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The Murmurings

by Carly Anne West

A teen girl starts hearing the same voices that drove her sister to commit suicide in this creepy, suspenseful novel.Everyone thinks Sophie's sister, Nell, went crazy. After all, she heard strange voices that drove her to commit suicide. But Sophie doesn't believe that Nell would take her own life, and she's convinced that Nell's doctor knows more than he's letting on. As Sophie starts to piece together Nell's last days, every lead ends in a web of lies. And the deeper Sophie digs, the more danger she's in--because now she's hearing the same haunting whispers. Sophie's starting to think she's going crazy too. Or worse, that maybe she's not....

Los muros de Babylon

by Kathryn Le Veque Mariano Giampietri

Los muros de Babylon, de ​Kathryn Le Veque ¿Podrá el amor sobreponerse a una lucha por el trono? 1471 D.C. - Diez años después de la batalla de Towton, sir Kenton le Bec (de EL LEÓN DEL NORTE) se encuentra al servicio de Warwick, "Hacedor de Reyes". Es su perro de ataque, pues no existe caballero más feroz en el arsenal de Warwick que Kenton le Bec, poderoso y astuto guerrero. A Kenton se le ha encomendado apoderarse de Babylon Castle, una fortaleza que controla el camino entre Lancashire y Yorkshire. Se trata de un castillo estratégico que, de momento, se encuentra en manos de las fuerzas de Eduardo, aspirante al trono. Cuando Kenton y su ejército conquistan esta fortaleza, todo eso cambia. Y, sin embargo, la situación es complicada... Lady Nicola Aubrey-Thorne es la viuda de un importante partidario de Eduardo. Cuando Kenton invade su hogar, Babylon Castle, encuentra en Nicola sólo oposición y odio. Kenton cree encontrarse frente a una mujer que es tan malcriada como bella, alguien que lo antagoniza a diestra y siniestra sólo por despecho. Sin embargo, la chispa de la atracción pronto se hace presente casi desde el primer momento y, a medida que Kenton se entera de los secretos más oscuros de Babylon, va comprendiendo mejor a lady Thorne y sus cuitas. Sus sentimientos por ella comienzan a escapar a su control. Únete a Kenton y Nicola en un mundo de lealtades encontradas y pasiones compartidas. Sé testigo de su amor y su pasión, de cómo sus vidas se entrelazan irrevocablemente a pesar de sus devociones opuestas a reyes enemigos. Se trata de una situación complicada y compleja en la que Kenton y Nicola deberán afrontar difíciles decisiones si desean seguir juntos. Cuando Kenton es capturado por soldados enemigos, Nicola debe hacer lo imposible por salvar al hombre que alguna vez consideró su enemigo pero, ¿llegará a tiempo?

Murphy's Child

by Judith Duncan

FAMILIES ARE FOREVERMORNING, NOON AND NIGHT...Murphy Munroe was shocked to realize that he wanted to be with his tiny, precious son around the clock. Bedtime stories, midnight feedings...Murphy couldn't bear to miss a single moment with his child-or its mother. That was the problem...Murphy desperately longed to take care of Jordan Kennedy and the baby...forever. But they couldn't make their relationship work before parenthood complicated things. How could they even think about marriage now? Then could they not?Happily ever after-with kids!

Murphy's Law

by Kat Attalla Jude Pittman

Fear and intimidation work. Ask Customs Agent Jack Murphy. He uses both to hunt felons. But instinct and experience fail when he sets out to retrieve Lilly McGrath-- a blonde bombshell who is either a willing participant or an innocent pawn in her boss's smuggling scam. Until Jack knows which, she's just another suspect. . Now he just needs to get his hormones in sync with his head. While working as an export clerk Lilly, stumbled upon her boss's illegal activities. After an attempt on her life, she flees to Europe to hide. Living on credit cards and her wits, she is constantly on the move—but no matter where she runs, she can’t lose the dangerously handsome stranger following her across the continent. In Genoa, Italy , her credit limit and luck finally run out. Once Jack grabs Lilly, Murphy’s Law dogs them at every turn. Someone is determined to see that Lilly never makes it back to the States to testify. The distrustful couple must learn to rely on each other if they are to survive. And for Lilly that means surrendering to a man who both infuriates and excites her.

Murphy's Law (Law Ser. #2)

by Lori Foster

Anything That Can Go Wrong . . . Nothing is going to go wrong. Ashley Miles has worked too hard for her independence to let some Bentley-driving hunk named Quinton Murphy interfere with her plans--or her freedom. Yes, the chemistry is phenomenal. Kind of scary, actually. But that's it. NO emotional commitments.. . . Will But he's SO wonderful--a woman could fall in lov . . . How did that happen? That wasn't part of the plan! But can she trust him? Really trust him? The man is just so mysterious. There's only one solution: put it all on the line and see what Quinton does when she tells him how she feels. And hope everything that can go wrong . . . won't . . .

Murphy's Law

by Marilyn Pappano

MENINBLUELove in the line of duty.A WOMAN BETRAYEDShe'd loved him with a reckless hunger she'd never felt for anyone else, and he'd hurt her as no one else ever could. And now the man who had all but destroyed Evie DesJardiens was back in her life-and he wanted her to help him take down a killer....A MAN OBSESSEDIt was sheer madness to let Detective Jack Murphy entangle her in his bitter quest for vengeance, and yet Evie couldn't refuse him. She knew she could never trust this man again-but neither could she deny the fevered passion that still simmered between them....

Murphy's Law

by Rebecca Sinclair

Murphy's Law reigns supreme. . . What else can explain how Murphy McKenna managed to get herself stuck in an unexpected, early-in-the-season Maine blizzard? In a very remote cabin. With dead phones. And impassable roads. Could there be a worse time for a desperate, badly wounded man to show up on her doorstep? Instinct demands Murphy not trust Garrett Thayer. After all, the man refuses to give her a straight answer about anything. Even her precious Himalayan cat, Moonshine, is suspicious. Who wouldn't be? Not only is Garrett hurt, he's also apparently been out wandering in the storm with nothing more than a duffel bag stuffed with money, antique jewelry (a bottle of antihistamines?) -- and a gun. Will Murphy's conscience allow her to turn her back on the handsome stranger who may be a thief, a bank robber, or worse . . .?

The Muscle (Long Con Adventures #2)

by Amy Lane

A Long Con AdventureA true protector will guard your heart before his own. Hunter Rutledge saw one too many people die in his life as mercenary muscle to go back to the job, so he was conveniently at loose ends when Josh Salinger offered him a place in his altruistic den of thieves. Hunter is almost content having found a home with a group of people who want justice badly enough to steal it. If only one of them didn’t keep stealing his attention from the task at hand…. Superlative dancer and transcendent thief Dylan “Grace” Li lives in the moment. But when mobsters blackmail the people who gave him dance—and the means to save his own soul—Grace turns to Josh for help. Unfortunately, working with Josh’s crew means working with Hunter Rutledge, and for Grace, that’s more dangerous than any heist. Grace’s childhood left him thinking he was too difficult to love—so he’s better off not risking his love on anyone else. Avoiding commitment keeps him safe. But somehow Hunter’s solid, grounding presence makes him feel safer. Can Grace trust that letting down his guard to a former mercenary doesn’t mean he’ll get shot in the heart?

Muscle Car Man

by Deirdre O’Dare

Jeff Castle has changed lanes from the high-tech world to that of the classic muscle cars and their fans when he inherits his uncle's glorified junkyard. His new life is complicated when help is hard to find. An impulse leads him to pick up a hiker on a remote road, and the man turns out to be just the kind of muscle Jeff needs in every way. Released from prison after three hellish years, Mike needs help. All he can offer is his willingness to work and his background in repairing and racing stock cars. He gives this freely to Jeff and soon finds he wants to give more. Will his benefactor be willing to accept the love of an ex-con who still has a blot on his name? Mike is scared to ask, but nature takes matters out of his hands. Together, Jeff and Mike begin racing toward an amazing future.

Muscle Lust

by Shane Allison

Derrick and his boyfriend Kwame decide to start exercising to get into shape because they both carry some extra pounds. At the gym, they meet Deante, a delicious personal trainer. His gorgeous body definitely inspires them ... in more ways than one.But when Derrick and Kwame invite Deante over for dinner, they have an ulterior motive. The dessert they have in mind is definitely fat free, and works well with their exercise routine. Will Deante be interested in helping them achieve their physical goals beyond the gym, too?

Muscle Men: Rock Hard Gay Erotica

by Richard Labonté

Muscle Men is a celebration of the body beautiful, where men who look like Greek gods are worshipped for their outsized attributes. Editor Richard Labonté takes us into the erotic world of body builders and the men who desire them. These uninhibited stories are by the masters of the genre, including Jack Fritscher, Jeff Mann, Steven Bereznai, Tom Fuchs, and Ryan Field. At the gym, in the locker room, and especially in the steam room, the hunks who look hard, work hard, and play hard inspire fantasies the world over. Visit the masculine studs of Muscle Men to enjoy a taste of their strength and power.

Muscled Shower Show

by Wayne Mansfield

Swimming is the perfect, low-impact choice for a whole body workout. The rewards aren’t only a swimmer’s body -- a perfect V-shaped torso, muscular shoulders, and zero body fat -- but also the cavalcade of other sculpted bodies you can admire as they climb out of the pool.In the changing rooms, you can admire perfect male bodies unobstructed by swimsuits. Clean lines, sculpted muscles, cocks hanging free. Proud men stroll naked to and from the showers, drying themselves openly for all to see.In the showers themselves, beneath the warm rush of water, you can watch other men washing their hair, torsos, and parts further down. You might even catch the odd furtive glance, the slight increase in the size of a nearby dick to betray someone’s best attempt to look as if he isn’t fascinated by the naked bodies surrounding him.Occasionally, you might see more than you could have expected or hoped to see. Much more.

Muscling Through

by Jl Merrow

The bigger they come, the harder they fall ... in love.Cambridge academic Larry Morton takes one, alcohol-glazed look at the huge, tattooed man looming in a dark alley, and assumes he’s done for. Moments later he finds himself disarmed -- literally and figuratively. Next morning, he can’t rest until he’s apologised to the man who turned out to be more gentle than giant.Larry’s intrigued to find there’s more to Al Fletcher than meets the eye; he possesses a natural artistic talent that shines through untutored technique. Unfortunately, no one else seems to see the sensitive soul beneath Al’s imposing, scarred, undeniably sexy exterior. Least of all Larry’s class-conscious family, who would like nothing better than to split up this mismatched pair.It’s deliciously physical, but also much more -- which makes Larry’s next task so daunting. Not just convincing his colleagues, friends, and family that their relationship is more than skin deep. It’s convincing Al.

The Muse

by Anne Calhoun

The author of The List continues her sinfully addictive Irresistible series with a provocative new novel about a woman inspired by her most forbidden desires...Arden MacCarren can't afford to lose control. Her family's investment house has failed, their professional reputation is all but destroyed, and it's up to Arden to hold the line. The only distraction she allows herself is a weekly drawing class where she can forget everything. Then she meets Seth Malone. When he poses in her class, strong, mysterious, and unbearably sexy, she can't resist him. The only thing she can do is keep it purely physical--no emotions, no strings, and definitely no telling.Seth understands responsibilities, both Arden's and his own. During his last tour as a Marine he lost his best friends to an IED. He has a duty to look after his buddies' survivors. All he allows himself is the stolen moments with Arden. But as he's drawn into Arden's battle with her demons, he comes face-to-face with his own. Seth will have to choose between a duty he can't ignore and the longing to inspire Arden's every desire--mind, soul, and body...From the Trade Paperback edition.

Muse of Nightmares: Book Two Of Strange The Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer #2)

by Laini Taylor

The highly anticipated, thrilling sequel to the New York Times bestseller, Strange the Dreamer, from National Book Award finalist Laini Taylor, author of the bestselling Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy. <P><P>Sarai has lived and breathed nightmares since she was six years old. <P><P>She believed she knew every horror, and was beyond surprise. <P><P>She was wrong. <P><P>In the wake of tragedy, neither Lazlo nor Sarai are who they were before. One a god, the other a ghost, they struggle to grasp the new boundaries of their selves as dark-minded Minya holds them hostage, intent on vengeance against Weep. <P><P>Lazlo faces an unthinkable choice--save the woman he loves, or everyone else?--while Sarai feels more helpless than ever. <P><P>But is she? Sometimes, only the direst need can teach us our own depths, and Sarai, the muse of nightmares, has not yet discovered what she's capable of. <P><P>As humans and godspawn reel in the aftermath of the citadel's near fall, a new foe shatters their fragile hopes, and the mysteries of the Mesarthim are resurrected: Where did the gods come from, and why? What was done with thousands of children born in the citadel nursery? And most important of all, as forgotten doors are opened and new worlds revealed: Must heroes always slay monsters, or is it possible to save them instead? <P><P>Love and hate, revenge and redemption, destruction and salvation all clash in this gorgeous sequel to the New York Times bestseller, Strange the Dreamer. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Muse of Nightmares: the magical sequel to Strange the Dreamer

by Laini Taylor

'Muse of Nightmares is a philosophical fantasy adventure, an epic love story, a daring quest that demands to be read and reread and deserves to be remembered forever.' Katherine Webber **********************Sarai has lived and breathed nightmares since she was six years old. She believed she knew every horror, and was beyond surprise. She was wrong. In the wake of tragedy, neither Lazlo nor Sarai are who they were before. One a god, the other a ghost, they struggle to grasp the new boundaries of their selves as dark-minded Minya holds them hostage, intent on vengeance against Weep.Lazlo faces an unthinkable choice - save the woman he loves, or everyone else? - while Sarai feels more helpless than ever. But is she? Sometimes, only the direst need can teach us our own depths, and Sarai, the muse of nightmares, has not yet discovered what she's capable of.As humans and godspawn reel in the aftermath of the citadel's near fall, a new foe shatters their fragile hopes, and the mysteries of the Mesarthim are resurrected: Where did the gods come from, and why? What was done with the thousands of children born in the citadel nursery? And most important of all, as forgotten doors are opened and new worlds revealed: must heroes always slay monsters, or is it possible to save them instead?'I was afraid to read too quickly because I didn't want it to be over . . . It will leave you changed forever' Samantha Shannon'Taylor asks big questions about life and death in the new book, as humans and godspawn reel in the aftermath of the Citadel's near-fall.' Entertainment Weekly**********************Praise for Strange the Dreamer AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERAN AUDIBLE BEST YOUNG ADULT BOOK OF 2017A GOODREADS CHOICE BEST BOOK OF 2017AN AMAZON BEST SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY YOUNG ADULT BOOK OF 2017'Magical' Grazia'Prepare to be enchanted' Sun'Reads like a dream. One for you, your best friend, and any lover of myths and monsters you know' Heat'Laini Taylor is so damn good and like no other' Leigh Bardugo'Laini Taylor set my imagination on fire so hard that it spontaneously combusted . . . This is the kind of story that paves dreams.' Roshani Chokshi

El museo de la inocencia (Vintage Espanol Ser.)

by Orhan Pamuk

«Un libro muy ambicioso en el que he trabajado durante más de una década. La historia tiene lugar en Estambul desde 1975 hasta hoy y trata sobre una pasión obsesiva y una gran pregunta: ¿Qué es el amor en realidad.»Orhan Pamuk La historia de amor de Kemal, un joven miembro de la burguesía de Estambul, y su pariente lejana Füsun es una extraordinaria novela sobre la pasión rayana en la obsesión. Lo que comienza como una aventura inocente y desinhibida, evoluciona pronto hacia el amor sin límites, y después, cuando Füsun desaparece, hacia una profunda melancolía. En medio del vértigo que le producen sus sentimientos, Kemal no tarda mucho en descubrir el efecto calmante que tienen sobre él los objetos que alguna vez pasaron por las manos de ella. Así, como si se tratara de una terapia para la enfermedad que lo atormenta, Kemal se va haciendo con todos los objetos personales de Füsun que se ponen a su alcance. El Museo de la Inocencia es un catálogo novelado en el que cada objeto es un instante de esa gran historia de amor. Es también una visita guiada por los cambios que han convulsionado a la sociedad de Estambul desde los años setenta hasta el día de hoy. Pero, sobre todo, es una exhibición de talento a cargo de un escritor que, como su personaje, se ha dedicado durante los últimos años a construir un museo dedicado a una de las más deslumbrantes historias de amor de la literatura contemporánea. Reseña:«Pamuk prosigue con su gran proyecto sobre Estambul y forja un futuro clásico para Turquía.»Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

El Museo de la Inocencia

by Orhan Pamuk

La historia de amor de Kemal, un joven miembro de la burguesía de Estambul, por su pariente lejana Füsun es una extraordinaria novela sobre la pasión rayana en la obsesión. Lo que comienza como una aventura inocente y desinhibida, evoluciona pronto hacia el amor sin límites y después, cuando Füsun desaparece, hacia una profunda melancolía. En medio del vértigo que le producen sus sentimientos, Kemal no tarda mucho en descubrir el efecto calmante que tienen sobre él los objetos que alguna vez pasaron por las manos de ella. Así, como si se tratara de una terapia para la enfermedad que lo atormenta, Kemal se va haciendo con todos los objetos personales de Füsun que se ponen a su alcance.El museo de la inocencia es el catálogo novelado en el que cada objeto es un instante de su gran historia de amor. Es también una visita guiada por los cambios que han convulsionado a la sociedad de Estambul desde los años setenta hasta el día de hoy. Pero, sobre todo, es una exhibición de talento a cargo de un escritor que, como su personaje, se ha dedicado durante los últimos años a construir un museo dedicado a una de las más deslumbrantes historias de amor de la literatura contemporánea.

The Museum of Broken Relationships

by Olinka Vistica Drazen Grubisic

"Leave[s] your heart feeling full and connected."-- Frank Warren, PostSecretIn the spirit of Humans of New York and PostSecret, MUSEUM OF BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS is a gorgeous gift book celebrating the objects that outlast love: a poignant, funny, sometimes bizarre and always delightful window into modern love and loss.A postcard from a childhood sweetheart. A wedding dress sealed in a jar. A roll of undeveloped film. An axe used to chop an ex-lover's furniture in a fit of rage. A wind-up toy, a bar of bath soap, a tin of Love Potion with the simple caption "Doesn't work." These objects, and many more, make up the whimsical, imaginative, poignant population of the Museum of Broken Relationships. Started by two former lovers who wanted a way to commemorate their relationship even after it ended, who couldn't bear to simply throw away the objects that had once meant so much, the Museum of Broken Relationships has captured hearts and imaginations around the globe since its founding in 2010. Anonymous submissions have poured in by the thousands: objects with brief, compelling captions confessing to the story behind their meaning. The museum's Croatian exhibit quickly became a main draw for tourists from around the globe, and has garnered enthusiastic, glowing media attention from sources as disparate as the New York Times and the Chinese national news. Now, as the physical museum arrives for a permanent spot in Los Angeles, the authors have collected the best, funniest, most heartwarming and heartrending stories from their huge selection of submissions. Much like the bestselling Postsecret series, this beautiful oversized, four-color book will offer an irresistible glimpse inside other people's secret worlds, creating moments of deep human connection. It is a must read for anyone who has ever loved and lost.

The Museum of Ordinary People: The uplifting new novel from the bestselling author of Half a World Away

by Mike Gayle

The superb new novel from the bestselling author of Half A World Away and All the Lonely People.Inspired by a box of mementos found abandoned in a skip following a house clearance, The Museum of Ordinary People is a poignant, thought-provoking but ultimately uplifting story of memory and love, grief, loss and the things we leave behind. It is another brilliant novel from an author who seems to have the absolute knack of writing topical, engaging, heartwarming stories which really connect with readers.(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

The Museum of Ordinary People: The uplifting new novel from the bestselling author of Half a World Away

by Mike Gayle

The superb new novel from the bestselling author of Half A World Away and All the Lonely People.Still reeling from the sudden death of her mother, Jess is about to do the hardest thing she's ever done: empty her childhood home so that it can be sold.But when in the process Jess stumbles across the mysterious Alex, together they become custodians of a strange archive of letters, photographs, curios and collections known as The Museum of Ordinary People.As they begin to delve into the history of the objects in their care, Alex and Jess not only unravel heartbreaking stories that span generations and continents, but also unearth long buried secrets that lie much closer to home.Inspired by a box of mementos found abandoned in a skip following a house clearance, The Museum of Ordinary People is a thought-provoking and poignant story of memory, grief, loss and the things we leave behind.'This author's books just get better and better' Good Housekeeping'Mike Gayle is the king of touching, human stories' Heat

The Museum of Us

by Tara Wilson Redd

An intoxicating debut novel that will leave you questioning what is real and why we escape into fantasy, perfect for fans of Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer and Falling into Place by Amy Zhang.Secrets are con artists: they trick you into letting them out. Sadie loves her rocker boyfriend Henry and her running partner and best friend Lucie, but no one can measure up to her truest love and hero, the dazzling and passionate George. George, her secret. When something goes wrong and Sadie is taken to the hospital calling out for George, her hidden life may be exposed. Now she must confront the truth of the past, and protect a world she is terrified to lose."A teen learns to use her rich interior world to fight trauma, but is this the only way out? This honest, heartfelt tale is deep and mysterious as imagination itself." --Judy Blundell, author of What I Saw and How I Lied and Strings Attached"You'll inhale as you skid into the first chapter and only exhale as you cling to the last. A beautiful book about longing and loss . . . and what is real." --Teresa Toten, author of The Hero of Room 13B, winner of the Governor General Award, and Beware That Girl

The Mushroom Farmer's Wife

by Una Mcmanus

A Christian romance

Music Across the Mersey

by Geraldine O'Neill

When a Dublin family is torn apart, can a new start in Liverpool help heal the wounds? 1940s DublinHandsome widower Johnny Cassidy is out of work, broken-hearted and lost as to how to look after his four children. At his lowest ebb, he's forced to realise that help sometimes comes from the strangest places. With Johnny's family over the sea in Liverpool, it's his wife's spinster cousin Nora who comes to the rescue and has her life turned upside down by this brood of children. With Nora around, Ella Cassidy can be a teenager again rather than trying to raise her younger siblings, while older brother, Sean, finds that music might be his salvation. It seems that each member of the Cassidy family cherishes secret dreams, but will they bring them together or tear them apart?A warm and inviting story of family and friendship, duty and desire, perfect for fans of Maureen Lee and Lyn Andrews.

Music Across the Mersey

by Geraldine O'Neill

When a Dublin family is torn apart, can a new start in Liverpool help heal the wounds? 1940s DublinHandsome widower Johnny Cassidy is out of work and lost as to how to look after his four children. Broken-hearted, he's tempted to look for the answer at the bottom of a beer glass, and it takes another calamity for him to realise help sometimes comes from the strangest places.With Johnny's family over the sea in Liverpool, it's his wife's spinster cousin who comes to the rescue. Nora's well-ordered life is turned upside down by this brood of children to keep fed, schooled and out of trouble. But underneath the bustle of daily life, they all cherish secret dreams, some of which threaten to tear the family apart.With Nora around, Ella Cassidy can be a teenager again, rather than trying to raise her younger siblings, while her older brother, Sean, finds that music might be his salvation. But when he takes to the stage, it's the start of a journey that will take him far from home, and right to the kind of trouble he thought he'd outran.A warm and inviting story of family and friendship, duty and desire, perfect for fans of Maureen Lee and Lyn Andrews.Read by Caroline Lennon(p) Soundings 2017

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