggling teens.Tyler has a football scholarship to Stanford, a hot girlfriend, and a reliable army of friends to party with. Then his mom kills herself. And Tyler lets it all go. Now he needs to dodge what his dad is offering (verbal tirades and abuse) and earn what his dad isn't (money): He needs a job. It's there that he reunites with Jordyn, his childhood best friend, and now the token goth girl at school. Jordyn brings Tyler an unexpected peace and, finally, love. But with his family in shambles, he can't risk bringing Jordyn too deeply into his life. So when violence rocks Tyler's world again, will it be Jordyn who shows him the way to a hopeful future? Or after everything, will Tyler have to find it in himself?This tough, realistic page-turner reveals a boy's point of view on loss and love.
Not All Chocolate and Cuckoo Clocks (World Of Love Ser.)
by Rebecca CohenNeither of them wants to fall in love, but getting exactly what they don’t want might be the best thing to ever happen to them. Mark hopes his boredom with his current job will be alleviated by a short stint in Basel, Switzerland. When he meets Steffen, who struck out on his own from an old-money family to establish an IT firm, Mark expects some fun, great sex, and a clean break when his job is done. The arrangement is perfect for Steffen, who has been content with casual after a betrayal—and has a taste for British men after attending university in the UK. But as they explore the city’s rich history and traditions, Mark begins to see Steffen as much more than a tour guide with benefits. If he isn’t careful, the trip meant to break the lull in his career might end up breaking his heart instead….World of Love:Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.
Not Always a Saint (Lost Lords #7)
by Mary Jo Putney"Adventure, passion and pure reading pleasure!" --Jo BeverleyAfter the death of his sweetheart when he was at university, Daniel Herbert buried his grief in medical studies and his passion for healing. Viewed as a saint by those who know him, in his own mind he never quite manages to live up to his own high standards. Most men would be thrilled to learn they've inherited a title and estate from a distant relative, but Daniel is appalled because the burden of wealth will interfere with his medical calling. Warily he accepts that he must enter society and seek a wife--a sensible woman who can oversee his properties, leaving him free to continue his work. He does not expect to become intoxicated by a woman called the Black Widow, who is as mysterious as she is shockingly beautiful...Jessie Kelham's looks have always been a curse. Now alone with a young daughter and a perilous secret, she is in need of protection. But dangerously attractive Daniel Herbert is not the kind of husband she has in mind. If he recognizes her, the demons of her past will surely erupt. Yet they cannot keep apart--and soon they are drawn into a union that may bring joy--or shattering danger...
Not an Angel, But a Cupid
by K. A. MastersRecently orphaned and alone, the winged elf Alec wants nothing more than to return to his childhood home one final time and succumb to his nostalgia and grief. But his quest home leads him straight into the arms of a dove-winged, wounded angel ... with human captors in hot pursuit.After one magical night together, the two soulmates are united in love. Alec's angel becomes a cupid, transforming his grief into affection and love. But Alec has a secret that keeps him from telling his soulmate how he feels, and he lets his angel slip through his fingers.As his family grows around him, Alec's nest remains empty and cold. Without his soulmate, Alec nears his end. Can he find his angel before it's too late, or will heaven be forever out of his reach?
Not Another Bad Date: A deliciously romantic rom-com (Writer Friends)
by Rachel GibsonNot Another Bad Date is a deliciously romantic rom-com from New York Times bestseller Rachel Gibson - perfect for fans of Jill Shalvis, Jo Watson and Christina Lauren.They say that opposites attract...which might explain why sexy, successful Adele Harris is such a loser-magnet! Frankly, she attracts so many weridos and nut-jobs that she's beginning to think that she's cursed. And it's about to get worse.When Adele heads home to Cedar Creek, Texas, she runs into her first-ever bad date - the delicious Zach - and it seems he wants a second chance. Like she'd ever let him (big ol' drop-dead-gorgeous him) near her heart again. Uh-huh. No way. Ain't never gonna happen...Check out the rest of Rachel's addictive titles, including Sex, Lies and Online Dating, I'm In No Mood For Love and Tangled Up In You.
Not Another Bad Date
by Rachel GibsonWhat does a gal have to do to get a good date in this town?Adele Harris can't even begin to answer that question. She's had so many lousy dates that she's sure she's cursed. Why else would every man she goes out with suddenly act like he's lost his mind--and his manners? Adele thought life couldn't get any more confusing . . . until she learns the marriage of her seemingly Miss Perfect sister is on the rocks. So she goes back to their hometown to give her a shoulder to cry on, only to run smack into Zach Zemaitis . . . the one who got away.Texans love God, family, and football, though not always in that orderZach, a former pro star, knows all about football. As for the other two, well, he's doing his best. But when Adele comes charging back into his life--still all lush curves and beautiful, big blue eyes--he wonders if his best is good enough. After all, he did her wrong. Can a woman with her track record ever really believe that he's serious this time . . . or is he destined to be another bad date?ate?