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Permanent Vacancy (Stepping Stones Island)

by Katy Lee

BUYER BEWARE When Gretchen Bauer begins renovating an old Victorian house to turn it into a bed-and-breakfast, she barely escapes several dangerous "accidents" at her home. Colm McCrae, host of the home improvement TV show helping her renovate, refuses to believe these aren't on purpose. Could this be a harmful ploy by his boss to boost ratings? Yet with Colm's Irish brogue and handsome face, Gretchen wonders whether he could be involved. But with a whole town full of neighbors disgruntled about the inn bringing strangers to their shores, Gretchen has a list of more likely suspects. Now she must trust Colm if she wants to keep her new business venture from turning into a five-star death trap.

Permanent Vacancy: A Thrilling Suspense Novel

by Katy Lee

Danger on her doorstep…Can she survive an unknown threat?When Gretchen Bauer begins renovating an old Victorian house, she barely escapes several dangerous &“accidents.&” But Colm McCrae, host of the home improvement TV show helping her renovate, refuses to believe these aren&’t on purpose. With a whole town full of neighbors disgruntled about the prospective inn bringing strangers to their shores, Gretchen has a long list of likely suspects. Can she trust Colm to keep her safe…before her Bed and Breakfast turns into a five-star deathtrap?From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

Permanently Legless

by Jl Merrow

Only half the man he used to be -- but maybe that’s enoughThe Taliban may have taken both Chris’s legs, but he came back from Afghanistan with his sense of humour and his lust for life firmly intact. The one thing that can shake his confidence is meeting Josh, the one-night stand from before his tour of duty he hasn’t been able to forget.It turns out Josh hasn’t forgotten Chris, either. He spent the time they were apart fearing the worst every time a soldier was reported killed in action -- and wishing Chris would use the number Josh gave him, and call.Josh’s delight on seeing Chris again quickly turns to shock on seeing his injuries. With Chris such a changed man, can they still have a future?

Permission to Love

by Penny Jordan

Enjoy this classic Harlequin Presents from NYT bestselling author Penny Jordan! Permission to love...his ward? Lindsay Ferris had always thought sexy older man Lucas Armitage was on her side against her tyrannical and controlling father. Lucas had urged to live her own life and make her own choices. But that was before her father died - leaving Lucas in charge of her inheritance and all of her choices! It seems her father's trust in Lucas now makes him feel duty bound to honour her father's wishes. Which means marrying a man she does not love and a life without passion... And when it comes to it, Lucas can't consign her to this fate...not when he's always wanted her for himself! Originally published in 1985.

Permission to Put Yourself First: Questions, Exercises, and Advice to Transform All Your Relationships

by Nancy Levin

New in paperback: Worthy author Nancy Levin shows you how to turn the old model of relationship on its head and build something better and more fulfilling than you've had before.Are you ready to go back to the drawing board in your love life--and end up more satisfied than you've ever been before? In these pages, master coach Nancy Levin takes a truly fresh look at relationships, showing you how to build them better from the ground up--or perform some skillful renovations.Newly available in paperback, Permission to Put Yourself First is for you if you fit any of these profiles: you're single and looking for a new relationship beyond what you've experienced before . . . you're happy alone but looking toward a great relationship in the future . . . you're divorced and determined never to do that again . . . or you're recovering from the death of a partner and unsure what's next. It's also for you if you're currently in a relationship that you want to refresh and restore; a relationship that challenges or threatens your boundaries; a relationship you're not sure you can salvage; or a relationship you recognize as the exact right teacher for you, even if it's not easy.Essentially, this book is for you if you're ready for something more in relationship than what the old models have offered. It's based on the essential truth that relationship is first and foremost where we learn to love ourselves. Drawing on many of the same exercises she uses with her clients, Nancy guides you through a 10-step process to dissolve your emotional and psychological roadblocks to self-love so you can have the relationship you truly desire.

Pero a tu lado

by Amy Lab

Una historia de amor intensa y agitada. Un misterio que palpita en cada página. Dos almas entrelazadas. «-Todo sería más fácil si te apartara, -me dijo. -¿Y por qué no lo haces? -No lo sé...-respondió finalmente-. No lo sé... -repitió acercando tanto su cara a la mía que podía respirar su aliento-. No lo sé... -susurró de nuevo apoyando su frente contra la mía. Tenía los labios entreabiertos, esos carnosos labios que me atraían como si de un imán se trataran. Iba a besarme, lo sabía, y deseaba que lo hiciera con todas mis fuerzas. La oscuridad alcanzó su rostro. Ya no podía verlo.» Álex es una estudiante de segundo de Bachillerato. Es divertida, inteligente y tiene muchos amigos. Pero su vida amorosa no está al mismo nivel. En realidad, ha sido bastante decepcionante hasta el momento, así que este año Alexia ha decidido centrarse únicamente en sus estudios. Claro que no contaba con la llegada de Oliver, su desconcertante nuevo vecino. Oliver es realmente atractivo -como su amiga Gaby se esfuerza en recordarle-, pero de una manera salvaje que inquieta a Álex. Oliver es duro y distante hasta la insolencia pero, a través de esas visitas inesperadas por la terraza de su habitación, Alexia descubrirá también a un joven tierno y pasional cuyo misterio los llevará al límite. Y es que, a veces, el verdadero misterio, aquello que hace fascinante nuestras vidas, está más cerca de lo que pensamos...

Pero ahora no es verano

by Ana María Del Río

Como todos los años, la casa de Mallara es más grande de lo que yo creía. Aérea, no parece afirmarse sobre base terrestre alguna, sino que se ve como si brotara del suelo, elevándose como una brusca espiga súbita sobre sus cuatro pisos. Es el tiempo de la reforma agraria y los campesinos se han tomado los caminos. Nadie entra ni sale de los confines del campo, que parece hundirse en el barro que todo lo cubre. La tragedia ronda en este singular y no poco mordaz fin de mundo. Pero ahora no es verano, una novela de amor y de prejuicios, nos conduce con enorme talento literario por derroteros de pasión, inocencia y traición.

Pérola de Lótus: Uma intrusa

by Ana Paula Ruth Lima Mariela Saravia

Ishi é uma menina de treze anos, que vê o mundo de uma forma bem particular, vive fechada em sua cabana sob a custódia de sua família. Num descuido, conhece Tian e com ele descobre o primeiro amor junto com um novo mundo, longe dos maus tratos que vive em sua casa. Meses mais tarde, ante de estourar a Guerra do Ópio, seus pais tem a possibilidade de vendê-la a um mercador inglês, quem decide pagá-la como seu maior patrimônio. A chegada de Ishi em Londres será desajeitada e angustiosa. Aprenderá novos trabalhos com muitas dificuldades, mas também descobrirá aí a verdadeira paixão e amor nas mãos de Adolf, um jovem aristocrático de nobre coração. Contudo, o amor entre raças sempre foi um castigo para qualquer família de posse, e Ishi vai pagá-lo com desprezo. Terminada a Guerra do Ópio, Ishi deixa de se sentir parte de Londres e daquele homem que tanto ama, pois seu sangue inglês foi a maldição de seu povo oriental. Poderá o tempo reuni-los outra vez, para que se amem sem rancores?

Pérola de Lótus - livro 2: a sombra da cerejeira

by Mariela Saravia Ana Paula Ruth Lima

Com a morte de Donovan, Kiele deixe de se sentir parte de Londres e de Adolf, aquele homem que tanto ama, pois seu sangue inglês foi à maldição de seu povo. Trabalha em diferentes ofícios, até que chega a uma família londrina estabelecida na China e se transforma na instrutora da filha de um poderoso empresário. Rubén Mosses é um homem de poder, que procura a forma de fazê-la sua amante, mas quando Kiele está disposta da lhe dar uma relação extra-matrimonial, estoura a Segunda Guerra do Ópio, que a obriga se separar daquela família que a acolheu por seis anos e, sobretudo, da menina Catarina que nessa época já era uma jovem de quinze anos. Diante da noticia de que a China se encontra em Guerra de novo, Adolf McColl realiza a viajem para China que estava adiando, agora não em busca de tecidos para seu império, mas sim para proteger a única mulher que amou e segue amando. Mas, as visões da morte não o deixam em paz, e a dúvida de não saber se Kiele está viva ou morta, lhe torturam até o cansaço.

Pérola Rara

by Dawn Brower Gabriel Marcos

A morte e a destruição da guerra podem acabar até mesmo com os mais fortes de nós. A perda e a dor serão intensas demais para Rebecca suportar? No ano de 1941, o paraíso é um estilo de vida no Havaí. Para Rebecca O’Shea, as coisas não poderiam estar mais perfeitas. Ela segue a carreira que deseja, a de enfermeira naval, e está apaixonada pelo homem de seus sonhos — parece que conquistou tudo o que queria. Um dom empático que ela possuiu a vida inteira começa a crescer, cobrindo-a de emoções e premonições que indicam a aproximação de uma grande escuridão. Quando ela acha que já não conseguirá mais aguentar, seu guardião Joel chega para ajudá-la. A vida de Rebecca vira um caos quando a guerra atinge a costa do Havaí. Enquanto os japoneses bombardeiam seu lar, seu dom explode dentro de si. A perda e a morte se tornam seu novo estilo de vida. Ela abandona toda as esperanças e se desliga de suas habilidades empáticas. Com corpos enchendo os hospitais e poluindo os mares, sua vocação de enfermeira se mostra útil, mas seu coração permanece inacessível. Será que ela conseguirá sair da escuridão e aceitar seu verdadeiro destino? Ou a morte e a destruição da guerra a consumirão?

Los perros y los lobos

by Irène Némirovsky

Teñida de marcados ecos autobiográficos, la novela se construye con retazos de la infancia y del exilio, la crisis de identidad, las historias de amor, todo sujeto a los azarosos caprichos del destino. Publicada por primera vez en 1940 -año en que Irène Némirovsky huyó de París en compañía de su marido y sus dos pequeñas hijas para refugiarse en un pueblo de la Borgoña-, ésta es la última obra que la autora de la magistral Suite francesa publicó en vida, dos años antes de su deportación y asesinato en Auschwitz. Ada y Harry Sinner, parientes lejanos, son dos jóvenes judíos procedentes de niveles sociales muy distintos a quienes un recuerdo infantil ha dejado una huella imborrable en sus vidas. Ada abandonó Ucrania poco antes de la revolución bolchevique, se ha casado con su primo Ben y lucha por abrirse camino como pintora. Harry, por su parte, ha contraído matrimonio con una joven francesa, hermosa, rica y católica, y se mueve en el mundo de las altas finanzas. Pero la fascinación que siente al contemplar dos cuadros de Ada en un escaparate lo llevan a recordar el mundo que ambos han dejado atrás. Con su destreza habitual para el retrato psicológico, Némirovsky delinea con claridad el torbellino de sentimientos de un clásico triángulo amoroso. Al hilo de los apasionados personajes, el relato transporta al lector desde Ucrania hasta el París de los años veinte, y la tensión narrativa crece sin cesar hasta la conclusión del relato. La crítica ha dicho...«Escrita con inmensa delicadeza y maestría, Los perros y los lobos es un logro extraordinario de la ficción europea.»The Sunday Times «Una nueva muestra del extraordinario talento de Némirovsky para ser a un tiempo una escritora épica e intimista.»La Stampa

Perscription For Love: A Homespun Romance (A Homespun Romance #7)

by Geeta Kakade

Tess Hudson starts her own business as an entertainer at children’s parties, when she cannot find a job as a teacher. Her beloved Aunt Mattie has had surgery and needs Tess to live with her in Green Valley, a suburb of California. Tess runs into trouble when pre-teens at a birthday party lure her into the garden shed and lock her there. Rescued by Dr. Simon Tyler she accepts his job offer of working at Reaching for Rainbows the children’s hospital where he’s administrator. RFR wants to start a program studying the effect of laughter therapy on sick children. Aware that she’s far too attracted to the doctor Tess takes the position determined to steer clear of him. That isn’t as easy as she plans. When she meets Brewster a six year old orphan admitted to RFR for a tricky heart surgery pioneered by Simon, Tess wants nothing but the best for the little boy. Dr. Tyler however has stopped performing surgery since one of his patients died when he was operating. It’s going to take a great deal to get him to change his mind. Simon wants to marry Tess telling her they have a lot in common but Tess wants to know that he believes in love . For a number of reasons he’s put his feelings into cold storage and says love is just a delusion.…will he ever fill the prescription for love she wants him to?

Persecución (Night School #Volumen 3)

by C. J. Daugherty

Cuando todos mienten, ¿en quién puedes confiar? «Night School», un mundo de misterio, peligro, romance... y traición del que no es fácil escapar. Todo parece venirse abajo tras los muros de Cimmeria... <P><P>Allie está furiosa y desorientada. Siente la constante amenaza de un espía infiltrado en la Academia Cimmeria. Pero no es la única que se encuentra así: todo parece venirse abajo en la escuela. Los estudiantes no entienden qué está ocurriendo, los profesores se enfrentan unos a otros y las Reglas han comenzado a perder fuerza. <P>Cuando Nathaniel revela su plan, la directora Isabelle deja de tener control sobre la academia, pero también sobre la Night School y toda la organización que la sustenta. El miedo ha invadido el lugar y la amenaza está próxima. No se puede confiar en nadie: ya nadie está salvo. <P>Esta vez Natahaniel no representa una amenaza para los alumnos de Cimmeria, ellosmismos se han convertido ahora en la verdadera amenaza.

La persecución

by Lynsay Sands

¡Preferiría mil veces ir a un convento! Espadas y besos... esta guerra requiere todas las armas disponibles y la persecución está a punto de comenzar.Ésa no ha sido su primera opción, pero la escocesa Seonaid Dunbar #que ha sido educada como un guerrero bajo la tutela de su padre, al igual que su hermano# prefiere ponerse el hábito antes que tener que matar a Blake Sherwell con su espada #que es lo que va a hacer si la obligaban a casarse con él#. No... ella no caminará sumisa hacia el altar, ni jurará obediencia a ese hombre al que la Corte inglesa llama "Ángel". El pelo dorado y los ojos azules no demuestran la valentía de ningún hombre. Además, en Inglaterra no existe nada parecido a los ángeles... sólo hay demonios, y existen muchas formas de eludir a un pretendiente venido del infierno, aunque sea el mismísimo rey Henry el que ha ordenado el matrimonio.No, la futura condesa de Sherwell no se quedará bordando en el castillo a la espera de que su marido llegue, como Blake piensa que hará. Ella escapará a su fortaleza y preparará su plan de defensa.


by Lisa Childs

Elena Jones thinks that her dream-visions are why her life has been a living nightmare. She would do anything to stop them-- anything to give her daughter a normal life. But when her dreams show her long-lost sisters in danger, Elena has the chance to transform her curse into a gift. To stop death, before it strikes. Joseph Dolce is her grandmother's right-hand man, with violence in his past and darkness in his soul. Elena dreams of him, too-- sweeter dreams, but just as dangerous. Joseph doesn't want to be her knight in shining armor. But his generous lovemaking and selflessly heroic actions cause Elena to have a change of heart. Now, instead of seeing unwanted visions, she'll do everything in her power to make a special one come true. . . .

Perseguição Desenfreada

by Dawn Brower Norberta De Melo

Perseguição desenfreada Vitoria Miene mora em Nova York - no lado oposto do país onde mora sua melhor amiga. Depois de pensar cuidadosamente, ela decide empacotar tudo e se mudar para Seattle. Há apenas um problema com o plano dela - Wes Novak. Ele a odeia e faz tudo em seu poder para fazê-la infeliz. Wes nunca detestou ninguém tanto quanto odeia Vitoria. Ele acredita que ela é o mal encarnado. Se ela não fosse a melhor amiga da noiva de seu irmão, ele nunca teria que vê-la novamente. Infelizmente ele a vê mais do que quer. Tanto é assim, que ele está começando a ter problemas para manter suas mãos longe dela. Wes e Tori lutam a cada passo do caminho. Eles queimam nos braços um do outro tanto quanto eles brigam. Eles podem parar de lutar o tempo suficiente para encontrar a única coisa que ambos querem - amor?


by K. Matthew Diego Fernando Prado Riestra

Cuando Claire y su tía se cruzan con un cachorro huérfano en el bosque, Claire y él parecen hechos el uno para el otro. Claire también acababa de perder a sus padres recientemente, y el perro parecía la cosa perfecta para ayudarla a sanar. Pero cuando Fido comienza a madurar, Claire descubre que no es exactamente lo que parece ser.

Perseguir las estrellas (Lang Downs #2)

by Ariel Tachna M. J. Sánchez

La secuela de "Heredar el cielo"Volumen 2 de la serie Lang Downs Chris Simms, un joven de veinte años, apenas logra salir adelante. Después de perder a su madre y su hogar, lucha para ganar a duras penas lo suficiente para sobrevivir con su hermano menor. Cuando un grupo de homófobos le ataca, piensa que su vida ha acabado, pero es rescatado por unos empleados de un rancho de ovejas de la zona. Se queda muy sorprendido de que le ofrezcan un trabajo y aún más al enterarse de que el dueño y el capataz son gais. Para Chris, Lang Downs es un sueño hecho realidad, que no hace más que mejorar cuando descubre que el hombre que le gusta, Jesse Harris, es gay y está abierto a tener una aventura. Todo va bien hasta que Chris se da cuenta de que se está enamorando de Jesse más profundamente de lo que su acuerdo permite. Jesse va de rancho en rancho y no busca nunca nada permanente. Convencido de que Chris es demasiado joven y frágil para una relación, pone las normas para tener una interacción sin compromiso. Ver juntos al dueño del rancho y al capataz le hace pensar en los posibles beneficios de echar raíces, pero cuando se da cuenta de los sentimientos de Chris le entra pánico. Chris y él tendrán que decidir si vale la pena intentar alcanzar juntos la felicidad antes de que el final de la temporada los separe.

Persephone's Orchard (The Chrysomelia Stories #1)

by Molly Ringle

The Greek gods never actually existed. Did they? Sophie Darrow finds she was wrong about that assumption when she's pulled into the spirit realm, complete with an Underworld, on her first day at college. Adrian, the mysterious young man who brought her there, simply wants her to taste a pomegranate. Soon, though she returns to her regular life, her mind begins exploding with dreams and memories of ancient times; of a love between two Greeks named Persephone and Hades. But lethal danger has always surrounded the immortals, and now that she's tainted with the Underworld's magic, that danger is drawing closer to Sophie. Molly Ringle's growing list of other successful titles include:The Chrysomelia Stories 1. Persephone's Orchard 2. Underworld's Daughter 3. Immortal's Spring The Goblins of Bellwater All the Better Part of Me Lava Red Feather Blue Sage and King

The Persian Bride: A Novel

by James Buchan

Hailed as a masterpiece in Britain, this epic novel is at once a great love story, a riveting political thriller, and a profound analysis of modern Iran. It is the spring of 1974, and John Pitt, a young Englishman, sets off for the hippie East, stopping in Iran. There, in the lovely city of Isfahan, he meets the enchanting and spirited Shirin, an Iranian schoolgirl of seventeen. They fall desperately in love, marry in secret, and are forced into hiding. Shirin not only gives John happiness beyond anything he could have dreamed, she gives him her country's terrible history, its beauty and bitterness, its poetry and religious fanaticism. As the old world disintegrates in revolution and terror, John and Shirin are brutally separated. From the corrupt court of the shah to the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, in an enduring human quest as old as THE ODYSSEY, John stumbles through history to find his wife. James Buchan has lived in Iran and knows its people and its culture as few outsiders do. THE PERSIAN BRIDE is unflinching in its vision of twentieth-century chaos and deeply romantic in its marvelous love story. Lyrical and reflective in turn, this is a brilliant and beautiful novel.


by Osy Flores-Heredia Sharon Kleve

Sage nunca imaginó las vueltas que daría su vida después que se fijara en ese chico sexy del bar. Una serie de situaciones misteriosas y emocionantes la llevarán a encontrar el amor de forma inesperada.

Persiguiendo a Debret - Por Rio de Janeiro

by Ana Margareth Gonçalves

Un joven estudiante de Historia descubre en un museo carioca evidencias de la desaparición de algunas obras de Debret. Obstinado, decide encontrar sus paraderos, entretanto, no dispone de recursos suficientes para mantenerse en otra ciudad. Hospedado en una pensión en el centro, va a convivir con tipos de personas hasta entonces desconocidos. La búsqueda comienza y lleva las nuevas vivencias y los lugares emblemáticos de Rio de Janeiro donde, inclusive, reafirmaba sus orígenes en la Madre África.

Persimmon Kiss

by Mel Bossa

A year has passed since Derek's motorcycle accident, but he still battles with brain injury symptoms. Forced to take a sick leave from work, Derek picks up painting to occupy his time. Through his art, he begins to rediscover his imagination and turns to his journal again.Meanwhile, a new business venture is on the horizon for Nick and he can't postpone his trip to Norway any longer. Concerned for Derek's safety, Nick convinces Derek that he needs someone to watch over him while he's away.Myles has just returned from Japan, where he spent time mending his heart after another disappointment. He's longing for a break, so when Nick and Derek reach out to him, he can't refuse.Each man wants what's best for Derek, but soon, Nick and Myles discover that they're not rivals, because what's there between them is echoed in Derek's heart.Can all three men let go of their fear and allow this new love to unfold?

Persistence of Memory

by Winona Kent

The first in a “wonderfully complex and charming” series combining “time travel, mystery, and romance” as a young woman unlocks the secrets of her past (Publishers Weekly, starred review of In Loving Memory). Charlie Lowe has two obsessions: researching her mysterious ancestor, Louis Augustus Duran, and saving the Stoneford Village Green from unscrupulous developers. When a freak lightning strike and a rogue computer virus send her back to 1825, Charlie suddenly finds herself playing matchmaker between Louis and a reluctant young woman, Sarah Foster. They simply must marry, or two centuries of descendants—including herself—will cease to exist. Unfortunately, her forebearer turns out to be a despicable French count who spends his days chasing housemaids and attempting to invent the first flushing toilet in Hampshire. A hopeless romantic, our heroine does her best to encourage the happiness of those who surround her—but will she be able to mend a matrimonial wrong and restore the Village Green to its rightful owner while also pursuing her own chance at happily ever after?

Persistence of Memory

by J. M. Snyder

Five years ago Joah was culled -- kidnapped by the government to be trained as a soldier. In the process, they erased his memory, destroying his past, his dreams, everything but his name. Armed with that alone, Joah escapes from the facility in search of someone to help him recall the man he used to be.That person is Tobin, Joah’s husband, who never gave up hope of finding him again. He refuses to believe that the strength of his love alone won’t be enough to bring back Joah’s memories of their shared lives, and he’s determined to bring back the man beneath the soldier, the man he knows has to love him.But an alarm in the chip blocking Joah’s memories was triggered at his escape, and if it isn’t removed soon, it will shriek his life away. Removing it won’t bring back his past, and may destroy the present that Tobin has tried so hard to build between them. How can the love they once shared possibly survive?

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