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by Celso Fernando Xavier Gomes Corrêa dos Santos Philip G Henley

"Amor, apostas e arte em um romance contemporâneo" Ela é uma assistente pessoal que sonha em administrar a sua própria galeria. Ele é um técnico de TI que está apostando e perdendo tudo o que ele quer. Eles se conhecem e se apaixonam. A relação deles é ameaçada por infindáveis apostas até mesmo enquanto eles compartilham o amor pela pintura.


by Philip G Henley

Amor, juego y arte en un romance contemporáneo Ella es una asistente personal que sueña con tener su propia galería de arte. Él es un técnico en tecnología informática que apuesta por todo lo que quiere. Se conocen y se enamoran. Su relación se ve amenazada por apuestas infinitas incluso cuando comparten su amor por la pintura.

Paixão de meia-noite

by Simona Liubicich

Chastity Berenson, uma nobre inglesa em decadência após o suicídio do seu pai, encontra trabalho como governanta da jovem filha do conde Radu Dragan Basarab, na Transilvânia. Uma terra de inquestionável beleza, mas que esconde segredos e lendas grotescas, perigos que a jovem inglesa está inexoravelmente enfretnado junto com a atração que sente em relação ao conde, uma figura enigmática com um charme ambíguo. O fogo da paixão brilha, mas naquelas chamas Chastity poderia queimar para sempre ...

A Paixão dos Tweedie

by Helen Susan Swift

No final do século XVI, a Escócia está dividida pela guerra. Jeannie Tweedie, do Vale do Lethan, está prometida a Robert Ferguson, um homem que os outros não acreditam ser digno dela. Quando Jeannie é sequestrada pelo misterioso Yorling, Jeannie e Robert são forçados a decidir onde o seu futuro está... e com quem. Ao longo de aventuras em lugares históricos nas terras fronteiriças da Escócia, Jeannie está dividida entre dois homens. Mas quem será o seu escolhido, e ela virá a descobrir a sua paixão dos Tweedie?

Paixão Inebriante

by Felicia Tatum Isabel Correia

Acompanhem a viagem da Korah e do Dane através da Coletânea Paixão Inebriante, enquanto eles combatem os demónios de cada um, no caminho até à descoberta do seu amor um pelo outro. Korah Daniels é uma estudante universitária de dezanove anos, que ainda está a lidar com o rescaldo do fim de uma relação abusiva. Depois de baixar as suas defesas, ela conhece um rapaz sexy durante uma festa de Halloween, mas rapidamenete se apercebe que o seu passado não desaparecera há muito tempo, tal como desejara. Será ela capaz de escapar ao seu agressor? Irá ela continuar a guardar ciosamente o seu coração, ou irá o misterioso Zorro conseguir encontrar uma forma de lá entrar? Dane Davidson é a imagem do playboy, nunca ficando com ninguém mais do que uma noite. Quando encontra a Olhos de Anjo, descobre que, afinal, o seu coração não estava tão trancado como imaginava. Quanto mais a conhece, mais a deseja. e mais a quer proteger. Será Korah aquela que o irá fazer querer mudar? As cinco novelas que fazem parte de Paixão Inebriante irão fazer-vos acompanhar Dane e Korah, enquanto eles enfrentam as respostas às maiores questões das suas vidas.

Paixão inesperada

by Jill Blake Andreia Barboza

Quando o irmão mais velho da sua melhor amiga lhe oferece uma oportunidade de trabalho, como a mãe solteira Eva Landry pode resistir ao que parece ser a maior aventura da sua vida? Eva sempre agiu de forma precavida... e onde isso a levou? Traída por seu marido, criando seu filho sozinha, e lutando para segurar o que resta em sua vida, a última coisa que ela precisa é de outro homem mulherengo. Max vive em busca de aventura... até que ele sofre um acidente. Enquanto se recupera de seus ferimentos, ele descobre que a maior aventura de sua vida pode estar mais perto do que imaginava: na forma de Eva, a melhor amiga de sua irmã mais nova. O problema? Convencer Eva a arriscar tudo... por essa Paixão Irresistível.

Paixão Inevitável

by Deborah Fasola

Tenho medo dele, mas o desejo com todas as minhas forças. Desejo-a como nunca desejei qualquer outra. Ele é medo e perigo. Ela inocência e pecado. Ele nunca será meu. Ela me pertence. Lydia Gale sonha com luxo e fama, assim, quando se mudou para Los Angeles, decidiu fazer um trato consigo mesma se transformando na falsa namorada de um famoso ator de Hollywood. Quando começa a faltar atenção da parte dele, Lydia o ameaça de revelar o segredo aos jornais, manchando, assim, sua reputação com um escândalo de dimensões inimagináveis. Enviada, assim, a uma festa representando o namorado, conhecerá Max, um homem tanto atraente quanto perigoso, que a salvará daquela noite louca, tornando-a inesquecível. Max entrará com força na vida de Lydia, e, por mais que tente escapar, se encontrará envolvida, se sentindo atraída, por um estranho motivo, por aquele mundo fantástico e incerto. Max e Lydia aprenderão a se conhecerem e a curarem seu vazio interior, mas, acima de tudo, aprenderão a amar. Um sociopata. Uma garota ambiciosa. Um crime. Um círculo vicioso de mentiras. E um sonho de amor.

Paixão na Charneca: Um Romance Gótico de Mistério

by Emmanuelle De Maupassant

Um homem torturado por lembranças brutais. Uma mulher determinada a salvaguardar a própria liberdade. Após mais de vinte anos em exílio, Mallon de Wolfe — formidável, lindo, e com uma pedra de gelo onde deveria ter um coração, está de volta a  Dartmoor.  Um lugar vasto, estéril e perigoso. Um lugar em que segredos se recusam a se manter enterrados.  Mallon jurou superar  as traições da juventude, mas encontra um novo perigo quando sente crescer a atração que sente pela misteriosa Condessa Rosseline.  Assombrada por escândalos e por sua origem, a Condessa recém-enviuvada não tem escrúpulos. Ela precisa de um marido capaz de assegurar seu status mesmo que através de mentiras e manipulação. Será que o desejo de Mallon por ela é demasiado intoxicante para ser negado, não importa a que custo, e será que ambos serão capazes de escapar do abraço venenosos de seus passados? “Paixão na Charneca” é um romance gótico, sensual e sombrio.

The Pajama Game

by Eugenie Seifer Olson

When Moxie Brecker chose her kicky nickname back in college, it suited her perfectly. But now she feels it's one big misnomer. After graduation, she set out to command her own seventh-grade science class and was stunned to find the job too challenging. She didn't have the energy necessary to get a roomful of pre-teens excited about atoms, and she never felt like herself, so she handed in her chalk and lesson plans. Stumped about where to turn next, she followed the advice of her best friend Gerard and took a job folding underthings at the chain lingerie store in the mall.She's got plenty at home to distract her, including her neighbor, Steven Tyler (no, not that Stephen Tyler) and the kindly septuagenarian Joe, who runs the joke shop downstairs, but she spends her days languishing in the store. Though she feels tired and just out of it physically, she still gets bored steaming peignoir sets, protecting the thong table from shoplifters, and readjusting bras straps for hours on end. Maybe that's why, when a handsome guy named Allan starts hanging around the store for little chats, Moxie sees hope on the horizon. Maybe, just maybe, her employee discount won't go to waste for much longer…

Pakt des Blutes (Partnership in Blood #2)

by Ariel Tachna Anna Doe

Fortsetzung zu Allianz des BlutesBuch 2 in der Serie - BlutspartnerschaftMagier und Vampire haben eine Allianz geschmiedet, die auf Partnerschaften des Blutes und der Magie gründet. Sie hoffen, damit dem Krieg gegen die dunklen Magier eine entscheidende Wendung geben zu können. Einige Partnerschaften sind ebenso erfolgreich, wie die zwischen Alain Magnier und Orlando St. Clair. Auf andere trifft das nicht zu. Es kommt zu Streit, Vorwürfen und sogar offener Feindschaft zwischen den Partnern, obwohl sie durch ein gemeinsames Ziel verbunden sind. Thierry Dumont ist entschlossen, dem Beispiel seines besten Freundes Alain zu folgen. Er ist mit dem Vampir Sebastien Noyer eine Partnerschaft eingegangen. Obwohl er sich, so kurz nach dem gewaltsamen Tod seiner Frau, in der Nähe des Vampirs - eines Mannes - unbehaglich fühlt. Aber sie stellen fest, dass ihre gemeinsame Verzweiflung die beste Voraussetzung ist, um einen Bund zu schließen. Thierry und Sebastien stellen den Schutz ihres Partners über alles und unterstützen sich vorbehaltlos. Durch die Erfolge der Allianz bestärkt, beschließen das Oberhaupt der Magier und der Chef de la Cour der Vampire, ihr neues Bündnis der Öffentlichkeit bekannt zu machen. Sie erhoffen sich dadurch zusätzliche Unterstützung in ihrem Kampf gegen die dunklen Magier, die das Leben auf der Erde in seiner bisherigen Form zu vernichten drohen. Aber die Allianz erleidet auch Rückschläge, denn die Partnerschaften bringen nicht nur Vorteile mit sich, sondern gefährden auch das magische Gleichgewicht der Erde. Und diese Gefahr könnte sich als größer erweisen, als der Krieg selbst.

Pa'l mal de amores

by Viktoria Yocarri

Una novela ambientada en un México en el que las tradiciones y el machismo forman parte de la vida cotidiana de las mujeres. La historia de una mujer que tendrá que hacer frente a muchos obstáculos para encontrar la felicidad. María Joaquina Ontiveros lleva en la sangre la herencia de las raíces culturales de su tierra, que se entrelazan con la tradición de elaborar el mejor mezcal y la gente que lo produce. Para ella, la magia que resulta en cada beso posee un espíritu, una esencia que llevar a degustar con el paladar y la mente. A pesar de su larga relación con Rodolfo Márquez, no cultiva ilusión respecto al matrimonio. Lo acepta como una formalidad más, para quienes ya han comprometido su futuro. Sin embargo, conocer a Francesco Bosta se convierte en una complicación que no ha previsto, pues supone la posibilidad de tener una vida personal, de ser dueña de su deseo. Poco a poco, y acaso sin darse cuenta, los días inigualables al lado de Francesco amenazan con alejar a María Joaquina de las calles de su infancia, de oír el dulce acento de su gente y de la virginidad que tanto ha preservado con Rodolfo. Pero ¿cuánto tiempo pasará antes de que las nostalgias afecten su relación? Bien que mal, la ausencia es tan adversa como el tiempo. Seguir al lado de Francesco, supone que ya puede irse despidiendo de su país, de su familia, de su pasado e incluso de sus sueños.

Palabra de escocés

by Nieves Hidalgo

Un enigma. Un asesino. Dos pasiones. Un romance en tierras escocesas. La nueva novela de Nieves Hidalgo. Lady Clementina Mason, para hacerse cargo de la herencia de su tía, se ve obligada a viajar a Escocia y alojarse en Ness Tower, el hogar de los McKenna. El del hombre que le hizo una proposición por completo indecente, que no ha olvidado. Y la rivalidad entre ambos, surgida cuando se conocieron, se incrementa al volver a encontrarse. Sean McKenna está centrado en un proyecto para el que necesita dinero y lady Tina es una rica heredera. Sin embargo, no quiere saber nada de Inglaterra desde que fue torturado, acusado de un crimen que no cometió, y ella es inglesa por los cuatro costados. A pesar de intentar impedirlo, no puede remediar sentirse cada vez más atraído por esa mujer que se le enfrenta a cada paso. Tina no está dispuestaa dejarse humillar de nuevo por el escocés, pero su estancia en Ness Tower le permite conocer de cerca a unas personas a las que acabará queriendo. Y darse cuenta de que Sean no es tan odioso como creía. Un enigma. Un asesino dispuesto a volver a matar. Dos pasiones enfrentadas. Un romance en tierras escocesas.

Palabra de inglés: La vida de Samuel Lafone

by Mercedes Vigil

En 1824 Carlos Federico Lecor, Vizconde de la Laguna, procura imponer elorden en la recién creada Provincia Cisplatina, sin poder imaginar quecaerá víctima del embrujo de una hermosa y enigmática gitana quien lerobará el corazón. ¡Mort aux hérétiques! Todas las noches Samuel Lafone se despertaba con la misma pesadilla. La persecución a los protestantes signó a su familia, que debió huir a Inglaterra. Samuel miraba desde el puerto de Liverpool y sabía que del otro lado del inmenso océano estaba su destino. Intuía que era el camino que Dios le indicaba, como forma de conseguir la universal libertad de cultos. Recaló en Buenos Aires pero la inestabilidad política y la persecución religiosa que vivió en carne propia lo llevaron a instalarse en Montevideo, donde terminó fundando el primer templo anglicano de la América hispana. Fue finalmente su habilidad para los negocios la que pudo más que los moralismos y las intrigas políticas. Samuel Lafone se convirtió en leyenda viviente de intramuros, pues todo lo que tocaba se convertía en oro. La construcción de la rambla portuaria, saladeros, molinos, la propiedad de infinitas tierras, la frenética actividad mercantil que lo llevó hasta la Lafonia en las Islas Falkland y a comprar la isla Gorriti por monedas# La vida de este indómito inglés en el Río de la Plata no da tregua y desgrana esta novela intensa, que recorrerá los entretelones de una sociedad naciente que se hizo al cincel de los gringos.

Palace Dog

by R. E. Nelson

In April 1975, as the government in Saigon is falling, Michael Andrews prepares to make his way back to Vietnam to find the love he was forced to leave. But Michael's journey begins four years earlier. He joins the Air Force to keep out of the Army and out of Vietnam, but his first assignment is teaching English in Saigon to members of the Vietnamese military in an Army program called Palace Dog. As an artist, and a man, before his time in Vietnam, Michael found life lonely and unsatisfying. In the midst of war, Michael searches for direction and meaning. He ultimately finds love and hope with Thao, a young Vietnamese art student, only to have their already uncertain future wrenched from them when he is pulled out of the country. For Michael, his return in 1975 is inevitable and without question, though the outcome he hopes for is anything but assured. 2015 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention

Palace Ghosts

by Becky Black

When evidence emerges hinting that a long lost starship wasn’t destroyed after all, Ishir Jha has to investigate. His father sent the last desperate message from the ship before it was lost in a battle with pirates. Ish must learn the truth, even if he has to do it alone.But his husband Finn Moran isn’t going to let him run off alone and get killed in the outer system, where the influence of the Li pirate empire is spreading again, this time under the command of the daughter of the warlord who once terrorized the colonies and the ships that plied their trade there. But Li Xhing doesn’t want to terrorize. She wants to rule.When Finn and Ishir end up as prisoners at Li’s stronghold, The Red Palace, Finn appears ready to accept a recruitment offer to join their captor’s ranks, since the other alternative is a life of slavery. Ishir can only wonder if his husband is losing his mind.But thanks to Finn, plans are being laid elsewhere, to breach the Red Palace’s impenetrable defensive barrier. One that only a few people can navigate, all of them ready to die before giving up the secret. The plans will change the destiny of the whole outer system and set Finn and Ishir onto a whole new path.

The Palace of Eros: A Novel

by Caro De Robertis

&“It&’s a literary gift to see gender expansiveness depicted in an ancient myth with such grace and ease.&” —Electric Literature Fans of Circe and Black Sun, &“prepare to be astonished&” (R.O. Kwon, author of The Incendiaries) with this bold and subversive feminist and queer retelling of the Greek myth of Psyche and Eros.Young, headstrong Psyche has captured the eyes of every suitor in town with her tempestuous beauty, which has made her irresistible as a woman yet undesirable as a wife. Secretly, she longs for a life away from the expectations of men. When her father realizes that the future of his family and town will be forever cursed unless he appeases an enraged Aphrodite, he follows the orders of the Oracle, tying Psyche to a rock to be ravaged by a monstrous husband. And yet a monster never arrives. When Eros, nonbinary deity of desire, sees Psyche, she cannot fulfill her promise to her mother Aphrodite to destroy the mortal young woman. Instead, Eros devises a plan to sweep Psyche away to a palace, hidden from the prying eyes of the gods and outside world. There, Eros and Psyche fall in love. Each night, Eros visits Psyche under the cover of impenetrable darkness, where they both experience untold passion and love. But each morning, Eros flies away before light comes to break the spell of the palace that keeps them safe. Before long, Psyche&’s nights spent in pleasure turn to days filled with doubts, as she grapples with the cost of secrecy and the complexities of freedom and desire. Restless and spurred by her sisters to reveal Eros&’s true nature, she breaks her trust and forces a reckoning that tests them both—and transforms the very heavens in this &“brilliant and luminous&” (Madeline Miller, New York Times bestselling author) epic.

The Palace of Heavenly Pleasure

by Adam Williams

A group of foreigners in the northeastern town of Shishan finds the status quo upset when Helen Frances, a young woman with a middle class upbringing but a fatal flaw, arrives and falls in love with the Hon Henry Manners. The most astonishing range of characters awaits you in this novel; the wicked brothel-keeper Madam Liu and her sadistic son Ren Ren, the pragmatic, rational missionary Dr Airton, the American zealot Septimus Harding, the equivocal Mandarin. Not to mention the wonderfully complicated anti-hero Henry Manners, the prostitutes Fan Yimei and Shen Ping, the bandit Iron Man Wang, the Mongolian shaman. And the ingenue, Helen Frances herself, whose innocence covers an unorthodox curiosity.

The Palace of Lost Dreams

by Charlotte Betts

A sumptuously evocative story set in 18th century India from bestselling author Charlotte Betts, perfect for readers of Dinah Jefferies, Lucinda Riley and Jenny Ashcroft.'Romantic, engaging and hugely satisfying' Katie Fforde on The Apothecary's DaughterIndia, 1798. Beatrice Sinclair, a grieving young widow facing financial destitution, has travelled from Hampshire to Hyderabad to visit her brother, an employee of the British East India Company. There, she is astonished to discover that he has married a beautiful Indian girl and lives with his wife's extended family in a dilapidated palace, the Jahanara Mahal - famed for the theft of a fabled diamond many years ago.As an outsider in an unfamiliar world, Bee faces many challenges - not least of all building a new and meaningful life after the heartbreak she has endured. Meanwhile the French and British forces become locked in a battle over India's riches, and matters are complicated further by the presence of the dashing Harry Wyndam: a maverick ex-soldier and suspected spy.With rebellion in the air, Bee must decide where her loyalties lie . . .Reader reviews for Charlotte Betts:'You will never be disappointed with a Charlotte Betts book!' Amazon reviewer'Well-written and thought-provoking' Goodreads reviewer'A fantastic story loaded with history' Amazon reviewer

The Palace of Lost Dreams

by Charlotte Betts

A sumptuously evocative story set in 18th century India from bestselling author Charlotte Betts, perfect for readers of Dinah Jefferies, Lucinda Riley and Jenny Ashcroft.'Romantic, engaging and hugely satisfying' Katie Fforde on The Apothecary's DaughterIndia, 1798. Beatrice Sinclair, a grieving young widow facing financial destitution, has travelled from Hampshire to Hyderabad to visit her brother, an employee of the British East India Company. There, she is astonished to discover that he has married a beautiful Indian girl and lives with his wife's extended family in a dilapidated palace, the Jahanara Mahal - famed for the theft of a fabled diamond many years ago.As an outsider in an unfamiliar world, Bee faces many challenges - not least of all building a new and meaningful life after the heartbreak she has endured. Meanwhile the French and British forces become locked in a battle over India's riches, and matters are complicated further by the presence of the dashing Harry Wyndam: a maverick ex-soldier and suspected spy.With rebellion in the air, Bee must decide where her loyalties lie . . .Reader reviews for Charlotte Betts:'You will never be disappointed with a Charlotte Betts book!' Amazon reviewer'Well-written and thought-provoking' Goodreads reviewer'A fantastic story loaded with history' Amazon reviewer

The Palace of Tears

by Alev Lytle Croutier

It is 1868. On a balmy autumn afternoon in Paris, young winemaker Casimir de Châteauneuf wanders into a small shop filled with curiosities from the Orient. There he spies a cache of fine miniature portraits. Above all others, an ivory-skinned beauty captivates him. Her eyes . . . one blue, the other yellow. That night they pursue Casimir in his dreams, as one burning question consumes him: Who is she? Thus begins Alev Croutier’s lush, stirring adventure of the heart — a mesmerizing tale of forbidden passion, true love, and destiny. For Casimir will forsake his family, his vocation, and his country to find the object of his obsession. His journey will lead him across desert and sea, from the Royal Court in Paris to a sultan’s palace in Istanbul. And there he will find the woman of his reveries, the woman with one blue eye, the other yellow. But in this city of passion, in a Palace of Tears, Casimir is about to discover what it will mean to make a dream real . . . and what awaits him when his lover is set free. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Palace of Tears

by Anna King

Hope is the only refuge for those left behind . . . A classic saga of World War One from the author of A Handful of Sovereigns. When Emily Ford&’s kindly employers decide to escape the Zeppelin raids that bedevil Hackney in 1916, the pretty housemaid is delighted to return to her parents for an unexpected break. But the holiday proves anything but peaceful. If finding her mother Nellie in hospital after a savage beating from her husband wasn&’t enough, Emily&’s plight deepens when she yields to the advances of Tommy, a young soldier, and becomes pregnant with his child. Not for nothing is Victoria station nicknamed the &“palace of tears.&” As trainloads of men leave for the Western Front, and Emily says goodbye to Tommy, she is left contemplating the life of a single mother. Yet amidst the devastation, happiness still lies within her grasp . . .

El Palacio de Papel

by Miranda Cowley Heller

¿Se olvida alguna vez el primer amor? Décadas de secretos y mentiras han conducido a Elle al día de hoy. Tiene 24 horas para tomar la decisión que cambiaría su vida para siempre. Antes de que nadie se despierte, en una perfecta mañana de agosto, Elle se dirige a nadar en el espléndido estanque del Palacio de Papel, la casa en los bosques de Cape Cod donde su familia ha pasado los veranos durante generaciones. Desde el porche, Elle aún puede ver la mesa sin recoger de la cena; copas de vino vacías, cera de velas en el mantel, ecos de las risas de sus familiares y conocidos. Pero esta mañana es diferente: la noche anterior Elle y su mejor amigo de la infancia, Jonas, se escabulleron para tener un apasionado encuentro contra la pared exterior de la casa mientras sus parejas charlaban en el interior. Décadas de recuerdos, secretos y mentiras han conducido a Elle hasta este día. Ahora, durante las siguientes veinticuatro horas, tendrá que elegir entre la vida que ha construido con su maravilloso marido, Peter, y la que imaginó con su primer amor, Jonas, si un trágico suceso no lo hubiera cambiado todo para siempre. Reseñas:«Un debut lleno de fuerza que crea un escenario embriagador, resplandeciente y auténtico.»Sunday Times «Magnífica y preciosa. Me sentí absolutamente inmersa y atrapada y estoy desolada por haberla acabado.»Marian Keyes «Una novela fantásticamente construida, maravillosamente inteligente y seductora, repleta de una multitud de placeres.»William Boyd «Heller ha sido doblemente bendecida en lo que se refiere a su poder para la descripción, es tan buena en la naturaleza como en interiores.»The New York Times «Un libro cautivador.»Vogue «Los maravillosos paisajes de Back Woods proporcionanun envolvente entorno para las reflexiones de Elle y sus reveladores recuerdos.»Los Angeles Times «Un debut atrapante... La prosa de Heller crea una atmósfera llena de ricos detalles. El lector intentará adivinar el final hasta la última página.»Publishers Weekly «Me sumergí totalmente en esta ágil narración que entreteje a la perfección el pasado y el presente. ¡Creo que os encantará!»Reese Witherspoon «Hacía siglos que una novela contemporánea no me atrapaba tanto. Me encantó.»Nick Hornby «Desde las primeras páginas de su novela debut, Heller no se guarda ningún golpe. Y algunos aparecen más tarde para sorprenderte.»Kirkus

Paladin of Souls (Curse of Chalion #2)

by Lois Mcmaster Bujold

One of the most honored authors in the field of fantasy and science fiction, Lois McMaster Bujold transports us once more to a dark and troubled land and embroils us in a desperate struggle to preserve the endangered souls of a realm.<P><P> Three years have passed since the widowed Dowager Royina Ista found release from the curse of madness that kept her imprisoned in her family's castle of Valenda. Her newfound freedom is costly, bittersweet with memories, regrets, and guilty secrets -- for she knows the truth of what brought her land to the brink of destruction. And now the road -- escape -- beckons... A simple pilgrimage, perhaps. Quite fitting for the Dowager Royina of all Chalion.<P> Yet something else is free, too -- something beyond deadly. To the north lies the vital border fortress of Porifors. Memories linger there as well, of wars and invasions and the mighty Golden General of Jokona. And someone, something, watches from across that border -- humans, demons, gods.<P> Ista thinks her little party of pilgrims wanders at will. But whose? When Ista's retinue is unexpectedly set upon not long into its travels, a mysterious ally appears -- a warrior nobleman who fights like a berserker. The temporary safety of her enigmatic champion's castle cannot ease Ista's mounting dread, however, when she finds his dark secrets are entangled with hers in a net of the gods' own weaving.<P> In her dreams the threads are already drawing her to unforeseen chances, fateful meetings, fearsome choices. What the inscrutable gods commanded of her in the past brought her land to the brink of devastation. Now, once again, they have chosen Ista as their instrument. And again, for good or for ill, she must comply.<P> Hugo and Nebula Awards winner.

Paladin's Faith (The Saint of Steel #4)

by T. Kingfisher

'Creepy, funny, heartfelt, and full of fantastic characters I absolutely loved' Melissa Caruso on Nettle & BoneMarguerite Florian is a spy with two problems. A former employer wants her dead, and one of her new bodyguards is a far too good-looking paladin with a martyr complex. Shane is a paladin with three problems. His god is dead, his client is much too attractive for his peace of mind, and a powerful organization is trying to have them both killed. Add in a brilliant artificer with a device that may change the world, a glittering and dangerous court, and a demon-led cult, and Shane and Marguerite will be lucky to escape with their souls intact, never mind their hearts. . . Praise for T. Kingfisher:'T. Kingfisher solidifies her place as natural and inevitable heir to the greats of her genre, while remaining clearly and unquestionably a unique voice in fantasy' Seanan McGuire"Nettle & Bone brings Kingfisher's signature honesty and authenticity to a fairy tale setting: the result is refreshing, earnest but not naive, and deeply satisfying. I devoured it. This is one that's going to stay with me for a long time' Sarah Gailey, author of Magic for Liars'A delight throughout' Louisa Morgan, author of A Secret History of Witches'T. Kingfisher uses the bones of fairy tale to create something entirely her own, written in gloriously clear and transparent prose' Emily Tesh, author of Some Desperate Glory'Funny, frightening, and full of heart; I loved it' Alix E. Harrow, author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January'Charming and macabre, often both at the same time' A. K. Larkwood, author of The Unspoken Name'Absolutely delightful and full of charm and truth' Naomi Novik, on Thornhedge

Paladin's Grace (The Saint of Steel #1)

by T. Kingfisher

'Funny, frightening, and full of heart; I loved it' Alix E. Harrow, author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January on Nettle & BoneWhilst foraging for startleflower, perfumer Grace finds herself pursued by ruffians and rescued by a handsome paladin in shining armour. Only, to outwit her hunters they have to pretend to be doing something very unrespectable in an alleyway.Stephen, a broken paladin, spends his time knitting socks and working as a bodyguard, living only for the chance to be useful. But that all changes when he saves Grace and witnesses an assassination attempt gone wrong. Now, Stephen and Grace must navigate a web of treachery and poisoners, while a cryptic killer stalks one step behind.Perfect for fans of Legends and Lattes, Paladin's Grace is a darkly whimsical fantasy featuring sock-knitting paladins, badass perfumers, courtroom hijinks and heart-racing romance, from Nebula and two-time Hugo Award-winning author T. Kingfisher.Praise for T. Kingfisher:'T. Kingfisher solidifies her place as natural and inevitable heir to the greats of her genre, while remaining clearly and unquestionably a unique voice in fantasy' Seanan McGuire'Exciting, deeply wise, sad, brutal and compassionate all at once. And beautifully written, with a plot as cunning as fine embroidery' Catriona Ward'Creepy, funny, heartfelt, and full of fantastic characters I absolutely loved' Melissa Caruso, author of The Tethered Mage"Nettle & Bone brings Kingfisher's signature honesty and authenticity to a fairy tale setting: the result is refreshing, earnest but not naive, and deeply satisfying. I devoured it. This is one that's going to stay with me for a long time' Sarah Gailey, author of Magic for Liars'A delight throughout' Louisa Morgan, author of A Secret History of Witches'T. Kingfisher uses the bones of fairy tale to create something entirely her own, written in gloriously clear and transparent prose' Emily Tesh, author of Some Desperate Glory'Funny, frightening, and full of heart; I loved it' Alix E. Harrow, author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January'Charming and macabre, often both at the same time' A. K. Larkwood, author of The Unspoken Name'Absolutely delightful and full of charm and truth' Naomi Novik, on Thornhedge

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