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Óscar y las mujeres (Episodio 6)

by Santiago Roncagliolo

Óscar y las mujeres, de Santiago Roncagliolo, novela publicada por entregas de un autor en lengua española(6º episodio) Pesantes, cada día más celoso del protagonista masculino; Fabiola Tuzard, esposa de Pesantes, que no soporta a Grace ni va a tolerar una ínfima disminución de su protagonismo como malvada de la teleserie; y Nereida, recién introducida en la telenovela... Óscar continúa pensando en Natalia, y cuando un día Fabiola le pide que le acompañe a ver algo que tiene muchas ganas de enseñarle, Óscar recibirá una de las bofetadas de realidad más dolorosas de su vida. ¿Elaborará una terrible venganza o se recluirá en el oscuro y solitario abismo de su apartamento una vez más? Óscar y las mujeres, de Santiago Roncagliolo, es una novela seriada que se publica en español. Dividida en 9 entregas, que se ofrecerán los miércoles y los viernes, es una experiencia novedosa que aprovecha los nuevos medios para recuperar el mundo del folletín. PRÓXIMO CAPÍTULO: 8 DE FEBRERO

Óscar y las mujeres (Episodio 7)

by Santiago Roncagliolo

Óscar y las mujeres, de Santiago Roncagliolo, novela publicada por entregas de un autor en lengua española(7º episodio) Óscar se siente herido, traicionado, y decide urdir un plan para vengarse de Pesantes. Para poner en marcha su maquiavélico plan deberá engañar a Grace, pero también tendrá que conseguir que Flavio, el protagonista masculino de la novela, esté en el lugar apropiado en el momento exacto. ¿Lo logrará? Óscar y las mujeres, de Santiago Roncagliolo, es una novela seriada que se publica en español. Dividida en 9 entregas, que se ofrecerán los miércoles y los viernes, es una experiencia novedosa que aprovecha los nuevos medios para recuperar el mundo del folletín. PRÓXIMO CAPÍTULO: 13 DE FEBRERO

Óscar y las mujeres (Episodio 8)

by Santiago Roncagliolo

Óscar y las mujeres, de Santiago Roncagliolo, novela publicada por entregas de un autor en lengua española (8º episodio) El plan de Óscar para vengarse de su productor, Pesantes, ya está en marcha. Y tendrá lugar durante una macrofiesta en casa de Flavio, el protagonista masculino de la telenovela. Al principio todo va como Óscar había previsto: la prensa está avisada, Grace engañada y Flavio entusiasmado con el papel de anfitrión y con la presencia del excéntrico Óscar en su fiesta. Sin embargo, una vez más el destino actuará por libre y convertirá los preparativos de su particular vendetta en su propia tumba. ¿Logrará el escándalo terminar con la poca dignidad y entereza que le quedaban? Óscar y las mujeres, de Santiago Roncagliolo, es una novela seriada que se publica en español. Dividida en 9 entregas, que se ofrecerán los miércoles y los viernes, esuna experiencia novedosa que aprovecha los nuevos medios para recuperar el mundo del folletín.

Óscar y las mujeres (Episodio final)

by Santiago Roncagliolo

No te pierdas el desenlace de Óscar y las mujeres, novela publicada por entregas de un autor en lengua española. (Último capítulo) El escándalo protagonizado por Flavio y Óscar tiene consecuencias terribles. ¿Llegará a realizarse la telenovela? ¿Conseguirá Óscar recuperar el afecto del pequeño Matías? ¿Convencerá a Beatriz de que ya no está enamorado de Natalia y que es ella a quien quiere? ¿Volverá a escribir guiones con la inspiración que, definitivamente, sólo le da el amor? La novena y última entrega de Óscar y las mujeres resuelve todas estas incógnitas y ofrece un desenlace digno del mejor guionista. ¡No te lo puedes perder! Óscar y las mujeres, de Santiago Roncagliolo, es una novela seriada que se publica en español. Dividida en 9 entregas, que se han ofrecidos los miércoles y los viernes, ha sido una experiencia novedosa queha aprovechado los nuevos medios para recuperar el mundo del folletín.

Oscure Tentazioni: il desiderio non ha limiti

by Madelin Brook Riccardo Räd Zudeh

Derek aveva occhi solo per una persona, ma le era proibita... Derek non era il classico "surfer boy". Era uno dai desideri oscuri, occhi per una sola persona, e la sua caccia per lei stava per scatenare una voragine ed accendere il fuoco. I capelli rosso infernali di lei ed il suo sguardo da occhi verdi erano già abbastanza per far impazzire qualunque uomo. Anna era innocente, un angelo in rosso, eppure stava per incontrare il diavolo in persona quando la tentazione le bussò alla porta. Quando i loro genitori se ne vanno, è il momento per Derek per dare la caccia al suo interesse d'amore, Anna.

Oscuridad Oculta (Orden de la Serie: Precuela a la Serie: Navidad Antes de la Magia Cuestionar la Oscuridad Entrada a #7)

by W. J. May

Oscuridad Oculta es el séptimo libro de la serie de ventas mayores de W. J. May, Las Crónicas de Kerrigan. Una carrera contra el tiempo, una corrida veloz por el mundo. El enemigo tiene una cara nueva ahora, Jonathon Cromfield. Excepto que no es necesariamente nueva, ¿no? Cromfield tiene un plan, uno que incluye a Luz, lo quiera ella o no. Luz está aterrorizada por la idea de que no puede morir. Todos a los que llegará a conocer se irán y la dejarán sola. Con excepción de Cromfield. Ella preferiría morir antes de estar con él. El equipo de Luz, Devon, Julián y Molly deberán correr alrededor del mundo encontrando a los híbridos antes de que Cromfield lo haga, tienen que averiguar el verdadero propósito del suero, y llevarlo de vuelta al Consejo Privado, antes de que Cromfield los pueda detener. Inmortal o no, Luz no tiene ni un minuto que perder. Oscuridad Oculta es el séptimo libro de la serie las Crónicas de Kerrigan. El primer libro, Luz de Esperanza, por el momento es GRATIS. Sigan a Luz Kerrigan mientras aprende acerca del tatuaje en su espalda que le otorga poderes supernaturales, y mientras se entera de las intenciones malvadas de su padre, todo al mismo tiempo que se da cuenta que llegar a su mayoría de edad, enamorase, y que los combates de alta acción no son tan simples como se ven en las revistas de historietas.

Oscurità Nascoste (Le Cronache di Kerrigan #7)

by W. J. May

Oscurità Nascoste è il 7° Volume della serie bestseller di W.J. May, Le Cronache di Kerrigan. Una corsa contro il tempo, uno sprint intorno al mondo. Il nemico ha un nuovo volto ora, Jonathon Cromfield. Tranne che non è proprio nuovo, vero? Cromfield ha un piano, che include Rae, che le piaccia o meno. Rae è terrorizzata dall’idea che non possa morire. Tutti quelli che conosce andranno avanti senza di lei e la lasceranno sola. Tranne Cromfield. Preferirebbe morire piuttosto che stare con lui. Il team di Rae, Devon, Julian e Molly deve fare il giro del mondo per trovare gli ibridi prima di Cromfield, devono capire a cosa serva il suo siero e riportarlo all’Alto Consiglio prima che Cromfield possa fermarli. Immortale o meno, Rae non ha un secondo da perdere. Oscurità Nascoste è il 7° volume della serie Le Cronache di Kerrigan. Il Volume 1, Rae di Speranza è attualmente GRATIS. Segui Rae Kerrigan mentre impara a conoscere il tatuaggio sulla schiena che le conferisce poteri soprannaturali, mentre viene a conoscenza delle cattive intenzioni di suo padre e mentre si rende conto di come diventare maggiorenne, innamorarsi e combattere in azioni ad alta tensione non sia così facile come lo fanno sembrare i fumetti Prequel della Serie: Christmas Before the Magic Question the Darkness Into the Darkness Fight the Darkness Alone in the Darkness Lost in Darkness Serie Le Cronache di Kerrigan: Rae of Hope (Rae di Speranza) Dark Nebula (La Nebulosa Oscura) House of Cards (Il Castello di Carte) Royal Tea (Tè con Sua Maestà) Under Fire (Sotto Tiro) End in Sight (Fine in vista) Hidden Darkness (Oscurità Nascoste) Twisted Tog

El oscuro: Caballero Oscuro

by Kathryn Le Veque

1486 A.D. - Recién salido de su traicionero cambio de rumbo contra Richard III en la Batalla de Bosworth, la reputación de Sir Gaston de Russe es oscura y sucia. Los leales a Richard lo odian y los leales a Henry Tudor le temen. Él es, después de todo, El Oscuro. Con el fin de obtener una posición firme en Yorkshire, Henry envía a Gaston a una de las fortalezas más grandes del norte, un bastión gigante llamado Castillo del Monte de Holyoak. Habiendo pertenecido anteriormente a Sir Guy Stoneley, quien ahora está preso en la Torre Blanca después de su captura en Bosworth, el castillo sigue siendo el hogar de la esposa de Guy, Remington, sus tres hermanas y su hijo. Gaston toma posesión del monte. Holyoak, contento con su adquisición e intrigado con Lady Stoneley. Hermoso, algo tímido y recatado, Gaston pronto descubre que Mt. Holyoak alberga un horrible secreto de violación y abuso. Guy Stoneley abusó de su esposa y hermanas, tanto que las mujeres recurren a Gaston como su salvador para tomar el monte Holyoak de Guy. Mientras Gaston se esfuerza por administrar el Norte y formar alianzas con aquellos que aún son leales a Richard, algo más está ocurriendo que amenaza distraerlo de su tarea. El señuelo, el poder, es más de lo que puede resistir. Se está formando un fuerte vínculo entre el caballero que se cree que es el más traidor y la dama que no ha conocido más que tristeza y horror. Y con esa realización, una delicada historia de amor comienza cuando dos personas solitarias encuentran consuelo entre sí. Gaston pronto se da cuenta de que ama a Remington más que nada, lo que prepara el escenario para la batalla más grande de su vida: la lucha contra la Iglesia Católica en su búsqueda de una anulación para poder casarse con ella. Únete a Gaston y Remington mientras se embarcan en una aventura épica de descubrimiento, amor, angustia y dolor, derrota y victoria. Desde las colinas de Yorkshire hasta los pas

Oscuro embrujo (Embrujo en el aire #Volumen 1)

by Sara Lis

Si los pensamientos oscuros, lo mítico, el erotismo y la pasión te producen curiosidad, esta historia y sus personajes te fascinarán. Durante la época victoriana, un humilde y excéntrico granjero llamado Dimitri Thompson al que le fascina practicar la habilidad del retrato, se encuentra encarcelado en su penumbrosa y truncada vida. Pobre y desposado durante años en contra de su voluntad con una mujer parapléjica para salvar a su padre de la cárcel, decide darle un vuelco arrollador a su vida cuando es informado de la atroz muerte de su progenitor. Es entonces cuando conoce a una misteriosa mujer mística, inverosímil como una sirena del bosque, que tiene la capacidad de transformarse en búho a causa de un desdichado hechizo que le originaron en su niñez. Se aliará con ella tras su obsesión y enamoramiento, y juntaran sus almas en una infranqueable para poder revocar el malévolo conjuro. A cambio, se desencadenaránuna serie de asesinatos que le convertirán en un buscado forajido por la justicia británica, pero a su vez, obtendrá la posibilidad de sentir los anhelados sentimientos que le fueron negados en su indeseable vida anterior, y propagará a su mente amuermada, una nueva sal a la vida formada por un juego turbio, sagaz, despiadado, y confuso.

Oscuros: El Retorno De Los (Oscuros #Volumen 1)

by Lauren Kate

¿Y si la persona para quien estás predestinado... nunca pudiera ser tuya? Esta es la novela que da inicia a la saga «Oscuros», la historia de Daniel y Luce, dos almas predestinadas a encontrarse, condenados a perderse... Helstone, Inglaterra, 1854. Es noche cerrada y dos jóvenes conversan en una remota casa de campo. Se sienten irresistiblemente atraídos el uno por el otro, pero él insiste en que no pueden estar juntos. Ella obvia sus advertencias y se acerca a él, con paso lento y desafiante. Cuando se besan, una furiosa llamarada lo inunda todo.


by Lauren Kate

Predestinados a encontrarse, condenados a perderse... Hay algo dolorosamente familiar en Daniel Grigori. Misterioso y reservado, capta la atención de Luce Price desde el mismo momento que lo ve en su primer día en el internado Sword & Cross en Savannah. Eìl es lo único que la alegra en un sitio donde los móviles están prohibidos y las cámaras de seguridad te siguen a cada paso. Sólo hay un problema: Daniel no quiere tener nada que ver con ella --y así se lo ha hecho entender. Pero Luce no lo puede dejar ir. Irremediablemente atraída, está empeñada en averiguar qué secretos guarda Daniel tan desesperadamente... aunque le cueste la vida. En el proceso, Luce descubrirá que esta historia de amor aparentemente nueva tiene un origen que, en realidad, se remonta miles de años atrás --un origen más trágico y formidable de lo que nunca podía haber imaginado.Saga romántica llena de amantes condenados, ángeles caídos, seres inmortales y memorias perdidas, Oscuros es una emocionante historia de amor en cuyo corazón yace la pregunta ¿qué pasaría si nunca pudieras estar con tu alma gemela?

OSS Commando: Hitler's A-Bomb

by Charles Sasser

World War Two rages on. In the conflict's darkest days, both the U.S. and Germany scramble to achieve nuclear capabilities. And if Hitler's scientists hand him the atomic bomb first, the world will be his.Hand-picked and trained by OSS chief "Wild Bill" Donovan, Captain James Cantrell is expected to do the impossible. He must parachute alone into ravaged Poland, and into the jaws of the Nazi beast, to rescue an aging scientist who's been marked for extermination. With the Russians racing to capture the same prize, one wiry and tough ex-Oklahoma cop faces the most tragically difficult choice he's ever had to make. If the SS realize the value of Professor Jahne's secrets, their war is as good as won. So the fragile old genius must accompany Cantrell out of the country—or else he must die.

Ossements sacrés et un journal intime

by Stephen Lawrence

Lorsque Archibald-Alfred-Jeremy Fisher décède à un âge avancé de 108 ans, il laisse son héritage et divers biens dans son testament à son fils Hugo, son petit-fils Thomas et son arrière-petit-fils Jeremy. Les legs sont tous assortis de conditions qui doivent être remplies avant qu'un héritage puisse être revendiqué. Hugo découvre également qu'il a une sœur disparue depuis longtemps, Thomas gagne une Rolls Royce, et Jérémy est envoyé dans un voyage qui change la vie et met sa vie en danger, dans les profondeurs du Congo. La récompense à la fin de son voyage est menacée par des étrangers qui ont l'intention de mettre la main sur le précieux journal qui lui a été transmis. Il contient les aventures de la vie du vieil homme, mais surtout la clé d'une fortune qu'il a laissée derrière lui.

An Ostrich a Day

by Nancy J. Farrier

A Christian romance set in Arizona ranch country, Blaire inherits an ostrich ranch. Reeling from a broken engagement, will Blaire allow God to be the Lord of her life and lead her to a decision about selling the ranch and finding the love of her life?

Otaku vs. Her Evil Husband: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Tong Tong

Bai mi is the female that does not go out for a long time to be born every day is opposite computer knock all sorts of love story until one day be pressed by the mother go blind date the career of the female that does not go out for a long time is changed thoroughly qin huaiyu is investor and trader natural disposition is cold have huge ambition he is close to white millet and let her fall in love with him it is a commercial conspiracy however wait until he gets what he wants to become the lawful husband of white millet he discovers oneself to the small white of natural stay seem to have a bit strange affection he begins to refuse to live as a couple look for an excuse and white millet draw a distance until obtain the business secret of white home qin huaiyu and white millet prepare divorce the woman that does not go out for a long time is in finally before divorce one night get legal husband drunk produced a relation with him the second day divorce since then qin huaiyu can no longer forget his ex-wife he entrusted a friend to take care of the white millet bai mi is below the care of boss of bookseller become famous suddenly finally become popular writer but ex-husband cannot help but appear in the white millet again and again before eventually when bai mi is about to get engaged with other man ask to remarry bai mi does not wish to remarry be pressed by ex-husband step by step she arrives finally desperate promise to remarry with ex-husband but this is just the beginning of revenge

The Other Amanda

by Lynn Leslie

Living Dangerously A past too painful to remember... Amnesia was less painful than the truth! Amanda Braithwaite, pampered niece of hospital administrator Randall Chambers, is found badly hurt in a park, but can't remember how she got there. In fact, she can't even remember her own name. The only person she does remember is Dr. Jonathan Taylor, the man who saved her life. As pieces of her past begin to surface, she tries to understand the person she has been. Obviously Jonathan, a man who seems to share her memories, holds the key. But perhaps the door is better left locked. After all, someone had wanted to kill the other Amanda....

The Other Bennet Sister: A Novel

by Janice Hadlow

A NPR CONCIERGE BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR "Jane fans rejoice! . . . Exceptional storytelling and a true delight." —Helen Simonson, author of the New York Times bestselling novels Major Pettigrew's Last Stand and The Summer Before the War Mary, the bookish ugly duckling of Pride and Prejudice’s five Bennet sisters, emerges from the shadows and transforms into a desired woman with choices of her own. What if Mary Bennet’s life took a different path from that laid out for her in Pride and Prejudice? What if the frustrated intellectual of the Bennet family, the marginalized middle daughter, the plain girl who takes refuge in her books, eventually found the fulfillment enjoyed by her prettier, more confident sisters? This is the plot of Janice Hadlow's The Other Bennet Sister, a debut novel with exactly the affection and authority to satisfy Jane Austen fans. Ultimately, Mary’s journey is like that taken by every Austen heroine. She learns that she can only expect joy when she has accepted who she really is. She must throw off the false expectations and wrong ideas that have combined to obscure her true nature and prevented her from what makes her happy. Only when she undergoes this evolution does she have a chance at finding fulfillment; only then does she have the clarity to recognize her partner when he presents himself—and only at that moment is she genuinely worthy of love. Mary’s destiny diverges from that of her sisters. It does not involve broad acres or landed gentry. But it does include a man; and, as in all Austen novels, Mary must decide whether he is the truly the one for her. In The Other Bennet Sister, Mary is a fully rounded character—complex, conflicted, and often uncertain; but also vulnerable, supremely sympathetic, and ultimately the protagonist of an uncommonly satisfying debut novel.

The Other Bennet Sister: A Novel

by Janice Hadlow

What if Mary Bennet’s life took a different path from that laid out for her in Pride and Prejudice? What if the frustrated intellectual of the Bennet family, the marginalized middle daughter, the plain girl who takes refuge in her books, eventually found the fulfillment enjoyed by her prettier, more confident sisters? This is the plot of Janice Hadlow's The Other Bennet Sister, a debut novel with exactly the affection and authority to satisfy Jane Austen fans. Ultimately, Mary’s journey is like that taken by every Austen heroine. She learns that she can only expect joy when she has accepted who she really is. She must throw off the false expectations and wrong ideas that have combined to obscure her true nature and prevented her from what makes her happy. Only when she undergoes this evolution does she have a chance at finding fulfillment; only then does she have the clarity to recognize her partner when he presents himself―and only at that moment is she genuinely worthy of love. Mary’s destiny diverges from that of her sisters. It does not involve broad acres or landed gentry. But it does include a man; and, as in all Austen novels, Mary must decide whether he is the truly the one for her. In The Other Bennet Sister, Mary is a fully rounded character―complex, conflicted, and often uncertain; but also vulnerable, supremely sympathetic, and ultimately the protagonist of an uncommonly satisfying debut novel.

The Other Boleyn Girl: The Constant Princess, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Boleyn Inheritance, The Queen's Fool, The Virgin's Lover, And The Other Queen (The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels #Bk. 2)

by Philippa Gregory

Two sisters competing for the greatest prize: the love of a king When Mary Boleyn comes to court as an innocent girl of fourteen, she catches the eye of Henry VIII. Dazzled by the king, Mary falls in love with both her golden prince and her growing role as unofficial queen. However, she soon realizes just how much she is a pawn in her familys ambitious plots as the kings interest begins to wane and she is forced to step aside for her best friend and rival: her sister, Anne. Then Mary knows that she must defy her family and her king, and take her fate into her own hands. A rich and compelling tale of love, sex, ambition, and intrigue, The Other Boleyn Girl introduces a woman of extraordinary determination and desire who lived at the heart of the most exciting and glamorous court in Europe and survived by following her own heart.

The Other Bride

by Lisa Bingham

Mail-order bride Phoebe Gray should have come stamped "handle with care." Guarding dynamite in a lightning storm would be easier than guiding this one willful redhead all the way west, Gabe Cutter fumed. Yet his Pinkerton-honed instincts told him he needed to uncover her secrets -- and fast! For she was definitely not what she claimed to be! Fate had given her a reprieve -- and "Phoebe Gray" couldn't waste it on some hard-boiled trail boss with pain in his past and trouble in his future. Still, when she'd switched identities with her companion, she never imagined she'd be hand-delivered into the undreamed passion of Gabe Cutter's loving arms!

The Other Brother

by Lena Nelson Dooley

Christian romance set in Minnesota in 1891.

The Other Brother

by Janis Reams Hudson

BEST FRIENDS TURNED LOVERSNeighbor to the Cherokee Rose ranch all her life, Melanie Pruitt had a special relationship with each Chisholm brother. Sloan was her crush, Justin, her fun pal, and Caleb, her best friend in the whole world. But when a simple dance with Caleb at Sloan's wedding reception led to an unexpected and steamy kiss, it stunned them both. Were they friends or lovers? Aroused and confused by their earth-shattering kiss, Melanie soon realized Caleb meant to woo her. The last thing she wanted, though, was to lose her best friend-even if it meant gaining the man of her dreams. Would Melanie fend off Caleb and his Chisholm charm, or end up in his arms-forever?

The Other Couple: The Number One Bestseller

by Sarah J. Naughton

THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER'I am sleep deprived having stayed awake desperate to find out what happened!' - reader review For fans of Clare Mackintosh's LET ME LIE, Cara Hunter's CLOSE TO HOME and Laura Marshall's FRIEND REQUEST*************It was meant to be the perfect honeymoon.A five-star resort in paradise.White sands, a private villa and world-class cuisine.A chance for newlyweds Asha and Ollie Graveney to recover from a recent tragedy, and enjoy the holiday of their dreams.Except someone has other plans...And paradise has turned into a nightmare.'Intelligent. Gripping. Colourful. Great setting. Absorbing characters.' - Jane Corry, bestselling author of MY HUSBAND'S WIFE and BLOOD SISTERS If you like Clare Mackintosh, BA Paris, Jenny Blackhurst, Rachel Abbott, Laura Marshall, Elle Croft, Cara Hunter or Lisa Jewell then you will be utterly gripped by this dark, twisty tale'Gripping, electrifying, heartbreaking' - Erin Kelly, author of HE SAID / SHE SAID, on TATTLETALE************* "From the moment Asha and Ollie set off on honeymoon the cracks begin to show, as Naughton skilfully weaves three timelines into a chilling drama... As the tension rose, I turned the pages faster and faster - until the denouement hit me like a juggernaut." - Alison Belsham, author of THE TATTOO THIEF'Brilliantly chilling and claustraphobic, the thought of being trapped in paradise yet knowing something wasn't right was such a frightening concept. I didn't guess at any point what was going to happen... I loved it!' - Karen Hamilton, author of THE PERFECT GIRLFRIEND"I am sleep deprived having stayed awake desperate to find out what happened to Asha & Ollie in Vietnam. I wasn't disappointed, this is a very well setup ending, everyone is under suspicion with lots of clever red herrings." - Amazon reviewer, 5 stars Praise for Sarah J. Naughton's Tattletale: 'A perfect example of how a psychological thriller should be written - intricately plotted and full of shocking surprises.' Lisa Hall, author of BETWEEN YOU AND ME'a fast paced, brilliant page-turner...I predict a hit' Liz Nugent'...deliciously clever - I still haven't stopped thinking about the magnificent, twisted construction of it' Emma Kavanagh, author of THE MISSING HOURS'It's one of the best debuts I've read. It deserves to be MASSIVE.' Julia Crouch'Lies, mystery and murder wrought by childhood trauma in this compulsive, twisty thriller.' Helen Smith, author of BEYOND BELIEF'Like any great mystery, Tattletale would, at every twist, lead me to think I'd put the pieces together - only to turn the puzzle upside down.' Grazia'A twisty thriller that will leave you gasping your way through it as the story twists and turns.' Goodreads'This is a psychological thriller with a twist, and a very twisted heart. This story is what happens when two people from very broken beginnings are brought together. This story is what happens when fear eclipses the need for justice and fairness, when the strong and arrogant prey upon the weak. This book is one which deserves every bit of praise it is undoubtedly going to get.' Goodreads

The Other Couple: The Number One Bestseller

by Sarah J. Naughton

THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER''I am sleep deprived having stayed awake desperate to find out what happened!'' - reader reviewFor fans of Clare Mackintosh''s LET ME LIE, CaraHunter''s CLOSE TO HOME and Laura Marshall''s FRIEND REQUEST*************It was meant to be the perfect honeymoon.A five-star resort in paradise.White sands, a private villa and world-class cuisine.A chance for newlyweds Asha and Ollie Graveney to recover from a recent tragedy, and enjoy the holiday of their dreams.Except someone has other plans...And paradise has turned into a nightmare.''Intelligent. Gripping. Colourful. Great setting. Absorbing characters.'' - Jane Corry, bestselling author of MY HUSBAND''S WIFE and BLOOD SISTERSIf you like Clare Mackintosh, BA Paris, Jenny Blackhurst, Rachel Abbott, Laura Marshall, Elle Croft, Cara Hunter or Lisa Jewell then you will be utterly gripped by this dark, twisty tale''Gripping, electrifying, heartbreaking'' - Erin Kelly, author of HE SAID / SHE SAID, on TATTLETALE************* "From the moment Asha and Ollie set off on honeymoon the cracks begin to show, as Naughton skilfully weaves three timelines into a chilling drama... As the tension rose, I turned the pages faster and faster - until the denouement hit me like a juggernaut." - Alison Belsham, author of THE TATTOO THIEF''Brilliantly chilling and claustraphobic, the thought of being trapped in paradise yet knowing something wasn''t right was such a frightening concept. I didn''t guess at any point what was going to happen... I loved it!'' - Karen Hamilton, author of THE PERFECT GIRLFRIEND"I am sleep deprived having stayed awake desperate to find out what happened to Asha & Ollie in Vietnam. I wasn''t disappointed, this is a very well setup ending, everyone is under suspicion with lots of clever red herrings." - Amazon reviewer, 5 stars Praise for Sarah J. Naughton''s Tattletale: ''A perfect example of how a psychological thriller should be written - intricately plotted and full of shocking surprises.'' Lisa Hall, author of BETWEEN YOU AND ME''a fast paced, brilliant page-turner...I predict a hit'' Liz Nugent''...deliciously clever - I still haven''t stopped thinking about the magnificent, twisted construction of it'' Emma Kavanagh, author of THE MISSING HOURS''It''s one of the best debuts I''ve read. It deserves to be MASSIVE.'' Julia Crouch''Lies, mystery and murder wrought by childhood trauma in this compulsive, twisty thriller.'' Helen Smith, author of BEYOND BELIEF''Like any great mystery, Tattletale would, at every twist, lead me to think I''d put the pieces together - only to turn the puzzle upside down.'' Grazia''A twisty thriller that will leave you gasping your way through it as the story twists and turns.'' Goodreads''This is a psychological thriller with a twist, and a very twisted heart. This story is what happens when two people from very broken beginnings are brought together. This story is what happens when fear eclipses the need for justice and fairness, when the strong and arrogant prey upon the weak. This book is one which deserves every bit of praise it is undoubtedly going to get.'' Goodreads

The Other Couple: The Number One Bestseller

by Sarah J Naughton

This was meant to be the perfect honeymoon. A five-star beach resort in Vietnam, with white sands, private villas and world-class cuisine. A chance for newlyweds Asha and Ollie Graveney to recover from a tragedy that has left them on the verge of collapse. Except things don't go as planned. When Asha wakes up in hospital after a brutal attack, her husband is nowhere to be found. And paradise has turned into a nightmare...Read by Pippa Bennett-Warner(p) Orion Publishing Group 2018

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