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La otra (Quinteto de la muerte #Volumen 3)

by Sandra Heys

Tercera y esperada entrega de la serie «Quinteto de la muerte» de Sandra Heys. La fuerza del primer amor se pone de manifiesto en esta historia, cuando el destino quiere que los protagonistas se vuelvan a encontrar años más tarde. Ella vivía la vida, la gozaba. Él se casaría porque era lo que debía hacer. ¿El resultado? Un desastre. La diseñadora de modas Lorena Irribarren sonríe feliz porque sabe que por fin su marca «I de Irresistible» está llegando adonde ella quiere, ya casi no da abasto con todos los encargos que recibe. Pero cuando llegó hasta su taller Gabriela Matus, una de las señoritas de clase alta más fotografiadas del medio nacional, dejó todo de lado por atenderla. La mayor sorpresa de Lorena fue el día que se encontró con Gabriela y su novio, ya que no era otro que Antonio, el primer hombre de su vida. El único realmente importante. Cuando Antonio descubre que la diseñadora tan apetecida es Lorena, sabe que tiene que enfrentar el pasado antes de pensar en el futuro, por lo que una tarde se ve a sí mismo visitando a Lorena en su taller. Pero la salvaje naturaleza de su pasión y lo profundo de su amor es más fuerte, y sin poder hacer nada por evitarlo, terminan recordando viejos tiempos en la bodega de las telas. Por cosas de la vida, las amigas de Lorena, su «Quinteto» siempre bromearon a costa de ella llamándola «La Otra». Lo que jamás, ninguna de ellas pensó, ni siquiera por la disipada vida que lleva Lorena, es que era eso justamente en lo que terminaría convirtiéndose. ¿Lo peor? Era la otra de Antonio...

Otra noche para soñar

by Mariano Rodríguez

Una historia de amor, coraje, y superación personal ambientada en el Buenos Aires de 1944. En una Buenos Aires en tiempos aún de tangos y milongas, Justina, una bella joven que vive y ayuda a su familia con lo que gana de esos bailes, busca cambiar su destino arrabalero por una profesión que le abra otros caminos. Sus plegarias son escuchadas y pronto obtiene un trabajo como secretaria en un prestigioso estudio jurídico. Adriano Romani es un joven apuesto, empresario vitivinícola de San Juan que, junto a su hermano mayor, desea ampliar horizontes. Para ello, ambos viajarán a una Buenos Aires en pleno auge, donde la firma de un importante contrato puede catapultarlos al éxito. El amor surge entre ellos de manera instantánea, pero estar juntos y ser felices trae aparejado engaños, traiciones y fatalidades que solo podrán enfrentar creyendo uno en el otro.

Otra oportunidad para el amor

by Robyn Grady

¿De millonario solitario a padre entregado?Jack Prescott, dueño de una explotación ganadera, no estaba preparado para ser padre. Estaba dispuesto a cuidar de su sobrino huérfano porque debía cumplir con su obligación, pero en su corazón no había lugar para un bebé para Madison Tyler, la mujer que parecía empeñada en ponerle la vida patas arriba.Pero Jack no podía negar la atracción que sentía hacia Madison y no tardaron en dejarse llevar por el deseo. Pero la estancia de Maddy era sólo algo temporal y él jamás viviría en Sydney. ¿Cómo podían pensar en algo duradero perteneciendo a mundos tan distintos?

Otra vez, Rachel (Hermanas Walsh #Volumen 6)

by Marian Keyes

Hace veinte años que Rachel se va de viaje, la novela de la que se han vendido un millón y medio de ejemplares en todo el mundo, se cruzó en nuestro camino. Y ahora, por fin, ¡Rachel ha vuelto! En los noventa, Rachel Walsh era un desastre. Pero, después de pasar por una clínica de desintoxicación, todo mejoró. En estos momentos tiene una vida llena de amor, una familia y un buen trabajo como consejera en adicciones. Además, es capaz de mantener vivo su jardín y el único vicio que le queda son las zapatillas caras. Sin embargo, el mundo de Rachel se tambalea cuando su antiguo gran amor reaparece de forma repentina. Creía tener ya su final feliz, que su vida estaba por fin bajo control, pero ¿y si no es así? ¿Y si está a punto de descubrir que, no importa la edad que tengas, todo puede cambiar? TODOS SE HAN RENDIDO ANTE EL TALENTO DE MARIAN KEYES:«Las horas que paso entre las páginas de cualquier libro de Marian Keyes son un regalo».Elísabet Benavent «Habilidosa, descaradamente honesta, divertida, sexy y desgarradora».Jojo Moyes «Puro placer. Leerlo es como devorar el pastelito de crema y de palabras más rico y más inteligente del mundo».Caitlin Moran «Magnífica. Conmovedora, sabia y muy entretenida».Observer «Cuando se trata de escribir libros que no puedas dejar de leer, que te dibujen una sonrisa o que te hagan pensar, Keyes es única».Daily Express «Sencillamente brillante».Sunday Times «Una secuela fantástica. Marian Keyes retrata la cruda realidad con inteligencia y encanto».Telegraph «Es como darse un baño de espuma calentito».Good Housekeeping «Maravillosamente escrito, divertido, desgarrador y lleno de sabiduría. Un regalo de libro».Daily Mail

Otra vida

by Jodie Chapman

Toda historia de amor tiene su comienzo.Pero ¿y si pudieras reescribir el final? Un emotivo relato sobre amar, perdery encontrar el valor para vivir según tus propios términos. Nick y Anna trabajan juntos en el cine de su ciudad durante un caluroso verano. Anna es misteriosa, preciosa y pertenece a un mundo muy distinto al de Nick: es testigo de Jehová. Lo cual no impide que él se enamore perdidamente de ella. Anna ha crecido preparándose para el fin del mundo, pero con Nick su vida se llena de música y poesía. Sin embargo, el miedo a renunciar a todo en lo que cree y a sus seres queridos hace que se vea obligada a alejarse de él y a aceptar un destino que ya no está segura de desear. Años después, se reencuentran y descubren que el tiempo no ha cambiado lo que sienten. Pero ¿serán capaces de armarsede valor o tendrán que olvidar definitivamente al amor que dejaron escapar? La crítica ha dicho:«Me ha roto el corazón cerrar este libro. Si sois fans de Sally Rooney, necesitáis leer Otra vida... Jodie Chapman es una maestra a la hora de imbuir las páginas de vida.»Daily Record «Los fans de David Nicholls [autor de Siempre el mismo día] adorarán esta intrincada historia de amor.»Prima «Preparaos para sentirlo todo de la mano de esta emocionante y necesaria lectura.»Sun «Una impresionante historia sobre el amor que se deja escapar... Un texto muy hermoso.»Sunday Express «Si os gustan las historias de aprendizaje agridulces, os encantará este brillante debut.»Heat «Un libro precioso sobre el amor en todas sus formas... La escritura de Chapman es impresionante e intuitiva, y no creo que jamás olvide esta historia.»NB Magazine «Este hermoso relatosobre amor, pérdida y sacrificio os llegará al corazón... Captura a la perfección la dulce agonía de enamorarse.»Daily Mail «Un debut complejo, precioso y lleno de matices sobre la multitud de maneras que tenemos de amar.»Woman's Weekly

Otras versiones de lo nuestro: La historia de amor en la que caben todas las historias de amor. Tú decides cómo termina

by Esperanza Luque

¿Y si pudieses volver atrás y elegir un destino distinto? La novela romántica interactiva en la que TÚ eres la protagonista. Todos pensamos en ese amor que pudo haber sido. Esa decisión que pudo cambiarlo todo. Ese momento que marcó nuestro destino. ¿Y si pudieses volver atrás y tomar otro camino?Charlotte ha conseguido recomponer su vida después de que le rompieran el corazón, pero no deja de preguntarse en qué momento su vida tomó el rumbo equivocado. Cuando se le presenta la oportunidad de cambiar su pasado, Charlotte no lo duda. Esta vez, acertará en sus decisiones. ¿Pero qué camino es el correcto?¿Caer rendida en brazos del chico malo del instituto? ¿O quizás en los de chica más popular? ¿Vivir el primer amor junto a su mejor amigo? ¿O arriesgar su corazón y su vida en un romance épico más allá del tiempo? Su destino está en tus manos. Reseñas:«Sorprendente y muy original, Esperanza Luque viene con todo (¡y de todo!) para contarnos una historia que son tres que son muchas más, todas llenas de amor y de respuestas a esos ¿y si...? que nos surgen cuando dudamos de haber escogido bien nuestro camino».Clara Cortés, autora de Somos astronautas. «¡Por finun libro en el que la prota elige siempre a quien tú querías!».Raquel Brune, autora de la saga Brujas y nigromantes y Oscura es la noche.

Otro Amanecer

by David Arieta Galván

Otro Amanecer que él nunca tuvo la intención de ver… Lanzado al pasado momentos antes de su ejecución, Luke Nolan se encuentra viviendo una nueva vida en el pueblo de Redemption, Colorado, del siglo XVIII. Enamorado de una mujer que no se atreve a abrazar, huye de un futuro que no puede reconciliar. ¿Amará traicionando sus secretos? ¿Hay esperanza para la pasión que siente por Sofie? ¿Creerá ella en su inocencia? A medida que el reloj avanza, Luke descubre que no están solos. Maldecidos y perseguidos por el futuro, ¿su amor sobrevivirá para ver Otro Amanecer?

El otro Dios: o si el rey de reyes...

by Claudio Calzoni

El otro Dios de Claudio Calzoni o si el rey de reyes... ¿Qué hubiera pasado si la vida del Dios que cambió la historia del hombre hubiera sido diferente? Claudio Calzoni elabora un futuro alternativo, una puerta corrediza, para el Ser Divino que es la base de toda sociedad moderna.

Otter And Odder: A Love Story

by James Howe Chris Raschka

The day Otter found love, he wasn’t looking for it. He was looking for dinner. But then he gazed into the round, sweet, glistening eyes of Myrtle the fish, and he knew. "Impossible," he said. "I am in love with my food source." As for Myrtle, her first desire was: Please don’t eat me. But soon her heart awakened to a future she could never have imagined. The inseparable duo played hide-and-seek and told each other stories, but everyone said that was not the way of the otter. Could their love (and Myrtle) possibly survive? Aided by Chris Raschka’s illustrations in a fresh faux-naïf style, James Howe tells a warm, witty tale about finding kindred spirits in the oddest of places-and having the good sense to keep them.

Oublier pour toujours

by Nuria Pariente Nogueras

Bryan: Follement amoureux de cette femme frustrante nommée Cintia Alonso, je ne trouve pas de réconfort dans ma routine habituelle. Ces jours qui ont rempli ma solitude sont maintenant vides et tristes. Rien ni personne ne consolera jamais mon coeur brisé. Luttant pour s’éloigner de moi, elle ne se rend pas compte qu’elle se bat contre la nature qui nous a unis. Le destin a dicté que nous devrions être ensemble, bien qu’elle ne semble pas s’en soucier du tout… Elle ne souhaite que m’oublier pour toujours et je n’ai pas d’autre choix que de respecter sa demande, de me tenir à l’écart, aussi absurde que l’idée puisse sembler. Cintia: Ironies de la vie… Comment oublier pour toujours qui se souviendra pour toujours? Je vais vivre le reste de mes jours désespérément amoureuse d’un homme qui ne sera plus jamais à mes côtés, pour un mauvais jour pour le coeur (mais bon pour la santé mentale) j’ai décidé que c’était comme ça.

An Ounce of Hope: A Pound Of Flesh Book 2 (ebook) (A Pound of Flesh #3)

by Sophie Jackson

From the fanfic phenom whose debut A Pound of Flesh had over 4.5 million reads, this sequel, An Ounce of Hope, tells the passionate love story of Carter's best friend, Max.Max O'Hare can't seem to let go of his past: his drug habit, the end of his relationship with Lizzie Jordan, the woman he knows he'll never get over, and the loss of their unborn son. After successfully completing rehab and learning to explore his deepest fears and dreams through painting, Max meets Grace Brooks. With her innate optimism, and her love of art and photography, Grace appears to be the perfect girl. Yet no one knows where she came from, or why she keeps her past so closely guarded. Over time, Max and Grace gradually allow each other in--but will he ever be able to fully let go of his past? Or will his heart remain closed forever?

An Ounce of Hope: A powerful, addictive love story (A Pound of Flesh)

by Sophie Jackson

An Ounce of Hope is the third title in the A Pound of Flesh series from fan-fiction superstar Sophie Jackson.From the fanfic phenomenon whose sensational debut, A Pound of Flesh, had over 4.5 million reads. You fell for Wes Carter. Now there's a new bad boy in town. Just as sexy, just as edgy. Meet Carter's best friend, Max...Fans of Samantha Young, Jodi Ellen Malpas, Jamie McGuire, Katy Evans and Prison Break will find Sophie Jackson's powerful love stories utterly addictive and unforgettable. Can true love heal the deepest scars?Max O'Hare: Tortured by memories of the woman he loved, the child he lost and the drugs that numbed his pain, Max is haunted by his past.Grace Brooks: An eternal optimist, Grace appears to be the perfect girl, but she keeps the truth of her own difficult history closely guarded.Fresh out of rehab, the last thing on Max's mind is a relationship. Yet he's drawn to Grace, sensing that she too is looking for escape. Bound by their greatest fears and deepest secrets, Max and Grace must learn to trust again. And the key to opening their hearts lies in one another...Loyalty. Redemption. All-consuming love against the odds. Prepare to fall for the powerful storytelling of Sophie Jackson. Check out the whole A Pound of Flesh series: A Pound of Flesh, Love and Always, An Ounce of Hope, Fate and Forever and A Measure of Love.

Our Broken Pieces

by Sarah White

From Wattpad phenom Sarah White comes a steamy teen romance about one girl’s quest to find herself after a traumatic breakup.The only thing worse than having your boyfriend dump you is having him dump you for your best friend. For Everly Morgan the betrayal came out of nowhere. One moment she had what seemed like the perfect high school relationship, and the next, she wanted to avoid the two most important people in her life. Every time she sees them kiss in the hallways her heart breaks a little more.The last thing on Everly’s mind is getting into another relationship, but when she meets Gabe in her therapist’s waiting room she can’t deny their immediate connection. Somehow he seems to understand Everly in a way that no one else in her life does, and maybe it’s because Gabe also has experience grappling with issues outside of his control. Just because they share so many of the same interests and there is an undeniable spark between them doesn’t mean Everly wants anything more than friendship. After all, when you only barely survived your last breakup, is it really worth risking your heart again?

Our Broken Sky

by Sarah Harian

In The Wicked We Have Done, readers were introduced to Valerie Crane. But you don't know her the way you think you do. This is her story... Valerie has always been different from her identical twin Veda. Tattooed, fiery, and foul-mouthed, Valerie acts on instinct, getting even with anyone who wrongs her passive, sensitive sister. At twenty-two, Veda doesn't want to seek revenge against the three young men who raped her. As for Val... Val never could manage her anger well. As far as Val sees it, the Compass Room is simply a quicker way for her to die--payment for the crime she feels no guilt over. There isn't a reason to fight, not until a girl as broken as she is reminds Val of what it's like to hope... Includes a preview of the next Chaos Theory novel, A Vault of Sins

Our Cheating Hearts: Love and Loyalty, Lust and Lies

by Kate Figes

By the author known and respected for her acclaimed books on relationships.Most of us manage to be monogamous, most of the time, but who cannot imagine themselves committing the 'crime' of adultery? Does being 'faithful' mean the same to everyone? Why DO people have affairs?Using real life testimony alongside the most current research, Our Cheating Hearts looks at the big questions around love and commitment. It lifts taboos, asks the tough questions and shows how in our progressive time monogamy has become the new ideal.Some people manage monogamy. For the countless others that don't, Our Cheating Hearts opens the debate and provides the honest approach that's essential.

Our Chemical Hearts

by Krystal Sutherland

<p>John Green meets Rainbow Rowell in this irresistible story of first love, broken hearts, and the golden seams that put them back together again. <p>Henry Page has never been in love. He fancies himself a hopeless romantic, but the slo-mo, heart palpitating, can't-eat-can't-sleep kind of love that he's been hoping for just hasn't been in the cards for him--at least not yet. Instead, he's been happy to focus on his grades, on getting into a semi-decent college and finally becoming editor of his school newspaper. <p>Then Grace Town walks into his first period class on the third Tuesday of senior year and he knows everything's about to change. Grace isn't who Henry pictured as his dream girl--she walks with a cane, wears oversized boys' clothes, and rarely seems to shower. But when Grace and Henry are both chosen to edit the school paper, he quickly finds himself falling for her. It's obvious there's something broken about Grace, but it seems to make her even more beautiful to Henry, and he wants nothing more than to help her put the pieces back together again. And yet, this isn't your average story of boy meets girl. <p>Krystal Sutherland's brilliant debut is equal parts wit and heartbreak, a potent reminder of the bittersweet bliss that is first love.</p>

Our Cursed Love

by Julie Abe

Julie Abe's OUR CURSED LOVE is a magical 50 FIRST DATES meets LOVE AND GELATO set in Tokyo, Japan—about destiny, the impact of the choices we make, and the magic of true love.Six days to remember. Love or lose him forever. Remy Kobata has always wished she was destined to be with her best friend, Cam Yasuda. All the way from being neighbors from birth to mixing up magical prank potions together to their “just friends” homecoming date during their senior year in high school, nothing’s a secret between Remy and Cam—except for how much she is in love with him. Remy is trying to work up the courage to confess her feelings during their winter break trip to Japan, when she gets selected for a mystical tea leaves reading and it reveals that they’re not meant to be together. After they stumble upon a secret magical apothecary in the back alleys of Tokyo, Remy and Cam are offered an ancient soulmate elixir, created before all love potions were banned by the magical government. They each have their reasons for wanting to take it, but what could go wrong with finding your soulmate a little earlier? Except, after they drink up, their senior year trip flips into the worst vacation ever: Cam has forgotten who Remy is. If she can't help Cam remember her by midnight New Year’s Eve, they’ll both be cursed to forget each other. To unravel their past and rewrite the future, Remy and Cam must travel through Tokyo to rediscover Cam’s memories and make new ones—and maybe even fall in love all over again.

Our Darkest Night: Inspired by true events, a powerfully moving story of love and sacrifice in World War Two Italy

by Jennifer Robson

TO SAVE THOSE SHE LOVES, SHE MUST MAKE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE.In Our Darkest Night, internationally bestselling author of The Gown, Jennifer Robson, tells an unforgettable story of terror, hope, love, and sacrifice, that vividly evokes the most perilous days of World War II.Inspired by true events. Perfect for readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris, The Child on Platform One by Gill Thompson and The Girl I Left Behind by Andie Newton.'A tale of devastating simplicity and poignant sweetness' Kate Quinn 'A powerful, emotional, and unflinching story of love, sacrifice, and resilience' Chanel Cleeton 'Haunting and inspiring, heartbreaking and hopeful, this novel is unforgettable' Kristin Beck Venice, 1943: Under the Nazi occupation, life is increasingly perilous for Italian Jews. Antonina Mazin has but one hope to survive - to leave her beloved parents and hide in the countryside, posing as the bride of a man she has only just met. Nico Gerardi was studying for the priesthood until circumstances forced him to return home to run his family's farm. A moral and just man, he refuses to remain a bystander to Nazi and fascist atrocities. The only way to keep Nina safe - and protect secrets of his own - is to convince prying eyes that their sudden marriage is a love match. But farm life is not easy for a cultured city girl who dreams of becoming a doctor like her father, and Nico's provincial neighbours are wary of this soft, educated stranger. Even worse, their distrust is shared by a local Nazi official with a vendetta against Nico. As Nina and Nico come to know each other, their relationship deepens, transforming into much more than a charade. Yet both fear that every passing day brings them closer to being torn apart...Don't miss Jennifer's enthralling historical novel about one of the most famous wedding dresses of the twentieth century - Queen Elizabeth's wedding gown - and the fascinating women who made it. Perfect for anyone who's captivated by The Crown, The Gown 'will dazzle and delight' (Independent).

Our Eternal Souls: A Forever Love Story

by P. L. Jonas Pamela Jonas

Millions of years ago, Xenia and Yonan, a telepathic part-alien/part-human couple, happily married for four-hundred years and planned to live together forever, face unexpected death . . . in three moons. Worried their reincarnated selves won' t find each other in future lives, the couple attempt astral time travel to ensure their future selves fall in love and live long human lives together— while pending doom looms closer. Journeying to prehistoric France, ancient Egypt, Tudor England, 19th century Iowa, and the present day, they make mistakes along the way while learning about the future human world. Experiencing disappointments and setbacks, they fear time will run out.

Our Eva

by Anna Jacobs

She thought she could trust him . . .Eva Kershaw thought she would never marry, and is happy living a quiet life with her dear friend Alice. But Alice is ill, and her nephew, Gus, has thrust himself into their household. Alice's dearest wish is that Eva should not make the same mistakes she did, and she alters her will so that Eva and Gus are strongly compelled to marry. Eva obliges to fulfil her dead friend's wishes.But Gus is not all he seems to be: he is not Alice's kind nephew, but a robber, confidence trickster, and not even Gus Blake. And Eva is in terrible danger . . .*********************What readers are saying about OUR EVA'Yet another fantastic story in the Kershaw Sisters series . . . Anna Jacobs is an amazing author' - 5 stars'Another fantastic book you won't want to put down' - 5 starsA great read from great writer' - 5 stars

Our Eva (The Kershaw Sisters series)

by Anna Jacobs

She thought she could trust him . . .Eva Kershaw thought she would never marry, and is happy living a quiet life with her dear friend Alice. But Alice is ill, and her nephew, Gus, has thrust himself into their household. Alice's dearest wish is that Eva should not make the same mistakes she did, and she alters her will so that Eva and Gus are strongly compelled to marry. Eva obliges to fulfil her dead friend's wishes.But Gus is not all he seems to be: he is not Alice's kind nephew, but a robber, confidence trickster, and not even Gus Blake. And Eva is in terrible danger . . .*********************What readers are saying about OUR EVA'Yet another fantastic story in the Kershaw Sisters series . . . Anna Jacobs is an amazing author' - 5 stars'Another fantastic book you won't want to put down' - 5 starsA great read from great writer' - 5 stars

Our Eva: The Kershaw Sisters, Book 3 (The Kershaw Sisters series)

by Anna Jacobs

She thought she could trust him . . .Eva Kershaw thought she would never marry, and is happy living a quiet life with her dear friend Alice. But Alice is ill, and her nephew, Gus, has thrust himself into their household. Alice's dearest wish is that Eva should not make the same mistakes she did, and she alters her will so that Eva and Gus are strongly compelled to marry. Eva obliges to fulfil her dead friend's wishes.But Gus is not all he seems to be: he is not Alice's kind nephew, but a robber, confidence trickster, and not even Gus Blake. And Eva is in terrible danger . . .*********************What readers are saying about OUR EVA'Yet another fantastic story in the Kershaw Sisters series . . . Anna Jacobs is an amazing author' - 5 stars'Another fantastic book you won't want to put down' - 5 starsA great read from great writer' - 5 stars(p) 2019 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

Our Fault (Culpable #3)

by Mercedes Ron

*A BookTok and Wattpad Viral Sensation*Fast-paced and sizzling with a forbidden enemies-to-lovers romance, Our Fault is the final book in Mercedes Ron's Culpable trilogy. This suspenseful YA series untangles the threads of love, trauma, and secrets, perfect for fans of Ugly Love and After.Nick and Noah's rocky relationship is struggling through its worst moment, and it seems that nothing can go back to the way it was before. They will have to surmount a new and frightening set of challenges to finally understand if they are really made for each other or if being apart is their only chance to be happy.Love is not always enough, and forgiveness sometimes doesn't fix what's been broken. But can you forget such a strong connection? How can memories tattooed on the heart be erased? Will they be able to leave the past behind and start over?

Our Favorite Pastime

by K. S. Murphy

Logan Jean used to be inseparable from his best friend and teammate, Riley Sinclair. From stick ball to Little League to state championships, Logan and Riley were a team of two. That changed one fateful night near the end of high school, when Logan lost the best person in his life over a stupid mistake he never meant to make.Now adults, Logan must face Riley in what might be the turning point of his Minor League career. Riley is no doubt getting called up to the Majors, Logan hopes to get called up as well, and both are competing for this season’s MVP award. But if he can’t strike out the one batter that’s haunted him since high school, Logan may never get his big break.Riley Sinclair has spent the past seven years getting into their ex-best friend’s head to taunt and psych him out, trying to beat him on the baseball field, instead of trying to undo the damage they’d done to their relationship when they were younger. Tonight, after the biggest game of their Minor League careers, Riley might have one last chance to explain to Logan what really happened all those years ago, and maybe fix what’s been broken.Does Logan have what it takes to strike out his biggest rival in the league? Can Riley muster up the nerve to finally say to Logan what they’ve wanted to all this time? Or will the two of them remain strangers, standing sixty-feet apart, forever?

Our First Christmas

by Lisa Jackson Mary Carter Mary Burton Cathy Lamb

It's that time of year when the world falls in love . . ." Join four of your favorite authors for tales of Christmas romance to remember forever. "Under the Mistletoe," Lisa Jackson Megan Johnson's marriage is over--or so she thinks. When her husband Chris lands in the hospital, she remembers the unexpected joy of their first Christmas together . . . "A Ranger for Christmas," Mary Burton The holidays bring painful memories for history professor Marisa Thompson. But agreeing to help Texas Ranger Lucas Cooper solve a case presents her with more than a distraction . . . "A Southern Christmas," Mary Carter Reporter Danielle Bright is heading home to write about Christmas down south--and possibly win back her ex. But Sawyer, the sexy photographer, is determined to jingle her bells . . . "Christmas in Montana," Cathy Lamb Family is where you go after quitting your job, but Laurel Kelly isn't prepared for the changes at home in Montana--or the fact that her high school boyfriend now owns the family land . . .

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